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SWIDERSKI, Chloé. "Pollifauniflor : le couvert pluriannuel pollinisateurs et faune sauvage compatible en zone de production de semences." Sciences Eaux & Territoires, no. 40 (June 27, 2022): xx.

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La production de semences potagères n’est pas toujours compatible avec la présence de bandes ou de jachères fleuries, notamment lorsque les fleurs introduites aux abords des cultures détournent les abeilles à leur profit. Le mélange PolliFauniFlor a été élaboré afin de répondre à cette problématique. Composé de dix espèces annuelles et vivaces, le couvert présente une attractivité modérée pour les abeilles domestiques. Sa période de floraison étalée et complémentaire aux périodes de floraison des porte-graines permet d’attirer une multitude de pollinisateurs sauvages à proximité de ces cultures. Enfin, le couvert fleuri constitue une zone de refuge, d'alimentation et de reproduction de la faune sauvage.
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Buchsenschutz, Olivier. "Les Celtes et la formation de l’Empire romain." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 59, no. 2 (April 2004): 337–61.

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RésuméLa romanisation du monde celtique est un phénomène progressif, étalé dans le temps et dans l’espace. L’archéologie permet de définir aujourd’hui un fonds commun aux cultures continentales et méditerranéennes, puis des emprunts qui sont traduits et intégrés dans l’évolution des cultures nord-alpines, enfin la transformation radicale de ces dernières à partir du IIe siècle avant J.-C., qui ouvre la voie à une culture urbaine. La fusion est réalisable à partir du moment où le système républicain romain des alliances, bousculé par l’ambition des généraux, est remplacé par la politique impériale. Les territoires celtiques septentrionaux sont invités à entrer dans le système, pour peu que les cités acceptent le mode de vie romain et, bientôt, le culte impérial. Les transformations radicales des agglomérations, après une ultime floraison d’oppida, manifestent concrètement cette adhésion. A` travers quelques exemples, on voit que les transformations internes du monde celtique au IIe siècle avant J.-C. ouvraient la voie à une fusion, et que l’idéologie impériale, en Gaule comme dans d’autres provinces plus proches culturellement de l’Italie, la rendaient politiquement possible.
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Mikou, Karima, and Philippe Badila. "Induction photopériodique de l'organogenèse et de la floraison in vitro chez le Cichorium intybus: aspects histologiques." Canadian Journal of Botany 70, no. 6 (June 1, 1992): 1302–11.

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In root explants of a long-day plant, Cichorium intybus L., grown in vitro, inflorescences were produced under short-day conditions (9 h) if long days were applied on days 10 to 18 of culture. Long days consisted of either 16 h fluorescent light (5.6 W∙m−2) or daily cycles of 9 h white fluorescent plus 15 h red (660 nm, 0.3 W∙m−2) or blue (440 nm, 0.5 W∙m−2) light. The structural changes in the meristems of buds regenerated under these conditions were studied. The influence of photoperiod appeared to be critical between the 10th and 16th days, during the progressive transition from vegetative to prefloral stage, which occurred more rapidly under photoperiodic conditions with red or blue light. In noninductive short days, intermediate meristems could be observed tardily on day 24, but no flower formation took place after transfer to long days. Increasing the quantity of light under short-day conditions up to a level comparable to long-day conditions resulted in a rise in mitotic activity, mainly in the peripheral zone of the meristem, but the vegetative zonation was retained. These data therefore indicate that the duration of light really commits the meristem to the subsequent formation of flower primordia; in contrast, the quantity of light controls the bud formation during the first part of development. Key words: Cichorium, tissue cultures, flowering, meristems, organogenesis, photoperiodism.
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BELLOSTA, HÉLÈNE. "LE TRAITÉ DE THĀBIT IBN QURRA SUR LA FIGURE SECTEUR." Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14, no. 1 (March 2004): 145–68.

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Suscités par la reprise massive de la recherche en astronomie au IXe siècle dans le monde islamique et essentiellement à Bagdad, laquelle nécessite des outils mathématiques nouveaux, une floraison de traités, tant astronomiques que mathématiques, voit le jour à cette époque. D'entre les traités mathématiques, un certain nombre est consacré à la ‘‘figure secteur” (al-shakl al-qattā‘), c’est-à-dire au théorème dit ‘‘de Ménélaüs” sur la sphère, lequel généralise le théorème dit ‘‘de Ménélaüs” dans le plan. Ce théorème de Ménélaüs sur la sphère, ou règle des six quantités, est, en l’absence du théorème des sinus sur la sphère, lequel ne date que de la deuxième moitié du Xe siècle, le principal outil de l'astronomie sphérique. Le traité de Thābit ibn Qurra (mort en 901) sur La figure secteur est le premier de ces traités consacrés au théorème de Ménélaüs, tant dans le plan que sur la sphère, à nous être parvenu; point de départ de tout un courant, il influencera profondément le développement ultérieur de la géométrie sphérique. Ce traité, qui est en fait une épître adressée à un correspondant malheureusement anonyme, présente en outre l'intérêt de montrer que, dans le milieu scientifique de cette époque à Bagdad, beaucoup s'intéressaient à ce théorème, essayaient d'en énoncer d'autres cas de figure et de compléter la démonstration qu'en donne Ptolémée dans l'Almageste.
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McFarland, Karen N., Carolina Ceballos, Awilda Rosario, Thomas Ladd, Brenda Moore, Griffin Golde, Xue Wang, et al. "Microglia show differential transcriptomic response to Aβ peptide aggregates ex vivo and in vivo." Life Science Alliance 4, no. 7 (June 14, 2021): e202101108.

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Aggregation and accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) is a defining feature of Alzheimer’s disease pathology. To study microglial responses to Aβ, we applied exogenous Aβ peptide, in either oligomeric or fibrillar conformation, to primary mouse microglial cultures and evaluated system-level transcriptional changes and then compared these with transcriptomic changes in the brains of CRND8 APP mice. We find that primary microglial cultures have rapid and massive transcriptional change in response to Aβ. Transcriptomic responses to oligomeric or fibrillar Aβ in primary microglia, although partially overlapping, are distinct and are not recapitulated in vivo where Aβ progressively accumulates. Furthermore, although classic immune mediators show massive transcriptional changes in the primary microglial cultures, these changes are not observed in the mouse model. Together, these data extend previous studies which demonstrate that microglia responses ex vivo are poor proxies for in vivo responses. Finally, these data demonstrate the potential utility of using microglia as biosensors of different aggregate conformation, as the transcriptional responses to oligomeric and fibrillar Aβ can be distinguished.
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Alors, David, Pradeep Kumar Divakar, Anjuli Calchera, Imke Schmitt, Ana Crespo, and María Carmen Molina. "The Temporal Variation of Secondary Metabolites in the Mycobiont Culture and Thallus of Parmelina carporrhizans and Parmelina quercina Analyzed using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography." Separations 10, no. 7 (July 11, 2023): 399.

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Lichens are composite organisms that produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites; many of the compounds have a high potential as bioactive compounds. The major limitations of using bioactive compounds from lichens is their slow growth rate and the damage to environmental populations caused by massive collection. The alternative to the massive collection of lichens in the field is their culture under laboratory conditions. We chose two related lichen species of Parmeliaceae that produce similar metabolites and isolated from spores in cultures placed under axenic conditions for over 550 days. From these cultures, we sampled 35 mg of each species from different culture media at two sampling times. The samples were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to detect and identify major compounds. We found no differences in the metabolites produced within the species in comparisons between different culture media. Our results show that the mycobiont cultures produced different secondary metabolites than those found in natural lichen thalli. Moreover, different secondary metabolites between species and different metabolites over time were observed. We conclude that mycobiont cultures are a promising alternative for determining bioactive compounds and enhancing the efficiency of growth and production. These could be a good option for eco-friendly metabolite production.
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McGuire, Michael. "Cultures de Guerre in Picardy, 1917." Historical Reflections/Réflexions Historiques 42, no. 3 (December 1, 2016): 29–50.

