Academic literature on the topic 'Décentralisation énergétique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Décentralisation énergétique"
Roumet, Claire, Bastien Alex, and Marc Verzeroli. "« La décentralisation de la politique énergétique doit devenir une réalité pour lutter contre le changement climatique »." Revue internationale et stratégique 109, no. 1 (2018): 145.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Décentralisation énergétique"
Boutaud, Benoit. "Un modèle énergétique en transition ? Centralisme et décentralisation dans la régulation du système énergétique." Thesis, Paris Est, 2016.
Full textEnergy transition finds itself high on the political agenda, with electricity occupying its own specific place. The aim of this thesis is to reflect on the emergence of a new electricity model, and to determine its features and whether it offers an alternative to the centralised model. Using three perspectives for analysis – institutional, technological and regional – this thesis demonstrate that this model has had its day. An accumulation of changes has transformed the electricity system, both materially and in relation to its organisation: liberalisation, rise of distributed generation, political decentralisation, and so on. The new configuration currently under production is the result of contradictory socio-technical pressures; these are creating a hybrid system between a general trend towards decentralisation on one side and mechanisms for political-administrative centralisation and technico-economic concentration on the other.The state has lost its monopoly but not its central position, even though the sector has diversified in terms of actors and technologies and become more open to society (access to production, legislative process, etc.). Neither the frustrated progression of EU operations, liberalisation, nor the greater presence of local authorities has thus far been able to entirely undermine the state's ability to position itself at the centre of operational control of the sector. It acts in different ways: withdrawal from operational matters, integration of renewables, finance, R&D, legislation, etc. On occasions it is also interventionist (shareholders, price structures, networks, etc.). In a liberal climate, the state is adapting by undertaking pragmatic reform of its activities and controlling the integration of socio-technical alternatives. This adaptation equates to a greater role for the regional authorities in public energy policy, as local areas continue to gain in importance. These regions and areas are currently defining themselves as indispensable partners of the state – largely on the basis of the bodies for intercommunal cooperation and the regional councils – for the management and implementation of a multitude of processes and technical measures at sub-national level. In parallel, they wish to assert their importance in the sector and can make use of their levers for operational control (planning, support for renewables, etc.) Today, they have still only appropriated the terrain partially and unevenly, but this strong trend means that local is the sector's new horizon, including for the state, which is adapting the organisation of its administration around the regions. And so a process, which is legal in nature and organised by the state is at work, whereby the administrations gain in autonomy to form an unhindered energy administration which cannot be reduced to a capacity to produce energy. The new boundary lines resulting from this growing autonomy are ultimately drawing up institutional territories which pose no challenge to the national scale or the role of the state.This hybrid character arises from technico-economic concentration mechanisms which are specific to the electricity network industry and its context and from rationales concerning space and territories which are connected to infrastructural factors. They result in particular from the counterintuitive deployment of distributed generation carried out in a mixed centralised/decentralised manner, highlighting the interaction between forms of control and socio-technical conditions (spatialisation conditions, concentration of actors, etc).With regard to regulation, the configuration currently emerging presents a balance between shortage/decentralisation and continuity/centralisation. Account taken of developments to come in the areas of storage and new information and communication technologies, it is nevertheless probable that this configuration will only be a long progression towards a new energy model
Dégremont-Dorville, Marie. "Transitions énergétiques et politiques à l’orée du XXIe siècle : l’émergence en France d’un modèle territorial de transition énergétique." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2018.
Full textOur work focuses on energy transition policies launched by French local authorities through a historical perspective. We analyze renewable energy and energy efficiency local policies as well as grid modernization, especially since their development in the mid-2000s. They are embedded in a process where historical principles guiding public policies in the energy sector are being challenged, especially as regards electricity. This offers opportunities to actors contesting these organizational principles, who promote alternatives they crafted for a few decades. Thanks to policy entrepreneurs mobilizing resources acquired over the course of their career, an alternative territorialized energy model is emerging. Gradually, it gains ground through the development of local production systems, mostly controlled by regional councils and large urban centers. These processes bring about a number of changes, most of them being incremental. However, we identify accelerating periods that can lead to changes of energy systems on a wider scale. They introduce differentiation from the French energy system, organized and controlled at a national scale. These alternatives are standardized, and it makes them more powerful to confront strong path dependency in this area. Since energy policy has been central in the crafting of the French modern state, these transitions could have consequences on public policies in general and on the state itself
Lopez, Fanny. "Déterritorialisation énergétique 1970-1980 : de la maison autonome à la cité auto-énergétique, le rêve d'une déconnexion." Paris 1, 2010.
