Academic literature on the topic 'Constitutif'
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Journal articles on the topic "Constitutif"
Deleixhe, Martin. "L’Autre constitutif, le cosmopolitisme et l’hospitalité." Revue du MAUSS 53, no. 1 (2019): 255.
Full textKitarō, Nishida. "L’intuition agissante*." Dossier 64, no. 2 (December 11, 2008): 277–93.
Full textDurif-Varembont, Jean-Pierre. "Le lien de génération, constitutif de l’homme." La génération, no. 15 (October 1, 1994): 4–5.
Full textKioko, Ben. "The right of intervention under the African Union's Constitutive Act: From non-interference to non-intervention." International Review of the Red Cross 85, no. 852 (December 2003): 807–26.
Full textChaumier, Serge. "L’identité, un concept embarrassant, constitutif de l’idée de musée." Culture & Musées 6, no. 1 (2005): 21–42.
Full textPavlovic, Vojislav. "Le traité de Trianon, l’acte constitutif de l’Ëtat yougoslave?" Balcanica, no. 47 (2016): 249–61.
Full textForray, Vincent. "Flottements du droit − Note sur l’écriture juridique." Les Cahiers de droit 54, no. 4 (December 2, 2013): 909–40.
Full textRondeau du Noyer, Lucie. "Entreprises, risques et transition écologique." Germinal N° 6, no. 1 (November 13, 2023): 102–11.
Full textPankenier, David W. "Weaving Metaphors and Cosmo-political Thought in Early China." T’oung Pao 101, no. 1-3 (August 28, 2015): 1–34.
Full textHOLLSTEIN, BETTINA. "UN MONDE COMMUN?" European Journal of Sociology 45, no. 3 (December 2004): 443–46.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Constitutif"
Adi, Riyono Winarputro. "CJS-RE : a hierarchical constitutive model for rammed earth." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textRammed earth is a vernacular building technique consisting in compacting successively layers of moist earth within formworks. This technique is present worldwide and in particular in the region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in France. As no regulation exists for rammed earth structures in France, the owners of such structures are helpless at the time when repairing damages appearing in any aging heritage structures. Moreover, this lack of regulation tends to slow down the development of such a constructive solution in new projects though this technique answers many of the issues raised by the sustainable development. The work presented herein is part of the national research project PRIMATERRE devoted to the study of construction building involving earth. Herein, an elasto-plastic constitutive law is developed for modeling the behavior of rammed earth. It is based on a hierarchical approach of the modeling in relation to the information available to identify the set of model parameters and the refinement of phenomena to be modelled. This model was adapted from a pre-existing CJS model used in advanced foundation engineering for the modelling of granular soils. The necessary adaptation of some mechanisms of the model in the context of rammed earth material which holds the characteristics of a quasi-brittle material is highlighted. Two levels for the model denoted CJS-RE which can be used in the context of monotonous loadings are presented herein. The first level is a simple elastic perfectly plastic model (CJS-RE1) and the second model is an elasto-plastic model with an isotropic hardening (CJS-RE2). Two mechanisms of plastic deformation are involved, one related to purely deviatoric phenomena and one related to tensile phenomena. The validation of the model was performed based on different sets of actual tests including diagonal compression tests and pushover tests on wallets. The simple elasto-plastic model CJS-RE1 was able to capture some basic features for these two tests and may be used for a first estimate of the system resistance. The more sophisticated model CJS-RE2 was found better to retrieve the nonlinear behavior of rammed earth over a larger range of deformations throughout both a diagonal compression test and a pushover test. Finally, the modelling of interfaces between layers of earth seems oversized when the resistance of the system is investigated. However, since they may influence the simulated ductility of the system, they may be used to model the behavior of rammed earth system more precisely
Gaston, Amélie. "Développement d'une élastomère thermoplastique constitutif d'assemblages composites hates performances." Thesis, Lyon, 2016.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is the development of an elastomer material able to constitute the junction of two thermoplastic elastomers pieces and to absorb the deformations on these two parts. Various thermoplastic elastomers were identified and there thermomechanical behaviour was studied and compared to the thermoset elastomer presently used. Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) appeared as suitable matches? Their chemical structure, microstructure were studied as well as their mechanical properties in tensile strength and their behaviour toward multiple solicitations that highlights the Mullins effect. The Mullins Effect allows the quantification of irreversible plastic deformations which are induced by the thermoplasticity of the studied materials. It was observed that the irreversible deformations are close to the one of ther thermoset elastomer. We also focused on the existing link between the thermal and mechanical final properties at different scales, (from the molecular level to the macroscopic scale). In fact, the TPU are nanostructured materials that can contain pseudo-crystallinity and nano-phase separation that migth evolve with thermal history. This way, we tried to establish a link between the multi-scaled structure of the materials, it's processing and the resulting physical properties. Various strategies were explored to optimize the thermomechanical behaviour, either by adding nano/micro fillers or by the addition ok small amounts of ionic liquids in the polymer matrix
Da, Silva Fabrice. "L’effet d’affordance comme processus émergeant et constitutif de l’activité perceptive." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2017.