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In 1917 French and foreign agents reconstructed sections of Picardy destroyed by Operation Alberich, a “scorched-earth” program implemented by departing Germans. The region’s unanticipated maltreatment led French Third Army forces to evaluate and assist Picardy’s devastated homesteads and refugee-residents. Under General Georges Humbert, the Third Army implemented juxtaposing reconstruction policies in Picardy. Along with inhabitants, bureaucrats, and German prisoners of war, the Third Army initiated “a regime of temporary aid” that repaired property and provisioned civilians. Humbert’s subordinates also evacuated residents judged too ill, infirm, treacherous, or indolent for massive reconstruction projects. When extemporized statist programs proved insufficient for Picardy’s civilians, French ministries invited American and British humanitarians to inaugurate complementary and supplementary rehabilitation schemes designed to revive rural society and commerce. The conflicting confluence of these individuals’ consensual, coercive, patriotic, and philanthropic cultures de guerre within Picardy helped residents “demobilize” as refugees and “remobilize” for continued participation in World War I.
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Islam, Muhammad Shahidul, and Muhammad Tanhab Hossaini. "Bangladesh: A Massive Fanbase of the Argentina Football Team." International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research 7, no. 1 (June 30, 2023): 30–31.

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Dear Editor, Football is known to be a game that transcends borders and brings people from different backgrounds and cultures together. Millions of people are currently actively following the football game [1]. In Bangladesh, football is one of the most popular sports, and fans of the game are known to be very passionate. However, what is interesting about Bangladesh’s football fanbase is the overwhelming support for the Argentina National Football Team. Despite being thousands of miles apart, Bangladeshis have developed a deep-rooted love for Argentina’s national football team. The present study will explore why Bangladesh has a massive Argentina fanbase in football.
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Koubaissi, Salwa A., Reem G. Al Assaad, Ziad Itani, and Imad Bouakl. "Black Urine and Methemoglobinemia in the Setting of Sepsis Due to Clostridium Perfringens." Clinical Medicine Insights: Case Reports 13 (January 2020): 117954762098189.

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Clostridium Perfringens is an anaerobic gram-positive bacillus able to produce different types of toxins and can cause septicemia. The mechanism is through translocation from a previously colonized gastrointestinal or genital tract. Massive intravascular hemolysis induced by this bacterium is a rare presentation reported in only 7% to 15% of cases of Clostridium Perfringens bacteremia with a mortality rate reaching 90%.We present the case of a middle-aged man with metastatic melanoma having black-colored urine as the first sign of massive hemolysis along with mild methemoglobinemia. Despite timely management, the patient progressed into septic shock with severe hypoxia and passed away. Postmortem, blood cultures grew clostridium perfringens. Black-colored urine and blood samples, sepsis-induced mild methemoglobinemia and acute massive hemolysis should raise concern for Clostridium Perfringens sepsis in the appropriate clinical settings.
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Beauvais, François, Olivier Cantat, Philippe Madeline, Patrick Le Gouée, Sophie Brunel-Muguet, and Mohand Medjkane. "Quelles conséquences du changement climatique sur le blé tendre en Normandie aux horizons 2050 et 2100 ?" Climatologie 16 (2019): 129–60.

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En Normandie, la culture du blé qui occupe 24 % de la SAU régionale tient une place importante parmi les productions végétales. Le changement climatique peut-il avoir des conséquences sur le cycle de cette céréale et perturber les pratiques et les espaces concernés ? Cet article projette la phénologie et les performances culturales de l’agrosystème céréalier régional d’ici la fin du 21ème siècle. Il s’appuie sur une modélisation bioclimatique qui mobilise les données CNRM-2014 du CNRS et de Météo-France sorties du modèle régional ALADIN-Climat pour trois scénarios RCP du GIEC. Dans le cas de dates de semis inchangées aux horizons 2050 et 2100 et d’un changement climatique prononcé, l’élévation des températures engendrerait un raccourcissement du cycle et donc une anticipation calendaire de la phénologie. Ce qui éviterait un chevauchement de la fin du cycle avec la période estivale à laquelle sont associés des événements de sécheresse et de vagues de chaleur dont la fréquence pourrait augmenter dans les prochaines décennies. En conséquence, l’échaudage thermique et le déficit hydrique seraient moindres que ce que l’on pouvait envisager. Toutefois, cette précocité pourrait perturber des stades plus précoces de développement du blé tendre : basses températures à la méiose et déficit de rayonnement au début de la montaison. De plus, la douceur accrue des hivers pourrait engendrer une diminution du nombre de jours de vernalisation, phase nécessaire pour la floraison des variétés d’hiver. Cette étude démontre l’intérêt des modèles bioclimatiques pour envisager les modifications possibles de la phénologie des cultures attendus d'ici la fin du siècle.
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Xu, Yanan, and Patricia J. Harvey. "Mitosis Inhibitors Induce Massive Accumulation of Phytoene in the Microalga Dunaliella salina." Marine Drugs 19, no. 11 (October 21, 2021): 595.

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Phytoene is a colourless natural carotenoid that absorbs UV light and provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities as well as protection against photodamage. It is therefore valued for its skin health and aesthetic benefits by the cosmetic industry, as well as by the health food sector. The halotolerant green microalga Dunaliella salina is one of the richest sources of natural carotenoids. We have previously investigated the over-production of phytoene in D. salina after cultivation with the well-characterised mitosis inhibitor, chlorpropham. In this study, 15 herbicides with different modes of action were tested for their potential to promote phytoene accumulation. All herbicides showed different levels of capabilities to support phytoene over-production in D. salina. Most significantly, the two mitosis inhibitors tested in this study, propyzamide and chlorpropham, showed similar capacities to support the over-production of phytoene by D. salina cultures as phytoene desaturase inhibitors. The cellular content of phytoene increased by over 10-fold within 48 h of treatment with the mitosis inhibitors compared to untreated cultures. Results indicate a general effect of mitosis inhibitors on phytoene accumulation in D. salina. Furthermore, red light was found to significantly enhance the phytoene yield when used in combination with effective inhibitor treatments. Red light can be applied to maximize the production of phytoene from D. salina.
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Cordell, Tom, and Malcolm James. "Mutualism, massive and the city to come: Jungle Pirate Radio in 1990s London." Soundings 77, no. 77 (April 1, 2021): 109–20.

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1990s Britain was under Thatcherite continuity rule. But radio waves were appearing that carried fragments of the future: weekend broadcasts of a new kind of music - Jungle - were being illegally beamed across the city from the rooftops of tower blocks, appropriating them as the locus of an alternative cultural infrastructure. Pirate stations used newly emerging technologies to spread subversive sounds from the margins and to challenge dominant cultures.
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Guzoglu, Nilufer, Fatma Nur Demirkol, and Didem Aliefendioglu. "Haemorrhagic pneumonia caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in two newborns." Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 9, no. 05 (May 18, 2015): 533–35.

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Invasive procedures and antibiotic treatment increase the risk of nosocomial infections in neonatal intensive care units. Early identification and appropriate treatment is important. Herein we report two cases of massive hemorrhagic pneumonia caused by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. The first case was diagnosed with congenital pneumonia; a chest tube was inserted because of pneumothorax on the third day of life. The second case had been referred with respiratory distress syndrome, and bilateral pneumothorax was present on admission. Upon follow up, the cases’ clinical condition worsened; acute respiratory distress syndrome and massive pulmonary haemorrhage developed. After Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was isolated in blood cultures, the cases were treated successfully using a combination of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and fluoroquinolone.
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Syed, Sadia, and Muhammad R. Sohail. "2147. Human Infections due to Actinotignum Species: A 5-Year Retrospective Review at Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota." Open Forum Infectious Diseases 6, Supplement_2 (October 2019): S727—S728.

