Academic literature on the topic 'Consommation problématique de substances'
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Journal articles on the topic "Consommation problématique de substances"
Stockwell, Tim, Cecilia Benoit, Kiffer Card, and Adam Sherk. "Consommation problématique de substances ou politiques problématiques en la matière?" Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 40, no. 5/6 (June 2020): 151–55.
Full textLambert, Gilles, Nancy Haley, Claude Tremblay, Jean-Yves Frappier, Élise Roy, and Joanne Otis. "Consommation problématique de substances psychoactives et comportements sexuels à risque chez les adolescents admis en centre jeunesse." Drogues, santé et société 14, no. 1 (March 8, 2016): 132–51.
Full textAcier, Didier, Louise Nadeau, and Michel Landry. "Processus de changement chez des patients avec une concomitance toxicomanie–santé mentale." Santé mentale au Québec 32, no. 2 (March 25, 2008): 59–82.
Full textTremblay, Joël, Natacha Brunelle, and Nadine Blanchette-Martin. "Portrait des activités délinquantes et de l’usage de substances psychoactives chez des jeunes consultant un centre de réadaptation pour personnes alcooliques et toxicomanes." Criminologie 40, no. 1 (July 3, 2007): 79–104.
Full textEnns, Aganeta, and Heather Orpana. "Autonomie, compétence et appartenance sociale et consommation de cannabis et d’alcool chez les jeunes au Canada : une analyse transversale." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 40, no. 5/6 (June 2020): 224–34.
Full textCostes, Jean-Michel, Sylvia Kairouz, and Maud Pousset. "Jeu problématique en France : une première enquête nationale." Drogues, santé et société 12, no. 2 (October 14, 2014): 1–19.
Full textVitaro, Frank, Brigitte Wanner, René Carbonneau, and Richard E. Tremblay. "La pratique des jeux de hasard et d’argent, les comportements délinquants et la consommation problématique de substances psychotropes : une perspective développementale1." Criminologie 40, no. 1 (July 3, 2007): 59–77.
Full textVitaro, Frank, Muriel Rorive, Mark Zoccolillo, Elisa Romano, and Richard E. Tremblay. "Consommation de substances psychoactives, troubles du comportement et sentiments dépressifs à l'adolescence." Santé mentale au Québec 26, no. 2 (February 12, 2007): 106–31.
Full textLandry, Michel, Joël Tremblay, Louise Guyon, Jacques Bergeron, and Natacha Brunelle. "La Grille de dépistage de la consommation problématique d’alcool et de drogues chez les adolescents et les adolescentes (DEP-ADO) : développement et qualités psychométriques." Articles 3, no. 1 (February 18, 2005): 20–37.
Full textGeneau, Robert, and Margaret de Groh. "Appel à contributions - Numéro spécial 2020 - Consommation problématique de substances : tendances et questions émergentes en santé publique." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 39, no. 6/7 (June 2019): 256.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Consommation problématique de substances"
Rabat, Yolaine. "Impact du profil addictif sur le statut émotionnel après un accident vasculaire cérébral." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2022.
