Academic literature on the topic 'Corrélation d'images numériques stéréoscopiques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Corrélation d'images numériques stéréoscopiques"
Delvit, Jean-Marc, and Céline L'Helguen. "Observer la Terre en 3D avec Pléiades-HR." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 209 (January 29, 2015): 11–16.
Full textBelouard, Thierry, Nicolas Py, Grégoire Maillet, Dominique Guyon, Céline Mérédieu, Michel Pausader, and Nicolas Champion. "Pinastéréo - Estimation de la hauteur dominante et de la biomasse forestière dans le massif des Landes de Gascogne à partir d'images stéréoscopiques Pléiades." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 209 (November 18, 2014): 133–39.
Full textMarti, Renaud, Simon Gascoin, Thomas Houet, Dominique Laffly, and Pierre René. "Evaluation du modèle numérique d'élévation d'un petit glacier de montagne généré à partir d'images stéréoscopiques Pléiades : cas du glacier d'Ossoue, Pyrénées françaises." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 208 (September 5, 2014): 57–62.
Full textPuig, Céline. "Réalisation du RGE Alti en zone de montagnes à partir d'images Pléiades." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 208 (September 5, 2014): 149–54.
Full textBergonnier, Sandra, François Hild, and Stéphane Roux. "Localisation de la déformation par corrélation d'images numériques sur laine de verre crêpée." Mécanique & Industries 7, no. 4 (July 2006): 383–91.
Full textPuyo-Pain, Matthieu, François Hild, and Jacques Lamon. "Méthodes de mesures de champs et d'identification des propriétés élastiques par corrélation d'images numériques. Application à l'étude d'un joint de brasure céramique." Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés 15, no. 1 (April 23, 2005): 19–31.
Full textSamaan, Mariam, Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny, Raphaële Héno, Cyril Montoya, and Sylvain Rassat. "La Photogrammétrie rapprochée pour la modélisation en 4D d'une structure archéologique." Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, no. 207 (July 6, 2014): 59–70.
Full textLagattu, Fabienne, Anne-Lise Gloanec, Gilbert Hénaff, and Jean Brillaud. "Étude du rôle de la microstructure sur la résistance à la fissuration par fatigue des alliages TiAl à l'aide de la technique de corrélation d'images numériques de mouchetis." Mécanique & Industries 6, no. 5 (September 2005): 499–507.
Full textDalémat, Marie, Michel Coret, Adrien Leygue, and Erwan Verron. "Robustness of the Data-Driven Identification algorithm with incomplete input data." Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, February 21, 2024.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Corrélation d'images numériques stéréoscopiques"
Caron, Eddy. "Mesures stéréoscopiques à l’échelle de la microstructure : application aux phénomènes hors plan dans un polycristal métallique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Centrale Lille Institut, 2024.
Full textUnderstanding the mechanisms of plasticity and damage in materials represents a va-luable resource for the qualitative development of industry. This knowledge makes it possible to reducecosts, improve safety and anticipate short- and long-term material behavior. Based on behavioralmodels, it becomes possible to carry out numerical simulations capable of predicting the evolutionof materials. Today, these simulations are indispensable for the dimensioning of mechanical systems,whatever their field of application. Although the dialogue between experimental results and numericalpredictions makes it possible to refine these models, there are still singular behaviors, particularly atthe local level, which these models are unable to predict. Tools for measuring kinematic fields have beendeveloped to go down to fine scales and understand the mechanisms at the very heart of the micro-structure, in particular with the development of Digital Image Correlation (DIC). This technology canmeasure fields at pixel level, but does not take into account “out-of-plane” displacements in the cameraaxis. Yet these displacements appear to play a crucial role in the manifestation of plasticity mecha-nisms. The development of a stereoscopic measurement technique including DIC is therefore necessaryfor any further exploration. This study focuses on the development of multi-instrument experimentaltools. In particular, it focuses on the development of non-contact stereoscopic deformation field measu-rement software, enabling the assessment of “out-of-plane” movements. The software, named PyCaSo,was developed and evaluated in the first part of the project. In the second part, other measurementtechniques, such as profilometry, EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) and microscopy, were used tocarry out monotonic and cyclic experimental tests on a reference steel, austenitic stainless steel 316L
Chambon, Sylvie. "Mise en correspondance stéréoscopique d'images couleur en présence d'occultations." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2005.
