Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Coopération culturelle – France – Allemagne'
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Brodersen, Hans. "La diplomatie culturelle de l'Allemagne et de la France face aux mutations de l'Europe centrale et orientale (1985 à 1994)." Paris 8, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA081974.
Full textKeller-Michaux, Astrid. "La Pologne et sa coopération culturelle avec la France et l'Allemagne : la coopération bilatérale et trilatérale de la Pologne avec ces deux pays entre 1990 et 1998." Nancy 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NAN21033.
Full textThis thesis is grounded in the context of post-'89 Europe and in anticipation of Poland's accession to the European Union. The thesis examines Poland's "return to Europe", in particular the new cultural relations it has developed since 1990 with Germany and France. The thesis also explores the political cooperation that the three countries have undertaken both bilaterally and trilaterally within the Weimar Triangle framework since 1991, and which has grown to include other spheres, notably cultural and educational. The thesis' central theme, that of culture in Poland, is initially examined from historical, political, social and self-identificatory points of view. The question of bilateral and trilateral cultural cooperation finishes the study of culture in Poland, and compells the author to make use of several disciplines - historic, political, economic and sociology - in order to bring to light the real motivations and agendas at stake. In effect, the past permits us to not only better understand the present state of relations and social perception among the three countries, but also to measure the political and socio-cultural accomplishments of the Weimar Triangle project. In presenting the evolution of these social and cultural representations, the author emphasizes that more needs to be done, in other Western countries as well as in France and Germany, to promote a better understanding of Poland and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The study of France's and Germany's cultural and linguistic presence in Poland demonstrates on the one hand the different conceptions that these two countries have of culture, but on the other hand reveals that these competing instruments of cultural policy are creating positive sentiments, are promoting foreign language study, and are giving Europe a more human face
Cousin, Gaëlle. "Les "musiques actuelles" : discours politique, promotion et diffusion à l'étranger de 2007 à 2017 (à l'exemple de l'Allemagne)." Thesis, Nantes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NANT2046.
Full textThis work starts from the observation that the “musiques actuelles”, French concept difficult to translate, found in Germany a public and a very open market. It questions the reasons for this success, which can be sought in the dynamics specific to the German music scene and in the implementation of a voluntarist policy of French actors. The research, spanning different scientific fields, is deployed both in France and in Germany and its analysis focuses on the analysis of political discourses and the statements of experts. The researcher tests the legitimacy of the French voluntarist cultural policy to renew knowledge about French cultural policies and support for the export of actual music. The thesis reflects the motivations of the State and the aid mechanisms for export. The competitiveness of the German music market is revealed by the interviewer by the confrontation of the statements. Analyzing the period between 2007 and 2017 allows us to under-stand how the structuring of a sector accompanies the contemporary changes in the music industry. Understanding the specifics aspects of the German market through the prism of its acceptance towards foreign music shows the possibility of a convergence between the habits of the German consumer and the peculiarities of the French “musiques actuelles”, creating a niche where cultural diversity, creativity and Francophilia meet each other. This work identifies the activity of French “musiques actuelles” in Germany still as a marginal practice. The reconsideration of this practice makes it possible to define a new model of export support pointing towards a wider communication in France on the realities of the German market
Fuhry, Marc. "Différences culturelles et inefficience-X dans la coopération internationale entre firmes : une transposition au contexte franco-allemand." Aix-Marseille 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999AIX32041.
Full textFlucke, Franziska. "Bilingualer Geschichtsunterricht in Deutschland und Frankreich : ein Beitrag zu einem europäischen Geschichtsbewusstsein im Kontext der deutschfranzösischen Kulturbeziehungen seit 1945?" Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LORR0264.
Full textIn 2013, France and Germany are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the Élysée Treaty. This bilateral treaty, signed on 22 January 1963 by the President of the French Republic Charles de Gaulle and the German Chancellor Conrad Adenauer, sealed an exceptional partnership between France and Germany in the field of education. Following the treaty in 1969, the first bilingual French-German classes were established in German and French high schools. The students had to improve their knowledge of the French or German language in order to create new elite for a common Europe built as a third power in the context of the Cold War. The concept of Content and Language Integrated Learning (= CLIL) spread rapidly from the 1990s onwards following the Maastricht contract. Today, it is highly valued in the context of European language policy in order to promote "multilingualism". In France, the international sections were set up in 1981 and the European sections in 1992. France and Germany were the first to create a double diploma, the "AbiBac", created in 1994, enables the students to pass the German and the French Secondary School examination simultaneously. The priority is to develop intercultural skills through the reciprocal knowledge of the two cultures. The thesis aims at a comparison and evaluation of the didactic added value of bilingual education in France and Germany and deals the following questions: To what extent does bilingual teaching add value to the student's historical knowledge and skills? Can we observe an acquisition of a Franco-German and/or European competence? For this, we use the German concept of "historical consciousness" ("Geschichtsbewusstsein") as a heuristic instrument and place it in a European perspective. In the first part of this thesis, we present the development of this cooperation in the historical and cultural context of the Franco-German cooperation. The second part deals with the daily teaching practice and die the cross cultural potential of history teaching as CLIL. Thus, we note that bilingual education enables young people to orient themselves in European contexts by using their specific historical knowledge and skills acquired in school, provided that the education is based on close cooperation between the actors of the two countries. The interdisciplinary and intercultural approach of this project, the association of university research and practical experience in High-schools are the keys of this thesis
Favero, Ebel Armelle. "Bernard Lallement, diplomate et musicien : les chorales franco-allemandes et le traité de l'Élysée." Thesis, Littoral, 2022. https://documents.univ-littoral.fr/access/content/group/50b76a52-4e4b-4ade-a198-f84bc4e1bc3c/BULCO/Th%C3%A8ses/HLLI/119725_FAVERO_2022_archivage.pdf.
