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Journal articles on the topic "Courbes IDF"


Bodian, Ansoumana, Honoré Dacosta, Réné Ndimag Diouf, El Hadj Ousmane Ndiaye, and Anastasie Mendy. "Contribution à la connaissance de l’aléa pluvial au sénégal grâce à la valorisation des données pluviographiques historiques." Climatologie 13 (2016): 38–46.

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Cette note de recherche présente les résultats du programme de dépouillement des diagrammes pluviographiques des principales stations synoptiques du Sénégal qui a duré 6 ans (2001-2006). Ce programme a été entrepris par le laboratoire d’hydro-morphologie du Département de Géographie de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD) en collaboration avec l’Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile et de la Météorologie (ANACIM), ex Direction de la Météorologie du Sénégal. Il a permis de sauvegarder et de mettre sous forme numérique une base de données pluviographique opérationnelle à l’échelle du pays. Des courbes Intensité-Durée-Fréquence (IDF) ont ainsi été élaborées pour les stations qui disposent de données suffisantes. Ces courbes IDF peuvent désormais servir au dimensionnement des ouvrages hydrauliques et devront conduire à la définition des plans d’assainissement fiables.
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Kingumbi, Ahmadi, and Alain Mailhot. "Courbes Intensité–Durée–Fréquence (IDF): comparaison des estimateurs des durées partielles et des maximums annuels." Hydrological Sciences Journal 55, no. 2 (March 24, 2010): 162–76.

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Laprise, Réjeanne, and Jean Vézina. "Diagnostic Performance of the Geriatric Depression Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory with Nursing Home Residents." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 17, no. 4 (1998): 401–13.

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RÉSUMÉCette étude avait comme objectif de comparer les performances diagnostiques de l'Inventaire de Dépression de Beck (IDB) et de l'Échelle de Dépression Gériatrique (EDG) à correctement identifier des adultes âgés déprimés et des adultes âgés non déprimés exempts de troubles cognitifs importants et vivant en centres d'accueil. Aux seuils-critères usuels de 10 et de 11, la sensibilité du IDB était de 96,30 pour cent et celle du EDG de 88,89 pour cent alors que la spécificité se situait à 46,15 et 56,41 pour cent respectivement. Les courbes caractéristiques du receveur (ROC) ont permis de confronter les résultats obtenus à ces échelles avec le diagnostic des psychiatres selon les critères du DSM-III-R. Contrairement à ce qui avait été prévu, aucune différence n'a été retrouvée entre la surface sous la courbe du IDB (Az = 0,87; é.t. = .04) et celle du EDG (Az = 0,85; é.t. = .05). Ce résultat indique l'équivalence des performances diagnostiques de ces deux échelles. L'exclusion des énoncés somatiques ou du facteur somatique n'a pas amélioré significativement la performance diagnostique du IDB. Des indices de stabilité temporelle, de validité concomitante et de concordance avec le diagnostic ont aussi confirmé la fidélité et la validité de ces deux échelles auprès de résidants cognitivement intacts vivant en centres d'accueil.
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Narapareddy, Vijaya L., Nancy Sampson, and S. R. Vishwanath. "iDE in Nicaragua: quest for sustainability." CASE Journal 13, no. 1 (January 3, 2017): 59–86.

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Synopsis International Development Enterprises (iDE), a non-profit organization, won numerous awards for its poverty alleviation efforts through the sale of low-cost irrigation technologies to the Base of Pyramid (BoP) farmers around the world. This case discusses iDE’s entry into Nicaragua and the challenges this global social enterprise faced in bringing drip irrigation and other water technologies to the rural subsistence coffee farmers in Nicaragua. It presents the tough decisions it faced in 2012 regarding the future of its for-profit social business, iDEal Tecnologias, in Nicaragua. This case captures the tension in hybrid social enterprises. Research methodology This case was developed through the following primary sources as well as some secondary sources. Primary: discussions with iDE’s CEO Doerksen, Urs Heierli (Coordinator of iDE’s operations in Nicaragua), and Skype conversations with iDEal Tec’s Country Director, Nadja Kränzlin. Secondary: documents provided by the company and other publicly available sources. Relevant courses and levels This case is intended for use in undergraduate, graduate, and executive courses in: social entrepreneurship, non-profit management, and managing sustainable businesses. It may also be used in the sustainability module of courses in international business/management/marketing, and business strategy and policy. It would be best to position this case toward the middle or latter half of the course as it is an integrative case that challenges students to evaluate the sustainability of a social enterprise from multiple perspectives. Theoretical bases The theoretical bases for this case are: defining and implementing a sustainable strategy in hybrid social enterprises. Serving BoP customers with a vision of enabling prosperity.
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Rodriguez, Anthony M. "Learning to Apply Algebra in the Community for Adults With Intellectual Developmental Disabilities." Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 54, no. 1 (February 1, 2016): 19–31.

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Abstract Students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are routinely excluded from algebra and other high-level mathematics courses. High school students with IDD take courses in arithmetic and life skills rather than having an opportunity to learn algebra. Yet algebra skills can support the learning of money and budgeting skills. This study explores the feasibility of algebra instruction for adults with IDD through an experimental curriculum. Ten individuals with IDD participated in a 6-week course framing mathematics concepts within the context of everyday challenges in handling money. The article explores classroom techniques, discusses student strategies, and proposes possible avenues for future research analyzing mathematics instructional design strategies for individuals with IDD.
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von Stackelberg, Arend, Junko Yamanaka, Gabriele Escherich, Cornelia Eckert, Richard Ratei, Johann K. Hitzler, Georg Mann, et al. "Conventional Reinduction/Consolidation-Type Therapy Versus Short Course High Intensity Combination Chemotherapy As Post-Induction Treatment for Children with Relapsed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Early Results of Study ALL-REZ BFM 2002." Blood 118, no. 21 (November 18, 2011): 871.

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Abstract Abstract 871 Background: Children with relapsed ALL are at a high risk for treatment failure and require improvement of induction and consolidation therapy. Subsequent ALL-REZ BFM trials have been conducted with the aim to define risk factors and to determine adequate intensity and duration of therapy, risk-adapted SCT indication and preventive/therapeutic CNS irradiation. Short course high intensity multiagent chemotherapy elements (R-courses) have been developed as standard of care consolidation therapy of relapsed childhood ALL in countries using ALL-REZ BFM protocols. A conventionally dosed, anthracycline-containing reinduction regimen, termed “Protocol II”, which has resulted in a striking improvement of outcomes in patients with primary ALL treated with BFM protocols, may also be considered as effective consolidation therapy of relapsed childhood ALL. Aim of the study: The multi-centre prospective randomized study ALL-REZ BFM 2002 was designed to compare the efficacy and toxicity of R-courses and Protocol II-Idarubicin (Prot II-IDA) as post-induction therapy in children with relapsed ALL. Patients and methods: A total of 538 children and adolescents aged 1–18 years with first relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia were enrolled in approximately 100 hospitals in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Toronto, Canada. 420 patients (78%) were randomized to receive either Prot II-IDA or R-courses as post-induction therapy after uniform induction with F1/2 courses. Further treatment was stratified according to risk groups S1-4: Patients in group S1 (late isolated extramedullary relapse) received 3 more R-courses, local irradiation and maintenance chemotherapy. Patients in group S3/4 (early and very early precursor B cell and any T cell bone marrow relapse) received allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) from any donor. Patients in group S2 (intermediate risk, all others) were stratified according to the level of minimal residual disease (MRD) in the bone marrow after induction therapy, measured with a PCR-based, centrally reviewed assay: MRD good responders (<10e-3) received 5 additional R-courses followed by maintenance chemotherapy. MRD poor responders (≥10e-3) went on to HSCT from a well matched allogeneic donor. Results: 210 patients were allocated to Prot II-IDA course and 210 patients were allocated to R-courses. The randomized groups were well-balanced with respect to relevant clinical parameters including the proportion of patients receiving stem cell transplantation. The estimated 5-year probabilities of event-free survival (pEFS) of the two randomized groups (Prot II-IDA: 0.60 ± 0.04 vs. R-courses: 0.53 ± 0.04, P = 0.30) and overall survival (pOS, Prot II-IDA: 0.69 ± 0.04 vs. R-courses: 0.63 ± 0.04, P = 0.46) were not significantly different. However, the cumulative incidence of subsequent relapse was significantly lower in the Prot II-IDA arm (0.21 ± 0.01) compared to patients treated with R-courses (0.30 ± 0.01, p = 0.03). Treatment-related mortality was mainly associated with HSCT and not different in both arms (0.05 vs. 0.03). Whereas hematological toxicity was higher with Prot II-IDA, more patients suffered from mucositis with R-courses. Conclusion: More than 50% of children with relapsed ALL could be cured with the ALL-REZ BFM 2002 strategy. Post-induction therapy with Protocol II-IDA was associated with fewer subsequent relapses compared to R-courses. Toxicity was acceptable and EFS/OS probabilities were not different in both study arms. Protocol II-IDA will be taken forward as standard post-induction therapy in future ALL-REZ BFM trials. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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Feng, Xiaoqin, Jian Li, Chunfu Li, Mincui Zheng, Honggui Xu, Yingyi He, Changgang Li, Hong Wen, Xiangling He, and Lihua Yang. "A Multicenter Nonrandom Clinical Study Using Induction Regimen of FLAG-IDA or Dae in Treatment of 101 Children with Newly Diagnosed CBF-AML in South of China: Clinical Responses and the Midterm Report of Survival." Blood 134, Supplement_1 (November 13, 2019): 3857.

