Academic literature on the topic 'Crops and soils South Australia'

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Journal articles on the topic "Crops and soils South Australia"


Cartwright, B., BA Zarcinas, and LR Spouncer. "Boron toxicity in South Australian barley crops." Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 37, no. 4 (1986): 351.

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Boron toxicity was identified in barley crops grown on a range of soils at 16 widespread locations in South Australia, and also at one site in western Victoria. The soils on which boron toxicity occurred included red-brown earths (Calcic Natrixeralf), calcareous earths (Xerollic Calciorthid and Calcic Paleorthid), and calcareous sands ('Petrocalcixerollic' Xerochrept). At one site the soil was a grey clay (Palexerollic Chromoxerert). The properties of some examples of normal and high-boron soils which were sampled in close proximity are discussed. For individual high-boron soil profiles it was possible to demonstrate statistically significant relationships between extractable boron and ESP, CEC and clay content. However, these relationships did not hold generally for comparisons between normal and high-boron soils. Boron concentrations in affected barley ranged from 56 mg/kg in mature straw to 323 mg/kg in whole tops at Feekes stage 10.1. In control samples the mean boron concentration was 22.8 mg/kg. The concentrations of other nutrient elements (P, K, S, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mo) were within normal ranges, and did not differ between control samples and plants with toxicity symptoms. Barley plants affected by the toxicity had increased concentrations of Na and Cl, and decreased concentrations of Ca compared with control plants. These effects were small, but statistically significant, and were consistent with the notion that the toxicity was associated with sodic soils. The findings extend our earlier work on boron toxicity at a single site, and demonstrate that the toxicity is widespread in South Australia.
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Humphries, A. W., X. G. Zhang, K. S. McDonald, R. A. Latta, and G. C. Auricht. "Persistence of diverse lucerne (Medicago sativa sspp.) germplasm under farmer management across a range of soil types in southern Australia." Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59, no. 2 (2008): 139.

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The persistence of a diverse group of lucerne (Medicago sativa sspp.) germplasm was evaluated under farmer management across a range of acidic and neutral-alkaline soils at 8 sites in South and Western Australia. Dryland field trials were sown in parallel with commercial lucerne paddocks being grown in rotation with cereal crops, remaining unfenced and under management by the farmer for the life of the stand. The combined differences in soil type, grazing management, and low rainfall contributed to large differences in average lucerne persistence between sites in South Australia and Western Australia. After 3 years, plant frequency (a measure of plant density used to monitor persistence) averaged 17% (at least 17 plants/m2) on the strongly acidic soils in Western Australia and 30% on the neutral-alkaline soils in South Australia (at least 30 plants/m2). Differences in persistence were attributed to the combined stresses of soil pH, drought conditions, and grazing management. Genetic correlation analyses between sites failed to show any clear patterns in the performance of entries at each site, except for a high correlation between 2 South Australian sites in close proximity. Highly winter-active germplasm was less persistent than other winter activity groups, but was higher yielding when assessed in an additional trial at Katanning, WA. Highly winter-active lucerne (class 9–10) should continue to be recommended for short (2–4 year) phases in rotation with cereals, and winter-active groups (6–8) should be recommend for longer (4–7 year) phases in rotations. The results of this evaluation are also being used to identify broadly adapted, elite genotypes in the breeding of new lucerne cultivars for the southern Australian cropping districts.
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Reuter, DJ, CB Dyson, DE Elliott, DC Lewis, and CL Rudd. "An appraisal of soil phosphorus testing data for crops and pastures in South Australia." Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 35, no. 7 (1995): 979.

