Academic literature on the topic 'Contact-module system'

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Journal articles on the topic "Contact-module system"


Wu, Dong Yue. "Electromagnetic Measurement System for Monitoring Crack of Conductivity Material." Applied Mechanics and Materials 391 (September 2013): 473–76.

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Electromagnetism based detection has advanced rapidly in recent years because of its characteristics of non-contact and non-invasion nature. An electromagnetic measurement system for monitoring the crack of conductivity material was presented in this paper. The system consists of signal source module, measuring module and demodulation module. In order to evaluate the system performance, some prime experimental work was undertaken, the results showed the feasibility of the system.
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Wang, Hao, and Dian Ren Chen. "Radar Non-Contact Life Parameter Detection System." Advanced Materials Research 1044-1045 (October 2014): 833–36.

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The main principle of radar non - contact life detection technology is the use of electromagnetic wave by the human body, the echo signal is modulated by the surface movement caused the life activities of the human body, so that some parameters of the return signal change. The research on the non contact detection technology, completed the construction of life monitoring system module of hardware, design of software algorithm, real-time data acquisition, and the use of special software algorithms, to detect these changes, and then extracting parameters of human life.
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Hou, Yu, Jian Yi Kong, and Xing Dong Wang. "Research on Online Monitoring for the Main Drive System of Rolling Mill." Applied Mechanics and Materials 127 (October 2011): 444–48.

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An online monitoring method for the main drive system of rolling mill is studied in this paper. The monitoring objects are drive shaft torque, rolling force, and other related process signals of the rough rolling mill. A non-contact torque measurement method based on induction power supply was adopted, and this kind of power supply for sensors and transmitters can provide a long-term stable power supply, and make the system work continuously. The overall monitoring system includes signal acquisition module, network communication module, database server module, status monitoring and alarm module, signal processing and analysis module, and client server module. The realization of the monitoring system can help to prevent catastrophic damage and reduce additional costs due to unexpected downtime.
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Huang, Xian Ge, and Zhan Rong Jing. "The Collection System of Relay Electrical Endurance Based on LabVIEW." Applied Mechanics and Materials 148-149 (December 2011): 1154–57.

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Electrical-endurance of relay is great important work .In this paper, the composition of relay collection system and using ni_7811R achieve fpga contact collection technology based on Labview platform are introduced .This paper make contact information can be collected real- timely and transferred rapidly through dma module . It has positive significance to enhance relay quality and reliability.
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Cruz, André, and André Vasconcelos. "A Reference Application Architecture for the CRM Domain." International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems 11, no. 2 (April 2015): 24–49.

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This paper presents the definition of a Reference Application Architecture for the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) domain. The definition of the Reference Application Architecture is done by extracting best practices from five CRM commercial solutions: SugarCRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Sage CRM, Oracle Siebel CRM and Salesforce CRM. The CRM Reference Architecture was developed considering the shared functionalities and information entities among these commercial solutions. In the Reference Architecture the authors identify six modules in the CRM system and five systems, which interact with the CRM system. The six CRM modules are: Account module, Sales module, Marketing module, Service module, Scheduler Module and Administration module. The five interacting systems are: Portal, Contact Center, Document and Knowledge Base Management system, Workflow system and Reporting and Analytics system. Then the authors apply the defined architecture in a case study from the Portuguese Public Administration, the Citizen Spaces provided by the Agency for the Administrative Modernization. The authors compare the current state of the Citizen Spaces with a possible architecture reached through the Reference Architecture, and assess the benefits and pitfalls of the purposed architecture.
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Chen, Shuo, Cong Xiao Tan, and Xiao Le Fang. "Design of Plunger Limit Switch Testing System Based on Virtual Instrument Technology." Applied Mechanics and Materials 599-601 (August 2014): 896–99.

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This paper introduces a plunger limit switch testing system based on Virtual Instrument Technology with servo control module and data acquisition module. The proposed system is designed for measuring contact resistance, force-displacement curve and voltage-displacement curve. And the product qualification is automatically judged according to the measured result. Field experiment shows that the parameter testing system has a stable and reliable performance with high precision.
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Qi, Pengyuan, Gang Wang, Zhen Gao, Xianghua Liu, and Weijie Liu. "Measurements of Temperature Distribution for High Temperature Steel Plates Based on Digital Image Correlation." Materials 12, no. 20 (October 12, 2019): 3322.

