Academic literature on the topic 'Court mediator'

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Journal articles on the topic "Court mediator"


Brooker, Penny. "Mediator immunity: time for evaluation in England and Wales?" Legal Studies 36, no. 3 (September 2016): 464–90.

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In England and Wales, the issue of mediator immunity has not been considered by the courts or via legislation. Mediator immunity is constructed by analogy to that given to judges, but the role of the judiciary is different to that of mediators, who do not determine cases and, it is argued, do not require protection from litigation because the parties are responsible for the final settlement outcome. In Australia and the USA, mediators are usually provided with immunity in mandatory, ‘court-annexed’ programmes, although this varies from an absolute to a qualified level that is constrained by bad faith or dishonesty. In the English jurisdiction, mediation is court-connected and parties are dissuaded from accessing the courts through the risk of costs penalties or automatic referral schemes. Therefore, the time is opportune for a review of many issues involved in mediation development, including immunity. This paper considers the reasoning for extending immunity to mediators, before concluding that the subject should not be determined through legal action until after a comprehensive review of mediation developments and after a consideration of mediator standards and regulation of practice.
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Nasution, Rusli Halil, Asmuni Asmuni, and Pagar Hsb. "The Process of Implementing Divorce Cases in North Sumatra Religious Court after the Entry into force of PERMA Number 1 of 2016." Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences 3, no. 3 (July 30, 2020): 2027–38.

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The aims of the study are to find out the process of implementing divorce case in North Sumatera. This study is a qualitative and normative study of PERMA Number 1 of 2016 with its application in the North Sumatra Religious Court as a legal product in the present aspects that applies in testing the success of the regulation being implemented in the North Sumatra Court, especially in (three) 3 big cities namely the Court Medan, Binjai and Tebing Tinggi religion. The result shows that The implementation of peace in divorce cases in the North Sumatra Religious Court is not significant. In the implementation of divorce case mediation in the North Sumatra Religious Court, many factors influence, among others, technical and non-technical factors. The technical factor is the limitations of the Mediator, namely the absence of a list of non-Judge Mediators here will further aggravate the work of the Judge because of his work being double that is as a Panel Judge and Mediator Judge. So that the work of the Judge mediator is very ineffective and so is the non-judge mediator who must have an official certificate from the Supreme Court so that the training costs are large and the costs of the mediator are not protected by the Regulation
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This research identify the revitalization of Badan Penasihatan, Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Perkawinan (BP4) after The 14th BP4 National Conference in 2009, in performing Court-annexed mediation for Marital Dispute at Religious Court in D.I. Yogyakarta. This research founds several institutional transformation of BP4 including the Legal Basis, Institutional Form, Institutional Relation with Ministry of Religious Affair, Employement/Management Provisions, and Financial Provisions. In Performing Court-annexed mediation. BP4 in D.I. Yogyakarta has been cooperating with 2 (two) Religious Courts, both in Wonosari and Yogyakarta through Memorandum of Understanding in form of cooperation in the placement of certified mediator from BP4 and cooperation in funding the certified mediators. All Mediators are bound by Regulation of The Supreme Court No. 1 year 2016 concerning Procedures of Court-annexed Mediation, related to Types of Cases Mediated, Mediator’s Fee, Venue of Mediation, Period of Mediation, and Mediator’s requirement.
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Article 3 (2) Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedures, Case Examining Judges in the consideration of a decision must state that the case has been pursued peace through mediation by mentioning the mediator. The court is not only tasked with examining, trying, and resolving cases it receives but also seeks to reconcile the parties. The court, which has been impressed as a law enforcement and justice institution, now appears as an institution that seeks peaceful solutions for the parties. The implementation of Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedures in Courts can be an eff ort to resolve civil disputes so that the settlement of civil disputes through mediation is the main choice. The research method used is normative legal research which includes research on legal principles which is very basic in guided law. The nature of the research carried out is descriptive, namely research that describes and explains in clear and detailed sentences. The data used are secondary data obtained from literature, consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. Processing and data analysis used qualitative methods. The defi nition of mediation according to the Religious Courts in Indonesia and the Syari’ah Courts in Malaysia is the eff ort of the judges and courts to reconcile the parties so that the divorce process does not continue at the next trial. When the mediation process was carried out at the Indonesian Religious Court and the Syari’ah Court in Malaysia, there was a similarity, namely the mediation process was carried out at the fi rst trial and it was an obligation for the disputing parties in a divorce case to take mediation. according to the procedure for the appointment of mediators at the Indonesian Religious Courts and the Syari’ah Courts in Malaysia and the appointments of these mediators are both made by the judges.
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Galin, Amira. "What makes court-referred mediation effective?" International Journal of Conflict Management 25, no. 1 (February 4, 2014): 21–37.

