Academic literature on the topic 'Criminal judge'
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Journal articles on the topic "Criminal judge"
Ramiyanto, Ramiyanto. "ULTRA PETITA DECISIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF CRIMINAL LAW ENFORCEMENT IN INDONESIA." Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan 10, no. 1 (April 22, 2021): 173.
Full textKadiraliyev, Saddam, and Tashkent State University of Law Gulmurodov. "THE INVESTIGATIVE JUDGE IS A NEW INSTITUTE IN THE CRIMINAL PROCESS OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN." CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE 3, no. 4 (December 21, 2023): 28–39.
Full textPratama, Vega Christian, and Louis Tappangan. "Urgensi Hakim Pemeriksaan Pendahuluan dalam Peradilan Pidana di Indonesia." Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) 3, no. 2 (December 2, 2020): 703–11.
Full textAlfret, Alfret, and Mardian Putra Frans. "Konsep Putusan Pemaaf Oleh Hakim (Rechterlijk Pardon) Sebagai Jenis Putusan Baru Dalam KUHAP." KRTHA BHAYANGKARA 17, no. 3 (December 14, 2023): 587–600.
Full textKuncoro Putro, Danu Anindhito, and Ira Alia Maerani. "Application of Criminal Sanction Policy Against Crime Perpetrators of Domestic Violence." Jurnal Daulat Hukum 1, no. 2 (June 6, 2018): 467.
Full textRangga, Galih Setyo, and Sinda Eria Ayuni. "KEPASTIAN HUKUM PUTUSAN PEMIDANAAN YANG TIDAK BERDASARKAN SURAT DAKWAAN JAKSA PENUNTUT UMUM." Jurnal Magister Hukum Perspektif 13, no. 2 (October 31, 2022): 32–41.
Full textLeka, Adrian, and Brunilda Jani-Haxhiu. "The Emergence of Sentence Guidelines in the Balkans – Should Albania Follow the Same Model?" Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 20, no. 4 (August 2022): 1–7.
Full textОрлова, М. І. "THE QUESTION OF THE PROCEDURAL ORDER OF APPLICATION OF THE TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF JUDGES FROM JUSTICE." Juridical science, no. 1(103) (February 19, 2020): 309–15.
Full textMaterniak-Pawłowska, Małgorzata. "Instytucja sędziego śledczego w II Rzeczypospolitej." Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne 65, no. 1 (November 2, 2018): 271–94.
Full textProwancki, Maciej, Michał Kaczmarczyk, and Kazimierz Marszał. "COMMENCING A PRIVATE PROSECUTION AND THE GROUNDS FOR DISMISSING A LAY JUDGE FROM HIS FUNCTION." Roczniki Administracji i Prawa 4, no. XX (December 30, 2020): 129–43.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Criminal judge"
Gallant, Benjamin. "Bill C-25 The Truth in Sentencing Act: An Examination of the Implementation of Criminal Law by the Canadian Judiciary under Challenging Circumstances." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016.
Full textPidoux, Jérémy. "L'accès au juge pénal en phase sentencielle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2022.
Full textThe thesis seeks to demonstrate how the access to a criminal judge in the sentencing phase has evolved. From a pragmatic definition of the concept of “access to a judge”, two contradictory movements have been identified. On the one hand, formal access to a criminal judge tends to increase. The referral procedure and different channels for exchanging information allowing the parties – defendant, injured person, Attorney general – to have access to a judge have been opened. They have been improved by the development of external, intellectual and pecuniary assistance; which remove obstacles that could prevent the parties to have access to a criminal judge. On the other hand, substantial access to a criminal judge tends to decline. The material scope of access to a judge has been reduced because of the lessening of his powers. The quality of the communication with the judge has decreased because some methods have been developed – videoconference, glass boxes, representation, and writing – allowing debates to be covered by Medias. The exchanges before the judge have weakened because there are less or not enough guarantees that the debate is efficient. The ambivalent evolution of access to a criminal judge demonstrates the fundamental change of this access. In the formal meaning, the access is well developed: the parties of a criminal trial have the procedural and material means to have access to this judge. Meanwhile, this access is, most of the time, not a real one because the criminal judge cannot make a decision for each criminal matter submitted by the parties. This evolution is not in itself questionable. Nevertheless, we have to make sure that the intensification or the weakening is sufficient but not too important for each aspect of this access. Regarding this, thanks to the determination of the extent of the protection of the right to have access to a judge in conventional and constitutional order, several improvements have been proposed
Garcia, Alessandra Dias. "O juiz das garantias e a investigação criminal." Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.