Full textDans un premier chapitre, nous établissons un état de l'art des méthodes de mise en correspondance de pixels. Nous donnons un modèle générique des méthodes s'appuyant sur la définition d'éléments constituants. Nous distinguons alors quatre catégories de méthodes : les méthodes locales, les méthodes globales, les méthodes mixtes et les méthodes à multiples passages.
Le second chapitre aborde le problème de l'évaluation des méthodes de mise en correspondance de pixels. Après avoir donné un état de l'art des protocoles existants, nous proposons un protocole d'évaluation et de comparaison qui prend en compte des images avec vérité terrain et qui distingue différentes zones d'occultations.
Dans le troisième chapitre, nous proposons une taxonomie des mesures de corrélation regroupées en cinq familles : les mesures de corrélation croisée, les mesures utilisant des outils de statistiques classiques, les mesures utilisant les dérivées des images, les mesures s'appuyant sur des outils des statistiques non paramétriques et les mesures exploitant des outils des statistiques robustes. Parmi cette dernière famille, nous proposons dix-sept mesures. Les résultats obtenus avec notre protocole montrent que ces mesures obtiennent les meilleurs résultats dans les zones d'occultations.
Le quatrième chapitre concerne la généralisation à la couleur des méthodes de mise en correspondance à base de corrélation. Après avoir présenté les systèmes de représentation de la couleur que nous testons, nous abordons la généralisation des méthodes à base de corrélation en passant par l'adaptation des mesures de corrélation à la couleur. Nous proposons trois méthodes différentes : fusion des résultats sur chaque composante, utilisation d'une analyse en composante principale et utilisation d'une mesure de corrélation couleur. Les résultats obtenus avec notre protocole mettent en évidence la meilleure méthode qui consiste à fusionner les scores de corrélation.
Dans le dernier chapitre, pour prendre en compte les occultations, nous proposons des méthodes hybrides qui s'appuient sur l'utilisation de deux mesures de corrélation : une mesure classique dans les zones sans occultation et une mesure robuste dans les zones d'occultations. Nous distinguons quatre types de méthodes à base de détection de contours, de corrélation pondérée, de post-détection des occultations et de fusion de cartes de disparités. Les résultats obtenus avec notre protocole montrent que la méthode la plus performante consiste à fusionner deux cartes de disparités.
Doumalin, Pascal. "Microextensométrie locale par corrélation d'images numériques." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2000.
Full textHachicha, Walid. "Traitement, codage et évaluation de la qualité d’images stéréoscopiques." Thesis, Paris 13, 2014.