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OBJECTIVE: Patients with core binding factor (CBF) AML generally have a favorable prognosis, but the appropriate intensity of chemotherapy and number of courses are still key points for further exploration by the different leukemic group. Our prospective multicenter clinical study was designed to use high intensity, 4-courses of chemotherapy (backbone of MRC AML 15 protocol) to treat childhood CBF-AML and to observe the feasibility and effectiveness in China. METHODS: Total of 101 children with CBF-AML from 9 centers of south of China were enrolled on the C-HUANAN Children AML 2015 protocol from 2015.1 to 2018.11, accounting for 30.6% of total AML (non-APL) cases. There were 59 boys and 42 girls, aged between 2- 14 years old. The diagnosis of CBF-AML was established by PCR-based detection of RUNX1-RUNX1T1 and CBFβ-MYH11 fusion gene transcripts or by FISH based detection of t(8;21) and inv(16) aberration, respectively. Nine cases were combined with FTL3-ITD. Eleven cases were combined with ASXL1 mutation, and 23 cases were combined with c-KIT mutation. The induction regimen were non-randomized to DAE group and FLAG-IDA group. The induction regimen of DAE group including coures 1 (DAE 3+5+10), course 2 (DAE 3+5+8) . The induction regimen of FLAG-IDA including two courses of FLAG-IDA. Consolidation treatment was same and consisted of 2 courses: 1.HAE or MACE; 2.MidAC. Follow-up observation was then started after 4 courses of treatment. All of patients were followed-up to 06/30/2019, median follow-up time was 25 months. RESULTS: The overall complete remission rate was 93.1% after two courses of induction, 93.8% in the DAE group and 92.8% in the FLAG-IDA group. There was no statistical difference between the two groups. The MRD negative rate (<0.1%) detected by the flow cytometry after first course was 57/87 (65.5%) and 67/77 (87.0%) after second course respectively. The RUNX1-RUNX1T1 or CBFβ-MYH11 gene negative rate was 28/60 (46.7%) and 25/43 (58.1%) after first course and second course of treatment respectively .The overall survival rate (OS) was 83.2%, and the leukemia-free survival rate was 81.1%.Among them, the OS and LFS of the DAE group were 76.4% and 73.2%, respectively, and the OS and LFS of the FLAG-IDA group were 86.3% and 84.6%, respectively( P= 0.331 and 0.241).The OS and LFS of the RUNX1-RUNX1T1 group were 81.8% and 79.2%, respectively.The OS and LFS of the CBFβ/MYH11 group were both 88.9%( P= 0.542 and 0.403). The OS and LFS in CBF-AML with FLT3-ITD positive were both 62.2%. The OS and LFS in CBF-AML without FLT3-ITD were 85.3% and 82.9%, respectively (P=0.045 and 0.081),there was significantly inferior OS in CBF-AML with FLT3-ITD subgroup. Among them, the OS was 60.0% and 85.9% in RUNX1-RUNX1T1 with or without FLT3-ITD group respectively( P=0.041), there was significantly inferior OS in RUNX1-RUNX1T1 with FLT3-ITD subgroup. There were no significant differences in OS and LFS between the CBF with or without C-kit and ASXL1 genes. The overall relapse was 10.9%, and treatment related mortality was 6.9%. Conclusion: The childhood CBF-AML accounted for 30.6% of children's newly diagnosed AML in the South China Children's AML Group. The complete remission rate reached to 93.1% by using 2 courses of intensive induction regimen of DAE or FLAG-IDA. Only 2 courses of consolidation chemotherapy were administered. Two years OS and LFS were higher than 80%.There were significant difference in OS of CBF-AML with FLT3-ITD, and RUNX1-RUNX1T1 AML with FLT3-ITD. There were no significant differences in that of LFS. The overall LFS was close to the outcome of the MRC AML 15 protocol, but there was a gap in OS. The main reason was that the most of relapsed patients abandoned treatment. On other hand the treatment related mortality need to be further reduced. Figure Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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Jaquiss, Robert. "Alternative Techniques for Blind Low Vision Students Enrolled in Coding Courses." Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities 25, no. 1 (December 15, 2022): 1–12.

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BLV (blind low vision) students face difficulties when taking coding classes. Individual Development Environments (IDE) can be inaccessible which make it difficult if not impossible for BLV students to complete coursework. Alternative techniques are described which will allow a BLV student to successfully complete coursework. The author has found the Command Line Interface (CLI) is often a recommended alternative to a Windows based IDE interface. Many blind computer programmers use the Windows and Linux command interfaces which are described as part of this discussion.
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Ajgaonkar, Mihir. "Student leadership programme: igniting the young minds." Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies 12, no. 1 (January 12, 2022): 1–20.

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Learning outcomes This case will help students to understand the following: Develop a basic understanding of competency building processes. Learn about the mentoring process and its application in leadership development. Develop awareness about the methodology for assessment of the effectiveness of training. Case overview/synopsis Dr A. R. K. Pillai founded the Indian Leprosy Foundation in 1970 in response to the national call by late Mrs Indira Gandhi, prime minister of India, to the public-spirited people to take up leprosy eradication. It collaborated with international agencies to reduce leprosy drastically in India from four million, in 1982 to around a hundred thousand cases in 2006. In 2006, the Indian Leprosy Foundation was renamed as Indian Development Foundation (IDF) as the trustees decided to expand the work of IDF in the areas of health, children’s education and women’s empowerment. Dr Narayan Iyer, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of IDF initiated a leadership development intervention called the Students’ leadership programme (SLP) for children in the age group of 12 to 14, from the urban poor households in 2014. It was a structured mentoring programme spanning over three months in collaboration with the schools. It aimed at incubating skills in the areas of leadership, teamwork, personality, behavioural traits and provided career guidance. It had a humble beginning in 2014 with a coverage of 50 students. Initially, IDF welcomed executives from the corporate sector as mentors. As there was a need to rapidly expand the scope of SLP to the other cities of India, IDF tied up with the graduate colleges and invited the students to be the mentors. The other objective behind this move was to create social awareness among the students from more affluent strata of society. IDF was able to dramatically increase the participation of the students through SLP by approximately up to 100,000 by 2020. However, rapid progress threw up multiple challenges. The teachers complained about the non-availability of the students for regular classes to teach the syllabus as the students were busy with SLP. The schools forced IDF to shorten the duration of SLP to two months. Also, many undergraduate mentors were unable to coach the participants due to lack of maturity and found wanting to strike a rapport with them. There was a shortage of corporate executives who volunteered for the mentoring, due to work pressures. Dr Narayan, CEO & National Coordinator and Ms Mallika Ramchandran, the project head of SLP at IDF, were worried about the desired impact of SLP on the participants and its sustainability due to these challenges. So, with the support of Dr Narayan, she initiated a detailed survey to assess the ground-level impact of SLP. The objective was to get clarity about what was working for SLP and what aspects needed to improve, to make the programme more effective. Overall feedback from the survey was very positive. The mothers had seen very positive changes in the participants’ behaviour post-SLP. The teachers had specific concerns about the effectiveness of undergraduate mentors. The need for a refresher course to inculcate ethical behaviour and the inadequacy of the two-month duration of the SLP to reinforce values were highlighted. Respondents also voiced the requirement to build responsible citizenship behaviours among the participants. Mallika was all for preparing a model to further enhance the effectiveness of SLP. Dr Narayan and Mallika embraced the challenge and they were raring to go to develop SLP as a cutting-edge leadership programme and to take it to new heights. Complexity academic level This case can be used in courses on human resource management in postgraduate and graduate management programmes. It can also be used in the general and development management courses and during executive education programmes to teach methodologies for evaluating the effectiveness of the training interventions, with emphasis on the voluntary sector. Supplementary materials Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 6: Human Resource Management.
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Landon, Trenton J., Andrew Nay, Annemarie Connor, Brian N. Phillips, Antonio R. Reyes, and Jeremy Leavitt. "Exploring the Relationship Between Familiarity With the ICF and Rehabilitation Counselor Confidence in Facilitating Workplace Accommodations." Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education 35, no. 2 (June 1, 2021): 129–42.

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PurposeThe International Classification of Functioning (ICF) provides a framework for understanding and accommodating disability. This study examined predictors and outcomes of ICF familiarity among rehabilitation counselors.MethodAnalysis of variance and hierarchical regression analysis were used to examine research questions related to ICF familiarity.ResultsRehabilitation counselors with five or fewer years of experience were more familiar with the ICF. Analysis showed familiarity with the ICF positively correlated with greater confidence in recommending work accommodations.ConclusionsData supports use of the ICF in rehabilitation counseling. Emphasizing the ICF in specific courses (e.g., medical aspects of disability, career and vocational development) may support improved practice.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Courbes IDF"


Haruna, Abubakar. "Améliorer l'estimation des aléas de précipitations grâce aux relations Intensité-Durée-Aire-Fréquence (IDAF). Application à une zone à la topographie complexe." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Grenoble Alpes, 2024.

