Academic literature on the topic 'De beneficii'

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Journal articles on the topic "De beneficii"


Dadu, Constantin, Victor Donea, Elisaveta Onica, Ecaterina Donea, and Ion Oboroc. "Alunul obișnuit (Corylus avellana L.) – particularități și beneficii." Pomicultura, Viticultura şi Vinificaţia, no. 1(87) (December 2022): 54–63.

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The article presents the particularities and cultivation tehnologies of the common hazel (Corylus avellana L.) which belongs to the genus Corylus L., family Betulaceae (Gheideman T., 1986). In the spontaneous flora, the common hazel is spread almost throughout all of Europe, Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula, Iran, the Caucasus, through deciduous and mixed forests, in clearings, thickets, in hill and mountain regions, less in plains etc. According to the research carried out and the analysis of the specialized literature, the qualities of the common hazelnut were highlighted and the right assortment was selected for the creation of plantations in the Republic of Moldova.
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Boia, Mariana, Delia Maria Nicoară, and Aniko Maria Manea. "Riscuri şi beneficii ale terapiei cu metilxantine – studiu de caz." Romanian Journal of Pediatrics 63, no. 3 (September 30, 2014): 309–11.

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Introducere. Apnea de prematuritate (AOP), tulburare de dezvoltare a controlului respirator, este prezentă la aproximativ 80% dintre sugarii cu greutate extrem de mică la naştere (ELBW). În cazul în care se prelungeşte, poate cauza hipoxemie şi scăderea debitului cardiac, însoţite de compromiterea dezvoltării neurologice ulterioare. Material şi metodă. Studiul retrospectiv realizat într-o unitate de terapie intensivă neonatală regională de gradul III, a încercat să evalueze experienţa noastră în administrarea de metilxantine pentru episoade recurente de apnee, fiind vorba despre 84 de nou-născuţi prematuri cu vârstă gestaţională < 32 de săptămâni şi greutate la naştere < 1.500 g. Rezultate. Doza medie de întreţinere a fost de 5 mg/kg/zi pentru citratul de cafeină, şi 3 mg /kg/zi pentru teofilină. Nu a fost sesizată nicio diferenţă în rata medie de apnee între grupul tratat cu cafeină şi cel cu teofilină după o săptămână de tratament, ambele având nevoi similare de presiune pozitivă continuă la nivelul căilor respiratorii şi cerinţe suplimentare similare de oxigen. Efectele adverse, precum tahicardia, intoleranţa alimentară şi stagnarea în greutate, care să determine modificări ale dozei, au fost mai rare în rândul grupului tratat cu cofeină. Concluzii. Vârstele postmenstruale mai mici (< 28,2 săptămâni) au fost asociate cu o nevoie crescută de metilxantine, ajustări ale dozelor în funcţie de greutate şi administrarea de bolusuri, datorită faptului că aceşti copii au necesitat perioade mai lungi de terapie. Deşi ambele metilxantine sunt la fel de eficiente în tratarea apneei de prematuritate, citratul de cafeină a fost medicamentul preferat, având în vedere marja terapeutică largă, şi incidenţa mai scăzută a efectelor adverse.
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Goicovici, Juanita. "Matricea răspunderii civile extracontractuale pentru prejudiciile cauzate de produsele cu defecte de manufacturare, între testul riscuri-beneficii și testul așteptărilor legitime ale consumatorului." Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Iurisprudentia 67, no. 1 (July 25, 2022): 106–85.

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Studiul își propune analizarea impactului pe care utilizarea testului riscuri-beneficii, respectiv a testului așteptărilor legitime ale consumatorului îl are asupra fizionomiei răspunderii civile pentru prejudiciile cauzate de produsele cu defecte de manufacturare, îndeosebi prin prisma prezervării caracterului obiectiv al acestei răspunderi, detașat de elementul culpei. Utilizând balanța „riscuri-beneficii”, instanțele de judecată pot aprecia in concreto defectuozitatea unui produs, incluzând atât defectele de manufacturare în sens restrâns, cât și defectele de concepere, respectiv deficiențele/omisiunile de informare corectă și completă a consumatorilor. Arhitectura răspunderii pentru produsele defectuoase este puternic influențată de opțiunea jurisprudenței pentru testul risc-utilitate, cu eventuala asociere a rezultatelor testului așteptărilor legitime ale consumatorilor, ceea ce a caracterizat răspunderea obiectivă pentru produsele defectuoase ca fiind o specie aparte de răspundere civilă care perpetuează detașarea de criteriul culpei ori al neglijenței producătorului/importatorului produsului cu defecte de manufacturare.
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Goicovici, Juanita. "Matricea răspunderii civile extracontractuale pentru prejudiciile cauzate de produsele cu defecte de manufacturare, între testul riscuri-beneficii și testul așteptărilor legitime ale consumatorului." Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Iurisprudentia 67, no. 1 (July 25, 2022): 106–85.

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Studiul își propune analizarea impactului pe care utilizarea testului riscuri-beneficii, respectiv a testului așteptărilor legitime ale consumatorului îl are asupra fizionomiei răspunderii civile pentru prejudiciile cauzate de produsele cu defecte de manufacturare, îndeosebi prin prisma prezervării caracterului obiectiv al acestei răspunderi, detașat de elementul culpei. Utilizând balanța „riscuri-beneficii”, instanțele de judecată pot aprecia in concreto defectuozitatea unui produs, incluzând atât defectele de manufacturare în sens restrâns, cât și defectele de concepere, respectiv deficiențele/omisiunile de informare corectă și completă a consumatorilor. Arhitectura răspunderii pentru produsele defectuoase este puternic influențată de opțiunea jurisprudenței pentru testul risc-utilitate, cu eventuala asociere a rezultatelor testului așteptărilor legitime ale consumatorilor, ceea ce a caracterizat răspunderea obiectivă pentru produsele defectuoase ca fiind o specie aparte de răspundere civilă care perpetuează detașarea de criteriul culpei ori al neglijenței producătorului/importatorului produsului cu defecte de manufacturare.
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BARBU, Dragoș-Cătălin, Gabriela DOBRIȚA (ENE), Simona-Vasilica OPREA, Adela BÂRA, and Vlad DIACONIȚA. "Provocări și beneficii ale sistemului de vot electronic bazat pe Blockchain." Revista Română de Informatică și Automatică 32, no. 4 (December 20, 2022): 117–28.