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Data from more than 580 field experiments conducted in South Australia over the past 30 years have been re-examined to estimate extractable soil phosphorus (P) levels related to 90% maximum yield (C90) for 7 crop species (wheat, barley, oilseed rape, sunflower, field peas, faba beans, potato) and 3 types of legume-based pasture (subterranean clover, strawberry clover, annual medics). Data from both single-year and longer term experiments were evaluated. The C90 value for each species was derived from the relationship between proportional yield responsiveness to applied P fertiliser rates (determined as grain yield in crops and herbage yield in ungrazed pastures) and extractable P concentrations in surface soils sampled before sowing. Most data assessments involved the Colwell soil P test and soils sampled in autumn to 10 cm depth. When all data for a species were considered together, the relationship between proportional yield response to applied P and soil P status was typically variable, particularly where Colwell soil P concentration was around C90. When data could be grouped according to common soil types, soil surface texture, or P sorption indices (selected sites), better relationships were discerned. From such segregated data sets, different C90 estimates were derived for either different soil types or soil properties. We recommend that site descriptors associated with the supply of soil P to plant roots be determined as a matter of course in future P fertiliser experiments in South Australia. Given the above, we also contend that the Colwell soil P test is reasonably robust for estimating P fertiliser requirements for the diverse range of soils in the agricultural regions of the State. In medium- and longer term experiments, changes in Colwell soil P concentration were measured in the absence or presence of newly applied P fertiliser. The rate of change (mg soil P/kg per kg applied P/ha) appeared to vary with soil type (or soil properties) and, perhaps, cropping frequency. Relatively minor changes in soil P status were observed due to different tillage practices. In developing P fertiliser budgets, we conclude that a major knowledge gap exists for estimating the residual effectiveness of P fertiliser applied to diverse soil types under a wide range of South Australian farming systems.
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Turner, NC. "Crop production on duplex soils: an introduction." Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 32, no. 7 (1992): 797.

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Duplex or texture-contrast soils occur over about 60% of the agricultural areas of south-west Western Australia. Annual crops of wheat, barley, oats, and lupins predominate on these soils, grown in rotation with annual pastures. The climate is characterised by cool, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Crop production is restricted to the winter and spring and is limited by waterlogging in the wet winter months and by water shortage during grain filling in spring. Research on crop production on duplex soils has been undertaken for the past 8 years by a collaborative team from the CSIRO Dryland Crops andyoils Program and the Western Australian Department of Agriculture. This research has been focussed on 3 sites at which processes limiting crop production on duplex soils have been highlighted. This special issue was initiated to summarise that research and to put it in its regional and national perspective. Additionally, opportunity was taken to compare and contrast experiences both within Western Australia and throughout Australia, and to draw out management options for crop production on duplex soils.
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Sadras, Victor O., and John F. Angus. "Benchmarking water-use efficiency of rainfed wheat in dry environments." Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 57, no. 8 (2006): 847.

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Attainable water-use efficiency relates attainable yield, i.e. the best yield achieved through skilful use of available technology, and seasonal evapotranspiration (ET). For wheat crops in south-eastern Australia, there is a common, often large gap between actual and attainable water-use efficiency. To evaluate whether this gap is only an Australian problem or a general feature of dry environments, we compared water-use efficiency of rainfed wheat in south-eastern Australia, the North American Great Plains, China Loess Plateau, and the Mediterranean Basin. A dataset of published data was compiled (n = 691); water-use efficiency (WUEY/ET) was calculated as the ratio between actual grain yield and seasonal ET. Maximum WUEY/ET was 22 kg grain/ Average WUEY/ET (kg grain/ was 9.9 for south-eastern Australia, 9.8 for the China Loess Plateau, 8.9 for the northern Great Plains of North America, 7.6 for the Mediterranean Basin, and 5.3 for the southern-central Great Plains; the variation in average WUEY/ET was largely accounted for by reference evapotranspiration around flowering. Despite substantial differences in important factors including soils, precipitation patterns, and management practices, crops in all these environments had similarly low average WUEY/ET, between 32 and 44% of attainable efficiency. We conclude that low water-use efficiency of Australian crops is not a local problem, but a widespread feature of dry environments. Yield gap analysis for crops in the Mallee region of Australia revealed low availability of phosphorus, late sowing, and subsoil chemical constraints as key factors reducing water-use efficiency, largely through their effects on soil evaporation.
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Bowmer, KH. "Atrazine persistence and toxicity in two irrigated soils of Australia." Soil Research 29, no. 2 (1991): 339.