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À une époque impactée par des phénomènes météorologiques de plus en plus variables qui peuvent modifier profondément les communautés, l'importance de prédictions fiables des précipitations extrêmes à de multiples échelles n'a jamais été aussi prédominante. Malgré sa portée cruciale, une prédiction précise demeure un défi de taille, en particulier dans les régions montagneuses, qui sont particulièrement exposées aux risques associés aux précipitations extrêmes. Par conséquent, des outils plus robustes sont nécessaires pour une prédiction fiable.Les relations Intensité-Durée-Aire-Fréquence (IDAF) résument les principales caractéristiques statistiques des précipitations extrêmes. Elles sont utilisées pour la quantification des aléas de précipitations et le développement de systèmes d'alerte précoce. Alors que les relations Intensité-Durée-Fréquence (IDF) pour les précipitations ponctuelles ont été largement étudiées, les relations IDAF, prenant en compte la zone d'accumulation, ont reçu beaucoup moins d'attention et, à notre connaissance, seulement pour les extrêmes.Cette thèse vise à modéliser les relations IDAF des précipitations pour toute la gamme des précipitations non nulles dans des zones à la topographie complexe (avec application en Suisse), où des modèles robustes et flexibles sont nécessaires en raison de la forte variabilité spatio-temporelle des précipitations. La grande originalité de cette thèse est que les relations IDAF sont développées pour toute la gamme des intensités de précipitations non nulles, et pas seulement pour les extrêmes. Les distributions marginales robustes des relations modélisées peuvent être utilisées dans les générateurs stochastiques de précipitation.Premièrement, nous avons identifié un modèle parcimonieux au sein de la famille extended generalized Pareto (EGPD) pour modéliser la distribution des intensités non nulles. Deuxièmement, nous avons développé trois modèles de régionalisation pour améliorer la robustesse et la fiabilité des estimations quotidiennes des précipitations. Les résultats montrent que toutes les méthodes régionales offrent une robustesse et une fiabilité accrues en matière de prédiction par rapport au modèle local (sans régionalisation). La méthode spatiale basée sur des modèles additifs généralisés (GAM) a démontré de meilleurs résultats pour les extrêmes, alors que la méthode sur l'approche de la région d'influence a conduit à de meilleurs résultats dans le centre de la distribution.Troisièmement, nous avons développé des modèles de relations IDF en utilisant toutes les intensités de précipitations non nulles afin d'inclure efficacement les informations disponibles. Trois approches ont été envisagées. La première est basée sur la propriété d'invariance d'échelle des précipitations, la deuxième sur la formulation générale des IDF et la dernière est purement basée sur les données (data-driven), employant des équations déterminées empiriquement pour modéliser les relations IDF. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus par la troisième. Des courbes IDF à l'échelle de bassins versants ont été générées à partir de ce modèle pour une utilisation opérationnelle, et les distributions marginales journalières dérivées des modèles sont destinées à être utilisées dans un générateur stochastique de précipitation.Enfin, nous avons construit des relations IDAF basées sur une approche data-driven en utilisant un produit de réanalyse radar. Le modèle nous a permis de caractériser l'aléa de précipitations surfaciques pour un continuum d'échelles spatio-temporelles. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats ont permis de mieux comprendre les variabilités saisonnières et régionales de l'aléa de précipitation en Suisse. Pour de courtes durées, les niveaux les plus élevés sont observés en été, tandis qu'à l'échelle journalière, les niveaux les plus élevés sont observés en automne, notamment au Tessin, région identifiée comme la plus exposée aux précipitations extrêmes à toutes les échelles
In an era marked by increasingly volatile weather patterns and their profound impact, reliable prediction of extreme precipitation across multiple scales has never been more challenging. Despite its pivotal significance, accurate prediction remains a formidable challenge, especially in mountainous regions that are particularly susceptible to extreme precipitation hazards. As a result, more robust and efficient tools are needed for reliable prediction.Intensity-Duration-Area-Frequency (IDAF) relationships summarize the main statistical characteristics of extreme precipitation. They are used for areal rainfall hazard quantification, storm characterization, and early warning system development. While Intensity-Duration--Frequency (IDF) relationships for point precipitation have been extensively studied, IDAF relationships, accounting for the area of accumulation, have received far less attention and to our knowledge only for extremes.This thesis aims to model the IDAF relationships for the whole range of non-zero precipitation in topographically complex areas (with application in Switzerland) where robust and flexible models are required due to the strong spatio-temporal variability of precipitation. The key novelty is that IDAF relationships are developed for the whole range of non-zero precipitation intensities, not just extremes. In addition to its usual application, the marginal distributions from the relationships can be utilized in stochastic weather generators.Four objectives were identified and carefully addressed. First, we identified a parsimonious three-parameter model within the extended generalized Pareto distribution (EGPD) family to model the distribution of non-zero precipitation intensities. Second, we build regionalization models based on three regionalization approaches to improve the robustness and reliability of daily precipitation estimates. The first relies on a fast algorithm that defines distinct homogeneous regions based on upper tail similarity, the second is based on the region-of-influence approach, and the third is a spatial approach based on Generalized Additive Model. All the regional models offered improved robustness and reliability in prediction compared to the local model (without regionalization). The GAM-based method was better in the upper tail, while the ROI method performed better in the bulk of the distribution.Third, we developed IDF relationships using all non-zero rainfall intensities for 30 min to 72 hr, making efficient use of available information. Three approaches were considered, the first is based on precipitation scale invariance, the second relies on the general IDF formulation, and the last is purely data-driven, employing empirically determined relationships to model the IDF relationships. The best results were shown by the model based on the data-driven approach. It reproduced the known space and time variability of extreme rainfall across Switzerland, catchment-level IDF curves were generated from it for operational use, and the daily marginal distributions derived from the models are intended to be used in a stochastic weather generator currently developed for operational use.Finally, we constructed IDAF relationships based on a data-driven approach for 1 to 72 hr and 1 to 1,089 km2 at each pixel, utilizing a radar-reanalysis product. The model allowed us to characterize areal precipitation hazards for a continuum of spatio-temporal scales. Overall, the results provided insights into the seasonal and regional patterns of precipitation hazards in Switzerland, highlighting the importance of considering multiple spatio-temporal scales when assessing extreme precipitation hazards. For short durations (e.g. 1 hr), the highest levels are almost exclusively observed in summer, while for the daily scale, the highest levels are observed during autumn, particularly in Ticino, a region identified as the most exposed to extreme precipitation across all scales
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Ghanmi, Hanen. "Estimation des courbes intensités-durées-surfaces-fréquences (IDAF) de la région de Tunis dans un contexte multifractal." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2014.

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Notre objectif est d’étudier les propriétés d’invariance d’échelles des précipitations observées à Tunis et leurs conséquences sur les courbes IDF et IDAF, préalable indispensable au dimensionnement des ouvrages hydrauliques. Des séries chronologiques de taux précipitant observés à Tunis ont été analysées. Plusieurs observations ont pu être faites : plusieurs régimes d’invariance d'échelle ; une évolution significative de la dimension fractale du support de la pluie à microéchelle au cours du siècle dernière; le caractère non-conservatif du régime microéchelle. Le modèle « multifractales universelles » caractérise les propriétés statistiques au moyen de trois paramètres. La prise en compte du caractère intermittent et non conservatif du processus de pluie à fine échelle conduit, à l’obtention de paramètres en accord avec les résultats récemment publiés sur les propriétés des précipitations à très fine échelle. L’établissement de courbes IDF, qui caractérisent la probabilité d’apparition des évènements intenses, nécessite de disposer d’observation à fine résolution (5mn) et sur de longues périodes (50 ans). Une relation de régionalisation appliquée aux données journalières recueillies par la DGRE dans 40 stations pluviométriques de la région du Grand Tunis, associée à l’hypothèse d’invariance d’échelle simple nous a permis d’élaborer les courbes IDF des stations pluviométriques de la région du Grand Tunis. Les courbes IDAF ont ensuite été élaborées à partir des cartes de quantiles déduites des courbes IDF d’une part, à partir de l’approche proposée par De Michele en 2011 d’autre part
Our goal is to study the properties of scales invariance of rainfall observed in Tunis and their impact on the IDF and IDAF curves, a prerequisite to the design of hydraulic structures. Time series of rainfall observed in Tunis were analyzed. Several observations have been made: several regimes of scale invariance, a significant change in the fractal dimension of the support of microscale rain during the last century, non- conservative character of the regime microscale. The ‘universal multifractal’ model characterizes the statistical properties by three parameters. Taking into account the intermittent and non-conservative nature of the process of fine-scale rainfall leads to obtaining parameters in accordance with the results recently published on the properties of fine scale precipitation. The establishment of IDF curves that characterize the probability of intense events requires having observation in fine resolution (5 mn) and long periods (50 years). A regionalization relationship applied to daily data collected from DGRE on 40 raingauges in the Greater Tunis, combined with the assumption of simple scale invariance has enabled us to develop IDF curves of raingauges in the region Greater Tunis. The IDAF curves were then constructed from quantiles maps deducted from IDF curves on the one hand, from the approach proposed by De Michele in 2011 on the other
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Panthou, Gérémy. "Analyse des extrêmes pluviométriques en Afrique de l'Ouest et de leurs évolution au cours des 60 dernières années." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013.

