Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Cristallin order'
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Avalos, Quiroz Yatzil. "Fabrication and characterization of organic solar cells using non-fullerene acceptors." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2022. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/220202_AVALOSQUIROZ_685ffnmph265yvr990suxs739q_TH%20(2).pdf.
Full textIn recent years, organic photovoltaics (OPV) has undergone exponential growth thanks to the introduction of non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs), which has enabled power conversion efficiencies (PCE) greater than 18%. This technology offers very interesting features such as solution process, flexibility, semi-transparency and freedom of colors and shapes. However, in order to be produced on a large scale, the materials and manufacturing processes must meet certain specifications that are not often addressed in the laboratory setting. The materials must be compatible with industrial processes and therefore be resistant to environmental conditions. This work first aims to understand the intrinsic stability of polymers and NFAs such as those of the ITIC and Y family widely used in the OPV. Stability was correlated to molecular structure and crystallinity with the goal of identifying the most suitable materials for long-term operation. Regarding crystallinity and its relation to molecular properties, a second part of this work presents the optimization of a robust organic field effect transistor (OFET) structure for the determination of electron mobility in relation to temperature-induced molecular order, a correlation with different polymorphisms was established. A third part focuses on the characterization and optimization of new NFA molecules for the fabrication of OSCs using non-toxic solvents. Finally, we present the pathway followed to obtain an efficiency of more than 15% in our laboratory using stable and industrially relevant systems by a ternary approach
Renaud, Gilles. "Ordre chimique et désordre topologique dans les solutions solides AuNi : étude par résistivité et par absorption et diffusion du rayonnement synchrotron X." Grenoble 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988GRE10134.
Full textBorne, Adrien. "Triple photons through third-order nonlinear optics." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENY071/document.
Full textThis work concentrates on the direct generation of triple photons through third-order nonlinear optical interactions with solid-state matter. The three photons constituting the triplet state arise from the splitting of a single photon, and are therefore highly correlated.The four interacting particles fulfill the energy and linear momentum conservation laws. Additional fields can stimulate this process and thus increase its conversion efficiency, but at the cost of losing the correlations of the triplet states. In order to generate efficiently the triplets while preserving their coherence properties, two strategies are investigated. In the first one, the interaction occurs in oxide bulk crystals, thanks to a birefringent phase matching. These crystals can be put into a cavity so as to artificially increase the interaction length. In this context, KTP and rutile TiO2 are studied experimentally; the cavity configuration is subjected to a theoretical work. The second strategy focuses on the generation in optical fibers, through a modal phase matching. Their length, the confinement of the electromagnetic field, and the non-existence of polluting second-order nonlinear processes are key advantages. Third-harmonic generation experiments on germanium-doped silica fibers are performed; and phase-matching properties in chalcogenide photonic-crystal fibers are calculated
Roberge, Benoit. "Étude optique et magnétique des composés RVO[indice inférieur 3]." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/8191.
Full textPerca, Cristian. "Structure cristalline et magnétique de perovskites RBaMn2O6-d (où d=0 et 0.5)." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00076575.
Full textEn ce qui concerne le composé YBaMn2O6, les mesures par DSC indiquent que celui-ci subit trois transitions : deux autour de 500K et la troisième à 750K. L'étude par diffraction des rayons X et de neutrons a montré que la phase de plus haute température cristallisait dans le groupe P4/nbm. Les diffractogrammes de rayons X et de neutrons ne présentent qu'un seul changement alors que deux transitions sont observées par DSC au voisinage de 500K. La phase intermédiaire a été affinée dans le groupe d'espace C2/m. La phase d'ordre de charges (en dessous de 500K) étant de basse symétrie, nous avons réalisé un affinement combiné rayons X-neutrons. Les résultats obtenus indiquent un écart de seulement 15% par rapport à un ordre de charges idéal Mn3+/Mn4+. L'affinement de la structure magnétique et les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique indiquent la formation de polarons de Zener contenant quatre cations manganèse.