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Temperature distribution is an important process parameter of steel plates during electromagnetic induction heating treatment. This study uses the digital image correlation method to develop an effective non-contact temperature measurement that allows obtaining valuable information about the temperature value of a high temperature steel plate specimen and analyzing its temperature distribution. A principle of thermal radiation temperature measurement based on the color chagre couled device (CCD) technology was introduced. The image processing system encapsulates the image update module, form mode module, image event module and temperature analysis module. The error analysis and temperature calibration were carried out to make sure the error deviation of the measurement system was within a small range. The temperature distribution of B1500HS at high temperature was analyzed by the designed measurement system which was in good agreement with the result from Raynger 3i Plus temperature gun, indicating that the measurement system based on image processing basically meets the requirements of temperature distribution measurement of a high temperature steel plate, and provides an important reference for a high temperature steel plate in non-contact temperature distribution measurement.
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Tang, Rui-Yin, Zhou-Mo Zeng, Hong-Kun He, and Zhi-Kun Chen. "Planeness Measurement of Computer Harddisk Surface Based on Opto-Mechatronics Technology." International Journal of Automation Technology 7, no. 2 (March 5, 2013): 171–75.

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This paper presents a novel method based on optomechatronics for highly accurately detecting the planeness of computer hard-disk surfaces. This article introduces the detailed design of the system, which includes four modules: the optic-electric detection module, the 2-dimensional mechanic platform, the motion control module and the human-machine interaction module. Results show that the system has merits like non-contact, high accuracy, flexible and reliable control and high efficiency. The system has been applied successfully at a foreign-funded enterprise in Singapore.
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Truong, Thomas, Anh Dinh, and Khan Wahid. "An Ultra-Wideband Frequency System for Non-Destructive Root Imaging." Sensors 18, no. 8 (July 26, 2018): 2438.

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Understanding the root system architecture of plants as they develop is critical for increasing crop yields through plant phenotyping, and ultra-wideband imaging systems have shown potential as a portable, low-cost solution to non-destructive imaging root system architectures. This paper presents the design, implementation, and analysis of an ultra-wideband imaging system for use in imaging potted plant root system architectures. The proposed system is separated into three main subsystems: a Data Acquisition module, a Data Processing module, and an Image Processing and Analysis module. The Data Acquisition module consists of simulated and experimental implementations of a non-contact synthetic aperture radar system to measure ultra-wideband signal reflections from concealed scattering objects in a pot containing soil. The Data Processing module is responsible for interpreting the measured ultra-wideband signals and producing an image using a delay-and-sum beamforming algorithm. The Image Processing and Analysis module is responsible for improving image quality and measuring root depth and average root diameter in an unsupervised manner. The Image Processing and Analysis module uses a modified top-hat transformation alongside quantization methods based on energy distributions in the image to isolate the surface of the imaged root. Altogether, the proposed subsystems are capable of imaging and measuring concealed taproot system architectures with controlled soil conditions; however, the performance of the system is highly dependent on knowledge of the soil conditions. Smaller roots in difficult imaging conditions require future work into understanding and compensating for unwanted noise. Ultimately, this paper sought to provide insight into improving imaging quality of ultra-wideband (UWB) imaging systems for plant root imaging for other works to be followed.
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Ismanov, Yu, N. Niyazov, and N. Dzhamankyzov. "Hybrid System Converting Solar Energy Into Electric Energy." Bulletin of Science and Practice 7, no. 9 (September 15, 2021): 12–26.

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The article discusses a mathematical model of a hybrid system that combines photovoltaic and thermoelectric methods for converting concentrated solar energy into electrical energy. The specified mathematical model makes it possible to determine the temperatures of the photovoltaic module, as well as the temperature of the electrodes of the thermoelectric generator module. Optimal operating conditions have been determined for the hybrid system, taking into account the thermal contact resistance at the hot and cold sides of the thermoelectric generator. The simulation proceeded from the fact that only part of the absorbed solar radiation is converted into electricity due to the photoelectric effect, some part is lost due to radiation and convection from the upper surface of the photovoltaic module into the environment, and the rest is transferred to a thermoelectric generator connected to the lower part. photovoltaic module. A thermoelectric generator converts some of the thermal energy it receives from the photovoltaic module into electricity through the Seebeck effect, but most of it goes to the cooling system. The conversion of heat into electrical energy was based on the well-known Seebeck and Peltier effects. Along with these effects, such effects were taken into account as the formation of Joule heat due to the presence of electric current in the thermoelectric generator, Fourier thermal conductivity, as a consequence of the appearance of a temperature gradient in the transitions of a thermoelectric generator and Thomson heat, which arises both due to the presence of a temperature gradient, and electric current. The resulting model of the hybrid system makes it possible to study the effect of changing the temperature difference between the hot and cold electrodes of the thermoelectric generator and the resistance of the external circuit on the performance of the hybrid system. The model also allows the determination of the optimal operating conditions for the hybrid system, taking into account the thermal contact resistance on the hot and cold sides of the thermoelectric generator.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Contact-module system"


Никольский, Валерий Евгеньевич. "Синергетические реакционно-массообменные процессы в газожидкостных аппаратах и топливных агрегатах химической технологии." Thesis, Украинский государственный химико-технологический университет, 2016.