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En Afrique de l'Ouest, la diminution brutale de la pluviométrie depuis les années 1970 s'est produite en concomitance avec une augmentation des dommages liés aux inondations. Si une accentuation de la vulnérabilité des populations est indéniable, la question d'une évolution de l'aléa pluviométrique en particulier des pluies les plus intenses reste posée - notamment dans un contexte où le réchauffement climatique devrait s'accompagner d'une intensification du cycle hydrologique globale. Cette thèse s'attache améliorer nos connaissances sur le régime de pluies extrêmes en Afrique de l'Ouest sous-documenté à l'heure actuelle dans les sciences du climat et de l'hydrologie opérationnelle. Le travail s'articule autour des trois objectifs: (i) fournir une vision régionale intégrée de l'organisation spatiale des extrêmes, (ii) étudier l'évolution du régime de précipitations extrêmes en lien avec la variabilité décennale des cumuls pluviométriques annuels, (iii) caractériser les extrêmes pluviométriques en produisant des cartes d'aléa pluviométrique et en étudiant les liens d'échelles entre les extrêmes de pluie à différents résolutions spatio-temporelles. On se base ici sur les données journalières des réseaux nationaux disponibles depuis les années 1950 sur l'Afrique de l'Ouest et actualisées sur le Sahel Central jusqu'en 2010; les données de précipitation à haute résolution disponibles depuis 1990 sur l'observatoire AMMA-CATCH Niger. Les modèles statistiques classiques issus de la théorie des valeurs extrêmes, ont été adaptés pour incorporer des covariables représentant des non-stationnarités spatiales et temporelles dans les pluies extrêmes. On montre la grande robustesse de ces modèles pour estimer les quantiles rares et détecter les tendances régionales dans les séries d'extrêmes. Le cadre théorique des fractales a été utilisé pour modéliser les relations d'échelles spatio-temporelles. On montre ainsi qu'une représentation de type "simple scaling" permet de décrire de manière très satisfaisante ces relations sur la gamme des pas de temps allant de 1 à 24 heures. Les résultats climatologiques confirment que la sécheresse de la fin du XXeme siècle a été avant tout associée à une baisse de l'occurrence des précipitations, leur intensité demeurant relativement inchangée. On note en revanche un comportement singulier sur la dernière décennie durant laquelle un déficit persistant d'occurrence est compensé par une intensification des précipitations qui explique un retour vers une meilleure pluviométrie annuelle, associée cependant à des extrêmes plus marqués et donc porteurs de risque hydrologique.
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Pepe, Julie. "STUDENT PERCEPTION OF GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM COURSES." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2010.

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The purposes of this study were to: (a) determine, for General Education Program (GEP) courses, what individual items on the student form are predictive of the overall instructor rating value; (b) investigate the relationship of instructional mode, class size, GEP foundational area, and GEP theme with the overall instructor rating value; (c) examine what teacher/course qualities are related to a high (Excellent) overall evaluation or a low (Poor) overall evaluation value. The data set used for analysis contained sixteen student response scores (Q1-Q16), response number, class size, term, foundational area (communication, cultural/historical, mathematics, social, or science), GEP theme (yes/no), instructional mode (face-to-face or other), and percent responding (calculated value). All identifying information such as department, course, section, and instructor was removed from the analysis file. The final data set contained 23 variables, 8,065 course sections, and 294,692 student responses. All individual items on the student evaluation form were related to the overall evaluation item score, measured using Spearman s correlation coefficients. None of the examined course variables were selected as significant when the individual form items were included in the modeling process. This indicated students employed a consistent approach to the evaluation process regardless of large or small classes, face-to-face or other instructional modes, foundational area, or percent responding differences. Data mining modeling techniques were used to understand the relationship of individual item responses and additional course information variables to the overall score. Items one to fifteen (Q1 to Q15), class size, instructional mode, foundational area, and GEP theme were the independent variables used to find splits to create homogenous groups in relation to the overall evaluation score. The model results are presented in terms of if-then rules for  Excellent or  Poor overall evaluation scores. The top three rules for  Excellent or  Poor based their classifications on some combination of the following items: communication of ideas and information; facilitation of learning; respect and concern for students; instructor s overall organization of the course; instructor s interest in your learning; instructor s assessment of your progress in the course; and stimulation of interest in the course. Proportion of student responses conforming to the top three rules for  Excellent or  Poor overall evaluation ranged from 0.89 to .60. These findings suggest that students reward, with higher evaluation scores, instructors who they perceive as organized and strive to clearly communicate course content. These characteristics can be improved through mentoring or professional development workshops for instructors. Additionally, instructors of GEP courses need to be informed that students connect respect and concern and having an interest in student learning with the overall score they give the instructor.
Department of Educational and Human Sciences
Education PhD
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Maillard, S. "Recherche des caractéristiques des systèmes élémentaires de courbes planes du troisième ordre." Paris : Bibliothèque universitaire Pierre et Marie Curie (BUPMC), 2009.

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Nguyen, Thi Thu. "The ecological roles of golf courses in urban landscapes." Thesis, Nguyen, Thi Thu (2022) The ecological roles of golf courses in urban landscapes. PhD thesis, Murdoch University, 2022.

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The proliferation of urban golf courses accounts for a growing proportion of the urban land area in Australia and other countries. While many suggest that golf courses have an environmentally negative impact, others believe they are important nodes in the network of urban green space and can provide refugial habitat for wildlife. However, research on golf course ecology is in its infancy and this limits development of explicit guidelines for ecologically sound development. Therefore, this PhD research used remote sensing technology to investigate the ecological roles of golf courses in maintenance of vegetation at the urban landscape scale. The thesis explores temporal and spatial landscape data as well as the possible cooling effects golf course can provide in the Perth Metropolitan Region. The multifunctional aspects of green spaces in golf courses are highlighted in this study. Firstly, by using moderate resolution satellite imagery (Landsat) time series data for three decades from 1988 to 2018 to assess temporal changes in vegetation cover, the study found that vegetation clearance was significant and vegetation cover has become increasingly fragmented. It was concluded that golf courses contribute to urban conservation through the maintenance of vegetation cover and by increasing habitat connectivity during the long period of urbanisation. Secondly, high resolution satellite imagery (PlanetScope (PS) Level 3B) was then used to compare spatially the characteristics of vegetation within golf courses with other urban land-use. It found that golf courses have less conservation values than conservation land, but their role in preservation of native vegetation, vegetation health and habitat connectivity is more significant than other highly intensive urban land-uses. Thirdly, analysis of multispectral high resolution airborne imagery for assessing the capacity of golf courses in mitigating the urban temperature revealed that urban golf courses can provide cooling effects in the urban environment through the provision of tree coverage and other green areas. Despite limitations of the research being carried out at the landscape scale, the findings of the thesis can enhance the future integration of golf courses into urban biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service improvement.
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Milligan, James. "An exploration of accelerated pre-registration courses in physiotherapy : perceptions of practitioners." Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2010.

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The aim of this research study was to explore physiotherapy clinicians’ perceptions of both traditional and accelerated pre-registration physiotherapy training courses with regard to professional practice. The term ‘accelerated courses’ refers to shortened study routes that have no significant loss of content. Applicants to pre-registration accelerated courses in physiotherapy require an existing Honours’ degree to incorporate their prior learning and abilities. A mixed methodology approach was used in three phases. Clinical marks of pre registration physiotherapy students from both courses were compared. Results indicated that those from accelerated courses gained higher marks than their traditional counterparts. Interview data from a purposive sample of fourteen senior clinicians was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Findings were compared with questionnaire results from a larger purposive sample of fifty-one clinicians having gained a 50% response rate Analysis indicated that these clinicians valued physiotherapists trained from both routes but for different reasons. Two major superordinate themes arose. Within ‘Perceptions of Success’ many clinicians noted the accelerated graduates’ greater confidence. This was associated with their extended academic background and/or additional life skills. Many accelerated graduates were said to ‘hit the ground running’ as they quickly acclimatised into the complex working environment. However in the second superordinate theme entitled ‘A Note of Caution’ over-confidence was noted amongst some accelerated graduates. This caused minor difficulties in team dynamics and/or certain aspects of clinical care. Some needed ‘reining in’ in the early stages of their career. In direct contrast some traditional graduates appeared less confident, passive and lacking initiative. Nonetheless these same clinicians preferred this as they saw opportunities to ‘mould’, influence and develop the traditionally trained graduates as they saw fit. Both perceptions are of interest in light of Quality Assurance Agency expectations of Honours and Masters level outcomes and have implications for training and clinical practice alike.
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Esclaibes. "Sur les applications des fonctions elliptiques à l'étude des courbes du premier genre." Paris : Bibliothèque universitaire Pierre et Marie Curie (BUPMC), 2009.

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Current research indicates that distance education courses can be as effective as traditional courses when the method and technologies used are appropriate to the instructional tasks. The number of states, counties, and school districts that provide online courses for high school students has rapidly expanded during the last ten years. The number of students, who enroll in these courses, has often grown by double digits each year. Understanding K-12 students' experiences in, and expectations of, online learning is important for many reasons. Online learning is certainly growing and may become a graduation requirement in more states. Currently Michigan requires every student must participate in some form of online learning as a high school graduation requirement. High school students enrolling in online courses may have a measurable influence on higher education courses in the future, as students become more experienced with online learning. A great deal has been written about the development of virtual high schools, some of the issues surrounding them and basic student demographics. There are only a few studies that have interviewed students in detail as to why they have chosen to participate in a virtual school and examined how this choice has impacted them. The purpose of this study was to describe from the student's perspective, why they had enrolled in online courses and allowed them to characterize their experiences. Further, this study sought to identify the personality types and traits of the students enrolled in online high school courses and reported on one measure of the student's cognitive style or cognitive tempo. Forty-three students who were enrolled in a state sponsored virtual high school participated in this study. The study used three online instruments to collect data. The Matching Familiar Figures Test-20 was used to measure the impulsive or reflective responses of the students. The Long-Dziuban Reactive Behavioral Survey was used to determine the students' personality types. The third instrument was an online questionnaire of open-ended questions asking the students about their online experiences. In addition, twelve students participated in follow-up interviews. The study found that the students enrolled in online courses for a variety of reasons; students were concerned about and wanted control over the timing and pacing of their learning. Students' comments suggested that there may be a relationship between cognitive tempo as classified by the MFFT-20, and the students' preference for pacing through the online course materials. In addition, the distribution of personality types and cognitive styles represented in this sample were different from the general school population suggesting that perhaps some students are more interested in online learning than others are. After reviewing the results of the students responses to the MFFT-20, it may be that students may are becoming faster at processing visual information with fewer errors. More research is needed in this area. There does seem to be a trend in this direction and this could have implications for students enrolled in virtual high school courses. Finally, the students in this study characterized their online learning experiences as positive but did not feel that online learning should be a high school graduation requirement for all students.
Department of Educational Research, Technology and Leadership
Education PhD
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Al-Hamad, Salah Madhi Ahmad. "Blended learning system for further and higher education mechanical engineering courses in Bahrain." Thesis, University of Huddersfield, 2013.

