Academic literature on the topic 'Contruction Grammar'

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Journal articles on the topic "Contruction Grammar"


Murtiningsih, Tenny, and Nanda Oetari Triana Putri. "An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Writting Descriptive Paragraph." Eduinfo Media 1, no. 1 (February 20, 2020): 12–15.

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The purpose of this study is to examine the language error in student’s descriptive paragraph writing of the third semester students of English Department University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. This study focused mainly on sentences because the researcher found that errors in EFL students’ sentences contruction may lead to miscommunication. Ten pieces of descriptive paragraph writing were collected and analyzed. The results showed that the most frequently committed errors were article, to be, word order, subject-verb agreement, spelling and grammar. It is suggested that the students study more in how to develop a sentence in English to avoid error in writing. This research also implies that explicit feedback on students’ writing errors is genuinely needed.
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Anshori, Dadang. "KONSTRUKSI IDENTITAS BUDAYA KEINDONESIAAN DALAM WACANA BUKU TEKS SEKOLAH DASAR." Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra 16, no. 2 (December 19, 2016): 161.

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AbstractThe objectives of research are identified the Indonesia culture identity constructed in primary schools textbooks with curriculum 2013. The Indonesia culture identity was very important while considering social conflict today very apraid and doing in every social life dimention. The conflict was become between scholar social community also unscholar social community with be at the bottom of variation. The study used text content analysis through words and sentence as based analysis. The analysis of data are discourse of textbooks grade one primary schools amounted four theme. The research finding that textbooks represented Indonesia culture identity in all activity and the action has doing by the stories actor which are cheave to each action as well setting as planning of writer textbooks. The language used as Indonesia identity representation described in words and sentence or discourse as well depicted identity. The Indoensia culture identity has description e.g. religious identity, humanism, socialism, sportive, toleration, works in together, discipline, optimist, and rational. The ideology has making in textbooks based on ideology reliogius, social-humanism ideology, toleration-pluralism ideology, and independenty ideology.Keywords: contruction, grammar, identity, ideology, discourse, textbook
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Husni, Rauldatul. "An Analysis of Student's Errors in Contructing Passive Voice at Elevent Grade OF Higher Schools." Jurnal Komunikasi Pendidikan 6, no. 1 (January 31, 2022): 20.

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There are many aspects discussed in English Grammar, one of them is passive voice, researcher more concerns about passive voice because it is almost used in every formal situatuin such as formal invitation letter, announcement, narrative text, analytical text.etc (1) background or research purpose is that the students still have problems in constructing passive voice, the method used in this research is qualitative method there are many errors that still found by the writer in this paper, the author found the commonest errors made by the students were the errors of misformation which take up 108 errors or 57%. It is followed by errors in omission with percentage 23%, and errors in misordering with percentage 20%. Keywords: Example: Android, Disruption Era, Instructional Media (3-5 words or phrases)
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Contruction Grammar"


Brillault, Philippe. "La transitivité verbale en français : études critiques et propositions méthodologiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.

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L’exploration du phénomène transitif en général s’oriente vers la mise en adéquation entre la forme (syntaxique) et le sens (sémantique). Cette question a surtout été envisagée par les typologues dans le but de dégager des invariants inter-langues. Ceux-ci considèrent que la transitivité sémantique est un phénomène scalaire oscillant entre deux pôles prototypiques, la Construction Biactancielle Majeure (CBM) et la Construction Uniactancielle (CU). La notion de « continuum », censée expliquer les variations de transitivité, n’est jamais définie. Or la transitivité syntaxique n’est pas un véhicule très spécialisé. La forme transitive rend compte aussi bien des actions que des états. D’autre part, tous les verbes d’action (comme les verbes de déplacement) ne sont pas forcément transitifs. La « prototypicité » de la forme n’aide à comprendre ni la spécialisation sémantique ni sur quoi est basée la notion de « continuum ». Notre approche pour le français vise à prouver qu'il est possible de définir la transitivité sémantique non pas comme une propriété du verbe ou d'une construction mais comme la propriété d'une classe de verbes au sémantisme homogène (ici les verbes de contact issus de LVF) classifiés selon leurs « ressemblances de famille ». Les sous-classes transitives sont le résultat d’une analyse statistique multidimensionnelle sur la base de critères sélectionnés que l’on value pour obtenir un score transitif, ce qui permet d’intégrer les formes intermédiaires entre la CBM et la CU, justifiant ainsi le « continuum ». Le choix des verbes de contact est motivé par le fait que ces verbes ont des correspondances intéressantes avec les verbes psychologiques (cf. « Ce spectacle me touche »). Nous nous interrogerons sur les formes passives comme critère possible de la transitivité sémantique. Enfin, les notions de construction (au sens de A. Goldberg) et de cadre permettront d’étendre la notion de valence et de transitivité dans une perspective cognitive
The transitive phenomenon is generally analyzed as the pairing of form (syntax) and meaning (semantics). This question has been mainly considered by typologists in order to identify cross-language invariants. They consider that semantic transitivity is a scalar phenomenon varying between two prototypical poles, the Major Biactant Construction (MBC) and the Uniactant Construction (UC). ). The the notion of "continuum", supposed to explain the gradability of transitivity is never defined. However, the syntactic transitivity is not a very specialized vehicle. The transitive form accounts for actions as well as states. On the other hand, not all action verbs (such as verbs of movement) are necessarily transitive. The “prototypicality” of the form does not help to understand either the semantic specialization or the basis of the notion of "continuum". Our approach for French aims at proving that it is possible to define semantic transitivity not as a property of the verb or of a construction but as a property of a class of verbs semantically homogeneous (here the contact verbs from LVF) and classified according to their “family resemblance”. The transitive subclasses are the result of a multivariate statistical analysis based on selected criteria that are weighted to obtain a transitive score, which makes it possible to integrate the intermediate forms between the MBC and the UC, thus justifying the "continuum". The choice of contact verbs is motivated by the fact that these verbs have interesting correspondences with psychological verbs (cf. “This show touches me”). We will consider the passive forms as a possible criterion of semantic transitivity. Finally, the notions of construction (in the sense of A. Goldberg) and “case frame” will allow us to extend the notion of valence and transitivity in a cognitive perspective
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Callipo, Manuela. "Pour l’histoire du « discours bien construit » : le livre I du De contructione d’Apollonius Dyscole et les reprises chez Priscien." Thesis, Lille 3, 2013.

