Journal articles on the topic 'Coq (assistant de preuve)'
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Gäher, Lennard, Michael Sammler, Ralf Jung, Robbert Krebbers, and Derek Dreyer. "RefinedRust: A Type System for High-Assurance Verification of Rust Programs." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8, PLDI (June 20, 2024): 1115–39.
Full textZhou, Litao, Jianxing Qin, Qinshi Wang, Andrew W. Appel, and Qinxiang Cao. "VST-A: A Foundationally Sound Annotation Verifier." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8, POPL (January 5, 2024): 2069–98.
Full textVOEVODSKY, VLADIMIR. "An experimental library of formalized Mathematics based on the univalent foundations." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 25, no. 5 (January 20, 2015): 1278–94.
Full textMAHBOUBI, ASSIA. "Implementing the cylindrical algebraic decomposition within the Coq system." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 17, no. 1 (February 2007): 99–127.
Full textZúñiga, Angel, and Gemma Bel-Enguix. "Coinductive Natural Semantics for Compiler Verification in Coq." Mathematics 8, no. 9 (September 12, 2020): 1573.
Full textWang, Qian, Xiaoyu Song, Ming Gu, and Jiaguang Sun. "Functional Verification of High Performance Adders in COQ." Journal of Applied Mathematics 2014 (2014): 1–9.
Full textForster, Yannick, Dominik Kirst, and Dominik Wehr. "Completeness theorems for first-order logic analysed in constructive type theory." Journal of Logic and Computation 31, no. 1 (January 2021): 112–51.
Full textPELAYO, ÁLVARO, VLADIMIR VOEVODSKY, and MICHAEL A. WARREN. "A univalent formalization of the p-adic numbers." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 25, no. 5 (February 13, 2015): 1147–71.
Full textSacchini, Jorge Luis. "Towards a New Termination Checker for the Coq Proof Assistant." Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings, no. 2011 (November 2011): CSP23.
Full textHuet, Gérard. "Residual theory in λ-calculus: a formal development." Journal of Functional Programming 4, no. 3 (July 1994): 371–94.
Full textAVIGAD, JEREMY, KRZYSZTOF KAPULKIN, and PETER LEFANU LUMSDAINE. "Homotopy limits in type theory." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 25, no. 5 (January 19, 2015): 1040–70.
Full textEkici, Burak. "A Sound Definitional Interpreter for a Simply Typed Functional Language." Axioms 12, no. 1 (December 30, 2022): 43.
Full textRouquet, Karine. "David Lynch." Revista Estado da Arte 2, no. 1 (June 15, 2021): 1–15.
Full textGruetter, Samuel, Viktor Fukala, and Adam Chlipala. "Live Verification in an Interactive Proof Assistant." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8, PLDI (June 20, 2024): 1535–58.
Full textForster, Yannick, Matthieu Sozeau, and Nicolas Tabareau. "Verified Extraction from Coq to OCaml." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8, PLDI (June 20, 2024): 52–75.
Full textMichelland, Sébastien, Yannick Zakowski, and Laure Gonnord. "Abstract Interpreters: A Monadic Approach to Modular Verification." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8, ICFP (August 15, 2024): 602–29.
Full textAffeldt, Reynald, Naoki Kobayashi, and Akinori Yonezawa. "Verification of Concurrent Programs Using the Coq Proof Assistant: A Case Study." IPSJ Digital Courier 1 (2005): 117–27.
Full textBöhne, Sebastian, and Christoph Kreitz. "Learning how to Prove: From the Coq Proof Assistant to Textbook Style." Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 267 (March 2, 2018): 1–18.
Full textCohen, Joshua M., and Philip Johnson-Freyd. "A Formalization of Core Why3 in Coq." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8, POPL (January 5, 2024): 1789–818.
Full textFu, Yaoshun, and Wensheng Yu. "Formalization of the Equivalence among Completeness Theorems of Real Number in Coq." Mathematics 9, no. 1 (December 25, 2020): 38.
Full textDanvy, Olivier. "Getting There and Back Again." Fundamenta Informaticae 185, no. 2 (May 2, 2022): 115–83.
Full textBONIFATI, ANGELA, STEFANIA DUMBRAVA, and EMILIO JESÚS GALLEGO ARIAS. "Certified Graph View Maintenance with Regular Datalog." Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 18, no. 3-4 (July 2018): 372–89.
Full textHIRAI, YOICHI, and KAZUHIKO YAMAMOTO. "Balancing weight-balanced trees." Journal of Functional Programming 21, no. 3 (May 2011): 287–307.
Full textJin, Ende, Nada Amin, and Yizhou Zhang. "Extensible Metatheory Mechanization via Family Polymorphism." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7, PLDI (June 6, 2023): 1608–32.
Full textCHLIPALA, ADAM. "Modular development of certified program verifiers with a proof assistant,." Journal of Functional Programming 18, no. 5-6 (August 15, 2008): 599–647.
Full textGladstein, Vladimir, Dmitrii Mikhailovskii, Evgenii Moiseenko, and Anton Trunov. "Mechanized Theory of Event Structures: A Case of Parallel Register Machine." Proceedings of the Institute for System Programming of the RAS 33, no. 3 (2021): 143–54.