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Teaching and learning processes that are being followed globally by education providers consist of conventional face-to-face approach. Various socio-economic indicators have increased the pressure on Engineering Education in Bahrain in order to equip the students with both cognitive and psychomotor skills that are required by the labour market. The globalisation, along with the interdependence of various economies, has resulted in creating an extra dimension to the higher order of skills requirements. Hence, there is a need to develop new teaching and learning (T & L) methodologies that can comply with the ever increasing demands of the industry, regarding the skills of engineering students. In this study, the author has presented a comparison between various teaching and learning methodologies being implemented on the students of Higher National Diploma at Sheikh Khalifa Institute (SKI), Kingdom of Bahrain. The author reviewed the effectiveness of the conventional teaching and learning methodology by comparing the pre-results with post-results. The same has been carried out on two novel T & L methodologies developed in these study i.e. computer-assisted instructions (CAI) and Blended Learning method, on imparting higher order of cognitive and psychomotor skills to engineering students. The study has been conducted on various groups of Higher National Diploma (HND) students at SKI. The study makes use of various questionnaires design especially for both the students and the teachers about their views on different T & L methodologies being implemented. It has been observed that computer-assisted instructions, when used with the conventional T & L methodology, perform superiorly than blended e-learning method or the conventional method alone. Hence, it has been recommended that this novel T & L method be used in the future to Higher National Diploma students at SKI. Further to the development of a novel T & L methodology that performs better than the conventional T & L method, novel mathematical models have been developed for T & L methodology for both the cognitive and psychomotor domains. These mathematical models are based on the findings of the present study. These mathematical models explain the learning process of the students at microscopic level, in contrast to the conventional macroscopic evaluation method where only the marks obtained by the students indicate the quantitative learning. Furthermore, a novel Blended Learning package (containing tutorials for various Mechanical Engineering modules) has been developed based on the students-centred learning, considering institutional, pedagogical and technological contexts of service and product implementation. In this perspective, the novel Blended Learning package has been designed and developed in order to minimise/close the gaps between higher education at SKI and the requirements of the labour market.
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Books on the topic "Courbes IDF"


Austria. Finanzstrafgesetz: FinStrG, idF d FinStrGNov 1985. 2nd ed. Wien: Manz, 1986.

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editor, Sefarad Mikhaʼel, Sappir Shoshana London translator, and Yesh Din (Organization), eds. Exceptions: Prosecution of IDF soldiers during and after the second Intifada, 2000-2007. Tel Aviv: Yesh Din, 2008.

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Austria. Jurisdiktionsnorm und Zivilprozessordnung: Samt Einführungsgesetzen und Nebengesetzen idF der Erweiterten Wertgrenzen-Novelle 1989 : mit erläuternden Anmerkungen, Verweisungen, Literaturhinweisen und einer Übersicht der gültigen Rechtsprechung. Wien: Manzsche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchh., 1990.

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Fridman, Yuriy, and Aleksandr Korzhenevich. Learning to solve problems in physics: preparing for the Unified State Exam. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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If you are holding this textbook in your hands, it means that you understand the need to solve problems when studying a physics course at school. Indeed, it is difficult to overestimate the effect that the solution of problems in the study of physics gives. The textbook contains about 800 problems for the high school physics course. The tasks are based on the examination materials of various universities, including the Republic of Crimea, data from the magazines "Kvant", "Physics at School", information received from correspondence physics and mathematics schools of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University). We also used the problem books that were released in various years to help those entering universities. The number of problems and their selection are not random and allow, according to the compilers, to demonstrate the types of problems that are often found in the high school physics course, the most rational methods, general approaches and ideas for solving them, and also help to acquire certain skills in solving problems. Can be useful for use in secondary schools when working with students for whom physics is of interest, optional, if you prepare for the entrance exams for physics, a specialized school with advanced study of physics, as well as anyone who wants to learn how to solve problems in physics.
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Rozehnalová, Naděžda, ed. Universal, Regional, National – Ways of the Development of Private International Law in 21st Century. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2019.

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Need of private international law arises because the internal laws of different countries differ from each other. If the internal laws of the countries of the world lay down uniform rules, then probably there will not be any need for private international law. But then, difference is not only in the internal laws of the different countries, but also in the private international laws of different countries, on account of which sometimes conflicting decisions are pronounced by the courts of different countries on the same matter. Thus, need for Unification of Private International law Rules arise.
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Eileen, Denza. Diplomatic Couriers. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter analyses Articles 27.5, 27.6, and 27.7 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. The three sections mainly centre on matters regarding the functions diplomatic couriers. According to Article 27.5, the diplomatic courier, who shall be provided with an official document indicating his status and the number of packages constituting the diplomatic bag, shall be protected by the receiving State in the performance of his functions. He shall enjoy personal inviolability and shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. Article 27.6 on the other hand states that the sending State or the mission may designate diplomatic couriers ad hoc. If this happens, then the provisions of Article 27.5 shall also apply. Lastly, Article 27.7 states that a diplomatic bag may be entrusted to the captain of a commercial aircraft and that he shall be provided with an official document indicating the number of packages constituting the bag but he shall not be considered to be a diplomatic courier.
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Richard, Calnan. Part IV Adding Words, 8 Principle 8: Implied Terms. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter considers the circumstances in which the courts will imply terms into contracts. Words are implied into a contract if the parties must objectively have intended them. This will be the case either if they are so obvious that there was no need to express them, or if they are necessary to make the contract work in a business context. The chapter discusses the controversies which have arisen in recent years concerning the scope of a court’s ability to imply terms into a contract. It discusses the tests for the implication of terms and gives practical examples of when they have been applied.
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Warner, Dorothy Anne. A Disciplinary Blueprint for the Assessment of Information Literacy. A Member of the Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2008.

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Have you ever worried that literature on library instruction deals more with methods of assessing student attitude than student learning? If so, you'll be glad to know someone is doing something about it! Eight unique disciplinary modules are presented, each identifying a series of information literacy objectives developed in accordance with Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives. A substantive curriculum map embedded within each module lists the sequence of courses required for the disciplinary major and the level at which the course is taught (sophomore, junior, etc.), notes whether information literacy instruction is currently taught by the library for that particular course, and delineates the specific information literacy learning objectives the students must master in order to fulfill the course assignments. Collaborative responsibility for teaching the information literacy skills is also outlined, with specific recommendations for ways the library can strengthen its support for the specific discipline. In addition, assessment methodologies are identified; including scoring rubrics designed specifically for the disciplinary information literacy objectives. An indispensable resource for academic librarians ready to take the leap from episodic reactive response to programmatic sequenced integration into the curriculum.
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Olivelle, Patrick. Legal Procedure. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The Dharmaśāstras devote considerable space to discussions of law, courts of law, and the legal procedures that must be followed in court. Legal procedure is known as vyavahāra, a term used also for a lawsuit. The early Dharmasūtras present a very sketchy description limited for the most part to evidence consisting principally of live witnesses. It is Manu who introduced a full discussion of the topic divided into eighteen titles of law (vyavahārapada; see Chapter 23). In Manu, and especially in Yājñavalkya, we see a fully developed technical legal vocabulary and a theoretical consideration of the legal proceedings in a court leading up to a verdict. The sources also point to different venues where lawsuits are adjudicated, the highest being the royal court. Appeals of verdicts from lower courts to higher ones are permitted if the defeated party can demonstrate a miscarriage of justice in a lower court’s proceedings.
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SI, Strong. Part X Judicial Review, Judicial Performance, and Enforcement, 30 Improving Judicial Performance in Matters Involving International Arbitration. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter focuses on the issue of judicial competency in international arbitration. Participants in international arbitration often view national courts as the ‘weak link’ in the chain of arbitral practice and procedure. Although parties can and often do contract in advance for experienced arbitrators and efficient procedures, all of that planning and forethought can come to naught if a judge refuses to enforce an arbitration agreement or award. Recalcitrant courts are often branded as parochial, a move which suggests that the judges in question know what the proper course of action is, but simply prefer to protect national interests or parties. However, what appears to be a conscious desire to thwart the international arbitral regime could actually be nothing more than a judicial misunderstanding of a particularly complex area of law. The remainder of the chapter discusses structural and educational efforts of states to improve judicial decision-making.
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Book chapters on the topic "Courbes IDF"


Castro, Mayara Simões de Oliveira, Rafael Ferreira Mello, Giuseppe Fiorentino, Olga Viberg, Daniel Spikol, Martine Baars, and Dragan Gašević. "Understanding Peer Feedback Contributions Using Natural Language Processing." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 399–414. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractPeer feedback has been widely used in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) setting to improve students’ engagement with massive courses. Although the peer feedback process increases students’ self-regulatory practice, metacognition, and academic achievement, instructors need to go through large amounts of feedback text data which is much more time-consuming. To address this challenge, the present study proposes an automated content analysis approach to identify relevant categories in peer feedback based on traditional and sequence-based classifiers using TF-IDF and content-independent features. We use a data set from an extensive course (N = 231 students) in the setting of engineering higher education. In particular, a total of 2,444 peer feedback messages were analyzed. The CRF classification model based on the TF-IDF features achieved the best performance. The results illustrate that the ability to scale up the automatic analysis of peer feedback provides new opportunities for student-improved learning and improved teacher support in higher education at scale.
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Willis, Jane. "Chapter 10. Practitioners’ perspectives." In Individual Differences and Task-Based Language Teaching, 288–311. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.