Le composé YBaMn2O5,5 cristallise dans le groupe d'espace Icma, sa maille étant double de celle du composé au lanthane. Ceci est du à l'existence d'une rotation des octaèdres de la structure autour de la direction [001] dans le composé YBaMn2O5,5. L'affinement de la structure magnétique ainsi que les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique indiquent que les spins des cations Mn3+ présents dans la structure sont couplés de manière antiferromagnétique.
L'étude des composés RBaMn2O6 nous a permis d'établir un diagramme de phases en fonction de la terre rare et de la température.
Vasconcelos, Filipe. "RMN premiers principes de l’17O appliqués à l’étude des phosphates cristallins et amorphes." Thesis, Lille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LIL10170/document.
Full textOur strategy is to associate NMR high resolution results and first-principles calculation in order to better understand the influence of 17O local environment onto the NMR parameters (chemical shift, quadrupolar parameters). The calculations were performed using the GIPAW algorithm, developed by Pickard and Mauri, which gives access to the NMR magnetic shielding for all nuclei of a given structure. This method improved previous approaches based on first-principles calculation by considering the symmetrical translation properties in crystals. The document will include data on crystalline as well as glass systems. Indeed, we report data obtained on cristalline sodium phosphates and from which general trends were deduced between the NMR parameters and the structural/local 17Oenvironments. In a following step, molecular dynamics has been used inorder to generate a number of glass structures that would model our real glass systems. The calculated NMR parameters are discussed and compared to those obtained experimentally. Finally, the distribution of NMR parameters usually observed on high resolution spectra will be interpreted using a new distribution model, which is an extension of the so-called Czjzek model
Prouzet, Eric. "Ordre local dans de nouvelles formes de NiPS obtenues par chimie douce et par intercalation de lithium." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37617740f.
Full textFedorov, Nikita. "Luminescence résolue en temps de solides cristallins et de nano particules excités par des impulsions IR, UV et VUV femtosecondes d'intensité variable." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008BOR13629/document.
Full textThe work during this Ph.D. was a development of a source of high order harmonics generation based on amplified Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser with repetition rate 1kHz (AURORE). The beam line constructed in CELIA has on its exit a VUV-XUV focalized beam; it may has wide spectrum or monochromatic in spectral range from 10nm up to 73nm (17-120eV). This beam line is in operation and is using for experiments for solid state VUV spectroscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy etc. Also it was installed a system for detection of luminescence with sub-picosecond time resolution (450fs) based on the nonlinear effect – generation of sum of two light frequencies. The main subject of this work was the study of processes of relaxation and interaction of electronic excitations, created by ultra-short pulse of IR, UV or XUV in dielectric crystals and nanoparticles. Out method is based on observation of luminescence with spectral and time resolution up to sub-picosecond temporal resolution. This study has given new experimental results for description of fundamental processes of creation and evolution of electronic excitations. Comparison and interpretation of experimental data of semiconductor nano-particles and monocrystals gave some interpretations of extra-fast luminescence of these systems
Chikdene, Mohand Améziane. "Etude de la diffusion de l'hydrogène dans des hydrures cristallins et amorphes de l'alliage Zr2Ni par corrélations angulaires gamma-gamma sur 181Ta." Grenoble 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989GRE10071.
Full textGuiblin, Nicolas. "Synthèse, structures et mises en ordre électroniques d'oxydes à valence mixte dans le système Pr-Ca-Mn-O." Caen, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004CAEN2003.
Full textFiori, Costantino. "Oxydation du silicium et modification de l'ordre à courte distance dans les oxydes de silicium induits par un rayonnement laser ultra violet." Grenoble 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986GRE10131.
Full textThomas, Philippe. "Les cordiérites substituées aux alcalins : synthèse, expansion thermique et phénomènes ordre-désordre." Limoges, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989LIMO4011.
Full textFarooq, Harris. "Plasticité cristalline appliquée aux agrégats sous des chargements cycliques non symétriques : Analyse mécanique et réduction de modèles." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PSLEM044.
