Academic literature on the topic 'Couche de fondation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Couche de fondation"
Bert, Yahel, Yves Stassen, and Hafid Tabet. "Un retour d’expérience pour les ouvrages maritimes : l’urbanisation en mer à Monaco." E3S Web of Conferences 346 (2022): 04014.
Full textBénéi, Veronique. "Nationalisme." Anthropen, 2016.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Couche de fondation"
Kheirbek, Saoud Siba. "Comportement mécanique de la couche de fondation d'une voie ferrée." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1994.
Full textLebegue, Yves. "Fondations superficielles sur milieu homogène horizontal ou incliné et sur milieu hétérogène sable sur argile molle." Poitiers, 1987.
Full textKoti, Joël. "Valorisation des coques de noix de palmiste dans la construction des routes à faible trafic." Thesis, Limoges, 2022.
Full textThe production of palm oil generates several wastes including palm kernel shells (PKS). Facing the depletion of natural resources that can be used in pavement construction, the recovery of agricultural waste such as palm kernel shells is an alternative solution for the future for oil palm producing countries. This thesis studies the use of palm kernel shells as coarse aggregate in the formulation of composites materials. The latter can be used as subbase course materials for low-traffic pavements. The first part of the manuscript deals with the production of mixtures of palm kernel shells and lateritic soil (lateritic soil abundant in the south of Benin) for use as a foundation layer. Parabolic law of Fuller-Thompson is utilized to determine the volume proportions of each composite. In the laboratory, geotechnical experiments on lateritic soil and on composites have shown that the addition of 61% PKS increases the CBR index from 76% to 95% of the Modified Proctor optimum. The addition of 15% lagoon sand in the formulation decreases the plasticity by 29%. Thus, the composites with a CBR index of 30 (39% lateritic soil + 61% PKS) and 41 (45% lateritic soil, 40% PKS and 15% lagoon sand) can be used in the foundation layer for low traffic roads. The second part focuses on the substitution of the traditional coarse aggregates by palm kernel shells in a semi-grained bituminous concrete 0/10. This type of asphalt is usable in surface wearing course. The different granular compositions are obtained by the compressible stacking model of De Larrard. The moisture resistance, studied through the Duriez test, shows that PKS can be a good alternative of coarse aggregates in lightly trafficked pavement mixes. The valorization of palm kernel shells in transportation technology is a major technical and economical solution to provide a better access to the rural areas in tropical countries. Especially, it can be useful for the transport of products from production areas to those of processing and consumption
Valencia, Fabian. "Caractérisation des particules fines d'un matériau granulaire de fondation par l'essai au bleu de méthylène." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2008.
Full textBanoune, Brahim. "Comportement mécanique et durabilité des matériaux routiers à différents dosages en sédiments fins." Thesis, Amiens, 2016.
Full textManagement of large volume of sediment from the dam and river dredging is important economic and environmental challenge. An ecological alternative of storage or disposal at sea must be considered in order to develop this raw material. These sediments are interesting in civil engineering particularly for the roadworks sector. In this thesis we focused on dredging materials of Kherrata and Wadi Soummam.We studied the physical characteristic, mineralogical and mechanical of sediments. This characterization showed that it is necessary to improve their mechanical properties if we hope to used sediments on roadworks. For that we have chosen to realized an hydraulic treatement with binder (hydrated lime and cement). A non-exhaustive parametric study was conducted by varying percentage of binder in sediment. We are also interested to the influence of particle size correctors on the mechanical behavior. The treatment with lime or cement can improve the mechanical caracteristic. However, cement treatment offers the advantage to be more interesting in terms of incorporated dosage and length of treatment. From the durability point of view cement treatment of our sediment is more appropriate and provides a final material to be used in subgrade layer in accordance with the GTR reglementation
Scordia, Pierre-Yves. "Caractérisation et valorisation de sédiments fluviaux pollués et traités dans les matériaux routiers." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2008.
Full textL'objet de ce travail de thèse concerne la valorisation de sédiments fluviaux, pollués et traités par le procédé Novosol®, développé par la société Solvay, dans le domaine de la construction routière. Une première étape de caractérisation physico-chimique et géotechnique des sédiments traités Novosol® (STN) a établi la faisabilité de leur valorisation en couche de forme. Il a également été mis en évidence qu'ils présentaient une réactivité hydrique et pouzzolanique. L'influence de la nature du liant sur le traitement des STN a ensuite été abordée. D'après les résultats des essais mis en œuvre (aptitude au traitement, gonflement, portance, résistance en compression et en traction Brésilienne), 2 des 5 liants testés se distinguent particulièrement et présentent un niveau de performance de classe 3 selon le Guide du Traitement des Sols. Il s'agit du Roc Sol et la chaux vive.
Enfin, une étude complémentaire a montré qu'il était également possible de valoriser les STN en remblais autocompactant. Cependant, cette voie nécessiterait d'être approfondie.
Books on the topic "Couche de fondation"
Boons, Pieter, and Sandrine Colard, eds. Congoville. Leuven University Press, 2021.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Couche de fondation"
Lessig, Lawrence. "Chapitre 1. Les fondations : « couches » et biens communs." In L’Avenir des idées, 25–33. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2005.
Full textHammouche, Abdelhafid. "Les fondations du couple au prisme des dynamiques interculturelles." In Faire couple, une entreprise incertaine, 81–105. Érès, 2020.
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