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The aim of this chapter is to explore the potential of task-based language teaching to accommodate a range of learner individual differences (IDs). As such it is different from previous chapters in this volume which report research findings on separate individual differences. To supplement my own experience, I invited teachers I knew who practised TBLT to contribute their observations and reflections on the IDs most relevant to TBLT in their teaching contexts. Their experiences of using task-based language teaching in their classes shed light on how a task-based approach can support learners with individual differences. The chapter then explores ways in which the stages in a task-based lesson framework can address particular individual differences. The chapter contains practical examples which illustrate aspects of task design and implementation that can accommodate one or more individual differences. These will be of relevance to all language teachers including those in professional development programs and novice teachers on pre-service teacher education courses.
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Swanson, Debra H., and Llena H. Chavis. "Promoting Intercultural Communication and Critical Thinking: The Impact of Intergroup Dialogue (IDG) Courses at Hope College, USA." In Education Innovation Series, 91–103. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.

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Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura, Lara Bryfonski, and Derek Reagan. "Chapter 11. Teacher IDs and task adaptations." In Individual Differences and Task-Based Language Teaching, 312–42. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.

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This multi-site study explores how 18 graduate-level L2 teacher participants adapted tasks from the TBLT Language Learning Task Bank for specific learner needs and teaching contexts, and if their individual differences (IDs) influenced their adaptations. Participants first completed a questionnaire about their experiences as L2 learners and teachers, their knowledge of TBLT, and how they search for course materials. They then defined a teaching context (current, past, or prospective), specified a task need (i.e., communicative practice of a specific linguistic target), and identified task features to search for in the Task Bank. Next, participants screen captured and recorded their search and evaluation of possible tasks while thinking aloud, choosing one to adapt to their context. Finally, participants watched their video and submitted a written reflection. Bottom-up thematic analysis was used to determine how participants adapted the tasks from the Task Bank, if their IDs related to the ways they adapted their selected task, and whether these adaptations aligned with their specific teaching context. The results showed that all 18 teachers were successful in adapting their tasks to align with their stated teaching context and learner needs, demonstrating that the Task Bank works well for the target audience of diverse teachers. It was also found that teacher IDs did not play a role in their task adaptations when examined separately. However, a qualitative cluster analysis showed that more experienced teachers tended to focus on providing linguistic instruction and increasing interaction in task adaptation while less experienced teachers utilized a wide array of techniques. The minimal ID cluster profiles that were discernible lend support to the consideration of IDs in tandem with – rather than in isolation from – each other.
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Wurzenberger, Markus, Max Landauer, Agron Bajraktari, and Florian Skopik. "Automatic Attack Pattern Mining for Generating Actionable CTI Applying Alert Aggregation." In Cybersecurity of Digital Service Chains, 136–61. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractIntrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) monitor all kinds of IT infrastructures to automatically detect malicious activities related to cyber attacks. Unfortunately, especially anomaly-based IDS are known to produce large numbers of alerts, including false positives, that often become overwhelming for manual analysis. However, due to a fast changing threat landscape, quickly evolving attack techniques, and ever growing number of vulnerabilities, novel anomaly detection systems that enable detection of unknown attacks are indispensable. Therefore, to reduce the number of alerts that have to be reviewed by security analysts, aggregation methods have been developed for filtering, grouping, and correlating alerts. Yet, existing techniques either rely on manually defined attack scenarios or require specific alert formats, such as IDMEF that includes IP addresses. This makes the application of existing aggregation methods infeasible for alerts from host-based or anomaly-based IDSs that frequently lack such network-related data. In this chapter, we present a domain-independent alert aggregation technique that enables automatic attack pattern mining and generation of actionable CTI. The chapter describes the concept of the proposed alert aggregation process as well as a dashboard that enables visualization and filtering of the results. Finally, the chapter demonstrates all features in course of an application example.
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Wilson, Helen, Diana Calcraft, Cai Neville, Susan Lanham-New, and Louise R. Durrant. "Bone Health, Fragility and Fractures." In Perspectives in Nursing Management and Care for Older Adults, 115–34. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractAchieving and maintaining skeletal health throughout the life trajectory is essential for the prevention of bone diseases such as rickets, osteomalacia and osteoporosis. Rickets and osteomalacia are usually a result of calcium and/or vitamin D deficiency, causing softening of bones and bone pain, and both conditions are treatable with calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Osteoporosis is a multifaceted disease mainly affecting older people, and its pathogenesis (and hence treatment) is more complex. Untreated osteoporosis results in fragility fractures causing morbidity and increased mortality.Nutrition is one of many factors that influence bone mass and risk of bone disease. Developing a nutritional sciences approach is a feasible option for improving bone health.The importance of adequate calcium and vitamin D in ensuring skeletal integrity throughout the life course has a sound evidence base. Poor vitamin D status in population groups of all ages is widespread across many countries (including affluent and non-affluent areas). Public health approaches are required to correct this given the fact that vitamin D is not just required for musculoskeletal health but also for other health outcomes.Dietary protein may be beneficial for bone due to its effect of increasing insulin-like growth-factor-1 (IGF-1). Recent meta-analyses show that dietary protein has a beneficial role to play in bone health at all ages.Other nutritional factors and nutrients (such as potassium, magnesium, vitamin K and acid-base balance) are also likely to have an important role in bone health, though the literature is less clear in terms of the association/relationship and more research is required.
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Granić, Andrina. "Technology Acceptance and Adoption in Education." In Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education, 1–15. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2022.

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AbstractThe chapter provides a comprehensive and up-to-date insight into main research findings in the area of educational technology acceptance, adoption, and usage. Over the past decades, a variety of theoretical perspectives have been advanced to provide an understanding of the determinants of adoption of various technologies used to support the process of knowledge transfer and acquisition. Although some prominent theoretical approaches in educational contexts include Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), as well as Motivational Model (MM), research reveals the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the most influential model and leading scientific paradigm in investigating acceptance of educational technology by students, teachers, and other stakeholders. Aiming to increase their predictive validity, in numerous empirical studies, models have been extended with different predictive factors, like the most often validated self-efficacy, subjective norm, perceived enjoyment, perceived playfulness, anxiety, social influence, system quality, and facilitating conditions. Research revealed electronic learning (e-learning) as the most common validated mode of delivery, followed by mobile learning (m-learning), learning management system (LMS), personal learning environment (PLE), and massive open online course (MOOC), along with different supportive facilitating technologies used in education such as social media platforms, teaching assistant robots, simulators, as well as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. To enhance explanatory power, new developments in educational technology acceptance and adoption have suggested the need of integration of TAM and UTAUT with other contributing adoption and post-adoption theories and models, together with several established approaches from other fields.
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Granić, Andrina. "Technology Acceptance and Adoption in Education." In Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education, 183–97. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractThe chapter provides a comprehensive and up-to-date insight into main research findings in the area of educational technology acceptance, adoption, and usage. Over the past decades, a variety of theoretical perspectives have been advanced to provide an understanding of the determinants of adoption of various technologies used to support the process of knowledge transfer and acquisition. Although some prominent theoretical approaches in educational contexts include Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), as well as Motivational Model (MM), research reveals the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the most influential model and leading scientific paradigm in investigating acceptance of educational technology by students, teachers, and other stakeholders. Aiming to increase their predictive validity, in numerous empirical studies, models have been extended with different predictive factors, like the most often validated self-efficacy, subjective norm, perceived enjoyment, perceived playfulness, anxiety, social influence, system quality, and facilitating conditions. Research revealed electronic learning (e-learning) as the most common validated mode of delivery, followed by mobile learning (m-learning), learning management system (LMS), personal learning environment (PLE), and massive open online course (MOOC), along with different supportive facilitating technologies used in education such as social media platforms, teaching assistant robots, simulators, as well as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. To enhance explanatory power, new developments in educational technology acceptance and adoption have suggested the need of integration of TAM and UTAUT with other contributing adoption and post-adoption theories and models, together with several established approaches from other fields.
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Agrati, Laura Sara. "DESIGN BASED ON ICF - The training courses for in-service teachers." In Advances in Education and Educational Trends Series, 76–88. inScience Press, 2021.

