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Favarger, Alain. Corps d'encre: Fragments d'une autobiographie en mouvement. Vevey: Editions de l'Aire, 2001.

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Jamoulle, Pascale. Fragments d'intime: Amours, corps et solitudes aux marges urbaines. Paris: La Découverte, 2009.

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Jamoulle, Pascale. Fragments d'intime: Amours, corps et solitudes aux marges urbaines. Paris: La Découverte, 2009.

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Fragments d'intime: Amours, corps et solitudes aux marges urbaines. Paris: La Découverte, 2009.

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Roulin, Félix. Félix Roulin: Fragment, corps, dessin, sculpture, mythe, matière, modèle, écrit, empreinte. Gerpinnes, Belgique: Tandem, 1991.

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Heritage in fragments: The meaning of pasts for city centre residents. Utrecht: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 1999.

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Fragments of war: A marine's personal journey. Annaplois, Md: Naval Institute Press, 1999.

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Garelli, Jacques. Fragments d'un corps en archipel: Suivi de, Perception et imaginaire : réflexions sur un poème oublié de Rimbaud. Paris: Corti, 2008.

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D'Agostino, Franco. Neo-sumerian texts from Ur in the British Museum: Epigraphical and archaeological catalogue of an unpublished corpus of texts and fragments. Messina: DiScAM, 2004.

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Mazzoni, Stefania, and Franca Pecchioli, eds. The Uşaklı Höyük Survey Project (2008-2012). Florence: Firenze University Press, 2016.

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This book presents the results of the survey conducted by the University of Florence, in the years 2008-2012, at the site and in the surrounding territory of Uşaklı Höyük on the central Anatolian plateau in Turkey. Geological, geomorphological, topographic and geophysical research have provided new information and data relating to the environment and the settlement landscape, as well as producing new maps of the area and indicating the presence of large buried buildings on the site. Analysis of the rich corpus of pottery collected from the surface indicates that the site and its territory were continuously settled from the late Early Bronze Age through the Iron Age and down to the Late Roman and Byzantine periods. A few fragments of cuneiform tablets with Hittite texts, a sealing with two impressions of a stamp seal, and pottery stamps illustrate the importance of Uşaklı Höyük and support the hypothesis of its identification with the town of Zippalanda, known from the Hittite sources as a seat of the cult of the Storm God.
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Haaz, Ignace. Les conceptions du corps chez Ribot et Nietzsche: À partir des Fragments posthumes de Nietzsche, de la Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger et de la Recherche-Nietzsche. Paris: Harmattan, 2002.

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1925-, Eckart Karl-Gottfried, and Siegert Folker, eds. Das Corpus Hermeticum: Einschliesslich der Fragmente des Stobaeus. Münster: Lit, 1999.

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D'Ottone Rambach, Arianna, Konrad Hirschler, and Ronny Vollandt, eds. The Damascus Fragments. Ergon – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2020.

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This is the first volume aimed at placing the enormous set of fragments from the Qubbat al-khazna on the map of Middle Eastern history as a corpus. As much as its famous sibling, the Geniza of Cairo, the Qubba was ‘discovered’ in the 19th century, but its over 200,000 fragments have remained on the margins of scholarship so far. An international and interdisciplinary team of scholars has now come together to sketch the fascinating history of this collection and to map the extraordinarily varied multilingual, multireligious and multiscriptural written artefacts it contains. This book is essential reading for those interested in manuscript studies as well as in philology and Middle Eastern history. With contributions by Said Aljoumani, Serena Ammirati, Cordula Bandt, Gideon Bohak, Donatella Bucca, Francesco D’Aiuto, Arianna D’Ottone Rambach, Cüneyd Erbay, Gabriele Giannini, Konrad Hirschler, Miriam L. Hjälm, Fabio Ioppolo, Grigory Kessel, Levon Khachikyan, Boris Liebrenz, Christoph Markschies, Artashes Matevosyan, Laura Minervini, Arnd Rattmann, Ronny Vollandt
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Sacconi, Karen Amaral. Fragmentos de Aristófanes. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2020.

