Academic literature on the topic 'Continuité des soins – Prévention'
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Journal articles on the topic "Continuité des soins – Prévention"
Aird, Georges, Yves Lecomte, and Monique Robitaille. "Psychiatrie de secteur : 10 ans après." Santé mentale au Québec 1, no. 1 (June 1, 2006): 26–53.
Full textBrengard, Dominique. "Équipes mobiles en psychiatrie périnatale : l’art des ponts." Perspectives Psy 61, no. 3 (July 2022): 207–13.
Full textDouzon-Bernal, M. "Un dispositif global de soins des troubles de la relation mère–nourrisson." European Psychiatry 28, S2 (November 2013): 57.
Full textPoulin, Carole, Odette Lemoine, Léo-Roch Poirier, and Louise Fournier. "Les troubles anxieux constituent-ils un problème de santé publique ?" Santé mentale au Québec 29, no. 1 (August 18, 2004): 61–72.
Full textMolénat, F., A. Morard-Dubey, and L. Roegiers. "Le sentiment de continuité en périnatalité. Concepts et outils : une élaboration progressive." Périnatalité 11, no. 4 (December 2019): 149–60.
Full textCHASTAND, A., and W. DURIEUX. "PERSONNES EN SITUATION DE PROSTITUTION." EXERCER 34, no. 197 (November 1, 2023): 388–96.
Full textJOUAULT, C., A. JOUAULT, ML LANGLAIS, F. ZORZI, N. PROTHON, and M. LAMORT-BOUCHE. "L’image du médecin, le regard du patient." EXERCER 35, no. 199 (January 1, 2024): 4–9.
Full textLemire, Francine. "La continuité des soins." Canadian Family Physician 67, no. 6 (June 2021): 469.
Full textClet, Estelle, Anaïs Essilini, Christine Cohidon, and François Alla. "Intégrer la prévention dans les soins primaires : avant tout un enjeu organisationnel." Santé Publique Prépublications (May 6, 2024): I—V.
Full textClet, Estelle, Anaïs Essilini, Christine Cohidon, and François Alla. "Intégrer la prévention dans les soins primaires : avant tout un enjeu organisationnel." Santé Publique 36, no. 3 (June 21, 2024): 121–25.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Continuité des soins – Prévention"
Luong, Nguyen Liêm Binh. "Modélisation et analyse en coût-efficacité des stratégies de prévention, de dépistage et de traitement de l'infection par le VIH à Ndhiwa, Kenya." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2021.
Full textMédecin Sans Frontière (MSF) have been working since the early 1980’s on HIV care delivery in Ndhiwa, a rural sub-county in Southwest Kenya. This area suffers from a generalized HIV epidemic, with 24% prevalence and 2.2/100 person years (PY) incidence. In line with the UNAIDS 90-90-90 and 95-95-95 targets, MSF has implemented interventions to decrease HIV incidence. In the first part of this work, we have developped a mathematical model of HIV natural history and transmission in Ndhiwa to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of three different interventions on HIV continuum of care. We estimated than current standard of care would decrease HIV incidence to 1.51/100 PY in 2032, whereas only retention intervention and combined interventions would further decrease HIV incidence to 1.03/100 PY and 0,75/100 PY, respectively. Compared to standard of care, retention to care intervention has an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of 130€/years of live saved (YLS) whereas combined intervention has an ICER of 370€/YLS. In the second part, we modeled the effectiveness of the improvement of continuum of care from 90-90-90 to 95-95-95, compared with a Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) intervention with 10% coverage in high-risk group. We found that in the context of generalized epidemic where continuum of care reach 90-90-90, an improvement to 95-95-95 would be more effective than PrEP to decrease incidence. To conclude, combined interventions on HIV continuum of care have synergic effects and are very cost-effective. We also underlined the importance of maintaining a high level continuum of care to decrease HIV incidence, which is as important as PrEP to fight the HIV pandemic
Berger, Mathilde. "Co-conception d’un dispositif numérique de soutien à l’autogestion de l’activité physique et de la douleur pour les personnes souffrant de lombalgie chronique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.
Full textChronic low back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide and has a significant impact on quality of life of those affected. International guidelines recommend active treatments based on promoting physical activity, reducing sedentary behavior, and supporting self-management. Despite the validity of these recommendations, long-term adherence is complex and relapses are common. Mobile health technologies, also known as mHealth, offer new opportunities to support people with this condition. However, existing devices have several limitations in terms of content, effectiveness, and acceptability. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to co-design an mHealth device to support the self-management of physical activity and pain for people with chronic low back pain. To achieve this, special attention is given to motion sensors, particularly accelerometers, which could be integrated into such devices. First, the use of these sensors to measure physical activity in this population is reviewed in the literature. The results of the measurements of physical activity obtained with these devices are also reviewed. Second, the capacity of accelerometers to differentiate specific physical activity variables is tested. Third, the needs of both people with chronic low back pain and healthcare professionals are explored to provide design recommendations for an mHealth focused on the needs of this population. Finally, the development stages of an initial prototype that addresses the previously identified needs are detailed. The results of this thesis highlight the opportunities and challenges associated with the development of mHealth technologies to support the self-management of physical activity and pain in people with chronic low back pain. These findings will make it possible to initiate the development of a device tailored to the specific needs of this population
Grégoire, Yolande. "La signification de la continuité des soins pour des infirmières en soins à domicile." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2002.