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Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора технических наук по специальности 05.17.08 – процессы и оборудование химической технологии. – Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт" Министерства образования и науки Украины, Харьков, 2016 г. Диссертационная работа посвящена решению актуальной инжиниринговой научно-технической проблемы: разработать современные энергоэффективные экологически чистые технологии, средства генерирования и потребления тепловой энергии с применением систем рекуперации теплоты на основе синергетического единства аппаратурно-технологического оформления процессов и системного подхода. В работе разработаны научно-методологические основы и практические способы повышения эффективности использования топлива в газожидкостных аппаратах и топливных агрегатах химической технологии за счет интенсификации тепловых процессов в их рабочем пространстве. С позиции совершенствования топливо– и материалосберегающих техники и технологий созданы новые конструкции газожидкостных аппаратов и топливных агрегатов. На их основе синтезированы экологически чистые энергоэффективные технологические системы (ЭТС), приемлемые для химической технологии и других сфер промышленности, коммунального, сельского хозяйства, отвечающие современным энергетическим и экологическим требованиям. Систематизированы методы интенсификации гетерогенных процессов в теплотехнологических аппаратах; предложены новые перспективные РТ и АК методы интенсификации и обоснована целесообразность их практического использования при синтезе новых ЭТС на базе синергетически совмещенных реакционно-разделительных процессов (обеспечение неоднофазности, наложение электрических и магнитных полей на контактирующие фазы, оптимизация параметров пульсаций в гетерогенных системах, одно- и многотипное комбинирование теплогенерирующих аппаратов, обеспечение многократных входных и концевых эффектов, соударения, закручивания, взаимной эжекции контактирующих фаз и их осциллирования, циклический подвод энергии). Разработанные и приведенные в диссертации аппараты, технологические процессы и оборудование широко внедрены на предприятиях Минхимпрома, Минметаллургии, Минавтопрома, Минкоммунхоза Украины и стран СНГ.
A thesis for Doctor of Technical degree, specialty 05.17.08 – process and equipments of chemical technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis deals with the improvement of actual engineering science-technical problem: the development of the modern energy effective ecological technologies, the means of energy generation and consumption using the heat recuperation systems on the base of synergetic unity of hardware implementation of the processes and system approach. For that the methodological fundamentals and practical methods of increasing of fuel utilization efficiency in the gas-liquid apparatuses and in the fuel combustion units of chemical technology at the expense of heat processes intensification were developed. Looking for improvements in fuel efficiency and materials saving the new constructions of gas-liquid apparatuses and fuel combustion units were created. On this base the ecological and energy efficiency technological systems were synthesized. They confirm to the requirements of modern power engineering and they are acceptable for the chemical technology and the other industries, as well as for communal services and agriculture. The high-effective contact-module system was developed. It was equipped with the immersion combustion apparatuses with multiple phase inversion and oscillation modulating of contacted phases. The system can be used for heat supply of industrial and agricultural buildings, apartment houses without using boilers with heat utilization of combustion products, when heat rating of 200, 400, 600, 1000, 2000 kWt is assumed, depending a need for generated heat. The expenses for complex structures and buildings’ heating using the development are decreased by 2,5 – 2,8 times in comparison with the traditional means. Contact-module system has stood the government heat-ecological test, which confirmed its high efficiency, ecological compatibility, serviceability. Construction standard specifications for serial production in the different branches of economy were obtained. The developed and presented in the thesis apparatuses, technological processes and equipments were applied in chemistry, metallurgy, motor-car industries and in communal services in Ukraine and CIS countries.
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Нікольський, Валерій Євгенович. "Синергетичні реакційно-масообмінні процеси в газорідинних апаратах і паливних агрегатах хімічної технології." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2016.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.17.08 – процеси та обладнання хімічної технології. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут" Міністерства освіти і науки України, Харків, 2016 р. Дисертаційна робота присвячена вирішенню актуальної інжинірингової науково-технічної проблеми: розробити сучасні енергоефективні екологічно чисті технології, засоби генерування та споживання теплової енергії із застосуванням систем рекуперації теплоти на основі синергетичної єдності апаратурно-технологічного оформлення процесів і системного підходу. У роботі розроблено науково-методологічні основи та практичні способи підвищення ефективності використання палива в газорідинних апаратах і паливних агрегатах хімічної технології за рахунок інтенсифікації теплових процесів в їх робочому просторі. З позиції вдосконалення паливо- і матеріалозберігаючих техніки і технологій створено нові конструкції газорідинних апаратів і паливних агрегатів. На їх основі синтезовано екологічно чисті енергоефективні технологічні системи (ЕТС), прийнятні для хімічної технології та інших сфер промисловості, комунального, сільського господарства, які відповідають сучасним енергетичним та екологічним вимогам. Розроблено високоефективну контактно-модульну систему (КМС), обладнану апаратами зануреного горіння (АЗГ) з багатократною інверсією і модуляцією коливань контактуючих фаз для потреб теплопостачання промислових будівель і споруд, житлових і сільськогосподарських комплексів, яка виключає використання котельних і бойлерних установок з утилізацією теплоти продуктів згоряння, тепловою потужністю 200, 400, 600, 1000, 2000 кВт і вище залежно від потреби в генерованій теплоті. Витрати на обігрівання будівель і споруд при використанні пристрою знижуються в 2,5-2,8 рази в порівнянні з традиційними способами обігрівання. КМС пройшла державні тепло-екологічні випробування, які підтвердили її високу енергоефективність, екологічність, надійність в роботі. Отримано технічні умови на серійне її виготовлення і експлуатацію в різних галузях народного господарства. Розроблені і наведені в дисертації апарати, технологічні процеси і устаткування широко впроваджені на підприємствах Мінхімпрому, Мінметалургіі, Мінавтопрому, Мінкомунгоспу України та країн СНД.
A thesis for Doctor of Technical degree, specialty 05.17.08 – process and equipments of chemical technology. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016. The thesis deals with the improvement of actual engineering science-technical problem: the development of the modern energy effective ecological technologies, the means of energy generation and consumption using the heat recuperation systems on the base of synergetic unity of hardware implementation of the processes and system approach. For that the methodological fundamentals and practical methods of increasing of fuel utilization efficiency in the gas-liquid apparatuses and in the fuel combustion units of chemical technology at the expense of heat processes intensification were developed. Looking for improvements in fuel efficiency and materials saving the new constructions of gas-liquid apparatuses and fuel combustion units were created. On this base the ecological and energy efficiency technological systems were synthesized. They confirm to the requirements of modern power engineering and they are acceptable for the chemical technology and the other industries, as well as for communal services and agriculture. The high-effective contact-module system was developed. It was equipped with the immersion combustion apparatuses with multiple phase inversion and oscillation modulating of contacted phases. The system can be used for heat supply of industrial and agricultural buildings, apartment houses without using boilers with heat utilization of combustion products, when heat rating of 200, 400, 600, 1000, 2000 kWt is assumed, depending a need for generated heat. The expenses for complex structures and buildings’ heating using the development are decreased by 2,5 – 2,8 times in comparison with the traditional means. Contact-module system has stood the government heat-ecological test, which confirmed its high efficiency, ecological compatibility, serviceability. Construction standard specifications for serial production in the different branches of economy were obtained. The developed and presented in the thesis apparatuses, technological processes and equipments were applied in chemistry, metallurgy, motor-car industries and in communal services in Ukraine and CIS countries.
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Sohr, Martin. "Zabezpečovací systém pro rodinný dům." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2012.