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Aniței, Mihai, Oana Pănescu, and Mihaela Chraif. "ASPECTE PRACTICE ALE UTILIZĂRII TERAPIEI COGNITIVE ÎN MANAGEMENTUL RESURSELOR UMANE DIN ORGANIZAȚIILE BANCARE." Psihologia Resurselor Umane 5, no. 1 (January 29, 2020): 68–78.

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Stiința este tot mai mult recunoscută ca o valoare strategică si ca o sursă de avantaj competitiv. În organizații, schimbarea se produce din mai multe cauze si ia diverse forme. Desi schimbările, de cele mai multe ori, aduc beneficii organizațiilor, angajații privesc, de obicei, sovăitor aceste shimbări. Un factor care influențează comportamentul angajaților si relațiile lor cu ceilalți la locul de muncă este stresul. Potrivit Managementului Stresului, stresul poate produce anxietate si depresie în rândul angajaților. Scopul cercetării este de a experimenta cum anume consecințeleorganizaționale, ca depresia si anxietatea, pot fi controlate prin terapia cognitivă,schimbând comportamentul angajaților cu un răspuns adaptativ la stres, anxietate si depresie.
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Tapie, Matthew Anthony. "”Out of Zion the Deliverer Shall Come” St. Thomas Aquinas on Jewish Worship as Figura praesentis spiritualis beneficii." European Journal for the Study of Thomas Aquinas 33, no. 1 (December 1, 2013): 76–109.

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Pop, Anghel Marian. "Observații asupra puterii discreţionare a administraţiei prin prisma principiului proporționalității." Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Iurisprudentia 67, no. 2 (November 30, 2022): 9–43.

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Odată cu evoluția statului modern, funcțiile acestuia s-au multiplicat, ajungând să reglementeze majoritatea aspectelor vieții cotidiene a cetățenilor. Drept consecință, legiuitorul a conferit autorităților publice puteri discreționare din ce în ce mai ample pentru a asigura funcționarea aparatului statal, puteri care lăsate însă nesupravegheate ar putea produce mai multe dezavantaje decât beneficii. În acest scop, instanțele judecătorești din țările unde s-a consolidat statul de drept au dezvoltat instrumente de control judiciar precum principiul proporționalității pentru a reduce din intensitatea puterii discreționare a autorităților. Prezentul studiu își propune să reliefeze legătura dintre puterea discreționară și principiul proporționalității în actualul context juridic autohton, pe măsură ce vom încerca să explicăm care sunt principalele motive pentru care puterea discreționară a devenit atât de importantă în activitatea administrației, ce presupune în mod concret și care este modalitatea de exercitare a acesteia de către organele administrative.
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Scop: Acest studiu a avut ca scop să determine opiniile studenților de la asistență medicală generală cu privire la serviciile de consultanță academică.Metode: Patruzeci de studenți de la asistență medicală generală au fost incluși în cercetare, metoda eșantionării. Datele au fost colectate prin interviuri aprofundate, o metodă de cercetare calitativă. Au fost analizate folosind analiza conținutului inductiv.Rezultate: Interviurile au arătat că opiniile studenților de la asistență medicală generală despre serviciile de consultanță erau clasificate în opt categorii. Au fost identificate următoarele teme și subteme legate de următoarele categorii: Percepția consultanței academice, serviciile pentru a primi ajutor, beneficii, probleme întâlnite, așteptări, dacă aș fi consultant academic, limitări și recomandări.Concluzii: Opiniile despre consultanța academică au fost afectate de încărcarea cursului instructorului și de numărul și percepțiile studenților. Studiul a recomandat programe de învățământ care dezvoltă cunoștințe și abilități legate de consultanță academică a instructorilor pentru ca aceștia să îndeplinească eficient responsabilitățile acestui rol și pentru studenți să beneficieze de servicii de consultanță academică.
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În ciuda progreselor tehnologice, lupta corp la corp cu sau fără armamentul portabil din dotare rămâne o necesitate în mediul de operare contemporan, mai ales având în vedere ambiguitatea războiului urban și interacțiunea strânsă și regulată a militarilor cu diverși adversari (combatanți sau necombatanți) într-un spectru larg al situațiilor în care este utilizată forța. Fiind un angajament între două sau mai multe persoane, într-o confruntare în care nu este folosită muniția, instruirea militarilor privind lupta corp la corp pare o componentă importantă, pe care armata trebuie să o ia în considerare în pregătirea fizică a militarilor pentru viitoarele conflicte. Cultivarea curajului pentru creșterea încrederii în forțele proprii este unul dintre cele mai importante beneficii pe care îl pot avea antrenamentele specifice luptei corp la corp. Într-o situație tensionată, a avea formate deprinderi de luptă în acest sens poate însemna diferența dintre deschiderea focului și escaladarea conflictului, pe de o parte, și evitarea disputelor printr-o abordare bazată pe autostăpânire în fața factorilor care provoacă durere și frică, pe de altă parte.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "De beneficii"


Vilamala, Salvans Jordi. "Una Seu, dos col·legis: la comunitat de beneficiats de l’església de la Pietat de Vic. Les repercussions socials del nou ordre tridentí (1613-1664)." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2019.

