Academic literature on the topic 'Cours d’eau à faible énergie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Cours d’eau à faible énergie"
BLANFORT, V., M. DOREAU, J. HUGUENIN, J. LAZARD, V. PORPHYRE, J. F. SOUSSANA, and B. TOUTAIN. "Impacts et services environnementaux de l’élevage en régions chaudes." INRAE Productions Animales 24, no. 1 (March 4, 2011): 89–112.
Full textLarue, Jean-Pierre. "Les obstacles à l’encaissement des vallées supérieures : l’exemple des bassins de la Petite Creuse et du Cher supérieur (nord du Massif central, France)." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 58, no. 1 (June 26, 2006): 25–44.
Full textDurocher, Marc, and André G. Roy. "Les conséquences du déboisement d’un versant sur la morphologie d’un petit cours d’eau." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 40, no. 1 (December 4, 2007): 99–104.
Full textAssédé, Emeline Sessi Pélagie, Fortuné Akomian Azihou, Aristide Cossi Adomou, Madjidou Oumorou, and Brice Sinsin. "EFFET DU RELIEF SUR LA RÉGÉNÉRATION DES ESPÈCES LIGNEUSES EN ZONE SOUDANIENNE DU BÉNIN." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 326, no. 326 (December 18, 2015): 15.
Full textPlamondon, André P. "L’influence de l’exploitation forestière sur la concentration des particules dans les petits cours d’eau de la Beauce, Québec." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 36, no. 3 (November 29, 2007): 315–25.
Full textARNAUD, P., and C. SAINT-LAURENT. "Eau et énergie : l’expérience d’un syndicat du cycle de l’eau, le Siarce." Techniques Sciences Méthodes, no. 1-2 (February 20, 2020): 47–52.
Full textMessier, François, and Réhaume Courtois. "Gestion intégrée du roseau commun à la réserve naturelle du Marais-Léon-Provancher (Neuville, Québec)." Botanique 142, no. 3 (August 28, 2018): 31–39.
Full textCASTILLON, P. "Le phosphore : sources, flux et rôles pour la production végétale et l’eutrophisation." INRAE Productions Animales 18, no. 3 (July 15, 2005): 153–58.
Full textDjamila, Benyerou, Boudjenane Nasreddine, and Belhadri Mansour. "Étude des caractéristiques thermiques et mécaniques des briques à base de sédiments de dragage portuaire." Matériaux & Techniques 107, no. 4 (2019): 405.
Full textFortin, Christian, Martin Ouellet, Isabelle Cartier, Daniel Banville, and Claude B. Renaud. "Biologie et situation de la Lamproie du Nord, Ichthyomyzon fossor, au Québec." Canadian Field-Naturalist 121, no. 4 (October 1, 2007): 402.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Cours d’eau à faible énergie"
Duquesne, Amélie. "Trajectoire d’évolution d’un cours d’eau à faible énergie au cours du second Holocène : La Charente entre Angoulême et Saintes." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2021.
Full textThis work proposes to study the Charente river, a low-energy river, between Angoulême and Saintes for enhance knowledge on the functioning of low-energy rivers and in particular the anastomosis. The main aims are to analyze the evolutionary trajectory of the Charente river on a multisecular timescale and identify the anthropogenic controls, geomorphological heritages and hydro-climatic variability in its trajectory ; and explain the genesis and the conservation of the anastomosis on the upstream section (Angoulême-Cognac). The method is based on a geohistorical, geomorphometrical and geomorphological approach. Results show a fluvial metamorphosis from a braiding pattern pre-Holocene to anastomosing pattern on the upstream section; a simplification of anastomosing pattern potentially begin to the Final Neolithic and the Bronze Age; a fluvio-marine influence on the downstream section during the Atlantic and the mid-Subboreal; and 4) a documentary hiatus on the rapid climate change periods. Geohistoric results expose a global stability of fluvial forms over the recent period and probably on the long-term. This conclusion needs to be nuanced. Results highlight 1) a simplification of the pattern fluvial between the recent period (mainly late 18th / late 20th centuries) dependent on the anthropisation trajectory of river and the hydro-climatic variability and 2) a complexification of the fluvial mosaic at local level during the 20th century attributed to cessation of river maintenance practices and variations of flood regime
Gaillard, Stéphan. "L'Aube : dynamique morphosédimentaire holocène et fonctionnement actuel d'un hydrosystème à faible énergie." Paris 4, 1999.
Full textMichler, Luc. "Impacts hydromorphologiques et sédimentaires du décloisonnement de l'Yerres : identification, quantification, spatialisation." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Full textThe Yerres catchment (1030 km²) is located at the southeast border of the Paris conurbation and spreads on the low relief Brie Plateau. Topographical characteristics and geographical location provide the Yerres River with a very low gradient (0,009 %) and a high longitudinal partitioning (0,5 dam/km). Cross-structures are either ancient (medieval watermills) or more recent (mobile dams) and often associated with river channelling. Dam perturbation on sediment fluxes and bed morphological modifications have led to a significant degradation of the river fluvial dynamic and morphological diversity. In this context of a much artificialized low-energy river (< 10 W/m²), we aimed at assessing the efficiency of three mobile dam (h < 3 m) lowering on bed hydromorphological restoration. For that purpose, high spatial and temporal resolution monitoring of bed topography and sediment-size were carried out between 2015 and 2017, in order to document fluvial system adjustment to dam lowering through morphological and grain-size change. Before dam lowering, fine sediment had mainly deposited in channel margins forming mud banks, except for Ozouer impoundment (the more upstream study site). For the latter, sand sedimentation had been extended to the whole channel width. After dam lowering, it also experienced the more pronounced morphological change, characterised by significant bed erosion upstream and little bed aggradation downstream. However, morphological response to dam lowering remained moderate given the high discharges over the monitoring period. Channel adjustments also appeared to be linked to sand-bed. Thus, while dam lowering undoubtedly improve hydro-eco-morphological conditions (i.e. flow facies diversity), physical restoration of the highly degraded Yerres riverbed is restricted to the sand bed material transport restoration
Reports on the topic "Cours d’eau à faible énergie"
Guidati, Gianfranco, and Domenico Giardini. Synthèse conjointe «Géothermie» du PNR «Energie». Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), February 2020.
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