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Family house, security system, wireless communication, IQRF, RSA, central control unit, SPI, I2C, glass break sensors, motion sensors, magnetic contact sensors, graphic displey, LCD displey, microcontroler, SIM900, 24FJ256GB106, EA DOGM106, eDIPTFT43-A.
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Hsuan, Su Fang, and 蘇方旋. "The Study of Precision Measurement of Objects Diameter by Using A Non-Contact Measurement System with Simple Laser-Beam Module of Line-Light Type." Thesis, 2001.

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In this thesis, we use a cylinder lens to compress the laser beam into one-dimensional laser beam of line-light type, and by using a linear CCD to construct an optical type of simple object diameter measurement system. We use statistics and digital image processing to design the algorithm and software to precisely measure the object diameter. According to digital image processing, we have developed an edge detection algorithm to define the edge of object diameter and have used a standard of National Measurement Laboratory R.O.C (NML) to calibrate our algorithm and correct the systematic error. We estimated the correction factor, and used the method of statistics to add a algorithm to reduce the random error. Finally we calculated the total uncertainty for the measurement results. Experiments indicates that the optimal parameters of the measurement system are: (1) sampling time: 38 ms; (2) numbers of sampling : 81 times; (3) the input voltage of laser-beam module: 2.000 V. Experimental results show that the system uncertainty of the measurement system is 7 μm, which is small than one pixel size of the CCD. Using the correction factor to measure the diameters of 10 mm and 13 mm pin gauges, the uncertainties are 81 μm and 26 μm, respectively. According to the measurement results, we compared them with that of NML. The percentage errors are 0.82% and 0.25%, respectively. Experimental results also show that the simple-object diameter measurement system has the features of non-contact measurement, fast measurement ability and measurement with high accuracy. It is suitable to be applied to the production line to perform the automatic measurement of the size of objects diameter.
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The manufacturing cost of solar cells along with their efficiency and reliability define the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). One needs to reduce LCOE to make solar cells cost competitive compared to other sources of electricity. After a sustained decrease since 2001 the manufacturing cost of the dominant photovoltaic technology based on c-Si solar cells has recently reached a plateau. Further reduction in LCOE is only possible by increasing the efficiency and/or reliability of c-Si cells. Among alternate technologies, organic photovoltaics (OPV) has reduced manufacturing cost, but they do not offer any LCOE gain because their lifetime and efficiency are significantly lower than c-Si. Recently, perovskite solar cells have showed promising results in terms of both cost and efficiency, but their reliability/stability is still a concern and the physical origin of the efficiency gain is not fully understood.