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to obtain insight into court-referred mediation in the Israeli Labor Courts, by analyzing its processes and outcomes, as a function of tactics used by both the disputants and the mediator. Design/methodology/approach – Observation of 103 court-referred mediations, for each of which a detailed process and outcome were documented. Data on disputants' refusal to participate in the mediation was also collected. At the end of each mediation case, disputants were given a questionnaire in which they expressed their satisfaction with the outcome and their evaluation of the mediator's contribution. Findings – A low rate of refusal to participate in court-referred mediation was found. Also, the higher the ratio of soft tactics to pressure tactics employed (by all parties involved) during the process, the higher the rate of agreements. Mediators use significantly more soft tactics than disputants, and are more active in using tactics. The two significant variables that predict the mediation's agreement are the ratio between soft tactics to pressure tactics used by all parties, and mediator contribution to the process. Practical implications – The significant role of soft tactics in the process, outcome, and satisfaction of court-referred mediation may serve as a guideline for disputants and mediators. Originality/value – This unique research, which examines the impact of tactics on court-referred mediation, may provide added and significant theoretical insight into its process and outcome, as well as a better understanding of other “hybrid” (compulsory at the beginning, voluntary at the end) mediations.
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Et. al., Dr Muhammad Juni Beddu,. "Urgency of Mediator (Mediation) in Resolving Divorce Cases in Religious Courts." Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12, no. 4 (April 10, 2021): 1455–60.

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This scientific paper was written to investigate the Urgency of Mediators in Resolving Divorce Cases in the Religious Courts. The descriptive method was employed to describe a scientific paper with a theoretical description. It can also be called a grand theory. A mediator is a person who should be able to divert the intention of the two parties from the one who wants to divorce to undo that intention. Therefore, the two parties in the case are settled peacefully. The mediator is the judge himself or an individual or institution that has been certified by the Supreme Court.
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Riyanto, Mahmud Hadi. "EKSISTENSI MEDIASI TERHADAP PERKARA PERCERAIAN DI WILAYAH PTA MAKASSAR." Jurisprudentie : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum 5, no. 1 (June 8, 2018): 124.