Full textPerceptual activity seems to be impacted by the actions the subject can actually carry out with regard to its environment. Nevertheless, it seems that subject action possibilities are most often considered as objective properties of the environment so that they are generally described as being preparatory to action. This thesis work has been devoted to defending the idea that on the one hand, these possibilities of action are emergent properties of the subject-environment relationship and on the other hand, they are likely to have a constitutive functional role for perceptual activity. In a first series of studies we observed that modulations in the possibilities of action lead to a reversal of the facilitation effects when subjects were to categorize prehensile objects. In a second series of studies we observed that the ability to detect an object among a set of others was impacted by the action potentials suggested by the objects but also modulated by the subject's driving engagement in the task. Finally, in a third series of studies, we have shown that the possibilities of action could play a significant functional role for subject perceptual activity. Indeed, this last work shows that in ambiguous perceptual situations, the way in which an object is categorized seems to depend on the ability of the subject to grasp it effectively. All these results seem to indicate that the action possibilities are properties of the subject-environment coupling and occupy a major place in the perceptual activity. More generally, these works constitute some arguments in favor of taking into account the whole subject-environment situation as well as the importance of the meaning of the subject actions according to the constraints that are exerted on him, here and now
Portes, Laurent. "La rédaction du brevet : acte constitutif d'un droit de propriété." Montpellier 1, 1998.
Full textBarbero, Odette. "L'expérience cartésienne : un pouvoir constitutif pour une philosophie du sujet." Dijon, 2008.
Full textThe concept of experience as I actually can present it in the constitution of the objects of knowledge like cogito, freedom, union of soul and body, has an original feature distinguishes the Cartesian from the meaning of the concept of experience as empiricism takes it for granted. With this notion, Descartes makes the mind capable of knowing. The certain experience does not only lead to capture some subject but it is also a mark of an evident fact or an imminent certitude. It is the same for passions which are considered as an experimentation of self and a use of rights that freedom confers, and which is the result of an actual experience and about which no doubt is possible. The experience of simple natures and common notions, like the experience of an intuitive relation between being and thought, is an absolute knowledge to which is connected a methodical order of principles and truths. In the same way, the experience of freedom and the one of the union of soul and body asserts that they are present in front of the understanding. For that reason, the Cartesian experience increases the notion of subject which can only think on the ground of his own perceptions of mind. But also, it put forward the idea of a wilful subject and not a research of deep inside mind which would lead to a self’affectation but not to a proper appreciation which distinguishes the generous soul. The Cartesian experience, in its various patterns, among which we might not forget scientific experimentation is a very philosophical one. It puts rights of subject and these of philosophy which, far away from rhetoric’s and the weight of built up knowledge, is a free and innovating way of thinking
COURONEAU, MORTREUIL NICOLAS. "Propagation par fatigue d'une fissure dans un fil constitutif d'un cable." Nantes, 1998.
Full textBenchabane, Hassina. "Clonage et caractérisation de l'opéron phosphoénolpyruvate fructose, phosphotransferase constitutif de Streptococcus mutans." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.
Full textDenker, Christian W. "La réalité "vécue" du spectateur comme élément constitutif de l'art de Jochen Gerz." Paris 1, 2004.
Full textLamothe, Serge. "La tierce personne, roman ; suivi de L'intertextualité, un élément constitutif du processus de création littéraire." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.
Full textBoisclair, Isabelle. "Ouvrir la voie/x, le processus constitutif d'un sous-champ littéraire féministe au Québec, 1960-1990." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.
Full textBooks on the topic "Constitutif"
Vidalenc, Richard. La PRÉVENTION SPÉCIALISÉE - Un élément constitutif du développement local. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2005.
Find full textBouquet, Natacha. Le travail comme constitutif d'une identité individuelle, culturelle et/ou personnelle: Questionnement dans le cadre post-moderne. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1998.
Find full textRomania. Constituția României =: The Constitution of Romania. Bucharest, Romania: "Monitorul Oficial,", 1991.
Find full textPerret, Noëlle-Laetitia, and Hans‑Joachim Schmidt, eds. Memories Lost in the Middle Ages: Collective Forgetting as an Alternative Procedure of Social Cohesion/L’oubli collectif au Moyen Âge: Un autre processus constitutif de la cohésion sociale. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2023.