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Este trabalho tem por objetivo iluminar o corpus de fragmentos da comédia antiga, em geral ofuscado pelas 11 comédias preservadas de Aristófanes. Apresenta-se aqui a primeira tradução anotada, para o português, dos fragmentos do poeta cômico e de suas fontes. O volume contém ainda uma introdução dedicada às fontes desses excertos, do contexto em que surgiram e como se deu sua transmissão. Ele reúne e organiza informações úteis aos estudos sobre lexicografia e trata também da recepção de Aristófanes na própria antiguidade.
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Bons, Eberhard. Textual Criticism of the Prophetic Corpus. Edited by Carolyn J. Sharp. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter provides an introduction to the essential issues, questions, and methods of textual criticism of the prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the Twelve Minor Prophets). Particular focus is put on their major textual witnesses, i.e. the Masoretic Text (MT), the Septuagint as the oldest pre-Christian translation of the biblical text (LXX), the Qumran fragments of the prophetic corpus, and the Vulgate. The chapter confines itself to present basic text-critical issues of each of the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Minor prophets. Attention is paid to new methods and procedures using a number of selected examples, each of which illustrates a specific category of problems.
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TRISMEGISTE, HERMES. Corpus hermeticum: Tome IV : Fragments extraits de Stobée XXIII-XXIX. - Fragments divers. (Collection Des Universites De France Serie Grecque) (French Edition). Les Belles Lettres, 2009.

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Ioannis Antiocheni fragmenta quae supersunt omnia (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae) (Greek and English Edition). Walter de Gruyter, 2008.

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Pavan, Leonardo. Fragmentos de uma Mente Embaçada. Brazil Publishing, 2021.

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Você subestima sua própria inteligência ao mentir pra mim, pois está claro de todas as formas o quanto você está fazendo um esforço para sustentar essa história. Nada mais que o merecido, no momento, apenas estou retribuindo tudo o que você fez no passado para me trazer infelicidade. A felicidade é com toda a certeza todas as coisas e momentos de satisfação das suas necessidades egóicas a qual fui apenas o meio de satisfação? Isso tudo com uma grande pitada de sadomasoquismo... Muito bem e agora que estamos aqui neste porão escuro, convivemos para sobreviver? Em nenhum momento eu sequer tive a intenção de conviver... E com isso tirando a faca com o cabo de osso como um passe de mágica de dentro de sua roupa aproxima-se lentamente com um sorriso de satisfação entre lágrimas de tristeza, pela decisão que não foi tomada de forma deliberada por uma pessoa só. Então agora você é todos ao mesmo tempo? Eu sou o pai, o filho, e o espírito santo, o advogado, o promotor, o juiz o executor, eu sou você e eu, e todos nós ao mesmo tempo, eu sou o Carrasco EGO. Em rápido movimento a lâmina passa abrindo um novo sorriso vermelho no escritor... Agora vamos nós outra vez para o mesmo início. Dizendo isso, o andarilho corta seus pulsos e deita abraçado com o corpo ainda quente de seu próprio pai. Quando Pedro Afonso Maia vai até o porão de suas memórias encontra bem mais que material para escrever seu livro.
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Langin-Hooper, Stephanie M. Stronger at the Broken Places. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Hellenistic Babylonian figurines with separately made and attached limbs are not a uniform corpus in terms of their iconography or subject matter, but all leave similar visual traces of fragmentation on an otherwise complete miniature body. Rather than interpreting these visual “breaks” as simply an unfortunate side effect of these figurines’ manufacture, the chapter argues that the appearance of broken places actually enriched these objects’ affect by fixating and intensifying user interest on otherwise overlooked body parts. Strikingly, the artificial poses and hyper-real actions of fragmented figurine limbs all operated in the liminal zones of cultural contestation between Greeks and Babylonians: banqueting, childhood, male and female nudity, and sexual attraction. By depicting some of these most difficult points of cross-cultural contention in the miniature scale (where they were less threatening) and in fragmented form (where they were visually interesting), such figurines offered avenues into cross-cultural dialogue and communication.
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Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Great Britain Fascicule 20, the British Museum Fascicule 10: Fragments from Sir William Hamilton's Second Collection of Vases ... of Hms Colossus (Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum). British Museum Press, 2003.