Full textEvery year in France 140000 patients had a stroke. Amongst them, a third develop emotionalimpairments such as post-stroke depression or anxiety (respectively PSD and PSA). These complications contribute to an alteration in the functional prognostic and quality of life of thesepatients. The early identification and management of these emotional impairments is thereforea major clinical issue. Outside of non-modifiable risk factors such as a history of psychiatricdisorders or the clinical stroke severity, the influence of the changes in health lifestyle that are recommended post-stroke is not known. In this context, the impact of problematic substanceuse, as conceptualized in addictology, of usual substances, such as tobacco and alcohol, or ofthe new and emerging hyper-palatable and highly processed (HP) foods, has yet not beenexplored.The objectives of this present work were to determine amongst the stroke population thecharacteristics of such problematic substance use in terms of prevalence and impact on poststrokeemotional impairments, on the one hand, and to explore the pathophysiological mechanisms supporting the response to substance use cessation treatment strategies.In order to answer the first objective, three prospective cohorts comprising of patients admittedto the Neuro-vascular Unit at the University Hospital of Bordeaux and who benefited fromclinical and neuropsychiatric evaluations were analyzed (1: N=2300, 66.8±15.1 years old, 63%males, NIHSS at 3 months=1.26±2.60; 2) N=74, 60.3±12 years old, 68.9% males, NIHSS at admission=2.73±3.13; 3) N=101, 62.8±13.7 years old, 60.4% males, NIHSS at admission= 2.31±3.13). In thecontext of our second objective, we conducted a systematic review of the current literature onthe cerebral biomarkers identified by Magnetic Resonance Imaging as predictors of smokingcessation treatment outcome (N=24 studies: N=7 anatomical, N=9 resting state, N=14activation).The results of our work suggest that 1) there is an important proportion (30,3%) of strokevictims presenting a problematic substance use; 2) a link exists between the addiction profileseverity to tobacco and HP foods and the anxious and/or depressive symptomatology at 3months post-stroke; and 3) highlight the key role of the insula in the neuronal anatomicalfunctionalcircuits implicated in smoking cessation treatment outcome.These different studies offer a new insight into the importance of the screening and managementof addictive behaviours in the secondary prevention of stroke. The early identification of disorders linked to substance abuse, as defined in the classification of mental illnesses but alsoto food addiction, could help to enhance the patients’ emotional well-being and therefore reduceAbstract9the socio-economical burden of post-stroke complications. Moreover, characterizing specificimaging biomarkers of the response to cessation treatment could constitute the first step towardsprecision medicine by prescribing specific therapeutic strategies tailored at an individual scale
Plourde, Chantal. "Consommation de substances psychoactives dans les pénitenciers québécois." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.
Full textMercier, Josée. "Femmes avant tout : programme d'interventions s'adressant à des femmes ayant une problématique de consommation." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2005.
Full textCarrier, Cathy. "Consommation de substances psychoactives et symptômes dépressifs chez les adolescentes et adolescents /." Trois-Rivières : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2004.
Full textCarrier, Cathy. "Consommation de substances psychoactives et symptômes dépressifs chez les adolescentes et adolescents." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2004.
Full textTorgler, Jacqueline. "Consommation de substances, stress et santé des médecins des hôpitaux universitaires de Genève /." Genève : [s.n.], 2002.
Full textDervaux, Alain. "Influence de la consommation de substances sur l'émergence et l'évolution des troubles psychotiques." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2010.
Full textDaubech-Tournier, Marie. "Consommation de substances psychoactives chez les sujets suicidants : prévalence, impact pronostique et méthodes d'identification." Bordeaux 2, 2005.
Full textStudies have suggested that substance use is a risk factor for suicidal behavior. The aims of this work were to assess the prevalence of substance use disorders and its prognostic impact in 2388 subjects consecutively admitted in an emergency department for intentional drug overdose IDO). Substance use abuse and dependence were frequent in subjects with IDO. Subjects who had used psychoactive substances were two times more likely to present with serious IDO (OR 1,9 IC 95 % 1,3-2,8 p = 0,001). As subjects with IDO are at high risk of suicide, substance use and misuse are additional risk and prognostic factors in this population. However they are not often investigated in routine practice by the emergency department staff. Their identification may have important consequences on prevention and management of suicidal behavior
Dumas, Agnès. "La consommation de substances psychoactives pendant la grossesse : contextualiser les usages, interroger les risques." Paris 5, 2011.
Full textSubstance use (tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs) during pregnancy is associated with adverse perinatal outcomes. With the exception of tobacco, the prevalence of substance use remains unknown in France. In the epidemiological studies devoted to this subject, analysis are based upon a dichotomous variable countervailing abstinence and use, hiding the different patterns of use – and the prevalence of risky behaviors – as well as the diversity of substance users’ characteristics. Although the health of the newborns depends, in the general population, on the social origin of the mother, the impact of the social context is rarely connected with the effects of the substances. In this thesis, besides the political analysis of this recent public health problem, we assess substance use within a large sample of women, through a survey conducted in fourteen clinics, and we investigate the relationship between the effects of substance use and the impact of social factors on children’s health. Links appear between substance use, socio-economical factors, affective environment and pregnancy intention. A strong cleavage turns up, between alcohol, used by the wealthy women, and tobacco and cannabis, used by the poor ones. Tobacco smokers are particularly at risk. An accumulation of risk factors (obstetrical antecedents, binge drinking, delayed prenatal follow-up, economical and familial difficulties) increases proportionally with the length and the quantity of smoking. Analyses underscore the interdependence between risk factors: among smokers, the risk to have a low birth weight child increases by two with the combination of socio-economic difficulties
Bureau, Kévin. "Perceptions des Inuits canadiens quant au rôle de l'acculturation sur la consommation de substances psychoactives." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2011.
