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Antonio, Dorronsoro José, and Universidad del País Vasco. Departamento de Periodismo II., eds. Los Nuevos testigos de la realidad: III Seminario de Periodismo = Kazetaritza III. Mintegia. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial, Universidad del País Vasco, 1996.

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yüan), Tʻai-wan ching chi kuo shu tsai pʻei chi ying yung yen chiu yen tʻao hui (1994 Kuo li Pʻing-tung chi shu hsüeh. Tʻai-wan ching chi kuo shu tsai pʻei chi shu chi ying yung yen chiu yen tʻao hui chuan chi: Min kuo 83 nien 2 yüeh 1-3 jih tsai kuo li Pʻing-tung chi shu hsüeh yüan chü hsing. [Chang-hua]: Tʻai-wan sheng Tʻai-chung chʻü nung yeh kai liang chʻang, 1994.

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Asia, Pacific Conference on Contemporary Trends in Mediation and Arbitration (2006 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia). Mediation & arbitration in Asia Pacific: Conference proceedings. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IIUM Press, 2009.

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Tʻai-wan ching chi kuo shu tsai pʻei chi ying yung yen chiu yen tʻao hui (1994 Kuo li Pʻing-tung chi shu hsüeh yüan). Tʻai-wan ching chi kuo shu tsai pʻei chi shu chi ying yung yen chiu yen tʻao hui chuan chi: Min kuo 83 nien 2 yüeh 1-3 jih tsai kuo li Pʻing-tung chi shu hsüeh yüan chü hsing. [Chang-hua]: Tʻai-wan sheng Tʻai-chung chʻü nung yeh kai liang chʻang, 1994.

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Simpozium "Nanogeokhimii︠a︡ zolota" (2008 Vladivostok, Russia). Nanogeokhimii︠a︡ zolota: Trudy simpoziuma, Vladivostok, 17-18 apreli︠a︡ 2008 g.. Vladivostok: Dalʹnauka, 2008.

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Asia Pacific Conference on Contemporary Trends in Mediation and Arbitration (2006 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Mediation & arbitration in Asia Pacific: Conference proceedings. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IIUM Press, 2009.

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International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women (5th 1993 Costa Rica). Memoria/report. [San Jose, Costa Rica]: Universidad de Costa Rica, 1993.

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1960-, Nowak Andrzej, ed. Rosja i Europa Wschodnia: "imperiologia" stosowana = Russia and Eastern Europe : applied "imperiology". Warszawa: Wydawn. "Arcana", 2006.

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Simpozium "Nanogeokhimii︠a︡ zolota" (2008 Vladivostok, Russia). Nanogeokhimii︠a︡ zolota: Trudy simpoziuma, Vladivostok, 17-18 apreli︠a︡ 2008 g.. Vladivostok: Dalʹnauka, 2008.

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1960-, Nowak Andrzej, ed. Rosja i Europa Wschodnia: "imperiologia" stosowana. Warszawa: Wydawn. "Arcana", 2006.

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1937-, Rashid Syed Khalid, Ahmad Idid bin Syed Abdullah Idid, Dato' Syed., and International Islamic University Malaysia, eds. Mediation & arbitration in Asia Pacific: Conference proceedings. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IIUM Press, 2009.

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Asia Pacific Conference on Contemporary Trends in Mediation and Arbitration (2006 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Mediation & arbitration in Asia Pacific: Conference proceedings. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: IIUM Press, 2009.

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North, Pacific Salmon Protected Areas Workshop (2003 Khabarovsk Russia). North Pacific salmon protected areas: Workshop proceedings and Heads of Speech reports. Khabarovsk: Khabarovsk State Technical University, 2004.

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1972-, Treier Daniel J., and Lauber David 1966-, eds. Trinitarian theology for the church: Scripture, community, worship. Downers Grove, Ill: IVP Academic, 2009.