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Abstract Divorce cases in religious courts, must first be made to mediation, mediation is done to solve the problem to reconcile married couples. Based on the facts on the ground, although it has been done to the fullest by a mediator judge, the success rate of mediation is still low. The research’s aim was to analyze the cause of the low level of success in mediation. The research’s also aims the low level of mediation success is due to factors of mediators and factors of justice seekers. Mediator factors are assessed for lack of mediator skills, mediators only carry out mediation according to formal legal principles mediators lack the mastery of role science, communication science and family psychology. Justice seeker factors are assessed for lack of seriousness in mediation forums by mediator and each of whom has been adhering to the principle of divorce so difficult to pursue peace.Key Word : mediation, court, mediator, role, communication, psychology AbstrakPerkara perceraian di pengadilan agama terlebih dahulu wajib untuk dilakukan Mediasi, mediasi dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah guna merukunkan pasangan suami istri. Berdasarkan fakta di lapangan, meskipun telah dilakukan secara maksimal oleh hakim mediator, ternyata tingkat keberhasilan mediasi masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penyebab rendahnya tingkat keberhasilan dalam mediasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya tingkat keberhasilan mediasi disebabkan karena faktor mediator dan faktor para pencari keadilan. Faktor mediator dinilai karena kurangnya kemampuan kemampuan (skill) mediator, mediator hanya melaksanakan mediasi sesuai asas legal formal, mediator kurang menguasai ilmu peran, ilmu komunikasi dan ilmu psikologi keluarga. Faktor pencari keadilan dinilai karena kurang seriusnya dalam mengikuti forum mediasi yang dipimpin oleh mediator dan masing masing sudah berpegang teguh pada prinsip perceraian sehingga sulit untuk diupayakan damaiKata Kunci : mediasi, pengadilan, mediator, peran, komunikasi, psikologi
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This research was field qualitative. Purpose is (1) To determine the strategy of judges mediators in settling divorce cases through mediation in the religious Gresik (2) To know the views of people about the existence of mediation as a way to prevent divorce (3) To find out how the effectiveness of the mediation process in handling divorce cases in the religious Gresik. The variables of this research is the role of the judge Mediator Mediation Divorce Case. The study population was numbered 7 people, samples of this study is 4 mediators as informants for only two the informant can be reached. For people who are litigants, 4 as the samples which are in neighborhood religious Courts Gresik. Data collection techniques used were interview and documentation. The results of this study indicate that. (1) strategy judge mediator in case of divorce mediation is to maximize the mediation process by providing advice and consideration if later married couples end up with divorce where previously done caucus or to each party alternately on mediation it self. (2) The view of the public about the existence of the mediation is a good thing because it provides education in the form of advice and teach harmony and the community is also considered that mediation in the religious should stay there. (3) the effectiveness of mediation in the religious Gresik which is not very effective because the number that failed in mediation more than a successful mediation. Keywords: Role of Judges, Mediation, Divorce Abstrak Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif lapangan. Arahnya ialah (1) Untuk dapat memahami cara mediator dalam menangani kasus perceraian melalui proses juru damai (2) Untuk mendapatkan hasil mengenai pandangan masyarakat tentang adanya mediasi yang berperan sebagai juru damai mengenai perceraian (3) Untuk dapat memahami seberapa penting efektifitas proses mediasi dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi. penelitian ini ialah inovasi mediator dalam menentukan keberhasilan mediasi kasus perceraian. Populasi penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 7 orang, yang diteliti ada 4 orang sebagai informan mediator. Untuk masyarakat yang melakukan mediasi diambil dua pasang. Tehnik yang digunakan yakni tehnik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa. (1) cara yang dipakai juru damai untuk menangani masalah cerai adalah mempermudah proses mediasi ,mediator berulangkali menyelipkan nasehat -nasehat yang berujung perdamaian, meskipun nantinya tidak dapat rukun kembali, alangkah baiknya berpisah dengan cara baik-baik.(2) Pandangan masyarakat mengenai adanya mediasi ini antusiasnya begitu baik, karena juru damai seperti ini yang dibutuhkan saat ini, lebih bersifat kekeluargaan. (3) efektifitas mediasi belum sempurna disebabkan meningkatnya orang yang ingin cerai dan juru damai yang mempunyai sertifikat sangat kurang. Kata Kunci: Inovasi Mediator, Mediasi, Perceraian
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Syafaah, Darisy, and Lismawati Lismawati. "Komunikasi Interpersonal Mediator Dalam Proses Mediasi Perkara Perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung." Al-I'lam: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam 2, no. 2 (March 30, 2019): 46.

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Abstrak:Penelitian ini membahahas dua persoalan pokok yaitu: 1) Bagaimana komunikasi interpersonal mediator dengan pihak yang berperkara dalam proses perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung?, 2) Faktor apa sajakah yang mendukung dan menghambat komunikasi interpersonal mediator Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung dalam proses mediasi perkara perceraian?. Metode yang digunakan peneliti untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui studi kasus perceraian yang terjadi di Pengadilan Agama Negeri Tulungagung. Adapun untuk memperoleh hasil data secara rinci, penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Mediator mengaplikasikan 5 prinsip hukum komunikasiefektif dalam melaksanakan mediasi dengan pihak yang berperkara pada kasus perceraian di pengadilan Agama Tulungagung yaitu: empati, menghormati, dapat didengarkan atau dimengerti, kejelasan pesan, dan sikap rendah hati yang ditunjukkan melalui sikap dan tutur mediator, 2) Keberhasilan mediator dalam komunikasi interpersonal untuk menekan angka perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung disebabkan oleh sikap tegas dan netral mediator dalam mengarahkan pihak yang berperkara serta sikap pihak berperkara yang terbuka. Namun di sisi lain, komunikasi interpersonal terkadang menunjukkan keberhasilan yang rendah karena permasalahan tawar menawar yang rumit terkait harta gono gini, sikap kukuh para pihak yang berperkara untuk bercerai, serta keengganan mengikuti proses mediasi sebagai jalan untuk mempercepat proses perceraian Abstract:This study addresses two main issues, namely: 1) How is mediator interpersonal communication with litigants in the divorce process in the Tulungagung Religious Court?. To answer this problem, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods oriented to divorce case studies that took place in the Tulungagung District Religious Court. In order to obtain detailed data results, researchers used three methods of data collection, namely interviews, observation and documentation as non-human data sources. The results showed that 1) Mediators applied 5 principles of interpersonal communication in conducting mediation with litigants in divorce cases at the Tulungagung Religion court, namely: empathy, respect, can be heard or understood, clarity of messages, and a humble attitude that was shown through attitude and speech mediator, 2) The success of the mediator in interpersonal communication to reduce divorce rates in the Tulungagung Religious Court is caused by the firm and neutral attitude of the mediator in directing the litigant party and the open attitude of the litigant party.However, on the other hand, interpersonal communication sometimes shows low success because of the problem of complicated bargaining related to property, the firm attitude of the parties to divorce, and reluctance to follow the mediation process as a way to speed up the divorce process.
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Wiantara, I. Komang. "Penyelesaian Perkara Perdata di Pengadilan Berdasarkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2016." Jurnal Magister Hukum Udayana (Udayana Master Law Journal) 7, no. 4 (December 31, 2018): 456.

