Journal articles on the topic 'Data quality indicators'
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Matute, Jorge, and A. P. Gupta. "Data Quality and Indicators." American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences 2, no. 1 (January 1, 2007): 23–30.
Full textJohnson, Barry L., T. Damstra, Chris Derosa, C. Elmer, and M. Gilbert. "Workshop on Toxicological Data Quality Indicators." Toxicology and Industrial Health 9, no. 4 (July 1993): 577–604.
Full textIseni, Jeton, and Olaf Jacob. "I33 Data quality indicators for huntington’s disease observational studies; data quality indicators framework – an explorative study." Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 87, Suppl 1 (September 2016): A70.2—A70.
Full textWeiss, Manfred S. "Global indicators of X-ray data quality." Journal of Applied Crystallography 34, no. 2 (April 1, 2001): 130–35.
Full textCadarette, S. M., S. B. Jaglal, L. Raman-Wilms, D. E. Beaton, and J. M. Paterson. "Osteoporosis quality indicators using healthcare utilization data." Osteoporosis International 22, no. 5 (June 25, 2010): 1335–42.
Full textWeiss, M. S., and R. Hilgenfeld. "Global Indicators of X-ray Data Quality." Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations of Crystallography 56, s1 (August 25, 2000): s105.
Full textPulido Moncada, Mansonia, Donald Gabriels, and Wim M. Cornelis. "Data-driven analysis of soil quality indicators using limited data." Geoderma 235-236 (December 2014): 271–78.
Full textPickering, Ashley E., Petrus Malherbe, Joan Nambuba, Corey B. Bills, Emilie Calvello Hynes, and Brian Rice. "Clinical emergency care quality indicators in Africa: a scoping review and data summary." BMJ Open 13, no. 5 (May 2023): e069494.
Full textKolozsvári, László Róbert, and Imre Rurik. "Quality improvement in primary care. Financial incentives related to quality indicators in Europe." Orvosi Hetilap 154, no. 28 (July 2013): 1096–101.
Full textSchnelle, John F., Mary P. Cadogan, June Yoshii, Nahla R. Al-Samarrai, Dan Osterweil, Barbara M. Bates-Jensen, and Sandra F. Simmons. "The Minimum Data Set Urinary Incontinence Quality Indicators." Medical Care 41, no. 8 (August 2003): 909–22.
Full textRaffelsberger, Wolfgang, Doulaye Dembélé, Mike G. Neubauer, Marco M. Gottardis, and Hinrich Gronemeyer. "Quality Indicators Increase the Reliability of Microarray Data." Genomics 80, no. 4 (October 2002): 385–94.
Full textKollmann, Nils Patrick, Benedikt Langenberger, Reinhard Busse, and Christoph Pross. "Stability of hospital quality indicators over time: A multi-year observational study of German hospital data." PLOS ONE 18, no. 11 (November 7, 2023): e0293723.
Full textWeidema, Bo Pedersen, and Marianne Suhr Wesnæs. "Data quality management for life cycle inventories—an example of using data quality indicators." Journal of Cleaner Production 4, no. 3-4 (January 1996): 167–74.
Full textKrzyzanowska, Monika K., Melanie Lynn Powis, Nathan Taback, Christina Diong, Katherine Enright, Christopher M. Booth, and Maureen E. Trudeau. "Reliability of administrative data for evaluating quality of systemic cancer treatment." Journal of Clinical Oncology 35, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2017): e18269-e18269.
Full textPowis, Melanie Lynn, Nathan Taback, Christina Diong, Katherine Enright, Christopher M. Booth, Maureen E. Trudeau, and Monika K. Krzyzanowska. "Reliability of administrative data for evaluating the quality of systemic treatment for cancer." Journal of Clinical Oncology 35, no. 8_suppl (March 10, 2017): 208.
Full textSafitri, Risa Hani, I. Gusti Agung Bagus Mataram, and I. Putu Krisna Arta Widana. "Analysis of Receptionist Service Quality to Increase Guest Satisfaction at Hotel Yusro Jombang." International Journal of Green Tourism Research and Applications 3, no. 2 (December 28, 2021): 58.
Full textWindhager, Florian, Saminu Salisu, and Eva Mayr. "Exhibiting Uncertainty: Visualizing Data Quality Indicators for Cultural Collections." Informatics 6, no. 3 (July 31, 2019): 29.
