Academic literature on the topic 'Cross section, (n, n’γ)'

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Journal articles on the topic "Cross section, (n, n’γ)"


Dari Bako, Nicolas, Maëlle Kerveno, Philippe Dessagne, Catalin Borcea, Marian Boromiza, Roberto Capote, François Claeys, et al. "From 232Th(n, n’γ) cross sections to level production and total neutron inelastic scattering cross sections." EPJ Web of Conferences 284 (2023): 08005.

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To probe the neutron inelastic scattering off 232Th, an experiment took place at the EC-JRC Geel conducted with the experimental setup GRAPhEME to detect emitted γ-rays. The prompt γ-ray spectroscopy method was used and 70 experimental 232Th(n, n’γ) cross sections were obtained from the experimental data. Combining these cross sections, nuclear-structure data available in databases and hypotheses to complete the latter, neutron inelastic level production cross sections in 232Th and the total inelastic cross section were calculated. For the first time, the total inelastic cross section of an actinide nucleus was derived on the total neutron energy range from experimental data only. Comparisons of (n, n’) cross section data with evaluated data reveal a good agreement between them all above 300 keV of neutron energy. TALYS calculations are compatible but lower than the evaluated data.
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Henning, Greg, Kerveno Maëlle, Philippe Dessagne, François Claeys, Nicolas Dari Bako, Marc Dupuis, Stephane Hilaire, et al. "Measurement of 183W(n, n’γ) and (n, 2nγ) cross-sections (preliminary)." EPJ Web of Conferences 284 (2023): 01046.

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The necessary improvement of evaluated nuclear databases for appplication will be achieved with improvement of models and new, precise data. In particular, the effect of inelastic neutrons scattering can be of importance for reactors. In order to test the models, we performed measurement of (n, n’γ) and (n, 2nγ) cross-sections on 183W. These data will help constrain the calculation codes and ensure a better evaluation of the total (n, xn) cross section. The experimental setup and the data analysis method will be presented. The preliminary experimental results for the 183W isotope will be compared to predictions from Talys nuclear reaction code.
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Henning, Greg, Maëlle Kerveno, Philippe Dessagne, François Claeys, Nicolas Dari Bako, Marc Dupuis, Stéphane Hilaire, et al. "On the need for precise nuclear structure data for high quality (n, n’γ) cross-section measurements." EPJ Web of Conferences 284 (2023): 01022.

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The necessary improvement of evaluated nuclear data for nuclear applications development is possible through new and high-quality measurements, often combined with appropriate nuclear-reaction modelling. In particular, improving inelastic cross-section evaluations requires new and high-quality data. We measure (n, n’γ) cross-sections using prompt γ-ray spectroscopy and neutron energy determination by time-of-flight. To extract, from these partial data, the total inelastic cross-section, we rely on theoretical model as well as nuclear structure data such as γ ray emission probabilities. This structure information, tabulated in databases, comes with uncertainty. This directly affects the precision of our results, regardless of how good the measurement is. In this paper, we will present the issue of limited precision structure data and its impact on nuclear reaction data quality in the case of neutron inelastic scattering measurements. We will also discuss how to foresee and mitigate the issue.
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Claeys, François, Philippe Dessagne, Maëlle Kerveno, Cyrille De Saint Jean, Catalin Borcea, Marian Boromiza, Roberto Capote, et al. "Measurement of partial (n, n’γ) reaction cross-sections on highly radioactive nuclei of interest for energy production." EPJ Web of Conferences 284 (2023): 01014.

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In the context of the development of Gen. IV nuclear reactors, the GIF (Generation IV. International Forum) has selected six innovative technologies. Among them, one can highlight the concept of breeding for 232Th/233U and 238U/239Pu fuel cycles. But those nuclei, crucial for such cycles, suffer from a lack of precise knowledge (nuclear structure, reaction cross sections). In particular, it has been demonstrated that neutron inelastic scattering reaction cross sections are not known with sufficient precision for the isotopes 238U and 239Pu, and not known at all experimentally for 233U. In order to perform simulations of innovative reactor cores for the development of those technologies, the knowledge of the reaction cross section has to be improved which implies that new measurements have to be done. The GRAPhEME (GeRmanium array for Actinides PrEcise MEasurements) experimental setup, developed by the IPHC laboratory from CNRS and installed at the EC-JRC-Geel GELINA facility is a powerful tool to answer this need [1, 2]. Combining the prompt γ-ray spectroscopy and the time-of-flight methods, it measures partial (n, xnγ) reaction cross sections. This paper reports on the improvements made on the GRAPhEME setup and data analysis methodology to tackle the challenge of (n, xnγ) cross section measurements on high activity actinides. Results obtained so far on 233U are presented compared to TALYS calculations.
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Party, Eliot, Catalin Borcea, Philippe Dessagne, Xavier Doligez, Grégoire Henning, Maëlle Kerveno, Alexandru Negret, Markus Nyman, Adina Olacel, and Arjan Plompen. "Neutron inelastic scattering of 232Th: measurements and beyond." EPJ Web of Conferences 211 (2019): 03005.