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The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) allowed to adopt that new of 'functioning', which refers to bodily structures and functions, activity and participation and interaction between these and personal and environmental factors.The model is increasingly becoming the reference for the planning/organization of inclusive interventions, in Europe and in the Italian schools: it has been one of the main topics (l. 107/2015) in the last three-year Italian teacher training plan. The work presents procedures the early results of three professionaltraining courses evaluation (2017-2019). The courses involved 73in-service teachers and aimed to enhance the design skills of Individualized Education Plan (IEP) on ICF model. According to the Kirkpatrick Model,the evaluation has been conducted on the teachers’ ‘learnings’ and ‘transfer’ detected through pre-post test and a document analysis of the IEP. The study highlighted few linguistic and semantic difficulties and a better teachers’ sensitivity to the environmental component of the functioning. It offers some useful hints for the construction of a possible trans-national platform (as sharing of practices, data-base)about the training of school teachers on ICF bio-psychosocial model, as well as arguments regarding the tools for verifying the effectiveness of teachers training interventions.
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Kretzmer, David, and Yaël Ronen. "Judicial Review of Hostilities." In The Occupation of Justice, 457–88. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter examines the Court’s approach in petitions challenging means and methods of warfare and IDF actions during ongoing hostilities. It shows that while the Court has rejected the government’s argument that such petitions are by their very nature non-justiciable, the scope of review in such cases is narrow. The chapter argues that in cases regarding ongoing hostilities the Court serves as a mediator rather than as a body that must rule in a dispute between the parties. The final part of the chapter relates to the Court’s approach to petitions demanding investigation into deaths caused during hostilities.
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Conference papers on the topic "Courbes IDF"


Gould, Robert, Suyen Machado, Christine Ong, Terri Johnson, James Molyneux, Steve Nolen, Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit, LeeAnn Trusela, and Linda Zanontian. "Teaching data science to secondary students: the mobilize introduction to data science curriculum." In Promoting Understanding of Statistics about Society. International Association for Statistical Education, 2016.

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Making sense of data is complex, and the knowledge and skills required to understand "Big Data" - and many open data sources - go beyond those taught in traditional introductory statistics courses. The Mobilize project has created and implemented a course for secondary students, Introduction to Data Science (IDS), that aims to develop computational and statistical thinking skills so that students can access and analyze data from a variety of traditional and non-traditional sources. Although the course does not directly address open source data, such data are used in the curriculum, and an outcome of the project is to develop skills and habits of mind that allow students to use open source data to understand their community. This paper introduces the course and describes some of the challenges in its implementation.
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Lee, Sheng-Hung, Maria C. Yang, Beatriz Carramolino, and John Rudnik. "The Inspiration Design Toolkit: A Human-Centered Design Tool for a System Engineering Course." In ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract System Engineering education typically includes content to help students learn to design and engineer large, complex systems in a structured way. In this paper, we describe the outcomes of introducing a human-centered design tool, the Inspiration Design Toolkit (IDT), to encourage students to think non-linearly. The IDT is an educational resource consisting of a deck of illustrated cards that contain provocative questions, reflection messages and icons, applicative examples, and key takeaways on microlearning units. The aim of the IDT is to improve the participants’ learning experience and course engagement, increase opportunities for them to interact with their peers and teaching team, enable them to practice and reinforce the concepts through the creation of their own IDT cards, and share the cards in the discussion to increase learners’ engagement with course material and peers. We designed the IDT for an MIT online course on System Thinking. We collected, analyzed, and synthesized qualitative and quantitative feedback from 171 course participants. Our findings suggest that IDT provides learners with a digital asset that allows them to reinforce and recall the course takeaways, and apply them to other contexts. For future research, we want to understand how learners like and use IDT through demographic differences and preferred self-identified learning styles. We discuss how these findings may help educators consider critical design principles and for creating a digital self-learning toolkit connected to the course content and increasing its content adaptability.
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"Session details: Workshops and courses." In IDC '18: Interaction Design and Children, edited by Maarten Van Mechelen and Kshitij Sharma. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2018.

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Montesuma, Eduardo F., Lucas C. Carneiro, Adson R. P. Damasceno, João Victor F. T. de Sampaio, Romulo F. Férrer Filho, Paulo Henrique M. Maia, and Francisco C. M. B. Oliveira. "An Empirical Study of Information Retrieval and Machine Reading Comprehension Algorithms for an Online Education Platform." In Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021.

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This paper provides an empirical study of various techniques for information retrieval and machine reading comprehension in the context of an online education platform. More specifically, our application deals with answering conceptual students questions on technology courses. To that end we explore a pipeline consisting of a document retriever and a document reader. We find that using TF-IDF document representations for retrieving documents and RoBERTa deep learning model for reading documents and answering questions yields the best performance with respect to F-Score. In overall, without a fine-tuning step, deep learning models have a significant performance gap with comparison to previously reported F-scores on other datasets.
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Anming, Hu. "Research and Application of Online Course Recommendation System Based on TF-IDF Algorithm." In 2022 International Symposium on Advances in Informatics, Electronics and Education (ISAIEE). IEEE, 2022.

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Mihic, Srdan, and Dragan Ivetić. "A SIMPLE GRAPHICAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE ACQUISITION OF BASIC C PROGRAMMING SKILLS." In eLSE 2012. Editura Universitara, 2012.

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The introductory (and only) C programming course at the freshmen’s year of Animation Engineering (AE) degree proved to be a challenge, despite 20 years of experience in teaching programming courses. Examples of data abstraction and understanding of control structures and expressions in the C programming language had to be brought closer to students who have shown interest in computer graphics and animation, and thus have chosen to pursue AE degree. Instead of a classical first program - “Hello world”, their first program should show a simple graphical object even it is just a single point. Specifically, students will programmatically control the execution of C program from a console window, whereas graphical window will be used as program’s output. We have chosen to use the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 integrated development environment (IDE) for this course as it is commonly used in our other C programming courses. Therefore, it had to be adapted to the needs and skills of the AE students. This was accomplished by enabling students to draw graphical objects on a simple 2D graphics canvas but without the need to possess any knowledge of computer graphics. For that purpose, several graphical libraries, including: openBGI, GDI, OpenGL and DirectX, were considered to accommodate the graphical component in the chosen IDE. They were compared according to ease of use, debugging support and documentation availability, from the perspective of absolute programming beginners. We have found that none of them are suitable for first time programmers. Because of this, we have implemented a lightweight wrapper graphical framework that abstracts and hides the underlying complexity of libraries used for drawing on a graphical canvas and window management. The framework offers clean design and ease of use. It provides only a small subset of 2D drawing and window management functions. All framework functions have a reduced number of parameters compared to their underlying counterparts as they set as many parameters as possible to predefined values. In addition, the names of functions are shorter than their counterparts. This way, students have to memorize less and can produce working code faster which should enhance their productivity. This framework, combined with compelling examples and assignments, should help students learn programming with ease.
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Santos, Fábio Coutinho dos, Aldri Luiz dos Santos, and Fátima Duarte-Figueiredo. "IoTSafe: Detecção de Ataques Baseada em Redes Neurais Profundas." In Workshop de Computação Urbana. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2023.

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O uso massivo da Internet das Coisas (IoT), em ambientes urbanos, expõe sistemas de naturezas diversas a ataques. São recorrentes, na literatura, propostas de autenticação e criptografia ou sistemas de detecção de ataques, IDS (Intrusion Detection System). Entretanto, faltam soluções que consigam unir, eficientemente, essas duas táticas de segurança, principalmente se inseridas em arquiteturas de computação de borda. Este artigo propõe uma solução para detecção de ataques como complemento aos mecanismos de criptografia e autenticação da IoTSafe, apresentados em um trabalho anterior. O novo modulo, de detecção, é baseado em deep learning e implementa uma rede neural profunda para identificação de ataques. Especializado em comunicação via MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), o módulo é implantado na camada fog da arquitetura. Para avaliar o módulo e a arquitetura IoTSafe completa, testes em três ambientes foram realizados, com indicativos de consumo de recursos em cada um. Um estudo de caso mostrou que a IoTSafe funciona com todos os mecanismos, módulos e camadas propostos. O desempenho do novo módulo evidencia a sua eficácia, tendo obtido uma acurácia de 99,57% e precisão de 99,66% na detecção de ataques.
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Saville, David. "A hands-on, interactive method of teaching statistics to agricultural researchers." In Training Researchers in the Use if Statistics. International Association for Statistical Education, 2000.

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In this paper, I focus on two topics. The first topic is several day-long workshops, which I run annually for agricultural researchers. These cover the “linear model” methods, based upon the normal distribution, which are very commonly used by agricultural researchers. These methods are analysis of variance, regression and analysis of covariance. I describe the manner in which these workshops are run, cover the content of the workshops, describe the course evaluations, speculate upon why the workshops have proven to be popular, and attempt to draw conclusions. The second topic is a method of teaching linear model theory using N-dimensional geometry. This method has been successfully used for both second-year and graduate- level university statistics courses.
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Urbanska, Lenka, and Jaroslav Majernik. "Teaching IT Courses at PJŠU Faculty of Medicine." In 2019 International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT). IEEE, 2019.

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Stangl, Dalene. "Design of an internet course for training medical researchers in Bayesian statistical methods." In Training Researchers in the Use if Statistics. International Association for Statistical Education, 2000.

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Access to statistical information is at an all-time high, and the information age is fuelling this access at an extraordinary pace. This access increases the capacity for medical researchers to use statistics to guide decision making, yet few courses teach methods to do so. Rarely does statistics training include methods for incorporating statistical output into decision making. Mass education and educational reform is needed. Technological advances of the past decade make this goal possible, and allow us to dramatically change how we use, teach, and think about statistics. This paper covers the conceptual development of an Internet continuing-education course designed to teach the basics the Bayesian statistics to medical researchers. Two questions are discussed: Why the Internet, and why the Bayesian paradigm?
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Reports on the topic "Courbes IDF"


Mayfield, Colin. Capacity Development in the Water Sector: the case of Massive Open On-line Courses. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health, January 2017.

