Academic literature on the topic 'Corps parfaits'
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Journal articles on the topic "Corps parfaits"
Roux, Bernard. "Corps gauches locaux avec corps résiduel parfait de caractéristique p > 0." Journal of Algebra 138, no. 1 (April 1991): 226–48.
Full textBardelmann, Claire. "Une anatomie du désordre : métaphores musicales du corps dans le théâtre élisabéthain." Moreana 43 & 44 (Number, no. 4 & 1-2 (March 2007): 132–49.
Full textTétart, Gilles. "Consommer la nature et parfaire son corps." Études rurales, no. 165-166 (January 1, 2003): 9–31.
Full textArdenne, Paul. "LawickMüller, du morphing à la figure métamorphique." Figures de l'Art. Revue d'études esthétiques 6, no. 1 (2002): 339–45.
Full textMelo Saint-Cyr, Viviana. "Architecture, corps et sublimation." Les Pages du laa 3, no. 17 (August 24, 2023): 1–56.
Full textZuccoli, Sofia. "Un monstre parfait. Le savoir médical face au corps féminin (XVIème siècle, France et Italie)." HISTORIA MAGISTRA, no. 27 (December 2018): 20–35.
Full textMattéi, Jean-François. "La symphonie de l'être dans le Sophiste de Platon." Dialogue 24, no. 2 (1985): 237–56.
Full textOury, Julien, and Franck Oury. "L’os, un organe pas si inerte…" médecine/sciences 34, no. 1 (January 2018): 54–62.
Full textVerroens, Filip, and Ludovic De Cuypere. "French ingressives and (phasal) aspect: A frame-semantic corpus-based analysis." Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique 68, no. 3 (September 2023): 435–61.
Full textMeerzon, Yana. "Pour une esthétique de la représentation utopique : son, signe et langage théâtral international chez Michael Tchekhov." Pratiques & travaux, no. 38 (May 6, 2010): 119–37.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Corps parfaits"
LEJEUNE, HELENE. "Paires de corps p. A. C. Parfaits, paires de corps pseudo-finis." Paris 7, 1995.
Full textBoitrel, Aurore. "Groupes d'automorphismes des surfaces del Pezzo sur un corps parfait." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2025.
Full textDel Pezzo surfaces are algebraic surfaces with quite special properties, that play an importantpart in the classification of projective algebraic surfaces up to birational transformations.The classification of smooth rational del Pezzo surfaces of degree d over an arbitraryperfect field is classical for d = 7, 8, 9 and new for d = 6. The same is the case for thedescription of their groups of automorphisms. Their classification and the description of theirautomorphism groups is much more difficult for d ≤ 5, as one can see already if the groundfield is the field of real numbers, and the classification is open over a general perfect field.Partial classifications exist over finite fields. Accordingly, we do not know their automorphismgroups in general.The objective of the thesis is to classify the smooth rational del Pezzo surfaces of degreed = 5 and d = 4 over an arbitrary perfect field and describe their automorphism groups.Due to the difficulty of the project, the case d = 4 will only be studied over the field ofreal numbers
Thierry, Guillaume. "Simulation d'écoulements de fluide parfait autour de corps déformables : application à l'aéroelasticité des lanceurs." Paris 13, 1998.
Full textDalbera, Joseph. "Le parfait de l'indicatif latin : analyse linguistique à partir d'un corpus de narration romanesque." Nice, 2006.
Full textIn this work we aim at unveiling a single signified to the Latin perfect indicative. Indeed we argue that this single signified could subsume all the possible different values this tense can convey within the discourse and that it could also account for coherence within this diversity, beyond the apparent wealth of these uses. Our reasoning closely links linguistic and textual analyses, global theoretical questioning and careful surveying of the occurrences appearing in a corpus of novelistic narrative texts. Our theoretical approach is inspired by Culioli’s enunciative operation of location and the corpus gathers Petronius, Apuleius and Saint Augustine. Our analysis highlights that the Latin perfect is mainly a past tense that points the crossing of the ending boundary of the process p and its overstepping towards its complement p’. The latin perfect, which is extremely sensitive to the chosen enunciative point of view, can be used in many different ways varying between the two extremes that are the narrative (linked to the aoristic dimension) and the report. The third fundamental element participating in the value of the perfect is lexical. All three aspects – structural, enunciative and lexical – are hence linked and taken into account when establishing the value of the Latin perfect within the discourse as well as its fundamentally temporal interpretation
Gilloteaux, Jean-Christophe. "Mouvements de grande amplitude d'un corps flottant en fluide parfait. Application à la récupération de l'énergie des vagues." Phd thesis, Ecole centrale de nantes - ECN, 2007.
Full textGilloteaux, Jean-Christophe. "Simulation de grands mouvements d'un corps flottant en fluide parfait : application à la récupération de l'énergie des vagues." Nantes, 2007.
