Academic literature on the topic 'Conscience pluraliste'
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Journal articles on the topic "Conscience pluraliste"
Lavoie, Bertrand. "Avoir conscience de l’internormativité : contribution à l’étude de la conscience du droit en contexte pluraliste." McGill Law Journal 64, no. 3 (2019): 415.
Full textSpencer, Bruce. "Student-Centred Courses and Social Awareness: Contrary Evidence from UK Workers' Education." Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 6, no. 1 (May 1, 1992): 67–80.
Full textBeauchemin, Jacques. "Le poids de la mémoire franco-québécoise dans un Québec pluraliste." Globe 5, no. 2 (February 14, 2011): 21–55.
Full textGaland, Pierre. "Le CNAPD — Belgique." VI. Pour un nouvel internationalisme, no. 12 (January 18, 2016): 173–79.
Full textDansereau, Estelle. "Lieu de plaisir, lieu de pouvoir : le bavardage comme contre-discours dans le roman féministe québécois." Dossier 21, no. 3 (August 29, 2006): 429–51.
Full textBouchard, Gérard. "Pour une histoire intégrante. La construction de la mémoire dans une société diversifiée." Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 66, no. 3-4 (June 11, 2014): 291–305.
Full textIngram, Robert G., and Adeline Fitzwater. "'The Real Question of Freedom': The State, the Church and the Individual, c.1860–1920." Journal of Religious History, Literature and Culture 9, no. 1 (June 15, 2023): 69–96.
Full textPannier, Russell, and Francis Canavan. "The Pluralist Game: Pluralism, Liberalism, and the Moral Conscience." Journal of Law and Religion 16, no. 2 (2001): 849.
Full textGrasso, Kenneth L. "The Pluralist Game: Pluralism, Liberalism, and the Moral Conscience." Catholic Social Science Review 1 (1996): 191–98.
Full textAudard, Catherine. "Political Liberalism, Secular Republicanism: two answers to the challenges of pluralism." Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 40 (March 1996): 163–75.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Conscience pluraliste"
Ngom, Mamadou Lamine. "Pluralisme ou Monisme scientifiques ? Enjeux épistémiques et didactiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2024.
Full textIn philosophy, controversies usually mobilize researchers in a passionate way. In this context, our doctoral dissertation is part of the current debate in history and philosophy of science between pluralists on the one hand, and monists on the other. Conceptually speaking, to be a pluralist about the sciences consists in valuing and cultivating plurality (for example at the theoretical, methodological and ontological level). On the contrary, by valuing uniqueness or unicity, monists see plurality more as a problem to be solved. As a result, they look for the only one theory (method or ontology) that is supposed to inevitably guide the intervention on the subject matter. This work sheds light on the epistemic and didactic issues of the debate. In other words, we are interested in the production of scientific knowledge (epistemic issues) and the teaching and learning science (didactic issues). After presenting the ontological, theoretical and methodological frameworks for pluralism and monism about the sciences, we propose a defense of scientific pluralism. From the point of view of the epistemic issues, our defense of scientific pluralism is characterized by the idea of “collaborative scientific pluralism”. As far as the didactic issues are concerned, we propose “didactic pluralism”
Rouméas, Élise. "Une défense du compromis : pluralité religieuse et conflit politique." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2016.
Full textThis dissertation deals with the role of political compromise in conflicts stemming from religious diversity. How can a collective decision be made when disagreement affects the religious convictions of some groups? Compromise is defined as a decision-making procedure based on reciprocal concessions. I propose a conceptual analysis and a procedural defense of compromise which I illustrate with cases of disputes that have mobilized religious actors, especially the French controversies on conscientious objection to military service and on abortion. Reflecting on compromise in relation to religious diversity is interesting because of the putative antithesis between religion and compromise. While politics is often described as the “art of compromise,” religion is perceived as the realm of the absolute and the intransigent. My argument is not intended to confirm or to invalidate this assertion. I do not demonstrate that religious people are more or less conciliatory than their secular counterparts. I emphasize, however, the procedural value of compromise particularly in disputes opposing religious actors and the law of the liberal and secular state. If politics is “the art of compromise,” it can not be reduced to a mere bargaining of interests. Similarly, if religion touches the sacred and the non-negotiable, coexistence and cooperation in a plural society are not achieved without concessions
Correia, Victor Manuel Santos. "La justification de la tolérance par les droits de l'homme." Paris 5, 2010.