Full textBernard Lallement, French choir director and diplomat, spent his entire professional career in the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was the first posted to Berlin in 1965 at the time of the Cold War. In the framework of the Élysée Treaty signed two years earlier by Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer, he used his diplomatic skills to develop cooperation between the Germans and the French around choral singing. In fifteen years, he created the first four Franco-German choirs (CFAs) in the cities where he was in office : Berlin, Munich, Paris and Bonn. In 1982, he founded the Federation of CFAs, which includes today ten choirs in Germany and seven choirs in France. His tenacity has made him a key player in civil society engaged in cultural and human relations. Bernard Lallement has always been convinced, together with the signatories of the treaty that young people have a major to play in reconciliation and cooperation. He worked as Deputy Secretary General of the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ) from 1979 to 1983. Alongside his professional career, music has been an integral part of his life, both with his composing and direction of choirs. Music and Politics come together on the occasion of the Franco-German commemorative concerts. From the singing of the Treaty in 1963 until its most recent update in Aachen in 2019, the musician diplomat has promoted the cooperation and the deepening of integration between French, German and wider European citizens. OFAJ has become the reference for the youth of other countries. Thanks to Bernard Lallement, the choirshave become the best ambassadors from promoting lasting franco-german relationships
Outaleb, Serarfi Azeddine. "La coopération culturelle et technique franco-marocaine." Nice, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986NICE0016.
Full textThuriot, Fabrice. "Decentralisation culturelle et territoires." Reims, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998REIMD003.
Full textDecentralization implies the attribution of state power to regional and local authorities. But in the cultural sector, european comparisons show the difficulty in distributing powers according to domains of activity. Another method consists in having the functional and the territorial approaches overlap in order to determine which cultural roles and financial obligations each public authority has to assume. In applying this method to france, one can aim for a better cultural planning and development of regional and local areas, on the condition of having a reinforced cooperation. One must, on the one hand, stay on the road of establishing contracts, initiated by the government, already including planification contracts between the state and the regions and cultural development agreements with all kinds of local authorities, by extending them to contracts among themselves and with the deconcentrated state. One should, on the other hand, consider the inclusion of new partners and territorial entities that are emerging by virtue of the subsidiarity principle. Regional (state and decentralized) authorities have become intermediaries of the european union cultural actions and regional policies, that can be also transfrontier or interregional. Communes, for their part, are invited to work together as nearby neighbours or in a network, relying on their cultural actors. Furthermore, towns and cities must more intensely take into account their neighbourhoods, suburbs and rural surroundings. Geographical, cultural, economic or social subregions ("pays" in france) and metropolitan areas are perhaps the important entities of the future, but one must then distinguish the cultural actions in the proximity from the structuring cultural policies with largescale means and wide-ranging events, according to their areas of influence
Pruvot, Muriel. "Recompositions de l'action culturelle publique : la coopération culturelle transfrontalière franco-espagnole (zones centrale et orientale)." Grenoble 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004GRE21021.
Full textRosen, Ingrid. "Le "Goethe-Institut" : son histoire et son rôle dans la politique culturelle extérieure allemande." Paris 8, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA081368.
Full textCultural policy in foreign affairs remains a field relatively unknown by scientific studies. Although institutions and organisations with impact on that area of international relationship are currently implicated into the everyday work of host countries' administrations, underlying structures and historical roots do not appear clearly. The situation seems particularly complicated as far as german cultural policy abroad is concerned. It is determinated by a rather great number of public, semi-public and private organisations. The goethe-institute is one of them. Mostly known as a creation of the federal republic of germany it belongs truely to the outcomes of the twenties. The institute's activities have not been interrupted considerably by political discontinuity in german history. Its multifunctional structures and flexibility did meet with general political outline and so guaranteed the organisation's survival throughout the years. The institute remains nevertheless an initially private initiative under the law of associations and no public service instaured by government. It therefore has to be considered as a body defending particular interests above all ; it outspreading german culture can not claim overall representative function. Parallels between the institute and similar british, french or italian institutions are rather superficial notwithstanding exemplesetting function of the last-mentionned to german cultural organisations
Wu, Chin-Wen. "La coopération entre les personnes publiques en droit public français en matière culturelle." Aix-Marseille 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AIX32028.
Full textThe relationship between the public juridical persons has never been a final subject. The cooperation between the public juridical persons is not only the aspect of analyzing such relation, but also the consequence of the evolution and the realization of "decentralization", and the development of the contractualization. The initialization of decentralization has caused the changes in the traditional roles of the nation and other public juridical persons. In general, this thesis aims to analyze tha approaches, the possibilities and the modes of cooperation between the public juridical persons. Although analyzing the cultural matter is one of the aspects of researching this subject, through observation of the cultural matter, the cooperation between the public juridical persons could be justified
Dimer, Sébastien. "La coopération franco-allemande en matière de sécurité depuis 1982." Grenoble 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996GRE21033.
Full textThe international system has a great influence on the francogerman cooperation about security. At the end of the seventies, the international bipolar system became tighter and the franco-german "couple" did not have the possibility to progress : the two countries -and particularly germany- had to respect the discipline of the alliance and to align on the politics of the bloc-leader actor (the united states). In 1985, gorbatchev comes into office in ussr, and the bipolar system becomes progressively looser. So france and germany can take initiatives for their bilateral cooperation because they have more possibilities to act in the loose bipolar system. They set up for example the franco-german brigade and the franco-german security council. In 1989-91, the international bipolar system collapses, and the franco-german cooperation must adapt : it is no more the same germany, it is no more the same franco-german alliance, and it is no more the same international system. So it appears new opportunities and new dangers for the bilateral cooperation and for the fundamental aim of the two countries : the european union
Haize, Daniel. "L'action culturelle et de coopération de la France à l'étranger : un réseau, des hommes." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON10065.
Full textStudies on French foreign cultural policy, the so-called "soft power", almost always treat the issue from a "top-down" viewpoint focusing on the State policy. The analysis of the governance of French foreign cultural policy through the prism of the field ("bottom-up analysis"), which is the purpose of this research, shows that its center is based on its actors (the "network" abroad and the men who work within it) rather than being formulated by the central Department of the Foreign Office. Foreign cultural policy is a public policy which substance should therefore be valued from local initiatives as well as from speeches and rules: it may then be seen as the setting of cultural activities designed and conducted by the agents of the cultural network abroad. This research is based on a documentary analysis which includes the “grey literature” (internal and parliamentary reports, etc), the press, a specific survey within diplomatic posts and the results of a personal experience
Chibret, René-Pierre. "Les associations écologiques en France et en Allemagne : une analyse culturelle de la mobilisation collective." Paris 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA010291.
Full textRichert, Denni Karen Barbara. "La frontière entre la France et l'Allemagne (1861-2006) : d'une ligne qui sépare au pont qui unit ?" Strasbourg 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006STR20067.
