Academic literature on the topic 'Cristallin order'
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Journal articles on the topic "Cristallin order"
Gonçalves, Éderson Vecchieti, Letícia Scala Frâncica, Talles Neves de Tofolli, Flávia Vieira da Silva Medeiros, Débora Cristina de Souza, Paulo Agenor Alves Bueno, Edmilson Antônio Canesin, and Ana Paula Peron. "Water quality of rivers in the eastern region of Cianorte (Paraná, Brazil) under relevant influence of industrial and agricultural waste." Research, Society and Development 10, no. 8 (July 12, 2021): e27610817336.
Full textVergara Estupiñán, O. C., and J. A. Gómez Cuaspud. "Síntesis y caracterización de la Perovskita La0,95Sr0,05CrO3. (Synthesis and Characterization of the La0.95Sr0.05CrO3 Perovskite)." CIENCIA EN DESARROLLO 6, no. 1 (July 7, 2015): 119.
Full textAXINTI, Nicoleta, and Gabriela-Alina CIOROMELE. "The Behavior of Some Spring Barley Varieties in the Climatic Conditions of North East Baragan Plain." Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Agriculture 70, no. 1 (November 26, 2013): 150–59.
Full textMartins, Carlos Alberto Osório, Carlos Sigueyuki Sediyama, Maria Goreti de Almeida Oliveira, Múcio Silva Reis, Valterley Soares Rocha, Maurílio Alves Moreira, and José Luiz Lopes Gomes. "Resistance to stem canker, frogeye leaf spot and powdery mildew of soybean lines lacking lipoxigenases in the seeds." Scientia Agricola 59, no. 4 (December 2002): 701–5.
Full textFranco, Helena Baroni Junqueira, Maria Aparecida Pessôa da Cruz Centurion, and José Carlos Barbosa. "Estudo de métodos de inoculação para a avaliação de cultivares de soja a Fusarium tucumaniae." Summa Phytopathologica 35, no. 1 (February 2009): 32–38.
Full textNascimento, C. W. A., R. L. F. Fontes, J. C. L. Neves, and A. C. F. D. Melício. "Fracionamento, dessorção e extração química de zinco em latossolos." Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 26, no. 3 (September 2002): 599–606.
Full textWander, Alcido Elenor, and Paulo Eterno Venâncio Assunção. "Dinâmica e concentração da produção de feijão na região centro-oeste do Brasil, 1990 a 2013." Revista Brasileira de Planejamento e Desenvolvimento 4, no. 1 (November 16, 2015): 5.
Full textŠUNDIĆ, DANIJELA, BRANKO M. RADUJKOVIĆ, and JASMINA KRPO-ĆETKOVIĆ. "Catalogue of Naidinae and Pristininae (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Naididae) with twenty species new for Montenegro." Zootaxa 2737, no. 1 (January 12, 2011): 1.
Full textMartinod, Joseph, Lucie Roux, Jean-Francois Gamond, and Jean-Paul Glot. "Deformation actuelle de la chaine de Belledonne (massifs cristallins externes alpins, France); comparaison triangulation historique-GPS." Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 172, no. 6 (November 1, 2001): 713–21.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Cristallin order"
Avalos, Quiroz Yatzil. "Fabrication and characterization of organic solar cells using non-fullerene acceptors." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2022.
Full textIn recent years, organic photovoltaics (OPV) has undergone exponential growth thanks to the introduction of non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs), which has enabled power conversion efficiencies (PCE) greater than 18%. This technology offers very interesting features such as solution process, flexibility, semi-transparency and freedom of colors and shapes. However, in order to be produced on a large scale, the materials and manufacturing processes must meet certain specifications that are not often addressed in the laboratory setting. The materials must be compatible with industrial processes and therefore be resistant to environmental conditions. This work first aims to understand the intrinsic stability of polymers and NFAs such as those of the ITIC and Y family widely used in the OPV. Stability was correlated to molecular structure and crystallinity with the goal of identifying the most suitable materials for long-term operation. Regarding crystallinity and its relation to molecular properties, a second part of this work presents the optimization of a robust organic field effect transistor (OFET) structure for the determination of electron mobility in relation to temperature-induced molecular order, a correlation with different polymorphisms was established. A third part focuses on the characterization and optimization of new NFA molecules for the fabrication of OSCs using non-toxic solvents. Finally, we present the pathway followed to obtain an efficiency of more than 15% in our laboratory using stable and industrially relevant systems by a ternary approach
Renaud, Gilles. "Ordre chimique et désordre topologique dans les solutions solides AuNi : étude par résistivité et par absorption et diffusion du rayonnement synchrotron X." Grenoble 1, 1988.