Full textWe intend to analyse the relationship between tolerance an Rights of Man, the implications of this relationship, and whether or not tolerance can be justified by the Rights of Man : if where there is tolerance there are no rights and if where are rights there is no tolerance. There are two alternatives to this opposition, albeit problematics : either tolerance becomes mandatory, so as to reconcile it with the obligation of respecting the Rights of Man (but this is contrary to the concept of tolerance, as such a non-binding attitude, or the respect for the Rights of Man becomes a non-binding attitude so as to reconcile it with tolerance as a non-binding attitude (but this is contrary to the concept of rights, which implies an obligation to respect them). Therefore, tolerating a person because they have rights, and given that this tolerance implies the possibility of no tolerating (as a condition which is inherent to this attitude), no tolerating implies the possibility of no respecting rights. As a solution, a non-absolute concept of Rights of Man, and another concept of “tolerance” may allow for conciliation between the two, while emphasising that Rights of Man, in spite of everything, do not completely exclude the possibility of tolerance. However, the Rights of Man must take precedence over tolerance, so that tolerance instead of being justified by the Rights of Man, is caused by the Rights of Man, that is, instead of someone showing tolerance because the other person has rights, it will be the bearer of the rights who will show tolerance, because there is someone who does not show respect for their rights
Benisty, Samuel. "La norme sociale de conduite saisie par le droit." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2013.
Full textSocial rule of conduct which applies within a group of people has the following characteristics; it imposes on the group members specific duties, the violation of which is collectively sanctioned, by excluding the culprit from the group. Legal science has illustrated such rule of conduct with satisfying examples. However it has never been able to conceptualize it. Our work tries to proceed to such a conceptualization by establishing that gregarious phenomena result from situations in which members of the group generally feel compelled by a commonly shared moral rule of conduct. Considering this internalized rule of conduct as the basis on which the group members will judge each other’s action, it therefore appears as influencing relations between group members. Abiding by the rule will strengthen one’s relation with the group member; infringing this rule will negatively affect these relations. Social rule of conduct is strengthened by examining the authority it comes from (the individual moral conscience), the restricted frame in which it applies (a limited group of people), and the specific reaction it triggers (an integration or an exclusion from this group). Analysing the status of this social rule of conduct, our thesis shows that, from a private law perspective, this rule is generally regarded as marginal as it only governs situations ignored by law. In our view the social rule of conduct needs to be reconsidered. Therefore our work finally demonstrates the existence of a peaceful normative pluralism. In fact both laws and social rules of conduct, applying in limited and determined groups of people, contribute to human society’s regulation
Villegas, Santiago Diana Milena. "L’ordre juridique mafieux : étude à partir du cas de l’organisation criminelle colombienne des années 1980 et 1990." Thesis, Paris 2, 2016.
Full textThe legal pluralism relativises the state’s monopoly to create norms by taking into consideration the possibility that different social groups contribute to the production of law. The mafia and its rules can form a legal order in contradiction with the legality and the structure of the state legal order. It seems difficult to consider the mafia as a legal order because it is in contradiction with the traditional legal and state criteria. Indeed, the analysis of legal pluralism rarely does this link between legal pluralism and violent, arbitrary and illegal systems. However, from a socio-legal perspective, it is absolutely possible to affirm a sort of legal pluralism issued from the mafia phenomenon. This hypothesis explores, in a violent context, the contradictory relation between different kinds of orders, such as State, mafia and community order.In order to analyse this issue, the Colombian drugs traffic between the 80’s and 90’s shows a specific legal culture and legal consciousness, which in a specific context reveals interesting characteristics for a socio-legal study. The mafia and its multiple networks can infiltrate the legal culture of the regions where it acts, and sometimes, its actions and operations may be intertwined with the State and other legal actors. In this sense, it is appropriate to consider a mixed legal system, where the legal and illegal co-exist; and where the mafia, popular and state law became a "mélange" as a product of the interaction between the different legal systems as well as a product of the porosity existing between all the legal systems. This research explores the mafia, in real life and in theory, as a sui generis legal order that has a normative force without limits
Brenaut, Maxime. "Le renouveau des mesures de sûretés en droit pénal français." Thesis, Paris 2, 2016.
Full textIn 1992, in the context of the reform of the Criminal Code, decision was made to unify all criminal sanctions under the sole notion of “penalty” ; therefore, the formal existence of safety measures seemed doomed to complete obsolescence. However, as from 2004, the legislator unexpectedly enacted safety measures expressly labelled as such, and thus, disrupted the semantic unity implemented a decade earlier. In addition, the controversial notion of dangerousness was established as the ground of such measures. According to legal doctrine, this was a very “renewal of safety measures”. This formal reappearance of safety measures undoubtedly stems from circumstantial causes, owing to the political opportunity to depart from the penalty regime, especially in terms of application of law over time. Yet, it cannot be reduced to this single cause and also be explained by structural reasons pertaining to the nature of safety measures, which must be construed as a function i.e. the guarantee of the performance by a dangerous individual of his resocialisation obligation. This function may additionnally be expressed through various mechanisms: complementary penalties, measures of the pre-trial phase, conditions for serving sentences…Analysis shows that safety measures had not been discarded from criminal law and, instead of a“renewal”, the French legislator mostly extended their scope by multiplying the media of their function as guarantee
Lavoie, Bertrand. "La foi musulmane et la laïcité en France et au Québec, entre régulation publique et négociation quotidienne." Thesis, Paris 2, 2017.