Full textRelying on the concept of visible and invisible borders, the thesis analyzes the transformation of the relations between France and Germany from 1861 to today, as well as the evolution of the nation-state and the development of a new transnational community which the Eurodistrict Strasbourg-Ortenau represents. The work is divided into three parts: a theoretical framework focusing on the multiplicity of borders and the theories on nationalism, an analysis of the Franco-German relations in the border region of Strasbourg-Kehl through its bridges over the Rhine, and the concept of the Franco-German Eurodistrict which transcends national borders. After having transposed the borderland concept to the French-German border, we develop the theses of a transnational society. Old Franco-German antagonism could be resolved in the social construction of the Eurodistrict, a new political entity whose success will strongly depend on the participation of its citizens
Zein, Nazirah. "La politique culturelle de la France au Maroc (1956 - 1974)." Thesis, Nantes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NANT2036.
Full textThis PhD analyses the French cultural diplomacy in Morocco, from the independence in 1956 to the death of the French president Pompidou in 1974. This diplomacy deals with the fields of French education, cultural and artistic action and educative cooperation. The aim is to show how on the one hand this regional cultural diplomacy is in accordance with the one which France applies through the world and which contributes to the global effort to recover the status of a great power during the decolonization. On the other hand, it examines how Morocco holds an important place in the global French cultural diplomacy, a place serving the Gaullist project, but which is also constructing itself by an independent way. That is why this PhD tries to understand the process of construction of the French “university and cultural mission” in Morocco, in charge with the influence of the language and culture and so which is representative of this general cultural diplomacy. By this way, it tries to clarify the relations between the central administration of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and its external services abroad, and their consequences on the decisions and their applications. By studying the evolution of the French efforts in Morocco, it also tries to assess the effect of the international modifications on this cultural diplomacy and how the French way of looking at the ex-protectorate changes. This research tries finally to identify the factors which make possible the construction of the cultural relation, beyond the politic considerations and the logics of influence
Sid-Otmane, Rania. "L'Institut français de Fribourg-en-Brisgau : définition d'une politique culturelle française en Allemagne (1945-1982)." Aix-Marseille 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX10005.
Full textKegel, Niels. "Coopération et compétitivité : une comparaison du secteur des composants automobiles en France et en Allemagne." Nice, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996NICE0005.
Full textIn the first part a number of theories of industrial organization are examined concerning their capacity to shed light on the relationship between interfirm cooperation and competitiveness. Central to this examen are four intermediary variables which are, at the same time, likely to be stimulated by cooperations as well as to influence competitiveness : costs, structural dimensions, technological competence, internationalization. The second part is devoted to the automotive components industry. The conclusions drawn from theory are, with the help of the four variables identified before, transposed on the reality of this particular industry. Finally a comparison between german and french practices of cooperative organization in the automotive components industry is proposed
Defrance, Corine. "L'influence française sur la rive gauche du Rhin : fondements politiques de l'action culturelle de la France en Allemagne, 1945-1955." Paris 4, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA040027.
Full textThis dissertation examines the interaction between the cultural politics-denazification and reeducation - of the french military governement on the left bank of the rhine (saarland excluded) and the state of french policy towards germany as a whole. If the founding of a rhenish university in mainz could be regarded as part of a scheme to cut off the left bank from the rest of germany, yet the later fruits of this cultural politics (college of administration in speyer; college of interpreters in germersheim; centers for french studies in mainz and trier; and the kaiser-wilhelm institute of chemistry, the institute of european history and the arts and sciences academy, all in mainz) were aimed much more at giving the land of rheinland-palatinate a solid network of cultural organisations, thus securing for it a relative viability. The french authorities concentrated their efforts - and funds - so as to make of mainz the political and cultural capital of the left bank of the rhine and the hub of french influence in germany
Lübbe, Dorothea. "Europera : innovation artistique et politique culturelle de théâtre musical contemporain en Allemagne et en France." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0315.
Full textThis research project is concentrated to focus the general conditions of cultural policy which are responsible for the creation of new artistic forms of contemporary music theatre in Germany and France. For this the research is focussed on innovations and not on the analysis of the crisis. The aim is to find solution and discus different reforms in the artistic practices. The field work include the analysis of 7 case studies, traditional institutions and structures of the free landscape of contemporary music theatre in Germany and France. It will be shown in the analysis that there is a link between cultural policy and innovation of arts
Kord, Zafaranlou Kambouzia Sonboleh. "Les conceptions françaises, britanniques et américaines en matière de coopération intellectuelle ou cuturelle internationale, de la Société des Nations à l'Unesco." Paris 13, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA131012.
Full textThe present dissertation retraces two periods in the history of cultural diplomacy on the basis of LofN and UNESCO archives, namely : The creation of the International cooperation organisation (ICO) in 1922 and the activities of its two institutions (the International Intellectual Cooperation Commission and the International Intellectual Cooperation Institute) within the League of Nations, until 1946. The conference of Allied Ministers of Education from its inception in 1942 until its winding up in favour of the creation of UNESCO (1945). The development of intellectual cooperation in the days of the League of Nations highlights the gap between the cultural conceptions of French and English speakers – especially those of the British. Despite French efforts to promote “intellectual cooperation” at UNESCO’s inception, to incorporate the activity of intellectual elite in that of UNESCO, the United States imposed the notion of “cultural cooperation”, a policy meant to leave the greater say to governments
Lanoe, Elise. "La culture au service de la diplomatie? Les politiques culturelles extérieures de la RFA et de la France au Brésil (1961-1973)." Phd thesis, Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00738382.
Full textMaguer, Azilis. "La politique de la sécurité à la frontière franco-allemande : une analyse stratégique du fonctionnement de la coopération transfrontalière." Paris 10, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA100179.