Full textThe field of mechanics, particularly micromechanics, has undergone great developments. It is well known that plastic flow in a single crystal is anisotropic which may be modeled using phenomenological constitutive laws at the mesoscale. The idea behind the development of micromechanical laws is to relate the behavior of each individual grain, predict evolving plasticity, and in turn account for the macroscopic properties of the structure. Two physical problems have been considered is this thesis i.e. the behavior of materials when they are asymmetrically loaded under cyclic stress or strain based boundary conditions. These loadings cause incremental strain accumulation or mean stress relaxation at the macroscopic scale. Conventional numerical models give an excess of both quantities. In this work it is shown that a mesoscale crystal plasticity finite element approach can give an answer to both problems. Different mechanical states existing in cyclically loaded structures are scrutinized and a micromechanical interpretation is given about their characteristic macroscopic behavior. Statistical results of different constitutive quantities within a polycrystal are also analyzed which give a new insight into what is happening at a local level. More importantly, the focus of this work is to pinpoint critical local regions of failure in the component and to characterize why these regions are prone to damage. The other part of the thesis pertains to big data problems in computational materials science. While solving large scale finite element problems, vast amounts of computational resources are utilized and many a times the evolving results are discarded after studying; not using them for future predictions. In this work it is shown that by utilizing already generated data, new test cases may be predicted from previous simulations. The method employed is called hybrid hyper-reduction which uses an unsupervised machine learning protocol coupled with the gappy POD to run reduced finite element simulations. Low cycle fatigue in a nickel iron based super alloy (Inconel 718) is taken as a test case
Gaudin, Etienne. "Sur la stabilité et la mise en ordre des ions Cu+ et Ag+ dans divers chalcogénures ternaires et quaternaires." Nantes, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998NANT2076.
Full textMalki, Mustapha. "Proprietes structurales, magnetiques et electroniques d'oxydes ternaires de terres-rares." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987STR13143.
Full textCréon, Nicolas. "Synthèse de nouveaux oxydes de métaux de transition à structures en couches : étude des phénomènes ordre-désordre." Caen, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004CAEN2052.
Full textALVES, A. L. "Influência da Redução do Grão Cristalino e Fatores de Desordem Química na Transição de Fase de Primeira Ordem da Liga Tipo Heusler Ni2Mn1,44Sn0,56." Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2011. http://repositorio.ufes.br/handle/10/7403.
Full textNeste trabalho, investigamos a influência da redução dos tamanhos dos cristalitos e do efeito de desordem química, induzido pela moagem em altas energias sobre a transformação martensítica da liga tipo Heusler Ni2Mn1,44Sn0,56 com e sem dopagem de Fe nos sítios cristalográficos da estrutura tipo L21. Usamos a difração de raios - X para estimar do tamanho do grão em função do tempo de moagem e medimos magnetização DC para estudarmos as propriedades magnéticas e a transformação martensítica desta liga. Determinamos que o aumento no tempo de moagem produz redução dos grãos cristalinos, aumentando significativamente as regiões de contornos de grãos, que possuem alto grau de desordem química e topológica e que favorecem estados magneticamente frustados de spins. Usamos medidas de espectroscopia Mössbauer do 119Sn e do 57Fe para caracterizarmos as frações magnéticas desses átomos na estrutura L21 e acompanharmos localmente o magnetismo e correlacioná-lo com as propriedades de volume medidas por magnetização DC. Como principais resultados, das desordens induzida pela moagem, observamos um aumento no efeito de Exchange Bias e um decréscimo das propriedades magnetocalóricas da liga tipo Heusler Ni2Mn1,44Sn0,56, quando aumentamos o tempo de moagem. O aumento no campo de Exchange Bias, explicamos pelo crescimento da fração das regiões de contornos de grãos com estados magnéticos tipo vidro de spin (ou/e antiferromagnético) relativamente à fração de átomos no grão ferromagneticamente ordenada. Por outro lado, concluímos que a queda na entropia magnética (efeito magnetocalórico) se deve a redução na variação nos valores de magnetização das fases austenítica e martensítica (mudança relativa nas magnetizações durante a transformação martensítica). Redução esta, da magnetização, que associamos com o crescimento das regiões de contornos de grãos, que é VIII magneticamente morta e não tem a transformação martensítica. Da dopagem com Fe nos diferentes sítios cristalográficos da estrutura L21 da liga tipo Heusler Ni2Mn1,44Sn0,56, demonstramos que as diferentes formas e propriedades/características nas curvas de magnetização durante a transformação martensítica se devem as diferentes frações de átomos de 57Fe com acoplamento ferromagnético com Mn. Por fim, observamos que um posterior tratamento térmico da liga moída restaura a estrutura cristalina do tipo L21, melhorando algumas das propriedades magnéticas relacionadas com a transformação de fase estrutural denominada de martensítica.