Full textThe indispensability of the judges involvement in the preliminary stage of criminal prosecution as a guarantor of the inquired person fundamentals rights is undeniable. However, this intervention compromises the impartiality of the judge on the judgment of the merits. The allocation of duties to act to different judges in the preliminary investigation phase and during the case was the way that many law systems have fallowed to handle this problem. The same solution was adopted by the Bill of the Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure PLS nº 156/2009. The Bill provides the figure of the guarantee judge, which controls the legality of the criminal investigation and ensures the protection of individual rights. The guarantee judde, in accordance to the accusatory principle settleed in the Federal Constitution, assures a more effective impartiality preserving the distance of the judge from elements collected during criminal investigation.
Souza, Raniel Nascimento de. "Conflitos agrários: a atuação do juiz numa abordagem histórico-criminal." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ( on 2016-02-01T09:30:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Raniel Nascimento de Souza - 2015.pdf: 532937 bytes, checksum: 221aff768d5231c2f7ec405fbc7647e2 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-01T09:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Raniel Nascimento de Souza - 2015.pdf: 532937 bytes, checksum: 221aff768d5231c2f7ec405fbc7647e2 (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-30
Agrarian conflicts: the role of the judge in a criminal-history approach aims to address in the required depth, about what instruments the judge who militates in the criminal field of agrarian conflicts have to apply to acting with deliberation, fairness and justice required before of the case. For this, back in time and go to the time leading up to the system of appearance of land grants in Brazil. It points out that the system of land grants, as implemented in Portugal first, aimed at solving specific issues, such as a strong supply crisis that was mainly in Portugal but also in other countries. Nevertheless, Portugal decides to deploy in Cologne newfound, Brazil, the same system deployed there, this incorrectly, with bias and with great disorder, privilegiano a small class of noble people or prestige enjoyed by the Crown. This disorganized and unfairly generated, according to many historians, the latifundia in Brazil. The land issue in Brazil has its origins in the way we implemented the system of land grants in Brazil. This not only generated large estates, but, in particular, was the cause of the first conflicts existing here. From the earliest conflicts, those between sesmeiros and squatters, to the present time, there are thousands of outstanding conflicts in a state of effective action in the rush to try to contain the problems of land tenure. From these historical data concerning the origin and form of distribution of land in Brazil, as well as data on the conflict, the work seeks to bring the judge die elements more strictly criminal, as the postulate of minimal intervention so that in case Concrete related to agrarian conflicts, the judge's analysis is as comprehensive as possible, preventing, blindly, that only repressively apply strictly dogmatic criminal law. The thesis points out that the judgment and the sensitivity of the judge in everyday approach must pass necessarily by in-depth knowledge of the historical and social issues surrounding the issue of agrarian conflicts. A judgment of the Superior Court of Justice - STJ, the Habeas Corpus - HC No. 5574 / SP is taken with one of the bases for the construction of the idea that wanted to bring in the dissertation. He concluded the STJ every citizen has the right to protest and demand the implementation of agrarian reform. He concluded, though, that mister judge, it is essential that judge has a keen discernment to distinguish the crime of the right to protest Based on this, brings out the teachings of Francesco Carnelutti on some features that should have the judge what is called the act in criminal proceedings so that, in this case, especially on the theme of agrarian conflicts, acts not to criminalize conduct, but to contain them, seeking the composition of conflicts applying to a minimum, the repressive criminal law.
