Academic literature on the topic 'Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958'
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Journal articles on the topic "Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958"
Gaillard, Florian. "L’arrêt du Conseil d’État, Collectif pour la défense des loisirs verts : les petits pas des langues régionales." Revista de Llengua i Dret, no. 80 (December 13, 2023): 206–16.
Full textFarget, Doris. "La constitutionnalisation des langues régionales françhises. Entre reconnaissance et effectivité symbolique." Canadian journal of law and society 26, no. 1 (April 2011): 133–58.
Full textRudelle, Odile. "Commission des Archives constitutionnelles de la Cinquième République, Archives constitutionnelles de la Cinquième République , Paris, La Documentation française, 2008, 2 volumes (4 octobre-30 novembre 1958 et 1 er décembre 1958-6 janvier 1959), présentation par Jean Massot et note méthodologique de Didier Maus ; Bertrand Mathieu (dir.), Association française de droit constitutionnel : 1958-2008, Cinquantenaire de la Constitution française , Paris, Dalloz, 2008." Revue française de science politique Vol. 59, no. 2 (April 24, 2009): III.
Full textGicquel, Jean. "Le sens unique de la Constitution de la V e République." Titre VII N° 1, no. 1 (September 11, 2018): 3–10.
Full textWebert, Francine. "Une résurrection : l'article 88 de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958. Au principe d'un nouveau modèle étatique." Civitas Europa 3, no. 1 (1999): 201–26.
Full textRothen, José Carlos. "O ensino superior e a Nova Gestão Pública: aproximações do caso brasileiro com o francês (Higher education and the new public management: comparisons between the Brazilian and French cases)." Revista Eletrônica de Educação 13, no. 3 (September 2, 2019): 970.
Full text"Article 61-1 et article 62 de la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958." Les Nouveaux Cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel 29, no. 3 (2010): 125.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958"
Vidot, Agnès. "La codification constitutionnelle des droits fondamentaux : Recherche sur l'absence de catalogue formel de droits fondamentaux dans la Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Réunion, 2023.
Full textThe comparison of the Constitution of October 4, 1958 with the foreign constitutions allows to highlight a specific feature of the French constitutional order. Our fundamental law has never been endowed, after a codification exercise, with any formal catalogue of fundamental rights comparable to those which were introduced from the beginning of the 20th century in other States. While it is not completely ignored, the French exception has been barely discussed. The fact that the meeting between fundamental rights and codification has never taken place in France, willingly referred to as the “country of human rights” and the “chosen land of codification”, cannot however fail to attract attention. In particular, the question arises whether the singularity of our constitutional text, which is both salient and intriguing, is also irreducible. In other words, is the story of this meeting that never took place the story of missed appointments or of an impossible relationship ? The research aims to question both the possibility of codifying fundamental rights in the French Constitution of October 4, 1958, and the usefulness of such an operation
Robbe, François. "La représentation des collectivités territoriales par le sénat : étude sur l'article 24 alinèa 3 de la constitution française du 4 octobre 1958." Besançon, 1998.
Full textDesroses, Mylène. "Le principe de libre détermination des peuples et la constitution française du 4 octobre 1958 : contribution à l'étude de l'article 53 alinéa 3." Aix-Marseille 3, 2002.
Full textSauvageot, Frédéric. "Les catégories de collectivités territoriales de la République : contribution à l'étude de l'article 72, alinéa 1, de la Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958." Dijon, 2000.
Full textMarceau, Anne. "Les règles et principes constitutionnels relatifs au contrôle des collectivités territoriales : étude sur l'article 72 alinéa 3 de la Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958." Dijon, 2000.
Full textBoyer, Alain. "Le statut constitutionnel des territoires d'outre-mer et l'état unitaire : contribution à l'étude des articles 74, 75, 76 de la constitution du 4 octobre 1958." Aix-Marseille 3, 1991.
Full textThe constitutionnal approach is unusualy to study the "territoires d'outre-mer". However, the conseil consitutionel delivered twenty decisions on these territories. The constitutionnal problematical dictate terms of "territoires d'outre-mer" statute. This approach may to interrogate on the structure of the state and may to verify if the republic is an unitary state. The european state experience on the regionalism encourage to follow this method because it may to place the republic in the graduation between unitary state and federal state. The "territoires d'outre-mer" have a constitutionnal particularism. The parliament does it. This particularism express oneself by a particular form of law, particular form of administration and session right. The principles of indivisibility of the republic and of unit of the republic implicate some limits to the parliament. The indivisibility republic forbide federal ism and the unit of the republic implicate the same application of the constitution protections and guarantees of rights and freedoms
Oliva, Éric. "L'article 41 de la constitution du 4 octobre 1958." Aix-Marseille 3, 1992.