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Knox, Daisy. Mediterranean—Cyprus. Edited by Timothy Insoll. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Prehistoric Cyprus was home to a surprisingly rich and varied corpus of three-dimensional figurative imagery, including anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines and figurative vessels, as well as models of inanimate objects in stone, clay, and copper. Beginning with the rare fragments discovered in Pre-Pottery Neolithic A contexts, Cyprus’ figurine record developed over several millennia into the diverse, island-wide, representative phenomena of the Bronze Age. This chapter explores the most pervasive and ongoing debates concerning the function and significance of these figurines—their use in ritual activities, their relevance to the gender discourse, and their use in the expression of identities. This will be conducted in light of recent theoretical developments in archaeology and, as ever on Cyprus, in the shadow of Aphrodite.
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Ferguson, Heather L. The Proper Order of Things. Stanford University Press, 2018.

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The Proper Order of Things demonstrates how early modern Ottoman territorial control, both in general practice and in the specific contexts of Greater Syria and occupied Hungary, was enabled through the creation of a particular web of textual authority. The book therefore focuses attention on an Ottoman paper trail of legal edicts, administrative reports, and reflective treatises that extended the jurisdiction of sovereign power through an evolving textual corpus. This corpus sublimated anxieties of fragmented regional power to assertions of imperial universalism. Formalized registers and circulated protocols fostered the development of a trifecta of imperial order: the emergence of an elite administrative class defined in and through an emerging court bureaucracy; the circulation of a documentary corpus of edicts that promulgated and registered imperial supremacy via a specific idiom of power; and the establishment of a dynastic linguistic and legal medium that defined the shape, even if it did not control the content, of intellectual activity, speculative inquiry, and literary stylizations. The Proper Order of Things thus argues that a link between territorial and textual authority also formalized a particular discourse that became the means by which the Ottoman establishment managed distance and organized diversity into an ordered system of state power. This discourse created a particular orientation to authoritative texts and bridged the divide between conceptual or ideological frameworks and administrative practices.
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TRISMEGISTE, HERMES. Hermes Trismegiste, Corpus Hermeticum: Tome III: Fragments Extraits de Stobee I-XXII.: 3 (Collection Des Universites De France Serie Grecque) (French Edition). Les Belles Lettres, 2002.

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Guevara de Alvarez, María Estela. Sentencias de Esquilo. Teseo, 2020.