Full textThe abolition of controls at the inner borders of the Schengen countries in the European union implicated free movement for the persons. By the saine time, many voices raised and considered that this abolition of physical states frontiers could not happened, unless law enforcement forces - customs and polices - did became the means to operate under these new conditions. The reduction of border controls was then accompanied by "compensatory" measures, e. G. International cross-border police co-operation treaties for police forces along the borders. On one hand the visibility of border activity of police services grew dimmer. On the other hand, the cross-border police co-operation became more intense. The research object of cross-border police and customs co-operation is based upon the hypothesis that the changing modus of control - from physical on site control to a control on distance - leads to a change in the nature of this control - from a state organised global control to a localised and systematically French-German management of the border region. The semi-structured interviews, internal police or customs documents, and legislation were the material of the study. First, a comparison between co-operation police partnerships at the French-German border since 1997 amis at the analysis of structures and stakes in the co-operation field. Strategies of adaptation to the new local co-operation mechanisms are focused on. From there on, the use of the instruments of cross-border control by the involved services is analysed under the perspective of efficiency, but also of interest for the individual organisations. The many interactions and strategies of public actors create the border zone as a new space for public policies. Moreover, these ones are of a new sort: they actually are done in a bilateral way and for a bilateral local practice. Further, local actors of police co-operation dissociate their action from the global territorial management of the central state
Bosquelle, Dominique. "L' Allemagne au coeur de la politique culturelle de la France en Europe centrale et nordique dans l'entre-deux-guerres." Aix-Marseille 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001AIX10070.
Full textChoné, Rosette. "La circulation transfrontière des objets, des idées et des hommes, entre Meuse et Rhin : 1815-1870 : histoire culturelle interfrontière." Metz, 1996. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/prive/UPVM_T_1996_Chone_Rosette_LMZ966_1.pdf.
Full textIn 1815, the treaty of Vienna isolated France from the rest of europe. How open was the border in the region between the Maas and the Rhine to traffic in artifacts, ideas and people despite the authority of the Sainte-Alliance ? This study of the years from 1815 to 1870 suggests that three somewhat overlapping periods can be distinguished by variations in the form, frequency and intensity of international cultural exchanges. 1) Traffic of things : a period in which the concept of an economic and technical border region emerged. 2) Traffic of ideas : a turbulent period resulting from antagonisms and conflicts between peoples with great social, religious, political and linguistic differences which historical frontiers could not confine. 3) Traffic of men : a period in which commercial, industrial and artistic exchanges developed between the border region and other european countries. Some illustrations complete the text
Picard, Emmanuelle. "Des usages de l'Allemagne : politique culturelle française en Allemagne et rapprochement franco-allemand, 1945-1963 : politique publique, trajectoires, discours." Phd thesis, Institut d'études politiques de paris - Sciences Po, 1999. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00267294.
Full textCette dualité entre deux dimensions de l'action se retrouve quand on fait l'étude des acteurs engagés dans sa mise en place. Au côté des profils traditionnels d'enseignants chargés de la politique culturelle extérieure de la France en général se trouve une petit groupe aux trajectoires originales, dont la force essentielle réside dans leur capacité à élargir l'écho de leur action par le travail commun avec les réseaux intellectuels engagés dans le rapprochement franco-allemand. Alors que les médiateurs traditionnels que sont les germanistes ne sont présents que de façon épisodique, les professionnels de la culture engagés sur le terrain rentabilisent leur expérience allemande en la reconvertissant dans la suite de leur trajectoire professionnelle et en saisissant l'occasion de s'imposer comme les nouveaux spécialistes de l'Allemagne. Cette distinction entre les deux groupes rejaillit sur l'évolution du discours à propos de l'Allemagne contemporaine. Le renfermement des germanistes sur des problématiques d'histoire littéraire laisse aux non germanistes la possibilité d'investir la position de spécialistes. Il en découle la production d'une nouvelle représentation du pays en rupture avec les catégories d'explication des décennies précédentes, privilégiant l'image d'une démocratie modèle restreinte à la seule République fédérale.
Moraud, Julien. "L'établissement public, mode de gestion de la politique culturelle de l'Etat." Thesis, Reims, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013REIMD003/document.
Full textThe mode of supervision of public establishments, together with the cooperation conditions, understood on the basis of the classical criteria of administrative law, only allow for an imperfect conduct of the state's cultural policy. The public establishments are an object: The Ministry of Culture establishes relations with these public entities that are on unequal footing and cannot provide a basis for the implementation of a coherent public policy.However, public finances add to the wealth of public law and modify its administrative instruments : the loi organique relative aux lois de finances (Organic Law on Laws of Finance of August 1, 2001) establishes new relations between the state and the entities responsible for the implementation of a public service. The state operator represents the entrance point of a new governance that introduces the notion of performance within national public establishments. Further, new cooperation structures are being put into place that enrich the criteria of public establishments.The fact that performances are contractually defined – and the extension of this system to cooperation structure should be examined – can turn the public establishment into a player in the field of cultural governance: New connections are established, the managers of cultural structures are made accountable. In return, the wider application of this contracting dynamic would provide the state with a unique opportunity to reflect on how to determine and conduct a cultural policy based on these forms of managements
Molinet, Marylin Anne-Laure. "L'art de la crise : étude comparative sur la fonction et la réception de l'Art aux 19e et 20e siècles : france-Allemagne : arts plastiques, littérature." Thesis, Metz, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008METZ007L.
Full textThis research concerns the many multiple artistic ans philosophical innovations produced by the early german Romanticism inside of the Athenaeum cercle, first avant-gardist group of modern art, in the fields of literature and visual arts. The exigence to introduice modern art in the concept of education (Bildung) represents a crucial step, as well as the question of experimentation, and the autonomy of the work. The long-lasting refusal to promote modern art in France, and the reasons of this reject (strong centralism, but also denegation of teaching skills), are explained, as well as the lateness in a lot of museographic and didactic, by museums done, investigations. Exceptional case of the museum in Grenoble. In Germany, the most important steps reaching, during thirty years (1903-1933), at the victory of modern art on the academic art, are analysed : early Romanticism, opening of art-unions on the whole territory, fighting of Secessions, and, finally, the support of an important and non centralized museal scene (more than 40 museums), especially the Kronprinzenpalais, first museum of modern art, unknown in France. The research reveals the impact of all these innovations : evolution of the concept of Bildung, museums reform concerning didactic and scenographic aims, importance of temporary exhibitions and their movement, significant widening of the field of art
Desbrosses, Elodie. "Politiques culturelles locales, coopération et frontières : l'exemple de villes frontalières petites et moyennes dans le nord et le nord-est de la France." Lille 1, 2000. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/RESTREINT/Th_Num/2000/50377-2000-11-1.pdf.
Full textLaskaris, Evangelos. "La coopération culturelle franco-algérienne.Les coopérants français en Algérie indépendante.Enseignants des écoles (instituteurs et professeurs) et universitaires (1962-1980)." Thesis, Paris Est, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PESC0024/document.
