Academic literature on the topic 'Contrat des enseignants'
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Journal articles on the topic "Contrat des enseignants"
de Champlain, Yves. "Discours sur la réussite et pratiques d’évaluation." Éducation et francophonie 39, no. 1 (June 27, 2011): 119–32.
Full textColognesi, Stéphane, Yaovi Ayivor, and Catherine Van Nieuwenhoven. "Quand des maitres de stage et des superviseurs cheminent ensemble pendant deux ans : quels effets sur leur développement professionnel ?" Phronesis 7, no. 4 (February 19, 2019): 36–48.
Full textDionne, Eric, and Marc Chanelière. "Du contrat didactique au contrat évaluatif : une grille de lecture pour mieux appréhender l’évaluation des apprentissages en pédagogie médicale." Pédagogie Médicale 23, no. 1 (2022): 85–92.
Full textIKOUNGA, Roger Pierre, and Amedé KIKONDI. "Problématique des cours théoriques dans le processus d’enseignement/apprentissage de l’éducation physique et sportive (EPS) chez les collégiens congolais." LAKISA, Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation 1, no. 1 (June 30, 2021): 37–52.
Full textGagnon, Jean-Marie. "La caisse sous le microscope." Critique 37, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 131–45.
Full textThouin, Marcel. "La didactique : essentielle, mais menacée." Didactique, no. 1 (May 11, 2020): 61–86.
Full textDiard, Caroline, and Virginie Hachard. "Impact de la mise en œuvre d’une réforme organisationnelle sur la perception du contrat psychologique par les enseignants-chercheurs." Question(s) de management 23, no. 1 (2019): 41.
Full textCharlot, Alain, and François Pottier. "L'insertion professionnelle des diplômés de l'université depuis dix ans." L’Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 18, no. 1 (1989): 45–57.
Full textNIZET, Isabelle, and Réjane MONOD ANSALDI. "Construction de bénéfices mutuels en contexte collaboratif : pistes théoriques et méthodologiques." Phronesis 6, no. 1-2 (June 15, 2017): 140–52.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Contrat des enseignants"
Oudot, Jean. "Contributions vécues à une pédagogie du contrat par la responsabilisation des enseignés des enseignants et de l'institution." Bordeaux 2, 1989.
Full textThe youth town council in Sedan and the sessions of knowledge of our Europe have proved that young people could be relied on by giving them responsibilities. This aspect of responsabilization exists neither in dogmatic or alternative teaching theories but on the other hand transactional analysis pave the way to contractual teaching methods in which each individual can develop one's powers and abilities and may succeed. The educative action projects E A P offer a different way of considering the act of teaching. The ones with restricted responsibility do not alter the school system at all, but the ones with enlarged responsibility dealing mostly with the educative field generate clashes and crises. The pedagogic side is damaged by the educative one. In that case a contract must be negotiated and therefore we come to the pedagogical project with is the starting point of the school project itself
Clabecq, Céline. "Contraintes et assujettissements dans la formation des enseignants : une étude des effets d’Arrière-plan sur les pratiques des maîtres formateurs." Thesis, Bordeaux 2, 2012.
Full textWithin the educational system, mentors are entrusted with two tasks: teaching, as well as training adults. In a sense, they are expected to act as “model workers”, transmitting official wisdom, and publicizing “good practices”. They are subjected to Background effects, which determine their leeway. Our research was conducted in the context of institutional changes, namely the granting of MAs to trainees for the teaching profession. It highlights the constraints bearing upon mentors, who are expected to maintain standards of excellence. Such standards were inherited from the traditional training schools for primary education (“écoles normales”) as well as the newer teacher training institutions (IUFM), but also underwent significant changes. Primary sources include interviews with mentors as well as direct observation: Training schemes for mentors, training sessions and assessment of trainees, self analysis. This dissertation purports to demonstrate that the granting of a responsibility in training to mentors craving for recognition and distinction leaves them in a double bind. On the one hand they are subjected to institutional injunctions, on the other hand they aspire to professional freedom and autonomy, just as any other teacher. Mentors in fact negotiate their way between official demands and the constraints of practical work. Acknowledging the existence of a “compact” between mentors and their institutional employer is essential to an understanding of this process of negotiation
Brabet, Paul. "Primary education quality in sub-Saharan Africa : Three essays on improving student achievement." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.
Full textOver the past decades, primary school enrollment has significantly increased in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nevertheless, a large proportion of students do not master basic skills (reading, writing, arithmetic) by the end of the primary cycle. To improve student learning, numerous studies have focused on teacher quality or school governance. The objective of this thesis is to advance the understanding of education quality and student achievement through three distinct studies.The first focuses on the role of school principals and their involvement in school management. The results show that the involvement of school principals has no impact on student achievement, and that other characteristics, such as leadership,might play a more important role. The second chapter examines the competency-based reforms that have changed teaching practices in many Francophone African countries. This study shows that the competency-based approach has a positive impact on students’ language test scores. Finally, the last study analyzes the relationship between teacher contract types and student outcomes. The results suggest that contract teachers are as effective as tenured teachers, and that the type of teacher contract may not significantly impact student outcomes
Gandit, Michèle. "Etude épistémologique et didactique de la preuve en mathématiques et de son enseignement : une ingénierie en formation." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2008.