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La tesi analitza com les disposicions sorgides del Concili de Trento (1545-1563) fan evolucionar el sistema beneficial de l’Església catòlica. Ho fa a partir de quatre grans objectius interrelacionats: el primer estudiar l’organització i la composició de la comunitat de beneficiats de l’església de la Pietat de Vic. El segon analitzar l’encaix i l’abast en la societat vigatana del sistema beneficial de l’església catòlica a partir de les modificacions tridentines. El tercer conèixer fins a quin punt les disposicions conciliars modifiquen les relacions socials i, en cas afirmatiu, determinar si és un cas específic del bisbat de Vic o si és extrapolable a altres indrets. I el quart, estudiar la relació Economia-Església- Societat. La tesi tracta de la comunitat de beneficiats de l’església de la Pietat de Vic entre l’any de la seva fundació (1613), i el de la translació de les relíquies dels Sants Màrtirs a l’altar major de l’església de la Pietat (1664). La comunitat de beneficiats de la Pietat de Vic la creen els beneficiats del Capbreu de la catedral com a instrument en la seva lluita amb el Capítol de canonges per tal d’esdevenir col·legi. L’estudi analitza com es funda la comunitat de beneficiats, qui en forma part, on s’ubica, les relacions amb altres col·lectius −com la institució episcopal, el capítol de canonges, el Capbreu de la catedral i el Consell Municipal−, com es consolida, com s’organitza, quina transcendència té en la vida econòmica de la ciutat i quin paper social desenvolupa.
This thesis analyses how the dispositions that resulted from the Trento Council (1545-1563) evolved the beneficial system of the Catholic Church. This is done from four great interrelated objectives. The first one is studying the organization and the composition of the community of beneficiaries of the Vic’s church of Pietat. The second objective is to analyse how the Vic’s society is affected by the tridentin modifications in the Catholic Church’s beneficial system. The third is to know to what extent the dispositions of the council modify the social relationships and, if that is the case, determine if the case is specific to Vic’s bishopric or if it is extrapolatable to other places. The fourth objective is to study the relation between the Economy, the Church and the Society. The thesis is about the community of beneficiaries of the Vic’s church of Pietat between its foundation (1613) and the translocation of the Martyr Saints relics to the major altar of the church of Pietat (1664). The community of beneficiaries of the church of Pietat is created by the beneficiaries of Capbreu of the cathedral. This is done as an instrument in their fight with the Capitol of canons in order to become a college. This study analyses how the community of beneficiaries is founded, who forms part of it and where it is located. The study also analyses the relations with other collectives – such as the episcopal institution, the Capitol of canons, the Capbreu of the cathedral and the Municipal Council. Finally, the study investigates how it is consolidated, how it is organized and what transcendence it has in the city’s economic life and its social role.
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Torras, Pastor-Cano Rafael. "La lógica del don : una aproximación histórica, antropológica y económica aplicada a la empresa SEAT." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Abat Oliba, 2017.

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Els dons, ens expliquen els historiadors, poden ser de l'estil "et dono perquè em donis" (clientelisme o intercanvi) o de l'estil "et dono perquè donis a altres" (cadena de favors). Els antropòlegs ens ensenyen quan res pot parlar d'autèntic do o de generositat aparent. Els economistes, a partir del concepte d'economies externes positives expliquen a través de la difusió del coneixement i de l'aprenentatge per experiència, la presència de dons en el funcionament dels mercats. A causa de que, en els casos esmentats, el benefici social és més gran que el rendiment privat per al promotor. Es presenta com a exemple un cas real: la introducció de l'automòbil a Espanya a través dels primers anys de l'empresa SEAT. Es conclou amb l'afirmació que el do apareix per dret propi en la ciència econòmica.
Los dones, nos explican los historiadores, pueden ser del estilo “te doy para que me des” (clientelismo o intercambio) o del estilo “te doy para que des a otros” (cadena de favores). Los antropólogos nos enseñan cuándo puede hablarse de auténtico don o de generosidad aparente. Los economistas, a partir del concepto de economías externas positivas explican, a través de la difusión del conocimiento y del aprendizaje por experiencia, la presencia de dones en el funcionamiento de los mercados. Debido a que, en los casos citados, el beneficio social es mayor que el rendimiento privado para el promotor. Se presenta como ejemplo un caso real: la introducción del automóvil en España a través de los primeros años de la empresa SEAT. Se concluye con la afirmación de que el don aparece por derecho propio en la ciencia económica.
The gifts, the historians explain to us, can be of the style "I give you in order that you give me" (clientelism or exchange) or of the style "I give you in order that you give to others" (chain of favours). The anthropologists teach us when one can speak about authentic gift or about apparent generosity. The economists, from the concept of external positive economies, explain across the diffusion of knowledge and of learning by doing, the presence of gifts in the functioning of the markets. Due to the fact that, in the mentioned cases, the social benefit is higher than the private one for the promoter. The study presents as an example of a real case: the introduction of the car in Spain across the first years of the company SEAT. The conclusion is that gifts are very much present in the real economy as “animal spirits”.
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Moltó, Valiente Consolación. "Beneficio clínico de los fármacos antineoplásicos aprobados por las agencias reguladoras." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2021.