Giot, Maud. "Etudes structurales et magnétiques de manganites BixCa1-xMnO3 présentant des mises en ordre complexes." Caen, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006CAEN2044.
Full textThe structural and magnetic study was carried out on a Bi-rich part of the BixCa1-xMnO3 system, 0. 7 x 0. 5, working on ceramics and single crystals. We combine the results of different diffraction techniques – X Rays, electrons and neutrons- leaning on the transmission electron microscopy observations and correlating our results with the magnetic property. The compound x = 0,5 differs others composed by the evolution of its modulation vector as a function of the temperature. A "unique" model of the charge localization is presented for x = 0,55, 0,6 and 0,64. The charge localization is done, not on a Mn site, but on a Mn-O-Mn entity. Different The evolution of the magnetic structure with Bi/Ca ratio study was performed on powder diffraction data. The data can be refined with different physicals models, in particular the classical CE-type model is one of the solutions for BixCa1-xMnO3 manganites with x=0. 5. The moments tend to establish a ferromagnetic coupling with increasing x. The composite Bi0. 67Ca0. 33MnO3 appears as a key point for which the majority of the charge localization is destabilized. The study of the BT magnetic state of this compound confirmed the coexistence of a spin glass state and of a long range magnetic order. The origin of the spin glass state in Bi0. 67Ca0. 33MnO3 is interpreted as a frustration of the increase of FM couplings by AFM couplings. A similar magnetic state in shown for the Bi0. 71Ca0. 24MnO3 compounds when it present a type surstructure [111]p (close to the multiferroic BiMnO3 surstructure). A frustration model was proposed while basing itself on the refined orbital ordering
Mansour, Haithem. "Caractérisation des défauts cristallins au MEB par canalisation d’électrons assistée par diagrammes pseudo-Kikuchi haute résolution : application à l’acier IF, UO2 et TiAl." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LORR0311/document.
Full textElectron Channeling Contrast Imaging (ECCI) is a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) technique used to observe and characterize crystallographic defects. ECCI requires the crystal to be oriented relative to the electron beam with high accuracy (0.1°) in order to control the electron channeling conditions. The SEM techniques used to determine the crystallographic orientation, such as conventional Electron BackScattered Diffraction (EBSD) or Rocking Beam, don’t satisfy the high accuracy required for ECCI. Therefore, the characterization of crystallographic defects by ECCI is used only in single crystals or polycristals with large grains and channeling conditions are not always satisfied. In this thesis, a development of a new Rocking Beam mode in SEM is presented. It allows the collection of High spatial (500nm) and angular (0.04°) Resolution Selected Area Channeling Pattern (HR-SACP) and the control of channeling conditions required for ECCI with high accuracy (Accurate ECCI A-ECCI). In a second phase of this thesis, A-ECCI assisted by HR-SACP is used to characterize crystallographic defects like dislocation, sub-grains and order domains in fine grained bulk materials (IF-Steel, UO2, TiAl). In order to achieve this, several procedures (invisibility criteria) normally used in Transmission Electron Microscopy are applied. Using A-ECCI in SEM has many advantages over TEM such as the possibility of analyzing large areas and the relative easiness in sample preparation
Bouillaud, Pascal. "Irradiation aux ions lourds de films minces nanocristallins d'alliages FeCo et FeAl." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37612171v.
