Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Condition géométrique'
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Vonseel, Audrey. "Hyperbolicité et bouts des graphes de Schreier." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017STRAD025/document.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the study of the topology at infinity of spaces generalizing Schreier graphs. More precisely, we consider the quotient X/H of a geodesic proper hyperbolic metric space X by a quasiconvex-cocompact group H of isometries of X. We show that this quotient is a hyperbolic space. The main result of the thesis indicates that the number of ends of the quotient space X/H is determined by equivalence classes on a sphere of computable radius. In the context of group theory, we show that one can construct explicitly groups and subgroups for which there are no algorithm to determine the number of relative ends. If the subgroup is quasiconvex, we give an algorithm to compute the number of relative ends
Roualland, Olivier. "Développements asymptotiques d'intégrales-fibres sous certaines conditions géométriques." Nice, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NICE5778.
Full textIn this work, we prove the existence of asymptotic expansions for fiber integrals of several holomorphic functions under strong geometric conditions called "Loeser-Sabbah". The main idea is to perform a base change in the target space of the morphism so that the Loeser-Sabbah conditions are satisfied locally. We prove that the multi-variate Mellin complex transform induces a one to one correspondence between the class of functions with a asymptotic expansion in Nilsson monomials, and the class of meromorphic functions that verify certain appropriate conditions. We also justify the existence of Bernstein-Sato functional equations with regular holonomic distributions coefficients. The existence of "good Kashiwara operators" will also be established. We then prove that the family of the Mellin transform of the inverse image of the fiber integrals by a base change belongs to the class of meromorphic functions; thus we get expansions expressed locally as finite sums of Nilsson monomials with indefinitely derivable coefficients
Memari, Pooran. "Tomographie géométrique avec garanties topologiques." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00560010.
Full textKlein, Guillaume. "Stabilisation et asymptotique spectrale de l’équation des ondes amorties vectorielle." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018STRAD050/document.
Full textIn this thesis we are considering the vectorial damped wave equation on a compact and smooth Riemannian manifold without boundary. The damping term is a smooth function from the manifold to the space of Hermitian matrices of size n. The solutions of this équation are thus vectorial. We start by computing the best exponential energy decay rate of the solutions in terms of the damping term. This allows us to deduce a sufficient and necessary condition for strong stabilization of the vectorial damped wave equation. We also show the appearance of a new phenomenon of high-frequency overdamping that did not exists in the scalar case. In the second half of the thesis we look at the asymptotic distribution of eigenfrequencies of the vectorial damped wave equation. Were show that, up to a null density subset, all the eigenfrequencies are in a strip parallel to the imaginary axis. The width of this strip is determined by the Lyapunov exponents of a dynamical system defined from the damping term
Issa, Ibtissam. "Some results on the stabilization of elastic/viscoelastic transmission problems with Kelvin-Voigt or fractional Kelvin-Voigt damping." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/211207_ISSA_690cu840ucxbzr880kpmyt859oe_TH.pdf.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to study the stabilization of some locally coupled systems. First, we study the stability of a one-dimensional coupled wave equations with two interior non smooth viscous dampings where we establish exponential stability. Second, we study the stabilization of a locally coupled wave equations with only one internal viscoelastic damping of Kelvin-Voigt type. Both the damping and the coupling coefficients are non smooth. Using a spectrum approach, we prove the non-uniform stability of the system. Next, using a frequency domain approach, combined with a piecewise multiplier technique and the construction of a new multiplier satisfying some ordinary differential equations, we show that the energy of the smooth solution of the system decays polynomially. Third, we investigate the energy decay of hyperbolic systems of wave-wave, wave-Euler Bernoulli beam and beam-beam types. Indeed, the two equations are coupled through boundary connection with only one localized non smooth fractional Kelvin Voigt damping. We establish a polynomial energy decay rate. Finally, we study the stability of a multidimensional system of two wave equations coupled by velocities with only one localized non-smooth Kelvin-Voigt damping. By using a spectral analysis, we prove the non uniform stability of the system. Further, using a frequency domain approach combined with a multiplier technique, we establish some polynomial stability results by considering different geometric conditions on the coupling and the damping domains. In addition, in the absence of any geometric condition, we establish two polynomial energy decay rates of the system on a square domain
Cots, Olivier. "Contrôle optimal géométrique : méthodes homotopiques et applications." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00742927.