Full textGirou, Emmanuelle. "Prévention des infections liées aux soins en réanimation." Paris 12, 2003.,exact,990003949320204611&vid=upec.
Full textPatients hospitalized in intensive care units are at high-risk of acquiring infections because of their high severity and high exposure to invasive devices. One part of these infections may probably be avoided using effective measures, especially the part associated with care activities. This thesis presents the studies we conducted in this field with a first part focusing on the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and a second part discussing the prevention of cross transmission via hands. For VAP prevention, the use of noninvasive ventilation was associated with a significant reduction of VAP and other sites of infection whereas, in another study, the use of subglottic secretions drainage and semi-recumbent position had no effect on tracheal colonization, which normally precedes lung infection. We also demonstrated that the use of alcoholic hand-rubs, the rational use of gloves and, the screening of multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus on admission might help limiting cross transmission of microorganisms in intensive care units
Walczak, Laurent. "Implication du médecin généraliste dans la continuité du traitement de l'urgence." Montpellier 1, 1999.
Full textLeleu, Henri. "Mesure de la continuité longitudinale dans le champ des soins primaires dans le contexte français." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2014.
Full textSamson, Marie-Laurence. "Élaboration d’un suivi infirmier pour les personnes épileptiques." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
Full textL'épilepsie est une affection neurologique qui touche la personne dans son entièreté, c’est-à-dire qu’elle peut éprouver des difficultés d’adaptation tant au niveau physique, psychologique que social. La complexité et le phénomène d’évolution des problématiques rencontrées par les personnes, ainsi que les besoins spécifiques de ces patients justifient essentiellement l'élaboration d'un suivi infirmier adressé spécifiquement aux personnes épileptiques. Selon la méthodologie de Burns et Grove (2005), un modèle de suivi a été élaboré à l’aide de plusieurs sources et différentes méthodes de collecte, soit les entrevues qualitatives auprès des patients épileptiques (n=4) et auprès des professionnels (n=6), en plus de séances d’observation participante et d’une consultation de la littérature. En fin de compte, à la lumière des résultats obtenus, le suivi infirmier proposé cherche à répondre plus spécifiquement aux besoins des personnes épileptiques et ainsi favoriser leur adaptation, selon le modèle de Roy (2009).
Epilepsy is a neurologic disorder that can affect the person in its entirety, perturbing physical, psychological and social dimensions. The complexity and the phenomenon of evolution of problems faced by people with epilepsy, as well as specifics needs of these people justify essentially the development of a nursing follow up addressed specifically for them. According to the methodology of Burns and Grove (2005), interventions that composed the nursing follow up was created using different data sources and different collecting methods, like qualitative interviews with epileptic person (n=4) and professionals (n=6), participant observation sessions, in addition to literature review. Analysis of verbatim was done according to the approach of Giorgi (1997). Ultimately, in the light of obtained results, the proposed nursing follow up is more specific to needs and problems experienced by people with epilepsy and thus, facilitate adaptation, depending on the adaptation model of Roy (2009).
Faure, Dominique. "L'audit de la prévention d'escarres des personnes âgées à l'hôpital." Bordeaux 2, 1992.
Full textSt-Onge, Mélanie. "Continuité relationnelle dans les soins de santé mentale primaires : réflexion, conceptualisation et mesure." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2012.
Full textCouturier, Bérengère. "Organisation de la sortie d'hospitalisation et de la continuité des soins en aval." Thesis, Paris 6, 2016.
Full textOrganization of hospital discharge and impact on patient health outcomes. We made a systematic review of the literature with the aim of exploring associations between components of the hospital-discharge process–including continuity of care thereafter–and patients’ health outcomes in the post-discharge period. Results indicate that none of the studies reported a statistically significant association between the presence of a component or an intervention likely improving the quality of hospital-discharge process and mortality. As regards rehospitalizations or emergency department visits, the analysis of the literature provides a more balanced response. At the same time, the wide heterogeneity observed across the studies prevents from performing a meaningful meta-analysis and no consistent statistical association between components of the hospital-discharge process including continuity of care thereafter and patient health outcomes could be identified.Patients’ opinions on the hospital discharge process. Taking advantage of the SENTIPAT trial, we undertook an ancillary study that compared two methods for collecting patients’ opinions on the discharge process: questionnaire self-completion on a dedicated internet website versus a telephone interview. Although the internet patients’ response rate was lower than that of the telephone patients, estimates of patient satisfaction on the discharge process issued from both modes of administration of the questionnaire were similar. Results advocate for establishing a permanent information system that would enable volunteering patients to express their opinions on hospital discharge and for developing the concept of sentinel patient
Books on the topic "Continuité des soins – Prévention"
Pierre-André, Michaud, ed. La santé des adolescents: Approches, soins, prévention. Lausanne: Éditions Payot, 1997.