Full textThis work on the Franco-Algerian cultural cooperation concerns the development of the franco-algerian relations after the war of independence, of the former french colony of Algeria (1954-1962). In this context, in the first part, the political and diplomatic relations between the governments of the two countries, the cooperation in the education, the franco-algerian cultural relations, as well as the political developments and crucial political decisions who affected the relationship between the two countries, are examined. Examining the various aspects of the cooperation with the new independent state at governmental level, in the mean time, the same is attempted to be done with the relations of peoples as actors of the cooperation, in the second part of the work. Therefore, the relations between the two peoples in the domain of education are examined in a very large extent, as well as whether and how, materially and practically, teachers, trade-unionists, members of political organizations and trade unions, of anti-imperialist and revolutionary ideology or non-revolutionary and humanitarian one, worked towards the reconciliation and the “healing of the wounds” opened by the 8-year war. In addition, in the third part of our work, the protagonists of the postcolonial era take the floor, in order to enlighten their experiences from Algeria, under a subjective and retrospective prism, which allows to draw conclusions and attempt to interpret their very activity with specific research questions and criteria. Concluding, the work tries to nurture the research and the debate, spread in social sciences, on the political and cultural cooperation of the former countries-Metropolis (colonial countries) with the countries-colonies and the positive contribution that the protagonists of history can have, even in a micro-historic framework, in contrast with the significant negative resonances caused by political conflicts and crises
Guillon, Vincent. "Mondes de coopération et gouvernance culturelle dans les villes : une comparaison des recompositions de l'action publique culturelle à Lille, Lyon, Saint Etienne et Montréal." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00675684.
Full textEudelle, Philipp. "La coopération entre les universités et l'industrie dans le domaine de la recherche : analyse des financements publiques et des potentialités d'amélioration au niveau de la gestion." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002STR1EC07.
Full textThe results of a query, carried out under university professors in France and Germany, led to improvement potential not only for decisions in politics and administration but also for the management of science, especially the management of co-operations in research. The query results confirmed that there are still national distinctions in France and Germany and the experience at the universities in Strasbourg (France) and in Offenburg (Germany) wasn't made by coincidence. Furthermore the query data have shown a lot of differences in behaviour between scientists in "traditional" and "modern" technologies. However, very often the results didn't reflect the desire of the political research programmes, to improve the co-operation between universities and industries in applied research, especially in the sectors of key technologies
Gosselin, Emmanuelle. "La coopération universitaire franco-allemande vecteur d'une conscience européenne ? 1963-1973 à travers les sources françaises." Paris 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA030126.
Full textAssessing how France and Germany - mainly of the élites - have from 1963 to 1973 contributed to the European academic partnership, has been the main objectives of our research work. More specifically from 1958 on, the French and German rectors ' Conference will focus on such important issues as academic recognition for grades and qualifications and free transfer within Europe. The unsuccessful " Plan Fouchet " in 1962 will so establish a one-to-one partnership and the Elysée Treaty agreed in 1963 will be the main achievement. Even though the latter one will try to give a European impulse to this bilateral work , it will fail to promote an exhaustive academic recognition for grades and qualifications in Europe. Nevertheless, France and Germany have helped the " rebirth" of a European awareness thanks to élites and people. Eventually, French and German academic cooperation will appear as the most thorough work of a one-to-one cooperation that might turn into the general outlines for a European College i. E a federation of European Colleges; while raising at the same time such as fundamental points as European identity, European citizenship and above all the question of "the consistency of a European culture in its diversity"
Ben, Hamouda Anissa. "Des jeunes de la diversité culturelle dans les quartiers dits populaires : une expérience paradoxale de la minorité : d'autres Blancs en France et en Allemagne." Paris 8, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA084077.
Full textIn France, we are witnessing a reversal of majority populations in the so-called popular neighborhoods. White people that live there witness a paradoxical minority experience, which can be considered unthinkable and unthought. This phenomenon is a result of a fictitious homogeneity of non-white populations and the encounter between stories and History. During the nubile socialization, these experiences affect the identification modes. Young Whites are more marked by cultural diversity that influences all their social interactions in their daily lives. A displacement in the German context allows to appreciate the situational and relational boundaries. However, these youths derive a set of new knowledge. Using 57 interviews with young Whites in France and Germany, I highlighted a humanistic representation of the diverse directly drawn from a standard active and precociously integrated diversity. This is manifested in the youth by a vivid social adaptability competency. By their socialization experience, they know how to deal with the incidence of strangeness. They have informal knowledge allowing them to move freely at several social levels (macro and micro, cultural, etc. ). Ultimately, these young Whites are closer to their subjectivation mode, which induces an original relation to oneself and to the world, more enlightened and egalitarian. By the effect of the aftermath, their minority status turns into a happy margin. They are freer, more open to change, and even willing to adapt to societal renewal. Their informal knowledge, non comparable and transformed into value system, is a resource for our plural society
Kasse, Maguèye. "Les relations culturelles entre la RFA et l'Afrique subsaharienne (1949-1980) : leur place dans la politique extérieure de la République fédérale." Paris 8, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA080915.
Full textThe federal germany's foreign policy as applied to developing countries and specifically to the countries of sub-saharan africa gives no special place to cultural relations as such. Whether it is expressed in the general framework of development aid, or in that of training aid, "cultural aid for self-help" and its many guises, the record is generally unsatisfactory and necessitates repeated attempts at conceptualisation. Although this conceptualisation integrates various aspects of a shared demand for a new and more just world economic order, it nevertheless shows the limitations inherent in the very nature of cultural relations
Greth, Karine. "Les représentations de la France à Saint-Pétersbourg et le déploiement de la diplomatie culturelle française en Russie de 1991 à 2010. Échanges bilatéraux : enjeux politiques, stratégiques et géopolitiques." Thesis, Paris 4, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA040123.