In this work, we have collaborated with scientists industry and academia to explain the origin of the increased cell efficiency of bulk solution-processed perovskite cells. We also explored the possibility of enhancing the efficiency of the c-Si and perovskite cells by using them in a tandem configuration. To improve the intrinsic reliability, we have investigated 2D-perovskite cells with slightly lower efficiency but longer lifetime. We interpreted the behavior of the 2D-perovskite cells using randomly stacked quantum wells in the absorber region. We studied the reliability issues of c-Si modules and correlated series resistance of the modules directly to the solder bond failure. We also found out that finger thinning of the contacts at cell level manifests as a fake shunt resistance but is distinguishable from real shunt resistance by exploring the reverse bias or efficiency vs. irradiance. Then we proposed a physics-based model to predict the energy yield and lifetime of a module that suffers from solder bond failure using real field data by considering the statistical nature of the failure at module level. This model is part of a more comprehensive model that can predict the lifetime of a module that suffers from more degradation mechanisms such as yellowing, potential induced degradation, corrosion, soiling, delamination, etc. simultaneously. This method is called forward modeling since we start from environmental data and initial information of the module, and then predict the lifetime and time-dependent energy yield of a solar cell technology. As the future work, we will use our experience in forward modeling to deconvolve the reliability issues of a module that is fielded since each mechanism has a different electrical signature. Then by calibrating the forward model, we can predict the remaining lifetime of the fielded module. This work opens new pathways to achieve 2030 Sunshot goals of LCOE below 3c/kWh by predicting the lifetime that the product can be guaranteed, helping financial institutions regarding the risk of their investment, or national laboratories to redefine the qualification and reliability protocols.
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Book chapters on the topic "Contact-module system"


Huang, Scottie Chih-Chieh, and Shen-Guan Shih. "On the Designing and Prototyping of Kinetic Objects." In Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts, 267–77. IGI Global, 2012.

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MSOrgm (Huang, 2009), SSOrgan, and LBSkeleton (Huang, 2011) were created to contain computation, aesthetic, and structural characteristics to employ physical kinetic motion to embody and communicate to people. MSOrgm raises its branches when it senses someone who is looking at it. MSOrgm was developed as a robot plant to interact with the viewer in a soothing way; it uses transformable module to build interconnected fabric and produce unexpected behavior. SSOrgan provides a novel tangible interaction, which generates color in response to touch. SSOrgan is an artificial skin system composed by dense individual sensing module; it creates the responsive behavior executed by its external contact and its internal computing mechanism. LBSkeleton explores a mutual interaction that happens between “the piper and the snake” ? through the change of the sound performance that should triggered by body movement reflectivity. LBSkeleton shows a kinetic structural system, which is engaged with the sensor networked framework and the origami tessellation module to perform a kind of growling behavior with sound. These works bring the specific type of modeling, controlling, and interacting on the designing of the kinetic creatures. The artworks are bringing novel user experiences with the biomimetic mechanism in a space.
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MARMOLEJO-QUINTANAR, Jaqueline, and Daniel Alejandro PINEDA-PRADO. "Resultados de laboratorio, del funcionamiento de un prototipo de modulo para saneamiento de aguas servidas." In Arquitectura y Sustentabilidad Handbook T-I, 53–58. ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C., 2021.

