Academic literature on the topic 'Coût des capitaux propres'
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Journal articles on the topic "Coût des capitaux propres"
Lenormand, Gaëlle, and Lionel Touchais. "L’impact de l’IFRS 8 sur le coût des capitaux propres." Management & Avenir 92, no. 2 (2017): 133.
Full textCarpentier, Cécile, and Jean-Marc Suret. "Le coût du capital entrepreneurial." Revue internationale P.M.E. 24, no. 3-4 (January 24, 2013): 103–36.
Full textSuret, Jean Marc, and Laurence Arnoux. "Origines, formes et importance du capital de risque direct: un survol international." Revue internationale P.M.E. 8, no. 3-4 (February 16, 2012): 233–58.
Full textMarion, Alain, and Claire Faverjon. "La demande de capitaux propres des PME en croissance : impératif financier ou volonté stratégique ?" Revue internationale P.M.E. 29, no. 1 (June 17, 2016): 71–100.
Full textLongo, Nzuzi. "La problématique des capitaux propres minimaux et solutions à y apporter en cas d'atteinte de ce seuil planché." Revue Intelligence Stratégique 1, no. 001 (July 1, 2018): 253–64.
Full textIbrahimi, Mohammed, and Fayçal El Baghdadi. "Pertinence de la valeur des informations comptables : Cas des sociétés marocaines cotées." Recherches en Sciences de Gestion N° 158, no. 5 (December 18, 2023): 219–41.
Full textFiguières, Charles, Philippe Gardères, and Frédéric Rychen. "Infrastructures publiques et politiques de développement décentralisées." Articles 78, no. 4 (January 19, 2005): 539–70.
Full textBellone, Flora. "Les difficultés de la réalisation du rattrapage technologique. Une approche théorique de la convergence conditionnelle." Revue économique 48, no. 3 (May 1, 1997): 409–18.
Full textRigar, Sidi Mohamed, and Sana Lamghari. "Déterminants des risques fondamentaux du coût des fonds propres Cas des entreprises marocaines cotées en bourse." Revue Management & Innovation 10, no. 2 (November 6, 2024): 8–30.
Full textHarmatallah, Ali, and Dominique Jacquet. "Le rôle des capitaux propres dans la stratégie financière des banques. Cas des banques européennes et nord-américaines." La Revue des Sciences de Gestion N° 320, no. 2 (December 19, 2023): 25–36.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Coût des capitaux propres"
Wasilewski, Mélanie. "Contribution à la connaissance du carbone pour la gestion de portefeuille : implication pour le coût des capitaux propres." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2025.
Full textFrom a financial point of view, the carbon metric is complex to define and measure. Nevertheless, carbon plays a major role in investors' analysis and decision-making strategies, as it has a direct influence on the valuation of companies. The literature shows that the cost of carbon has a significant influence on the cost of equity. This link allows us to set out three major hypotheses based on risk modulation, the search for legitimacy and investor preference. We were able to identify various types of carbon indicator. Our work then consists of associating these hypotheses with the indicators in order to identify different portfolio management strategies. Such strategies are guided by investors' intentions, which vary according to their personal commitment, their level of constraint and their environment. Investors then legitimate their portfolio mix on the basis of different assessments of this data. We show that carbon data modifies the cost of equity capital for European companies listed on the STOXX 600 index. We use the Fama and French model extended to carbon in order to identify the differences between brown and green stocks. In addition, we found that carbon performance is assessed differently depending on the business sector. This finding encourages investors to identify and choose companies that are committed to reducing their carbon emissions, thereby reducing their cost of capital
Gauthier, Jack. "Les fonds propres des entreprises : les mesures juridiques et fiscales permettant aux entreprises d'augmenter leurs fonds propres." Lyon 3, 1988.
Full textThe legal context of the notion of equity is discussed initially to show that this review covers both legal and fiscal measures which it is the responibility of companies to implement. The author believes that companies should increase their equity rather then borronwing. Legal and fiscal measures designed to encourage firms to increase their equity are examined with reference to both ways and means. To demonstrate how companies can strengthen their equity, the legal and fiscal solutions available have been analysed, and the way in which the legislative authority has sought to accelerate increases in share capital has been revealed. This operation, like a declared increase in year-end results, can receive support from the fiscal authorities. The means by which firms can increase their equity are concentrated on the creation of new transferable shares. The study deals with these in 3 separate chapters, depending on whether their issue implies subscribing for shares, maintaining corporate independence or making an obligatory increase in registered capital. In conclusion, the suppression of the common market members' frontiers on january ist. 1993 is discussed
Harmatallah, Ali. "Le rôle des capitaux propres dans la stratégie financière des banques." Thesis, Paris 10, 2015.