Full textThe French have long understood the importance of France’s image abroad and established what’s called today the French model of cultural diplomacy, which they defend and promote through soft power. For over a century, the French Government has financed the action of multiple players in its cultural and diplomatic outreach in Russia. This speaks to the strategic importance of having France shine in Russia. But do the economic and political repercussions match the resources deployed by France in its cultural and diplomatic activities in Russia ? What are the results of France’s actions ? Our research has studied the evolution of France’s actions in Russia, examined and highlighted the role and parameters of French presence in today’s Russia. This has required a contemporary and historical understanding of the Franco-Russian bilateral relationship and how each regards the Other. This thesis analyzes the resources used by France in Russia, more particularly St. Petersburg, as well as the strategic, economic and diplomatic parameters of France’s cultural activities that it pursued in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century. Finally, it aims to clarify France’s position in the rapport between East and West and the state of the Franco-Russian bilateral relationship
Ayse, Elif. "Représentations croisées des immigrés turcs et des populations des pays d'accueil en Allemagne et en France : réflexions sur la cohabitation culturelle entre la Turquie et l'Europe." Thesis, Metz, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011METZ016L.
Full textThis thesis is a study of the cross-cultural representation of turkish immigrants residing in Germany and France on the one hand, and the populations of the host societies on the other hand. It is a depiction that measures how these groups contribute, directly or indirectly, to the development of their cultural relationships and underpins the understanding of intercultural relations in these countries. this thesis also aims to identify yet question the rationale behind conflicting cultural views that have led to the refusal of turkey’s proposed eu membership. at the same time, the study identifies what is perceived accepted and politically correct culture in host countries as publicised in the media and the implications for turkish migrants. This study is important not only because it addresses the difficulties faced by turkish migrants in europe in their quest to culturally adapt to their host country’s community requirements, but also because it questions the motives behind cultural conflicts. the main reasoning of this study is to reveal reciprocal perceptions, media assumptions and cultural stereotyping, and to bring a sociological approach to the issue using such concepts as multiculturalism, identity, and intercultural relations as they impact communications between groups with different cultural backgrounds but living in cohabitation within the same territory
Schumacher, Anna. "Les compétences interculturelles dans les coopérations universitaires franco-allemandes. Une étude empirique sur le déroulement exemplaire de projets bilatéraux." Thesis, Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ENSL0896.
Full textDuring the last years, the concept of intercultural competence has developed into becoming a very important key term. Whether it is in the area of education at school or at university, or in the area of professional training of employees in international companies: intercultural competence is often described as key term of the 21st century.Given the advancing globalization and the expansion of international markets towards Asian and South-American regions, our European neighbours may sometimes be left aside in discussions about interculturality. The present thesis focuses on the following two countries: France and Germany. With regard to the Franco-German dialogue and exchange, we observe that these two aspects are sometimes complicated by cultural differences. The present empirical study will analyze in which way and to which extend intercultural competence influences the relations between French and German universities.The empirical study has been conducted as an online survey with 1131 participants. The target group consisted of the following groups: students, doctoral candidates, professors and researchers as well as employees of French and German universities and grandes écoles.The evaluation of the data reveals very significant results with regard to the status quo of the relations between French and German universities. The multiple analyses showed positive aspects, for example a very high mutual interest of the French and Germans for the Franco-German relations, as well as negative aspects, such as a very high rate of intercultural misapprehensions in the Franco-German context.The results of the study offer a basis from which an improvement of the cooperation between French and German universities and intercultural competence in the Franco-German context could be accomplished
Bouvier, Alla. "Relations culturelles franco-russes (1991-2004) : quel bilan pour quelles perspectives ?" Thesis, Lyon 3, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LYO30025/document.
Full textOn the one hand, together with the global disruptions following the end of the bi-polar political system and on the other hand and in close correlation with the considerable extension of the international exchanges, the unprecedented development of the means of communication and the economic globalization (obviously with regard to the cultural field), the end of the 20th century has launched a new deal in international cultural relations which now take on a major meaning which has remained unprecedented. In this new global context, the international cultural relations have set themselves new goals: they now not only aim at the circulation of the national culture towards the international community but also appear as an urgent even vital resistance to the dangerous impact of globalization, thanks to the development of intercultural dialogue and the affirmation of the different cultures.Under the influence of these new objectives, the world states have been forced to review their conception of international cultural policies and improve their national cultural diplomacy.This thesis mainly deals with the international cultural policies of France and Russia and its author focuses on Franco-Russian intergovernmental cultural relations from 1991 until 2004. The study of the renewal of the bilateral cultural relations after the collapse of the Soviet Union aims at answering three sets of questions, from a national perspective but also on bilateral and multilateral relations (Russo-European that is)• What place have the international cultural policies of France and Russia held in the new national conception of foreign affairs in France and Russia? What are the objectives and priorities of France and Russia as regards to international cultural relations? And what are the instruments used by France and Russia for their achievement in the current global context?• What place have cultural bilateral relations taken respectively in the conception of the international cultural policies of both countries? What are the goals and means used in the cultural bilateral cooperation? What are the results of the renewal of bilateral cultural relations? And finally, how can we characterize the contemporary Franco-Russian cultural relations?• What is at stake in the Franco-Russian cultural relations with a view to the evolution of the relation between Russia and the extended European Union? And what are the potential perspectives in their development?
Eberhardt, Sophie. "Entre France et Allemagne, de la ville ancienne à la Neustadt de Strasbourg : la construction du regard patrimonial." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO30004/document.