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Gamma production cross sections have been obtained for 81 transitions in 232Th from (n,n’γ), 11 in 231Th from (n,2nγ) and 7 in 230Th from (n,3nγ) reactions using prompt gamma spectroscopy. Incident neutron energies were determined using the neutron time-of-flight technique. Sources of uncertainty have been examined and their correlations have been computed. Total uncertainty on cross sections ranges from 4 to 20%. Obtained cross sections are in agreement with prior experiments, but are not well reproduced by the TALYS 1.8 reaction code using default parameters. During analysis, discrepancies between our findings and the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) were noted. Future work related to the present experiment includes: improving theoretical models, quantifying the influence of the 232Th inelastic neutron cross section on reactor core parameters, and conducting additional measurements.
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Negret, Alexandru, Catalin Borcea, Marian Boromiza, François Claeys, Philippe Dessagne, Cristiano Fontana, Greg Henning, et al. "A new measurement on 56Fe(n,inl) using GAINS@GELINA." EPJ Web of Conferences 284 (2023): 01034.

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The extended dataset of 56Fe(n,n’γ) cross sections measured by our group more than a decade ago at GELINA (Geel Linear Accelerator) was used in many recent evaluations like ENDF, JEFF and CIELO. Despite the special measures we took to ensure reliability and accuracy, concerns were raised by various groups with regard to several features of this dataset (absolute normalization and/or shape) and therefore the 56Fe(n,inl) cross section is still under the evaluation by the International Nuclear Data Evaluation Network (INDEN). Consequently, a new experiment is now under preparation aiming to take advantage of the numerous experimental improvements of the GAINS (Gamma Array for Inelastic Neutron Scattering) setup implemented over the years. While γ spectroscopy combined with the time-of-flight method will remain the main technique involved, several other experimental details will differ substantially.
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Henning, Greg, Maëlle Kerveno, Philippe Dessagne, François Claeys, Nicolas Dari Bako, Marc Dupuis, Stephane Hilaire, et al. "Using the Monte-Carlo method to analyze experimental data and produce uncertainties and covariances." EPJ Web of Conferences 284 (2023): 01045.

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The production of useful and high-quality nuclear data requires measurements with high precision and extensive information on uncertainties and possible correlations. Analytical treatment of uncertainty propagation can become very tedious when dealing with a high number of parameters. Even worse, the production of a covariance matrix, usually needed in the evaluation process, will require lenghty and error-prone formulas. To work around these issues, we propose using random sampling techniques in the data analysis to obtain final values, uncertainties and covariances and for analyzing the sensitivity of the results to key parameters. We demonstrate this by one full analysis, one partial analysis and an analysis of the sensitivity to branching ratios in the case of (n,n’γ) cross section measurements.
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Boromiza, Marian, Adina Olacel, Catalin Borcea, Philippe Dessagne, Greg Henning, Maëlle Kerveno, Alexandru Negret, Markus Nyman, Andreea Oprea, and Arjan Plompen. "Neutron-induced inelastic γ-production cross sections on 58,60,64Ni." EPJ Web of Conferences 284 (2023): 01010.

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This paper reports partial results of a (n, n’γ) measurement on nickel. The inelastic channel was measured using the Gamma Array for Inelastic Neutron Scattering (GAINS) spectrometer at the 100-m measurement cabin of the Geel Electron Linear Accelerator (GELINA) neutron source of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC) in Geel, Belgium. Using γ spectroscopy, we were able to extract angle-integrated production cross sections for several γ rays but we report here only the results for the main transition in 58Ni. We discuss however in detail the observed discrepancy between our data and other experiments (especially the work of Voss et al.). We also shortly comment on the quality of the neutron-target optical model potential in describing the inelastic data in this mass region. The calculations were performed using the talys 1.9 code in the default settings.
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Qaim, S. M., and R. Wölfle. "7Li(n,n’t)4He Reaction Cross Section via Tritium Counting." Nuclear Science and Engineering 96, no. 1 (May 1987): 52–57.