Full textEl, Hajri Mohammed. "Administration et gestion de la politique énergétique au Maroc : institutions, diagnostic et développement." Tours, 1995.
Full textParadoxically enough, the period of the french protectorate in Morocco, in itself a colonial era was marked, among other things, by the introduction of the first legislation on sources of energy, the use of electricity and the exploitation of more traditional sources of energy, such as coal and oil, together with their specific institution. Moreover, the french protectorate introduced an independent administrative law, distinct from private law, since muslim law, which prevailed before colonisation, includes no administrative law conceived as granting independence to and limiting the power of the state. This administrative law naturally confered great privileges to the colonial administration. As far as energy was concerned, and with a view to carrying out "general interest" activities, it entrusted private persons with certain tasks it would normally have carried out itself (concerning the search for and exploitation of mineral energy sources). In 1956, when Morocco became independent, this institutional and technical heritage was passed on to the moroccan monarchy. At first, as they wanted to undertake vast reforms adapted to the new postcolonial situation, the new authorities showed-at least apparently- willing to endow administrative law with its most advanced characteristics : a balance between authority and freedom, an affirmation of the superiority of public interest over private ones. In other words, a law to be grounded on the idea of justice expressed in the principle of equality. Have these ideas of justice and equality which prevail in french law been solemnly established in the constitutional texts which govern the laws of the moroccan monarchy at large and in the administrative law, concerning more particularly energy and its institutions ? It is therefore legitimate to ponder over the development given to the technical and institutional contributions which the protectorate left to the monarchy. Has this legacy been modified ? Do moroccan authorities content themselves with administering the space marked out by the colonial legislation or did they include other new spaces ? The analysis of the present situation reveals an inadequate energy policy -or rather an absence of policy- which was limited to administering and maintaining the colonial legacy. Any improvement of this policy requires that a new energy policy be worked out and implemented within a more general strategy of development fulfilling the basic needs of human beings in the fields of education, housing, health
Chaher, Mazigh. "Les collectivités territoriales et les énergies renouvelables." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.
Full textThe energy transition, understood as the gradual transition from the current energy model to an energy model based essentially on carbon-free energies, has led to increased accountability of local authorities and their groupings in the sense that they must now assume, through particularly effective and operational legal tools, an important part of the mission consisting in accelerating the development of renewable energies. In this context, since the beginning of the 2000s, we have witnessed an increase in the powers of local authorities and groupings of authorities in matters directly or indirectly related to the energy transition, which testifies to the awareness by the public authorities of the essential role of these communities in the energy transition and the need to strengthen this intervention through the creation of skills ex nihilo or by transferring skills from the central state to the local authorities. This movement has been encouraged particularly by the liberalization of the energy market, which has created fertile ground for the economic intervention of local authorities in the energy sector. The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that the implementation of the energy transition at the local level is inextricably linked to the problem of territorial decentralization and that therefore the strengthening of the place of the local level required by the energy transition comes up against to the limits and contradictions of this decentralization
Boisgibault, Louis. "Territoires et transition énergétique : l’exemple de la Métropole Européenne de Lille et du Pays de Fayence ; les espoirs de Ouarzazate et de l’Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine." Thesis, Paris 4, 2016.