Full textColmont, Marie. "Complémentarité DRX / MET / RMN : ordre vs. désordre dans les nouveaux oxyphosphates de bismuth." Lille 1, 2004. https://ori-nuxeo.univ-lille1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/032b2030-4d2b-498d-99eb-2c6963e187b9.
Full textLe désordre important de la zone inter-rubans est la conséquence des sites mixtes situés en bouts de rubans, qui correspond à une orientation des PO4 et une occupation des tunnels (espace entre deux rubans distants de 7Å et partiellement occupé de cation M2+), Ainsi, la caractérisation du désordre par diffraction des neutrons, RMN 31p IR et ED montre que le caractère complexe du désordre (occupation mixte Bi3+/M2+ des sites mixtes → influence sur l'orientation de PO4 → influence sur l'occupation des tunnels) implique intuitivement de très légers gradients de composition et donc de mise en ordre qui peut intervenir entre différents grains, voire différents domaines d'un même monocristal, le réseau polycationique restant géométriquement inchangé. La complémentarité RMN/RX permet d'approfondir l'étude des phases désordonnées en utilisant des techniques de RMN 31P, 112Cd et 17O. Afin de mieux connaître les parametres influençant les spectres obtenus, des études préliminaires ont été réalisées sur des solutions solides, permettant de montrer les effets de paramètres de maille, de cation et de seconds voisins
Pachoud, Elise. "Etude d'oxydes de fer à structures perovskite et delafossite." Caen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011CAEN2030.
Full textThis thesis work is set in the dynamic context of research and study of multiferroic materials. It concerns the synthesis and the physicochemical characterization of iron-based oxides of two different families. BiFeO3 crystallizes in the perovskite structure and belongs to the type-I multiferroics, where ferroelectricity and magnetism have different origins. The substitution of bismuth by strontium Bi1-xSrxFeO3- induce a transition from R3c to Pm-3m at x=0. 20. Although the long range structure of Bi0. 764Sr0. 236FeO2. 94 is described in the space group Pm-3m, recurrent phenomena are observed at short range, coming from the ordering of oxygen vacancies or of Bi/Sr distribution, thus explaining the discrepancy of results in the literature devoted to this system. The delafossite system CuBO2 (B=Fe,Cr R-3m) is classified in the type-II multiferroics, where the polarization is induced by the magnetic structure of the compound. The substitution with rhodium CuFe1-xRhxO2 stabilizes a ferroelectric phase for a wide substitution range, 0. 02x0. 15, while vanadium in CuFe0. 5V0. 5O2 induces a spin-glass behaviour, which affects also the electrical properties. A parallel study in CuCr1-xMxO2 (M=Al,Ga,Rh,Sc) reveals differences in the observed properties ; although rhodium make the transition temperature decreases while keeping the initial physical properties, gallium induces a second magnetic transition. These substitutions, in both systems, modify drastically the properties, and contribute to the understanding of the observed phenomena
al, @Haddad Mostapha. "Théorie statistique de la diffraction des rayons X et des neutrons : [thèse soutenue sur un ensemble de travaux]." Grenoble 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989GRE10046.
Full textLaunois, Pascale. "Étude par diffusion inélastique de neutrons et sous pression hydrostatique de la dynamique des phases cristallines des parapolyphényles : phasons et amplitudons dans la phase incommensurable II du biphényle, changement de nature des transitions de phasess tructurales du P-terphenyle." Paris 11, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA112308.