Full textKouzayha, Salam. "Estimations géométriques de fonctionnelles spectrales pour le laplacien avec condition de Robin au bord." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Tours, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOUR4004.
Full textThe aim of my thesis is to give some estimations for the eigenvalues of the Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions the principal results are divided in two categories. The first result is based on an algebric method and give an estimation of the eigenvalues in euclidean spaces and homogeneous manifolds. The second result is an estimation of the egenvalues in terms of the Ricci curvature of the manifold
CHARLES, Laurent. "Aspects semi-classiques de la quantification géométrique." Phd thesis, Université Paris Dauphine - Paris IX, 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00001289.
Full textElias, Rodrigues Yuri. "Unification de l’hétérogénéité expérimentale par un modèle géométrique de la plasticité synaptique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021COAZ6013.
Full textHow learning occurs has been a long-standing question in neuroscience. Since the first demonstration that the strength wiring up neurons can be persistent, the study of neuronal connections, the synapses, became a path to understanding memory formation. In the 70s, the first electrophysiology methods to modify the synaptic strength were discovered, leading to the evidence of how synapses subjected to stimulation are plastic. Such a form of synaptic plasticity was predicted two decades before by a theoretical synaptic rule coined by the neuropsychologist Donald Hebb. The possibility that a devised rule could explain memory motivated the birth of theories providing new questions and mechanistic representations of the brain's functioning. The diversification of techniques allowed researchers to investigate in depth the nature of synaptic rules. However, the heterogeneity of experimental conditions adopted by different laboratories implicated that the same stimulation pattern could produce different synaptic modifications. The observed heterogeneity in the methods and outcomes have hindered the formalization of a coherent view on how synaptic plasticity works. To fill this gap, this thesis developed a stochastic computational model of the rat CA3-CA1 glutamatergic synapse to explain and gain insights into how experimental conditions affect plasticity outcomes. I uncovered a new plasticity rule that accounts for methodological differences such as developmental aspects, extracellular medium and temperature influences on synaptic plasticity outcome. The model relies on an expanded version of the previous methods to predict synaptic plasticity, modified to handle combined dynamics. That is achieved by introducing a geometrical readout to interpret the dynamics of two calcium-binding enzymes controlling the induction of plasticity. In this way, the model covers classical and recent stimulation paradigms (e.g. STDP, FDP) using a single rule parameter set. Finally, the model's robustness is tested for in vivo-like spike time irregularity showing how different protocols converge to the same outcome when regularity is altered. This model allows one to obtain testable predictions since it links the simulated variables to the specificity needed to describe a plasticity protocol. Although the model is specific to a single CA3-CA1 synapse, the study's insights may be generalized to other types, enabling a deeper understanding of the rules of synaptic plasticity and learning
Caillau, Jean-Baptiste. "Sur la géométrie des transferts orbitaux." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00125863.
Full textPicot, Gautier. "Contrôle optimal géométrique et numérique appliqué au problème de transfert Terre-Lune." Thesis, Dijon, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010DIJOS067/document.
Full textThis PhD thesis provides a numerical study of space trajectories in the Earth-Moon system when low-thrust is applied. Our computations are based on fundamental results from geometric control theory. The spacecraft's motion is modelled by the equations of the controlled restricted three-body problem. We focus on minimizing energy cost and transfer time. Optimal trajectories are found among a set of extremal curves, solutions of the Pontryagin's maximum principle, which can be computed solving a shooting equation thanks to a Newton algorithm. In this framework, initial conditions are found using homotopic methods or studying the linearized control system. We check local optimality of the trajectories using the second order optimality conditions related to the concept of conjugate points. In the case of the energy minimization problem, we also describe the principle of approximating Earth-Moon optimal transfers by concatening optimal keplerian trajectories around The Earth and the Moon and an energy-minimal solution of the linearized system in the neighbourhood of the equilibrium point L1
Aflak, Waeil F. "Flambage plastique de coques cylindriques sous compression axiale : influence des imperfections géométriques et des imperfections de conditions aux limites." Lyon, INSA, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988ISAL0044.
Full textLéonard, Fortuné Danielle. "Conditions de compatibilité en mécanique des solides." Phd thesis, Université de Poitiers, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00375897.