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La millor comprensió de la base molecular del càncer ha portat al ràpid desenvolupament de nous fàrmacs antineoplàsics. Existeix la preocupació sobre si aquests tractaments brinden un benefici limitat. Com a resposta a aquest repte, les societats oncològiques han intentat proporcionar un enfocament estandarditzat per a avaluar el benefici clínic dels tractaments. La US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ha creat diferents programes i designacions per a accelerar el desenvolupament, revisió i aprovació de medicaments. En 2012, es va establir la designació Breakthrough Therapy per a accelerar el desenvolupament i revisió de medicaments prometedors destinats a tractar malalties greus o potencialment mortals si l’evidència clínica preliminar suggeria una millora substancial en un criteri de valoració clínicament significatiu sobre els tractaments disponibles. No obstant això, els beneficis del sistema actual de revisió i aprovació ràpides són incerts. A més, els criteris de la FDA permeten que els medicaments antineoplàsics s’aprovin sobre la base de criteris de valoració subrogats o intermedis, a pesar que la seva gran majoria no s’han validat com a substituts de criteris definitius com ara la supervivència global (SG) o qualitat de vida. Això pot limitar la valoració del benefici clínic dels nous tractaments. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi va ser avaluar el benefici clínic dels fàrmacs antineoplàsics per a poder realitzar una millor selecció dels tractaments i oferir als pacients l’opció terapèutica més adequada. Com a objectius secundaris es va proposar: (1) avaluar si aquells fàrmacs designats com Breakthrough Therapy ofereixen un major benefici clínic respecte a aquells que no reben aquesta designació, i (2) explorar l’associació entre la SG, la qualitat de vida i el benefici clínic en el moment de l’aprovació per la FDA i en el període post-comercialització. Entre els 106 assajos que van recolzar l’aprovació de 52 fàrmacs antineoplàsics per a 96 indicacions de tumors sòlids, des de juliol de 2012 (data de creació del programa Breakthrough Therapy) fins a desembre de 2017, el 43%, 73%, 34% i 69% dels estudis van complir amb els llindars de benefici clínicament significatiu establerts per la American Society of Clinical Oncology Value Framework (ASCO-VF), el American Society of Clinical Oncology Cancer Research Committee (ASCO-CRC), la European Society for Medical Oncology Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) i la National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Evidence Blocks, respectivament. D’altra banda, aquells medicaments que van rebre la designació Breakthrough Therapies (40% de les indicacions) van tenir més probabilitats d’aportar un benefici clínic substancial amb la ASCO-VF i els NCCN Evidence Blocks, però no amb la ESMO-MCBS o els criteris del ASCO-CRC. Respecte a l’associació entre la SG, la qualitat de vida i el benefici clínic en el moment de l’aprovació per la FDA i en el període post-comercialització, es van revisar 58 fàrmacs antineoplàsics aprovats per la FDA entre gener de 2006 i desembre de 2015 per a 96 indicacions de tumors sòlids recolzades per 96 assajos. El seguiment durant el període post-comercialització es va realitzar fins a abril de 2019. La proporció d’estudis que van demostrar benefici en la SG va passar del 41% en el moment de l’aprovació al 47% amb les dades actualitzades durant el període post-comercialització, mentre que per a la qualitat de vida, la proporció d’estudis que van demostrar benefici va ser del 36% en el moment de l’aprovació i del 46% amb les dades actualitzades durant el període post-comercialització. En avaluar el benefici clínic en el moment de l’aprovació, un 27% i 33% dels assajos van mostrar un benefici clínic substancial al aplicar les escales de ESMO-MCBS i ASCO-VF, respectivament. No obstant això, en el període post-comercialització, aquests percentatges es van incrementar al 54% aplicant totes dues escales.
La mejor comprensión de la base molecular del cáncer ha llevado al rápido desarrollo de nuevos fármacos antineoplásicos. Existe la preocupación sobre si estos tratamientos brindan un beneficio limitado. Como respuesta a este reto, las sociedades oncológicas han intentado proporcionar un enfoque estandarizado para evaluar el beneficio clínico de los tratamientos. La US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ha creado diferentes programas y designaciones para acelerar el desarrollo, revisión y aprobación de medicamentos. En 2012, se estableció la designación Breakthrough Therapy para acelerar el desarrollo y revisión de medicamentos prometedores destinados a tratar enfermedades graves o potencialmente mortales si la evidencia clínica preliminar sugería una mejora sustancial en un criterio de valoración clínicamente significativo sobre los tratamientos disponibles. Sin embargo, los beneficios del sistema actual de revisión y aprobación rápidas son inciertos. Además, los criterios de la FDA permiten que los medicamentos antineoplásicos se aprueben en base a criterios de valoración subrogados o intermedios, a pesar de que su gran mayoría no se han validado como sustitutos de criterios definitivos tales como la supervivencia global (SG) o la calidad de vida. Esto puede limitar la valoración del beneficio clínico de los nuevos tratamientos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis fue evaluar el beneficio clínico de los fármacos antineoplásicos para poder realizar una mejor selección de los tratamientos y ofrecer a los pacientes la opción terapéutica más adecuada. Como objetivos secundarios se propuso: (1) evaluar si aquellos fármacos designados como Breakthrough Therapy ofrecen un mayor beneficio clínico respecto a aquellos que no reciben esta designación, y (2) explorar la asociación entre la SG, la calidad de vida y el beneficio clínico en el momento de la aprobación por la FDA y en el período post-comercialización. Entre los 106 ensayos que respaldaron la aprobación de 52 fármacos antineoplásicos para 96 indicaciones de tumores sólidos, desde julio de 2012 (fecha de creación del programa Breakthrough Therapy) hasta diciembre de 2017, el 43%, 73%, 34% y 69% de los estudios cumplieron con los umbrales de beneficio clínicamente significativo establecidos por la American Society of Clinical Oncology Value Framework (ASCO-VF), el American Society of Clinical Oncology Cancer Research Committee (ASCO-CRC), la European Society for Medical Oncology Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) y la National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Evidence Blocks, respectivamente. Por otro lado, aquellos medicamentos que recibieron la designación Breakthrough Therapies (40% de las indicacions) tuvieron más probabilidades de aportar un beneficio clínico sustancial con la ASCO-VF y los NCCN Evidence Blocks, pero no con la ESMO-MCBS o los criterios del ASCO-CRC. Respecto a la asociación entre la SG, la calidad de vida y el beneficio clínico en el momento de la aprobación por la FDA y en el período posterior a la comercialización, se revisaron un total de 58 fármacos antineoplásicos aprobados por la FDA entre enero de 2006 y diciembre de 2015 para 96 indicaciones de tumores sólidos respaldadas por 96 ensayos. El seguimiento durante el periodo post-comercialización se realizó hasta abril de 2019. La proporción de estudios que demostraron beneficio en la SG pasó del 41% en el momento de la aprobación al 47% con los datos actualizados durante el periodo post-comercialización, mientras que para la calidad de vida, la proporción de estudios que demostraron beneficio fue del 36% en el momento de la aprobación y del 46% con los datos actualizados durante el periodo post-comercialización. Al evaluar el beneficio clínico en el momento de la aprobación, un 27% y 33% de los ensayos mostraron un beneficio clínico sustancial al aplicar las escalas de ESMO-MCBS y la ASCO-VF, respectivamente. Sin embargo, en el periodo post-comercialización, estos porcentajes se incrementaron al 54% aplicando ambas escalas.
Improved understanding of the molecular basis of cancer, has led to rapid development of new drugs. There are some concerns whether advances in cancer therapy provide limited meaningful benefit to patients. To clarify these limitations, oncology societies have attempted to provide a standardized approach to grading clinical benefit. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has created different programs and designations to expedite the development, review and approval of drugs. In 2012, the Breakthrough Therapy Designation was established to expedite the development of FDA approval of such therapies as well as promising new medications intended to treat other serious or life-threatening conditions if preliminary clinical evidence suggests a substantial improvement in a clinically significant endpoint over available treatments. The benefits of the current system of rapid review and approval are uncertain. Furthermore, FDA criteria allow cancer drugs to be approved based on surrogate measures. Most intermediate endpoints have not been validated as surrogates for definitive outcomes such as overall survival (OS) or quality of life, yet are used as primary endpoints in trials supporting drug approval. This can limit the understanding of clinical benefit of new drugs. The main objective of this thesis was to assess the clinical benefit of anticancer drugs in order to make a better choice of treatments and offer patients the most appropriate therapeutic option. As secondary objectives we aimed to: (1) compare the magnitude of clinical benefit of breakthrough-designated and non-breakthrough-designated cancer drug and (2) explore the association between OS, quality of life, and clinical benefit at the time of FDA approval and in the post-marketing period. Among the 106 trials supporting approval of 52 anticancer drugs for 96 solid tumor indications, from July 2012 (date of creation of the Breakthrough Therapy program) to December 2017, 43%, 73%, 34%, and 69% met clinically significant benefit thresholds established by the American Society of Clinical Oncology Value Framework (ASCO-VF), the American Society of Clinical Oncology Cancer Research Committee (ASCO-CRC), the European Society for Medical Oncology Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale (ESMO-MCBS) and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Evidence Blocks scales, respectively. On the other hand, those drugs that received Breakthrough Therapy designation (40% of indications) were more likely than non-breakthrough therapy drugs to be scored as providing a high clinical benefit with the ASCO-VF and the NCCN Evidence Blocks but not with the ESMO-MCBS or the ASCO-CRC scale. Regarding the association between OS, quality of life, and clinical benefit at the time of FDA approval and in the post-marketing period, 58 drugs for 96 indications based on 96 trials were approved by the FDA between January 2006 and December 2015. Post-marketing follow-up was conducted until April 2019. The proportion of trials that showed an improvement in OS increased from 41% at the time of FDA approval to 47 % in the post-marketing period. However, the proportion of trials that showed an improvement in quality of life was 36% at the time of FDA approval and 46% in the post-marketing period. Finally, at the time of approval, 27% and 33% trials met substantial benefit thresholds using ESMO-MCBS and ASCO-VF, respectively whereas in the post-marketing period, 54% trials met the substantial benefit thresholds using both scales.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Medicina
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FAVERO, GAIA. "OBESITÀ ED EFFETTI BENEFICI DELL'EMEOSSIGENASI." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2012.