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Olacel, Adina, Catalin Borcea, Marian Boromiza, Philippe Dessagne, Gregoire Henning, Maëlle Kerveno, Luiz Leal, Alexandru Negret, Markus Nyman, and Arjan Plompen. "Neutron inelastic cross section measurements on 54Fe." EPJ Web of Conferences 239 (2020): 01010.

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A 54Fe(n, n'γ) cross section measurement was performed at the Geel Electron LINear Accelerator of EC-JRC, Geel using the Gamma Array for Inelastic Neutron Scattering spectrometer and a 235U fission chamber for flux normalization. The experimental results are presented in comparison with talys 1.9 default and tuned calculations. The tuned calculation, implying modifications of the optical model parameters, improved significantly the description of the experimental values and led to interesting conclusions regarding the interaction of the 54Fe nucleus with neutrons. Since the results of these calculations were already presented extensively in a dedicated paper, the present article focuses on details related to the experimental particularities and data analysis procedure.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Cross section, (n, n’γ)"


Claeys, François. "Mesure, modélisation et évaluation de sections efficaces à seuil (n, xnγ) d’intérêt pour les applications de l’énergie nucléaire." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2023.

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Dans le contexte du développement des réacteurs de génération IV, des données nucléaires précises sont requises. Dans ce travail de thèse, on s’intéresse en particulier à la section efficace de diffusion inélastique (n, n’) pour les noyaux d’233U et d’238U. L'analyse des données de GRAPhEME, dispositif combinant les méthodes de la spectroscopie-γ prompte et du temps de vol, ont permis d’obtenir, pour la première fois, 12 sections efficaces 233U(n, n’γ). Une modélisation des sections efficaces de ces deux isotopes (233U et 238U) a été réalisée avec le code de réaction nucléaire TALYS. Dans le cas de l’238U, l’implémentation de nouveaux modèles permet un meilleur accord calcul/mesure pour les sections efficaces (n, n’γ). Il a été montré cependant que cela n’influe pas sur la section efficace (n, n’). Enfin, une évaluation des incertitudes des sections efficaces de réaction pour l’238U menée avec CONRAD compare différentes méthodes afin de propager les incertitudes expérimentales aux paramètres des modèles via l’inférence Bayésienne
In the context of the development of generation IV nuclear reactors, precise nuclear data are needed. In this work, we study in particular inelastic scattering cross section for 233U and 238U nuclei. From the analysis of data from GRAPhEME, an experimental device combining prompt γ- spectroscopy and time of flight, we obtained for the first time 12 233U(n, n’γ) reaction cross sections. Cross sections modelling has been performed for both isotopes (233U et 238U) with the nuclear reaction code TALYS. In the 238U case, the implementation of new model in the code highlighted better agreement calculation/experiment for (n, n’γ) reaction cross sections. Despite this result, no change in the total inelastic scattering cross section has been seen. Finally, a cross sections uncertainties evaluation has been done with CONRAD, comparing different methods of propagating experimental uncertainties to model parameters via the Bayesian inference
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Uemura, Sho. "Differential cross section measurement for the d(n,np) reaction." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010.

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Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 2010.
This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 83-84).
The differential cross section for the quasielastic d(n,np) neutron-induced deuteron breakup reaction was measured as a function of incident and scattered particle energies and angles, using a liquid deuterium target at the Weapons Neutron Research (WNR) spallation neutron beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Cross sections were computed for the incident neutron energy ranges of 10010, 20010, and 30010 MeV. We used proton detectors covering a range of = 17 - 25 in the lab frame, and neutron detectors covering a range of = 55 - 76 in the lab frame. Experiment setup and data analysis are discussed, and preliminary results are presented for the cross section.
by Sho Uemura.
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Sage, Christophe. "Total and (n,2n) neutron cross section measurements on 241Am." Strasbourg, 2009.