Full textLes conditions de compatibilité en grandes déformations sont ainsi revisitées à la Darboux. Deux systèmes aux dérivées partielles découplés permettent d'obtenir le déplacement du milieu déformé en deux intégrations successives. L'étude de la nature tensorielle des objets exhibés montre la validité de nos concepts. Une étude inédite des variétés riemanniennes de dimension 3 de même courbure que la sphère est développée. De même, la théorie des surfaces est revue en introduisant les vecteurs de Darboux. La reconstruction d'une surface connaissant ses deux formes fondamentales est proposée conformément au théorème de Bonnet. L'étude particulière d'une surface minimale conduit à un processus de construction effectif à partir de la connaissance du bord. La notion de surface minimale sœur est dégagée, deux exemples sont présentés. Enfin l'équivalence entre l'annulation du tenseur de courbure de Riemann-Christoffel dans une coque et les conditions de Gauss-Codazzi-Mainardi sur sa surface moyenne est établie. Des perspectives, regardant le solide rigide comme une variété riemannienne de dimension 6, sont évoquées.
Le, Guyader Carole. "Imagerie Mathématique: segmentation sous contraintes géométriques ~ Théorie et Applications." Phd thesis, INSA de Rouen, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00009036.
Full textPour pallier ces difficultés, nous proposons ici des modèles de segmentation intégrant des contraintes géométriques et satisfaisant les critères classiques de détection avec en particulier la régularité sur le contour que cela implique.
Le, Hardy David. "Traitement des conditions aux limites spéculaires pour l'étude du transfert radiatif dans des matériaux à géométrie complexe." Thesis, Nantes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NANT4016/document.
Full textThis dissertation considers the development of numerical tools for the solution of the radiative transfer equation within threedimensional media with complex geometries, combined with the accurate treatment of specular boundary conditions. Numerical developments rely on the Discrete Ordinate Method, combined with SUPG-type stabilized Finite Elements. A very novel partitioning method has been developped for accurate treatment of specularity on borders. Also, some Gauss– Seidel type and GMRES parallel solvers have been used to deal with huge size matrix systems, due to fine discretization in both space and angles, needed for such considered geometrical complexity. Finally, all developped numerical tools have been tested for the modelling of radiative transport within a micro-tomographied ceramic ligament, extracted from a real open-cell foam
Dalphin, Jérémy. "Étude de fonctionnelles géométriques dépendant de la courbure par des méthodes d'optimisation de formes. Applications aux fonctionnelles de Willmore et Canham-Helfrich." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0167/document.
Full textIn biology, when a large amount of phospholipids is inserted in aqueous media, they immediatly gather in pairs to form bilayers also called vesicles. In 1973, Helfrich suggested a simple model to characterize the shapes of vesicles. Imposing the area of the bilayer and the volume of fluid it contains, their shape is minimizing a free-Bending energy involving geometric quantities like curvature, and also a spontanuous curvature measuring the asymmetry between the two layers. Red blood cells are typical examples of vesicles on which is fixed a network of proteins playing the role of a skeleton inside the membrane. One of the main work of this thesis is to introduce and study a uniform ball condition, in particular to model the effects of the skeleton. First, we minimize the Helfrich energy without constraint then with an area constraint. The case of zero spontaneous curvature is known as the Willmore energy. Since the sphere is the global minimizer of the Willmore energy, it is a good candidate to be a minimizer of the Helfrich energy among surfaces of prescribed area. Our first main contribution in this thesis was to study its optimality. We show that apart from a specific interval of parameters, the sphere is no more a global minimizer, neither a local minimizer. However, it is always a critical point. Then, in the specific case of membranes with negative spontaneous curvature, one can wonder whether the minimization of the Helfrich energy with an area constraint can be done by minimizing individually each term. This leads us to minimize total mean curvature with prescribed area and to determine if the sphere is a solution to this problem. We show that it is the case in the class of axisymmetric axiconvex surfaces but that it does not hold true in the general case. Finally, considering both area and volume constraints, the minimizer cannot be the sphere, which is no more admissible. Using the shape optimization point of view, the third main and most important contribution of this thesis is to introduce a more reasonable class of surfaces, in which the existence of an enough regular minimizer is ensured for general functionals and constraints involving the first- and second-Order geometric properties of surfaces. Inspired by what Chenais did in 1975 when she considered the uniform cone property, we consider surfaces satisfying a uniform ball condition. We first study purely geometric functionals then we allow a dependence through the solution of some second-Order elliptic boundary value problems posed on the inner domain enclosed by the shape
Mihalache, Ciurdea Nicolae. "La condition de Collet-Eckmann pour les orbites critiques récurrentes." Paris 11, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA112202.
