Academic literature on the topic 'Créoles antillais'
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Journal articles on the topic "Créoles antillais"
De Mareschal, Claire. "L’odyssée du mot veillatif : du français de Normandie aux créoles antillais." SHS Web of Conferences 191 (2024): 02007.
Full textBélaise, Max. "Néo-créolisation en Martinique : le rôle des églises pentecôtistes dans le processus d’intégration et d’éducation de la communauté haïtienne." Archipélies 3-4 (2012): 245–72.
Full textBoufoy-Bastick, Béatrice. "La créolisation linguistique: une revendication identitaire aux Antilles." Verbum 3 (February 6, 2012): 31–38.
Full textParham, Angel Adams. "Comparative Creoles: Race, Identity, and Difference Between Louisiana and its Caribbean Counterparts." Quebec Studies 71, no. 1 (June 1, 2021): 61–82.
Full textNgong, Benjamin. "Le Sang du volcan de Marie-Reine de Jaham ou la nostalgie du « paradis perdu »." Archipélies 2 (2011): 183–202.
Full textCondon, Stéphanie. "Pratiques et transmission des créoles antillais dans la “troisième île”." Espace populations sociétés, no. 2004/2 (October 1, 2004): 293–305.
Full textGiraud, Michel. "La problématique prise en compte des particularités culturelles par le système scolaire. Le cas des créoles antillais." VEI enjeux 129, no. 1 (2002): 219–36.
Full textGuerlet, Delphine. "Ce que parler créole veut dire." Migrants formation 94, no. 1 (1993): 161–73.
Full textGalap, Jean. "Les Antillais en métropole. Réflexions interculturelles et difficultés scolaires." Migrants formation 81, no. 1 (1990): 152–69.
Full textBuzelin, Hélène. "The Lonely Londoners en français : l’épreuve du métissage." TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction 13, no. 2 (March 19, 2007): 203–43.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Créoles antillais"
Bonniol, Jean-Luc. "Couleur et identité : le miroir des apparences dans la genèse de populations créoles." Université de Provence. Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines (1969-2011), 1989.
Full textIssogui, Ombango Anicet Symphorien. "Textes et écritures africains et antillais : une analyse sémiotique des données sociolinguistiques." Perpignan, 2007.
Full textThe text and the writing of Ahamadou Kourouma and Patrick Chamoiseau are the result of bilinguism. The encounter between malinke and creole on one hand and french on the other hand reveals all the richness of the authors language. They want to express their own identity through their speech. They also assert that they can create a new french language. That is why we used the semiotic and sociolinguistic approaches to intend to show all creativity of these authors
Paul, Marie Ensie. "La méthode comparative historique appliquée au syntagme prédicatif des créoles français de Guadeloupe/ Martinique, Haïti et Louisiane : interrogations et perspectives." Thesis, Paris 3, 2013.
Full textWithin the framework of functionalism, this dissertation is a historical comparative research that aims at bringing a contribution to the establishment of relatedness between three French-based Creoles (Haitian, Antillean (Guadeloupe/Martinique) Louisianan and the varieties of colonial French. The predicative syntagm of the three Creoles are compared on one hand and on the other hand a comparison is established with the varieties of colonial French. The corpus is compound of two kinds of texts: the texts showing the early stage of the Creole languages and the documents showing the language state of Colonial French. The Creole documents extend from a period that starts from 1671 to 1850, 1804 and 1867 respectively for Guadeloupe / Martinique, Haiti and Louisiana. The TMA system, negation, serial verbs, the copula and the expression of passivity are studied. The choice of the topics was based on the great interest observed towards them in specialized literature
Mareschal, Claire de. "Français de France et français des Antilles à l'époque coloniale : étude de particularismes phonétiques, grammaticaux et lexicaux relevés dans les Prize Papers (1665-1793)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Full textStudies on 17th‑ and 18th‑century French generally give rise to an unitarist vision of a classical French based on the written language of a few great authors. However, researchers are more and more turning their attention to documentary sources that can reveal the full extent of the variational phenomena that characterize the history of the language. A non-literary source has recently attracted renewed interest from linguists: the French Prize Papers fund, i.e. documents seized by the English privateers on captured French ships, to be used as evidence during the trial determining whether they were taken legally or not. As these ships carried the mail exchanged between the French people settled in the West Indies and their Metropolitan relatives and connexions back home in Metropolitan France, these documents, held by the National Archives in London, are mainly letters. Most of them were written by writers with low literacy, revealing a variety of diatopic, diachronic and diastratic variants of phonetic, morphosyntactic or lexical nature. Although writers are indeed subject to the pressure of standards, as can be seen from the formulaic nature of the letters, at least they have an imperfect command of them; these attestations therefore provide a better understanding of the state of French as it was actually practised at the time. Furthermore, the study of the Prize Papers contributes to the reconstruction of what must have been colonial French, which was the origin of the French currently spoken in the West Indies, and was the input of French-based Antillean creoles
Montrésor, Sabine. "Images et métamorphoses du baroque dans la Caraïbe, Cuba, les Antilles françaises et Haïti." Paris 3, 2005.