Full textCrystalline p-polyphenyls exhibit structural phase transitions associated to a change of the mean molecular conformation. They result from competition between intra and intermolecular interactions. Pressure increases the relative strength of intermolecular interactions: it has therefore drastic effects on the structural phase transitions. The incommensurate phase II of biphenyl has a four dimensional order parameter (n=4). Lt is characterized by the appearance of four satellites inside the first Brillouin zone of the high temperature phase, called “phase I” The modulation wave is associated to the torsion of the molecule. Till now, direct observation (by inelastic neutron scattering) of specific excitations of incommensurate phases (phasons and amplitudons) has only been achieved in a few "n=2" incommensurate systems, which are less complex than biphenyl phase II. But pressure lowers the temperature range of existence of phase II, which gave us the opportunity to study its phasons and amplitudons at very low temperature (T=JK), where they are weil resolved. We have observed three propagating modes of low damping and we have studied the evolution with pressure of their frequencies and dispersion curves from 1. 05 to 1. 8 kbar (Pc lI 1. 85 kbar). The comparison between these results and the same ones concerning the soft mode which drives the Hl transition in phase 1, allows us, in the scope of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, to identify the three modes observed in phase Il (one of which is doubly degenerate} as its phasons and amplitudons. So we have characterized the phasons and amplitudons of an"n=4" incommensurate system. Phase Il of biphenyl, which is a four ray star incommensurate system, could present a monodomain or a two domain structure. The comparison between the inelastic intensities of its phasons and amplitudons shows that it seems to have a two domain structure. The high temperature phase of deuterated p-terphenyl is called phase 1. Crystalline p-terphenyl has two low temperature phases: phases II and III. The triple point is at: Tt = 71. 5 K and Pt= 3550 bars. Below Pt, one should observe the I-II and II-III transitions, and above Pt, the II-III transit ion. Phase Ill exists only under pressure. We have determined its super-structure Bragg peak position and studied the II-III transition which is first order with an hysteresis. The I -II transition is of the order-disorder type at atmospheric pressure. Within the mode! of competing intra and intermolecular interactions, one predicts a changeover with pressure from the order-disorder regime towards a displacive one. Lndeed, we established that under pressure the transition is driven by an underdamped soft mode which frequency decreases as the transition point cornes nearer. The I-III transition is driven by the same soft mode. Weil, this mode is principally related to a twisting of the molecule: in phase Ill, a molecule of p-terphenyl probably has the same torsional conformation as in phase II
Combet, Jérôme. "Désordre moléculaire dans les composés d'inclusion du tano : une approche par diffusion des rayons X et diffusion quasi élastique incohérente des neutrons." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015), 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997GRE10185.
Full textBordallo, Heloisa Nunes. "Dynamique des basses fréquences et instabilités dans les solutions solides : (NH4)2(BeF4)1-x(SO4)x et Ba(Mn)1-x(Zn)xF4." Montpellier 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995MON20100.
Full textGoubet, Nicolas. "Nano et supracristaux d'or : sur l'influence de la nanocristallinité." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA066119/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with the influence of crystal defects of gold nanocrystals, especially on the synthesis and self-assembly of gold nanocrystals whose crystal defects and size are controlled. During this work, a method have been developed to separate single and polycrystals with similar size using crystalline segregation. Then, these nanocrystals have been used as seeds for a second crystal growth in order to expand their size from 5 nm to 13 nm in diameter. The plasmonic and vibrational properties of these gold nanocrystals have also been studied. The obtained nanocrystals exhibit low size distribution that allows their self-assemblies into three dimensional ordered lattice, called supracrystals. Negative supracrystals and vicinal surfaces have been observed under specific self-assembly conditions. Moreover, it is possible to obtain supracrystals with submillimeter size containing only either single or polycrystals and study them in an individual way by X-ray diffraction. It has also been possible to correlate the translational and orientational order of gold nanocrystals within the supracrystalline lattice
Endara, Diana. "« Design » et approche prédictive de nouveaux oxyphosphates de bismuth." Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10011/document.