Full textThe subprime financial crisis confirms the importance for banks to have sufficient equity to meet the economic uncertainties and operational risks and to ensure their solvency. In this context arises the question of flexibility and its use in banking. It appears that a better capitalization allows capturing opportunities and open options for growth. Moreover, recent developments (crises, consolidation, growth, etc.) demonstrate the importance of the financial value of flexibility. These two classical aspects in corporate finance take a specific twist according to the regulatory and operating environment of the banking sector.The results that emerged from our studies allow us to comment on the essential role of the flexibility and financial performance in the value creation process in banks. In addition, these results showed that a higher level of shareholders’ equity, than the minimum required, is beneficial and contributed, under certain conditions, to improve the market value of systemic banks. The systemic banks are forced to invest more in financial flexibility according to capital buffers. Such banks will not need to seek for help from markets when in financial distress. However, any change in the financial structure through the capital increase is regarded negatively by the markets. But, investors react differently to the announcement of the capital increase, according to the announced motivations
Bale, Esso-Houna. "Les fonds propres des établissements de crédit." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 1994.
Full textThe equity capitals are funded capitals that are in bank for a long time and can be used to amortize loss without the durability of bank been threatened. The banks regulations distinguish the basis equity capitals and the complementary equity capitals. The equity capitals are one of the criterions by which one can estimate financial solidity of banks and calculate various ratios that loans societies must respect in their daily management. Those ratios are used to appreciate the solvency of loan's societies. The implemention of those ratios require banks not to increase their activities if they do not have the equity capitals necessary to respect regular ratios. The ability of loan's societies to increase their activities depends on their capacities to augment their equity capitals. The equity capitals have become a basic factor of banking strategy
Aubry, Caroline. "La structure financière des entreprises françaises." Toulouse 1, 1998.
Full textThe aim of this study is to evaluate the capital structure of French firms. First, we established a statistical statement from 1985 to 1995 based on Bach data (Bank for the Accounts of Companies Harmonized) and made a survey of fifty bankers. Both highlighted the financial weakness of the French firm compared with its foreign counterparts and bankers' norms for capital structure, and of small and medium-sized French firms compared with larger ones. Secondly, we reviewed theoretical methods as well as empirical studies of French data (1), carried out an empirical analysis based on a large sample of firms from eight countries using the linear regression method (2), and calculated fiscal distortion factors using the King-Fullerton method (3). These three elements lead us to identify financial and institutional factors which explain the differences of capital structure country by country and in terms of relative size. Finally, we propose a number of coherent measures to strengthen the French corporate capital base stimulating the demand for equities and improving financing for the smaller firms
Zhang, Xia. "L'appréhension de la croissance dans les modèles d'évaluation." Thesis, Lille 2, 2014.
Full textThis research proposes an analysis of equity valuation of firm, obtained from the models valuing economic rents. The quality of the estimations depends on the pertinence of the hypothesis and the empirical calibration of these models. In the first place, the theoretical foundations of different hypotheses on the growth rate and/or the persistence level of economic rent and the influence of these hypotheses on equity valuation are analyzed. Through the abnormal earnings growth model, we show that the economic rent of the new investment or the abnormal earnings growth should converge towards zero due to the market competition. This proposition, different from Ohlson and Juettner-Nauroth’s assumption often adopted in prior studies, is found having sensitive influence on equity valuation. The asymptotic analysis of valuation ratios in the second chapter of this thesis underlines these aspects while being immune from the bias and the difficulties that the empirical studies on this issue could induce. This research notably proposes an explanation for the problem of systematic overvaluation of equity by the abnormal earnings growth model. In the second place, to improve the calibration of the abnormal earnings growth model, a method is proposed to estimate the firm-specific persistence level of the abnormal earnings growth. In the last chapter, an analytical model is proposed to synthesize the two main approaches concerning rent modeling: the residual income valuation model and the abnormal earnings growth model. A linear valuation equation is derived from the analytical model and mobilized to characterize the value relevance of the short-term earnings variation forecasted by financial analysts
Parachkevova, Irina. "Le pouvoir de l'investisseur professionnel dans la société cotée /." Paris : LGDJ, 2005.