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The existence of mediation in the settlement of civil disputes in the courts is regulated in the Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedures in the Court which contains ten principles including: mediation must be taken, party autonomy, mediation in good faith, time efficiency, mediator certification, mediator responsibility , confidentiality, financing, repetition of mediation, peace agreements outside the court, become integral parts in resolving disputes in court. In addition, mediation in the court strengthened peaceful efforts as stated in the Civil Procedure Code. The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the legal strength of mediation in the Court. This study uses a normative juridical research method using the statutory approach. Study show that due to its consensual and collaborative nature, mediation always results in a dispute resolution in a win-win solution that is strengthened to become a Peace Deed, which has Executorial power like a Court Decision. Eksistensi mediasi dalam penyelesaian sengketa perdata di pengadilan diatur dalam Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang Prosedur Mediasi Di Pengadilan yang memuat sepuluh prinsip meliputi: mediasi wajib ditempuh, otonomi para pihak, mediasi dengan itikad baik, efisiensi waktu, sertifikasi mediator, tanggung jawab mediator, kerahasiaan, pembiayaan, pengulangan mediasi, kesepakatan perdamaian di luar pengadilan, menjadi bagian dalam integral dalam penyelesaian sengketa di pengadilan. Selain itu mediasi pada pengadilan memperkuat upaya damai sebagaimana yang tertuang di dalam hukum acara Perdata. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami dan menganalisis kekuatan hukum mediasi menurut Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang Prosedur Mediasi Di Pengadilan. Kajian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karena sifatnya yang konsensual dan kolaboratif, maka mediasi selalu menghasilkan penyelesaian sengketa dengan cara sama-sama menguntungkan bagi para pihak (win-win solution) yang dikuatkan menjadi Akta Perdamaian, yang memiliki kekuatan Eksekutorial layaknya Putusan Pengadilan.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Court mediator"


Ozores, Audria Helena de Souza Perez. "Conflitos no campo jurídico em torno da profissionalização da mediação judicial." Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2011.

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Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos
The present work seeks to analyze the relationship between the mediators in the judicial sector Judicial Mediation in the city of São Paulo called Comarca Azul and agents of the world of law: lawyers and judges. Just as lawyers, mediators develop different strategies to achieve better positions and distinctions within this field. Our goal was to understand the meanings of these local around the mediation field marked by the pursuit of ownership of the practice of this activity and the authority to speak and act with legitimacy. The methodology used was based on a qualitative approach with interviews, participant observation and document analysis, aiming to realize negotiations and dispute within the group of professionals in the legal world.
Com a presente pesquisa busca-se analisar as relações existentes entre os mediadores judiciais no âmbito do setor de Mediação Judicial na cidade do interior paulista denominada Comarca Azul e os agentes do mundo do direito: advogados e juízes. Da mesma forma que os advogados, os mediadores desenvolvem diversas estratégias para alcançar as melhores posições e distinções dentro deste campo. Nosso objetivo foi compreender os sentidos destas disputas locais em torno da mediação, campo marcado pela busca da apropriação da prática desta atividade e pela autoridade de falar e agir com legitimidade. A metodologia empregada foi baseada numa abordagem qualitativa com a realização de entrevistas, observação participante e análise documental, com intuito de perceber as negociações e a disputa dentro do grupo dos profissionais do mundo jurídico.
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Wasserman, Deborah. "The challenge of the family-system outcome mediator : using multiple family-member perspectives in a confirmatory evaluation model of a family-based juvenile court diversion program /." The Ohio State University, 2002.