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Le sujet de ce travail, c'est le De constructione d'Apollonios Dyscole, le premier traité de syntaxe de l'antiquité, et en particulier son premier livre, étudié par rapport au livre XVII de constructione des Institutions grammaticae de Priscien, qui s'est inspiré d'Apollonios au début du VIe siècle ap. J.-C. Le texte grec, imprimé selon l'édition réalisée par G. Uhlig en 1910, à l'occurence modifiée à cause de choix ecdotiques différents de ceux du philologue allemand, est suivi par sa première traduction en langue italienne ; de plus, pour permettre une comparaison avec le traité latin, on a imprimé et traduit en italien les passages correspondants du livre XVII de Priscien. Le commentaire a pour but d'expliquer les choix critiques, mais une attention particulière est aussi dédiée à l'ordre des parties du discours établi par Apollonios et à leurs rapports avec la tradition grammaticale grecque et latine, même sur papyrus. En ce qui concerne Priscien, on a transcrit - pour les parties traduites - le manuscrit Vaticanus lat. 3313, qui permet d'améliorer, ne fût-Ce que dans le détail, le texte de l'édition de Hertz (1855-1859). Textes et traductions sont précédés par une introduction qui, après un excursus sur la méthode analogique d'Apollonios, examine les rapports entre grammaire et philosophie, en particulier stoïcienne et platonicienne, à fin de montrer qu'il n'est pas possible de corriger Apollonios par Priscien et Priscien par Apollonios : l'arrière-Plan néoplatonicien de Prisicen ne semble pas agir chez Apollonios, qui vécut quatre siècles avant. Enfin, on a retracé l'histoire de la tradition manuscrite et des éditions modernes des deux traités De constructione
The subject of this research is the De constructione by Apollonius Dyscolus, the first treatise on syntax written in classical antiquity, and in particular its first book, studied in comparison with the book XVII de constructione of the Institutiones grammaticae by Priscian, who looked back to Apollonius at the beginning of the VI century. The Greek text, printed according to the edition by G. Uhlig (1910), sometimes modifed because of different textual choices, is followed by its first Italian translation ; furthermore, to allow a comparison with the latin treatise, the corresponding passages of the book XVII by Priscian have been printed and translated too. The commentary aims to explain the critical choices, but particular attention has also been paid to the order of the parts of speech set by Apollonius and to their relationship with Greek and latin grammatical tradition, also on papyrus. With respect to the translated sections of Priscian, a new manuscript, the Vaticanus lat. 3313, has been transcribed ; this made it possible to improve, although only in the details, the text of the edition by Hertz (1855-1859). Texts and translations are preceded by an introduction which, after an excursus about Apollonius' analogical method, analyses the relationship between grammar and philosophy, especially Stoicism and Platonicism, to show that it is not possible to correct Apollonius through Priscian through Apollonius : Priscian's Neoplatonic background seems not to be active in Apollonius, who lived four centuries earlier. Finally, this work offers a short history of manuscript tradition and of modern editions of the two treatises De constructione
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Books on the topic "Contruction Grammar"


Nam, Jee-Sun. Classification syntaxique des contructions adjectivales en coréen. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1996.

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Conference papers on the topic "Contruction Grammar"


CHISELIOV, Victor. "Fixed word groups like "Linker Hand" as constructions." In Probleme ale ştiinţelor socioumanistice şi ale modernizării învăţământului. "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University, 2022.

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Construction Grammar, which emerged from Langacker´s Cognitive Grammar, has emerged in recent decades as a new trend in linguistic researh. The task of the Construction Grammar is to empirically descibe the grammatical phenomena of a language. It represents the language system as a contruction inventory, which is called c o n s t r u c t i c o n. Constructions are linguistic units that contain form and meaning and can be used to describe a language. In this article the author tries to identify fixed groups of words in German as linker Hand as constructions. For this purpose, the grammatical analysis of such groups of words is performed, ie the specific characteristics of these constructions have been verified.
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