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Abstract Background We aim to investigate the incidence, clinical presentation, management, and outcome of infections due to Actinotignum species observed at Mayo Clinic Rochester over the last 5 years. Methods We searched the clinical microbiology laboratory database to identify isolates of Actinotignum spp. from all body sites between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2018. Results Fifty-four patients with positive culture with Actinotignum were identified. Mean age was 67 years and 27 (50%) had an underlying urogenital condition. Actinotignum was isolated in 26 urine cultures, 6 blood cultures, 12 abscess fluid cultures, and 10 bone/joint tissue cultures (Table 1). Fifteen (28%) specimens were monomicrobial while 39 (72%) were polymicrobial. Recovery from urine cultures was interpreted as colonization in 11 (20%) cases. Of the 54 patients with positive cultures, 43 patients had Actinotignum-associated clinical infection; 15 (35%) with urinary tract infections (11 with cystitis and 4 with pyelonephritis), 12 (28%) with abscesses (skin, intraabdominal, and surgical site infections), 10 (23%) with bone/joint infection, and 6 (14%) with bacteremia (Table 2). Most frequently isolated species was A. schaalii (n = 40); followed by 2 cases of A. sanguinis. Susceptibility testing (n = 40) showed that all stains were susceptible to penicillin (MIC< = 0.5), 36% were susceptible to clindamycin (MIC < = 2) and 10% susceptible to metronidazole (MIC < = 8). There was no recurrence of Actinotignum-related infections in any of the treated cases. Two patients with bone/joint infection underwent repeat surgical intervention due to worsening infection while on antibiotic treatment prior to resolution of infection. There was 1 death in a patient with bacteremia (polymicrobial) who had presented with a massive stroke (Table 3). Conclusion A. schaalii was most commonly associated with urinary tract infections followed by abscesses and bone/joint infections in elderly population. Majority of the infections were polymicrobial. All tested isolated were susceptible to penicillin; however, resistance was frequent for clindamycin and metronidazole. All appropriately treated patients had resolution of infection without recurrence from Actinotignum, except for one patient with bacteremia who died from massive stroke Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.
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Bartnik, B. L., B. HJ Juurlink, and R. M. Devon. "Macrophages: their myelinotrophic or neurotoxic actions depend upon tissue oxidative stress." Multiple Sclerosis Journal 6, no. 1 (February 2000): 37–42.

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There are still questions regarding whether macrophages found in MS lesions are agents of recovery or of destruction. To address this, we examined in aggregate cultures prepared from dissociated embryonic spinal cord tissue, with or without addition of exogenous macrophages, the effect of menadione-induced oxidative stress. Similar to findings of other laboratories, we observed that in the absence of oxidative stress macrophage enrichment promoted myelinogenesis. In macrophage-poor cultures, menadione at 5 μM had very little effect upon the status of the aggregate cultures; however, increasing this to 10 and 20 μM did result in some damage to axons and myelin. By contrast, in macrophage enriched cultures, menadione at a concentration as little as 5 μM caused the complete destruction of the aggregates. We suggest that in neural tissues that have sufficiently high macrophage numbers, oxidative stress results in a positive inflammatory feedback loop that results in massive tissue destruction. We further suggest that what we see in macrophage-enriched aggregates subjected to oxidative stress may represent what happens in the Marburg-type of MS lesion.
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Saldanha, Alok J., Matthew J. Brauer, and David Botstein. "Nutritional Homeostasis in Batch and Steady-State Culture of Yeast." Molecular Biology of the Cell 15, no. 9 (September 2004): 4089–104.

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We studied the physiological response to limitation by diverse nutrients in batch and steady-state (chemostat) cultures of S. cerevisiae. We found that the global pattern of transcription in steady-state cultures in limiting phosphate or sulfate is essentially identical to that of batch cultures growing in the same medium just before the limiting nutrient is completely exhausted. The massive stress response and complete arrest of the cell cycle that occurs when nutrients are fully exhausted in batch cultures is not observed in the chemostat, indicating that the cells in the chemostat are “poor, not starving.” Similar comparisons using leucine or uracil auxotrophs limited on leucine or uracil again showed patterns of gene expression in steady-state closely resembling those of corresponding batch cultures just before they exhaust the nutrient. Although there is also a strong stress response in the auxotrophic batch cultures, cell cycle arrest, if it occurs at all, is much less uniform. Many of the differences among the patterns of gene expression between the four nutrient limitations are interpretable in light of known involvement of the genes in stress responses or in the regulation or execution of particular metabolic pathways appropriate to the limiting nutrient. We conclude that cells adjust their growth rate to nutrient availability and maintain homeostasis in the same way in batch and steady state conditions; cells in steady-state cultures are in a physiological condition normally encountered in batch cultures.
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Laliberté, Sylvie, and Maurice Lalonde. "Histology and ultrastructure of caulogenic callus cultures of Larix ×eurolepis." Canadian Journal of Botany 68, no. 5 (May 1, 1990): 979–89.

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Caulogenic callus cultures intiated from vegetative short shoot buds of a mature Larix ×eurolepis Henry (hybrid larch) were studied by light and electron microscopy. Callus tissue showed a zonation in pigmentation, as color varied from green to tan and brown. Green areas displayed characteristics of actively growing tissues, contained numerous chloroplasts and starch granules, and showed a range in the amount of vacuolar tannin deposits. Vascular clusters were present in callus tissue associated with adventitious shoots, which were well vascularized. Tan and brown areas had massive amounts of starch granules, tannin deposits, and sclereids. Numerous cells in brown areas were in a senescent state. Browning of tissues increased with time during each subculture and was concomitant with an increase in shoot productivity. Extracellular substances were apparently extruded from primary cell walls in tan and brown areas. Key words: caulogenic calli, conifer, histology, Larix, tissue culture, ultrastructure.
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Rao, D. V. Subba, M. A. Quilliam, and R. Pocklington. "Domoic Acid—A Neurotoxic Amino Acid Produced by the Marine Diatom Nitzschia pungens in Culture." Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45, no. 12 (December 1, 1988): 2076–79.

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During late 1987, an outbreak of poisoning resulting from the ingestion of cultivated blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from a localized area in eastern Canada (Cardigan Bay, Prince Edward Island) was associated with massive blooms of Nitzschia pungens, a widely distributed diatom not previously known to produce toxins; human fatalities resulted. Here we provide proof that the causative agent, domoic acid, is indeed produced by this diatom. Although no domoic acid could be detected (<2 ng∙mL−1) in culture medium (FE) prepared from Cardigan River water, it was found in cultures of Nitzschia pungens grown in this medium at concentrations ranging from 0.03 to 0.8 pg∙cell−1 in various separate cultures harvested for chemical analysis 7–68 d after inoculation.
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GIANINAZZI, C., M. SCHILD, N. MÜLLER, S. L. LEIB, F. SIMON, S. NUÑEZ, P. JOSS, and B. GOTTSTEIN. "Organotypic slice cultures from rat brain tissue: a new approach forNaegleria fowleriCNS infectionin vitro." Parasitology 132, no. 6 (September 13, 2005): 797–804.

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The free-living amoebaNaegleria fowleriis the aetiological agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a disease leading to death in the vast majority of cases. In patients suffering from PAM, and in corresponding animal models, the brain undergoes a massive inflammatory response, followed by haemorrhage and severe tissue necrosis. Both,in vivoandin vitromodels are currently being used to study PAM infection. However, animal models may pose ethical issues, are dependent upon availability of specific infrastructural facilities, and are time-consuming and costly. Conversely, cell cultures lack the complex organ-specific morphology foundin vivo, and thus, findings obtainedin vitrodo not necessarily reflect the situationin vivo. The present study reports infection of organotypic slice cultures from rat brain withN. fowleriand compares the findings in this culture system within vivoinfection in a rat model of PAM, that proved complementary to that of mice. We found that brain morphology, as presentin vivo, is well retained in organotypic slice cultures, and that infection time-course including tissue damage parallels the observationsin vivoin the rat. Therefore, organotypic slice cultures from rat brain offer a newin vitroapproach to studyN. fowleriinfection in the context of PAM.
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Yavnikov, N. V., I. M. Kugelev, N. A. Kapay, and A. L. Moskvina. "To study the sensitivity of field strains of <i>Str. agalactiae</i> and <i>Str. uberis </i>— causative agents of cow mastitis to a drug based on marbofloxacin." Agrarian science 1, no. 8 (August 26, 2023): 36–40.

