Academic literature on the topic 'Convoyeurs de courant contrôlés'
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Journal articles on the topic "Convoyeurs de courant contrôlés"
Lafortune, Denis, Dominique Meilleur, and Brigitte Blanchard. "L’intervention de type criminologique à l’aune de la Collaboration Cochrane." Criminologie 42, no. 1 (April 30, 2009): 143–83.
Full textCOULMIN, J., C. TONDELIER, G. LEROY, N. RAMPNOUX, V. INGRAND, N. TALAZAC, S. LEFEBVRE, F. FUCHS, and S. LUNA. "Une stratégie de prélèvements et d’analyses innovante pour caractériser le devenir des micropolluants dans le milieu naturel." Techniques Sciences Méthodes 6, no. 6 (June 21, 2021): 73–86.
Full textGoodale, Mark. "Droits humains." Anthropen, 2019.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Convoyeurs de courant contrôlés"
Zouaoui-Abouda, Hounaïda. "Etude et réalisation d'un filtre elliptique passe bas de troisième ordre avec zéro de transmission réglable à partir des convoyeurs de courant différentiels contrôlés CMOS." Bordeaux 1, 2001.
Full textItoua, Séraphin Nicaise. "Etude de filtres à variables d'état à base de convoyeurs de courant de seconde génération en technologie CMOS." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2000.
Full textAlicalapa, Frédéric. "Etude et réalisation d'inductances actives RF contrôlées en technologie silicium 0. 8um à partir des circuits convoyeurs de courant." Bordeaux 1, 2003.
Full textA study and some realizations of RF active inductances in Si-BiCMOS technology using current conveyors (CC) are described in this thesis. After presenting the monolithic integration avantages, a state of art of active inductances is given. This justify our study of the inductive effect of CC using bipolar transistors. A methodology which consists of using symbolic studies for circuit impedances and circuit simulations are used for optimizing the inductive effect of the CCC2a. Considering the low quality factor (Q) obtained for the CCC2a, a new CC is introduced : the CCC2ab. This circuit uses active feedback for minimizing the resistive losses. The previous methodology is again used for compensating the negative values of the series resistance (which are obtained for some bias current values) and for improving the quality factor (Q~60). The active inductance characteristics (Q, values, noise, consumption) are presented. A RF passband active filter (800MHz) which utilize the active inductance is then studied. Two integrated circuits implemented in a 0. 8æm Si-BiCMOS technology are finally presented
Godara, Balwant. "Conception of novel wideband performance-controllable RF circuits in SiGe : Impedance matching circuit, single-ended to differential baluns, and single-ended and differential low-noise amplifiers." Bordeaux 1, 2006.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to present topologies which are wideband, versatile and area-efficient, in a low-cost 0. 35µm SiGe BiCMOS process. These objectives were fulfilled thanks to the use of the controlled current conveyor as the building block. In doing so, we hope to have added a new category of solutions which realise the following RF functions: impedance matching, single-ended to differential signal conversion, differential to single-ended signal conversion, single-ended low-noise amplification and differential low-noise amplification. The all-transistor impedance matching circuit is the first active solution for impedance matching observed. It proved to be efficient: adapting random impedances to desired values between 50Ω and 250Ω over frequency bands ranging from DC to over 5GHz; introducing no distortion to the signal; and very negligibly modifying the performance of the core amplifier itself. The baluns provide flat frequency responses from 0Hz to at least 3GHz. They are characterised by constant performance for port impedances from 50Ω to 200Ω; more then 26dB rejection of common-mode components; linear operation for input powers of up to -3. 5dBm; negligible distortion; stable operation for a 120°C temperature range (-60°C to +60°C); and consumption of 10mA from a ±2. 5V supply. These are two of the rare transistor-based solutions in an area dominated by passive-element circuits. The topologies for the low-noise amplifiers share the following characteristics: gain control over wide ranges (0 – 20dB) obtained by varying DC current; bandwidths greater than 1GHz for all gains; wideband matching up to 4GHz independent of the gain; inverse proportionality between gain and consumption; inverse proportionality between the gain and noise figure; and stable temperature performances. The circuits were fabricated in a 0. 35µm SiGe BiCMOS technology from STMicroelectronics and measurements using micro-probes enabled the characterisation directly on the wafer. All the circuits are the smallest in their respective categories; these small sizes could be attributed to the absence of passive elements. The circuits shared the following performances: wideband impedance matching at the input and output ports; reproducible performances, shown after measurements carried out on several prototypes; and stable performance for temperatures from -25°C to +75°C. The semi-differential balun, and the fully-differential low-noise amplifier could only be characterised using single-ended S-parameters because the measurement apparatus were single-ended. The measurements conducted on the different circuits and the comparison of these results with pertinent literature validated the new topologies and showed that the new circuits provide more than competitive performances, while offering some excellent advantages. Thus, we hope to have advanced the state of the art in the design of the RF components in today’s wireless communications receivers. We hope, moreover, to have opened new vistas in the design of wideband radio-frequency circuits which take up small form factors and provide excellent versatility of performance, by the application of current conveyors to this domain. The performances obtained using the moderate-performance low-cost technology lead us to believe that the same new topologies would evince vastly improved characteristics were they designed in more performant processes. The design of entire subsystems which forego passive elements can also be envisaged
Tournier, Éric. "Contribution a la conception d'architectures analogiques cmos integrees : convoyeurs de courant et memoires non-volatiles." Toulouse, INSA, 1998.
Full textAmrani, Hafid. "Etude et caractérisation des circuits convoyeurs de courant en vue de leur utilisation en radiofréquence." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1997.
Full textSeguin, Fabrice. "Étude et réalisation de circuits convoyeurs de courant de seconde génération en technologie BiCMOS : Application à l'amplification RF réglable." Bordeaux 1, 2001.
Full textZhou, Lingchuan. "Conception d'un capteur ECG intégré non-magnétique, compatible avec l'environnement IRM : Application à la synchronisation optimisée de l'imagerie cardiaque." Strasbourg 1, 2008.
Full textImprovement on the quality of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) highly requires more accurate electrocardiogram (ECG) signals used for sequence synchronization algorithms. However large artefacts may be superimposed on the ECG signal due to the static magnetic field, the gradient of magnetic field and radiofrequency pulses. The objective of this work consists in designing an integrated ECG sensor to deliver an ECG signal without artefact to be used in MRI. The design constraints in microelectronics are mainly due to the nature of the ECG which is of small amplitude and low frequencies. Proposed solutions consist of implementations of an AC-coupled input stage, an instrumentation amplifier designed by using second generation current conveyors (CCII) and a switched-capacitor low-pass filter. The final ECG acquisition system was mainly composed of these elementary circuits and integrated in a standard CMOS AMS 0. 35 µm technology. We carried out a series of recordings of ECG in MRI environment in order to validate the integrated circuit. The results show that the designed integrated ECG sensor exhibits good performances allowing an optimized synchronization of cardiac MRI imaging by ECG
Braham, Ahmed. "Simulateur analogique temps réel des systèmes électrotechniques : apport des nouvelles technologies." Toulouse, INPT, 1997.
Full textSaaid, Omar. "Contribution à l'étude d'un filtre de fréquence intermédiaire pour radiotéléphone GSM." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1995.
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