Full textThis work consisted in applying an original predictive approach, to predict and develop new inorganic compounds in the ternary system Bi2O3-P2O5-MOx (where M is a cation or a mixture of cations of different types). The systematic rationalization of already existing structures permits to infer from a structural point of view that these phases were the result of the organization of building units (Bus) based on tetrahedrons O(Bi,M)4 connected to form ribbons or columns. This work deals with the diversification of the building units, their size and their arrangement to expand the possibilities of assemblies. Empiric rules have been established for a real and rational prediction of new complex inorganic structures. Non-centro-symmetric materials (NCS) were obtained. The presence of Bi3 + lone pair in these compounds induced strong linear optical properties that have been tested. This work includes the description, validation, development, structure and properties of new bismuth oxo-phoshates
Le, Dréau Loïc. "Transitions de phases et ordre des oxygènes interstitiels dans les oxydes de type K2NiF4 : monocristaux de La2CoO4+δ et La2CuO4 T, T' explorés par diffraction des neutrons et rayonnement synchrotron." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00634848.
Full textAliev, Almaz. "Nouvelles topologies structurales d'oxydes et sels de bismuth : cristallochimie, approche modulaire et propriétés." Thesis, Lille 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL10096/document.
Full textOne of the primary challenges concerns the discovery of novel inorganic compounds using a rational “design” in order to predict crystal structures and possible structure/properties relationships. In the absence of unified protocol for such a task, it remains a hot topic in the solid state chemistry community. At the UCCS, our group has a long experience and a strong “savoir-faire” related to the elaboration and characterization on new bismuth based compounds. Recently, a strategy to Design novel innovative compounds and/or establish bases for related mega-series of related compounds have been developed for these broad series compounds by our group. Results are such as a large family of compounds with related crystal structures have been understood in terms of building principles leading to the post prediction, preparation and characterization of novel members. In the chemical Bi2O3 – MO - P2O5 (M = various divalent metals) systems, at the origin of this work, these predictions have been feasible because versatile building units (BU) can be handled, modified and assembled in various manners. The key-description used for BUs rely on the anion-centered polyhedra theory related to the bismuth atom. Thus, in the framework of ANR Multi-D InMaDe we have explored the Bi/M/X/O system, where M = Cu, Co, Mn etc. and X = P, V, As, Mo, Se and Cl. Several new compounds with new topologies have been obtained and their corresponding properties have been measured
Rat, Evelyne. "Comportement des vibrations acoustiques des milieux désordonnés dans le domaine du térahertz." Montpellier 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999MON20137.
Full textGuengard, Hélène. "Transitions de phases structurales dans des elpasolites fluorées." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 1994. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00140033.
Full textSchmuck-Pareige, Cristelle. "Etude par sonde atomique tomographique et simulation Monte Carlo de la mise en ordre et de la séparation de phase dans des superalliages modèles Ni-Cr-Al." Rouen, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997ROUES073.
Full textBen, Hassine Bacem. "Polymorphisme, dynamique et transitions de phases dans les dérivés de l'adamantane." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BORD0056/document.
Full textThis work deals with the study of the polymorphism, dynamics and phases transitions of five adamantane derivatives : 1-fluoroadamantane, 1-adamantanemethanol, 1,3-dimethyladamantane, 1,3-dibromoadamantane and 1,3-adamantanediol.Pressure-Temperature phase diagrams have been established for the majority of these derivatives. These materials may have one or more phase transitions. Plastic phases are observed before melting for 1-fluoroadamantane, 1,3-dimethyladamantane and 1,3-adamantanediol.The structures of all the non plastic phases have been solved, mainly from powder X-ray diffraction patterns. It is shown that 1,3-dibromoadamantane and 1,3-dimethyladamantane structures are ordered. Statistical disorder concerning the occupation of the site of one atom has been revealed in the other structures. The fluorine atom in 1-fluoroadamantane has four (phase III and II) or eight (phase I) possible equivalent sites. Due to the crystal symmetry of 1-adamantanemethanol (phase I ) and 1,3-adamantanediol (phase II), the hydrogen atom related to the oxygen atom is spitted on two sites.Two mechanisms of continuous order-disorder transitions through a group-subgroup relationship have been shown for the case of 1-fluoroadamantane and 1-adamantanemethanol using complementary experimental techniques (DSC, XRD, RAMAN, SHG ...). The order parameter of the transition results, by a continuous variation of the orientation of the C-F dipole for the first and, for the second, the continuous variation of the beta monoclinic angle down to 90°.Molecular dynamics in the case of 1-fluoroadamantane has been studied using dielectric spectroscopy. We have highlighted the existence of a double relaxation associated with two movements of reorientations compatible with the network and the symmetry
Hamoudi, Amine. "Réaction alcali-silice dans le béton : étude de la dégradation structurale comparée de composés SiO2 (silice amorphe, quartz, silex)." Thesis, Lille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LIL10113/document.