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Xiong, Hao, and 熊浩. "The feasibility of court mediation in today's southwest China : an empirical study of the grassroots courts in Yunnan province." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2013.

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Today’s legal system of China has faced many significant changes. One of the often mentioned challenges concerns the appropriate management and handling of an abundance of new and complex disputes. Due to the popularity of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Western countries, it began to draw people’s attention when designing a Chinese dispute resolution policy. With this fact being known and considering China’s domestic political climates and the Chinese practice of using non-confrontational means to solve disputes, one circle of scholars suggested that court mediation (fayuantiaojie, 法院调解) should be enhanced. In June 2009, this suggestion was adopted by the Supreme People’s Court. Concerning the challenges of courts handling disputes in recent years, the SPC has placed a priority on practice of court mediation. However, China’s situation differs from the West, and the existing scholarship lacks empirical research on court-connected ADR. This is especially true in southwest China. Thus, it is quite necessary for legal scholars to assess and examine the operation of court mediation in today’s southwest China in order to answer whether it is a feasible institutional arrangement in the southwest context. This will not only enhance our understanding of the nature and rationale of court-connected ADR at the intellectual level but will also perfect its performance in the future. The purpose of this research is to contribute an empirical study on court mediation and attempts to paint a more complicated and nuanced picture of ADR in southwest China’s context rather than simply copying Western legal narratives to explain China’s legal reality. More specifically, through empirically examining the process of court mediation and the implementation of the relevant policies in practice, this dissertation intends to 1) investigate how court mediation is carried out in southwest China’s grassroots courts in order to answer whether it is a feasible institutional arrangement in the southwest context as well as what the problems are in practice, if any,2) provide suggestions for clarifying and redesigning China’s mediation law in the future and introduce a regionalism-based paradigm to China’s legal studies and dispute resolution policy design as an alternative. Based on empirical studies in the grassroots courts of Yunnan, this dissertation argues that although court mediation now is driven by “politically correct pragmatism”, it is feasible in southwest grassroots China due to the social context and the social embedment of the locals. However, the current “Mediation First” policy is still problematic because it may over-simplify Chinese complexity in the dispute resolution domain and has gone far away from the spirit of ADR by pursuing political goals as its priority and overemphasizing mediation’s role. The way to solve the problem is not to simply or ideologically restrict or limit court mediation; alternatively, it is necessary to establish more straightforward and uncompromising rules to exclude ill-suited cases from being mediated in order to improve its performance. Now is also the time to re-examine China’s nationalized, generalized paradigm concerning both China’s legal constructions and scholarship, and attempt to open up a new regionalism-based paradigm when analyzing China’s legal issues.
Doctor of Philosophy
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McCrary, Betty R. "Court-ordered mediation: perceptions and outcomes." Diss., Virginia Tech, 1991.

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Tsui, Yee Man. "Mediation practice in Hong Kong is court-annexed program applicable? /." access abstract and table of contents access full-text, 2008.

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Eriksson, Sverker. "Medling i dispositiva tvistemål : En kritisk utvärdering av det svenska systemet." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Juridiska institutionen, 2014.