Full textBibliogr. p. 197-236. Index.
Graeff, Imke Johanna. "Rethinking bank shareholder equity." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.
Full textThe thesis introduces a new accounting method based upon the distinction between shareholder equity and the residual entity equity. Shareholder equity presents the actual contributions of shareholders to the bank entity. It allows for the analysis of bank’s equity position in light of a transformed idea of shareholding as experienced in recent years. The measure identifies and visualises equity transactions of banks relating to shareholders; and with it, allows for the analysis of the two main shaping forces of bank equity: financialized corporate strategy which seeks to economize the bank equity position; and regulatory capita lwhich provides a risk buffer to absorb eventual losses. Addressees of these two forces are shareholders who pressure banks to follow generous distribution policies and society at largewhich demands a safe and sound banking system. This trade-off between return to shareholders and a sufficient equity base is well documented in the pre-crisis and post-crisis period. Our analysis of shareholder equity position applies to nine European banks between 2001 and 2015. It reveals substantial distributions at the detriment of financial solvency concerns. Shareholder contributions to the bank entity as well as to regulatory capital werelimited in the pre-crisis period, with rather modest improvements in the post-crisis perioddespite substantial capital injections. Findings suggest that, in an era of financialized corporate strategy, sufficient levels of high quality capital are essential to safeguard general interest and prevent banks to become financial investment vehicles for their shareholders
Cordier, Blandine. "Le renforcement des fonds propres dans les sociétés anonymes." Paris 1, 1988.
Full textBecause many french companies have been weakened by excessive debt, legislators have adopted laws aimed at encouraging such companies to reinforce their stockholder's equity. These measures have involved, on the one hand, the improvement of the traditional methods for increasing capital and, on the other hand, the diversification of financial products, with or without an effect on the voting control of the company and extended the legal concept of stockholder's equity to include quasi and assimilated stockholder's equity. In order to assure the efficient use of these financial products, a company must rely on the collaboration of its various partners. The public authorities have sought to favor the participation and integration of a company's internal and external actors, i. E. The corporate partners (employee shareholders) and financiers (institutional investors, listing on the exchange known as the "second marche"). But if, in the final analysis, it appears necessary to reinforce stockholder's equity in french companies, experience has revealed the difficulties, sometimes insurmontable, in trying to bring together the offer and demand for risk capital. It is questionable whether risk capital is capable of overcoming the alternative of self-financing and indebtedness and replacing the traditional method of providing funds
Janson, Nathalie. "La demande optimale de capitaux propres de la firme bancaire et l'impact des autorités monétaires et bancaires : comparaison des cas américain et français 1920-87." Paris 1, 2000.
Full textBooks on the topic "Coût des capitaux propres"
Janson, Nathalie. Demande de capitaux propres bancaires et impact du rôle des autorités monétaires et bancaires: Étude comparée de l'évolution des capitaux propres en France et au États-Unis 1920-1987. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 2000.
Find full textPierre-Yves, Mathonet, ed. Beyond the J-curve: Managing a portfolio of venture capital and private equity funds. Chichester: Wiley, 2005.
Find full textBoard, Canada Treasury. IM/IT investment evaluation guide =: Guide d'évaluation des investissements en GI/TI. Ottawa, Ont: Treasury Board of Canada = Conseil du trésor du Canada, 1998.
Find full textMarleau, Karel. Advances in Capital Structure Research. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated, 2021.
Find full textAdvances in Capital Structure Research. Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated, 2021.
Find full textClavel, Damian. Créer un pays, le royaume de Poyais. Gregor MacGregor, emprunts d’État et fraude financière 1820-1824. Éditions Livreo-Alphil, 2022.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Coût des capitaux propres"
Giarlelis, Christos, Evlalia Lamprinou, and Constantinos Repapis. "Seismic Rehabilitation of a School Building in Cephalonia, Greece." In Case Studies on Conservation and Seismic Strengthening/Retrofitting of Existing Structures, 1–20. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2020.
Full textMichaïlesco, Céline. "Capitaux propres." In Dictionnaire historique de comptabilité des entreprises, 67–70. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016.
