Academic literature on the topic 'DAC Report'
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Journal articles on the topic "DAC Report"
Rodriguez, María Victoria, Estefanía Butassi, Matías Funes, and Susana A. Zacchino. "Synergism between Terbinafine and a Neo-clerodane Dimer or a Monomer Isolated from Baccharis flabellata against Trichophyton rubrum." Natural Product Communications 14, no. 1 (January 2019): 1934578X1901400.
Full textObermeier, Fred W. "A report on DAC-87." ACM SIGDA Newsletter 17, no. 3 (September 1987): 39.
Full textSaba, Hussain, Craig Rosenfeld, Jean-Pierre Issa, John DiPersio, Azra Raza, Virginia Klimek, James Slack, Carlos de Castro, Karl Mettinger, and Hagop Kantarjian. "First Report of the Phase III North American Trial of Decitabine in Advanced Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)." Blood 104, no. 11 (November 16, 2004): 67.
Full textKashimura, Hiroshi, Takashi Inoue, Kuniaki Ogasawara, and Akira Ogawa. "Preoperative Evaluation of Neural Tracts by Use of Three-dimensional Anisotropy Contrast Imaging in a Patient with Brainstem Cavernous Angioma: Technical Case Report." Neurosurgery 52, no. 5 (May 1, 2003): 1226–30.
Full textShizu, Katsuyuki, Jiyoung Lee, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Hiroko Nomura, Takuma Yasuda, Hironori Kaji, and Chihaya Adachi. "Highly efficient electroluminescence from purely organic donor–acceptor systems." Pure and Applied Chemistry 87, no. 7 (July 1, 2015): 627–38.
Full textLong, Huei, Chi-Tan Hu, and Ching-Feng Weng. "Antrodia Cinnamomea Prolongs Survival in a Patient with Small Cell Lung Cancer." Medicina 55, no. 10 (September 26, 2019): 640.
Full textFoster, Harry, Rob Oshana, Jorg Henkel, and Vivek De. "Report on the Design Automation Conference (DAC 2021)." IEEE Design & Test 39, no. 1 (February 2022): 97–99.
Full textChen, Ping, William Blum, Josephine Aimiuwu, Vijayasarathi Upadhyayula, Zhongfa Liu, Shujun Liu, Jiuxia Pang, et al. "Quantification of Intracellular Decitabine-Triphosphate with A Novel, Highly Sensitive and Specific LC-MS/MS Assay in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Treated with Low Dose Decitabine." Blood 114, no. 22 (November 20, 2009): 3782.
Full textDeZern, Amy E., Amer M. Zeidan, John Barnard, Wesley Hand, Najla Al Ali, Francis Brown, Cassie Zimmerman, et al. "Differential Response to Hypomethylating Agents Based on Sex: A Report on Behalf of the MDS Clinical Research Consortium (MDS CRC)." Blood 126, no. 23 (December 3, 2015): 2889.
Full textMa, Yunju, Changju Qu, Haiping Dai, Sining Liu, Qingya Cui, Wei Cui, Jia Yin, et al. "Decitabine in Combination with Fludarabine and Cyclophosphamide As Lymphodepletion Regimen Followed By CD19/CD22 Bispecific Targeted CAR-T Therapy Significantly Improves Survival in Relapsed/Refractory B-ALL Patients: A Pilot Study." Blood 138, Supplement 1 (November 5, 2021): 1754.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "DAC Report"
Darpy, Denis. "La procrastination du consommateur : une contribution à l'explication du report d'achat." Paris 9, 1999.
Full textQuilice, Thiago Ferreira. "Aspectos positivos e negativos no modelo de reporte proposto pela GRI: a opinião das organizações que reportam." Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.
Full textThe practice of disclosing sustainability reporting is becoming common in organizations throughout the world; especially in Brazil, there is a strong upward trend in the adoption of this practice. The objective of this study was to identify positive and negative aspects in the framework for sustainability reporting proposed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), according to the opinion of the staff responsible for the report; this information is important because few studies investigate the sustainability reports from this point of view and because it offers to GRI specific points to be improved. Held data collection by means of open questions that evaluated: why report sustainability reports; positive aspects in the guidelines; and negative aspects of the proposed guidelines. The investigation of responses obtained was through content analysis, using an exploratory qualitative approach. As a result, there are seven categories on why organizations issue a sustainability report: management support, market monitoring, accountability, contribute to other companies, going public, stakeholder relations and improve the company\'s image. The categories of positive aspects are: improved management of the company, provides a marketing tool, the proposed method for preparing the report tab, possibility of legitimation and helps in benchmarking. And the categories of negative aspects: difficulties in the proposed process, internal difficulties, model of the final report, evaluation reports, external view of the reports, indicators, use the report as a marketing tool and focus on large companies. In conclusion, it was found that companies encounter on the GRI guidelines more than one reporting model, came to represent a management tool for sustainability; However, the negative aspects identified jeopardize the effectiveness of the project reporting, mainly due to excessive flexibility of reporting, which allows the issuance of various types of reports, many of which little goals and likely to contain unreliable information. Then are suggested some proposals for improvements, including propose a summary table that provides the reader with an overview of the organization\'s performance in sustainability, propose a specific model of the final report and develop a new standard for classification od reports.