Full textMamish, Abdallah. "Effet d'un changement curriculaire sur les pratiques enseignantes : le cas de l'école primaire en Syrie illustré en mathématiques et en sciences expérimentales." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018.
Full textThe research focuses on a specific problematic to an evolving education system. Our orientation in this thesis is rather didactic; its objective is to study the effects of a new way of teaching on the teaching practices; including effects on student / teacher interactions and student participation. The answer to the research question required a descriptive and analytical study of the teachers to clarify the degree of application of the official instructions, what types of didactic contract established and “who does what” in relation to knowledge (topogenesis). A survey was also conducted with parents to get their point of view on this change. This research has used two approaches: mixed (qualitative and quantitative) and clinical. The results analysis of this thesis show that the interviewed teachers integrate the curriculum change despite difficulties related to their training, the classroom arrangement and the time allotted. The didactic analysis reveals an impact on the student / teacher interaction (oral lesson) but the place of the pupils in the construction of the knowledge remains marginal: the topogenetic position of the teacher is dominant and the adidactical situations which allow the pupils to build their knowledge by themselves are most often absent. Parents have a generally positive point of view despite some reservations. Our work opens perspectives on the effects of change on student achievement and on improving teacher training in Syria
Delepiere, Maud. "Former les futurs enseignants à l'épistémologie: connaissances professionnelles de formateurs de Hautes écoles." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2019.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation
Rhaib, Driss. "Le discours bilingue des enseignants marocains de français à Kenitra : approche linguistique et sociolinguistique." Rennes 2, 1994.
Full textInterested by languages contact phenomenon, we proposed in this doctoral research area to study linguistic contact between Moroccan Arabic and French. As we speak of language contact, we can't only evoke the language, we also have to get on society, individuals evolving and composing it, in witch different cultures confronts. To carry this two languages contact work through, our research was oriented towards the linguistic and sociolinguistic component, using as a "working tool" a speaker’s corpus in a given place : the city of Kenitra in morocco. In this study, we hope to contribute in describing and trying to explain certain linguistic phenomenons taking form of this language contact between Moroccan Arabic and French among Moroccan French teachers. Through our research, we successively evoke social and historic context just as their impacts on the languages that coexist in morocco such as modern Arabic, Moroccan Arabic, Berber and French. We also present a sociolinguistic analysis of our research subject studying certain historical aspects of French teaching in morocco, presenting our informants and the cursus they attend to and, finally, analysing production situation n of the two languages and topic subject’s factors. In a third part, we have analysed our subject in a lexical point of view with treating of mixed discourse and loan word phenomenon, trying to understand the functional mechanism of this two phenomenons in the French
Nicolas, Laura. "La disposition enseignante à un "agir collectif" : Analyse de la réception enseignante des négociations apprenantes en classe de FLE." Thesis, Paris 3, 2014.
Full textThe following study discusses the ability of teachers to simultaneously deal with the needs and interests of every learner in the classroom. Through the observation of a teacher’s feedback moves to students’negotiations of meaning, we conducted an exploration of his or her disposition (tendency) to meet both the negotiator and his or her peers’ needs. As such, this study aims at contributing to the field of teaching professional practices and of second language acquisition. The theoretical framework of this study relies on the Bakhtinian dialogism, Vygoskian socioconstructivism, the paradigm of “dispositions” developed by Lahire, the theory of joint action developed by Filliettaz and the connectionist approach to teacher decisionmaking, which has been developed by Tochon. Through the analysis of video recorded data that have been collected during conversational activities in a French classroom for adult migrants, we provide an in-depth investigation of the teacher’s moves of affiliation and disaffiliation from learners’ individual negotiations. Conversation analysis, microsociology, linguistic interactionism, psychosocial pragmatics, and discourse analysis are integrated in the research methodology in order to provide an accurate description of a teacher’s regulation of learners talk (elicitation, incitation or disaffiliation). Stimulated recall methodology has also been used to complete the interaction analysis. The results demonstrate that the teacher’s affiliations to individual negotiations are made in the light of their pedagogical utility for the peers. It is therefore argued that the teacher’s tendency to link each learner’ needs and interests to his or her peers’serves as a powerful functional connection on which the teachers’ improvisational decision-making process during classroom interactions is mostly based
Antier, Emmanuel. "L’éthique professionnelle des enseignants de langue-culture en contexte multiculturel : constats, enjeux et perspectives." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2017.