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The persistence of atrazine in two contrasting irrigated soils from the Riverine Plain of south-eastern Australia was measured in the laboratory at three constant temperatures. Particularly at lower temperatures atrazine was more persistent, by an order of magnitude, than reported for soils overseas; but in two successive field experiments, encompassing both surface and incorporated applications of atrazine in the heavier soil, residues measured after about 7 months were within the range expected from the literature. The measured residues were 2-6 times smaller than predicted using a simulation model, probably reflecting volatilization and other losses which are not included in the model, but which are expected to be substantial at the extremely high soil surface temperatures observed in the field. Comparative measurements of aged residues in the heavy clay soil showed higher results from chemical analysis of acetonitrile-water soil extracts than by in situ glasshouse bioassay using oats and turnips, demonstrating that only one third of the extractable residue was available to crops. Comparison of soil-based and hydroponic assay using soybeans showed that this soil reduced the effective atrazine concentration in solution by at least 16-fold, but sensitive crops could still be damaged when grown in rotation after tolerant crops, or if irrigated with contaminated water.
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Fillery, IR, and KJ McInnes. "Components of the fertiliser nitrogen balance for wheat production on duplex soils." Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 32, no. 7 (1992): 887.

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In this paper, we review literature on the fate of fertiliser nitrogen (N) applied to duplex soils in wheat-growing regions of southern Australia, and discuss the contribution of specific N transformations to N loss. Duplex soils are characterised by the presence of soil material, within the rooting depth of crops, that possess hydraulic conductivities that are lower than those of overlying material. Denitrification and the transport of nitrate below rooting depth of crops are thought to be the chief causes of loss of fertiliser N and to contribute to poor grain yields. Ammonia volatilisation could contribute also to N loss. The fate of fertiliser N commonly applied to wheat in southern Australia has largely been evaluated using budgeting procedures using l5N, a stable isotope of N. Results from studies in south-eastem Australia, using red-brown earths, indicate that between 10 and 40% of applied 15N can be lost irrespective of time of application to wheat. Denitrification is believed to be the chief cause of loss of l5N. Similar studies on yellow duplex soils in Western Australia have shown fertiliser N loss to range from 70% to no loss of the l5N applied. The exact cause of N loss in Western Australian studies is unclear. There was circumstantial evidence for ammonia loss from surface-applied urea, and evidence of leaching of nitrates from this and other ammoniumbased fertilisers. The role of denitrification has not been clarified in Western Australian studies. In the majority of studies, recovery of 15N in aboveground biomass exceeded 40% of that applied. In addition, between 17 and 48% of applied 15N, of which 10-15% may be in root material, has been recovered in the soil organic matter pool. The predominance of the denitrification process in south-eastern Australian soils, and the inability to improve the efficiency of utilisation of 15N by delaying the time of application to wheat underscores the importance of controlling the nitrification process using inhibitors. Management options for Western Australian soils are less clear. Some agronomic experiments have demonstrated the advantage of delaying the application of fertiliser N to wheat to improve the efficiency of its utilisation. There is also evidence which suggests that N should be applied early in the growth cycle to promote tiller development and thereby increase the potential for grain yield.
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Xiong, X., F. Stagnitti, G. Allinson, N. Turoczy, P. Li, M. LeBlanc, M. A. Cann, et al. "Effects of clay amendment on adsorption and desorption of copper in water repellent soils." Soil Research 43, no. 3 (2005): 397.

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Copper is an important micronutrient and trace amounts are essential for crop growth. However, high concentrations of copper will produce toxic effects. Australia is increasingly developing production of crops in water repellent soils. Clay amendment, a common amelioration techniques used in Australia, has demonstrated agronomic benefits in increased crop or pasture production. The sorption and desorption of copper and the effect of clay treatment on copper behaviour in a water repellent soil collected from an experimental farm in South Australia is studied. We found that the water repellent soils amended with clay have an increased adsorption capacity of copper. Also the clay-amended soils had an increased ratio of specific sorption to total sorption of copper. The implications of this study to the sustainable agro-environmental management of water repellent soils is discussed.
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Hollaway, K. L., R. S. Kookana, D. M. Noy, J. G. Smith, and N. Wilhelm. "Crop damage caused by residual acetolactate synthase herbicides in the soils of south-eastern Australia." Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 46, no. 10 (2006): 1323.