Full textAfter describing the original ain of the article 41 of october 4th 1958 french constitution as well as the ways the gouvernement refer toit before parliament, this study aims at setting out the real uses of the exception of unadmissibility (exception de fin de non-recevoir) since 1959. The article 41 of the constitution intending to protect the material field of executive orders (reglement gouvernemental) does not serve this purpose. It is used to varius ends such as: protecting all normative and non-normative competences of the executive power. These uses way sometimes be far from the letter of the constitution interpreted by the french constitutional goucyl
Brondel, Séverine. "L'article 49 de la constitution du 4 octobre 1958." Paris 1, 2001.
Full textBourrel, Sophie. "La constitution du 4 octobre 1958 et les partis politiques." Pau, 1997.
Full textAccording to the 4th article of the 1958 constitution, "parties and political associations contribute to the expression of the suffrage. They freely form and practise their activity. They have to abide by the principles of nation sovereignty and of democraty. " compared to other fundamental laws which establish the position of the political parties in their institutions, the french acknowledgment seems, at the first glance, limited and reducing. Limited because it does not provide for any financing system, reducing because the only electoral role is attributed to political parties. The study of "positive law" leads to revisit these first impressions. The concision of the 4th article does not mean that it does not contain the fundamental premises of a true status of the polical parties. Two main rights are recognized : the right to form and the right to practise their activity. However, the latter is conditioned by the respect of the regime ruling the parties. Only their electoral function is thus guaranteed by the constitution, therely prevented the installation of a state of parties. It is therefore an ambivalent status which is cornered on the political parties by the 4th article. The 4th article silences have not set the political parties law : actually, the text implies a dual development through, on the one hand, the financial support of their electoral function, and through, on the orher hand, financial support of their functioning. This distinction is the result of the sole constitutionalization of participation of the parties to the electoral function. Parties are on equal term with independant candidates and a difference seems to be made with respect to their activities. The nation always has participated to financing the electoral campaign of candidates. When the candidates repensent parties, the electoral function of parties is exerted. As regards the second aspect, the concil of constitution has not split the activities of parties : the legislation may therefore give them a global support
Geslot, Christophe. "L'article 88-3 de la constitution du 4 octobre 1958." Besançon, 1999.
Full textThe article 88-3 of the constitution permited, subject to restrictions and according to the terms laid down in the european union treaty, the right of suffrage and communal eligibility to each citizen in the union living in france. From the decision rendered by the constitutional council on april the 9th of 1992 to the constitutional amendment of 1992, the process that led to the inserting of this article into the constitution form the subject of the first part. All the various constitutional problems raised by this process are explored. It emerges from this first part that the article 88-3 has the effect of calling into questions the identity of the entitled to sovereignty : the body of citizens who hold and exert sovereignty is no more strictly made up of french people but also opened to national from the european union states living in france. The second part of the study turns on the implementation of the article. With respect to it, the article 88-3 is an original constitutional layout that unveil a new type of relation between the national legal system and the european union law. It refers, for its execution, to comunautary standarts that french organic legislator has to transpose into the french judicial order. The texts establish conditions and terms relative to the participation of the citizen of the union to community elections. Regarding to the effectiveness of the transformation of the titular of sovereignty, they tend to relativize the implication of its composition. In that way, if the fact that the titular of the sovereignty is experiencing a real transformation must be relativized, regarding to principles it represents a basic constitutional change about the cause of power. It appears necessary to point out the breaches to principles because although they seem minor, they are most of the time indicative of real evolutions
Books on the topic "Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958"
France. Direction de la documentation française., ed. Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958. Paris: Documentation française, 1996.
Find full textFrance. Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958: Après la révision de juillet 2008. Paris: La Documentation française, 2008.
Find full textLa devise de la République est liberté, égalité, fraternité: Constitution de 4 octobre 1958, art. 2. Paris: Seuil jeunesse, 1999.
Find full textSauvageot, Frédéric. Les catégories de collectivités territoriales de la République: Contribution à l'étude de l'article 72, alinéa 1, de la Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958. Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2004.
Find full textFrance. Constitution du 4 Octobre 1958 =: Constitution of 4 October 1958. [Paris]: Secrétariat Général de l'Assemblée Nationale, 1997.
Find full textFrance, ed. Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958. Paris: Documenation française, 1994.
Find full textOliva, Eric. L'article 41 de la constitution du 4 octobre 1958: Initiative législative et constitution. Aix-en-Provence [France]: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 1997.
Find full textCinquantenaire de la Constitution de la Cinquième République: Séance solennelle du mardi 7 octobre 2008... et actes du colloque du samedi 4 octobre 2008. Paris: Palais de l'Institut, 2008.
Find full textFrance. Documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'élaboration de la constitution du 4 octobre 1958. Paris: La Documentation Française, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Constitution française du 4 octobre 1958"
Bougrab, Jeannette. "La contribution de François Luchaire à l’élaboration de la constitution du 4 octobre 1958." In François Luchaire, un républicain au service de la République, 141–58. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2005.
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