Avila, Rosa M. "The Getting Ready to Learn Program: An Impact Report." [Tampa, Fla] : University of South Florida, 2008.
Full textHester, Jessica Green. "A report on an internship with the National D-Day Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2002.
Full textBlagrove, Mark Thomas. "The narrative of dream reports." Thesis, Brunel University, 1989.
Full textZinchenko, Yulia. "IBM Cognos Report Studio as an Effective Tool for Human Capital Reporting." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013.
Full textWolfgeher, Stephane L. "Inflation of USAF officer performance reports analyzing the organizational environment." Thesis, Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 2009.
Full textThesis Advisor(s): Jansen, Erik. Second Reader: Greenshields, Brian. "December 2009." Description based on title screen as viewed on January 27, 2010. Author(s) subject terms: Evaluation, Inflation, Officer performance report, Officer evaluation system, OPR, OER, Open system, Congruence in organizations, Organizational change, Military reward systems. Includes bibliographical references (p. 83-89). Also available in print.
Santos, Hélder Guimarães de Oliveira. "Portuguese sell-side analysts' reports: can they deliver?" Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2011.
Full textThis paper studies the importance of Portuguese financial sell-side analysts’ reports by testing reliability in firms’ Price Target calculation and information aptitude (deliver ability) in the content of sell-side analysts’ reports. The importance of sell-side analysts reports has long been studied, mainly in two different perspectives: the consequences of their work (market price reactions, trading strategies based in analysts’ recommendations) and the externalizations that influence their work (herding and bias behaviors). We believe that before either perspective can explain their value, analysts through their reports should be able to deliver the information users need and offer coherent calculation that justifies the Price Targets. We explore and encode the complete content of 73 reports from PSI20 listed companies, and apply consistency and reliability procedures to test them. Informativeness is tested against an ideal report (built mainly from the Jenkins Report conclusions). To test reliability in the Prices Targets calculations we investigate if the method and the parameters of the evaluation are clearly disclosed and if the calculative procedure is according to the theoretical conventions.
O presente trabalho propõe-se avaliar a importância dos analistas financeiros Portugueses testando para isso a fiabilidade no cálculo dos Price Targets e a capacidade informativa dos relatórios que produzem. A utilidade dos analistas financeiros tem sido há muito estudada, por norma através de duas perspectivas: avaliando as consequências do seu trabalho (reacção dos mercados às suas recomendações e estratégias de investimento baseadas nessas mesmas recomendações) e por outro lado considerando as variáveis exógenas que influenciam o seu trabalho (comportamentos tendenciosos e de “arrebanhamento”). Acreditamos que antes de avaliar a pertinência destas perspectivas, importa averiguar se através dos relatórios que produzem os analistas financeiros fornecem a informação que os seus utilizadores necessitam. Para isso examinamos e codificamos 73 relatórios financeiros de empresas que integram o PSI20, testando-os em termos de informatividade e fiabilidade. A capacidade informativa é testada em confronto com um relatório ideal (baseado nas conclusões do Relatório Jenkins). Para testar a confiabilidade no cálculo dos Price Targets investigamos se o método e os parâmetros utilizados são expressos com clareza e se o processo de cálculo está em conformidade com aquilo que são os princípios teóricos aceites.