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Des mesures de sections efficaces neutroniques sur l’241Am ont été réalisées à l’IRMM à Geel, en Belgique, dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre ce laboratoire de la Commission Européenne et des laboratoires français du CEA et du CNRS. Des échantillons d'oxyde d'américium spécialement dédiés à ces mesures furent fabriqués au sein de l'ITU à Karlsruhe à partir de matière première fournie par le CEA Marcoule. Concernant la mesure de la réaction (n,2n), les irradiations eurent lieu auprès de l'accélérateur Van de Graaff de l'IRMM en plusieurs sessions de février 2007 à mars 2008. Cet accélérateur fournit un faisceau de neutrons quasi-monoénergétiques à des énergies comprises entre 8. 4 et 20. 6 MeV via les réactions D(d,n)3He et T(d,n)4He. La section efficace fut déterminée relativement à celle de la réaction standard 27Al(n,α)24Na. Les résultats détaillés dans cette thèse présentent la première mesure expérimentale de cette section efficace au-delà de 15 MeV, ainsi que trois autres énergies en bon accord avec les expériences précédentes. Les mesures de sections efficaces totale et de capture furent effectuées au sein de la source blanche de neutrons GELINA de l'IRMM. Ces mesures, effectuées entre mars 2007 et décembre 2008, se concentrent principalement sur les deux premières résonances de la section efficace de l'241Am aux énergies 0. 3 et 0. 57 eV. Les résultats des mesures de transmission confirment les tendances des mesures intégrales vers une augmentation de la section efficace. Les mesures de capture furent effectuées dans la continuité de celles de transmission, mais leur analyse n'est pas incluse dans ce travail de thèse
Neutron induced reaction cross sections on 241Am have been measured at the IRMM in Geel, Belgium, in the frame of a collaboration between the EC Joint Research Centres IRMM and ITU and French laboratories from CNRS and CEA. Raw material coming from the Atalante facility of CEA Marcoule has been transformed into suitable AmO2 samples embedded in Al2O3 and Y2O3 matrices. The irradiations for the 241Am(n,2n)240Am reaction cross section measurement were carried out at the 7 MV Van de Graaff accelerator using the activation technique with quasi mono-energetic neutrons from 8 to 21 MeV produced via the D(d,n)3He and the T(d,n)4He reactions. The cross section was determined relative to the 27Al(n,α)24Na standard cross section and was investigated for the first time above 15 MeV. The induced activity was measured off-line by standard γ-ray spectrometry using a high purity Ge detector. A special effort was made for the estimation of the uncertainties and the correlations between our experimental points. A different sample of the same isotope 241Am has been measured in transmission and capture experiments in the resolved resonance region at the neutron ToF facility GELINA. The transmission measurement was performed in two campaigns, with an upgrade of the whole data acquisition system in between, followed by an investigation of its new performances. A preliminary analysis of the resonance parameters tends to confirm the recent evaluation to a higher value for the cross section at the bottom of the first resonances. A new design of C6D6 detectors for capture measurements has been studied, but the data reduction and analysis of the measurement are not part of this work
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Ralston, James. "The 10B(n, α) and 10B(n, p) Cross-Sections in the MeV Energy Range." Ohio University Honors Tutorial College / OhioLINK, 2011.

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Yang, Hongwei. "THE N-P SCATTERING CROSS SECTION FROM 90 KEV TO 1.8 MEV." UKnowledge, 2015.

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There have been very few measurements of the total cross section for n-p scattering below 500 keV. In order to differentiate among NN potential models, improved cross section data between 20 and 600 keV are required. We measured the n-p and n-C total cross sections in this energy region by transmission; a collimated neutron beam was passed through CH2 and C samples and transmitted neutrons were detected by a BC-501A deuterated liquid scintillator. Cross sections were obtained by taking the ratios of normalized neutron yields with the samples in the beam and with no sample in the beam. Both better precision and larger range between 90 keV and 1.8 MeV results are presented. The parameters resulting from fitting effective range theory to the data for n-p scattering are in good agreement with parameters determined from previous fits.
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CIANI, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO. "Cross section of the 13C(a,n)16O reaction at low energies." Doctoral thesis, Gran Sasso Science Institute, 2019.

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Jansson, Kaj. "Improving the Neutron Cross-section Standards 238U(n,f) and 6Li(n,a) : Measurements and Simulations." Licentiate thesis, Uppsala universitet, Tillämpad kärnfysik, 2015.

