Books on the topic 'Constitutive system'
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Manzerra, Pasquale. Expression of constitutive hsc70 and stress-inducible hsp70 mRNA and protein in the rabbit central nervous system. Ottawa: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.
Find full textHaken, H. Die Selbststrukturierung der Materie: Synergetik in der unbelebten Welt. Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1991.
Find full textVermeule, Adrian. The system of the constitution. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Find full textVermeule, Adrian. System effects and the constitution. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School, 2009.
Find full textVermeule, Adrian. System effects and the constitution. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School, 2009.
Find full textCogswell, John Marshall. Fix the system: Reform the Constitution. Buena Vista, CO: Campaign Constitution Press, 2012.
Find full text1923-, Grover Verinder, ed. Political system and constitution of India. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 1997.
Find full textM, Odegard Gregory, and Langley Research Center, eds. Constitutive modeling of nanotube-reinforced polymer composite systems. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 2001.
Find full textR, Young William, and Canada. Library of Parliament. Political and Social Affairs Division., eds. Municipalities, the constitution, and the Canadian federal system. Ottawa: Research Branch, Library of Parliament, 1991.
Find full textCanada. Library of Parliament. Research Branch. Municipalities, the constitution, and the Canadian federal system. Ottawa: Library of Parliament, 1991.
Find full textKim, Jung-Gun. Selected topics in American Constitution and legal system. Seoul, Korea: Yonsei University Press, 1991.
Find full textJacot, Louis. Destin de la terre: Ouvrage précédé d'une lettre ouverte à l'Académie des sciences de Paris qui refuse d'admettre que le système solaire est en expansion et que les planètes s'éloignent progressivement du soleil, conformément à loi de Bode. Paris: Pensée universelle, 1985.
Find full textNishi, Osamu. The constitution and the national defense law system in Japan. Tokyo: Seibundo, 1987.
Find full textShah, Nasim Hasan. Essays and addresses on constitution, law and Pakistan legal system. Lahore: Research Society of Pakistan, 1999.
Find full textE, Burger Warren. Constitution Week 1990: The bicentennial of the federal judicial system. Washington, D.C: The Commission, 1990.
Find full textOsamu, Nishi. The Constitution and the National Defense Law system in Japan. Tokyo: Seibundo Pub. Co., 1987.
Find full textTaylor, Hannis. The origin and growth of the English Constitution: An historical treatise in which is drawn out, by the light of the most recent researches, the gradual development of the English constitutional system, and the growth out of that system of the Federal Republic of the United States. Littleton, CO: F.B. Rothman, 1992.
Find full textBalzar, Milos Konrad. Systematik und Klassifikation der Massen und der Energien: System der Wissenschaften. Iserlohn: M.K. Balzar, 1986.
Find full textNATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Patterns, Defects, and Microstructures in Nonequilibrium Systems" (1986 Austin, Tex.). Patterns, defects and microstructures in nonequilibrium systems: Applications in materials science. Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff, 1987.
Find full textOntario. Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs. Approaches to national standards in federal systems: a research report. Kingston: Queen's University, 1991.
Find full textR, Mat͡s︡i͡u︡k A., ed. Pravova osnova novoï politychnoï systemy Ukraïny. Kyïv: Vyd-vo "Lohos", 1996.
Find full textC, Edwards George, and Walker Wallace Earl 1944-, eds. National security and the U.S. Constitution: The impact of the political system. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988.
Find full textHui-Qian, Tan, Dong X, and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. Application of symbolic computations to the constitutive modeling of structural materials. [Washington, D.C.]: NASA, 1990.
Find full textKramer, Sina. Multiple Negativity: Negativity and Difference in Hegel’s Science of Logic. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textHernández, Gleider I. Sources and the Systematicity of International Law. Edited by Samantha Besson and Jean d’Aspremont. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textVermeule, Adrian. System of the Constitution. Oxford University Press, Incorporated, 2011.
Find full textHong, Yu. Introduction. University of Illinois Press, 2017.
Full textAdams, Zoe. Labour and the Wage. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textWinkler, Carol, and Kareem El Damanhoury. Proto-State Media Systems. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Full textCheryl, Saunders, and Stone Adrienne, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Australian Constitution. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textGrover, Verinder. Political System and Constitution of India. Deep & Deep Publications,India, 2002.
Find full textDi Paolo, Ezequiel A., Thomas Buhrmann, and Xabier E. Barandiaran. Representational pull, enactive escape velocity. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textMöller, Tommy. The Parliamentary System. Edited by Jon Pierre. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textMaloney, Stephanie A., and O. Carter Snead. Technology and the American Constitution. Edited by Roger Brownsword, Eloise Scotford, and Karen Yeung. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textHobson, John M., George Lawson, and Justin Rosenberg. Historical Sociology. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textFroestad, Jan, Martin Nøkleberg, Clifford Shearing, and Hilton Trollip. South Africa’s Minerals-Energy Complex. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textConnor, Thomas, and Patrick H. Maxwell. Von Hippel–Lindau disease. Edited by Neil Turner. Oxford University Press, 2015.
Full textGalie, Peter. The New York Constitution and the Federal System. Oxford University Press, 2012.
Full textAmirian, E. Susan, Quinn T. Ostrom, Yanhong Liu, Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, and Melissa L. Bondy. Nervous System. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textHahm, Chaihark. The Constitution of South Korea. Hart Publishing, 2024.
Full textEppler, Annegret, and Andreas Maurer, eds. Europapolitische Koordination in Österreich. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2019.
Full textCollins, Richard, and Dale Oesterle. The Colorado State Constitution. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textArundale, Robert B. Communicating & Relating. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textJowell, Sir Jeffrey, and Colm O'Cinneide, eds. The Changing Constitution. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textLerner, Adam B. From the Ashes of History. Oxford University Press, 2022.
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