Full textSay what is West Indies and produce it for the people of the speech, is a constant and essential challenge. For the master's of the speech the question is how to expose his plurality to let show the oral tradition in the script. Among various genres they will find, languages, pictures and artifices to express his diversity and peculiarity and the “Tout-Monde”. So from the “Réel-Merveilleux” till the Néo baroque, French Creole “dit” explain and impress himself as a literature
Cottias, Myriam. "La famille antillaise du XVIIème au XIXème siècle, étude anthropologique et démographique : enracinements créoles." Paris, EHESS, 1990.
Full textConfiant, Raphaël. "Kréól palé, kréyól matjé. . : analyse des significations attachées aux aspects littéraires, linguistiques et socio-historiques de l'écrit créolophone de 1750 à 1995 aux Petits Antilles, en Guyane et en Hai͏̈ti." Antilles-Guyane, 1997.
Full textDuring three centuries and a half (from 1625 to nowadays), peoples from various parts of the world intermingled in haiti, the french west-indies and french guiana : native indians, europeans, africans and later asians. This unique biological and cultural process was defined as creolization by most anthropologists and historians. One of the most interesting side of this process is the linguistic situation since new languages -- called creole languages -- appeared in the french territories and became rapidly the mother-tongue of the majority of the population. Since one century and a half, major linguists (l. Adam, h. Schuchardt, l. Bloomfield, d. Bickerton etc. ) have studied their various phonological, syntactic and lexical aspects. Some have defined yhe sociolinguistic situation of creole-speaking countries as diglossia that is a situation in which two languages evolving in the same ecosystem, i. E. French and creole, are sharing, in a conflicting way, the various fields of social communication. Nonetheless, little attention has been paid to written creole though we do have texts in creole dating from 1754, covering the whole range of litterary styles : poetry, fable, theater, short-story, novel etc. . . Pondering over litterary diglossia, i have examined the most important texts written in this language during three centuries and a half, trying to identify the main impediments that stand in the way of creole, an oral language, when it has to cope with writing : orthography, norm, conceptualization, relations with its oral litterature, influence of french litterature and so on
Romani, Jean-Paul. "L'interlecte martiniquais : approches sociolinguistiques des rapports langue-idéologie dans une communauté antillaise." Rouen, 2000.
Full textCécile, Christian. "Contes créoles ou le lieu de la quête de l'identité." Bordeaux 2, 1999.
Full textDeblaine, Dominique. "Simone Schwarz-Bart : imaginaire et espace créole." Bordeaux 3, 1989.
Full textSchwarz-bart's use of creole in her works, the deciphering and explaining of the speech elements she has kept in her writings, the question of man's presence in the world, this study aims at deciphering the writer's own myths and her obsessional ideal; in other words her "desire to exist", what simone schwarz-bart is longing for is "peace of mind and soul" and "committed aloofness"; her own world is that of trancendence and it is dominated by two great characters ; prometheus and orpheus, the words used to reveal the tragic aspect of life, the feelings and sensuality as the only paths to truth mark simone schwarz-bart out as a romanticist, through her use of proverbs, tales and songs she also belongs with those who wish to lear witness, with those desire to exist is inkeeping with their desire to remember, besides, her "desire to exist" comes out trough her creole based writing which is, itself, influenced by west indian history and syths, creole and its speech related phrases express, in many varied ways, west indian's doubt, love of fun and pleasure, and their rooting in a very particular culture, simone schwarz-bart uses a language that's both harmonious and bitter because of her recourse to a creole inspired language, to the presence of leitmotivs and their recurrence in her works
Books on the topic "Créoles antillais"
Exbrayat, André, Gilles Bergé, and Cyril Exbrayat. Cuisine créole. Fort-de-France (Martinique): Exbrayat, 2011.