Full textThe relationships between the structure and the physical and chemical properties are very important in materials. In particular, the degree of order, the crystal defects and the structural heterogeneities or chemical parameters appear to play a key role in the reactivity of materials. This work is devoted to the study of the reactivity of silica-based materials, and shows of the influence of ordering and crystallinity on the sensitivity to the alkali silica reaction. In this perspective, the reactivity of three different materials: silica glass, aggregates (Flint) and quartz was followed by various techniques. Quartz reacts very slowly whereas the silica glass reacts very quickly, the aggregate exhibiting an intermediate behavior. A closer analysis shows that the amorphous or poorly crystalline fraction of the aggregate reacts preferentially. The role played by these poorly crystalline fractions suggests the use of techniques sensitive to short and medium range order such as: X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES and EXAFS) and solid state NMR. Chemical maps obtained by electron microscopy (scanning or in transmission) or at the synchrotron, show that the potassium K+ is the first to diffuse and that penetration of calcium Ca++ is more sluggish in crystalline silica. Locally, silicon NMR analysis shows that depolymerization of the crystalline lattice allows further penetration of calcium. The micro-XANES reveals the presence of several environments around silicon atoms. One exhibits four oxygen first neighbours and the other has less than four oxygen atoms around the silicon. On the other hand, the EXAFS shows the absence of Ca or K in the second layer of neighbouring silicon atom absorber. These results help to advance the understanding of reaction mechanisms occurring in the aggregate altered by the reaction
Doclot, Olivier. "Etude des propriétés optiques non linéaires de troisième ordre de la molécule et du cristal de 4-(N,N diéthylamino)-b-nitrostyrène par Z scan et ellipsométrie." Grenoble 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996GRE10230.
Full textFleurette-Delobbe, Valérie. "Variations du type structural reo::(3) dans des fluorures et oxyfluorures de niobium iv : etude des interactions magnetiques." Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066373.
Full textMoshopoulou, Evangélia. "Les systèmes Li(1-x)Ti2O4 et Li(1-x)NbO2 : relations entre stoechiométrie, structure et supraconductivité." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995GRE10020.
Full textDinia, Mohammed Aziz. "Etude des propriétés magnétiques et supraconductrices des composés : HoMo6S8, EuMo6S8 et CeMo6S8." Grenoble 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987GRE10072.
Full textVitoux, Laura. "Etude électrochimique et structurale du système NaxMoO2." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016BORD0362/document.
Full textThis work concerns the investigation of the phase diagram of sodium layered oxides NaxMoO2in the search of new materials. Structural transitions upon sodium electrochemical(de)intercalation were studied by electrochemistry combined with in situ X-ray diffraction forcompositions ½ ≤ x ≤ 1 et ¼ < x ≤ ½. It was shown that the very undulating aspect of theelectrochemical curve results from multiple structural rerarrangements upon cycling. Especiallynumerous NaxMoO2 specific phases have been evidenced, for which sodium/vacancy orderingsas well as the formation of Mo-Mo bonds are expected. Na~1/2MoO2, Na~2/3MoO2 et NaMoO2compounds have been (electro)chemically synthesized and their structural characterizationreveals complex structures, such as chains of diamond-like molybdenum clusters in NaMoO2
Müller, Roger Alexander. "Topological order in a broken-symmetry state." Thèse, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/12352.
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