Full textEmmanuel College (Toronto, Ont.) Students' Society. Emmanuel College Student Society constitution: (formerly constituted 1989, 1993, 1994). [Toronto: The Society, 1998.
Find full textToland, John. La constitution primitive de l'Eglise chrétienne = The primitive constitutioof the Christian Church. Paris: H. Champion, 2003.
Find full textHanafin, Patrick. Constituting identity: Political identity formation and the constitution in post-independence Ireland. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate/Dartmouth, 2001.
Find full textJulia, Eisner, ed. The making of a European Constitution: Judges and law beyond constitutive power. New York, NY: Routledge-Cavendish, 2007.
Find full textDianu, Tiberiu. Constituția României din 1991: O abordare critică = Constitution of Romania, 1991 : a critical approach. București: Oscar Print, 1997.
Find full textSteinkraus, Kyla. Constitution. Vero Beach, Florida]: Rourke Educational Media, 2015.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Constitutif"
Smith, David Woodruff. "Constitution Through Noema and Horizon: Husserl’s Theory of Intentionality." In Horizons of Phenomenology, 63–80. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textTrampus, Antonio. "The Good Government: The Constituting and Constituted Nation." In Emer de Vattel and the Politics of Good Government, 39–58. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textØverenget, Einar. "Constitution." In Phaenomenologica, 166–98. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1998.
Full textBerns, Hans, Valentin Gavriljuk, and Sascha Riedner. "Constitution." In High Interstitial Stainless Austenitic Steels, 7–19. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textNeedham, Paul. "Constitution." In Macroscopic Metaphysics, 47–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textHickson, Kevin. "Constitution." In Britain’s Conservative Right since 1945, 83–101. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textGavriljuk, Valentin G., and Hans Berns. "Constitution." In High Nitrogen Steels, 77–134. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.
Full textTushnet, Mark. "Constitution." In Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 1–7. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2022.
Full textElias, Hans-Georg. "Constitution." In Macromolecules, 23–64. D-69451 Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2014.
Full textTushnet, Mark. "Constitution." In Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 555–61. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Constitutif"
Full textRiku, Isamu, Kyosuke Morizane, and Koji Mimura. "Computational Characterization of Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Based on Nonaffine Molecular Chain Model." In ASME 2010 8th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textCuevas, Manuel Fernando González. "Bipartisanship: A discursive phenomenon in the United States of Colombia (1863 -1876)." In V Seven International Multidisciplinary Congress. Seven Congress, 2024.
Full textCOJOCARU, John. "Probleme populare non standard." In Inter/transdisciplinary approaches in the teaching of the real sciences, (STEAM concept) = Abordări inter/transdisciplinare în predarea ştiinţelor reale, (concept STEAM). Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, 2023.
Full textHristovska, Jelena Trajkovska. "The Political concept of the Constitution and the Concepts of Hidden Constitution, Modest Constitution and, Behind –the-Scenes” Constitution." In International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities. Acavent, 2019.
Full textWeiglhofer, Werner S. "Constitutive relations." In International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, edited by Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Graeme Dewar, and Martin W. McCall. SPIE, 2002.
Full text"[ARFTG Constitution]." In 27th ARFTG Conference Digest. IEEE, 1986.
Full text"[ARFTG Constitution]." In 25th ARFTG Conference Digest. IEEE, 1985.
Full textSousa, Cleuber Cristiano de, and Joana de Vilhena Novaes. "Body, image and memory of repetition in autism." In IV Seven International Congress of Health. Seven Congress, 2024.
Full textSchoonover, Robert W., Jospeh M. Rutherford, Ole Keller, and P. Scott Carney. "Nonlocal Constitutive Relations." In Frontiers in Optics. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2005.
Full textReports on the topic "Constitutif"
Grossman, Herschel. Constitution or Conflict? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2002.
Full textHammerand, Daniel Carl, and William Mark Scherzinger. Constitutive models in LAME. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2007.
Full textCallahan, G. D. Crushed Salt Constitutive Model. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 1999.
Full textCallahan, G. D., M. C. Loken, K. D. Mellegard, and F. D. Hansen. Crushed-salt constitutive model update. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1998.
Full textMarshak, Ronni. What Constitutes a Customer Community. Boston, MA: Patricia Seybold Group, February 2013.
Full textCushman, John H. Constitutive Theories for Swelling Porous Media. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2001.
Full textZywicz, E. DYNA3D: Shell Element Hourglass Constitutive Models. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2014.
Full textHardy, Robert Douglas, Moo Yul Lee, and David R. Bronowski. Laboratory constitutive characterization of cellular concrete. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2004.
Full textSegalman, Daniel Joseph, and Michael James Starr. Relationships among certain joint constitutive models. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2004.
Full textBenaroya, H. Uncertainties in Soil Constitutive Behavior. Revision. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1989.
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