Find full textBrun, Marie-France. Transfusion vigilances: Prévention des risques liés aux soins. Paris: Éditions Maloine, 2006.
Find full textBretin, M. M. La prévention des constipations: Vers un protocole infirmier. Paris: Maloine, 1995.
Find full textValérie, Legrand-Germanier, ed. Le système de santé: Assurances, médecine, soins et prévention. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2010.
Find full textFrancoeur, Louise. Soins infirmiers gériatriques: Programme de prévention des chutes en institution. Montréal: Direction des soins infirmiers, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, 2001.
Find full textQuébec. Régie de la Sécurité Dans Les Sports. Sécurité Dans Les Sports: Prévention des Blessures et Premiers Soins. S.l: s.n, 1985.
Find full textsanté, Ontario Ministère de la. Les partenariats dans les soins de longue durée: Un nouveau moyen de planifier, d'administrer et d'offrir des services et du soutien communautaire : directives d'établissement des organismes de services polyvalents. Toronto, Ont: Ministère de la santé, 1993.
Find full textSoucy, Olivette. Programme de soins infirmiers: Prévention et traitement des lésions de pression. 4th ed. Montréal: Direction des soins infirmiers, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, 2002.
Find full textLaboratoire de lutte contre la maladie (Canada). Guide de prévention des infections pour les établissements de soins prolongés. Ottawa, Ont: Ministère de la santé nationale et du bien-être social, 1994.
Find full text-F, Pauchet-Traversat A., ed. Prévenir les escarres: Protocoles et stratégies. Paris: Maloine, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Continuité des soins – Prévention"
Carbajal, R., S. Gréteau, C. Arnaud, and R. Guedj. "Douleur : traitement non médicamenteux et prévention." In Soins de développement en période néonatale, 149–61. Paris: Springer Paris, 2014.
Full textFerrari, Isabelle, and Jean-Philippe Fosse. "Toilette, soins de confort et prévention d’escarres en réanimation." In Références en réanimation. Collection de la SRLF, 155–58. Paris: Springer Paris, 2014.
Full textChassagne, P., X. Gbaguidi, and C. Le Guillou. "Continuité et coordination des soins chez le sujet âgé vulnérable: indicateurs de qualité de soins." In La personne âgée fragile, 120–24. Paris: Springer Paris, 2009.
Full textPeigné, Violette. "Continuité des soins transfrontaliers et circulation des données de sante : l’accès au dossier médical électronique." In Unionsbürgerschaft und Patientenfreizügigkeit Citoyenneté Européenne et Libre Circulation des Patients EU Citizenship and Free Movement of Patients, 365–80. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textDenis, Pierre. "La continuité, pour quoi faire ?" In Continuité des soins, continuité psychique, 7. ERES, 2010.
Full textDenis, Pierre. "Depuis l'Unité jusqu'au centre Myriam-David : entretien avec Christiane Pagenelle." In Continuité des soins, continuité psychique, 13. ERES, 2010.
Full textDenis, Pierre. "Entretien avec Françoise Jardin." In Continuité des soins, continuité psychique, 29. ERES, 2010.
Full textOrth de Aragão, Regina. "« Où est ma maman ? — Qui suis-je ? »." In Continuité des soins, continuité psychique, 43. ERES, 2010.
Full textDetry, Laurette. "Un parcours d'enfance, Théo de 0 à 7 ans." In Continuité des soins, continuité psychique, 77. ERES, 2010.
Full textLê Van, Catherine. "Ces petits riens..." In Continuité des soins, continuité psychique, 99. ERES, 2010.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Continuité des soins – Prévention"
Le Hesran, JY, A. Hémadou, R. Adamou, M. Razack, R. Tahar, and C. Baxerres. "Delayed treatment of severe malaria in children in Benin and strategies for reducing malaria-related infant mortality." In MSF Scientific Days International 2023. NYC: MSF-USA, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Continuité des soins – Prévention"
Jauvin, Nathalie, François Aubry, Francis Ethridge, Isabelle Feillou, Éric Gagnon, Andrew Freeman, Nancy Côté, et al. Recherche-action visant le développement d’un modèle d’intervention préventive en SST par et pour les préposés aux bénéficiaires en CHSLD. IRSST, September 2024.
Full textRapport sur le dialogue social 2022 : la négociation collective pour une reprise durable, résiliente et inclusive. ILO, 2022.
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