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<p>Desde los inicios de la literatura griega hasta el fin de la Antigüedad los autores griegos manifiestan un particular gusto por el uso de expresiones sentenciosas. Emanada de un legado tradicional, la <em>gnome</em> (sentencia) define el modo griego de transmitir la sabiduría arcaica y se presta, a la vez, al juego de interpretaciones que cada poeta le asigna. Este libro ofrece una recopilación de las sentencias que aparecen en la obra de Esquilo, el primero de los grandes trágicos griegos de época clásica. El catálogo recorre las siete tragedias conservadas (<em>Persas</em>, <em>Siete contra Tebas</em>, <em>Suplicantes</em>, <em>Agamenón</em>, <em>Coéforas</em>, <em>Euménides</em>, <em>Prometeo</em> <em>encadenado</em>) y la totalidad de los fragmentos atribuidos a Esquilo. El hecho de que el propio poeta haya concebido sus <em>gnomai</em> con la pretensión de una validez universal nos invita a una lectura atenta del corpus de sentencias para alcanzar, por esta vía, una comprensión más honda de su teatro.</p>
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Sammons, Benjamin. Device and Composition in the Greek Epic Cycle. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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From a corpus of Greek epics known in antiquity as the “Epic Cycle,” six poems dealt with the same Trojan War mythology as the Homeric poems. Though they are now lost, these poems were much read and much discussed in ancient times, not only for their content but for their mysterious relationship with the more famous works attributed to Homer. This study shows that these lost poems belonged, compositionally, to essentially the same tradition as the Homeric poems. It demonstrates that various compositional devices well-known from the Homeric epics were also fundamental to the narrative construction of these later works. Yet while the “cyclic” poets constructed their works using the same traditional devices as Homer, they used these to different ends and with different results. The essential difference between cyclic and Homeric epics lies not in the fundamental building blocks from which they are constructed, but in the scale of these components relative to the overall construction of poems. This sheds important light on the early history of epic as a genre, since it is likely that these devices originally developed to provide large-scale structure to shorter poems and have been put to quite different use in the composition of the monumental Homeric epics. This study includes many new suggestions about the overall form of lost cyclic epics and about the meaning and context of the few surviving verse fragments.
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Hunter Evans, Jasmine. David Jones and Rome. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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This interdisciplinary and archival study explores the reception of ancient Rome in the artistic, literary, and philosophical works of David Jones (1895–1974)—the Anglo-Welsh, Roman Catholic, First World War veteran. Across his oeuvre, Jones shaped his innovative conception of contemporary Western civilisational decline on the basis of a complex and dynamic understanding of ancient Rome. His reimagining of Rome was not founded on a classical education, but fashioned from his own experiences, extensive reading, and, most importantly, the dialogues surrounding Rome’s relationship with the modern world which were prevalent in his society. Taking Jones’s Rome as its focus, this book provides an intellectual history of his art and thought. It covers four central areas of twentieth-century discourse that were themselves built upon intricate and conflicting representations of Rome: British political rhetoric, cyclical history, the Catholic cultural revival, and the Welsh nationalist movement. Tracing Jones’s developing approach to Rome across these contexts—through critical analysis of his poetic fragments, watercolours, essays, letters, marginalia, and vast corpus of unique and powerful painted inscriptions—demonstrates how his Roman vision emerged from a deep fear that Western civilisation was in decline and a heartfelt desire to use Rome productively to fight against modern degeneration. In this way, Rome appears in Jones’s works both as a symbol of transhistorical imperialism, totalitarianism, and the mechanisation of life, and simultaneously as the cultural and religious progenitor of the West, and in particular, of Wales, with which the modern world must reconnect if decline was to be avoided.
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Camacho Ángeles, María Montserrat. Catálogo de piezas prehispánicas del estado de Hidalgo. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, 2016.

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Aunque el presente catálogo podría presentarse en una lujosa edición completamente inaccesible para los estudiantes y el público en general, ya que en estos días la edición en un buen papel a color resulta sorprendentemente cara, nuestro propósito, además de reportar el producto de una investigación a los estudiosos, es también ofrecer un documento práctico y útil para sectores mayores de la población. Nos interesa aportar no solo a los especialistas interesados en el arte, la iconografía o la historia prehispánica, y a los estudiantes de estos campos, sino también a la población general y especialmente a la gente de un estado que a pesar de tener una alta valoración de su pasado prehispánico y vivir en una tierra que literalmente ebulle de restos arqueológicos, no cuenta con un gran museo que centralice una visión general de la escultura elaborada en estas tierras durante la época prehispánica. La presente publicación reúne una buena cantidad de piezas, capaces de esbozar tal visión general. No es —y ahora sabemos que no podría ser— un trabajo exhaustivo, pero sí nos permite percibir la riqueza del todo a partir de esta colección. Para lograr una muestra representativa no hemos desdeñado las piezas menores, en la medida de nuestra capacidad. Es claro, que si debiéramos considerar cada fragmento de cerámica, cada figurilla, cada piedra pulida de las que afloran casi espontáneamente del suelo o como producto de las excavaciones profesionales del inah, el catálogo sería interminable y monótono. Pero tampoco sería confiable para dar una idea del patrimonio escultórico, si solamente contuviera las obras mayores y más impresionantes del amplio corpus que puede conformarse.
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Kiszka, Krzysztof. Ruchy osuwiskowe w świetle badań dendrogeomorfologicznych na podstawie analizy osuwiska Sawickiego w Beskidzie Niskim = Landsilde movements based on dendrogeomorphological research based on a analysis of the Sawicki Landslide in the Beskid Niski mts. Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania im. Stanisława Leszczyckiego, Polska Akademia Nauk, 2021.