Full textThe overall goal of the dissertation is to analyze the relation to religious norms and state law regarding the question of the wearing of muslim religious symbols. This socio-legal research follows results from 50 interviews done with persons who wear muslim religious symbols and work (or consider working) at the same time for the french and quebec states. The two legal contexts shows dissension regarding the regulation of religious symbols in public institutions. Empirical results shows different strategies of action and interpretation of state and religious norms, a human legal agency, where the rational autonony of the weaerer is the central element in the relation to norms
Léger, Pascale. "Sens et réalités de l'espace public urbain : le degré de conscience des enjeux normatifs." Thèse, 2004.
Full textCarvalho, Otília da Conceição Leitão. "A proteção do jornalista: a (re)equação da liberdade de consciência e independência, direitos e deveres num novo espaço público." Doctoral thesis, 2020.
Full textDo the journalist's free conscience and independence need specific, reinforced protection in the new context of citizen ownership of the new information and communication technologies that enhance pluralism and democracy? Assuming that the rights of journalists exist only to better fulfill their duties to the public, we focus on one of the least studied rights of the Journalist Statute - the independence and conscience clause. This historical right that exists in several European countries, protects a status that is transverse to all journalism. In Portugal it is found in article 12 of the Journalist's Statute and is based on the principle that journalists should refuse acts that violate their free conscience and offend their dignity. In contemporary times where new rights and duties of the journalist arise, such as le droit opposition, the duty to forget, fact checking and the duty of transparency, this reflection addresses the importance of that right in a constructive way for the media and less stigmatizing for the journalist, in a path where Ethics follows a global path. The research is based on a methodological triangulation of qualitative and quantitative character, through case study, document analysis, surveys and interviews with experts. We conclude by the relevance and timeliness of the conscience clause regarding the labor-economic corset that conditions the freedom of the journalist in his professional practice, but we also look for new ways, new rights and new values and practices in this globalizing era, where news production goes viral on social media.
Books on the topic "Conscience pluraliste"
Canavan, Francis. The pluralist game: Pluralism, liberalism, and the moral conscience. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, 1995.
Find full textAna, Fernández-Coronado González, ed. El derecho de la libertad de conciencia en el marco de la Unión Europea: Pluralismo y minorías. Madrid: Editorial Colex, 2002.
Find full textSwaine, Lucas. The liberal conscience: Politics and principle in a world of religious pluralism. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2006.
Find full textSwaine, Lucas. The liberal conscience: Politics and principle in a world of religious pluralism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.
Find full textVladimir, Zambrano Carlos, ed. Pluralismo religioso y libertad de conciencia: Configuraciones jurídicas y políticas en la contemporaneidad. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 2002.
Find full textBeauchemin, Jacques. L' histoire en trop: La mauvaise conscience des souverainistes québécois. Montréal, QC: VLB éditeur, 2002.
Find full textAlgeria) Colloque "Penser l'altérité et la diversité culturelles pour une meilleure éducation au Vivre ensemble" (2015 Mostaganem. À l'épreuve de la diversité culturelle: Droit, société et éducation : mélanges en l'honneur du cheikh Ahmed Ibn Mustapha al-ʻAlawi (1869-1934). Alger: Casbah-Éditions, 2017.
Find full textOderberg, David S., and ODERBERG. Opting Out: Conscience and Cooperation in a Pluralistic Society. London Publishing Partnership, 2018.
Find full textSwaine, Lucas. Liberal Conscience: Politics and Principle in a World of Religious Pluralism. Columbia University Press, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Conscience pluraliste"
Goodpaster, Kenneth E. "Conscience and the Moral Insight." In Times of Insight: Conscience, Corporations, and the Common Good, 9–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textParis, Davide. "Reckoning with Growing Pluralism. Potentials and Limits of Conscientious Objection: Conscience Clauses in Abortion Laws in Europe." In Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice, 89–102. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textHill, Thomas E. "Conscience and Authority." In Respect, Pluralism, and Justice, 260–74. Oxford University Press, 2000.
Full textFowler, James W. "CHARACTER, CONSCIENCE, AND THE EDUCATION OF THE PUBLIC." In Challenge of Pluralism, 225–50. University of Notre Dame Press, 1992.
Full text"6. Liberal- Pluralist Secularism: The Case of Quebec." In Secularism and Freedom of Conscience, 53–60. Harvard University Press, 2011.
Full text"1. Moral Pluralism, Neutrality, and Secularism." In Secularism and Freedom of Conscience, 9–18. Harvard University Press, 2011.
Full textPrusak, Bernard G. "Religious Non-Affiliation and Objections of Conscience." In Empty Churches, 250–72. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full text"On Conscience and the Rights of Dissenters." In Religious Origins of Democratic Pluralism, 87–100. The Lutterworth Press, 2017.
Full textColler, Ian. "The Constitutional Mosque." In Muslims and Citizens, 104–24. Yale University Press, 2020.
Full text"Conscience and Catholic Identity." In Fundamentalism or Tradition, edited by Darlene Fozard Weaver, 223–40. Fordham University Press, 2019.
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