Full textRoche, Jean-Christophe. "Localisation spatiale par subdivision pour l'accélération des calculs en radiométrie :." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00006752.
Full textSchneider, Fabien. "Aspect géométrique de la définition tridimensionnelle des mécanismes : de l'expression des conditions fonctionnelles à la détermination de paramètres de fabrication optimaux : démarche et outils de modélisation." Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994DENS0016.
Full textPhua, Gailene. "Estimation of geometric properties of three-component signals for condition monitoring." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAT004.
Full textMost methods for condition monitoring are based on the analysis and characterization of physical quantities that are three-dimensional in nature. Plotted in a three-dimensional Euclidean space as a function of time, these quantities follow a trajectory whose geometric characteristics are representative of the state of the monitored system. Usual techniques of condition monitoring study the measured quantities component by component, without taking into account their three-dimensional nature and the geometric properties of their trajectory. A significant part of the information is thus ignored. In this research work, we would therefore like to develop a method for the analysis and processing of three-component quantities capable of highlighting the special geometric features of such data and providing complementary information for condition monitoring. The proposed method has been applied to two different cases: voltage dips monitoring in three-phase power networks and bearing faults monitoring in rotating electrical machines. In this two cases, the results obtained are promising and show that the estimated geometric indicators lead to complementary information that can be useful for condition monitoring
MOUMAS, Valérie. "Application des méthodes intégrales pour l'évaluation de la performance des puits horizontaux dans un réservoir stratifié à géométrie quelconque." Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00004274.
Full textRouot, Jérémy. "Méthodes géométriques et numériques en contrôle optimal et applications au transfert orbital à poussée faible et à la nage à faible nombre de Reynolds." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AZUR4103/document.
Full textThe first part of this work is devoted to the study of the swimming at low Reynolds number where we consider a2-link swimmer to model the motion of a Copepod and the seminal model of the Purcell Three-link swimmer. Wepropose a geometric and numerical approach using optimal control theory assuming that the motion occursminimizing the energy dissipated by the drag fluid forces related with a concept of efficiency of a stroke. TheMaximum Principle is used to compute periodic controls considered as minimizing control using propertransversality conditions, in relation with periodicity, minimizing the energy dissipated for a fixed displacement ormaximizing the efficiency of a stroke. These problems fall into the framework of sub-Riemannian geometry whichprovides efficient techniques to tackle these problems : the nilpotent approximation is used to compute strokeswith small amplitudes which are continued numerically for the true system. Second order optimality, necessary orsufficient, are presented to select weak minimizers in the framework of periodic optimal controls.In the second part, we study the motion of a controlled spacecraft in a central field taking into account thegravitational interaction of the Moon and the oblateness of the Earth. Our purpose is to study the time minimalorbital transfer problem with low thrust. Due to the small control amplitude, our approach is to define anaveraged system from the Maximum Principle and study the related approximations to the non averaged system.We provide proofs of convergence and give numerical results where we use the averaged system to solve the nonaveraged system using indirect method
Bacharoudis, Evangelos. "Etude expérimentale et théorique du début de l'atomisation des films liquides cisaillés horizontaux en présence d'un changement brusque de géométrie : application aux essuie-glaces." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012VALE0029/document.
