Academic literature on the topic 'Corrosion'
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Journal articles on the topic "Corrosion"
Hernández, Y., O. Troconis de Rincón, A. Torres, S. Delgado, J. Rodríguez, and O. Morón. "Relación entre la velocidad de corrosión de la armadura y el ancho de fisuras en vigas de concreto armado expuestas a ambientes que simulan el medio marino." Revista ALCONPAT 6, no. 3 (September 30, 2016): 272–83.
Full textSun, Ji Ku, Zong Jie Cao, De Jian Sun, and Yi Chen. "Characteristic of Corrosive Damages about Aircraft Structures in Service." Applied Mechanics and Materials 543-547 (March 2014): 316–19.
Full textMahecha-Gómez, Andrey Felipe, Claudia Patricia Mejía-Villagrán, and Jhon Jairo Olaya-Flórez. "Aplicación de una metodología mixta para la selección de materiales resistentes a la corrosión en medios ácidos y salinos." Respuestas 20, no. 1 (January 1, 2015): 112.
Full textYu, Zhu Huan, Jun Feng Qiang, and Hui Lu Li. "Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Different Graphite Shapes Cast Irons in Acidic Solution." Advanced Materials Research 906 (April 2014): 275–82.
Full textSun, Qi Lei, Li Zhang, Jie Dong, and Lu Hua He. "Study on Electrochemical Behavior of Prestressed Reinforcement in Simulated Concrete Solution." Applied Mechanics and Materials 357-360 (August 2013): 917–20.
Full textMeneses, R. S., J. M. Moro, R. R. Aveldaño, and N. F. Ortega. "Influencia del espesor del recubrimiento de elementos de hormigón armado expuestos a procesos de corrosión y sometidos a cargas externas." Revista ALCONPAT 6, no. 2 (May 31, 2016): 129–44.
Full textHeo, Chang-Jae, Min-Gyun Ha, Chanhyun Park, and Jin-Hee Ahn. "Comparing Corrosion Damage Level and Corrosion Current in Acceleration Corrosion Testing under Corrosive Environment." Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 23, no. 5 (October 31, 2023): 115–22.
Full textYang, Yanpeng, Xiaojuan Cao, Yang Li, Zhongchi Wang, Bingjie Li, Xudong Jiang, Junji Jia, and Chunxu Pan. "Spontaneous Symmetry-Breaking in the Corrosion Transformation of Ancient Bronzes." Minerals 10, no. 8 (July 24, 2020): 656.
Full textCong, Shen, Ke Tong, Dong Feng Li, Zhi Xin Chen, and Ke Cai. "Leakage Failure Analysis of the ERW Steel Pipeline." Materials Science Forum 993 (May 2020): 1224–29.
Full textMao, Jincheng, Difei Han, Jinzhou Zhao, Xiaojiang Yang, Chong Lin, and Heng Zhang. "Experimental and Theoretical Study on Cyanuric Chloride Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors for Oxyen Corrosion of Mild Steel in High Salinity Corrosive Medium." Revista de Chimie 72, no. 2 (May 7, 2021): 119–36.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Corrosion"
Diaz, Tang Isabel. "Corrosion: inexorability versus durability." Revista de Química, 2016.
Full textIn general, a material will tend to corrode in a specific environment when the corrosion products are more stable than the starting material or, when exposed to certain conditions, a corrosion process results favored. In general practice, the goal is to extend the service life of structures, equipment or devices, that is, to improve their durability.
Mansur, Fabio Abud. "Corrosão de liga 800GN em ambiente do circuito secundário da Central Nuclear de Angra 2." CNEN - Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear, Belo Horizonte, 2015.