Full textBooks on the topic "Consommation problématique de substances"
Rudgley, Richard. Essential substances: A cultural history of intoxicants in society. New York: Kodansha International, 1993.
Find full textR, Preedy Victor, and Watson, Ronald R. (Ronald Ross), eds. Alcohol and the gastrointestinal tract. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1996.
Find full text(Groupe), Dr CAVE, ed. Drogues & voyages: Précis touristique des substances addictives et des risques liés à leur consommation. Genève: Georg, 2005.
Find full textRudgley, Richard. Essential Substances: A Cultural History of Intoxicants in Society. Kodansha America, 1994.
Find full textCanada, Canada Health, and Canada Santé Canada, eds. Quick reference guide to the Hazardous Products Act for manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers -- April 2007 =: Guide de consultation rapide de la Loi sur les produits dangereux pour les fabricants, les importateurs, les distributeurs et les détaillants -- avril 2007. Ottawa, Ont: Health Canada = Santé Canda, 2007.
Find full textRudgley, Richard. Essential Substances: A Cultural History of Intoxicants in Society (Kodansha Globe Series). Kodansha Globe, 1995.
Find full textP, Beresford Thomas, and Gomberg Edith Lisansky 1920-, eds. Alcohol and aging. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Consommation problématique de substances"
Bolognini, Monique. "La problématique de la consommation de substances à l’adolescence." In Adolescences d'aujourd'hui, 37–53. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006.
Full textBenjelloun, Mohamed Amine. "Consommation et sevrage de substances psychoactives." In Médecine et Santé de L'adolescent, 289–93. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textLaure, P., and G. Dine. "Consommation de substances aux fins de performance." In Suivi Biologique du Sportif, 203–38. Elsevier, 2018.
Full textMuckle, Gina, Mireille Desrochers-Couture, and Noémie Tanguay. "La consommation de substances durant la grossesse." In Prévention et intervention précoce en période périnatale, 231–70. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2022.
Full textGuilhon, Ana Cecilia Villela, Élise Cournoyer Lemaire, Aïda Sbih, Alexandre Prince-Boucher, Edmonton, Geneviève Caron, Cleaved.pen, et al. "Précarité sociale et consommation de substances psychoactives:." In Recherches participatives et équité en santé, 119–36. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2022.
Full textAL AGHA, Khaldoun, Pauline LOYGUE, and Guy PUJOLLE. "Le déploiement de l’Internet participatif." In Edge Networking, 221–39. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textStéphan, Philippe, Maya Suter, Fernando Perez-Diaz, Fernando Perez-Diaz, and Sylvie Nezelof. "Chapitre 6. La consommation de substances, entre remède et poison." In Troubles de la personnalité borderline à l'adolescence, 73–84. Dunod, 2013.
Full textTaleb, M., S. Aït Benamar, and C. Keddache. "Quelle est la place de la consommation de substances dans les troubles psychotiques émergents ?" In Troubles Psychotiques : Protocoles D'intervention Précoce, 71–81. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textLeconstant, Charlène, and Elisabeth Spitz. "La régulation émotionnelle en prévention de la rechute." In Pratiques et interventions en psychologie de la santé, 63–78. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textRoffet-Salque, Mélanie, Pascale Gerbault, and Rosalind E. Gillis. "Une histoire de l’exploitation laitière : approches génétique, archéozoologique et biomoléculaire." In Regards croisés: quand les sciences archéologiques rencontrent l'innovation, 1–24. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
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