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Research concerns the problem of landslide movement, which is one of the most important geomorphological processes in the Carpathians. The aim of the studies is to determine the temporal and spatial complexity of landslide activity and to demonstrate the suitability of using different species of conifers in the dendrogeomorphological method. The Sawicki landslide located in Beskid Niski Mts., which is one of the largest landslides in the Polish Flysch Carpathians, was selected for dendrogeomorphological analysis. The dendrogeomorphological method and geomorphological mapping were used in the research. 1078 samples from conifers (fir, spruce, larch and pine) growing on the Sawicki landslide and its immediate surroundings were taken using an increment borer in 2013- 2018. The cores were taken from the upslope and downslope side of the tree stump. The width of annual tree rings were measured for each extracted core sample. The landslide activity was assessed on the basis of the eccentricity, the eccentricity index and its yearly variation. Geological and topographic maps, published data on landslides activity in the research area, precipitation data from the Research Station in Szymbark (Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Science) for 1968-2017 and from the meteorological station in Krynica (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management) for 1881-2010 were also used for dendrogeomorphological research of Sawicki landslide. The research shows that the Sawicki landslide is characterized by varied temporal and spatial complexity of landslide activity. The dynamics of displacements within the research sites and research sub-sites, including various fragments of landslides, and movements of colluvial packages is spatially mosaic and chaotic in time. Mass movements covering almost the entire surface of the landslide occurred in the years 1913-1914 and 1974-1975, while in the years 1888, 1906-1907, 1916, 1918, 1929, 1965, 1973, 1980, 1983-1985, 1997 landslide activity was recorded only in its particular parts. The largest variation in the dynamics of landslide movements is characteristic for the period 1970-1985. It was also found that in the initial stage of formation of the landslide tongue, the colluviums movement is disordered. During further downhill movement, the direction of displacement is arranged. Periods of Sawicki landslide activity refers to extremely humid years (62%) and wet years (48%) and they are consistent with the years of landslides activity in Szymbark, listed in the current literature of the subject. The most predisposed conifer species to dendrogeomorphological analysis were spruce, larch and fir. Despite its limitations, the dendrogeomorphological method is a useful tool in landslide activity research.
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Stein, Elizabeth Ann. Information and Civil Unrest in Dictatorships. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Considering incidents that make headline news internationally, given the modern information and communication technology revolution, the facility of citizens to rapidly mobilize represents a considerable threat to autocratic survival. While the speed with which popular movements emerge has increased exponentially, and the news of their existence spreads faster and farther, civil unrest has threatened the stability and survival of dictators for centuries. The paranoia and machinations of dictators depicted in films, such as the portrayal of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland, while sensationalized, capture the astounding array of threats with which unelected leaders must concern themselves. On the one hand, they must worry about insider threats to their standing, such as conspiratorial plots from people within the dictator’s own circle or mutiny among government soldiers. On the other hand, dictators also must monitor threats originating from non-regime actors, such as new alliances forming among once-fragmented opposition groups or the possibility of sustained insurgency or a popular revolution. From force to finesse, autocratic leaders have developed a broad and evolving range of tactics and tools to diminish both internal and external domestic threats to their reign. The success of dictators’ endeavors to insulate their regimes from forces that might challenge them depends on accurate and reliable information, a resource that can be as valuable to the leader as would a large armory and loyal soldiers. Dictators invest significant resources (monetary as well as human capital) to try to gather useful information about their existing and potential opponents, while also trying to control and shape information emitted by the regime before it reaches the public. New information and communication technologies (ICTs), which have drawn a great deal of scholarly attention since the beginning of the 21st century—present both risks and rewards for dictators; inversely they also create new opportunities and hazards for citizens who might utilize them to mobilize people opposed to the regime. While civil unrest could encompass the full range of domestic, nonmilitary actors, there also needs to be a specific focus on various forms of mass mobilization. Historically, more dictators have been forced from office by elite-initiated overthrows via coups d’état than have fallen to revolution or fled amid street protests. Civil unrest, in its many forms, can affect autocratic survival or precipitate regime breakdown. While mass-based revolutions have been a relatively rare phenomenon to date, the actions of many 21st-century dictators indicate that they increasingly concern themselves with the threats posed by popular protests and fear its potential for triggering broader antigovernment campaigns. The ease of access to information (or the lack thereof) help explain interactions between authoritarian regimes and citizens emphasizes. The role of information in popular antigovernment mobilization has evolved and changed how dictators gather and utilize information to prevent or counter civil unrest that might jeopardize their own survival as well as that of the regime.
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