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Obesity is nowadays a growing global health pandemic disease requiring an urgent intervention. High dietary fat intake promotes the development of obesity in humans and animal models as a result of an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure that is determinant for the excessive energy storage in the form of fat and so redundant accumulation of adipose tissue. When the energy balance is positive, the adipose tissue prevalently undergoes an increment of white adipocytes, that become at first hypertrophic and then, due to a close relationship between one adipocyte and its neighbor, hyperplastic. Adipose tissue is a major endocrine organ, releasing signaling and mediator proteins, defined adipokines, via which adipose tissue is strictly linked with other organs. An excessive accumulation of fat tissue during obesity alters adipokines secretion: this imbalance in adipose tissue homeostasis lead to the development of both cardiovascular and renal dysfunctions linking obesity with hypertension, atherosclerosis and nephropathy. Numerous studies have investigated the prevention and treatment of obesity and its associated dysfunctions using naturally-occurring antioxidants. We focused our attention on the inducible isoform of heme oxygenase (HO-1). HO-1 catalyzes the breakdown of heme, a potentially harmful pro-oxidant, into its products biliverdin and carbon monoxide, with a concomitant release of iron. HO-1 acts as a protective system against oxidative stress and inflammation. Moreover, it is considered to have a role in the regulation of vascular tone and it may provide renal cytoprotection. The epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (EET), derived from the metabolism of arachidonic acid by cytochrome P450 epoxygenase enzyme, induces HO-1 expression and activity and so it plays various biological activities. It is also considered a cytoprotective mediator because its function in activating AMPK, LKB1 and Akt, kinases that play a pivotal role in the regulation of energy metabolism. Moreover, EET could upregulate endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and so increase the release of nitric oxide (NO), modulating vascular tone and homeostasis. In this study we at first analyzed the consequences of high fat diet on adipose tissue, aorta and kidney and then we hypothesized that the induction of HO-1, through EET administration would ameliorate fat accumulation and the resulting dysfunctions in a mice model of obesity. C57BL/6 mice were divided into four groups: lean, lean fed with a high fat diet (HF), lean fed with a high fat diet and treated with EET (HF EET), lean fed with a high fat diet and treated with EET and MSPPOH, an inhibitor of EET (HF EET MSPPOH). Food intake, body weight, blood levels of glucose, adiponectin and pro-inflammatory cytokines, along with HO-1, AMPKα1/pAMPKα1, LKB1/pLKB1, Akt/pAkt and eNOS expression were analyzed. We demonstrated that adipose tissue plays a focal role in the pathogenesis of obesity: we observed in fact white hypertrophic and hyperplastic adipocytes and an imbalance of adipokine secretion in the HF group. The HF mice showed low level of HO-1 and adiponectin and high systemic levels of the pro-inflammatory TNF-α and IL-6. The intraperitoneally EET administration prevented weight gain, decreased subcutaneous fat content, increased adiponectin and decreased TNF-α and IL-6. The HO-1 expression in adipose tissue, aorta and kidney consequently increased pAMPKα1, pLKB1, pAkt, and eNOS. The co-treatment with EET and MSPPOH countered the beneficial effects of EET, underling its capability of inhibitor of EET synthesis. In conclusion, this study provides strong evidence confirming the fundamental endocrinal function of the adipose tissue and its pivotal role in the pathogenesis of obesity. Moreover, HO-1 has important anti-obesity effects, manifested by a decrease of fat content, an increased number of low size adipocytes and with reciprocal increases in adiponectin, pAMPKα1, pLKB1, pAkt and eNOS, all effects that ameliorate both energy metabolism and vascular tone and so the deleterious effect of a high dietary fat intake.
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Posner, Eric. "Coloquio de análisis costo- beneficio: análisis del costo- beneficio como una solución al problema principal- agente." THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho, 2014.

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Esquivel, Guerra Alejandro. "“ILEGALIDAD DE LAS REGLAS DE CARÁCTER GENERAL FRENTE AL ARTÍCULO 364 DEL CÓDIGO FINANCIERO DEL ESTADO DE MÉXICO Y MUNICIPIOS”." Tesis de Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 2015.