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This paper is a critical evaluation of the Swedish system with special mediation. The district court has the opportunity, in cases that are amenable to out-of-court settlements, to refer the dispute to special mediation. However, this is extremely rare, even though the legislature expressed a desire to increase the use of alternative dispute resolution. In 2011, a series of measures were taken to increase the use of mediation and strengthen mediation attractiveness. What effect can be inferred from these actions today, over three years after their introduction? This study analyses the main reasons offered for why mediation is not used more, and what should be done to increase the use of mediation. Is the court-annexed mediation an appropriate way forward for Sweden? To answer these problem formulations I studied statistics from the Swedish National Courts Administration (Domstolsverket). In order to investigate how the Swedish mediators experience the practice, I did a survey that was sent to the mediators listed on the Swedish National Courts Administration´s catalogue on mediators. To deepen the knowledge of mediation as a practice and get a perspective on the special court mediation, I conducted an in-depth interview with Nicklas Söderberg, Head of Administration of the Court of Appeal in Skåne and Blekinge. My material shows that the Court's duty to promote conciliation was strengthened by the government's measures in 2011. However, the Mediation Act (Lag om medling i privaträttsliga tvister), according to the material, did not have the intended impact on the use of mediation; special mediation is very rarely used. The reason to the meagre effects is that the measures do not address the three largest mediation hindering factors; regulatory barriers, cost considerations and lack of knowledge and foundation in the Swedish legal culture. To increase the use of mediation and reach all of its benefits, I believe, in the light of the material in this paper, a new system that addresses the needs of those hindering factors is necessary. The legislation provides opportunity for broad discussions with the parties during the initial Court preparations. However, the process could be more clear, effective and legally certain by developing Court-annexed mediation. Court-annexed mediation can reduce the courts caseload, save time for the parties and provide more sustainable and appropriate solutions to the parties' disputes. To anchor mediation in Swedish legal culture and increase the use of the procedure, I advocate that Court-annexed mediation should be introduced.
Denna uppsats är en kritisk utvärdering av det svenska systemet med särskild medling. Tingsrätten har möjlighet att i dispositiva tvistemål hänvisa tvisten till särskild medling. Detta sker dock ytterst sällan, trots att lagstiftaren uttalat en vilja att öka användandet av alternativa tvistlösningsmetoder. År 2011 genomfördes en rad åtgärder för att öka användningen av medling samt stärka medlingens attraktionskraft. Vilken effekt kan utläsas av dessa åtgärder idag, drygt tre år efter deras införande? I denna uppsats utreds vilka huvudanledningar som finns till varför särskild medling inte används mer, samt vad som bör göras för att komma tillrätta med detta. Är rättsmedling en lämplig väg framåt för Sverige? För att svara på dessa problemformuleringar studerades statistik från domstolsverket. För att undersöka hur svenska medlare upplever förfarandet gjorde jag en enkätundersökning som skickades till medlare upptagna på domstolsverkets förteckning över medlare. För att fördjupa kunskapen om medling i praktiken och få ett domstolsperspektiv på särskild medling genomförde jag en djupintervju med Nicklas Söderberg, administrativ chef för hovrätten i Skåne och Blekinge. Mitt material visar att rättens skyldighet att verka för förlikning stärkts av regeringens åtgärder år 2011. Medlingslagen har dock, enligt materialet, inte haft avsedd inverkan på användandet av medling; särskild medling används mycket sällan. Anledningen till att effekterna uteblivit är att åtgärderna inte adresserar de tre största medlingshämmande faktorerna; lagstiftningsmässiga hinder, kostnadsaspekter samt brist på kunskap och förankring i svensk rättskultur.  För att öka användningen av medling och nå alla dess fördelar anser jag, mot bakgrund av materialet i denna uppsats, att en ny ordning måste till som adresserar dessa medlingshämmande faktorer. Lagstiftningen ger utrymme för att hålla breda samtal med parterna under förberedelsen, dock skulle förfarandet bli tydligare, mer ändamålsenligt och rättssäkert genom att utforma en lagstiftning gällande rättsmedling.  Rättsmedling kan avlasta domstolarna, spara tid för parterna samt ge mer hållbara och ändamålsenliga lösningar på parternas tvister. För att förankra medlingen i svensk rättskultur och öka användandet av förfarandet förespråkar jag att rättsmedling borde införas.
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Alhassan, Mukaddas. "An Evaluation of a Victim Offender Mediation Program at a Juvenile Court." Youngstown State University / OhioLINK, 2010.

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Karaketov, Maksud. "Creating an appropriate model of Court-connected mediation for Uzbekistan." 名古屋大学大学院法学研究科, 2014.

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Chisompola, Lois. "A tentative proposal for mediation in the Zambian Family Court." Master's thesis, Faculty of Law, 2021.

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These changes have set stage for the development of family law in Zambia as well as the growth of alternative dispute resolution, particularly, mediation. They also bring to the forefront the opportunity and challenge of re-envisioning what a court system should look like. This study seeks to assess how each of these changes can fit together into one comprehensive system for a Family Court model.
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Leger-Ravet, Marie-Bénédicte. "Cytokines et médiateurs cytotoxiques au cours des syndromes lymphoprolifératifs B." Paris 11, 1994.