Find full textBenoist, Jean. Hindouismes créoles: Mascareignes, Antilles. Paris: Éditions du C.T.H.S., 1998.
Find full textDelannay, Robert. La cuisine créole amaigrissante: Connaissance des produits alimentaires antillais : fruits, légumes ... Paris: Editions Caribéennes, 1986.
Find full textBeuze, Lyne Rose. Costumes créoles: Mode et vêtements traditionnels des Antilles françaises de 1635 à 1948. Fort-de-France, Martinique: Fabre Domergue, 1999.
Find full textChamoiseau, Patrick. Lettres créoles: Tracées antillaises et continentales de la littérature : Haïti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, 1635-1975. Paris: Hatier, 1991.
Find full textJournées culturelles de l'Outre-mer français (1995 Paris). Les Journées culturelles de l'Outre-mer français: Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, avril 1995. Boulogne-sur-Seine, BP 45, 92101 Cedex: Association France-Outre-mer, 1995.
Find full textDominique, Taffin, Archives de la Martinique, Societe des amis des archives et de la recherche sur le patrimoine culturel des Antilles., and Université Antilles-Guyane, eds. Moreau de Saint-Méry, ou, Les ambiguïtés d'un créole des Lumières: Actes du colloque organisé par les Archives départementales de la Martinique et la Sociéte des amis des archives et de la recherche sur le patrimoine des Antilles, avec le concours de l'Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, 10-11 septembre 2004. [Fort-de-France]: Société des amis des archives et de la recherche sur le patrimoine culturel des Antilles, 2006.
Find full text1954-, Balutansky Kathleen M., and Sourieau Marie-Agnès, eds. Caribbean creolization: Reflections on the cultural dynamics of language, literature, and identity. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1998.
Find full textPerspectives Créoles: Louisiane, Antilles, Haïti. New Orleans: Presses Universitaires du Nouveau Monde, 2006.
Find full textAnnou palé kréyol livre: Cours de créole antillais. Annou Pale Kreyol, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Créoles antillais"
Couti, Jacqueline. "Récits créoles : langue et pouvoir aux Antilles." In La France en récits, 319–32. Presses Universitaires de France, 2020.
Full textCondon, Stéphanie. "Transmission familiale du créole antillais dans le contexte métropolitain." In Histoire de familles, histoires familiales, 547–61. Ined Éditions, 2005.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Littérature et identité créole aux Antilles, 193–99. Karthala, 1992.
Full text"Sexuality and Racial Politics in Maryse Condé’s La Belle Créole." In Perspectives on Culture and Politics in the French Antilles, 131–41. Modern Humanities Research Association, 2018.
Full textWiltord, Jeanne. "Parler aux Antilles : entre créole et français, quel rapport à lalangue ?" In Vivre le multilinguisme, 293. ERES, 2015.
Full textHazaël-Massieux, Marie-Christine. "4. Y a-t-il des représentations de l’esclavage dans la littérature orale créole des Antilles ?" In Esclavage et abolitions, 57. Editions Karthala, 2000.
Full text"Histoire des langues créoles à base lexicale française: la Louisiane et les Antilles Sprachgeschichte der Kreolsprachen auf französischer Grundlage: Louisiana und Karibik." In Romanische Sprachgeschichte / Histoire linguistique de la Romania, Part 1, edited by Gerhard Ernst, Martin-Dietrich Gleßgen, Christian Schmitt, and Wolfgang Schweickard. Berlin • New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2003.
Full textThibault, André. "Témoignages métalinguistiques et histoire du français et du créole dans les Antilles : les cas du père Labat et de Pierre Dessalles." In Regards croisés sur les français d’ici, 149–71. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2018.
Full textRézeau, Pierre. "Aspects du français et du créole des antilles (notamment saint-domingue) à la fin du xviiie siècle, d'après le témoignage d'un lexicographe anonyme." In Richesses du français et géographie linguistique, 195. De Boeck Supérieur, 2008.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Créoles antillais"
Iskrova, Iskra. "Français et créole : contact de langues aux Antilles." In 2ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2010.
Full textSzyman, Alexandra. "Les mots et les imaginaires de l’eau dans l’œuvre de Simone Schwarz-Bart." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
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