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Grain growers in south-eastern Australia have reported unexpected crop failures with theoretically safe recropping periods for acetolactate synthase herbicides in alkaline soils. This experience has led to the concern that these herbicides may degrade very slowly in alkaline soils, and herbicide residues have at times been blamed for unexplained crop losses. To address this issue, we established 5 recropping trials across Victoria and South Australia with 5 acetolactate synthase herbicides (chlorsulfuron, triasulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl, imazethapyr, and flumetsulam). The herbicides were applied to separate plots in years 1, 2 or 3, and sensitive crop species were sown in year 4 to measure the impact of herbicide residues. We observed that the persistence of the sulfonylureas (chlorsulfuron, triasulfuron, metsulfuron-methyl) varied between herbicides, but all persisted longer in alkaline soils than in acid soils, and were, therefore, more likely to damage crops in alkaline soil. Imazethapyr persisted longer in clay soils than in sandy soils and was, therefore, more likely to damage crops in clay soils. All herbicides persisted longer when rainfall was below average. Canola was more sensitive to imazethapyr than either pea, lentil or medic, but was less sensitive to the sulfonylureas. In contrast, lentil and medic were the most sensitive to sulfonylureas. Despite some damage, we found that safe recropping periods could be predicted from the product labels in all but one situation. The sole exception was that metsulfuron-methyl reduced dry matter and yield of lentil and medic sown 10 months after application in a soil with pH 8.5. We hypothesise that the real cause of crop failure in many situations is not unusual herbicide persistence, but failure to take full account of soil type (pH and clay content including variation in the paddock) and rainfall when deciding to recrop after using acetolactate synthase herbicides.
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Unkovich, Murray, Therese McBeath, Rick Llewellyn, James Hall, Vadakattu VSR Gupta, and Lynne M. Macdonald. "Challenges and opportunities for grain farming on sandy soils of semi-arid south and south-eastern Australia." Soil Research 58, no. 4 (2020): 323.

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Sandy soils make up a substantial fraction of cropping land in low rainfall (<450 mm p.a.) south and south-eastern Australia. In this paper we review the possible soil constraints to increased production on these soils in this region. Many of these soils have a very low (<3%) clay content and suffer from severe water repellency, making crop establishment and weed control problematic. Crops which do emerge are faced with uneven soil wetting and poor access to nutrients, with crop nutrition constraints exacerbated by low fertility (soil organic matter < 1%) and low cation exchange capacity. Zones of high penetration resistance appear common and have multiple causes (natural settling, cementation and traffic induced) which restrict root growth to <40 cm. Crop water use and grain yield are therefore likely to be well below the water-limited potential. Water repellency is readily diagnosed and where apparent should be the primary management target. Repellency can be mitigated through the use of furrow and other sowing technologies, along with soil wetting agents. These techniques appear to be affected by site and soil nuances and need to be refined for local soils and conditions. Once crop establishment on water repellent soils has been optimised, attention could be turned to opportunities for improving crop rooting depth through the use of deep tillage or deep ripping techniques. The required ripping depth, and how long the effects may last, are unclear and need further research, as do the most effective and efficient machinery requirements to achieve sustained deeper root growth. Crop nutrition matched to the water-limited crop yield potential is the third pillar of crop production that needs to be addressed. Low soil organic matter, low cation exchange capacity, low biological activity and limited nutrient cycling perhaps make this a greater challenge than in higher rainfall regions with finer textured soils. Interactions between nutrients in soils and fertilisers are likely to occur and make nutrient management more difficult. While amelioration (elimination) of water repellency is possible through the addition of clay to the soil surface, the opportunities for this may be restricted to the ~30% of the sandy soils of the region where clay is readily at hand. The amounts of clay required to eliminate repellency (~5%) are insufficient to significantly improve soil fertility or soil water holding capacity. More revolutionary soil amelioration treatments, involving additions and incorporation of clay and organic matter to soils offer the possibility of a more elevated crop yield plateau. Considerable research would be required to provide predictive capacity with respect to where and when these practices are effective.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Crops and soils South Australia"


Farhoodi, Alireza. "Lime requirement in acidifying cropping soils in South Australia." Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 2002.

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"August 2002" Bibliography: leaves 230-254. Field sites and soils from cropping studies in the mid-north of South Australia were used to address questions of soil responses to lime and the influence of acidifying inputs. The study showed that LMWOAs associated with different stubbles can help to ameliorate toxicity through complexation with A1.
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Thomas, Benjamin Mark. "The role of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Linum usitatissimum L. production in Southern Australian soils." Title page, contents and abstract only, 2001.