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Books on the topic "Court mediator"


Yuan, Lim Lan. Court mediation in Singapore. Singapore: FT Law & Tax Asia Pacific, 1997.

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Court, South Carolina Supreme. South Carolina circuit court arbitration rules, circuit court mediation rules, family court mediation rules. [Columbia, S.C.?: s.n., 1996.

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Handbook on court-annexed mediation. 2nd ed. [Quezon City]: Rufino S. Gallano, 2005.

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Arnold, Tom. Court procedure. [Chicago, Ill: American Bar Association, 1996.

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Scotland. Justice Dept. Resolving disputes without going to court. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive, Justice Dept, 2005.

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Scotland. Justice Department. Resolving disputes without going to court. Edinburgh: Scottish Justice Department, 2004.

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National ADR Institute for Federal Judges (1993 Harvard Law School). Judge's deskbook on court ADR. Edited by Plapinger Elizabeth S, Shaw Margaret L, and Stienstra Donna. Washington, D.C. (1 Columbus Circle, N.E., Washington, 20002-8003): Federal Judicial Center, 1995.

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Berz, Carol. Tennessee mediation pocket guide. Edited by Manuel Joe E. 1953- and Croghan Terrill. [Chattanooga, TN]: TENNADR, 2000.

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Brand, John. Commercial mediation: A user's guide to court-referred and voluntary mediation in South Africa. Cape Town: Juta, 2012.

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Forum for State Appellate Court Judges. The privatization of justice?: Mandatory arbitration and the state courts : report of the 2003 Forum for State Appellate Court Judges. Washington, DC: Pound Civil Justic Institute, 2006.

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Book chapters on the topic "Court mediator"


Adrian, Lin, and Solfrid Mykland. "Unwrapping Court-Connected Mediation Agreements." In Nordic Mediation Research, 83–103. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Cooley, John W. "Computer-aided Mediation in Federal Court." In Applications of Decision-Aiding Software, 129–46. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992.

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Bernt, Camilla. "Custody Mediation in Norwegian Courts: A Conglomeration of Roles and Processes." In Nordic Mediation Research, 105–32. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Vrielink, Mirjan Oude. "Is Mediation a Suitable Alternative to Court Trials?" In Library of Public Policy and Public Administration, 135–52. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000.

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von Bargen, Jan Malte. "In-Court Mediation Mediation in Germany: A Basic Function of the Judiciary." In The Future of Civil Litigation, 77–95. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Dahlqvist, Amie. "Mediation in the Swedish Courts Courts : Change by EU Directive?" In The Future of Civil Litigation, 137–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Hamilton, Michelle M. "Palaces of Memory: Mediation, Court Culture, and the Caliphate." In Representing Others in Medieval Iberian Literature, 15–31. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2007.

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Dongier, Sylvie, and Denis Doosselaere. "Approaching Mediation in Juvenile Court: Rationale and Methodological Aspects." In Restorative Justice on Trial, 501–11. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1992.

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Adrian, Lin. "Court-Connected Court-connected Mediation in Danish Civil Justice: A Happy Marriage of a Strained Relationship." In The Future of Civil Litigation, 157–84. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Jagtenberg, Rob. "Mediation: A Desirable Case Management Tool for the Courts?" In Civil Litigation in China and Europe, 281–95. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013.

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Conference papers on the topic "Court mediator"


Zinovieva, Darina. "MEDIATION AND MEDIATORS IN THE HEALTHCARE." In THE MEDIATION IN THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC SPHERES 2021. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2021.

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It is considered how mediation is regulated as an out-of-court way of agreement between two disputing parties in the healthcare system. For this purpose, an analysis of the current general and special laws, according to which such an agreement can be implemented, has been made. Practical issues related to problems in the implementation of the agreement are also presented, in view of the specifics of the disputes in the healthcare sector. The new legal figure of a "health mediator" is analyzed, the rights and obligations that are normatively regulated, the benefits and the needs for optimization of the regulation. The results of the analysis are summarized and specific conclusions "de lege ferenda" are proposed.
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Zinovieva, Darina. "MEDIATION AND MEDIATORS IN THE HEALTHCARE." In THE MEDIATION IN THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC SPHERES 2021. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2021.