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Giovanni, Vitolo, and Seminario su pellegrinaggi e itinerari dei santi dell'area mediterranea nel medioevo e nella prima età moderna (1997 : Pisa, Italy), eds. Pellegrinaggi e itinerari dei santi nel Mezzogiorno medievale. Pisa: GISEM ; Napoli, 1999.

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Li︠u︡bishchevskie chtenii︠a︡ (5th 2010 Tolʹi︠a︡tti, Russia). Teoreticheskie problemy ėkologii i ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii: Teorii︠a︡ arealov vidy, sobshchestva, ėkosistemy : V Li︠u︡bishchevskie chtenii︠a︡. Tolʹi︠a︡tti: Kassandra, 2010.

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IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Methods for Uncertainty Estimation (2006 Sardagna, Italy). 2006 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Methods for Uncertainty Estimation: Sardagna, Italy, 20-21 April 2006. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2006.

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V, Gupta Modadugu, and Acosta Belen O, eds. Fish genetics research in member countries and institutions of the International Network on Genetics in Aquaculture. Penang, Malayasia: ICLARM--the World Fish Center, 2001.

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Institut ėkonomiki (Rossiĭskai͡a akademii͡a nauk). Uchenyĭ sovet. Stenogramma i͡ubileĭnogo zasedanii͡a Uchenogo soveta Instituta ėkonomiki Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk: 27 ii͡uni͡a 2000 g. Moskva: Rossiĭskai͡a akademii͡a nauk, In-t ėkon., 2000.

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Jahresversammlung des VSSA (1994 Winterthur, Switzerland). Statistik und Sprachen: Jahresversammlung des VSSA vom 10. bis 11. November 1994 in Winterthur = Statistique et langues : Assemblée annuelle de l'UOSS du 10 au 11 novembre 1994 à Winterthur. Bern: Verband Schweizerischer Statistischer Ämter, 1995.

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L, Gasperini, and Convegno internazionale di studio su "Fruizione e culto delle acque salutari in Italia" (1993 : Rome, Italy, and Viterbo, Italy), eds. Usus veneratioque fontium: Atti del Convegno internazionale di studio su "Fruizione e culto delle acque salutari in Italia", Roma-Viterbo 29-31 ottobre 1993. Tivoli (Roma): Tipigraf, 2006.

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Bureau of Justice Assistance National Partnership Meeting (1999 Washington, D.C.). Working together for peace and justice in the 21st century : summary of proceedings. Washington, DC: The Bureau, 1999.

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Bureau of Justice Assistance National Partnerships Meeting (1999 Washington, D.C.). Working together for peace and justice in the 21st century : summary of proceedings. Washington, DC: The Bureau, 1999.

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United States. Bureau of Justice Assistance., ed. Working together for peace and justice in the 21st century : summary of proceedings. Washington, DC: Bureau of Justice Assistance, 1999.

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National, Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Conference on the Integration of Behavioral and Relaxation Approaches Into the Treatment of Chronic Pain and Insomnia (1995 Bethesda Md ). NIH Technology Assessment Conference on Integration of Behavioral and Relaxation Approaches Into the Treatment of Chronic Pain and Insomnia: NIH Technology Assessment Conference, October 16-18, 1995 ... National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 1995.

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Mannooramparampil, Thomas. Theological dimensions of Christian orient. Edited by Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India. Kottayam: Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, 2005.

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Academic Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy. Further perspectives on the Canadian fantastic: Proceedings of the 2003 Academic Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy. Toronto, ON: ACCSFF, 2006.

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P, Savitsky Alexander, and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. Genetically engineered and optical probes for biomedical applications: 27-28 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 2003.

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Holtz, Jennifer K., and Stephen B. Springer. Building sustainable futures for adult learners. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2015.

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Poland) Pomorski Kongres Obywatelski (5th 2012 Gdańsk. Pomorze--jakie wartości, jaki rozwój? Gdańsk: Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową, 2012.

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Pacific, Northwest Forest and Rangeland Soil Organism Symposium (1998 Corvallis Or ). Proceedings. Portland, Or: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 1999.