Conflitos Agrários: a atuação do juiz numa abordagem histórico-criminal visa a abordar, na profundidade necessária, sobre quais instrumentos o juiz que milita no campo penal dos conflitos agrários precisa se valer para que atue com a ponderação, a equidade e a justiça necessários diante do caso concreto. Para isso, volta no tempo e vai ao momento que antecedeu ao surgimento do sistema das sesmarias no Brasil. Destaca que o sistema das sesmarias, como implantado em Portugal primeiramente, visava solucionar questões pontuais, como por exemplo uma forte crise de abastecimento que acontecia principalmente em Portugal, mas também noutros países. Não obstante, Portugal resolve implantar na Colônia recém-descoberta, o Brasil, o mesmo sistema implantado lá, isso de forma equivocada, com parcialidade e com muita desordem, privilegiando uma pequena classe de gente nobre ou que gozava de prestígio junto à Coroa. Essa forma desorganizada e injusta gerou, de acordo com muitos historiadores, o latifúndio no Brasil. A questão fundiária no Brasil tem suas origens na forma como foi implantado o sistema das sesmarias no Brasil. Isso gerou não somente o latifúndio, mas, em especial, foi a causa dos primeiros conflitos existentes por aqui. Desde os primeiros conflitos existentes, aqueles entre sesmeiros e posseiros, até os tempos atuais, são milhares de conflitos ainda pendentes de uma ação efetiva do Estado no afã de tentar conter os problemas da questão fundiária. A partir desses dados históricos referentes à origem e forma de distribuição de terras no Brasil, bem como sobre os dados referentes aos conflitos, o trabalho procura trazer ao juiz elementos de cunho mais estritamente penais, como o postulado da intervenção mínima para que, no caso concreto referente aos conflitos agrários, a análise do juiz seja a mais abrangente possível, evitando que, cegamente, aquele só aplique repressivamente o direito penal estritamente dogmático. A dissertação destaca que o discernimento e a sensibilidade do juiz na abordagem do dia a dia precisa passar, necessariamente, pelo aprofundado conhecimento das questões históricas e sociais que envolvem a temática dos conflitos agrários. Um julgado do Superior Tribunal de Justiça - STJ, no Habeas Corpus – HC nº 5.574/SP é tido com uma das bases para a construção da ideia que se quis trazer na dissertação. Concluiu o STJ todo o cidadão tem direito de protestar e reclamar a implantação da reforma agrária. Concluiu, ainda que, nesse mister de julgar, é indispensável que juiz tenha um apurado discernimento para distinguir o crime do direito de protestar, Com base nisso, traz à tona ensinamentos de Francesco Carnelutti sobre algumas características que deve possuir o juiz que é chamado a atuar no processo penal para que, no caso concreto, em especial na temática dos conflitos agrários, atue não para criminalizar condutas, mas para contê-las, visando à composição dos conflitos, aplicando, no mínimo possível, o direito penal repressor.
Ouabri, Layali. "L'expertise judiciaire en matière pénale en Algérie." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2013.
Full textThe 21st century is marked by a very high level of technological improvements and scientific, allowing to perform all technical and scientific investigations in all science's areas. The judges are used, in the context of investigations necessary for the truth's manifestation to art's men. Algérian judicial expert, like any other expert, obeys universal principles inherent in the protection and safeguarding of fundamental freedoms and especially ethics. Expertise, about it, must imperatively obey the laws and regulations who govern us that the result should not suffer any irregularity and shall be binding on third parties to carry conviction of judges
Gusman, Fabio. "A prisão preventiva de ofício: análise crítica à luz do sistema constitucional acusatório." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.
Full textThis study aims to analyze the validity of the infra-constitutional norms that allow the criminal judge to issue a remand without the request of the prosecutor or the plaintiff. The greater or lesser degree of power assigned to the judge is directly connected to the current actual justice system in each jurisdiction. Thus, it is relevant to define the criminal procedural systems accusatorial, inquisitorial and mixed, their governing principles, and identify which one was chosen by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the rules that are higher in hierarchy. From the assumption that the Brazilian Constitution establishes the adversarial principle which determines norms in our law systems, the study identifies rules that do not find their justification in this principle and, therefore, diverge from the system. The rule that gives the judge the power to issue a preventive detention order is one of them. The work then critically examines some of the arguments that are commonly used to support the position of the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of this rule, concluding that the basis supporting the judge\'s power is the inquisitorial ideal of a policy implementing justice system in which the judge\'s impartiality is a minor attribute. Finally, some notes of comparative law are collected in regard to how the issue is assessed in different jurisdictions. The paper concludes that the power to issue the order is contrary to the typical values of the accusatory procedural law of Democratic States. At the end, the study indicates a possible solution to the modernization of the decision-making method for precautionary measures consistent in previous hearings that offer an environment more conducive to the exercise of procedural safeguards.