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It is considered how mediation is regulated as an out-of-court way of agreement between two disputing parties in the healthcare system. For this purpose, an analysis of the current general and special laws, according to which such an agreement can be implemented, has been made. Practical issues related to problems in the implementation of the agreement are also presented, in view of the specifics of the disputes in the healthcare sector. The new legal figure of a "health mediator" is analyzed, the rights and obligations that are normatively regulated, the benefits and the needs for optimization of the regulation. The results of the analysis are summarized and specific conclusions "de lege ferenda" are proposed.
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Hendrato, Muhammad Luthfi, Arief Subyantoro, and Wisnalmawati. "The Effect of Organizational Culture and Information Technology on Employee Performance with Employee Satisfaction as a Mediator in The Electronic Court System (E-Court) in District Court of Sleman, Yogyakarta." In 4th International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2020-Accounting and Management (ICoSIAMS 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Timijaya, Nichola, and Stanislaus Atalim. "Success Rate of Mediation in Pilot Project Court After the Issuance of Supreme Count Regulation Number 1 Of 2016 Concerning Mediation Procedures in Court (2017-2019)." In The 2nd Tarumanagara International Conference on the Applications of Social Sciences and Humanities (TICASH 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2020.

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Yolova, Galina. "FOR SOME POSSIBLE ASPECTS OF MEDIATION IN HEALTH INSURANCE RELATIONS." In THE MEDIATION IN THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC SPHERES 2021. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2021.

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The work analyzes some possible aspects of the application of mediation in health insurance relations, by deriving on the one hand typical problems in the functioning of the health insurance system, and on the other - by options for solving them through the methods of out-of-court voluntary procedure. Based on the systematics, specific proposals and exemplary practices for the introduction of mediation procedures are derived.
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Yolova, Galina. "FOR SOME POSSIBLE ASPECTS OF MEDIATION IN HEALTH INSURANCE RELATIONS." In THE MEDIATION IN THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC SPHERES 2021. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2021.

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The work analyzes some possible aspects of the application of mediation in health insurance relations, by deriving on the one hand typical problems in the functioning of the health insurance system, and on the other - by options for solving them through the methods of out-of-court voluntary procedure. Based on the systematics, specific proposals and exemplary practices for the introduction of mediation procedures are derived.
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Zhivkov, Nikola, and Marieta Zhivkova. "MEDIATION AS A NEW CULTURE FOR SOLVING CONFLICTS." In THE MEDIATION IN THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC SPHERES 2021. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2021.

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Mediation is an alternative way to regulate relations between the individuals from which the conflict originates. The mediation does not deny the court, but it's a branch with more opportunities for solving the conflict. As the main difference, the mediation leaves the answer in the hands of the affected sides. The purpose of this articles is to clarify the essence of mediation. We will point our attention to some of the essential juridical normal which are the key to successful conflicts solving and how to implement mediation in schools.
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Zhivkov, Nikola, and Marieta Zhivkova. "MEDIATION AS A NEW CULTURE FOR SOLVING CONFLICTS." In THE MEDIATION IN THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC SPHERES 2021. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2021.

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Mediation is an alternative way to regulate relations between the individuals from which the conflict originates. The mediation does not deny the court, but it's a branch with more opportunities for solving the conflict. As the main difference, the mediation leaves the answer in the hands of the affected sides. The purpose of this articles is to clarify the essence of mediation. We will point our attention to some of the essential juridical normal which are the key to successful conflicts solving and how to implement mediation in schools.
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Marinov, Marin. "MEDIATION AS PART OF JUDICIAL REFORM." In THE MEDIATION IN THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC SPHERES 2021. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2021.

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The report examines mediation as part of the judicial reform in Bulgaria. The focus of the material is on the established judicial centers and the need to create similar ones in all other regional centers or district courts.
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Marinov, Marin. "MEDIATION AS PART OF JUDICIAL REFORM." In THE MEDIATION IN THE DIFFERENT PUBLIC SPHERES 2021. University publishing house "Science and Economics", University of Economics - Varna, 2021.

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The report examines mediation as part of the judicial reform in Bulgaria. The focus of the material is on the established judicial centers and the need to create similar ones in all other regional centers or district courts.
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