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La realidad económica que prevalece actualmente a nivel nacional, es muy delicada, ya que los ingresos son muy escasos, esto en referencia con los gastos fijos de primera necesidad que tiene una familia, lo anterior, hace que el cumplir con las obligaciones tributarias tengan un impacto mayor en la economía familiar, lo que incide directamente en la capacidad económica y contributiva de los particulares. La condición económica del contribuyente no es ajena para los legisladores, toda vez que existen figuras de excepciones que la ley prevé, como es el caso de la condonación fiscal de las multas impuestas, que en estricto sentido es una forma de liberarse de la carga tributaria, siendo el elemento principal para acceder a dicho beneficio el contar con una condición económica desfavorable. Derivado de lo anterior, es que surge la inquietud de exponer a través de esta tesis profesional la ilegalidad de las Reglas de Carácter General para la Condonación total o parcial de multas vigentes en 2015 frente al artículo 364 del Código Financiero en el Estado de México y Municipios vigente, al establecer como requisito para la procedencia de la condonación que los particulares realicen una inversión sobre el monto de lo condonado para fomentar el crecimiento, consolidación o expansión de sus actividades, lo cual es evidente una carga adicional para el contribuyente, ya que tiene un efecto negativo en la economía del particular, y que aunado a ello, se deja a la discrecionalidad de la autoridad fiscal que resolverá la autorización de la condonación, siendo esta un derecho. Es pertinente señalar; de acuerdo a lo anterior, que una inversión tiene un trasfondo económico y fiscal, que en nada beneficia al contribuyente, si es que no tiene contemplada realizar dicha inversión, y menos aún, siendo que la misma es para cumplir con un requisito para así poder tener acceso a la condonación de multas por parte de la autoridad fiscal estatal.
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Chicu, Doriana. "Employees and customers in call centres: confirmatory and exploratory study." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2015.

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Aquest estudi tracta de connectar les disciplines de RH i Màrqueting, i examina el model de service-profit chain (SPC) en el sector de Call Centre, caracteritzat per un servei remot i un negoci basat en la reducció de costos. Les dades s'han col·lectat del Projecte "Global Call Center Project". Hem realitzat dos estudis. En el primer estudi (confirmatori) s'ha emprat una mostra internacional (n = 937). En el segon estudi (exploratori) vam utilitzar una mostra espanyola (n = 109). Els resultats revelen que el model SPC té una aplicació diferent en els call centres. Encara que a nivell general podem confirmar la majoria de les relacions del model, els resultats indiquen que la satisfacció del client és un resultat separat, i no un precursor del rendiment de l'empresa. També trobem una alternativa de mesurar el constructe individual de la satisfacció de l'empleat amb dades disponibles de la organització. Addicionalment, vam descobrir certes discrepàncies en la relació entre la productivitat i la satisfacció dels empleats.
El presente estudio es una conexión entre las disciplinas de RH y Marketing, y examina el modelo service-profit chain (SPC) en el sector de Call Centre, caracterizado por un servicio remoto y un negocio basado en la reducción de costes. Los datos se han colectado del Proyecto “Global Call Center Project”. Hemos realizado dos estudios. En el primer estudio (confirmatorio) se ha empleado una muestra internacional (n = 937). En el segundo estudio (exploratorio) utilizamos una muestra española (n = 109). Los resultados revelan que el modelo SPC tiene una aplicación diferente en los call centres. Aunque a nivel general podemos confirmar la mayoría de las relaciones del modelo, los resultados indican que la satisfacción del cliente es un resultado separado, y no un precursor de rendimiento de la empresa. También encontramos una alternativa de medir el constructo individual de satisfacción del empleado con los datos organizacionales disponibles. Adicionalmente, descubrimos ciertas discrepancias en la relación entre la productividad y la satisfacción de los empleados.
This thesis is an interface between HR and Marketing discipline, by examining the Service-Profit Chain (SPC) model in the context of call centre, characterized by remote service and cost cutting business models. Data was gathered from the Global Call Centre Project. We carried out two studies. The first one is a confirmatory study, using an international sample (n=937). In the second study we use a Spanish sample (n=109) and carry out an exploratory study. Findings reveal that the SPC model behaves somewhat differently in call centres. Although there is general support for most of the links in the model, the results indicate that customer satisfaction in the call centre industry is a separate outcome, rather than a precursor to company performance. In addition, we found a way to measure the individual level of employee satisfaction construct with organizational available data. We also discovered some discrepancies in the relationship between employee satisfaction and employee productivity.
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Sendra, Albiñana Álvaro. "El beneficio de exoneración del pasivo insatisfecho." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Jaume I, 2017.

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La reciente instauración en nuestro derecho concursal del beneficio de exoneración del pasivo insatisfecho o liberación de deudas coloquialmente conocido como "segunda oportunidad" se analiza en la presente tesis desde un punto de vista teórico y sistemático junto con diversos sistemas de derecho comparado. Tras analizarse igualmente la naturaleza jurídica, el elemento subjetivo y objetivo de la institución, la tesis repasa los requisitos para su obtención y las diversas formas de obtención del beneficio así como su alcance y extensión una vez concedido. Se realizan proposiciones de LEGE FERENDA para una mejor regulación de tal medida curativa de la crisis de la persona física.
The recent establishment in our insolvency law of the benefit of exoneration of unsatisfied debt or debt release colloquially known as "second chance" is analyzed in this thesis from a theoretical and systematic point of view along with various systems of comparative law. After analyzing the legal nature, the subjective and objective element of the institution, the thesis reviews the requirements for obtaining it and the various ways of obtaining the benefit, as well as its scope and extent once granted. Proposals are made LEGE FERENDA for a better regulation of such a curative measure of the crisis of the individual.
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Mejía, Trujillo Elliot Gianfranco. "El análisis costo-beneficio de las normas." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2008.

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En el presente trabajo de investigación se pretender dar a conocer un instrumento relativamente novedoso para la elaboración de las políticas públicas: el Análisis Costo Beneficio (ACB). Decimos que es relativamente novedoso debido a que sus inicios pueden rastrearse hasta el año 1844, en el cual el ingeniero, matemático y economista francés Jules Dupuit publicó el artículo De la Mesure de l´Utilité des Travaux Publics, en el que plantea una metodología para estimar el valor de las obras públicas que tenían que ser realizadas por el Estado en beneficio de la colectividad. Sin embargo, es recién en el siglo XX donde se empieza a utilizar esta herramienta de manera más sistemática. En efecto, durante dicho siglo diversos ingenieros y economistas van a empezar a emplear el ACB como un soporte técnico de sus teorías y también de sus proyectos empíricos. Como parte del desarrollo de la aplicación del ACB, hace unas décadas se propuso su utilización en la evaluación de las diversas normas que debe promulgar el Estado como parte del cumplimiento de sus funciones y además, como un medio de realizar las mismas. Un ejemplo de lo anterior son las dos órdenes ejecutivas que se expidieron en los años 1981 y 1994 en los Estados Unidos de América, durante los gobiernos de Reagan y Clinton respectivamente, en las que se establecían que se debía de aplicar el ACB en las regulaciones a nivel federal. Asimismo, es importante resaltar que, tal como se verá en el desarrollo de la investigación, a partir de la década pasada, en nuestro país también se ha empezado a utilizar esta técnica para la evaluación de las regulaciones del Estado, aunque no se han obtenido hasta el momento resultados alentadores.
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Matos, Ortega Margarett. "¿Beneficios o Derechos Penitenciarios?" Derecho & Sociedad, 2017.