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Improving or extending the range of cross-section standards, which in general are believed to be well known, require good control of the experimental conditions and the uncertainties involved. Two experiments that aspire to improve two different neutron cross-section standards, 238U(n,f) and 6Li(n,a, are presented in this thesis. Both standards have previously been extensively measured, but outside certain energy ranges discrepancies exist. In this thesis, a future precision measurement of the 238U(n,f) standard, relative to the elastic neutron scattering on hydrogen, is analysed through simulations. The status of the currently ongoing measurement of the second standard, 6Li(n,a), is also reported and some preliminary results are presented.Measurements of the uranium standard, with a total uncertainty better than 2%, are planned at the upcoming NFS facility. The new experimental situation requires our existing setup to be upgraded with new detectors. The simulation study has supplied limits on the target and detector designs but also provided estimates of the uncertainties that show the feasibility of a precision measurement. The design of the whole setup and the development of new detectors are guided by the simulation study presented in this thesis. When the upgrade is complete, the setup will consist of two parallel plate avalanche counters (PPACs), in addition to the eight detector telescopes already present in the existing setup.The 6Li(n,a) measurement is ongoing at the GELINA facility at IRMM in Geel, Belgium. A twin Frisch-grid ionisation chamber is employed measuring both 6Li(n,a) and 235U(n,f) in separate compartments. Although a problematic background was found, the preliminary cross section in the resonance region around 240 keV reproduces evaluated neutron library data fairly well. A recent move of the setup to a position closer to the neutron production shows promising improvements in the background situation.
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Wright, Tobias James. "High accuracy measurement of the 238U(n,γ) cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2014.

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The radiative capture cross section of a highly pure (99.999%), 6.125(2) grams 238U sample ((9.56±05)e-4 atoms/barn) has been measured in the 185 m flight path at the CERN neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF in the energy range 0.3 eV-20 keV. The Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC) detection system, an array of 40 BaF2 crystals, was used utilising the total absorption technique, where all the γ-rays from the capture cascades are detected. These data have undergone careful background subtraction, with special care being given to the background originating from neutrons scattered by the 238U sample. Pile-up and dead-time effects have been corrected for using an innovative correction method valid for variable high count rates within a complex detection system such as the TAC. The resulting capture yield has an uncertainty of up to 2.2% below 5 keV and up to 3.7% between 5 and 20 keV, in line with the accuracy requested in the NEA High Priority Request List. A resonance analysis has been performed up to 5 keV with the code SAMMY. Between 5 and 20 keV, the cross section is treated as unresolved and averaged. The results confirm the excellent quality of the most recent nuclear data evaluations within quoted uncertainties and suggest some improvements. In particular, these TAC data suggest a 2% increase in the average cross section in the energy range 2-9 keV and a 5% reduction in the energy range 9-20 keV.
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Fraval, Kevin. "Measurement and analysis of the 241 Am (n,γ) cross section at the Cern n _TOF facility." Paris 7, 2013.

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La section efficace 241Am(n,gamma) a été mesurée auprès de l'installation n_TOF, au CERN par spectrometrie par temps de vol. Les détecteurs utilisés pour la-détection des photons étaient des scintillateurs liquide de type C6D6. Après calibration des détecteurs et sélection des évènements au delà d'un seuil de 300 keV en énergie déposée, les histogrammes extraits furent corrigés pour le temps mort et en efficacité via la méthode de fonction poids. Ces fonctions poids furent calculées par à l'aide de simulations numériques de la réponse des détecteurs effectuées avec MCNPX. Les différentes sources de bruit de fond furent estimées et normalisées afin d'être correctement soustraites du signal total. La rendement capture par l'échantillon fut ensuite calculé en divisant le taux net de comptage pondéré par le flux de neutrons incident et l'énergie d'excitation du noyau composé. Ce rendement fut ensuite normalisé au rendement de capture d'une résonance connue, nommément à 4. 9 eV sur l'isotope 197Au. Enfin, l'analyse des résonances avec le code SAMMY permit d'étendre le domaine résolu jusqu'à 320 eV, soit deux fois au delà des limites des précédentes évaluations. La section efficace thermique fut estimée à 678 +- 68 barns, et une analyse statistique des niveaux fut effectuée, ainsi qu'une analyse de la région non résolue, jusqu'à 150 keV. La section efficace moyenne entre 320 eV et 150 keV est supérieure aux précédentes estimations. De futurs travaux devront se concentrer sur la réduction du bruit de fond pour réduire l'incertitude sur la valeur thermique, et également la réduction de la sensibilité au flash gamma, afin d'étendre l'énergie maximale de la région non résolue
The 241Am(n,g) cross section was measured at the n_TOF facility, at CERN by time of flight spectrometry. The detectors used for photon detection were C6D6 liquid scintillators. After callbration and event selection above a 300 keV threshold, the extracted histograms were corrected for dead time an efficiency using the weighting function technique. These weighting functions were calculated using simulated detectors response obtained via MCPX. All the background sources were estimated and normalized for proper subtraction to the total signal. The sample's capture yield was then calculated by dividing the net weighted count rate by the incoming neutron flux and compound nucleus excitation energy. This yield was then normalized to the capture yield of a well know isotope, namely at 4. 9 eV on 197Au. Finally, resonance analysis performed with the SAMMY code allowed the extension of the resolved resonance range to 320 eV, which is twice larger than in previous evaluations. The thermal cross section was found to be 678 +- 68 barns, and a statistical analysis was performed, together with an unresolved region analysis, up to 150 keV. The average cross section between 320 eV and 150 keV is larger than in previous estimations. Future worl should focus on reducing background to minimize the uncertainty on the thermal value, and also reducing the sensitivity to the gamma flash, in order to extend the upper limit of the unresolved range
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Brandenburg, Kristyn H. "Development of a Neutron Long Counter for (alpha,n) Cross Section Measurements at Ohio University." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2017.