Full text"Le financement par capitaux propres." In Gestion financière des PME : théories et pratiques, 2e édition, 349–416. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2018.
Full textChen, H. "Human Capital Architecture and its Utilization in Accounting." In Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital, 40–48. IGI Global, 2007.
Full textAlemseged, Zeresenay. "Un bouquet d’ancêtres." In Un bouquet d’ancêtres, 101–22. CNRS Éditions, 2021.
Full textAlemseged, Zeresenay. "Un bouquet d’ancêtres." In Un bouquet d’ancêtres, 123–38. CNRS Éditions, 2021.
Full textNaidoo, Vannie, and Rajen Chetty. "Investigating Mega Project Schedule Challenges in Transnet Capital Projects." In Financial Evaluation and Risk Management of Infrastructure Projects, 82–100. IGI Global, 2023.
Full textOtapasidis, Panagiotis, Christina Arampantzi, and Vasileios Zeimpekis. "Routing Searching Algorithm for Combined Freight Transport Trips in South East Europe Region." In Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Operations Management and Service Evaluation, 114–35. IGI Global, 2021.
Full textTeranishi, Juro. "Money Markets In Prewar Japan." In Asian Money Markets, 388–415. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1995.
Full textChirumalla, Koteshwar, Hassanin Ali Jalil, and Moris Behnam. "Navigating Production Automation as a Service: Unveiling Drivers, Benefits, and Challenges in Manufacturing Companies." In Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press, 2024.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Coût des capitaux propres"
Macdonald, Ruaridh, and Dharik S. Mallapragada. "Integrated Design and Scheduling Optimization of Multi-product processes � case study of Nuclear-Based Hydrogen and Electricity Co-Production." In Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, 511–18. Hamilton, Canada: PSE Press, 2024.
Full textChattopadhyay, Sampriti, Rahul Gandhi, Ignacio E. Grossmann, and Ana I. Torres. "Optimization of Retrofit Decarbonization in Oil Refineries." In Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, 426–33. Hamilton, Canada: PSE Press, 2024.
Full textRamos, Fernando D., Mat�as H. Ramos, Vanina Estrada, and M. Soledad Diaz. "Enhancing PHAs Production Sustainability: Biorefinery Design through Carbon Source Diversity." In Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design, 868–75. Hamilton, Canada: PSE Press, 2024.
Full textGlasser, Marc. "Choosing the Proper Heat Resistant Alloy Based on Application Criteria." In HT 2015. ASM International, 2015.
Full textKolb, Gregory J., Roger Davenport, David Gorman, Ron Lumia, Robert Thomas, and Matthew Donnelly. "Heliostat Cost Reduction." In ASME 2007 Energy Sustainability Conference. ASMEDC, 2007.
Full textBertinetti, Giorgio, and Guido Max Mantovani. "Is there (a methodology to measure) a corporate governance risk premium in the corporate cost of capital?" In Corporate governance: Theory and practice. Virtus Interpress, 2022.
Full textParishev, Aleksandar, Goran Hristovski, Petar Jolakoski, and Viktor Stojkoski. "E-COMMERCE IMPACT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH." In Economic and Business Trends Shaping the Future. Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics-Skopje, 2020.
Full textVarner, Hannah M., Sahil R. Shah, and Amos G. Winter. "The Determination of a Cost Optimal Design for a Multiple Stage Continuous Electrodialysis Desalination Device for Use in Domestic Point of Use Water Purification." In ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
Full textSrinivasan, Nagan. "A New Improved Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System With Suitable Floating Vessel Design." In ASME 2009 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2009.
Full textBasilio, Leandro Pereira, Priscilla Badega Machado, Débora Calaza de Sousa, Agremis Guinho Barbosa, Diego Russo Juliano, Pauline Santa Rosa Simões Drummond Boeira, and Marcelo Andreotti. "Analysis of Carbon Footprint Applied to Conceptual Engineering of Offshore Production Units." In Offshore Technology Conference. OTC, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Coût des capitaux propres"
Tcha, MoonJoong. From Potato Chips to Computer Chips: Features of Korea's Economic Development: Knowledge Sharing Forum on Development Experiences: Comparative Experiences of Korea and Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, June 2015.
Full textUnknown, Author. L51658 Subsea Pig Recovery Concepts. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), October 1991.
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