Full textA liga 800GN (grau nuclear) é um material utilizado na fabricação de geradores de vapor para reatores de água pressurizada (PWR) de usinas nucleares devido à sua elevada resistência à corrosão. A resistência à corrosão da liga 800GN é devida ao caráter protetor da película de óxido formada na superfície do tubo em contato com a água pressurizada à alta temperatura. No entanto, a corrosão tem sido a principal causa de falhas nos tubos dos geradores de vapor de usinas nucleares. Os problemas gerados pela corrosão têm sido atribuídos a condições e excursões da química da água do circuito secundário, muitos dos quais resultantes da entrada de água de refrigeração do condensador no circuito secundário. A experiência adquirida em diferentes centrais nucleares mostra que a composição química da água tem um papel importante na manutenção da integridade da película protetora de óxido formada na superfície do tubo. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a resistência à corrosão por pites de tubos da liga 800GN, em meio similar ao do circuito secundário de um reator PWR contendo teores de contaminação por íons cloreto de 250 ppb, 1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm e 50 ppm. A susceptibilidade dos tubos de liga 800GN ao processo de corrosão por pites foi avaliada em célula eletroquímica à temperatura de 80 C e em autoclave à temperatura de 250 oC, empregando-se a técnica eletroquímica de polarização anódica potenciodinâmica cíclica. A observação da morfologia da superfície das amostras após os ensaios eletroquímicos foi realizada por meio de microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica por varredura e microanálise por EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectrometry). A 80 C, a liga 800GN apresentou resistência à corrosão por pites, mesmo quando concentrações 5 ppm de Cl- foram adicionadas ao meio similar ao do ambiente secundário de um reator PWR. Corrosão por pites foi observada somente com a adição de 10 e 50 ppm de Cl-. Os ensaios eletroquímicos a 250 C mostraram que na condição normal de operação de um reator PWR e com a adição de 250 ppb de íons cloreto a liga 800GN exibiu elevada resistência à corrosão por pites, não ocorrendo nenhuma modificação na superfície do material. No entanto, ficou evidenciado que com a adição de 1 ppm de cloreto ao meio PWR iniciou-se uma modificação no filme passivo formado na superfície da liga 800GN.
Yue, Jingyi. "Corrosion Behaviors of Coated Aluminum Alloys in Simulated Corrosive Environment." TopSCHOLAR®, 2015.
Full textLiberto, Rodrigo César Nascimento. "Corrosão-erosão da liga Cu10Ni-3Al-1, 3Fe em presença de íons cloreto, sulfeto e sulfato." Universidade de São Paulo, 2010.
Full textThe present work evaluated the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of Cu10Ni-3Al-1.3Fe cupronickel alloy, in the solution-treated and 550°C aged conditions. It was also objective of the work to identify the microstructural changes in these conditions of aging treatment. Mechanical properties were evaluated through microhardness and tension tests; to evaluate the corrosion and corrosion-erosion resistance, potenciodynamic polarization tests were done in the stagnated condition and polarization associated to erosion in 0.01M NaCl, 0.01M Na2SO4 or 0.0001M Na2S.9H2O. The alloy had been casting and solution treated at 900°C, and after that cold rolled. From cold rolled sheet, specimens were solution treated at 900°C for 1 h, and aged at 550°C until 1,032 hours. The microstructural exams showed precipitation in the aged samples. The microhardness and tension tests showed that the presence of precipitates improve the mechanical properties, and the maximum value of hardness was obtained after 16 h of aging at 550°C. This effect is related to two microstructural aspects, one regarding intergranular precipitates that were formed by cellular precipitation and other related to the presence of finely dispersed intragranular precipitation. Concerning corrosion resistance, it was verified that the alloy, in all conditions, presented a break potential (Eq) when polarized in the tested solutions. In 0.01M NaCl, Eq is related with the process of selective corrosion of the nickel (denickelification). It was observed although that aging increased the values of Eq, being more evident for the aged samples for 2 and 1,032 h. The corrosion-erosion tests (just accomplished in the conditions solution-treated and aged by 16 h), also presented Eq, but the values were lower. In these cases cavities were observed, however not related to the process of selective corrosion, but to the erosion process. The tests in 0.01M Na2SO4 or 0.0001M Na2S.9H2O showed that Eq is related with the formation of cavities (pits), and not with the process of selective corrosion. In these solutions was not observed dependence between Eq and the aging time, differently of the verified in 0.01M NaCl, where the aging provided a beneficial effect. There were not significant differences in the values of Eq when the material was submitted to the corrosion-erosion in the solutions (0.01M Na2SO4 and 0.0001M Na2S.9H2O).
Jonsson, Sanna. "Corrosion of zinc in the automotive environment ‐ Relation Between Corrosion Rate, Corrosion Products and Exposure Site." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för kemivetenskap (CHE), 2012.
Full textColares, Regilany Paulo. "Estudo da inibiÃÃo da corrosÃo do zinco por Ãons inorgÃnicos ecologicamente amigÃveis: molibdato, tungstato, silicato e fosfato." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2009.