Full textvan Hintum, Theo, Frank Menting, and Elisabeth van Strien. "Quality indicators for passport data in ex situ genebanks." Plant Genetic Resources 9, no. 3 (May 11, 2011): 478–85.
Full textGüdemann, Laura, and Ralf Münnich. "Quality and Sensitivity of Composite Indicators for Sustainable Development." Austrian Journal of Statistics 52, no. 5 (September 11, 2023): 82–100.
Full textCorreia, Rebecca H., Darly Dash, Aaron Jones, Meredith Vanstone, Komal Aryal, Henry Yu-Hin Siu, Aquila Gopaul, and Andrew P. Costa. "Primary care quality for older adults: Practice-based quality measures derived from a RAND/UCLA appropriateness method study." PLOS ONE 19, no. 1 (January 19, 2024): e0297505.
Full textLi, Hao, Ziwen Yu, Lingyu Song, Xia Chen, WenWu Tan, Peilun Li, Jianjun Zhang, Ke Xiao, Li Wang, and Haijun Lin. "Index Correlation Analysis in Water Quality Monitoring Big Data." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2504, no. 1 (May 1, 2023): 012059.
Full textBarnsley, Jan, Louise Lemieux-Charles, and G. Ross Baker. "Selecting Clinical Outcome Indicators for Monitoring Quality of Care." Healthcare Management Forum 9, no. 1 (April 1996): 5–12.
Full textPutrenko, V. V., and N. M. Pashynska. "THE USE OF REMOTE SENSING DATA FOR MODELING AIR QUALITY IN THE CITIES." ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences IV-5/W1 (December 13, 2017): 57–62.
Full textRantz, Marilyn J., Lori Popejoy, David R. Mehr, Mary Zwygart-Stauffacher, Lanis L. Hicks, Victoria Grando, Vicki S. Conn, Rose Porter, Jill Scott, and Meridean Maas. "Verifying Nursing Home Care Quality Using Minimum Data Set Quality Indicators and Other Quality Measures." Journal of Nursing Care Quality 12, no. 2 (December 1997): 54–62.
Full textZhao, Jing, and Qi Guo. "Intelligent Assessment for Visual Quality of Streets: Exploration Based on Machine Learning and Large-Scale Street View Data." Sustainability 14, no. 13 (July 4, 2022): 8166.
Full textZuniga, F., C. Blatter, and M. Simon. "DATA QUALITY OF NATIONAL QUALITY INDICATORS AND THEIR ACCEPTANCE IN SWISS NURSING HOMES." Innovation in Aging 2, suppl_1 (November 1, 2018): 421.
Full textZimmerman, David R. "Improving nursing home quality of care through outcomes data: the MDS quality indicators." International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 18, no. 3 (2003): 250–57.
Full textSong, Longhao. "University Employment Quality Evaluation System Based on Multicriteria Decision and Data Analysis." Scientific Programming 2021 (December 28, 2021): 1–7.
Full textOwen, J. B., and J. F. Wilson. "Improving quality of care: Challenges to implementing quality indicators." Journal of Clinical Oncology 24, no. 18_suppl (June 20, 2006): 16030.
Full textTelles, Tiago S., Ana J. Righetto, Marco A. P. Lourenço, and Graziela M. C. Barbosa. "No-tillage system participatory quality index." Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 24, no. 2 (February 2020): 128–33.
Full textPetzold, Thomas, Stefanie Deckert, Paula R. Williamson, and Jochen Schmitt. "Quality Measurement Recommendations Relevant to Clinical Guidelines in Germany and the United Kingdom: (What) Can We Learn From Each Other?" INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55 (January 1, 2018): 004695801876149.
Full textEarle, Craig C., Elyse R. Park, Bonnie Lai, Jane C. Weeks, John Z. Ayanian, and Susan Block. "Identifying Potential Indicators of the Quality of End-of-Life Cancer Care From Administrative Data." Journal of Clinical Oncology 21, no. 6 (March 15, 2003): 1133–38.
Full textVink, Karina, Md Nasif Ahsan, Hisaya Sawano, and Miho Ohara. "Global Water-Related Risk Indicators: Meta-Analysis of Indicator Requirements." Journal of Disaster Research 12, no. 2 (March 16, 2017): 355–67.