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Bibliography: leaves 106-132. This project investigated the role of VAM fungi in the growth and nutrition of Linum usitatissimum L. in agricultural soils in southern Australia. It had two general aims: (1) to examine the role of indigenous VAM fungi in the growth and nutrition of linseed in field soil collected near Clare, South Australia; and (2) to examine the effect of VAM fungi on the Zn nutrition of Linola.
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McLaughlin, Michael John. "Phosphorus cycling in soil under wheat-pasture rotations /." Title page, contents and summary only, 1986.

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Wallace, Ashley J. "The effect of environment, soil type and farm system management on nitrogen use efficiency and nitrous oxide emissions from cereal crops in south eastern Australia." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2022.

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This thesis outlines findings from a series of field experiments measuring the efficiency with which wheat and barley crops grown in south eastern Australia utilise nitrogen (N) fertiliser, with particular focus on loss of N as emissions of the greenhouse gas: nitrous oxide. N use efficiency varied significantly across regions, seasons and management strategies, while nitrous oxide emissions were highest in high rainfall environments or under irrigation compared with lower rainfall environments. Strategies which match the rate and timing of fertiliser application to crop demand resulted in greater efficiency, offering opportunities to reduce the greenhouse footprint of crop production.
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Dennis, Jeremy Ian. "Chocolate spot of faba beans in South Australia." Title page, contents and summary only, 1991.

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Bibliography: leaves 81-100. Entry of inoculum into a crop and disease development in the crop cannot be prevented because spores are airborne and there is a lack of highly resistant varieties. This makes complete control of chocolate spot unlikely. It should however, be possible to improve current levels of disease control through the integration of the factors identified in the study.
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Taylor, Sharyn Patricia. "The root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus neglectus, in field crops in South Australia." Title page, contents and summary only, 2000.

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Includes bibliographical references (leaves 241-25). Aims to evaluate sampling procedures; assess the extent and magnitude of yield loss caused by Pratylenchus neglectus; assess the population dynamics of Pratylenchus neglectus in cereals; determine whether resistance occurs in field crops; and, assess whether variation occurs between geographically isolated species of Pratylenchus neglectus
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Valizadeh, Reza. "Summer nutrition of sheep based on residues of annual crops and medic pastures." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1994.

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Chen, Juan. "Mobility and environmental fate of norflurazon and haloxyfop-R methyl ester in six viticultural soils of South Australia /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1999.

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Fletcher, Cheryl Florence. "Spatial variability of weeds, soils and crops in fields of the south Peace River region, Alberta." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Odeh, Inakwu Ominyi Akots. "Soil pattern recognition in a South Australian subcatchment /." Title page, contents and abstract only, 1990.

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Books on the topic "Crops and soils South Australia"


McArthur, W. M. Reference soils of south-western Australia. Perth, W.A: Dept. of Agriculture, Western Australia on behalf of the Australian Society of Soil Science, 1991.

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Barrett-Lennard, E. G. Saltland pastures in Australia: A practical guide. South Perth, W.A: Dept. of Agriculture, Western Australia, 1995.

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Malcolm, C. V. Screening schrubs for establishment and survival on salt-affected soils in south-western Australia. Perth: Department of Agriculture, 1989.

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Research for Development Seminar (1984 Cunderdin, W.A.). Forage and fuel production from salt affected wasteland: Proceedings of a seminar held at Cunderdin, Western Australia, 19-27 May, 1984. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986.

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International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH (3rd 1993 Brisbane, Qld.). Plant-soil interactions at low pH: Principles and management : proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 12-16 September 1993. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1995.

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International Workshop on Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (3rd 1994 Adelaide, S. Aust.). Improving plant productivity with rhizosphere bacteria: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria : Adelaide, South Australia, March 7-11, 1994. Glen Osmond, S. Aust: CSIRO, 1994.

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Deep Drainage Taskforce (W.A.). Deep drainage in south-west Western Australia: Making it work, not proving it wrong : report and recommendations to the Honourable Monty House MLA, Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries. South Perth, WA: Agriculture W.A. for the Taskforce, 2000.