Full textThe heritage of Strasbourg was built within the context of a boundary city, in which different influences, mainly French and German, have contributed to forge a singular character. Nonetheless, the values attributed to the site are not only determined by the restrictive field of national considerations. From the Second Empire to nowadays, they have continually evolved, and especially since the decades following the Second World War. Our study aims at explaining the construction and evolution of heritage values of Strasbourg, mainly those of the Neustadt, conceived and built during the German annexation (1871-1918), when Strasbourg became the capital of the Reichsland Elsass-Lothringen. The period of study opens during the 1840s, when the first inventory of historical monuments was created and a program of modernisation and embellissement was carried out by the City authorities. It stretches until nowadays, when the Neustadt is arousing increasing interest from the local and regional institutions, in the scientific field and among the population. Diverse sources have been exploited during researches: Municipal Council’s minutes, archives of the Municipal Council of Fine-Arts, archives of the Regional Office for Historical Monuments, handbooks and periodicals in architecture and urban planning, histories of Strasbourg, guides and trips narrations, and the press. In the thesis, « Héritage » is conceived as the « ensemble of anthropic construction inherited, partly or completely subsisting », and « Patrimoine » as « the part of heritage identified worthy of conservation, restoration, and valorisation ». (Gauthiez, 2006, p. 126).Firstly, the researches have revealed that the values of heritage of Strasbourg are founded, for one part, on the discourses hold on these objects, as well as on the silences. These discourses and silences are nourished by strong ideological considerations linked to doctrines and practices in the heritage field in France and in Germany. Originally unknown, then considered as « foreign » and finally as heritage « hyper-valorised » illustrating the crossed-influences between France and Germany, the heritage of the Neustadt is founded on conflicts and ideological overtaking all along the XXth century. Nowadays, Unesco World Heritage inscription is envisaged for the Neustadt.Secondly, it appeared that another part of the values of heritage is inscribed within the strong regional substrate and the continuity of actors. A discrepancy appeared when comparing the discourses and practices. Projects are in some case continued beyond the national changes. The important regional substrate has also allowed the construction of a mythological dimension to heritage (Barthes, 1957), and has strengthened the coherence in the urban landscape.Thirdly, the values of heritage rely for a large part on the knowledge within the institutional and administrative spheres, the scientific field, and among the population. The fact that the heritage of the first quarters of the XIXth century of Strasbourg is today under-valorised is the result of a lack of interest within the academic field. The approach selected allows overtaking the current practices in the study of architecture and urban planning by better taking into account the discourses on heritage and by including anthropological, symbolical, political, sociological and cultural aspects, so as to expose the construction of heritage gaze (regard patrimonial)
Debras, Lucile. "Les relations entre le Parlement européen et les parlements nationaux depuis 1979 : étude comparative des cas allemands, belges et français." Paris 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA030150.
Full textThis research analyses the evolution of the relationship between the European Parliament (EP) and the national parliaments of Belgium, France and the Federal Republic of Germany, from the first direct election of the EP in 1979 until the start of the constitutional debate at the beginning of the 21st century. The objective is to understand the direction of this evolution, the function of interparliamentary relations in the European Union (EU) and for the States, to measure their efficiency at reducing the democratic deficit in the UE, for these interparliamentary relations are often justified as a means of resolving this problem. We will focus on the interaction between national parliaments to determine their strategy, multilaterally or unilaterally, towards the EP, and on the strategy of the EP given the role of the national parliaments in the EU. The positioning of parliaments vis-à-vis the interparliamentary cooperation are characterised by national traditions, as the internal debates demonstrate. So the cooperation did not really exist in the first phase. In the second phase of the turnout of the 1990’s it became a source of conflict but also of many initiatives: the creation of the Assizes, the Conference of Community Affairs Committees of Parliaments (COSAC) or the French Parliament creating the debate with the “European Senate”. In a third phase, relations between the EP and the national parliaments are more formalised, thanks to the progressive recognition in the Treaties of Maastricht and Amsterdam, until the start of the debate on the future of Europe; they are confirmed with the Convent, whose task is to establish a European constitutional
Nguyen, Minh Nguyet. "La communication interculturelle des vietnamiens francophones en insertion professionnelle : éthiques culturelles et coopération." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00659744.
Full textRival, Sébastien. "L'échange des assistants de langue vivante entre la France et l'Allemagne avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale : les "directeurs de conversation" et la "langue de l'ennemi." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0366/document.
Full textThe aim of this Ph D thesis is to understand how the exchange of foreign language assistants between France and Germany - one of the first exchange programmes framed by a convention between the two states, already in 1905 - could possibly be created and maintained during the first half of the twentieth century. This in spite of strong tensions between the two neighbour states as well as their armed conflicts. Considering these questions, our study seeks to reveal different political and educative factors, which contribute towards generating the exchange programme and keeping it alive. We particularly question its purpose and functions according to the viewpoints of assistants, teachers and institutions
Le, Boulay Morgane. "Au croisement des mondes scientifique et politique : L'écriture et l'enseignement de l'histoire de l'Europe en France et en Allemagne (1976-2007)." Thesis, Paris 9, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA090065.
Full textThis thesis is dedicated to the historical sociology of “European history” as a scientific field. Through the study of the collective projects relating to the writing or the teaching of such a history which involve historians or experts in history teaching from France, Germany or both countries, it shows how important are their interactions with the institutions promoting European history. In cooperation with the European Commission, a few historians found a research field, the history of the European integration, between 1976 and the end of the eighties. Many historians and political, scientific and economic actors agree between the end of the eighties and the end of the nineties about the ambition of rethinking history and its teaching in order to found a European identity. However, this ambition started to fade out in 2000 and cooperations based on it backed down in favour of institutionalised funding
Sami, Amos Cyronet. "L'influence de la France et de la C. E. E. Face à la politique socio-économique et culturelle de développement et de croissance en Afrique centrale sub-saharienne : le cas camerounais." Paris 8, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA081011.
Full textThe history of influential french and c. E. E. Facing social political economic and cultural policy, for the development and growth in sub-saharian central africa, of the great changes moment political economic, monetary, as well in industrialized countries as is the states of central and sub-saharian africa ; induces us to start on an theorycal and pratical analysis investigation wich leads us towards cameroons this research will try and uncover the actual development among the fallacious informations of a simple political economic growth in the sub-saharian context, considering the world wide crisis, and the fact that the state of cameroons has only bean independent for about thirty years. The investigation is essentially based upon a pluridisciplinary study of that central and sub-saharian africa state. A scientific study does effectively imply a concrete social and historical reality, as is shown in marx's capital, in respect of keeping a rigor in our lecture, that the "althusserians" would qualify as "symtomal", yet, gramsci's works show its consistence as well as its strougth in a policy of mobilization of all popular efforts, for an actual development, excluding any "knout" as auther (staline)
Lefebvre, Maxime. "Union européenne : la fédération d'Etats-nations entre préférences nationales, jeux de puissance et coopération institutionnelle." Thesis, Paris 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA020007/document.