Full textBorne, Adrien. "Triple photons through third-order nonlinear optics." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014.
Full textThis work concentrates on the direct generation of triple photons through third-order nonlinear optical interactions with solid-state matter. The three photons constituting the triplet state arise from the splitting of a single photon, and are therefore highly correlated.The four interacting particles fulfill the energy and linear momentum conservation laws. Additional fields can stimulate this process and thus increase its conversion efficiency, but at the cost of losing the correlations of the triplet states. In order to generate efficiently the triplets while preserving their coherence properties, two strategies are investigated. In the first one, the interaction occurs in oxide bulk crystals, thanks to a birefringent phase matching. These crystals can be put into a cavity so as to artificially increase the interaction length. In this context, KTP and rutile TiO2 are studied experimentally; the cavity configuration is subjected to a theoretical work. The second strategy focuses on the generation in optical fibers, through a modal phase matching. Their length, the confinement of the electromagnetic field, and the non-existence of polluting second-order nonlinear processes are key advantages. Third-harmonic generation experiments on germanium-doped silica fibers are performed; and phase-matching properties in chalcogenide photonic-crystal fibers are calculated
Roberge, Benoit. "Étude optique et magnétique des composés RVO[indice inférieur 3]." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2015.
Full textPerca, Cristian. "Structure cristalline et magnétique de perovskites RBaMn2O6-d (où d=0 et 0.5)." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2005.
Full textEn ce qui concerne le composé YBaMn2O6, les mesures par DSC indiquent que celui-ci subit trois transitions : deux autour de 500K et la troisième à 750K. L'étude par diffraction des rayons X et de neutrons a montré que la phase de plus haute température cristallisait dans le groupe P4/nbm. Les diffractogrammes de rayons X et de neutrons ne présentent qu'un seul changement alors que deux transitions sont observées par DSC au voisinage de 500K. La phase intermédiaire a été affinée dans le groupe d'espace C2/m. La phase d'ordre de charges (en dessous de 500K) étant de basse symétrie, nous avons réalisé un affinement combiné rayons X-neutrons. Les résultats obtenus indiquent un écart de seulement 15% par rapport à un ordre de charges idéal Mn3+/Mn4+. L'affinement de la structure magnétique et les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique indiquent la formation de polarons de Zener contenant quatre cations manganèse.
Le composé YBaMn2O5,5 cristallise dans le groupe d'espace Icma, sa maille étant double de celle du composé au lanthane. Ceci est du à l'existence d'une rotation des octaèdres de la structure autour de la direction [001] dans le composé YBaMn2O5,5. L'affinement de la structure magnétique ainsi que les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique indiquent que les spins des cations Mn3+ présents dans la structure sont couplés de manière antiferromagnétique.
L'étude des composés RBaMn2O6 nous a permis d'établir un diagramme de phases en fonction de la terre rare et de la température.
Vasconcelos, Filipe. "RMN premiers principes de l’17O appliqués à l’étude des phosphates cristallins et amorphes." Thesis, Lille 1, 2009.
Full textOur strategy is to associate NMR high resolution results and first-principles calculation in order to better understand the influence of 17O local environment onto the NMR parameters (chemical shift, quadrupolar parameters). The calculations were performed using the GIPAW algorithm, developed by Pickard and Mauri, which gives access to the NMR magnetic shielding for all nuclei of a given structure. This method improved previous approaches based on first-principles calculation by considering the symmetrical translation properties in crystals. The document will include data on crystalline as well as glass systems. Indeed, we report data obtained on cristalline sodium phosphates and from which general trends were deduced between the NMR parameters and the structural/local 17Oenvironments. In a following step, molecular dynamics has been used inorder to generate a number of glass structures that would model our real glass systems. The calculated NMR parameters are discussed and compared to those obtained experimentally. Finally, the distribution of NMR parameters usually observed on high resolution spectra will be interpreted using a new distribution model, which is an extension of the so-called Czjzek model
Prouzet, Eric. "Ordre local dans de nouvelles formes de NiPS obtenues par chimie douce et par intercalation de lithium." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textFedorov, Nikita. "Luminescence résolue en temps de solides cristallins et de nano particules excités par des impulsions IR, UV et VUV femtosecondes d'intensité variable." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2008.