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International Symposium on "Manganese in Soils and Plants" (1988 Waite Agricultural Research Institute). Manganese in soils and plants: Proceedings of the International Symposium on "Manganese in Soils and Plants" held at the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, the University of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, South Australia, August 22-26, 1988, as an Australian Bicentennial event. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1988.

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Soils of south-western Australia. [East Perth, W.A.]: Ministry of Education, Western Australia, 1988.

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Effects of waterlogging on crop and pasture production in the Upper Great Southern, Western Australia. Perth: Western Australia Department of Agriculture, 1992.

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Book chapters on the topic "Crops and soils South Australia"


Milnes, A. R., M. J. Wright, and M. Thiry. "Silica Accumulations in Saprolites and Soils in South Australia." In SSSA Special Publications, 121–49. Madison, WI, USA: Soil Science Society of America, 2015.

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Leys, J. F. "The threshold friction velocities and soil flux rates of selected soils in south-west New South Wales, Australia." In Aeolian Grain Transport, 103–12. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 1991.

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Slattery, J. F., W. J. Slattery, and B. M. Carmody. "Influence of Soil Chemical Characteristics on Medic Rhizobia in the Alkaline Soils of South Eastern Australia." In Highlights of Nitrogen Fixation Research, 243–49. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1999.

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Baker, G. H., V. J. Barrett, P. J. Carter, J. C. Buckerfield, P. M. L. Williams, and G. P. Kilpin. "Abundance of earthworms in soils used for cereal production in south-eastern Australia and their role in reducing soil acidity." In Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH: Principles and Management, 213–18. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1995.

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White, Robert E. "Site Selection and Soil Preparation." In Understanding Vineyard Soils. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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As outlined in chapter 1, “determining the site” in old established wine regions such as Burgundy, Tuscany, and the Rheingau has been achieved through centuries of acquired knowledge of the interaction between climate, soil, and grape variety. Commonly, vines were planted on the shallow soils of steep slopes, leaving the more productive lower terraces and flood plains for the cultivation of cereal crops and other food staples, as shown, for example, by the vineyards along the Rhine River in Germany. The small vineyard blocks of the Rhine River, the Côte d’Or, Valais and Vaud regions of Switzerland allowed winegrowers to dif­ferentiate sites on the basis of the most favorable combination of local climate and soil, which underpinned the concept of terroir. In much of the New World, by contrast, where agricultural land was abundant and population pressure less, vineyards have been established on the better soils of the plains and river valleys, as exemplified by such regions as the Central Valley of California, the Riverina in New South Wales, Australia, and Marlborough in New Zealand. Apart from the availability of land, the overriding factor governing site selection was climate and the suitability of particular varieties to the prevailing regional climate. In such regions, although soil variability undoubtedly occurred, plantings of a single variety were made on large areas and vineyard blocks managed as one unit. Soil type and soil variability were largely ignored. Notwithstanding this approach to viticulture in New World countries, in recent time winegrowers aiming at the premium end of the market have become more focused on matching grape varieties to soil and climate and adopting winemaking techniques to attain specific outcomes for their products. For established vineyards, one obvious result of this change is the appearance of “single vineyard” wines that are promoted as expressing the sense of place or terroir. Another reflection of this attitudinal change is the application of precision viticulture (see “Managing Natural Soil Variability in a Vineyard,” chapter 6), whereby vineyard management and harvesting are tailored to the variable expression of soil and local climate in the yield and sensory characteristics of the fruit and wine.
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White, Robert E. "What Makes a Healthy Soil?" In Understanding Vineyard Soils. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Soil scientists used to speak of soil quality, a concept expressing a soil’s “fitness for purpose.” The prime purpose was for agriculture and the production of food and fiber. However, to the general public soil quality is a rather abstract con­cept and in recent years the term has been replaced by soil health. A significant reason for this change is that health is a concept that resonates with people in a personal sense. This change is epitomized in the motto “healthy soil = healthy food = healthy people” on the website of the Rodale Institute in Pennsylvania ( One consequence of this change is an increasing focus on the state of the soil’s biology, or life in the soil, an emphasis that is expressed through the promotion of organic and biodynamic systems of farming. Viticulture and winemaking are at the forefront of this trend. For example, Jane Wilson (2008), a vigneron in the Mudgee region of New South Wales, is quoted as saying, “the only way to build soil and release a lot of the available minerals is by looking after the biology,” and Steve Wratten (2009), professor of ecology at Lincoln University in New Zealand has said, “Organic viticulture rocks! It’s the future, it really is.” This exuberance has been taken up by Organic Winegrowers New Zealand, founded only in 2007, who have set a goal of “20 by 2020,” that is, 20% of the country’s vineyards under certified organic management by the year 2020. The Cornell Soil Health Assessment provides a more balanced assessment of soil health (Gugino et al., 2009). The underlying concept is that soil health is an integral expression of a soil’s chemical, physical, and biological attributes, which determine how well a soil provides various ecosystem functions, including nutrient cycling, supporting biodiversity, storing and filtering water, and maintaining resilience in the face of disturbance, both natural and anthropogenic. Although originally developed for crop land in the northeast United States, the Cornell soil health approach is readily adapted to viticulture, as explained by Schindelbeck and van Es (2011), and which is currently being attempted in Australia (Oliver et al., 2013; Riches et al., 2013).
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Cockroft, B., and K. A. Olsson. "Chapter 16 Case study of soil quality in South-Eastern Australia: Management of structure for roots in duplex soils." In Soil Quality for Crop Production and Ecosystem Health, 339–50. Elsevier, 1997.