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Based on the waste of water, which is done by the human population, not having an awareness of the importance of water care and that it is a vital element for the entire world population, a module has been generated for the treatment of sewage, where natural resources can be implemented and instantly fulfill a functionality required by the users of a home. Drinking water inherently becomes wastewater, impacting the environment, health and the economy. The groundwater tables from which the water is extracted for human consumption, it is shown that treating wastewater to the environment is simple, practical, economical and easy to use -How to design a module for domestic water that covers the above characteristics? Concepts of traditional, alternative and natural treatment are analyzed. Such as the Hydraulic Retention Time, (HRT), contact surface, path through deflectors, filter with absorbent and adsorbent aggregates, evapotransportation and wetland, which simplified development and propose a treatment system that together with the technical-constructive systems optimize the integral operation, in addition a construction process and its sequence of operation are proposed. As a result, there is a module integrated into the sanitary installation that summarizes the treatment processes proposed in four stages, facilitating the continuity of the water within the artificial and natural hydrological cycles, observing the improvement in the quality of the treated water when the process is at Instantly, the construction process is simple in its execution, with low operating and maintenance costs, the environmental impact is reduced.
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Marni Sandid, Abdelfatah, Taieb Nehari, Driss Nehari, and Yasser Elhenawy. "Performance Investigation of the Solar Membrane Distillation Process Using TRNSYS Software." In Distillation Processes - From Conventional to Reactive Distillation Modeling, Simulation and Optimization [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2022.

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Membrane distillation (MD) is a separation process used for water desalination, which operates at low pressures and feeds temperatures. Air gap membrane distillation (AGMD) is the new MD configuration for desalination where both the hot feed side and the cold permeate side are in indirect contact with the two membrane surfaces. The chapter presents a new approach for the numerical study to investigate various solar thermal systems of the MD process. The various MD solar systems are studied numerically using and including both flat plate collectors (the useful thermal energy reaches 3750 kJ/hr with a total area of 4 m2) and photovoltaic panels, each one has an area of 1.6 m2 by using an energy storage battery (12 V, 200 Ah). Therefore, the power load of solar AGMD systems is calculated and compared for the production of 100 L/day of distillate water. It was found that the developed system consumes less energy (1.2 kW) than other systems by percentage reaches 52.64% and with an average distillate water flow reaches 10 kg/h at the feed inlet temperature of AGMD module 52°C. Then, the developed system has been studied using TRNSYS and PVGIS programs on different days during the year in Ain Temouchent weather, Algeria.
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Ferguson, Maggie, and Adrian Ibbetson. "The Use of Online Technologies in the Teaching and Learning Process." In Information Communication Technologies, 1616–29. IGI Global, 2008.

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This paper provides an evaluation of the effectiveness of a year-one module delivered by a combination of traditional and online teaching methods to leisure and tourism undergraduates. The research further considers the value of the extemporized implementation of computer-mediated instructional settings that do not consider or refer to existing evaluative frameworks, in view of the fact that initiatives often are driven more by pragmatism and policy than pedagogy and theory. The findings show that there are negative and positive attributes to both methods of instruction, but overall, traditional methods are seen as preferable to new online developments. The reasons for this preference are explored and include communication interaction and contact with a tutor. The main positive attributes of the online system are flexibility and accessibility. The issue of appropriateness of online instruction at differing higher educational levels is also considered.
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M, Santhiya, Siva Rathnam M, Radha Krishnan T, and Nishanth S. "Smart Forest Fire Identification and Notification System Using Iot Based Wireless Sensor Networks." In Intelligent Systems and Computer Technology. IOS Press, 2020.

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Wildlife and wildlife authorities face the problem of animal migration from woodland to residential areas in the present environment. Natural calamities triggered by nature, wind and dry undergrowth will destroy acres of land and consume everything in their way that causes significant harm to both natural and human capital. The proposed system to design an IoT-based system that will be able to detect the fire as soon as possible before the fire spreads over the wide area and prevent poaching. Raspberry interfacing with a temperature sensor, a smoke sensor, webcam and a buzzer. GSM gateway is used to conduct this project to provide the user with the final SMS via given number in simulation program. The temperature sensor used to indicate high and low temperatures, the PIR sensor designed to track human activity on the LCD display, the flame sensor used to signify the intensity of flames and the forest fire observed on the LCD display. Once large, image processing is used to determine the accuracy of the fire rate. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for data processing to be used as input data in our control system. WSN comprising of temperature sensor system and GPS module to sense forest fire by measuring the level and sending its position to the server utilizing GSM communication contact and GPS functionality. Raspberry Pi cluster, a complicated computation is broken into multiple parts using MPI, and each component runs on separate raspberry pi device. Such sections will be analysed in sequence and then MPI must merge the output and turn it over to the user, essentially they operate as individual units (but in tandem and together) to produce very quick results.
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Conference papers on the topic "Contact-module system"


Sitaraman, Srikrishna, Shaoyong Wang, Tony Contreras, Jian Wang, Mingjie Fan, Yuming Song, and Terry Bowen. "A Highly-Miniaturized System Integration Approach for an IOT Contact-Less Power Module." In 2017 IEEE 67th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC). IEEE, 2017.