Full textThe work during this Ph.D. was a development of a source of high order harmonics generation based on amplified Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser with repetition rate 1kHz (AURORE). The beam line constructed in CELIA has on its exit a VUV-XUV focalized beam; it may has wide spectrum or monochromatic in spectral range from 10nm up to 73nm (17-120eV). This beam line is in operation and is using for experiments for solid state VUV spectroscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy etc. Also it was installed a system for detection of luminescence with sub-picosecond time resolution (450fs) based on the nonlinear effect – generation of sum of two light frequencies. The main subject of this work was the study of processes of relaxation and interaction of electronic excitations, created by ultra-short pulse of IR, UV or XUV in dielectric crystals and nanoparticles. Out method is based on observation of luminescence with spectral and time resolution up to sub-picosecond temporal resolution. This study has given new experimental results for description of fundamental processes of creation and evolution of electronic excitations. Comparison and interpretation of experimental data of semiconductor nano-particles and monocrystals gave some interpretations of extra-fast luminescence of these systems
Chikdene, Mohand Améziane. "Etude de la diffusion de l'hydrogène dans des hydrures cristallins et amorphes de l'alliage Zr2Ni par corrélations angulaires gamma-gamma sur 181Ta." Grenoble 1, 1989.
Full textGuiblin, Nicolas. "Synthèse, structures et mises en ordre électroniques d'oxydes à valence mixte dans le système Pr-Ca-Mn-O." Caen, 2004.
Full textBooks on the topic "Cristallin order"
Perez, Jo. Matériaux non cristallins et science du désordre. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Cristallin order"
"be detected specifically, which is possible for sane groups of odorants (thiols or mercaptans, sulphides, amines) with specific GC-detectors. Spe cific detectors are available for haloganted compounds, sulphur-, phosphor-and nitrogen compounds. Figure 4 shews the analysis of the sulphur-ccmpounds produced by the acidic decomposition of phosphate-rock and causing the typi cal smell of fertilizer plants. Another approach is to aim at selective concentration methods. Indeed odour problems are caused by a limited number of compounds, on rather a li mited number of classes of compounds, mentioned in figure 5. For most odour nuisance problems, chemical plants, refineries, live stock production, food processing, rendering, water purification plants etc., the compounds responsible for the odour are known. So chemical analysis of the odour can be limited to these odorants, and selective concentrating techniques can be used. Selective concentrating methods are based on speci fic absorption techniques, using particular chemical reactions of odorant classes. Semet imes several absorption methods have to be used in order to describe the odour problem, thus increasing the labor cost of the analysis. On the other hand absorption methods allow better quantitative results. Se lective absorption of odorants from air produces a far less complex mixture. We developed or are developing several of these methods for aldehydes, amines, acids, thiols etc. Carbonyl ccnpounds for instance can be trapped by absorption in a rea gent solution containing 2,4-dinitrcphenylhydrazine and hydrogen chloride. Details of this method are extensively described elsewhere (8). The prin ciple of the method is that the carbonyl ccnpounds, in case of rendering plant emission the aldehydes, react with the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine and form 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones (2,4-DNPH's) according to the scheme. These 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones have seme interesting properties. It are cristalline caipounds so that after extract of the 2,4-DNPH's fran the reagens, they can be concentrated by evaporation of the solvent without losing product. Besides these caipounds shown intense absorption of UV-light (X 356 nm) and so they can easily be detected with an UV-detec-tor. These properties make the 2,4-DNPH's particularly suitable for HPDC-analyse. This methods is used since seme time. A chranatogram is given in figure 6 and results of the quantitative determination of carbonyl com pounds in different situations are given in table 2. For amines absorption in an acid solution, or preferably adsorption onto an acid ion exchange column (acidified divinylbenzene-styrenesulfo-nic acid copolymer) is used. 10-50 1 of ambient air is sent over*a wet 100nnix3irmI.D. column; the ion exchange polymer is put into a vial, made alkaline and the water solution is analysed on packed Carbowax-KDH GC-column with a thermionic selective detector (TSD), which is specific for nitrogen- and phosphorus-catpounds. Trimethylamine is detected easi ly at 1 ppb. Aibids can be absorbed specifically in an alkaline impringer, which is extracted with ether after acidification to pH 2. This method was used for rendering plant emissions, shewing a series of linear and branched." In Odour Prevention and Control of Organic Sludge and Livestock Farming, 170. CRC Press, 1986.
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