Full textWave energy converters (WECs) will require to operate in severe seas. Corresponding motions with large amplitude, and thus their numerical simulation can not be satisfactorily modelled by linear theory. To study such motions, the potential-method approach was adopted and three numerical simulators were developed. The first approach is a 2D numerical model, whose equations of motion are non-linear whereas the hydrodynamic forces are just the Froude-Krylov forces applied to instantaneous total wetted surface. Particularly, the influence of upper works on the total behaviour of the SEAREV device is studied. The second numerical model is a 3D code which solves the linear equations of motion and takes into account the complete hydrodynamic forces in their linear form. The incident wave field can be either regular or multidirectional, making it possible to quantify the effects of directionality on the performances of the SEAREV device. The last developed numerical model solves the non-linear equations of motions in 3D space. The Froude-Krylov forces are taken into account on instantaneous total wetted surface, and the diffraction-radiation forces are expanded up to second-order. The incident wave field is modelled using spectral methods which allow for the modelling of strong steepness wave-trains. Numerical results obtained on regular wave-train and the comparisons made with experimental results are very satisfactory
Achet, Raphaël. "Groupe de Picard des groupes unipotents sur un corps quelconque." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Full textLet k be any field. In this Ph.D. dissertation we study the Picard group of the (smooth connected) unipotent k-algebraic groups.As every unipotent algebraic group is an iterated extension of forms of the additive group, we will study the Picard group of the forms of the additive group. In fact we study the Picard group of forms of the additive group and the affine line simultaneously using a geometric method. We obtain anexplicit upper bound on the torsion of the Picard group of the forms of the affine line and their regular completion, and a sufficient condition for the Picard group of a form of the affine line to be nontrivial. We also give examples of nontrivial forms of the affine line with trivial Picard groups.In general, a unipotent k-algebraic group is a form of the affine n-space. In order to study the Picard group of a form X of the affine n-space with a geometric method, we define a "restricted" Picard functor; we show that if X admits a regular completion then the "restricted" Picard functor is representable by a unipotent k-algebraic group (smooth, not necessarly connected). With this "restricted" Picard functor and geometric arguments we show that the Picard group of a unirational form of the affine n-space is finite. Moreover we generalise a result of B. Totaro: if k is separablyclosed and if the Picard group of a unipotent k-algebraic group is nontrivial then it admits a nontrivial extension by the multiplicative group
Porez, Mathieu. "Modèle dynamique analytique de la nage tridimensionnelle anguilliforme pour la robotique." Phd thesis, Nantes, 2007.
Full textThe presented work in this thesis is devoted to the development of a dynamic model for the anguilliform swim suited to the real time control of the future biomimetic "Eel-like robot" of the ROBEA-CNRS project of the same name. The computation of the interactions between a deformable body and the fluid, in which it moves, is a complex problem requiring the integration of the Navier-Stokes equations and the non-linear dynamic equations of the body enduring finished transformations. Pursuing goals of control for robotic, the suggested solution is based on the fusion of two theories: the Slender Body Theory of the fluid mechanic and Cosserat Beam Theory of the solid mechanic. The first theory models the 3-D flow around fish by the stratification "slices by slices" of the bidimensional flows and transverse with the principal axis of the animal's body. Basing on the second theory, the fish is modeled by a continuous assembly of rigid sections that represents the animal's vertebrae or the eel-like robot's rigid platforms. On the basis of this model,the purpose of the presented work is to establish the dynamics of the head and the vertebrae of fish in order to work out a numerical algorithm based on the "Newton-Euler formalism". Finally, the obtained simulator works in real time with a good level of precision (i. E. Lower than 10\%) compared with the numerical computations of the Navier-Stokes equations
Porez, Mathieu. "Modèle dynamique analytique de la nage tridimensionnelle anguilliforme pour la robotique." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2007.
Full textBooks on the topic "Corps parfaits"
Chopra, Docteur Deepak. Santé parfaite: Harmonie du corps et de l'esprit. PRESSES CHATELE, 2005.
Find full textJumel, Alain. 5 Points Précis du Corps Humain Pour une Santé Parfaite. Lulu Press, Inc., 2012.
Find full textMusculation Pour Femmes: Exercices et Conseils Importants Pour Construire un Corps Féminin Parfait. Independently Published, 2021.
Find full textParfait de l'indicatif Latin: Analyse Linguistique à Partir d'un Corpus Narratif Romanesque. Peeters Publishers & Booksellers, 2016.
Find full textBarthélémy, Rolland, and Pascal Le Guern. Le Manuel du parfait tricheur : Gagner à tous les coups aux jeux de société. Bornemann, 1997.
Find full textGuérison, Groupe. Programme D'entraînement: De Remise en Forme de Base. un Guide Pour un Corps Parfait Par le Groupe de Guérison. Independently Published, 2020.
Find full textGuérison, Groupe. Programme D'entraînement: De Remise en Forme de Base. un Guide Pour un Corps Parfait Par le Groupe de Guérison. Independently Published, 2020.
Find full textConnoissance Parfaite des Chevaux Contenant la Manière de les Gouverner Nourrir & Entretenir en Bon Corps, & de les Conserver Santé Dans les Voyages ... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.
Find full textConnoissance Parfaite des Chevaux Contenant la Manière de les Gouverner Nourrir & Entretenir en Bon Corps, & de les Conserver Santé Dans les Voyages ... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2019.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Corps parfaits"
Després, Aurore. "Corps Parfait – Corps Défait." In Danse et santé, 289–307. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2008.
Full text"Sémantique du passé composé en français moderne et exploration des rapports passé composé / passé simple dans un corpus de moyen français." In Aoristes et parfaits, 199–246. Brill | Rodopi, 2016.
Full textNascimento, Maria das Graças S. "Lumières et Histoire." In The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, 136–42. Philosophy Documentation Center, 1998.
Full textMeira do Nascimento, Mílton. "Le Legislateur et L’Ecrivain Politique Chez Rousseau." In The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, 173–79. Philosophy Documentation Center, 1998.
Full textOUVRARD, Louise. "Un corpus audiovisuel de chants funéraires malgaches au service de la médiation entre cultures éloignées." In Médier entre langues, cultures et identités : enjeux, outils, stratégies, 7–16. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
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