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An increase in the number of resistant strains of mastitis pathogens Str. agalactiae and Str. uberis is one of the causes of massive subclinical and clinical mastitis in cows. The aim of the study was to study the sensitivity of field strains of Str. Agalactiae and Str. uberis to the drug based on marbofloxacin «Marboflocin 10%» (LLC «AleksAnn»), as well as to a number of the most commonly used antibacterial drugs (ABP). Sensitivity to marbofloxacin was determined by the method of serial dilutions, to other antibacterial drugs — by the disco-diffusion method. 15 samples of breast secretions from cows with a clinical form of mastitis were examined, from which 15 cultures of streptococci were isolated, including Str. agalactiae and Str. uberis — in 53.3% of the samples. All isolated cultures of Str. Agalactiae and Str. uberis were susceptible to marbofloxacin. The mean value of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of marbofloxacin for cultures of Str. uberis is 0.50 µg/ml, and for Str. agalactiae — 0.44 ± 0.13 µg/ml. To other antibacterial drugs, the studied cultures of Str. uberis and Str. agalactiae showed different sensitivity, resistance to amoxicillin was revealed, incl. with clavulanic acid, tylosin
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Asongwed-Awa, Anastasia, and Aboubakar Njoya. "Approche intégrée pour la production de semences fourragères et la complémentation de vaches laitières dans la région semi-aride du Cameroun." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 55, no. 4 (April 1, 2002): 269.

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Stylosanthes hamata, Calopogonium mucunoides et Macroptilium lathyroides ont été semés en association avec du maïs dans un dispositif en blocs randomisés. L’âge à la maturité, le rendement en matière sèche du fourrage et le rendement semencier ont été déterminés à la fin de leurs cycles. Dans un autre essai, S. hamata et C. mucunoides ont été semés et divisés en sous-parcelles destinées à la coupe, à la pâture ou conservés comme témoin. Les vaches en lactation ont été introduites dans les parcelles destinées à la pâture, alors que les parcelles destinées à la coupe ont été coupées à la fin de la période de pâture. L’association de cultures n’a pas eu d’effet significatif sur l’âge à la floraison ni sur la production de semences. La mise en place a cependant été plus lente pour C. mucunoides et S. hamata en association. Le rendement en matière sèche de C. mucunoides et de M. lathyroides, respectivement en culture pure et en culture associée, a été similaire, mais il a été significativement plus élevé dans les parcelles pures de S. hamata (p < 0, 01). Le rendement semencier a été similaire dans les deux traitements de S. hamata et M. lathyroides, mais il a été significativement plus élevé dans les parcelles pures de C. mucunoides (p < 0, 001). Au cours de l’année de mise en place, la pâture et la coupe ont réduit le rendement en semences de S. hamata (p < 0, 001) par rapport au témoin. Cependant, cette différence a été largement compensée par une augmentation de 35 p. 100 de la production laitière des vaches pâturant S. hamata. Ces résultats montrent que la production de semences de légumineuses fourragères est possible et gérable dans un système de production intégré.
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Globalization and massive development in communication and information technology generates multiculturalism in the last few years. It enables people live their originality consciously and without authorization of the other cultures. In other words, multiculturalism is a cultural wealth for living together. Furthermore, people who have different cultures consider that it is necessary to find a way to have proper intercultural communication especially when they live together. Multiculturalism is considered compulsory for social diversity including its appearance and recognition. Moving from this thought, interpretation, a social phenomenon between different languages and cultures has an undeniable function especially for community interpretating. The function of community interpreting and intercultural communication is multifaceted. The community interpreter has to know the languages, the cultures they belong to, their social structures, world understandings and value judgments. Multiculturalism needs social and cultural diversity. Therefore, a community interpreter has to apply every culture’s necessities equally besides the interpreting procedures. In multicultural societies formed by different cultures, community interpreting plays a pivotal role in order to live together peacefully towards common boundaries. Community interpreting has a mission on conciliation and adaptation of different cultures and values. Community interpreting helps social structures compromise in the sense of multiculturalism and recognize their cultural background. This study will examine the necessity of multiculturalism integration in the teaching of community interpreting which has become more important in recent days. This is intended for communities with diverse cultures to continue their harmonious coexistence and to maintain their presence in the content of multiculturalism.Keywords: community interpreting, integration, multiculturalism
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Kreitzer, Mary Jo. "Inspiring, Recruiting, and Retaining the Health-Care Workforce: What Will it Take?" Creative Nursing 29, no. 1 (February 2023): 1–5.

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The U.S. health-care system, the costliest in the world, is facing an exodus of nurses and other healthcare workers. The growth of corporate medicine has contributed to clinician stress and burnout, and has created conditions that have eroded autonomy. Reform is needed that creates cultures in which healthcare providers have agency to make decisions that impact their practice and all aspects of patient care. Massive change is needed to inspire, recruit, and retain the health-care workforce.
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Subagya, Mochammad Ferry, and Pratiwi Retnaningdyah. "Cultural Appropriation of Asian Cuisines in Western Chefs’ Cooking Videos: An Audience Reception." Journal of Language and Literature 22, no. 2 (September 26, 2022): 375–88.

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The globalization era eliminates borders between cultures, making people mistakenly know cultural appropriation with cultural appreciation when recreating or adopting specific cultures outside their own. Examples of cultural appropriation are seen in Uncle Roger's reactional videos of the five western chefs recreating Asian dishes inaccurately. This study intends to improve the awareness of cultural appropriation by communicating cultural appropriation characteristics through videos and unveiling the harmful effects of cultural appropriation on the targeted culture. This study uses multimodal analysis to discover the inaccurate elements in the cooking videos and audience reception analysis to show audience response to cultural appropriation and its harmful effect based on James O. Young's cultural appropriation theory. The findings highlight three main elements that are presented inaccurately in the videos: (1) the kitchen utensils, (2) ingredients and seasonings, and (3) the cooking method. Spotlighting the inappropriate representation of Asian food by the five western chefs attracts massive protests toward them led by Uncle Roger. There are numerous responses from netizens who agree with Uncle Roger about the inaccurate food adaptation and find the harmful effect of cultural appropriation that gives misrecognition and bad stereotypes of Asian cuisine. Based on the previous response, the cooking videos by five western chefs are also classified as cultural exploitation because they received massive engagement and did not plan to revise their recipes.
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Kleinschmidt-DeMasters, B. K., Michael Mazowiecki, Lian A. Bonds, David L. Cohn, and Michael L. Wilson. "Coccidioidomycosis Meningitis With Massive Dural and Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and Tissue Arthroconidia." Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 124, no. 2 (February 1, 2000): 310–14.

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Abstract To our knowledge we report the first case of meningitis from Coccidioides immitis associated with massive dural and cerebral venous thrombosis and with mycelial forms of the organism in brain tissue. The patient was a 43-year-old man with late-stage acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) whose premortem and postmortem cultures confirmed C immitis as the only central nervous system pathogenic organism. Death was attributable to multiple hemorrhagic venous infarctions with cerebral edema and herniation. Although phlebitis has been noted parenthetically to occur in C immitis meningitis in the past, it has been overshadowed by the arteritic complications of the disease. This patient's severe C immitis ventriculitis with adjacent venulitis appeared to be the cause of the widespread venous thrombosis. AIDS-related coagulation defects may have contributed to his thrombotic tendency.
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Zapata, Juan, Fernando Lillo, Claudio Contreras, Hernan Quintana, Antonio Cabezas, and Felipe Aedo. "Massive hemoptysis following Rasmussen’s aneurysm. A case report." International Journal of Medical and Surgical Sciences 6, no. 2 (October 14, 2019): 47–49.