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Jaksa, M. "Modeling the natural variability of over-consolidated clay in Adelaide, South Australia." In Characterisation and Engineering Properties of Natural Soils. Taylor & Francis, 2006.

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Juo, Anthony S. R., and Kathrin Franzluebbers. "The Tropical Environment." In Tropical Soils. Oxford University Press, 2003.

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The term “tropics” refers to the continuously warm and frost-free zone of the world that lies approximately between the Tropic of Cancer (or latitude 23.5° north of the equator) and the Tropic of Capricorn (or latitude 23.5° south of the equator). The tropical region comprises approximately 36% of the world’s land surface. Geographically, the tropics encompasses the entire region of Southeast Asia, Central America, the islands in the South Pacific and the Caribbean Basin, a major part of Africa, South America, a large portion of the Indian subcontinent, and a small part of northern Australia. Within a tropical region, natural vegetation and agriculture vary with elevation and rainfall regime. Within the tropical belt, mean annual temperature at sea level is about 26 °C, and it decreases approximately 0.6 °C with every 100 m increase in elevation. On the basis of elevation, the tropics may be further divided into • lowland tropics (areas below 600 m), • midaltitude tropics (areas between 600 and 900 m), and • high-altitude tropics or tropical highlands (areas above 900 m). Tropical highlands account for 23% of the tropics whereas the low- and midaltitude regions together comprise about 87% of the total area. Tropical highlands usually have cool air temperatures with a mean annual temperature of 20 °C or lower. Rainfall on tropical highlands can be extremely variable within a short distance. Because of the year-round comfortable temperature, areas of tropical highlands with favorable rainfall and fertile soils are usually densely populated and hence intensively cultivated. Climates in the lowland and midaltitude tropics generally share three common features, namely, a year-round warm temperature, rainfall of high intensity and short duration, and a high rate of evaporation. Climates are characterized principally by mean monthly air temperature, and the amount and distribution of rainfall.
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White, Robert E. "The Vine Root Habitat." In Soils for Fine Wines. Oxford University Press, 2003.