Paiusco, Sara. "Nullum Crimen Sine Lege and the Role of Foreseeability in the European Human Rights Protection System. A European approach to the problem of judge-made law in Criminal Law." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2020.
Full textPaiusco, Sara. "Nullum Crimen Sine Lege and the Role of Foreseeability in the European Human Rights Protection System. A European approach to the problem of judge-made law in Criminal Law." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2020.
Full textНос, Степан Петрович. "Кримінальна відповідальність за постановлення суддею (суддями) завідомо неправосудного вироку, рішення, ухвали або постанови." Diss., Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2021.
Full textValle, Dirceu Augusto da Câmara. "Bem jurídico e competência no Processo Penal Militar: efetividade da justiça e dignidade do jurisdicionado." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2014.
Full textThe research investigates the role of the legal criminal assets in setting the criminal procedural competence in the military sphere. Due to this, it is developed a relationship of implication between the substantive law and the especial instrumental law. Analyzes the constitutional legitimacy of the military criminal proceedings from an interpretive retelling of military criminal procedure code in order to establish, above all, more democratic precise contours, paying attention to the existing constitutional vectors, applying the principle of natural justice in military courts, highlighting the Inter-American court decisions of human rights. Examines the condition of allocation of criminal legal interests tied to hierarchy and discipline in order to establish whether or not the jurisdiction of special courts.It is discussed the social role of the agent as a fixation element of competence, looking away literal and isolated interpretations from the castrense repressive statute as a whole. The problems encountered throughout the text reverberate in access to criminal justice, and particularly in the context of execution of criminal due process, the constitutional guarantee, all contributing to a better assessment of the criteria involve setting the natural judge, with projections guidelines for conflicts of jurisdiction submitted to the higher courts, and also the issues that plague both the military justice courts as courts of justice
A pesquisa investiga o papel do bem jurídico-penal na fixação da competência processual penal na esfera militar. Para tanto, desenvolve-se uma relação de implicação entre o direito material e o direito instrumental especial. Analisa-se a legitimidade constitucional do processo penal castrense a partir de uma releitura interpretativa do Código de Processo Penal Militar, a fim de estabelecer contornos mais precisos e, sobretudo, democráticos, atentando aos vetores constitucionais vigentes, à aplicação do princípio do juiz natural na Justiça Militar, com destaque para decisões da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. Examina-se a condição de afetação de bens jurídicos penais atados à hierarquia e à disciplina, a fim de estabelecer, ou não, a competência da justiça especializada. Aborda-se o papel social do agente, como elemento de fixação da competência, procurando-se afastar interpretações literais e isoladas do estatuto repressivo castrense, mas desprendidas quando cotejadas com o ordenamento como um todo. As problemáticas enfrentadas ao longo do texto repercutem no acesso à justiça penal e, particularmente, no âmbito de efetivação do devido processo legal, cara garantia constitucional, tudo a contribuir para uma melhor aferição dos critérios a envolver a fixação do juiz natural, com projeções orientadoras para os conflitos de competência submetidos às Cortes Superiores e, também, às questões que atormentam tanto os Tribunais de Justiça Militar como os Tribunais de Justiça
Books on the topic "Criminal judge"
Vanek, David. Fulfilment: Memoirs of a criminal court judge. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1999.
Find full textPonsor, Michael A. The hanging judge. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc., 2013.
Find full textBax, Ernest Belfort. The criminal court judge, and The odd trick. Vancouver: Socialist Party of Canada, 1997.
