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Blanchot and literary criticism. New York: Continuum, 2011.

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Maurice, Blanchot, ed. Maurice Blanchot. Paris: l'Herne Editions, 2014.

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1963-, Large William, ed. Maurice Blanchot. London: Routledge, 2001.

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Jacques, Derrida. Demeure: Maurice Blanchot. Paris: Galilée, 1998.

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Blanchot, extreme contemporary. London: Routledge, 1997.

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Wilhem, Daniel. Maurice Blanchot: Intrigues littéraires. [Paris]: Lignes-Manifeste, 2005.

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Laporte, Roger. Maurice Blanchot: L'ancien, l'effroyablement. Montpellier: Fata Morgana, 1987.

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Maurice Blanchot critique: Essai. Paris: Éditions de la Différence, 2010.

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Wilhem, Daniel. Maurice Blanchot, intrigues littéraires. [Paris]: Lignes-Manifestes, 2005.

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Limet, Yun Sun. Maurice Blanchot critique: Essai. Paris: Éditions de la Différence, 2010.

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1962-, Bident Christophe, and Vilar Pierre, eds. Maurice Blanchot, récits critiques. Tours: Farrago, 2003.

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Maurice, Blanchot, ed. Blanchot et la philosophie. Nanterre: Presses universitaires de Paris ouest, 2010.

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Bident, Christophe. Reconnaissances: Antelme, Blanchot, Deleuze. Paris, France: Calmann-Lévy, 2003.

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Reconnaissances: Antelme, Blanchot, Deleuze. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 2003.

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Laporte, Roger. Maurice Blanchot: L'ancien, l'effroyablement ancien. [Saint-Clément-La-Rivière, France]: Fata Morgana, 1987.

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Himy-Piéri, Laure. Maurice Blanchot: La solitude habitée. Paris: Bertand-Lacoste, 1997.

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San-Payo, Patrícia. Blanchot: A possibilidade da literatura. Lisboa: Vendaval, 2003.

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Avant dire: Essais sur Blanchot. Paris: Hermann, 2015.

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Watt, Daniel. Fragmentary futures: Blanchot, Beckett, Coetzee. Ashby-de-la-Zouch [England]: InkerMen Press, 2007.

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Fries, Philippe. La théorie fictive de Maurice Blanchot. Paris, France: L'Harmattan, 1999.

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Maurice Blanchot: Herméneutique et déconstruction. Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur, 2013.

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Tenir au secret: (Derrida, Blanchot). Paris: Galilee, 2006.

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Laporte, Roger. A l'extrême pointe: Bataille et Blanchot. [Saint-Clément-la Rivière]: Fata Morgana, 1994.

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Laporte, Roger. A l'extrême pointe: Proust, Bataille, Blanchot. Paris: P.O.L., 1998.

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author, Rousseau Nicolas 1981, ed. Blanchot l'obscur, ou, La déraison littéraire. Paris: Éditions Autrement, 2015.

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Ins Ungebundene: Über Literatur nach Blanchot. Tübingen: M. Niemeyer, 1993.

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Garritano, Francesco. Sul neutro: Saggio su Maurice Blanchot. Firenze: Ponte alle Grazie, 1992.

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Leslie, Hill. Radical indecision: Barthes, Blanchot, Derrida, and the future of criticism. Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010.

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Leslie, Hill. Radical indecision: Barthes, Blanchot, Derrida, and the future of criticism. Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009.

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Radical indecision: Barthes, Blanchot, Derrida, and the future of criticism. Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press, 2009.

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Leslie, Hill. Radical indecision: Barthes, Blanchot, Derrida, and the future of criticism. Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press, 2010.

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Blanchot romantique: A collection of essays. New York: Peter Lang, 2010.

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Foucault, Michel. Maurice Blanchot, the thought from outside. New York: Zone Books, 1987.

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Michel, Chantal. Maurice Blanchot et le déplacement d'Orphée. Saint-Genouph (France): Librairie Nizet, 1997.

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Nordholt, Annelies Schulte. Maurice Blanchot: L'écriture comme expérience du dehors. Genève: Libr. Droz, 1995.

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Cueto, Sergio. Maurice Blanchot: El ejercicio de la paciencia. Rosario [Argentina]: B. Viterbo Editora, 1997.

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Surghi, Carlos. La experiencia imposible: Blanchot y la obra literaria. Córdoba: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2012.

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Gramont, Jérôme de. Blanchot et la phénoménologie: L'effacement, l'événement. [Bruxelles]: Corlevour, 2011.

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Shaviro, Steven. Passion & excess: Blanchot, Bataille, and literary theory. Tallahassee: Florida State University Press, 1990.

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Maurice Blanchot and the literature of transgression. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1994.

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Lévinas, Blanchot, Jabès: Figures of estrangement. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997.

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Dugnoille, Julien. Le désir d'anonymat chez Blanchot, Nietzsche et Rilke. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005.

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Bataille, Klossowski, Blanchot: Writing at the limit. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

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Sans condition: Blanchot, la littérature, la philosophie. Paris: Harmattan, 2009.

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Harlingue, Olivier. Sans condition: Blanchot, la littérature, la philosophie. Paris: Harmattan, 2009.

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María del Carmen Camero Pérez. La critique artiste de Charles Baudelaire à Maurice Blanchot. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2000.

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Le livre et ses adresses: Mallarmé, Ponge, Valéry, Blanchot. Paris: Méridiens Klincksieck, 1986.

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Dubreuil, Laurent. De l'attrait à la possession: Maupassant, Artaud, Blanchot. Paris: Hermann, 2003.

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De l'attrait à la possession: Maupassant, Artaud, Blanchot. Paris: Hermann, 2003.

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Langage, perception, mouvement: Blanchot et Merleau-Ponty. Grenoble: J. Millon, 2008.

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