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Pacific Northwest Forest and Rangeland Soil Organism Symposium (1998 Corvallis, Or.). Proceedings: Pacific Northwest Forest & Rangeland Soil Organism Symposium : Organism functions and processes, management effects on organisms and processes, and role of soil organisms in restoration : LaSells Stewart Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, March 17-19, 1998. Edited by Meurisse Robert T, Ypsilantis William G, Seybold Cathy, and Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.). Portland, Or: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 1999.

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Thomas, Mannooramparampil, and Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India., eds. Theological dimensions of Christian orient. Kottayam: Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, 2005.

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Thomas, Mannooramparampil, and Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India., eds. Theological dimensions of Christian orient. Kottayam: Oriental Institute of Religious Studies, India, 2005.

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National Seminar on Dravidian Folk and Tribal Lore (2000 Dravidian University). Dravidian folk and tribal lore. Kuppam: Dravidian University, 2001.

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Arthur, M. Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Sciences (2002 Washington D. C. ). Self-perpetuating structural states in biology, disease, and genetics. Washington, D.C: National Academy of Sciences, 2002.

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Olivieri, Achille, 1941- editor of compilation and Galtarossa, Massimo, editor of compilation, eds. Retorica e taumaturgia della mano nel lungo Rinascimento e l'influenza della Universitas patavina: Atti del convegno di studi, Padova 22-23 febbraio 2010. Padova: CLEUP, 2012.

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1938-, Reuter Walter G., Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., Society for Experimental Mechanics (U.S.), American Society for Nondestructive Testing., and Nihon Hi Hakai Kensa Kyōkai., eds. Nondestructive evaluation of utilities and pipelines III: 4 March 1999, Newport Beach, California. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 1999.

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Academic, Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy (2003 Toronto Ont ). Further perspectives on the Canadian fantastic: Proceedings of the 2003 Academic Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy. Toronto: ACCSFF, 2005.

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Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs (41st 1991 Beijing, China.). Striving for peace, security, and development of the world: Proceedings of the Forty-First Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, Beijing, China, 17-22 September 1991. Geneva: Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 1993.

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International, Institute for Sugar Beet Research (Congress) (60th 1997 Cambridge England). 60è Congrès =: 60th congress = 60.Kongress. Bruxelles: IIRB, 1997.

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International Institute for Sugar Beet Research ( Congress) (58th 1995 Brussels, Belgium). 58è congrès =: 58th congress = 57.Kongress. Bruxelles: IIRB, 1995.

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International Institute for Sugar Beet Research ( Congress) (59th 1995 Brussels, Belgium). 59è congrès =: 59th congress = 59.Kongress. Bruxelles: IIRB, 1995.

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International Institute for Sugar Beet Research. Winter Congress. 61e congrès =: 61st congress = 61.Kongress. Bruxelles: IIRB, 1995.

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Un principato territoriale nel Regno di Napoli?: Gli Orsini del Balzo principi di Taranto, 1399-1463 : atti del convegno di studi, Lecce 20-22 ottobre 2009. Roma: Istituto storico italiano per il Medio Evo, 2013.

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International Institute for Sugar Beet Research (Winter Congress) (50th 1987 Brussels). 50e congrès d'hiver =: 50th winter congress = 50. Winterkongress. Brussels: IIRB, 1987.

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International Institute for Sugar Beet Research (Winter Congress) (51st 1988 Brussels). 51e congrès dh́iver =: 51st winter congress = 51. Winterkongress. Brussels: IIRB, 1988.

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International Institute for Sugar Beet Research (Winter Congress) (53rd 1990 Brussels). 53e congrés d'hiver =: 53rd winter congress = 53. Winterkongress. Brussels: IRRB, 1990.

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International Institute for Sugar Beet Research (Winter Congress) (52nd 1989 Brussels). 52e congrès dh́iver =: 52nd winter congress = 52. Winterkongress. Brussels: IIRB, 1989.

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International Institute for Sugar Beet Research (Winter Congress) (54th 1991 Brussels). 54e congrès d'hiver =: 54th winter congress = 54. Winterkongress. Brussels: IIRB, 1991.

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