Full textO cromato à amplamente utilizado como inibidor de corrosÃo. No entanto, à altamente tÃxico e carcinogÃnico, o que tem levado pesquisadores a buscarem alternativas ecologicamente amigÃveis a este inibidor. Dentre estes, molibdato, tungstato, silicato e fosfato surgem como potenciais candidatos por apresentarem propriedades inibidoras e serem atÃxicos. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um estudo sistemÃtico dos Ãons como inibidores da corrosÃo do Zn. Foram utilizadas soluÃÃes aquosas de NaCl 10-1 mol dm-3 com concentraÃÃes dos inibidores variando de 10-4 a 10-1 mol dm-3 . A eficiÃncia destes com relaÃÃo à corrosÃo do Zn foi avaliada empregando-se medidas do potencial a circuito aberto, curvas de polarizaÃÃo potenciodinÃmica e espectroscopia de impedÃncia eletroquÃmica. As tÃcnicas de Microscopia EletrÃnica de Varredura (MEV), Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X (EDX), DifraÃÃo de Raios-X (DRX) e Espectroscopia FotoeletrÃnica de Raios-X (XPS) foram usadas para caracterizar o Zn apÃs os ensaios de corrosÃo. Todos os Ãnions estudados inibiram a corrosÃo do Zn. Com as tÃcnicas de caracterizaÃÃo foi possÃvel identificar a presenÃa de filmes superficiais de silicato, tungstato, molibdato e fosfato na superfÃcie do Zn apÃs os ensaios de corrosÃo nas respectivas soluÃÃes contendo os inibidores
The chromate is widely used as a corrosion inhibitor. However, it is highly toxic and carcinogenic, which has done researchers to study environmentally friendly alternatives to this inhibitor. Among these, molybdate, tungstate, silicate and phosphate anions appear as potential candidates because they are non toxic. Thus, this work aims to develop a systematic study to investigate molybdate, tungstate, silicate and phosphate as corrosion inhibitors of zinc. Aqueous solutions of 10-1 mol dm-3 NaCl were used and the concentrations of the inhibitors ranging from 10-4 to 10-1 mol dm-3. The corrosion studies were carried out by open circuit potential measurements, potentiodynamic linear polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Dispersive Energy (XDE), X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and X-Ray Photoelectronic Spectroscopy (XPS) techniques were used to characterize the Zn after the corrosion tests. All the studied anions inhibited the zinc corrosion. The characterization techniques made possible to detect the presence of molybdate, silicate, tungstate and phosphate on the zn surface after the corrosion tests in the solution containing the corresponding inhibitors
Seong, Jinwook. "Inhibition of Corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Sensitized AA5083." The Ohio State University, 2015.
Full textVerdier, Stéphane. "Corrosion et protection anti-corrosion de l'alliage de magnésium AM60." Grenoble INPG, 2003.
Full textYan, Yu. "Corrosion and tribo-corrosion behaviour of metallic orthopaedic implant materials." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2006.
Full textNorman, C. F. W. "Corrosion of aluminium." Thesis, University of Manchester, 1986.
Full textBooks on the topic "Corrosion"
Revie, R. Winston. Corrosion and Corrosion Control. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2008.
Find full textRobert, Baboian, and Treseder R. S, eds. NACE corrosion engineer's reference book. 3rd ed. Houston, TX: NACE International, 2002.
Find full textSymposium on Corrosion and Corrosive Degradation of Ceramics (1989 Anaheim, Calif.). Corrosion and corrosive degradation of ceramics. Westerville, Ohio: American Ceramic Society, 1990.
Find full text1930-, Buchanan R. A., ed. Fundamentals of electrochemical corrosion. Materials Park, OH: ASM International, 2000.
Find full textBell, B. Corrosion. Wembley: Oil & Colour Chemists' Association, 1992.
Find full textFederation, International Dairy, ed. Corrosion. Brussels: International Dairy Federation, 1988.
Find full textL, Shreir L., Jarman R. A, and Burstein G. T, eds. Corrosion. 3rd ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994.
Find full textL, Shreir L., Burstein G. T, and Jarman R. A, eds. Corrosion. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993.
Find full textRevie, R. Winston. Corrosion and corrosion control: An introduction to corrosion science and engineering. 4th ed. Hoboken, N.J: J. Wiley, 2008.
Find full text1944-, Revie R. Winston, ed. Corrosion and corrosion control: An introduction to corrosion science and engineering. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley, 1985.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Corrosion"
Tidblad, Johan, Vladimir Kucera, and Susan Sherwood. "Corrosion Corrosion." In The Effects of Air Pollution on Cultural Heritage, 53–103. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2009.