Full textRecent developments in 3D stereoscopic technology have opened new horizons in many application fields such as 3DTV, 3D cinema, video games and videoconferencing and at the same time raised a number of challenges related to the processing and coding of 3D data. Today, stereoscopic imaging technology is becoming widely used in many fields. There are still some problems related to the physical limitations of image acquisition systems, e.g. transmission and storage requirements. The objective of this thesis is the development of methods for improving the main steps of stereoscopic imaging pipeline such as enhancement, coding and quality assessment. The first part of this work addresses quality issues including contrast enhancement and quality assessment of stereoscopic images. Three algorithms have been proposed. The first algorithm deals with the contrast enhancement aiming at promoting the local contrast guided by calculated/estimated object importance map in the visual scene. The second and the third algorithms aim at predicting the distortion severity of stereo images. In the second one, we have proposed a fullreference metric that requires the reference image and is based on some 2D and 3D findings such as amplitude non-linearity, contrast sensitivity, frequency and directional selectivity, and binocular just noticeable difference model. While in the third algorithm, we have proposed a no-reference metric which needs only the stereo pair to predict its quality. The latter is based on Natural Scene statistics to identify the distortion affecting the stereo image. The statistic 3D features consist in combining features extracted from the natural stereo pair and those from the estimate disparity map. To this end, a joint wavelet transform, inspired from the vector lifting concept is first employed. Then, the features are extracted from the obtained subbands. The second part of this dissertation addresses stereoscopic image compression issues. We started by investigating a one-dimensional directional discrete cosine transform to encode the disparity compensated residual image. Afterwards, and based on the wavelet transform, we investigated two techniques for optimizing the computation of the residual image. Finally, we present efficient bit allocation methods for stereo image coding purpose. Generally, the bit allocation problem is solved in an empirical manner by looking for the optimal rates leading to the minimum distortion value. Thanks to recently published work on approximations of the entropy and distortion functions, we proposed accurate and fast bit allocation schemes appropriate for the open-loop and closed-loop based stereo coding structures
Burie, Jean-Christophe. "Mise en correspondance d'images linéaires stéréoscopiques : application à la détection d'obstacles à l'avant des véhicules routiers." Lille 1, 1995.
Full textBaconnais, Maxime. "Méthode intégrée de corrélation d’images et de corrélation d’images virtuelles." Thesis, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2019.
Full textDigital Image Correlation (DIC) is now com-monly used in academic and industrial settings. In-deed, this method allows to measure the displace-ment field of a surface with high accuracy, good reso-lution and with a simple experimental setup. Howe-ver, image correlation does not allows accurate mea-surement in border areas, sample edges and cracks.The objective of this thesis is to use the VirtualImage Correlation (VIC) method to measure the po-sition of the edges and improve the accuracy of theDIC in these areas. The proposed strategy is basedon three points : the creation of a adapted measure-ment mesh to the geometry, the generation of a pixelmask to remove the edge pixels and the constrainedresolution of the DIC.Different test cases on synthetic images and ex-perimental data show the interest of the integra-ted method. First, the knowledge of the initial posi-tion of the border allows the automatic creation ofan adapted mesh. It is also shown that the simpleuse of a pixel mask reduces significantly the boun-dary error, both in synthetic and real cases. For thecase of constrained resolution, it is shown that itreduces measurement errors in synthetic cases. Ho-wever, this result could not be confirmed in the ap-plication cases, due to the quality of the boundarydoes not allows an accurate measurement and thusan improvement of the DIC results
Jovani, Théo. "Mesure des déformations de pièces par Corrélation d'Images Numériques pour un usinage intelligent." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Clermont Auvergne (2021-...), 2023.
Full textThe aeronautical industry is constantly aiming to optimise the weight of its aircraft while ensuring their structural rigidity. To this end, the raw parts used to make these structural parts are produced using a series of shaping and heat treatment processes which ensure high functional requirements but which induce residual stresses. These stresses are a major issue for manufacturers. Indeed, the machining of these parts causes a change in the equilibrium of the residual stresses, thus generating deformations during machining and after unmounting. These deformations, which are difficult to control, have a significant impact on the geometric quality of the parts obtained and lead to the implementation of time-consuming and costly reworking operations, or even scrapping. It is therefore essential to be able to characterise and measure the impact of these residual stresses on the deformation of parts during and after their machining in order to control their geometric quality.The present work focuses on the in-situ measurement of deformations and the identification of the initial residual stress distributions of parts during their machining. Tools based on Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and on Stereo Digital Image Correlation (S-DIC) measurements are developed. The application cases are Al7075-T6 aluminum alloy parts encountering either in-plane or three-dimensional deformations. The measurements made during their machining are used either to reconstruct the residual stress map or to supply numerical models to simulate the behaviour of the part in real time. The objective is to be able to modify the machining set-up in real time to compensate for the part deformations. This work is one of the building blocks for a future development of an intelligent machining cell
Clerc, Patrice. "Mesure de champs de déplacements et de déformations par stéréovision et corrélation d'images numériques." Lyon, INSA, 2001.