Gentile, Eduardo. "Representations of the human rights of brazilian women in a 1977 OAS Report." Florianópolis, SC, 2005.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2013-07-15T23:56:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 221526.pdf: 836562 bytes, checksum: ca5bd58da5a45846e6451912f0a8f717 (MD5)
Partindo de uma perspectiva lingüística de análise do discurso, esta pesquisa investiga a situação dos direitos humanos no Brasil, focalizando os direitos da mulher, em relação à discriminação de gênero e à violência doméstica. Documentos descritivos e normativos do assunto foram publicados por instituições governamentais internacionais e nacionais e também por instituições não-governamentais como movimentos feministas. Entretanto, poucos estudos foram realizados para investigar esses documentos e desvendar as realidades representadas. Considerando o exposto, analiso um dos capítulos do 'Relatório da Situação dos Direitos Humanos no Brasil', elaborado em 1997 pela OEA, intitulado 'Os Direitos Humanos da Mulher no Brasil'. Desenvolvo esta pesquisa baseando meus objetivos na perspectiva do discurso de Fairclough e de Halliday, na qual as identidades e hierarquias sociais são criadas e mantidas através do discurso entre os membros da sociedade. Utilizo a teoria e método da Lingüística Sistêmica Funcional de Halliday para analisar os processos de transitividade que ocorrem no objeto de estudo, para obter as respostas às perguntas da pesquisa. Com este procedimento, a análise revela que as mulheres são representadas como vítimas das violações aos seus direitos humanos, assim como responsáveis por algumas dessas violações e, ao mesmo tempo, ocupam uma posição de submissão na sociedade. Esta pesquisa representa uma contribuição na busca de soluções que possam ajudar a atenuar o problema.
Hart, Timothy C. "Respondent fatigue in self-report victim surveys : examining a source of nonsampling error from three perspectives." [Tampa, Fla] : University of South Florida, 2006.
Full textBooks on the topic "DAC Report"
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Development Assistance Committee. Second monitoring report on the implementation of the DAC guiding principles to aid agencies for supporting the role of women in development. Paris: O.E.C.D., 1988.
Find full textDAC Task Force on Conflict, Peace, and Development Co-operation. and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Development Co-operation Directorate., eds. Informal DAC Task Force on Conflict, Peace and Development Co-operation: Report on the regional consultation on conflict, peace and development co-operation : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 15-17, November, 1999. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2000.
Find full textRuoqian, Zhu, ed. Lun wen xie zuo dao lun. Beijing: Hai yang chu ban she, 1993.
Find full textSaleh, K. Wantjik. Intisari yurisprudensi, pidana dan perdata. 3rd ed. Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita, 1985.
Find full textAgung, Indonesia Mahkamah. Yurisprudensi hukum pidana dan perdata. Jakarta: BP. Cipta Jaya, 1999.
Find full textBarker, Bruce. Periodic dam safety report: Hunters Dam. Olympia, Wash: Water Resources Program, Dam Safety Section, Washington State Dept. of Ecology, 1992.
Find full text1929-, Harada Keiichi, ed. MLA Eigo ronbun no tebiki: Dai 4-han. To kyo: Hokuseido Shoten, 1998.
Find full textCummings, Dave. Periodic dam safety inspection report: Trout Creek Dam periodic inspection report. Olympia, Wash: Water Resources Program, Dam Safety Office, Washington State Dept. of Ecology, 2000.
Find full textCummings, David. Periodic dam safety inspection report: Casad Dam. Olympia, Wash: Water Resources Program, Dam Safety Section, Washington State Dept. of Ecology, 1994.
Find full textJohnson, Douglas L. Periodic dam safety inspection report, Ponderosa Dam. Olympia, Wash: Water Resources Program, Dam Safety Section, Washington State Dept. of Ecology, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "DAC Report"
Wolf-Ostermann, Karin, and Ursula Kremer-Preiß. "Neue Wohnformen – ein Königsweg für die „Junge Pflege“?" In Pflege-Report 2022, 197–206. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.
Full textMesserle, Robert, Jonas Schreyögg, and Ferdinand M. Gerlach. "Patientenorientierte Notfallsteuerung." In Krankenhaus-Report 2021, 43–67. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textSchumann, Frank, Christian Pälmke, and Katharina Lange. "„Aus dem Schatten ins Rampenlicht“: Versorgungssettings und Unterstützungsbedarfe in der häuslichen Pflege durch Angehörige sind vielfältig." In Pflege-Report 2022, 219–31. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.
Full textBettig, Uwe. "Steuerungsinstrumente für Einrichtungen: Innovative Ansätze zur Steuerung der Leistungserbringung." In Pflege-Report 2020, 177–89. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020.
Full textMostert, Carina, and Andreas Pritzkau. "Krankenhaus-Directory 2020 – DRG-Krankenhäuser im Vergleich." In Krankenhaus-Report 2022, 383–97. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.
Full textMostert, Carina, and Andreas Pritzkau. "Krankenhaus-Directory 2019 – DRG-Krankenhäuser im Vergleich." In Krankenhaus-Report 2021, 477–91. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textRäker, Miriam, Sören Matzk, Andreas Büscher, Gerald Willms, Abdel Hakim Bayarassou, Nahne-Alina Knizia, Constance Stegbauer, Markus Hopp, and Antje Schwinger. "Außerklinische Intensivpflege nach dem IPReG – eine Standortbestimmung anhand von AOK-Abrechnungsdaten." In Pflege-Report 2022, 119–37. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.