Full textKorytnikova, Nadezhda V. "Paradata as Indicators of Online Survey Data Quality: Classification Experience." Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, no. 3 (March 2021): 111–20.
Full textGuthrie, Bruce, Melanie Inkster, and Tom Fahey. "Tackling therapeutic inertia: role of treatment data in quality indicators." BMJ 335, no. 7619 (September 13, 2007): 542–44.
Full textJohantgen, Meg, Anne Elixhauser, Judy K. Ball, Marsha Goldfarb, and D. Robert Harris. "Quality Indicators Using Hospital Discharge Data: State and National Applications." Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement 24, no. 2 (February 1998): 88–105.
Full textCiofoaia, Victor, Mark J. Metwally, and Stephen O'Mahony. "Data Mining Electronic Medical Records to Determine Colonoscopy Quality Indicators." Gastroenterology 140, no. 5 (May 2011): S—568.
Full textFogliaroni, Paolo, Fausto D’Antonio, and Eliseo Clementini. "Data trustworthiness and user reputation as indicators of VGI quality." Geo-spatial Information Science 21, no. 3 (July 3, 2018): 213–33.
Full textBright, Jonathan, Stefano De Sabbata, Sumin Lee, Bharath Ganesh, and David K. Humphreys. "OpenStreetMap data for alcohol research: Reliability assessment and quality indicators." Health & Place 50 (March 2018): 130–36.
Full textJeanne, M., A. Lamer, B. Tavernier, R. Logier, and B. Vallet. "Automatic acquisition of anaesthesia quality indicators in a data warehouse." European Journal of Anaesthesiology 30 (June 2013): 54.
Full textZhou, Zhengjie, Leon D. Wegner, and Bruce F. Sparling. "Data quality indicators for vibration-based damage detection and localization." Engineering Structures 230 (March 2021): 111703.
Full textRybalova, O., O. Bryhada, and O. Ilinskyi. "METHOD OF DETERMINING THE ECOLOGICAL COMPONENT QUALITY OF LIFE." Municipal economy of cities 4, no. 164 (October 1, 2021): 220–33.
Full textYang, Yide. "Rapid Patent Quality Evaluation Method Based on Big Data Analysis: Chinese Invention Patentsas Sample." Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences 7, no. 1 (September 13, 2023): 343–49.
Full textCourtney, Mary, Maria T. O'Reilly, Helen Edwards, and Stacey Hassall. "Benchmarking clinical indicators of quality for Australian residential aged care facilities." Australian Health Review 34, no. 1 (2010): 93.
Full textSowińska-Świerkosz, Barbara, and Malwina Michalik-Śnieżek. "The Methodology of Landscape Quality (LQ) Indicators Analysis Based on Remote Sensing Data: Polish National Parks Case Study." Sustainability 12, no. 7 (April 2, 2020): 2810.
Full textNovis, David A., Stephen Renner, Richard Friedberg, Molly K. Walsh, and Andrew J. Saladino. "Quality Indicators of Blood Utilization." Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 126, no. 2 (February 1, 2002): 150–56.
Full textShen, Yongjun, Da Ruan, Elke Hermans, Tom Brijs, Geert Wets, and Koen Vanhoof. "Modeling qualitative data in data envelopment analysis for composite indicators." International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 2, no. 1 (March 2011): 21–30.
Full textKronenberg, Christoph, Tim Doran, Maria Goddard, Tony Kendrick, Simon Gilbody, Ceri R. Dare, Lauren Aylott, and Rowena Jacobs. "Identifying primary care quality indicators for people with serious mental illness: a systematic review." British Journal of General Practice 67, no. 661 (July 3, 2017): e519-e530.
Full textNurhaida, Ida, Inge Dhamanti, Vina Ayumi, Fitri Yakub, and Benny Tjahjono. "Hospital quality classification based on quality indicator data during the COVID-19 pandemic." International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 14, no. 4 (August 1, 2024): 4365.
Full textZhou, Na, Chengchuan Chen, Yubei Liu, Zhaolan Yu, Aminu K. Bello, Yanhua Chen, and Ping Liu. "Assessing the quality of CKD care using process quality indicators: A scoping review." PLOS ONE 19, no. 12 (December 10, 2024): e0309973.
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