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Books on the topic "De beneficii"


Savu, Constantin. Siguranța alimentelor: Riscuri și beneficii. București: Semne, 2004.

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D'Orta, Maurizio. Sterilis beneficii conscientia: Dalla praeceptio al legatum per praeceptionem. Torino: G. Giappichelli, 2005.

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Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 4 B.C.-65 A.D., ed. Le regole del beneficio: Commento tematico a Seneca, De beneficiis, libro I. Palermo: Palumbo, 2013.

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Benefattori e beneficati: La relazione asimmetrica nel De beneficiis di Seneca. Palermo: Palumbo, 2009.

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Ben, Jonson. Beneficia. [s.l.]: [Officina Borogovi], 1998.

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Jiménez, Juan Torres. Beneficio de inventario. Córdoba: Casa de Galicia, 1993.

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Degl'Innocenti, Leonardo. I benefici penitenziari. Milano: Giuffré Editore, 2014.

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1941-, Hvížďala Karel, and Salivarová Zdena 1933-, eds. Benefice. Toronto, Ont., Canada: Sixty-Eight Publishers, 1990.

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Světlík, Eduard. Benefice --. Praha: Československý spisovatel, 1987.

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Yourcenar, Marguerite. A beneficio de inventario. Madrid: Ediciones Alfaguara, 1987.

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Book chapters on the topic "De beneficii"


Bährle-Rapp, Marina. "beneficial." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 62. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Soto Álvarez, Javier. "Análisis coste-beneficio." In Evaluación económica de medicamentos y tecnologías sanitarias:, 85–92. Madrid: Springer Healthcare Iberica, 2012.

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Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias. "Introduction." In Beneficial Ownership, 1–2. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias. "The Term Beneficial Ownership." In Beneficial Ownership, 3–27. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias. "Beneficial Ownership as a Concept." In Beneficial Ownership, 29–38. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias. "Common Law, Equity, and Beneficial Ownership." In Beneficial Ownership, 39–44. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias. "Beneficial Ownership in U.S. Supreme Court Decisions." In Beneficial Ownership, 45–79. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias. "Fundamental Aspects of Federal Indian Law." In Beneficial Ownership, 81–111. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias. "The Beneficial Ownership Concept Applied in Federal Indian Law." In Beneficial Ownership, 113–44. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Reinhard-DeRoo, Matthias. "Epilogue." In Beneficial Ownership, 145–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "De beneficii"


"Properties of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Mortars." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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"Mechanical Properties of Concrete Made with Fluff." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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"Investigation of High Strength Concrete Behavior Made with Very High Percentages of Metakaolin and Steel Fibers." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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"Pervious Concrete Production using Recycled Waste Latex Paint." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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"Self-Consolidating Concrete using FRAP and High Volume of Supplementary Cementitious Materials." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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""CDW Integrated Management, from Linear to Circular Economy in Bogota"." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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"Utilization of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Aggregates in Portland Cement Concrete for Concrete Pavement." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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"Mechanical Performance of Concrete Incorporating Slender Elements from Recycling GFRP Waste." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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"Properties and durability of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber-reinforced rubber mortar." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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"Durability of Class C Fly Ash-Based Alkali Activated Concrete." In SP-334: Sustainable Concrete with Beneficial Byproducts. American Concrete Institute, 2019.

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Reports on the topic "De beneficii"


Barragán Hernández, Wilson Andrés, Christian Thomas Carvajal Bazurto, Sara Isabel Upegui Gómez, and Danilo Portilla Pinzón. Beneficios: Beneficios económicos, sociales y ambientales. Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA, 2022.

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Los sistemas silvopastoriles, se desarrollan como una estrategia sostenible para la producción ganadera, buscando un desarrollo más eficiente, en comparación con los modelos tradicionales ganaderos, caracterizados por prácticas extensivas donde no siempre se obtienen los mejores rendimientos.
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Arguello, Ricardo, Ricardo Delgado, Mónica Espinosa, Tomás Gonzalez, and Jose Manuel Sandoval. Análisis costo-beneficio de las opciones para alcanzar cero emisiones netas en Colombia. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2022.

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Este documento presenta un escenario de transformaciones sectoriales que permitiría a Colombia alcanzar la carbono neutralidad en el 2050 y cuantifica los costos asociados y los beneficios económicos derivados de implementar estas transformaciones. Las alternativas presentadas no pretenden ser prescriptivas, reconociendo que existen múltiples opciones disponibles para lograr las metas climáticas definidas por el país. La contribución más relevante de este análisis tiene que ver con estimar el nivel de cambios requeridos y los costos y beneficios asociados. Se evaluaron los siguientes sectores: agricultura, energía, transporte y gestión de residuos. Se identificó que los primeros tres sectores logran beneficios netos al implementar trayectorias de descarbonización si no solo se contabilizan los costos de implementación sino también los ahorros asociados a, por ejemplo, menores costos operativos, mayor productividad, ahorros en daños a la salud o costos evitados por el cambio climático en la economía. El análisis de costo-beneficio se realizó utilizando tres niveles diferentes de la tasa de descuento, y en todos los casos, la neutralidad de carbono se alcanza con beneficios económicos netos (superando los costos asociados).
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Fox, M. R. Beneficial uses of radiation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1991.

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Mishkin, Frederic. Is Financial Globalization Beneficial? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2005.

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Ariza Molina, Flor Manuela, Fredys Padilla González, and Alexander Salazar Montoya. Evaluación económica de la rentabilidad de cafés especiales de la variedad Tabí en el municipio de Manaure - Cesar. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, April 2022.