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Rasmussen’s aneurysm (RA) is a pseudoaneurysm of a pulmonary artery (AP), adjacent to or within a tuberculous cavity, appearing in 5% of these lesions. Its rupture might provoke massive hemoptysis (MH) with a near 50% mortality. The aim of this article is to report a case of massive hemoptysis following Rasmussen’s aneurysm. 52-year-old man with recent history of hospitalization due to pneumonia associated to influenza A and decompensated hyperthyroidism, presents outpatient chest radiograph with signs of hyperinflation and scarring apical opacities, the patient returned to the hospital due to sharp pain of left hemi thorax during inspiration accompanied with bloody sputum, asthenia and non-quantified weight loss. He evolves to frank MH, requiring endotracheal intubation managed in the intensive care unit (ICU). Chest computed tomography (CT) reported ground-glass opacity, nodules with a tendency to cavitation, tree-inbud pattern in agreement with inflammation and infection, active TB is considered, and truncus of PA with vascular lesion suggestive of aneurysm dependent on pulmonary circulation, possibly RA. Fibrobronchoscopy reported signs of old and recent bleeding of left bronchial tree, probably of the lingula, blood clots in right bronchial tree. Molecular study and TB cultures was negative. Endovascular procedure with arteriography was carried out, revealing amputation of left distal segmental PA carrying the pseudoaneurysm with complete regression, discarding embolization RA It must be considered among the differential diagnoses of MH, especially on patients with pulmonary TB complications, such as the reported case. Due to its associated increased mortality, once RA is identified, it must be either endovascularly or surgically eradicated.
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Hanusch, Frederic, and Miriam Schad. "Hydrogen research: technology first, society second?" GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 30, no. 2 (July 15, 2021): 82–86.

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Hydrogen futures are in the making right in front of our eyes and will determine socio-ecological path dependencies for decades to come. However, expertise on the societal effects of the hydrogen transition is in its infancy. Future energy research needs to include the social sciences, humanities and interdisciplinary studies: energy cultures have to be examined as well as power relations and anticipation processes since the need for (green) hydrogen is likely to require a massive expansion of renewable energy plants.
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Olivier, Jill. "Mapping Interdisciplinary Communication Between the Disciplines of Religion and Public Health in the Context of HIV/AIDS in Africa." Religion & Theology 21, no. 3-4 (2014): 251–89.

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While there has been a massive surge of interest and grey literature publication on religion and development and religion and health, especially at an international advocacy level, the academic disciplinary processes for such work remains poorly clarified – and largely uncritical. This paper examines the interdisciplinary intersection of religion and public health (using the example of research on HIV/AIDS in Africa), and considers lingering clashes of disciplinary cultures and power that continue to make collaboration in this space a challenge.
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Peraldi-Roux, S., C. Klotz, B. Nguyen-Thanh-Dao, and J. Gabrion. "A common epitope is shared by ciliary rootlets and cell-cell adherens junctions in ciliated ependymal cells." Journal of Cell Science 99, no. 2 (June 1, 1991): 297–306.

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Using immunoblot, light and electron immunocytochemistry, we investigated the presence and the localization of polypeptides cross-reacting with the monoclonal antibody CC.310 (mAb CC.310), which is mainly directed against a 175K (K = 10(3) Mr) ciliary rootlet protein. In hypothalamic ependymal cultures, the unique antigen recognized by mAb CC.310 was associated with the Triton X-100-insoluble fraction in these cultures and electrophoretically migrated to these cultures and electrophoretically migrated to 94K. mAb CC.310, which appears to be a very suitable marker for ciliated ependymocytes, allowed us to observe ciliogenesis during the growth of the ependymal cultures, from a single spot in each undifferentiated ependymal cell to a massive labeling in ciliated ependymal cells. In fully differentiated ciliated ependymocytes, mAb CC.310 strongly reacted with fibrous structures corresponding to ciliary rootlets, as confirmed by ultrastructural observations. In addition, a weaker immunostaining was also found along the intercellular junctions, and showed that proteins sharing a common epitope are located in ependymal ciliary rootlets and near adherens-type junctional complexes. Immunofluorescence studies confirmed the presence of positive labeling at the level of junctional complexes between cells in two epithelial lines, HeLa and PtK2, in which mAb CC.310 mainly reacted with one polypeptide of 85K.
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Mennonna, Daniele, Cristina Maccalli, Michele C. Romano, Claudio Garavaglia, Filippo Capocefalo, Roberta Bordoni, Marco Severgnini, et al. "T cell neoepitope discovery in colorectal cancer by high throughput profiling of somatic mutations in expressed genes." Gut 66, no. 3 (December 17, 2015): 454–63.

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ObjectivePatient-specific (unique) tumour antigens, encoded by somatically mutated cancer genes, generate neoepitopes that are implicated in the induction of tumour-controlling T cell responses. Recent advancements in massive DNA sequencing combined with robust T cell epitope predictions have allowed their systematic identification in several malignancies.DesignWe undertook the identification of unique neoepitopes in colorectal cancers (CRCs) by using high-throughput sequencing of cDNAs expressed by standard cancer cell cultures, and by related cancer stem/initiating cells (CSCs) cultures, coupled with a reverse immunology approach not requiring human leukocyte antigen (HLA) allele-specific epitope predictions.ResultsSeveral unique mutated antigens of CRC, shared by standard cancer and related CSC cultures, were identified by this strategy. CD8+and CD4+T cells, either autologous to the patient or derived from HLA-matched healthy donors, were readily expanded in vitro by peptides spanning different cancer mutations and specifically recognised differentiated cancer cells and CSC cultures, expressing the mutations. Neoepitope-specific CD8+T cell frequency was also increased in a patient, compared with healthy donors, supporting the occurrence of clonal expansion in vivo.ConclusionsThese results provide a proof-of-concept approach for the identification of unique neoepitopes that are immunogenic in patients with CRC and can also target T cells against the most aggressive CSC component.
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Yakovlev, A. Y., G. A. Boyarinov, D. V. Ryabikov, M. A. Ryabikova, D. M. Protasov, and I. V. Mukhina. "Prevention of Gut Barrier Dysfunction During Acute Massive Blood Loss (Experimental Study)." General Reanimatology 15, no. 4 (September 4, 2019): 76–87.

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Purpose of the study: to investigate the influence of hypovolemia correction by infusion of malate-containing preparations and subsequent glutamine-enriched nutritional support on the maintenance of gut barrier and overhydration in animals with acute massive blood loss/ Materials and methods. Blood samples were harvested from the tail and portal veins of rats (n=100) at different time points after the acute blood loss (>30% V/V) . Bacterial blood cultures for growth, lipopolysaccharide and presepsin concentrations, colon structures and animal weight were analyzed in blood and plasma specimens 1 hour, one day and 3 days after the hypovolemia correction. To correct the hypovolemia, in the 1st series of experiments, the Ringer’s solution and standard nutrient mixture were used; in the 2nd series malatecontaining solution and standard nutrient mixture were administered; in the 3rd series a malate-containing solution and glutamine-enriched nutrient mixture were employed.Results. In the portal vein blood of intact animals, endotoxin measurement was equal to 17.8Ѓ}3.9 pg/ml, that of presepsin — 405.6Ѓ}80.1 pg/ml. At all stages, tail and portal blood bacterial cultures were negative demonstrating an absence of bacterial growth and gut barrier intactness for live microorganisms. One hour after hypovolemia correction and blood reinfusion, multifold increase in endotoxin concentration in the blood from both portal and tail veins was accompanied by significant increase of presepsin concentration. 24 hours after the blood loss, in the animals of the 2nd and 3rd series, the levels of endotoxin, presepsin, and edema of the colon mucous membrane and submucosal space has become lower than those in the 1st series. Three days later, the advantages of glutamine-containing nutrition in the 3rd series of the experiment were determined that revealed decreasing the endotoxin and presepsin concentrations in the portal and tail vein blood and diminishing the levels of interstitial edema of colon and animal weight growth.Conclusion. Administration of malate-containing infusion preparations and glutamine-enriched nutrition after an acute massive blood loss contributes to decreasing presepsin production in GIT organs, abrogating endotoxin translocation into the portal vein and systemic circulation, lessening severity of edema of the mucous membrane and submucosal space of the colon, and reducing the previously increased animal body mass.
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Gruber, Petra, and Kingshuk Datta. "Construction Aspects in Ethiopia's Architectural Traditions: A Comparative View." Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism, no. 2 (November 10, 2021): 318–32.