Full textNagy, András. "Corrosion Loads, Corrosion Resistance, Corrosion-Proof Design." In Foundations of Engineering Mechanics, 7–34. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textV. Chopda, Lakha. "Small Organic Molecule as Corrosion Inhibitors for Mitigating Metal Corrosion." In Introduction to Corrosion - Basics and Advances [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2023.
Full textAkramian Zadeh, Sajjad. "Erosion-corrosion." In Introduction to Corrosion - Basics and Advances. IntechOpen, 2023.
Full text"Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weldments." In Corrosion of Weldments, 43–75. ASM International, 2006.
Full textAmrousse, Rachid, Hajar Jabri, Zakaria Harimech, Ahmed Bachar, Assia Mabrouk, Nabil Souhair, and Seitkhan Azat. "Corrosion in Space." In Sustainability, Safety, and Applications of Nanomaterials-Based Corrosion Inhibitors, 168–85. IGI Global, 2024.
Full textSharma, R. "Sources of Active Ingredients for Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors." In Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors, 30–45. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2021.
Full textEl Ibrahimi, B. "Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors for Copper and its Alloys." In Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors, 175–203. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2021.
Full textMartínez Palou, Rafael, and Natalya V. Likhanova. "Application of ionic liquids as Corrosion Inhibitors in the Oil Industry." In Applications of Ionic Liquids in the Oil Industry: Towards A Sustainable Industry, 94–121. BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2023.
Full textRoy, Sudesna, and Pramod kumar Mandal. "Corrosion Resistance Methods for Stainless Steel." In New Challenges and Industrial Applications for Corrosion Prevention and Control, 208–25. IGI Global, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Corrosion"
Pobjoy, Robert. "Engine Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention." In Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–6. The Vertical Flight Society, 2014.
Full textWenguang, Zhang, Yang Chenggang, Yi Zilong, Li Chan, Pu Chenghao, Xu Yuting, and Han Dongao. "Study on Corrosion Mechanism of Stellite Hard Alloy Layer of a Main Pump Component." In 2017 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.
Full textPitt, B. J. A. "Tank Lining & Protection of Ballast Spaces Using Epoxy Paints Under Adverse Weather Conditions." In Marine Corrosion Prevention. RINA, 1994.
Full textBenoit, J. "Preventing Corrosion of Dedicated Water Ballast Tanks On All Ships, and Cargo Holds On Bulk Carriers: Prospects For Current and Future Classification Society Rules and International Regulations." In Marine Corrosion Prevention. RINA, 1994.
Full textSchunke, U. "History and Recent Developments In Semi-Hard Coatings Used For Protecting Ships' Ballast Tanks." In Marine Corrosion Prevention. RINA, 1994.
Full textFuller, G. H. "Looking Back To The Future." In Marine Corrosion Prevention. RINA, 1994.
Full textFriar, D. E. "A New Concept In Corrosion Protection For Ships Hulls." In Marine Corrosion Prevention. RINA, 1994.
Full textPeters, David. "Corrosion In The Canadian Arctic M.V. "Arctic" - The Ultimate Challenge." In Marine Corrosion Prevention. RINA, 1994.
Full textTowers, R. H. "Impact of New Rules On Structural Protection In Ships." In Marine Corrosion Prevention. RINA, 1994.
Full textMelchers, R. E. "Modelling and Prediction of Seawater Corrosion of Steel Structures." In Marine Corrosion Prevention. RINA, 1994.
Full textReports on the topic "Corrosion"
Glasscott, Matthew, and Jason Ray. Accelerated corrosion of infrastructural seven-strand cables via additively manufactured corrosion flow cells. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), September 2023.
Full textF. Hua and K. Mon. General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of the Drip Shield. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2003.
Full textF. Hua. General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of the Drip Shield. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2004.
Full textGartland. L52079 Internal Corrosion in Dry Gas Pipelines During Upsets. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), July 2003.
Full textDr. Russ Braunling. Corrosion Monitoring System. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2004.
Full textStoner, Debra L. Corrosion Control Climatology. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 1988.
Full textDuque, Juan, and Joshua Narlesky. GRING18 Corrosion Characterization. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 2021.
Full textYunovich and Thompson. L52098 AC Corrosion. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), August 2003.
Full textLee, Eun U., and Henry C. Sanders. Corrosion Preventive Compounds for Corrosion Prevention/Mitigation (Aermet 100 Steel). Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2003.
Full textK.G. Mon. General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of Waste Package Outer Barrier. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2004.
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