Full textUnder the impetus of the Council of Europe’s work, plurilingual and intercultural education has now grown to be a dominant moral choice in language and culture didactics. The primary aim of our dissertation is to examine the moral concepts conveyed by the Council of Europe’s discourse on language and culture didactics. This is for the purposes of clarifying the issue of professional ethics for teachers of language and culture in a multicultural context, and making it into a genuine field of research. To this end, we shall turn principally to the conceptual contributions of moral philosophy and, more specifically, to the distinction between maximalism and minimalism. From a prescriptive standpoint, we shall show that plurilingual and intercultural education, inasmuch as it is based on the notion of personal development, represents a maximalist concept of morality. Faced with the drift into excessive moralism of such an educational aim, we advocate a more minimalist model which also seems best suited to contexts marked by moral pluralism. Taking an empirical approach, our study shows a discrepancy between the moral reference points incorporated by teachers into their classroom practice and those taken up by the Council of Europe in their discourse. Based on this observation, we call for the contextual limitations of plurilingual, intercultural education to be taken into consideration. Lastly, in opposition to the system of expert assessment which is typical of the Council of Europe’s work, and contrary to the monism of plurilingual, intercultural education, we put forward the idea of sophisticated ethical training. This presupposes a diversification of the moral options available in language and culture pedagogy and, consecutively, the development of empirical research conducted into the professional ethics of teachers of language and culture
Verschave, Guy. "La socialisation par les sports collectifs : une approche conative auprès des enseignants d'éducation physique et sportive." Phd thesis, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, 2012.
Full textBooks on the topic "Contrat des enseignants"
Oudot, Jean. Contributions vécues à une pédagogie du contrat par la responsabilisation des enseignes, des enseignants et de l'institution. Bordeaux]: Université de Bordeaux II, 1989.
Find full textAllemann-Ghionda, Cristina. Pluralité linguistique et culturelle dans la formation des enseignants. Fribourg [Suisse]: Ed. Universitaires Fribourg, 1999.
Find full textRajagopal, Indhu. Hidden academics: Contract faculty in Canadian universities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.
Find full textOntario. Teachers' Contracts Regulation under the Education Act: Regulation 310 of the Revised regulations of Ontario, 1990 = Règlement sur les contrats des enseignants pris en application de la Loi sur l'éducation : Règlement 310 des Règlements refondus de l'Ontario de 1990. [Toronto]: Queen's Printer for Ontario = Imprimeur de la reine pour l'Ontario, 1994.
Find full textOntario. Trustee distribution regulation under the Education Act: Regulation 313 of the Revised regulations of Ontario, 1990 (as amended) = Règlement sur les contrats des enseignants pris en application de la Loi sur l'éducation : Règlement 313 des Règlements refondus de l'Ontario de 1990 (tel qu'il est modifié). [Toronto]: Queen's Printer for Ontario = Imprimeur de la reine pour l'Ontario, 1995.
Find full textMichelle, Trotter-Mathison, ed. The resilient practitioner: Burnout prevention and self-care strategies for counselors, therapists, teachers, and health professionals. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2010.
Find full textPeter, Robinson. Children of the revolution: An Inspector Banks novel. New York, NY: HarperLuxe, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2014.
Find full textRajagopal, Indhu. Hidden Academics: Contract Faculty in Canadian Universities. University of Toronto Press, 2017.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Contrat des enseignants"
Poucet, Bruno. "Militance et affirmation d’une nouvelle identité professionnelle dans l’enseignement privé sous contrat (1958-1986)." In Les enseignants dans la société française du xxe siècle, 133–46. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2004.
Full textLaliberté, Raymond. "Faut-il créer un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et enseignants du Québec?" In Pour ou contre un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec?, 36–41. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 1999.
Full textSavard, Luc. "Faut-il créer au Québec un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et enseignants ?" In Pour ou contre un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec?, 75–81. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 1999.
Full textLigneau, Jack. "Pourquoi faut-il créer l’Ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants du Québec ?" In Pour ou contre un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec?, 113–24. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 1999.
Full text"Faut-il créer un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec ?" In Pour ou contre un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec?, 93–97. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 1999.
Full textPresseault, Lise. "Faut-il créer un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec ?" In Pour ou contre un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec?, 125–29. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 1999.
Full textHersant, Magali. "Le contrat didactique et l’organisation de la rencontre des élèves avec le savoir." In Pratiques enseignantes des mathématiques, 89–110. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013.
Full textRobert, Ronald. "La création de l’Ordre des enseignantes et des enseignants en Ontario : bienfait ou malédiction... ?" In Pour ou contre un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec?, 83–90. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 1999.
Full text"Front Matter." In Pour ou contre un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec?, iii—Vi. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 1999.
Full textProulx, Jean-Pierre. "Syndicalisme et ordre professionnel : deux formes de regroupement compatibles." In Pour ou contre un ordre professionnel des enseignantes et des enseignants au Québec?, 131–37. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 1999.
Full textReports on the topic "Contrat des enseignants"
Naffi, Nadia, Chris Isaac Larnder, Viviane Vallerand, and Simon Duguay. Éduquer contre la désinformation amplifiée par l’IA et l’hypertrucage : une recension d’initiatives de 2018 à 2024. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l'intelligence artificielle et du numérique, October 2024.
Full textNaffi, Nadia, Ann-Louise Davidson, and Didier Paquelin. Perturbation dans et par les bureaux de soutien à l’enseignement pendant la pandémie COVID-19: Innover pour l'avenir de l'enseignement supérieur. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, September 2020.
Full textLutter contre les théories du complot : ce que les enseignants doivent savoir. UNESCO, 2024.
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