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Asiri, Jaber M., Abdulaziz M. Alasiri, Justin Caspar, Guanyang Xue, and Alparslan Oztekin. "Performance Characterization of Hollow Fiber Direct Contact Membrane Distillation Module." In ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were carried out to study the performance of a single hollow fiber in a direct contact membrane distillation (HF-DCMD) module for a desalination process. The feed solution is seawater with a salt (NaCl) concentration of 35 g/L. The Navier-Stokes, mass and energy transport equations are considered, with a coupled boundary condition imposed by the membrane. The system is investigated to examine sensitivity toward the membrane thickness, pore size, and inner hollow fiber diameter based on existing commercial fibers. Two membrane thicknesses (300 μm, 500 μm), two membrane pores sizes (0.2 μm, 0.45 μm), and two inner diameters (1.2 mm, 1.8 mm) are studied in the laminar regime at fixed operating conditions. The presence of temperature polarization causes a significant drop in the water permeation in the DCMD system due to reduced driving force across the membrane. The characterization of polarization inside the hollow fiber will be the focus of this work. It was found that the vapor flux was most sensitive to the membrane thickness (a 30% flux increase) versus the inner diameter (2% flux increase). The pore size is also a very influential parameter (20% flux increase), moving from optimal to less-optimal properties.
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Fricke, Dierk, Merve Wollweber, and Bernhard Roth. "Mueller Matrix Measurement System for Skin Polarimetry as Additional Module for Non-Contact Dermatoscopy." In 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC). IEEE, 2019.

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Agwu Nnanna, A. G., William Rutherford, Wessam Elomar, and Brian Sankowski. "Assessment of Thermoelectric Module With Nanofluid Heat Exchanger." In ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2007.

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For applications such as cooling of electronic devices, it is a common practice to sandwich the thermoelectric module between an integrated chip and a heat exchanger, with the cold side of the module attached to the chip. This configuration results thermal contact resistances in series between the chip, module, and heat exchanger. In this paper, an appraisal of thermal augmentation of thermoelectric module using nanofluid-based heat exchanger is presented. The system under consideration uses commercially available thermoelectric module, 27nm Al2O3 - H2O nanofluid, and a heat source to replicate the chip. The volume fraction of nanofluid is varied between 0 to 2%. At optimum input current conditions, experimental simulations were performed to measure the transient and steady-state thermal response of the module to imposed isoflux conditions. Data collected from the nanofluid-based exchanger is compared with that of deionized water. Results show that there exist a lag-time in thermal response between the module and the heat exchanger. This is attributed to thermal contact resistance between the two components. A comparison of nanofluid and deionized water data reveals that the temperature difference between the hot- and cold-side, ΔT = Th − Tc ≈ 0, is almost zero for nanofluid whereas ΔT > 0 for water. When ΔT ≈ 0, the contribution of Fourier effect to the overall heating is approximately zero hence enhancing the module cooling capacity. Experimental evidence further shows that temperature gradient across the thermal paste that bonds the chip and heat exchanger is much lower for the nanofluid than for deionized water. Low temperature gradient results in low resistance to the flow of heat across the thermal paste. The average thermal contact resistance, R = ΔT/Q, is 0.18 and 0.12 °C/W, respectively for the deionized-water and nanofluid. For the range of optimum current, 1.2 ≤ current ≤ 4.1Amp, considered in this study, the COP ranges between 1.96 and 0.68.
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Yun, Won-Joo, Shinya Nakano, Wataru Mizuhara, Atsutake Kosuge, Noriyuki Miura, Hiroki Ishikuro, and Tadahiro Kuroda. "A 7Gb/s/link non-contact memory module for multi-drop bus system using energy-equipartitioned coupled transmission line." In 2012 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC). IEEE, 2012.

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Thompson, M. K. "Finite Element Modeling of Multi-Scale Thermal Contact Resistance." In ASME 2008 First International Conference on Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer. ASMEDC, 2008.

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Many traditional macro scale finite element models of thermal contact systems have incorporated the effect of micro scale surface topography by applying a constant value of thermal contact conductance (TCC) per unit area to the regions in contact. However, it has been very difficult to determine an appropriate TCC value for a given system and analysts typically had to rely on experimental data or values from the literature. This work presents a method for predicting micro scale TCC per unit area by incorporating micro scale surface roughness in a multi-scale iterative thermal/structural finite element contact model. The resulting TCC value is then used in a macro scale thermal/structural contact model with apparent surface form to predict the thermal contact resistance and overall thermal resistance for a commercial power electronics module.
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Yi, Jingang, and Eric H. Tseng. "A “Smart Tire” System for Tire/Road Friction Estimation." In ASME 2008 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. ASMEDC, 2008.