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The traditional architecture of Ethiopia is manifold and spreads over a wide range of climatic zones and topographies, serving a diversity of societies. Within these contexts, the architectural traditions that have emerged show extraordinary quality and adaptability. All basic kinds of building construction can be found in diverse Ethiopian building cultures and types. In this paper, selected examples of this rich heritage, from massive stone buildings to nomadic tents, are presented and analyzed as regards their tectonic aspects and materials, and cultural interpretations are proposed. Our methodology is a comparison of building features, sizes, and spans together with materials, details, and resulting structural performance, based on documented traditional types. Comparison of building cultures that are similar even though ostensibly unrelated can highlight aspects of convergent development; alternatively, they may suggest unknown or underappreciated historical cultural exchanges and influence.
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Yang, Xiaoping, Louis A. Scuderi, Xulong Wang, Louis J. Scuderi, Deguo Zhang, Hongwei Li, Steven Forman, et al. "Groundwater sapping as the cause of irreversible desertification of Hunshandake Sandy Lands, Inner Mongolia, northern China." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 3 (January 5, 2015): 702–6.

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In the middle-to-late Holocene, Earth’s monsoonal regions experienced catastrophic precipitation decreases that produced green to desert state shifts. Resulting hydrologic regime change negatively impacted water availability and Neolithic cultures. Whereas mid-Holocene drying is commonly attributed to slow insolation reduction and subsequent nonlinear vegetation–atmosphere feedbacks that produce threshold conditions, evidence of trigger events initiating state switching has remained elusive. Here we document a threshold event ca. 4,200 years ago in the Hunshandake Sandy Lands of Inner Mongolia, northern China, associated with groundwater capture by the Xilamulun River. This process initiated a sudden and irreversible region-wide hydrologic event that exacerbated the desertification of the Hunshandake, resulting in post-Humid Period mass migration of northern China’s Neolithic cultures. The Hunshandake remains arid and is unlikely, even with massive rehabilitation efforts, to revert back to green conditions.
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Tétreault, Mary Ann. "A STATE OF TWO MINDS: STATE CULTURES, WOMEN, AND POLITICS IN KUWAIT." International Journal of Middle East Studies 33, no. 2 (May 2001): 203–20.

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Kuwait, a small city-state on the Persian–Arabian Gulf, has undergone massive political, economic, and social development throughout the 20th century. In spite of this, Kuwaiti rulers continue to cherish what is perhaps an impossible dream: that Kuwait can be simultaneously a “developed” country and a “traditional” tribally organized social formation run by an autocratic ruler. This dream is echoed in equally ambivalent pronouncements and policies regarding women, not only by representatives of the state but also by Kuwaiti citizens. Should Kuwaiti women stand side by side with men in public life as half of a modern society, or should they be secluded, subjected by, and submissive to the men in their lives as local “tradition” demands? In this essay I argue that these two ambivalences are linked. Democratization of Kuwaiti political life has proceeded in fits and starts that parallel the uneven progress of democratization of gender relations in Kuwait. Perhaps in consequence, the politics of both kinds of democratization have become more closely linked.
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Zhou, Tian. "Drama Education Differences Between China and Western Countries." Asian Education Studies 4, no. 2 (September 6, 2019): 31.

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There are overall differences between the education policies and system between the Chinese and western education systems. These differences are brought up by the differences in government policies, the existing student's and orientation system, the country's population and school size, and community attitudes towards the country’s education system. By contrast, the education policies in western cultures are designed to prepare students to be more successful people in society by gaining enough educational skills and developing a strong friendship. There are several ways in which the Chinese education system completely varies with the western education system. Western countries focus on adopting varieties of learning methods in achieving a democratic government. For the Chinese, there is the management of the massive population, which is managed by a different mode of government. This paper tries to explain the differences between drama education in China and the Western cultures.
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Brauer, Matthew J., Alok J. Saldanha, Kara Dolinski, and David Botstein. "Homeostatic Adjustment and Metabolic Remodeling in Glucose-limited Yeast Cultures." Molecular Biology of the Cell 16, no. 5 (May 2005): 2503–17.

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We studied the physiological response to glucose limitation in batch and steady-state (chemostat) cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae by following global patterns of gene expression. Glucose-limited batch cultures of yeast go through two sequential exponential growth phases, beginning with a largely fermentative phase, followed by an essentially completely aerobic use of residual glucose and evolved ethanol. Judging from the patterns of gene expression, the state of the cells growing at steady state in glucose-limited chemostats corresponds most closely with the state of cells in batch cultures just before they undergo this “diauxic shift.” Essentially the same pattern was found between chemostats having a fivefold difference in steady-state growth rate (the lower rate approximating that of the second phase respiratory growth rate in batch cultures). Although in both cases the cells in the chemostat consumed most of the glucose, in neither case did they seem to be metabolizing it primarily through respiration. Although there was some indication of a modest oxidative stress response, the chemostat cultures did not exhibit the massive environmental stress response associated with starvation that also is observed, at least in part, during the diauxic shift in batch cultures. We conclude that despite the theoretical possibility of a switch to fully aerobic metabolism of glucose in the chemostat under conditions of glucose scarcity, homeostatic mechanisms are able to carry out metabolic adjustment as if fermentation of the glucose is the preferred option until the glucose is entirely depleted. These results suggest that some aspect of actual starvation, possibly a component of the stress response, may be required for triggering the metabolic remodeling associated with the diauxic shift.
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Milovanović, BZ, MM Đorđević, BM Savić, NV Jezdimirović, NM Zdravković, Z. Zurovac-Sapundžić, D. Glišić, M. Ninković, and B. Kureljušić. "Concurrent infection by Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium septicum, and Clostridium sordelli in mouflon (Ovis aries musimon) - A case report." Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society 73, no. 4 (January 25, 2023): 5067–72.

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A female mouflon, weighing 40 kilograms, was submitted to the diagnostic laboratory of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia for determining the potential cause of death. Necropsy revealed massive hemorrhages in subcutaneous and intermuscular tissue and on papillary muscle. Petechiae and ecchymoses were found on the omentum, mesentery and adipose tissue of heart, kidney and costal pleura. Haemorrhagic-necrotic enteritis in duodenum and jejunum was characterized by catarrhal hemorrhagic inflammation with the presence of mucous and bloody content, whereas gas bubbles in the submucosa have also been confirmed. Bacterial cultures from sampled organs were identified as Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium septicum, and Clostridium sordelli. Based on the established pathological and histological changes and the results of the bacteriological, biochemical, and molecular examination, the state of septic shock and toxemia with disseminated massive bleeding was the immediate cause of mouflon death. The septic condition is a consequence of enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium septicum, and Clostridium sordelli infection.
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Rich, G., E. J. Yoder, L. Prokuski, and S. A. Moore. "Prostaglandin production in cultured cerebral microvascular smooth muscle is serum dependent." American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 270, no. 5 (May 1, 1996): C1379—C1387.