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Books on the topic "Cross section, (n, n’γ)"


Hussain, Manzoor. Modelling of three-body and four-body contributions to the 9Be (n, 2n) double differential cross section. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 1994.

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Gayther, D. B. The 93Nb(n,n')93mNb Cross-section. AEA Technology Plc, 1987.

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Gay, Colin W. The charm cross section and atomic number dependence in pi-N collisions. 1992.

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Powell, James David. Constraints of the low-energy E1 cross section of [12]C([alpha],[gamma])[16]O from the [beta]-delayed [alpha] spectrum of [16]N. 1995.

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Karakoç, Ekrem. Cross-National Test of the Theory. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The previous chapter posed the primary research question and offered a new theory that encompassed two interrelated arguments. This chapter produces three hypotheses derived from the new theory offered in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 tests these arguments in a large-N study using multivariate statistical analysis. The first section discusses the operationalization of our main dependent and independent variables. It will also briefly outline a set of control variables and what the literature predicts regarding their effect on spending and inequality. These factors range from economic factors (globalization, inflation, female labor participation, economic development), political factors (partisanship, electoral systems, election cycle), and demographic factors. To correct for problems associated with the nature of panel data models, such as endogeneity, heteroskedasticity, and autocorrelation, it uses the Arellano-Bond estimation, which uses the Generalized Method of Moments. The rest of the chapter presents the results and offers its interpretation and conclusion.
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Book chapters on the topic "Cross section, (n, n’γ)"


Wagemans, C., S. Druyts, H. Weigmann, R. Barthélémy, P. Schillebeeckx, and P. Geltenbort. "(n,p) and (n,α) Cross-Section Measurements with Astrophysical Applications." In Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 638–40. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Zhi-zheng, Xu, Pan Li-min, and Wu Zhi-hua. "The (n, 2n) Cross Section Measurement for Na-23." In Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 666–68. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Kanda, Y., Y. Kikuchi, Y. Nakajima, M. G. Sowerby, M. C. Moxon, F. H. Fröhner, W. P. Poenitz, and L. W. Weston. "A Report on Evaluated 238U(n,γ) Cross Section." In Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 851–53. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Badikov, Sergei, and Konstantin Zolotarev. "Evaluation of the 23Na(N,Gamma) Reaction Cross Section." In Reactor Dosimetry: 16th International Symposium, 135–41. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959: ASTM International, 2018.

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Klose, S. "On the Geometrical Cross-Section of an N-Mer." In The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter, 43–46. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.

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Iwasaki, T., H. Kimiyama, S. Meigo, S. Matsuyama, M. Baba, K. Kanda, and N. Hirakawa. "A New Method for Measurement of (n,2n) Cross Section." In Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 471–73. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Chunhao, Wang, Xia Yijun, Long Xianguan, He Fuqing, Yang Jingfu, Yang Zhihua, Peng Xiufeng, Liu Mantian, Luo Xiaobing, and Lu Hanlin. "Measurement and Analysis of 98Mo(n,γ)99Mo Reaction Cross Section." In Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 370–72. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Winkler, G., V. E. Lewis, T. B. Ryves, and M. Wagner. "The 238U(n,f) Cross Section and its Ratio to the 27Al(n,α)24Na and 56Fe(n,p)56Mn Cross Section in the 14 MeV Region." In Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, 514–17. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.