Find full textInstitute, Pennsylvania Bar. Adventures in Sarajevo: A Philadelphia judge goes international. Mechanicsburg, PA: Pennsylvania Bar Institute, 2006.
Find full textD, Jackson John. Judge without jury: Diplock trials in the adversary system. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.
Find full textEhrenfreund, Norbert. You be the judge: 20 true crimes and cases for you to solve. Naperville, Ill: Sphinx Pub., 2008.
Find full textRobertshaw, Paul. Jury and judge: The Crown Court in action. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Criminal judge"
Watson, Andrew. "Opinions on the Lay Judge System." In Popular Participation in Japanese Criminal Justice, 145–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textMunir, Muhammad Amir. "Judging in a Therapeutic Way: TJ Audit of Juvenile, Probation and Criminal Procedure Law in Pakistan with Reference to Therapeutic Design and Therapeutic Application of Law." In The Responsive Judge, 241–58. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textPivaty, Anna, and Marieke Dubelaar. "New Public Management and the role of the Dutch trial judge." In Efficiency and Bureaucratisation of Criminal Justice, 108–28. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textLewis, Margaret K. "Who Shall Judge? Taiwan’s Exploration of Lay Participation in Criminal Trials." In Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific, 437–53. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textSal, Sebastián. "Interview With Judge Ariel Oscar Lijo, Judge in Charge of the Federal Court Number 4 on Criminal Matters, Argentina." In Trends in the Judiciary, 117–30. New York: Routledge, 2021.
Full textFedorova, Masha, and Sophie Mommers. "Legal Judge." In Elgar Encyclopedia of Crime and Criminal Justice. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024.
Full textCullen, Paul. "Lord Rodger and the Criminal Law." In Judge and Jurist, 398–411. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Full textSanders, Andrew, Richard Young, and Mandy Burton. "10. Trial by judge and jury." In Criminal Justice, 553–608. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Full textSprack, John, and Michael Engelhardt–Sprack. "Judge-only Trials." In A Practical Approach to Criminal Procedure. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textMeron, Theodor. "From Classroom to a Criminal Courtroom." In Standing Up for Justice, 31–38. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Criminal judge"
Mohammed, Ausama. "Criminal risk and its impact on criminal individualization." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF DEFICIENCIES AND INFLATION ASPECTS IN LEGISLATION. University of Human Development, 2021.
Full textNeupauer, František. "Dr. Korbuly Pál, sudca Štátneho súdu v Bratislave." In Protistátní trestné činy včera a dnes. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2021.
Full textMaizītis, Jānis. "Kriminālprocesa uzraudzības problemātika Latvijā." In The 8th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. University of Latvia Press, 2022.
Full textSkutele, Signe. "Kriminālprocesa iepriekšējās izmeklēšanas reformas Krievijas impērijā iemesli, mērķi un perspektīvas 19. gs. 60. gados." In Latvijas Universitātes 80. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2022.
Full textGlynska, N. V., and D. I. Klepka. "SECTION 7. On the issue of remote participation of a judge in criminal proceedings: pros and cons." In HUMAN RIGHTS AND PUBLIC GOVERNANCE IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Baltija Publishing, 2023.
Full textRavena, Dey, Hedi Wahyudi, and Ade Mahmud. "The Judgment of Judge Against Intention in Determining Criminal Responsibility of Corruption’s Perpetrators to Seek Material Truth." In Proceedings of the Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.
Full textKudryavtsev, Vladislav L., and Sergey A. Pyashin. "Internal Conviction of a Judge in the Context of Making a Knowingly Unjust Verdict, Decision or Other Judicial Act: Some Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Problems." In Современные тенденции развития частного права, исполнительного производства и способов юридической защиты. Санкт-Петербург: Санкт-Петербургский институт (филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования "Всероссийский государственный университет юстиции (РПА Минюста России)", 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Criminal judge"
Brink, Malia, Jiacheng Yu, and Pamela Metzger. Grading Injustice: Initial Appearance Report Cards. SMU Dedman School of Law, September 2022.
Full textMutebi, Natasha. Problem-solving courts. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, UK Parliament, July 2023.
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