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To expand the understanding of cerebrovascular eicosanoid metabolism, the ability of smooth muscle isolated from murine cerebral microvessels to produce prostaglandins (PGs) was studied in vitro. Cultures from SJL and BALB/c mice produced primarily prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and I2 (PGI2) in response to exogenous arachidonate and calcium ionophore as well as the agonists acetylcholine and epinephrine. Subconfluent smooth muscle cultures demonstrated a two- to threefold increased capacity to produce PG compared with confluent cultures. In contrast, serum deprivation of smooth muscle caused an 80-90% diminution in both PGE2 and PGI2 production but had no effect on PG release in cerebromicrovascular endothelium. Reintroduction of serum to smooth muscle restored PG production within 6h, and the restoration was inhibited by 1 microM dexamethasone. Message for both prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS)-1 and -2 was detectable in smooth muscle grown in the presence of serum, but PGHS-2 message was not present in serum-deprived cultures. Furthermore, readdition of serum induced a massive increase in PGHS-2 mRNA with only a small increase in PGHS-1 message. The serum induction of PGHS-2 was corroborated by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. Thus cerebromicrovascular smooth muscle may contribute significantly to the formation of PG under circumstances likely to be present during central nervous system pathologies. The induction of PGHS, particularly PGHS-2, may play a key role in this process.
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Degtyareva, A. D., and N. V. Ryndina. "Knives of the Petrovka Culture in the Southern Trans-Urals: morphological and typological characteristics." VESTNIK ARHEOLOGII, ANTROPOLOGII I ETNOGRAFII, no. 3 (50) (August 28, 2020): 17–34.

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The paper reports morphological and typological characteristics of knives of the Petrovka Culture in the Southern Trans-Urals and Middle Tobol River region (the Early Alakul period, as defined by N.V. Vinogradov). According to the 14С dates (36 dates in total, half them are AMS dates), the chronological period of the Petrovka sites in the Southern Trans-Urals spans the 19th through 18th centuries BC. The inventory metal complexes of the Late Bronze Age cultures between the Don and Ishim Rivers, despite the large territory, have many common types of tools. This is particularly noticeable when comparing the largest category of the tools — the knives (49 specimens). Differentiation of the tools by type was based on the methodology of typological attribution of the inventory taking into account the presence or absence of particular qualitative characteristics and their combina-tion — analysis of the handle decoration, presence of a bolster, knife tang, shape of the transition from the blade to the tang, and shape and cross-section of the blade. Alongside the morphological and typological characteriza-tion of the knives, mapping the tools finds and was also carried out with the search for analogues in neighboring cultures. The most effective results have been obtained by mapping of tools with rhombic tangs, crosshair and interception, which are most numerous (147 specimens). We have identified three types of the knives with promi-nent massive handle, knives with forged sleeve and seven types of the tools with tangs. The identified types of the Petrovka Culture of the Southern Trans-Urals are more or less characteristic of the family of related cultures of the Eurasian forest-steppe and steppe belt — Abashevo, Sintashta, Petrovka, Early Srubnaya, and sites of the Potapovka and Pokrovka types. On the basis of the statistical data, there have been identified the types of the knives with a massive handle, as well as those with a forged sleeve, which are predominantly associated with the metalwork centers of the Petrovka Culture. We have unraveled the particular significance of the knives with rhombic tangs, crosshair and interception in the ritual practices of the entire circle of the cultures from the forest-steppe and steppe belt, apparently related to the special social status of the buried individuals. Prototypes of most forms of knives with tangs have been found in the stereotypes of the objects from the production centers of the Circumpontian Metallurgical Province. The common momentum for the genesis of the forest-steppe and steppe cultures, originating from the Middle Bronze Age cultures of the Eastern Europe and Ural, explains the common morphology of the knives for the family of the related cultures of the first phase of the Eurasian Metallurgical Pro-vince with a variety of forms and in contrast to the uniform shape of the knives of the Srubnaya and Alakul types of the second phase of the Eurasian Province.
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Bhasin, Balbir, Lee Keng Ng, and Yanping Zeng. "Clash of Cultures: Implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) into Myanmar." IKAT: The Indonesian Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 6, no. 2 (November 27, 2023): 77.

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China has embarked on a massive infrastructure development project across and through its Southeast Asian neighbors such as the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC). While China is the world's second largest economy, Myanmar is on the United Nations' list of 48 least developed countries (LDCs) with over 70% of the population living in rural areas and depend on agriculture. While China has no religion Myanmar's culture is immersed in Theravada Buddhism. We used a dataset from the World Values Survey to analyze the cultural variances based on the Value-Orientation Framework. Our findings show that the two countries differ significantly in almost all of the value orientations. Challengers such as a lack of a common history, religion and language had already raised tensions and conflicts in past projects and would lead to an erosion of the project-benefits upon the completion of the CMEC. This paper highlights the implications and pitfalls to avoid for both countries.
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Babchenko, O. Yu, L. A. Sakhno, V. V. Sarnatskaya, L. A. Yushko, and V. G. Nikolaev. "SOME PROPERTIES OF ADSORPTIVE CARBON DRESSING APPLICABLE TO QUESTIONS OF POSTOPERATIVE TREATMENT OF WOUNDS IN RATS WITH GUERIN CARCINOMA." Kharkiv Surgical School, no. 3-4 (December 20, 2019): 18–24.

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Abstract. Aim — еvaluation of the adsorptive potential of carbon dressing, including its activity towards microbial cells of clinical strains with high antimicrobial resistance, and its effect on the course of wound process after removing a massive tumor in Guerin's rats. Materials and Methods. Microbial cell adsorption of S. aureus, A. baumannii and K. Pneumoniae cultures were studied in vitro. Woundplanimetry, photo-monitoring, and odor control on a verbal rating scale were carried out to control the state of wounds. Results: 1-hour contact of cell cultures with adsorptive carbon dressing ensured the decrease in the number of bacterial cells by 60.6-96.3%.Theuse of dressing after removing the tumor permitted to stop quickly capillary bleeding, stop/reduce traumatic edema, lower the risk of infectingthe wounds under recurrence of carcinoma growth and increase the average lifespan of animals by 1.5 times. Conclusion: adsorptive carbon dressing with high adsorption potential can be considered asa promising application means for the prevention and treatment of wound infection.
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Borer, Abraham, Seada Eskira, Ronit Nativ, Lisa Saidel-Odes, Klaris Riesenberg, Ilana Livshiz-Riven, Francisc Schlaeffer, Michael Sherf, and Nejama Peled. "A Multifaceted Intervention Strategy for Eradication of a Hospital-Wide Outbreak Caused by Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Southern Israel." Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology 32, no. 12 (December 2011): 1158–65.

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Objective.To devise a local strategy for eradication of a hospital-wide outbreak caused by carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CRKP).Design.Quasi-experimental, before-and-after, interrupted time-series study.Setting.A 1,000-bed tertiary-care university teaching hospital.Methods.Retrospectively, all relevant data were collected from the medical records of patients with CRKP infections from May 2006 through April 2007, the preintervention period. From May 1, 2007, through May 1, 2010, the postintervention period, the intervention was applied and prospectively followed. The 5 key elements of this strategy were an emergency department flagging system, the building of a cohort ward, the eradication of clusters, environmental and personnel hand cultures, and a carbapenem-restriction policy. The demographic and clinical parameters of patients colonized by and/or infected with CRKP were collected from medical records.Results.A total of 10,680 rectal cultures were performed for 8,376 patients; 433 (5.16%) and 370 (4.4%) were CRKP-colonized and CRKP-infected patients, respectively, and 789 (98%) of 803 patients were admitted to the CRKP cohort ward. The CRKP infection density was reduced from 5.26 to 0.18 per 10,000 patient-days (P<.001), and no nosocomial CRKP infections were diagnosed. Twenty-three percent of environmental cultures were found to be positive. Meropenem use was reduced from 283 ± 70.92 to 118 ± 74.32 defined daily doses per 1,000 patient-days (P<.001).Conclusion.This intervention produced an enormous impact on patient location, surveillance cultures, and antibiotic policies and a massive investment in infection control resources.
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Shu, Dairu, Supatsak Subharat, D. Neil Wedlock, Dongwen Luo, Geoffrey W. de Lisle, and Bryce M. Buddle. "Diverse Cytokine Profile from Mesenteric Lymph Node Cells of Cull Cows Severely Affected with Johne's Disease." Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 18, no. 9 (July 27, 2011): 1467–76.