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Guttormsen, M., S. Goriely, A. C. Larsen, A. Görgen, T. W. Hagen, T. Renstrøm, S. Siem, et al. "Indirect $$(n, \gamma )^{91,92}$$ Zr Cross Section Measurements for the s-Process." In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 359–62. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Hamid, Mohamad Amin Bin, Beh Hoe Guan, Xiao Yan Chew, and Saba Ayub. "Empirical Formulation of (n, p) Nuclear Cross-Section at 14–15 meV." In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 723–28. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Conference papers on the topic "Cross section, (n, n’γ)"


Terlizzi, R. "Measurement of 139La(n,γ) Cross Section." In CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS: 12th International Symposium. AIP, 2006.

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Moreno-Granados, Guadalupe, Minerba Betancourt, and Bruce Howard. "NuMI n-Ar cross-section measurements @ ICARUS." In NuMI n-Ar cross-section measurements @ ICARUS. US DOE, 2023.

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Hatarik, R. "102Pd(n, γ) Cross Section Measurement Using DANCE." In CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS: 12th International Symposium. AIP, 2006.

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Marrone, S. "Implications of 151Sm(n,γ) Cross Section at n_TOF." In FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS - FINUSTAR. AIP, 2006.

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Terlizzi, R. "Measurement of 139La(n,γ) Cross Section at n_TOF." In FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS - FINUSTAR. AIP, 2006.

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Maidana, Nora L. "232Th(n,γ)233Th Thermal Reaction Cross-Section Measurement." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. AIP, 2005.

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Dillmann, Iris, Georg Rugel, Arnd Junghans, Thomas Faestermann, Gunther Korschinek, Johannes Lachner, Moumita Maiti, et al. "First measurement of the 64Ni(\gamma ,n) cross section." In 11th Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2011.

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Walter, Stephan. "Method for (n,γ) cross section measurements on unstable isotopes." In CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS: 12th International Symposium. AIP, 2006.

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Weiss, Christina. "A CVD diamond detector for (n,alpha) cross section measurements." In VI European Summer School on Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2013.

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Reports on the topic "Cross section, (n, n’γ)"


Younes, W., H. C. Britt, and J. B. Wilhelmy. The 237U(n,f) Cross Section. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2003.

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Hejnal, Brooke Ellen. Bounding the 239Pu(n,f) cross-section. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2017.

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Kelly, Keegan, Michelle Mosby, and Toshihiko Kawano. Dual n-gamma Measurement of the 235U(n,3n) Cross Section. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2021.

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Anderson, J. D., R. W. Bauer, J. A. Becker, F. S. Dietrich, and D. P. McNabb. Alternate Approach to the 239Pu(n,2n) Cross Section. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2000.

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McNabb, D. P., J. D. Anderson, R. W. Bauer, J. A. Becker, F. Dietrich, P. Navratil, M. B. Chadwick, and P. G. Young. Evaluation of the 239Pu(n,2n) Integrated Cross Section. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2001.

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Ressler, J., J. Burke, J. Escher, C. Angell, M. Basunia, C. Beausang, L. Bernstein, et al. Surrogate measurement of the 238Pu(n,f) cross section. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2010.

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Burke, J., J. Ressler, J. Gostic, R. Henderson, L. Bernstein, J. Escher, D. Bleuel, et al. Report on 241,242Am(n,x) surrogate cross section measurement. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2011.

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Burke, J., J. Ressler, R. Henderson, N. Scielzo, J. Escher, I. Thompson, J. Gostic, D. Bleuel, M. Weideking, and L. Bernstein. Report on 238Pu(n,x) surrogate cross section measurement. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2010.

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Burke, J. T., B. S. Alan, O. A. Akindele, R. J. Casperson, R. O. Hughes, J. D. Koglin, A. Tamashiro, et al. 239Pu(n, 2n) and 241Pu(n, 2n) surrogate cross section measurements using NeutronSTARS. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2017.

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Chen, H., G. Reffo, M. A. Ross, and R. M. White. The 239 Pu(n,2n)238Pu cross section: preliminary calculations. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 1999.

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