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La investigación propuesta busca evaluar la rentabilidad de la producción económica por medio del análisis costo beneficio de cafés especiales de la variedad Tabí bajo un sistema agroforestal en la serranía del Perijá en el municipio de Manaure – Cesar, teniendo en cuenta que uno de los factores que más afecta a este sector es conocer la rentabilidad de cada producción, debido a que los caficultores no manejan, no tienen control y seguimiento de la actividad productiva, por ende, no tienen conocimiento de cómo controlar y reducir los costos que se generan en la producción del café. Un estudio es de enfoque cuantitativo descriptivo. Se trabajará con 58 productores de cafés especiales de la variedad Tabí bajo un sistema agroforestal en la serranía del Perijá en el Cesar, a los cuales se les aplicará una encuesta diseñada por los investigadores para identificar todos los aspectos que puedan ser considerados costos y beneficios en la producción. Como resultado se espera determinar la rentabilidad de la producción de cafés especiales de la variedad Tabí por medio de la evaluación económica (Análisis costo beneficio).
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Bunch, J. R. Acceptance for beneficial use document. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1997.

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Russell-Prywata, Louise. Beneficial ownership and wealth taxation. CAGE, December 2020.

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Crowley, David E., Dror Minz, and Yitzhak Hadar. Shaping Plant Beneficial Rhizosphere Communities. United States Department of Agriculture, July 2013.

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PGPR bacteria include taxonomically diverse bacterial species that function for improving plant mineral nutrition, stress tolerance, and disease suppression. A number of PGPR are being developed and commercialized as soil and seed inoculants, but to date, their interactions with resident bacterial populations are still poorly understood, and-almost nothing is known about the effects of soil management practices on their population size and activities. To this end, the original objectives of this research project were: 1) To examine microbial community interactions with plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and their plant hosts. 2) To explore the factors that affect PGPR population size and activity on plant root surfaces. In our original proposal, we initially prqposed the use oflow-resolution methods mainly involving the use of PCR-DGGE and PLFA profiles of community structure. However, early in the project we recognized that the methods for studying soil microbial communities were undergoing an exponential leap forward to much more high resolution methods using high-throughput sequencing. The application of these methods for studies on rhizosphere ecology thus became a central theme in these research project. Other related research by the US team focused on identifying PGPR bacterial strains and examining their effective population si~es that are required to enhance plant growth and on developing a simulation model that examines the process of root colonization. As summarized in the following report, we characterized the rhizosphere microbiome of four host plant species to determine the impact of the host (host signature effect) on resident versus active communities. Results of our studies showed a distinct plant host specific signature among wheat, maize, tomato and cucumber, based on the following three parameters: (I) each plant promoted the activity of a unique suite of soil bacterial populations; (2) significant variations were observed in the number and the degree of dominance of active populations; and (3)the level of contribution of active (rRNA-based) populations to the resident (DNA-based) community profiles. In the rhizoplane of all four plants a significant reduction of diversity was observed, relative to the bulk soil. Moreover, an increase in DNA-RNA correspondence indicated higher representation of active bacterial populations in the residing rhizoplane community. This research demonstrates that the host plant determines the bacterial community composition in its immediate vicinity, especially with respect to the active populations. Based on the studies from the US team, we suggest that the effective population size PGPR should be maintained at approximately 105 cells per gram of rhizosphere soil in the zone of elongation to obtain plant growth promotion effects, but emphasize that it is critical to also consider differences in the activity based on DNA-RNA correspondence. The results ofthis research provide fundamental new insight into the composition ofthe bacterial communities associated with plant roots, and the factors that affect their abundance and activity on root surfaces. Virtually all PGPR are multifunctional and may be expected to have diverse levels of activity with respect to production of plant growth hormones (regulation of root growth and architecture), suppression of stress ethylene (increased tolerance to drought and salinity), production of siderophores and antibiotics (disease suppression), and solubilization of phosphorus. The application of transcriptome methods pioneered in our research will ultimately lead to better understanding of how management practices such as use of compost and soil inoculants can be used to improve plant yields, stress tolerance, and disease resistance. As we look to the future, the use of metagenomic techniques combined with quantitative methods including microarrays, and quantitative peR methods that target specific genes should allow us to better classify, monitor, and manage the plant rhizosphere to improve crop yields in agricultural ecosystems. In addition, expression of several genes in rhizospheres of both cucumber and whet roots were identified, including mostly housekeeping genes. Denitrification, chemotaxis and motility genes were preferentially expressed in wheat while in cucumber roots bacterial genes involved in catalase, a large set of polysaccharide degradation and assimilatory sulfate reduction genes were preferentially expressed.
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Terry Brown, Carol Frost, Thomas Hayes, Leo Heath, Drew Johnson, David Lopez, Demian Saffer, Michael Urynowicz, John Wheaton, and Mark Zoback. Produced Water Management and Beneficial Use. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2007.

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Crowley, David, Yitzhak Hadar, and Yona Chen. Rhizosphere Ecology of Plant-Beneficial Microorganisms. United States Department of Agriculture, February 2000.

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Rhizoferrin, a siderophore produced by Rhizopus arrhizus, has been shown in previous studies to be an outstanding Fe carrier to plants. However, calculations based on stability constants and thermodynamic equilibrium lead to contradicting conclusions. In this study a kinetic approach was employed to elucidate this apparent contradiction and to determine the behavior of rhizoferrin under conditions representing soil and nutrient solutions. Stability of Fe3+ complexes in nutrient solution, rate of metal exchange with Ca, and rate of Fe extraction by the free ligand were monitored for rhizoferrin and other chelating agents by 55Fe labeling. Ferric complexes of rhizoferrin, desferri-ferrioxamine-B (DFOB), and ethylenediamine-di(o-hydroxyphenylacetic acid) (EDDHA) were found to be stable in nutrient solution at pH 7.5 for 31 days, while ferric complexes of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and mugineic acid (MA) lost 50% of the chelated Fe within 2 days. Fe-Ca exchange in Ca solutions at pH 8.7 revealed rhizoferrin to hold Fe at non-equilibrium state for 3-4 weeks at 3.3 mM Ca and for longer periods at lower Ca concentrations. EDTA lost the ferric ion at a faster rate under the same conditions. Fe extraction from freshly prepared Fe-hydroxide at pH 8.7 and with 3.2 mM Ca was slow and followed the order. DFOB > EDDHA > MA > rhizoferrin > EDTA. Based on these results we suggest that a kinetic rather than equilibrium approach should be the basis for predictions of Fe-chelates efficiency. We conclude that the non-equilibrium state of rhizoferrin is of crucial importance for its behavior as a Fe carrier to plants.
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