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In the deep gravelly soils of the Bordeaux region, Seguin (1972) found vine roots at a depth of 6 m. Woody “framework roots” tend to be at least 30–35 cm be­low the surface and do not increase in number after the third year from planting (Richards 1983). Nevertheless, smaller diameter “extension roots” continue to grow horizontally and vertically from the main framework. They may extend lat­erally several meters from the trunk. These roots and finer lateral roots in the zone 10–60 cm deep provide the main absorbing surfaces for the vine. But in soils with a subsoil impediment to root growth, such as many of the duplex soils in south­east Australia (section, less than 5% of vine roots may penetrate below 60 cm (Pudney et al. 2001). Nor do vines root deeply in vineyards where irriga­tion supplies much of the vine’s water in summer. Plant roots and associated mycorrhizae (section help to create soil structure. A desirable soil structure for vines provides optimal water and oxygen availability, which are fundamental for the growth of roots and soil organisms. The structure should be porous and not hard for roots to penetrate, allow ready exchange of gases and the flow of water, resist erosion, be workable over a range of soil water contents, allowing the seedlings of cover crops in vineyards to emerge, and be able to bear the weight of tractors and harvesting machinery with a min­imum of compaction. The quality of soil structure and its maintenance in vine­yards are discussed further in chapter 7. We might expect the soil particles described in chapter 2 simply to pack down, as happens in a heap of unconsolidated sand at a building site. However, if the sand is mixed with cement and water, and used with bricks, we can construct a building—a solid framework of floors, walls, and ceilings. This structure has in­ternal spaces of different sizes that permit all kinds of human activities. So it is with soil. Vital forces associated with the growth of plants, animals, and mi­croorganisms, and physical forces associated with the change in state of water and its movement act on loose soil particles.
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Conference papers on the topic "Crops and soils South Australia"


Dima, Milica, Aurelia Diaconu, Reta Drăghici, Drăghici Iulian, and Matei Gheorghe. "ASPECTS CONCERNING PEANUTS CROPS ON SANDY SOILS IN SOUTHERN OLTENIA." In GEOLINKS Conference Proceedings. Saima Consult Ltd, 2021.

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"For the capitalization of the climate and soil conditions for the sandy soil region in Southern Oltenia by cultivating peanuts it is necessary to use varieties with large production abilities and proper technology for the crops. In view of its cultivation on south Oltenia sandy soils, there were carried out in the period 2004-2006, at the Plants Crops Research and Development Station on Sandy Soils Dabuleni, experiments have been set regarding aspects such as: the optimal seeding period, the recommendation varieties with high yield potential and balanced composition. The research was conducted under irrigation conditions, in a three-year rotation of wheat, peanut, maize. Along with erect growth type varieties, known for their short vegetation period, rising and creeping growth type varieties can also be used; these varieties have a great production potential in our country`s conditions. Establishing the proper time for seeding is espe since sandy soils are heating quickly but are also cooling quickly, the best seeding time is between the end of April- the beginning of May, depending on the date when the seeding depth has a steady temperature, minimal required for the seed to germinate."
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Smith-Briggs, Jane, Dave Wells, Tommy Green, Andy Baker, Martin Kelly, and Richard Cummings. "The Australian National Radioactive Waste Repository: Environmental Impact Statement and Radiological Risk Assessment." In ASME 2003 9th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation. ASMEDC, 2003.

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The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed Australian National Repository for low and short-lived intermediate level radioactive waste was submitted to Environment Australia for approval in the summer of 2002 and has subsequently undergone a consultancy phase with comments sought from all relevant stakeholders. The consultancy period is now closed and responses to the comments have been prepared. This paper describes some of the issues relevant to determining the radiological risk associated with the repository to meet the requirements of the EIS. These include a brief description of the three proposed sites, a description of the proposed trench design, an analysis of the radioactive waste inventory, the proposed approach to developing waste acceptance criteria (WAC) and the approach taken to determine radiological risks during the post-institutional control phase. The three potential sites for the repository are located near the Australian Department of Defence site at Woomera, South Australia. One site is inside the Defense site and two are located nearby, but outside of the site perimeter. All have very similar, but not identical, topographical, geological and hydrogeological characteristics. A very simple trench design has been proposed 15 m deep and with 5 m of cover. One possible variant may be the construction of deeper borehole type vaults to dispose of the more active radioactive sources. A breakdown of the current and predicted future inventory will be presented. The current wastes are dominated in terms of volume by some contaminated soils, resulting from experiments to extract U and Th, and by the operational wastes from the HIFAR research reactor at ANSTO. A significant proportion of the radionuclide inventory is associated with small volumes of sources held by industry, medical, research and defence organisations. The proposed WAC will be described. These are based on the current Australian guidelines and best international practice. The preliminary radiological risk assessment considered the post-institutional control phase in detail with some 12 scenarios being assessed. These include the impact of potential climate change in the region. The results from the risk assessment will be presented and discussed. The assessment work is continuing and will support the license application for construction and operation of the site. Please note that this is not the final assessment for the licence application.
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