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In this paper, we present the development of a tire deformation sensing system that can provide the critical information for estimation of tire/road interaction for mobile robots and vehicles. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-based sensor is designed and fabricated to embed on the inner tread surface to measure the rubber tread deformation. Analytical models of the PVDF-based sensing system are presented to capture the tire/road contact information and friction characteristics. The sensed deformation measurements are integrated with the on-board control system through a wireless data transmission module. Experimental results on a skid-steered mobile robot are presented to show the feasibility of the developed sensing system.
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Hua, D. Y., K. Farhang, and L. E. Seitzman. "Improved Fatigue Life Cycle Using Surface Finish and Surface Coating in a Cam-Roller System: Multi-Scale System Analysis and Verification." In World Tribology Congress III. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Surface failure in the form of pitting wear is encountered in cam-roller systems. The failure appears to be initiated at micron-scale subsurface region. High stress is a result of the macro-scale requirement on the cam-roller motion event that produces high contact loads due to inertia of the roller and its follower link. Sliding of the roller and its impact onto the cam surface further compounds the detrimental effect of contact load. While conventionally a Hertz contact stress analysis can be used in ascertaining contact stress and maximum subsurface von Mises stress, it generally underestimates the stress when compared to the micron-scale subsurface stresses due to the presence of surface roughness. Contact analyses of cam and roller with rough surfaces are performed to examine the effects of two surface treatments. These involve surface finishing process in which a surface is rendered smooth, and the addition of a coating to the roller surface. Measurements of such cam and roller surfaces are used in micro-contact analysis module of Surface Distress Analytical Toolkit (SDAT) to examine the effect of surface finish and coating on maximum subsurface stress. It is found that smooth surface provides a 53% reduction in maximum subsurface stress. The analysis also shows that the addition of coating reduces subsurface stress nearly 7%. The impact of the combined treatment of the surface is an increase in fatigue life of the cam-roller system by nearly two orders of magnitude. The above findings are based on laboratory tests using six rollers without and with various degrees of finishing processes, and with and without addition of coating to the surfaces. Examination of the rollers indicates a general improvement in roller performance due to addition of coating. Most notably, the combination of finishing process and coating was found to provide the best fatigue life since the corresponding rollers showed no observable wear even after testing for 2161 hours, or the same number of cycles accumulated over about 500,000 truck miles.
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Yang, Zixuan, Huaiyuan Teng, Jeremy Goldhawk, Ilya Kovalenko, Efe C. Balta, Felipe Lopez, Dawn Tilbury, and Kira Barton. "A Vision-Based Framework for Enhanced Quality Control in a Smart Manufacturing System." In ASME 2019 14th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract Dimensional metrology is an integral part of quality control in manufacturing systems. Most existing manufacturing systems utilize contact-based metrology, which is time consuming and not flexible to design changes. There have been recent applications of computer vision for performing dimensional metrology in manufacturing systems. Existing computer vision metrology techniques need repeated calibration of the system and are not utilized with data analysis methods to improve decision making. In this work, we propose a robust non-contact computer vision metrology pipeline integrated with Computer Aided Design (CAD) that has the capacity to enable control of smart manufacturing systems. The pipeline uses CAD data to extract nominal dimensions and tolerances. The dimensions are compared to the measured ones, computed using camera images and computer vision algorithms. A quality check module evaluates if the measurements are within admissible bounds and informs a central controller. If a part does not meet a tolerance, the central controller changes a program running on a specific machine to ensure that parts meet the necessary specifications. Results from an implementation of the proposed pipeline on a manufacturing research testbed are given at the end.
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Koto, Katsuki, Takuhiro Tsukada, Shotaro Ogawa, and Yasuhiro Kakinuma. "Performance Evaluation of Robot Polishing in Macro-Micro System Based Polishing Robot." In ASME 2021 16th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2021.

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Abstract Polishing is an important process performed in the finishing and repair processes of mechanical parts and is still a manual work of skilled workers. However, in addition to the time and cost required for manual polishing, there are also problems such as a decrease in the number of workers and health hazards due to dust generated during polishing. From these problems, the demand for automatic polishing is increasing at manufacturing sites. To automate polishing process, a macro-micro system based polishing robot which consists of a functional end-effector and industrial robot has been proposed. Regarding end effectors, mechanical design aiming for high rigidity and motion control methods for keeping the contact force constant is being researched. Meanwhile, the tool rotation speed of the spindle is independently controlled typically. Therefore, in this research, a functional polishing module capable of polishing force control and tool rotation control according to the tool feed rate is developed as the end effector. For the polishing automation, the macro-micro system based polishing robot is constructed attaching the polishing module to the industrial robot. From the viewpoint of Preston’s law, the effectiveness of the robot polishing is investigated through polishing experiments and measuring the shape of the polished surface.
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