Full textThis thesis investigates territorial energy decentralization. It advocates the greater involvement of territories in the energy transition. Should this evolution be driven from the top by global, European and national decisions and targets, which are then transposed in the territories? Would it be better for territories to initiate local sustainable projects, which can then be approved on a regional and national level and then aggregated? How can intercommunal and regional levels increase their influence in energy and climate matters? How do regional schemes and plans interact with local planning documents? Is territorial Energy Independence feasible, and is it compatible with solidarity? The methodology is based on analysis of the corpus, statistical computation and field work. The field work was conducted in four different spatial typologies: the new European Metropolis of Lille, an urban space, the Pays de Fayence, a Southern France rural space, Ouarzazate, Morocco, a desert space and the West African Economic and Monetary Union. These different typologies have allowed us to draw a vertical line guiding the research conducted given the evolving context post-COP 21, the new European Commission initiatives and the 2015 French laws on territorial organization and energy transition. These factors are grouped into three pairs to interpret the results on France’s carbon constraints, the Mediterranean region and Africa, which will only be subject to carbon constraints when the COP 21 Paris agreement has entered into force
Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit der regionalen Dezentralisierung der Energiegewinnung und -verteilung. Sie untersucht die Beziehungen zwischen der öffentlichen Politik, der Planung für Energie, Luft und Klima, sowie der Entwicklung der Gebiete hin zu einer positiven Energiebilanz. Sollte diese Evolution von Oben angestoßen werden, durch weltweite, europäische und nationale Entscheidungen und Ziele, die anschließend regional umgesetzt werden? Oder sollten nachhaltige Projekte regional initiiert werden, sodass „Régions“ und Nation sie genehmigen und in eine größerräumige Entwicklung eingliedern können? Inwiefern gewinnen Gemeindeverbände, Metropolen und Regionen in Energie-und Klimafragen an Macht? Wie fügen sich die neuen regionalen Konzepte und Planungen mit den Stadtentwicklungspapieren zusammen? Ist eine regionale energetische Autonomie möglich und mit dem Solidargedanken vereinbar? Die Arbeit beruht auf einer Korpusanalyse, der Verarbeitung statistischer Daten, der Teilnahme an Kolloquien und einer Arbeit vor Ort im städtischen Raum der Métropole Européenne de Lille, dem ländlich geprägten Pays de Fayence in Südfrankreich, mit einer Erweiterung in Richtung Ouarzazate in der Wüste Marokkos und zur Westafrikanischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Diese vier Gebiete liegen auf einer Forschungsvertikalen, und das in einem Kontext sich ändernder Gesetze im Zusammenhang mit den Fortschritten der COP21, mit den Initiativen der Europäischen Energie-und Klimakommission und mit der französischen Gesetzesänderungen im Sommer 2015, die die Neuverteilung der französischen Regionen und die Energiewende betrafen. Diese Gebiete sind in drei Paare aufgeteilt, um verschiedene Ergebnisse zu erbringen: einerseits in Frankreich, für das die Kohlendioxidgrenze gilt, anderseits der Mittelmeerraum und Afrika, die dieser Grenze noch nicht unterworfen sind, solange die Pariser Vereinbarung der COP21 noch nicht in Kraft getreten ist
Huitelec, Richard. "Le développement durable et la gestion locale des ressources énergétiques." Bordeaux 4, 2006.
Full textLequay, Victor. "Une approche ascendante pour la gestion énergétique d'une Smart-Grid : modèle adaptatif et réactif fondé sur une architecture décentralisée pour un système générique centré sur l'utilisateur permettant un déploiement à grande échelle." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.
Full textThe field of Energy Management Systems for Smart Grids has been extensively explored in recent years, with many different approaches being described in the literature. In collaboration with our industrial partner Ubiant, which deploys smart homes solutions, we identified a need for a highly robust and scalable system that would exploit the flexibility of residential consumption to optimize energy use in the smart grid. At the same time we observed that the majority of existing works focused on the management of production and storage only, and that none of the proposed architectures are fully decentralized. Our objective was then to design a dynamic and adaptive mechanism to leverage every existing flexibility while ensuring the user's comfort and a fair distribution of the load balancing effort ; but also to offer a modular and open platform with which a large variety of devices, constraints and even algorithms could be interfaced. In this thesis we realised (1) an evaluation of state of the art techniques in real-time individual load forecasting, whose results led us to follow (2) a bottom-up and decentralized approach to distributed residential load shedding system relying on a dynamic compensation mechanism to provide a stable curtailment. On this basis, we then built (3) a generic user-centered platform for energy management in smart grids allowing the easy integration of multiple devices, the quick adaptation to changing environment and constraints, and an efficient deployment
Book chapters on the topic "Décentralisation énergétique"
Lopez, Fanny. "Keep the lights on! La décentralisation énergétique à Londres." In Énergies nouvelles, territoires autonomes ?, 29–62. Presses de l’Inalco, 2018.
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