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ABSTRACTMycobacterium aviumsubsp.paratuberculosis, the causative agent of Johne's disease, is able to dampen or distort immune responses at the mucosal sites and coexist with a massive infiltration of immune cells in the gastrointestinal tract. Knowledge of the mechanism by whichM. aviumsubsp.paratuberculosissubverts the immune response at the mucosal level in cattle is important for the development of improved disease control strategies, including new vaccines and diagnostic tests. In this study, 38 cull cows from herds infected withM. aviumsubsp.paratuberculosiswere divided into four groups, based onM. aviumsubsp.paratuberculosisculture from gut tissues and histopathological lesion scores. Cytokine gene expression and secretion fromM. aviumsubsp.paratuberculosissonicate-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cultures of the animals were compared. Antigen stimulation of MLN cells from the severely lesioned group resulted in significant upregulation of the mRNA expression of five cytokines, gamma interferon (IFN-γ), interleukin-10 (IL-10), IL-13, IL-17A, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), which have a diverse range of functions, while there was no significant upregulation of these cytokines by the other groups. There were major differences between the responses of the PBMC and MLN cultures, with higher levels of secreted IFN-γ released from the MLN cultures and, conversely, higher levels of IL-10 released from the PBMC cultures. The upregulation of all five cytokines from cells at the site of infection in the severely lesioned animals suggested a dysregulated immune response, contributing to a failure to clear infection in this group of animals.
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Schaedel, Richard P. "The archaeology of the Spanish Colonial experience in South America." Antiquity 66, no. 250 (March 1992): 217–42.

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Reluctant as one is to admit it, the 12,000 years of North America’s past prior to Columbus are still regarded as irrelevant to mainstream American history. BRIANF AGAN( 1990: 33)IntroductionBrian Fagan’s declaration about the ‘clash of cultures’ applies to contemporary Mesoamericans and South Americans as it does to North Americans. We have passed beyond the age of the ‘Black Legend’, perhaps not entirely, but enough to regard the ‘Columbian exchange’ (Crosby 1973) as a massive confrontation of peoples, the emotional reverberations of which have not entirely disappeared, but whose effects a few of us can measure with scientific objectivity.
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Maligoy, Mathieu, Myriam Mercade, Muriel Cocaign-Bousquet, and Pascal Loubiere. "Transcriptome Analysis of Lactococcus lactis in Coculture with Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74, no. 2 (November 9, 2007): 485–94.

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ABSTRACT The study of microbial interactions in mixed cultures remains an important conceptual and methodological challenge for which transcriptome analysis could prove to be the essential method for improving our understanding. However, the use of whole-genome DNA chips is often restricted to the pure culture of the species for which the chips were designed. In this study, massive cross-hybridization was observed between the foreign cDNA and the specific Lactococcus lactis DNA chip. A very simple method is proposed to considerably decrease this nonspecific hybridization, consisting of adding the microbial partner's DNA. A correlation was established between the resulting cross-hybridization and the phylogenetic distance between the microbial partners. The response of L. lactis to the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was analyzed during the exponential growth phase in fermentors under defined growth conditions. Although no differences between growth kinetics were observed for the pure and the mixed cultures of L. lactis, the mRNA levels of 158 genes were significantly modified. More particularly, a strong reorientation of pyrimidine metabolism was observed when L. lactis was grown in mixed cultures. These changes in transcript abundance were demonstrated to be regulated by the ethanol produced by the yeast and were confirmed by an independent method (quantitative reverse transcription-PCR).
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Suzuki, Tomo, Ryutaro Matsumura, Hiroshi Kitamura, and Yugo Shibagaki. "Rapid and Complete Remission of Class IV Lupus Nephritis with Massive Wire Loop Lesions." Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis 8, no. 1 (March 22, 2018): 56–61.

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Class IV lupus nephritis (LN) often has a poorer prognosis than other classes. However, class IV LN has various phenotypes, including not only segmental and global types but also others. We present the case of a 29-year-old woman with class IV-G LN who had an early response to glucocorticoid monotherapy. In addition, multiple lung nodules such as miliary tuberculosis (TB) were detected on computed tomography. All cultures of sputum, gastric fluid, and bone marrow were negative. A kidney biopsy revealed diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis with marked subendothelial deposition. Electron microscopy revealed massive electron-dense deposits in the subendothelial area, mesangium area, and peritubular capillaries. The histological diagnosis was class IV-G (A) LN. We administered high-dose glucocorticoid monotherapy. After treatment, the LN and the lung lesions had complete, rapid remission for 1 month. The lung lesions were associated with an immune complex similar to wire loop lesions, not TB. Thus, it is important to consider class IV-G LN with massive wire loop lesions as a new subtype.
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Pilaniya, Vikas, Kamal Gera, Rajesh Gothi, and Ashok Shah. "Acute invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, shortly after occupational exposure to polluted muddy water, in a previously healthy subject." Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia 41, no. 5 (October 2015): 473–77.

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Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) predominantly occurs in severely neutropenic immunocompromised subjects. The occurrence of acute IPA after brief but massive exposure to Aspergillus conidia in previously healthy subjects has been documented, although only six such cases have been reported. The diagnosis was delayed in all six of the affected patients, five of whom died. We report the case of a 50-year-old HIV-negative male, a water pipeline maintenance worker, who presented with acute-onset dyspnea and fever one day after working for 2 h in a deep pit containing polluted, muddy water. Over a one-month period, his general condition deteriorated markedly, despite antibiotic therapy. Imaging showed bilateral diffuse nodules with cavitation, some of which were surrounded by ground-glass opacity suggestive of a halo sign (a hallmark of IPA). Cultures (of sputum/bronchial aspirate samples) and serology were positive for Aspergillus fumigatus. After being started on itraconazole, the patient improved. We conclude that massive exposure to Aspergillus conidia can lead to acute IPA in immunocompetent subjects.
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Jacob, Sheba S. K. "Atypical presentation of a Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (Rosai Dorfman disease) with granulomas - Post COVID-19 infection." IP Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research 7, no. 2 (June 15, 2022): 139–41.

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A 51-year-old gentleman developed a rapidly progressing inguinal mass three months post corona virus disease (covid-19) infection. On examination, there was generalized lymphadenopathy confirmed by CT scans and a lymphoma was suspected. On light microscopy there were features of Rosai Dorfman disease with associated necrotizing granulomas amidst the large cells in the sinusoids, which have not been described before in Rosai Dorfman disease. Gene x-pert for tuberculosis, bacterial, fungal and acid fast bacilli cultures were negative. We present this case report for documenting this presentation post COVID-19 infection with review of literature.
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Arif, Nazneen, Swati Khullar, Ratnesh Kumar, Shiv Kumar Choudhary, Arti Kapil, and Benu Dhawan. "Pleural effusion due to Chryseobacterium indologenes: Case report and review of literature." Journal of Laboratory Physicians 11, no. 03 (July 2019): 284–86.

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Abstract Chryseobacterium indologenes is found ubiquitously in the environment; it rarely causes human disease. Hence, we report a case of C. indologenes-associated pleural effusion in a patient with aortic dissection. Postoperatively, the patient developed massive right-sided pleural effusion with underlying consolidated lung. Culture of the pleural fluid yielded pure growth of C. indologenes which was susceptible to cotrimoxazole, minocycline, and tigecycline. Therapy was modified; tigecycline and cotrimoxazole were started following which the patient showed improvement, and subsequent cultures of the pleural fluid were sterile. This report promotes awareness of this organism as an emerging pathogen in lung infections and emphasizes the importance of targeted therapy.
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Camosy, Charles C., and Kristin Collier. "Facing a Post-Truth Era, a Fierce Commitment to Data Must Guide the Abortion Debate." National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 20, no. 1 (2020): 41–45.

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Academic medical ethics must be a bulwark against a disturbing trend toward post-truth cultures. Activism of course has its place in massive cultural debates like abortion. The fact that so many people care so deeply about these debates is part of what makes them so important. But especially when coming from clinicians, academics, and others to whom we entrust the care of our public discourse, interventions into the debates must be disciplined by a thoroughgoing commitment to engage with the available data to back up the central claims even when those claims seem like common sense—perhaps especially when they seem like common sense.
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