Full textTo determine displacement or strain fields from digital images, a classical technique consists of drawing a uniform grid on the surface of an object and measuring the displacement fields of these reference points. In order to get a marking method quicker and less expensive, the grid is replaced is by a random pattern. The numerical images are treated by a correlation method with an accuracy of 1/60th pixels. A method of 3D displacement and deformation fields by stereovision and using gray levels correlation method is proposed. Two CCD cameras on a stereo ring are used. All the steps for the measurement (paring, calibration, 3D reconstruction) use correlation. A proposed calibration method of the stereo ring doesn’t use a calibrating objet with a randomized pattern of which only the surface equation is known. The measurements of displacements and deformations fields shown are obtained from grids on a cube target. Once the calibration performed, the object's topographies before and after deformation are obtained from the calibration parameters and correlation between each pair of images and are compared to determine the displacement and deformation fields
Duvieubourg, Luc. "Analyse de séquences d'images linéaires stéréoscopiques : application à la réalisation d'un système de détection d'intrusions intelligent pour les transports guidés." Lille 1, 1991.
Full textMeite, Mamadou. "Caractérisation des paramètres de fissuration par un couplage corrélation d'images et éléments finis." Limoges, 2012.
Full textThe thesis work consists in developing a model allowing analyzing crack problems in materials in order to predict their integrity and structural durability. In this model, two techniques are coupled to exploit the experimental observation and numerical modeling by finite elements in order to determine the mechanical state and the fracture properties into crack tip vicinity. A first part is dedicated to the experimental analysis using Digital Images Correlation to calculate, in the crack tip vicinity, the kinematics fields of deformations. The experimental noise inherent to the experimental data and the uncertainty of the crack tip localization require developing a procedure for measurements fields’ optimization. This optimization consists in finding a good correlation between the experimental data and the Williams’ asymptotic analytical solution based on the development of mathematical series of weighting coefficients, by using Newton-Raphson iterative procedure based on nonlinear least squares. The consequence of this correlation allowed determining at the same time, the crack tip position and kinematics field of crack lips displacement nearest to reality. The kinematic analysis then allows characterizing the kinetics of cracking via the crack opening intensity factors. One second part deals with the development, into the computer finite elements code Castem, of a specific numerical algorithm to the mechanical and energy characterization. In the case of a stationary crack, although the experimental tests are monitoring under machine displacement (correlated with the crack opening), the numerical model is defined by imposing a load given by synchronization between the testing machine and the images acquisition. This approach, that we described as statics (piloting in force or stress), shows that the amplitude of the singularity, characterized by the stress intensity factor which is determined from the integral invariants formalism, is not only independent of the material behavior law, but also proportional to the loading amplitude. Lastly, a last stage allows rebuilding the totality of the cracking properties, as well as kinematic, static and energetic. This rebuilding passes by the bringing together of kinematics properties provided by images analysis and stress properties calculated by finite elements approach. Thus, the whole of the protocol disregards law of behavior. Moreover, the kinematic and static coupling allows deducing the energy release rate. This coupling allows finally characterizing the local elastic properties which can, at terms, being employed to feed a crack propagation law or to go back to the global elasticity properties of the employed material. The whole of work is accompanied by experimental and numerical applications for isotropic (PVC) and orthotropic (Douglas) materials, the samples being subjected to tension in opening (I) and mixed (I+II) modes loading
Reports on the topic "Corrélation d'images numériques stéréoscopiques"
Guide des Bonnes Pratiques de la Corrélation d'Images Numériques. International Digital Image Correlation Society, March 2020.
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