Full textBeyond the debate on intergovernmentalism and the “communautarian method”, the positioning of the “Nation States” in Europe is a key factor determining the European construction and its compromises. Traditionnally analysed through geopolitics and power politics, the relationship between the States of the European Union is nowadays ruled by institutional cooperation and must be addressed by new analytical schemes such as cultural, sociological, economical and political differences between the nations. This thesis, based on diplomatic experience and academic works, emphasizes the role of the franco-german relationship regarding in particular the negociation of the European constitution in 2002-2003, the EU positions on enlargement and the relationship to Russia, or the solution to the Eurozone crisis since 2010. In the negociation of the financial perspectives, the positions of Member States is determined by the question of budgetary balances in which contributors and beneficiaries of the EU budget face eachother. More equity in the sharing of expenditures and resources could be a mean to get out of these tough negociations. EU foreign policy is another example of a policy determined by national interests, which didn’t prevent the EU to develop a common defence policy as far as it remains compatible with NATO and the US Strategy. Having revisited the European integration through these national preferences, this thesis questions in conclusion the links between the EU, the European space and the European power
Hoeffler, Catherine. "Les politiques d'armement en Europe : "l'Adieu aux armes" de l'État nation ? : une comparaison entre l'Allemagne, la France, le Royaume-Uni et l'Union européenne de 1976 à 2010." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011IEPP0016.
Full textThe topic of this dissertation in political science is the transformation of defence procurement policies in Germany, France, the UK, as well as at the European level, from 1976 to 2010. It is based on the analysis of national institutional changes as well as evolutions in European co-oeperative programmes through the cases of antitank missiles TRIGAT programmes. This study examines the redefinition of the role and instruments of States in this policy sector as they are confronted to European developments (OCCAR, European defence agency, and the directive on public contracts for defence procurement) and to national liberal reforms (privatization, new public management). In so doing, it explains why governments initiate these changes, and analyses the concrete machinery of cooperation. It shows that the apparently increasing role of Europe can be explained by a process characterized by a « double movement » : on the one hand, the implementation of liberal reforms, on the other hand, the strengthening of governmental strategies of defence industrial policies. The multiplication of arenas and modes of coordination indicates the evolution of state-led strategies of « economic patriotism », in their traditional and liberal versions, at various levels. Rather than a policy transfer from one level to another, these developments create a multi-level European governance that cannot be reduced to the European Union. In this context, governments remain crucial, while European organizations participate to a negative integration based on market making
Uzcategui, Moncada Maria. "L'influence et représentations de la France au Venezuela : les enjeux autour des relations politiques et culturelles de 1870 à nos jours." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO20071.
Full textUnlike other regions of the Third World, where the influence of France was decisive and uninterrupted (Middle East, Maghreb, former French colonies in Central Africa and other countries of Latin America), in Venezuela, there was only a real foreign cultural cooperation policy by the late 1950s. The advent of the oil boom during the interwar period caused the declining of French influence. By the end of the Second World War, French diplomats were aware of Venezuela’s energetic potential, remarking that it was possible to overcome the loss of economic influence by encouraging a genuine cultural cooperation.This cultural cooperation would use political networks joined by Francophile elites, who claimed a common history between France and Venezuela. The study on the long run allows observing the permanence of the Venezuelan political history, in which fits the elements used in the construction of the Venezuelan National sentiment and the influence of French ideas on the project of State modernization.Our study raises issues such as migration, trades and commercial relations. We are particularly interested in the study of diplomatic relationships, since a close up over these can highlight, watermark, many points related to their representations and the political history of both countries. Similarly, it allows approaching what the elite considered identity and cultural affinity. Our sources therefore relate mostly to diplomatic correspondence preserved in the files of La Courneuve and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Caracas. We cross checked with other documentaries, visual and literary sources as well as a certain number of interviews conducted by the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. Our study is based on the papers related to the history of international relations by Pierre Renouvin and Jean Baptiste Duroselle, revisited by Robert Frank in 2011. We take into consideration the contribution of images, official culture and the influence of cultural patterns, as an attempt to measure the "power" of States (soft power). On this matter, the value that the Venezuelan elites gave to the French cultural and scientific influence, in the XIX century and the beginning of XX (1870-1935), helps to explain to an extend the reason why France has managed to strengthen its presence in Venezuela. Indeed, the decline of the French cultural influence, at a time when relations between the two countries were considerably distended (1936-1960), is concomitant with the loss of its economic and commercial influence. This has resulted in the progressive institutionalization of the culturaldiplomacy strategy (from 1961 up to the present). Thanks to this strategy France has recovered part of the market share lost to the Anglo-Saxon competition.We wanted to answer two fundamental questions: To what extent the Venezuelan elites, "influenced" by the French cultural model, managed to operate appropriations / assimilation / adaptation of this model in Venezuela? And, in return, to what extent the construction of a "cultural tool" Franco-Venezuelan has served the interests of the French foreign policy in Venezuela?
Badde-Revue, Magdalena Antonia. "L'Allemagne fédérale et la défense de l'Europe : Le débat sur les missions de la Bundeswehr, de la création de la RFA a l'unification allemande." Thesis, Paris 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA030025.
Full textFrom the rearmament of Western Germany in 1955 to the today « new missions » under UN mandate and on behalf of the protection of human rights, the “Bundeswehr”, i.e. the German Armed Forces, has been evolving in quite a different way from the other nations. As a matter of fact, the Bundeswehr was set up from scratch after the World War 2 defeat as an armed force based on a conception opposite of the previous Wehrmacht and under the constraints of the Cold War. It then tried to adapt to the various threats and policies of détente but without diverging from its fundamental mission: the defence of the European territory against communist expansion. At that time, Western Germany tried to find its place among the NATO non nuclear States while participating in the nuclear decision making process. It also pushed forward its national interests through the particular influence of its governments and prime ministers on both western and eastern nations and helped promote the EU construction in cooperation with France. It conducted the same policy within NATO. This remarkable political continuity led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the bipolar world. From that moment on, the Bundeswehr had, just as NATO, to redefine and accept wider responsibilities in European and world conflicts while maintaining its original political doctrine enshrined in its Fundamental Law
Santagati, Maria Elena. "Les régions dans la gouvernance territoriale de la culture : l'émergence d'une policy capacity en Rhône-Alpes et au Piémont." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAH035.
Full textRegions have been emerging as important actors in the territorial governance of culture. This research is an attempt to retrace their role through the analysis of the decentralisation and modernization processes occured in two European countries, France and Italy, after the 70s, which deeply affected the regional intervention in the cultural sector. Region is thus considered both as a scale and as an institution, through a combination of different approaches and disciplines. With a comparative analysis of Rhone-Alpes and Piedmont as regards to the main actors and dynamics of governance of culture at regional level, the research points out the emergence of a policy capacity as a specificity of these two regions