Full textSEWELL, PETER, FRANCESCO ZAPPA NARDELLI, SCOTT OWENS, GILLES PESKINE, THOMAS RIDGE, SUSMIT SARKAR, and ROK STRNIŠA. "Ott: Effective tool support for the working semanticist." Journal of Functional Programming 20, no. 1 (January 2010): 71–122.
Full textPAŞCA, IOANA. "Formal proofs for theoretical properties of Newton's method." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 21, no. 4 (July 1, 2011): 683–714.
Full textGopinathan, Kiran, Mayank Keoliya, and Ilya Sergey. "Mostly Automated Proof Repair for Verified Libraries." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7, PLDI (June 6, 2023): 25–49.
Full textYan, Sheng, and Wensheng Yu. "Formal Verification of a Topological Spatial Relations Model for Geographic Information Systems in Coq." Mathematics 11, no. 5 (February 21, 2023): 1079.
Full textZhou, Li, Gilles Barthe, Pierre-Yves Strub, Junyi Liu, and Mingsheng Ying. "CoqQ: Foundational Verification of Quantum Programs." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7, POPL (January 9, 2023): 833–65.
Full textBourke, Timothy, Basile Pesin, and Marc Pouzet. "Verified Compilation of Synchronous Dataflow with State Machines." ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 22, no. 5s (September 9, 2023): 1–26.
Full textChlipala, Adam. "Skipping the binder bureaucracy with mixed embeddings in a semantics course (functional pearl)." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 5, ICFP (August 22, 2021): 1–28.
Full textBLANQUI, FRÉDÉRIC, and ADAM KOPROWSKI. "CoLoR: a Coq library on well-founded rewrite relations and its application to the automated verification of termination certificates." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 21, no. 4 (July 1, 2011): 827–59.
Full textTassarotti, Joseph, and Jean-Baptiste Tristan. "Verified Density Compilation for a Probabilistic Programming Language." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7, PLDI (June 6, 2023): 615–37.
Full textPoiret, Josselin, Gaëtan Gilbert, Kenji Maillard, Pierre-Marie Pédrot, Matthieu Sozeau, Nicolas Tabareau, and Éric Tanter. "All Your Base Are Belong to Us: Sort Polymorphism for Proof Assistants." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 9, POPL (January 7, 2025): 2253–81.
Full textMagaud, Nicolas. "Integrating an Automated Prover for Projective Geometry as a New Tactic in the Coq Proof Assistant." Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 336 (July 7, 2021): 40–47.
Full textMoiseenko, E. V., V. P. Gladstein, A. V. Podkopaev, and D. V. Koznov. "Mechanization of pomset languages in the Coq proof assistant for the specification of weak memory models." Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics 22, no. 3 (June 1, 2022): 517–27.
Full textBirkedal, Lars, Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Armaël Guéneau, Guilhem Jaber, Kasper Svendsen, and Nikos Tzevelekos. "Theorems for free from separation logic specifications." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 5, ICFP (August 22, 2021): 1–29.
Full textIqbal, Saima, Wilayat Khan, Abdulrahman Alothaim, Aamir Qamar, Adi Alhudhaif, and Shtwai Alsubai. "Proving Reliability of Image Processing Techniques in Digital Forensics Applications." Security and Communication Networks 2022 (March 31, 2022): 1–17.
Full textBARTHE, GILLES, DAVID PICHARDIE, and TAMARA REZK. "A certified lightweight non-interference Java bytecode verifier." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 23, no. 5 (May 17, 2013): 1032–81.
Full textRAHLI, VINCENT, and MARK BICKFORD. "Validating Brouwer's continuity principle for numbers using named exceptions." Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 28, no. 6 (November 2, 2017): 942–90.
Full textMelquiond, Guillaume, and Josué Moreau. "A Safe Low-Level Language for Computer Algebra and Its Formally Verified Compiler." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8, ICFP (August 15, 2024): 121–46.
Full textJia, Xiaodong, Ashish Kumar, and Gang Tan. "A derivative-based parser generator for visibly Pushdown grammars." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 5, OOPSLA (October 20, 2021): 1–24.
Full textBagnall, Alexander, Gordon Stewart, and Anindya Banerjee. "Formally Verified Samplers from Probabilistic Programs with Loops and Conditioning." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7, PLDI (June 6, 2023): 1–24.
Full textLiu, Yiyun, Jonathan Chan, and Stephanie Weirich. "Consistency of a Dependent Calculus of Indistinguishability." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 9, POPL (January 7, 2025): 183–209.
Full textMuller, Jean-Michel, and Laurence Rideau. "Formalization of Double-Word Arithmetic, and Comments on “Tight and Rigorous Error Bounds for Basic Building Blocks of Double-Word Arithmetic”." ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 48, no. 1 (March 31, 2022): 1–24.
Full textFILLIÂTRE, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE. "Verification of non-functional programs using interpretations in type theory." Journal of Functional Programming 13, no. 4 (June 25, 2003): 709–45.
Full textDejon, Nicolas, Chrystel Gaber, and Gilles Grimaud. "Pip-MPU: Formal Verification of an MPU-Based Separationkernel for Constrained Devices." International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 13, no. 02 (June 27, 2023): 1–21.
Full textGregersen, Simon Oddershede, Alejandro Aguirre, Philipp G. Haselwarter, Joseph Tassarotti, and Lars Birkedal. "Asynchronous Probabilistic Couplings in Higher-Order Separation Logic." Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 8, POPL (January 5, 2024): 753–84.
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