Full textLingnau, Ruth, Karl Blum, Gerald Willms, Thorsten Pollmann, Philipp Gohmann, and Björn Broge. "Entlassmanagement – Status quo und Lösungsansätze zur Verbesserung." In Krankenhaus-Report 2021, 83–98. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textStörk, Stefan, Frank Peters-Klimm, Julian Bleek, Rajko Ninic, and Andreas Klöss. "Sektorübergreifende Versorgung bei Herzinsuffizienz." In Krankenhaus-Report 2021, 109–30. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textWehrbein, Heike, and Melanie Hanemann. "Ausgezeichnete Quartiersarbeit – Modelle für die Vernetzung von Pflege und bürgerschaftlichem Engagement." In Pflege-Report 2021, 209–17. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "DAC Report"
Downey, Kris, Alan R. Parkinson, and Kenneth W. Chase. "Smart Assemblies for Robust Design: A Progress Report." In ASME 2002 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.
Full textSimpson, Timothy W., Janet K. Allen, and Farrokh Mistree. "Spatial Correlation Metamodels for Global Approximation in Structural Design Optimization." In ASME 1998 Design Engineering Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.
Full textTokunaga, Hitoshi, Norio Matsuki, Satoshi Imamura, Fumiki Tanaka, and Takeshi Kishinami. "Reconfiguration of Kinematic Structure for Changing Motion Requirement Based on Reusability Evaluation in Lie Algebra." In ASME 2002 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.
Full textUpasani, Amit V., Chetan Kapoor, and Delbert Tesar. "Survey of Available Sensor Technology for Robotic Hands." In ASME 1999 Design Engineering Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999.
Full textAllen, R. H., S. Nidamarthi, S. P. Regalla, and R. D. Sriram. "Enhancing Collaboration Using an Internet Integrated Workbench." In ASME 1999 Design Engineering Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999.
Full textMao, Deng, Md Samiul Alam, Mahdi Parvizi, Eslam El-Fiky, Ahmad Abdo, Naim Ben-Hamida, and David V. Plant. "Compact Silicon Photonics Meandered Mach-Zehnder Modulator." In CLEO: Science and Innovations. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2022.
Full textMayer, Robert R., Brian Peterson, Raj Mishra, and Anil Sachdev. "The Effect of Tempering (Artificial Aging) on the Crashworthiness Performance of Mass-Efficient Extruded Aluminum Structures." In ASME 2003 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2003.
Full textVallhagen, Johan. "Axiomatic Design Applied to Manufacturing Systems Design." In ASME 1996 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.
Full textLupien, Simon, Patrick Lessard, Jean-Christophe Demers, Guillaume Lambert, Pascal Bigras, and Thiagas S. Sankar. "A Versatile Design Platform for a Walking Robot in Harsh Environments." In ASME 2001 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.
Full textAllen, R. H., S. Nidamarthi, P. V. M. Rao, R. Rhorer, R. D. Sriram, and E. C. Teague. "Collaborating on the Design and Manufacture of an Atomic Artifact Transport System: A Case Study in VRML As a Visualization Tool for Consensus Building." In ASME 1998 Design Engineering Technical Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1998.
Full textReports on the topic "DAC Report"
Wilson, James E. 40 GSps, 6-bit RF DAC Design Report. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2011.
Full textMilican, Juliet. Mapping Best Practice Guidelines in working with Civil Society Organisations. Institute of Development Studies, April 2022.
Full textOzano, Kim. Cross Country Study on Integration of HIV, TB and Malaria in Uganda, Nigeria, Mozambique, DRC, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Institute of Development Studies, April 2022.
Full textEvenson, Kelly R., Ty A. Ridenour, Jacqueline Bagwell, and Robert D. Furberg. Sustaining Physical Activity Following Cardiac Rehabilitation Discharge. RTI Press, February 2021.
Full textEckerlin, Richard D., and Dennis Larson. Wynoochee Dam Foundation Report. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1988.
Full textGaylord, J., S. Ruppert, G. Abdulla, and D. Laney. DOE Data Day Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2019.
Full textDafoe, R. E., D. A. Lopez, and K. L. Williams. DPC loading feasibility study report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1997.
Full textGolden, Susan S. DOE final report 100608.doc. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2008.
Full textZuehlke, A. C. DACS upgrade acceptance test report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1994.
Full textHillson, Todd, Sharon Lind, and William Price. McNary Dam, Ice Harbor Dam, and Lower Monumental Dam Smolt Monitoring Program; 1996 Annual Report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 1997.
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