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The Sustainable Development Goal 6 targets are all dependent on capacity development as outlined in SDG 6a “Expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water- and sanitation related activities and programmes “. Massive Open On-line Courses (MOOCs) and distance learning in general have a significant role to play in this expansion. This report examines the role that MOOCs and similar courses could play in capacity development in the water sector. The appearance of MOOCs in 2010/11 led within 4 years to a huge increase in this type of course and in student enrollment. Some problems with student dropout rates, over-estimating the transformational and disruptive nature of MOOCs and uncertain business models remain, but less “massive” MOOCs with more engaged students are overcoming these problems. There are many existing distance learning courses and programmes in the water sector designed to train and/ or educate professionals, operators, graduate and undergraduate students and, to a lesser extent, members of communities dealing with water issues. There are few existing true MOOCs in the water sector. MOOCs could supply significant numbers of qualified practitioners for the water sector. A suite of programmes on water-related topics would allow anyone to try the courses and determine whether they were appropriate and useful. If they were, the students could officially enroll in the course or programme to gain a meaningful qualification or simply to upgrade their qualifications. To make MOOCs more relevant to education and training in the water sector an analysis of the requirements in the sector and the potential demand for such courses is required. Cooperation between institutions preparing MOOCs would be desirable given the substantial time and funding required to produce excellent quality courses. One attractive model for cooperation would be to produce modules on all aspects of water and sanitation dealing with technical, scientific, social, legal and management topics. These should be produced by recognized experts in each field and should be “stand-alone” or complete in themselves. If all modules were made freely available, users or mentors could assemble different MOOCs by linking relevant modules. Then extracts, simplified or less technical versions of the modules could then be used to produce presentations to encourage public participation and for other training purposes. Adaptive learning, where course materials are more tailored to individual students based on their test results and reactions to the material, can be an integral part of MOOCs. MOOCs efficiently provide access to quality courses at low or no cost to students around the world, they enable students to try courses at their convenience, they can be tailored to both professional and technical aspects, and they are very suitable to provide adaptive learning courses. Cooperation between institutions would provide many course modules for the water sector that collectively could provide excellent programmes to address the challenges of capacity development for SDG 6 and other issues within the water sector.
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Gilbert, Alan. Housing in Latin America. Inter-American Development Bank, August 2001.

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INDES provides training programmes for public officials in Latin America and the Caribbean .Its current courses currently emphasize strategies for poverty reduction and the provision of social services, particularly education and health. INDES is considering extending its programme to include discussion of a current orphan of social policy, housing and shelter. This poses three questions. First, why is housing deserving of inclusion in its training course? Second, what are the interesting intellectual questions being raised in the housing field? And, finally, if a housing component were to be included in the course, what should be included in it? Answering those questions is the main purpose of the paper.
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Sabitov, Alebai, Yuliya Khamanova, Anna Sharova, and Dmitriy Soldatov. Electronic educational course Parasite Invasions. SIB-Expertise, January 2024.

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The Electronic educational course Parasite Invasions was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education in the specialty 31.05.01 General Medicine (specialty level) and taking into account the requirements of the professional standard 02.009 General Practitioner (Local Physician). The purpose of studying the course is for students to master the necessary amount of theoretical and practical knowledge on parasitic infestations necessary for the formation of competencies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education in the specialty General Medicine, the ability and readiness to perform labor functions required by the professional standard of General Practitioner. Course objectives: to study the etiology and pathogenesis of parasitic diseases; train students in the diagnosis of the most important clinical syndromes in parasitic diseases; train students to create a differential diagnostic algorithm if a parasitic disease is suspected; train students in choosing the optimal etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment of major parasitic diseases; training in dispensary observation and rehabilitation of patients during the recovery period; - develop in students the ability to compile a medical history (outpatient card) with a record in it of the rationale for the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and epicrisis. The course contains up-to-date information on the epidemiology, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of parasitic infestations.
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Danaher, Katherine. Meeting the Learning Needs of Refugees and Migrants in Tertiary Blended ESOL Courses. Unitec ePress, May 2014.

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Technology use in higher education is becoming ubiquitous. However, the particular needs of adult migrant and refugees studying English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) necessitate careful course design and teaching practice if technology is not to present an insuperable barrier. This article surveys the literature to identify barriers to technology use by these learners, of which literacy and lack of prior experience stand out. Critical success factors in meeting their learning needs are categorized under self-regulated learning skills (as defined by (Zimmerman, 2002)), teacher support and course design. Recommendations include explicit teaching of self-regulated learning skills, using the embedded phases of forethought, performance and reflection. Also, intensive teacher support should be provided and a flexible design model used, with authentic tasks and clear interfaces. These recommendations provide research-informed guidelines for teachers and course designers looking to support the learning needs of adult tertiary refugee and migrant ESOL learners.
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Danaher, Katherine. Meeting the Learning Needs of Refugees and Migrants in Tertiary Blended ESOL Courses. Unitec ePress, May 2014.

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Technology use in higher education is becoming ubiquitous. However, the particular needs of adult migrant and refugees studying English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) necessitate careful course design and teaching practice if technology is not to present an insuperable barrier. This article surveys the literature to identify barriers to technology use by these learners, of which literacy and lack of prior experience stand out. Critical success factors in meeting their learning needs are categorized under self-regulated learning skills (as defined by (Zimmerman, 2002)), teacher support and course design. Recommendations include explicit teaching of self-regulated learning skills, using the embedded phases of forethought, performance and reflection. Also, intensive teacher support should be provided and a flexible design model used, with authentic tasks and clear interfaces. These recommendations provide research-informed guidelines for teachers and course designers looking to support the learning needs of adult tertiary refugee and migrant ESOL learners.
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Stoddard, Amy, Donna Lynch-Smith, Kate Carlson Wrammert, and Bobby Bellflower. Increasing Nurse Knowledge Using a Formal Lung Transplant Education Program. University of Tennessee Health Science Center, December 2020.

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This quality improvement project was completed to show that a formal lung transplant education course for nurses caring for lung transplant patients increased their knowledge. An eight-hour education course was developed by experts in the field of lung transplantation. A pretest was administered before the education course. A posttest was administered to determine if knowledge was improved. A three-month follow-up test was administered to determine knowledge retention. Based on the data analysis, nurse knowledge improved after formal education. Item analysis determined what areas of educational content need to be the focus of quarterly education. The education course was adopted as formal training for transplant nurses.
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Buitrago García, Hilda Clarena, and Gloria Inés Lindo Ocampo. Instructional Design of the Level 2 English Course for the Virtual Modality. Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, April 2023.

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This didactic planning, which starts from the characterization of the instructional design of the English level 2 course of the Open Lingua Program, is an improvement proposal focused on teaching this course online. In this context, the course planning, divided in three specific stages, involved several steps. First, the functions of the tutor were defined based on the postulates of some authors. After that, the expected learning evidences were reviewed and edited considering the linguistic competences the students are expected to achieve during the course. Next, some didactic activities are designed to provide the students with the grammar and vocabulary content they need to achieve the learning objectives. Finally, the different technological tools used before, during and after to communicate with students, teaching classes, clarify doubts, give feedback, and generate content, among other functions, are described. Undoubtedly, teaching and learning English as foreign language can greatly improve if adequate technologies and didactic strategies are used when providing online instruction.
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Buitrago García, Hilda Clarena, and Gloria Inés Lindo Ocampo. Instructional Design of the Level 3 English Course for the Virtual Modality. Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, April 2023.

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This didactic plan, which starts from the characterization of the instructional design of the English level 3 course of the Open Lingua Program, is an improvement proposal focused on teaching this course online. In this context, the course planning, divided into three specific stages, involved several steps. First, the role of the teacher and students in the process of learning and teaching is very important, and it was defined based on the postulates of some authors. After that, the expected learning evidence was reviewed and edited considering the linguistic competences the students are expected to achieve during the course. Next, some didactic activities are designed to provide the students with the grammar and vocabulary content they need to achieve the learning objectives. Finally, the different technological tools used before, during and after to communicate with students, teach classes, clarify doubts, give feedback, and generate content, among other functions, are described. Undoubtedly, teaching, and learning English as foreign language can greatly improve if adequate technologies and didactic strategies are used when providing online instruction.
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Gupta, Vipin. Doing Pandemic R&D as if there’s no mañana : charting a course to zig and zag our way out of the pandemonium we’re in. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2020.

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Rosenblatt, David, Henry Mooney, Khamal Clayton, Cloe Ortiz de Mendívil, Ariel McCaskie, Victor Gauto, Monique Graham, Jeetendra Khadan, and Nirvana Satnarine-Singh. Open configuration options Caribbean Economics Quarterly: Volume 11: Issue 1, February 2022: Year in Review in Graphs: Economic Story of 2021 in a Series of Graphs. Inter-American Development Bank, February 2022.

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Last year ended with incipient but fragile economic recoveries in most Caribbean economies. Relatively low vaccination rates remain a concern in the six countries covered by the Caribbean Country Department of the IDB. The sharp rise in commodity prices bolster prospects for commodity exporters in the region, but they also dampen prospects for tourism dependent economies. This edition of the Caribbean Quarterly Bulletin provides a “Year in Review in Graphs” for the overall region and each of the six countries. The graphs cover the evolution of key macroeconomic variable during the course of 2021.
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