Full textDriving the car in hazard conditions, like an environment with a lot of dust, is a case which is encountered often by the drivers. The wiper blades have to work successfully and clean the dirty windshield for both the safety of the passengers and the functionality of the car. Activating the car nozzle jets, washer is ejected from the nozzles towards the wiper blades and the windshield. A thin layer of liquid is developed on the surfaces of the wiper blades. When the nozzle jets stop and the wiper blades continue to move, the thin layer of liquid interacts with the strong external air flow field. The result of the interaction is the generation of droplets which are transported by the air flow far from the wiper blades. However, a part of those droplets impact on the windshield resulting in an insufficient cleaning of the screen and the deterioration of the driver’s sight. The wiper blades may remove the dust from the screen but they will cause the droplet impact on it. The phenomenon of the air-liquid interaction on the wiper blades involving the droplet generation, transport and impact on the screen is known as Overspray in the automotive domain. The Overspray is an important parameter for the design and development of the wiper blades. Although Overspray has been observed quite early, little is known for the mechanisms involved in. Thus, the wiper blades still suffer to clean the windshield adequately in such conditions. The current thesis aims to give a deep insight in the Overspray focusing more on the air-liquid interactions for the droplet generation, especially, the investigation of the critical conditions for the onset of the film atomization from the blade surfaces. For that reason mainly experimental and theoretical work has been conducted
Moumas, Valérie. "Application des méthodes intégrales pour l'évaluation de la performance des puits horizontaux dans un réservoir stratifié à géométrie quelconque." Compiègne, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003COMP1465.
Full textBoundary integral methods make it possible to overcome the scale difference between the size of the reservoir (several kilometers) and the radius of the weIl (less than 15 cm). They have recently been used in petroleum engineering, but they were limited to 2D problems, and the weIl was modelled like a source term. Here we propose a new boundary integral method to evaluate weIl performance in a 3D stratified reservoir with arbitrary geometry. The flow in the weIl is modelled using one of two boundary conditions, the first one linear, the second one non-linear and non-local. We have proved that both models are well-posed, and we have developed a new boundary integr al formulation to treat the linear mode!. Boundary integral equations have been discretized by a Galerkin method, and integrals on the weIl have been reduced to ID integrals, thanks to the scale difference. WeIl productivity index can be calculated by our new method with a precision of 1%
Khalile, Magda. "Problèmes spectraux avec conditions de Robin sur des domaines à coins du plan." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SACLS235/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in the spectral properties of the Laplacian with the attractive Robin boundary condition on planar domains with corners. The aim is to understand the influence of the convex corners on the spectral properties of this operator when the Robin parameter is large. In particular, we show that the asymptotics of the first Robin eigenvalues on curvilinear polygons is determined by model operators: the Robin Laplacians acting on infinite sectors. For a particular class of polygons with straight edges, we prove the existence of an effective operator acting on the boundary of the domain and determining the asymptotics of the further eigenvalues. Finally, some Weyl-type asymptotics for different thresholds depending on the Robin parameter are obtained
Akil, Mohammad. "Quelques problèmes de stabilisation directe et indirecte d’équations d’ondes par des contrôles de type fractionnaire frontière ou de type Kelvin-Voight localisé." Thesis, Limoges, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIMO0043/document.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to study the stabilization of the system of waves equations with one boundary fractional damping acting on apart of the boundary of the domain and the stabilization of a system of waves equations with locally viscoelastic damping of Kelvin-Voight type. First, we study the stability of the multidimensional wave equation with boundary fractional damping acting on a part of the boundary of the domain. Second, we study the stability of the system of coupled onedimensional wave equation with one fractional damping acting on a part of the boundary of the domain. Next, we study the stability of the system of coupled multi-dimensional wave equation with one fractional damping acting on a part of the boundary of the domain. Finally, we study the stability of the multidimensional waves equations with locally viscoelastic damping of Kelvin-Voight is applied for one equation around the boundary of the domain
Hamze, Noura. "Optimisation et planification préopératoire des trajectoires en conditions statiques et déformables pour la chirurgie guidée par l'image." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016STRAD024.
Full textIn image-guided minimally invasive surgery, a precise preoperative planning of the surgical tools trajectory is a key factor to a successful intervention. However, an efficient planning is a challenging task, which can be significantly improved when considering different contributing factors such as biomechanical intra-operative deformations, or novel optimization techniques. In this work, we focus on two aspects. The first aspect addresses integrating intra-operative deformation to the path planning process. Our methods combine geometric-based optimization techniques with physics-based simulations. They are characterized with a certain level of generality, and are experimented on two different surgical procedures: percutaneous procedures for hepatic tumor ablation, and in neurosurgery for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Secondly, we investigate, implement, and compare many optimization approaches using qualitative and quantitative methods, and present an efficient evolutionary Pareto-based multi-criteria optimization method which can find optimal solutions that are not reachable via the current state of the art methods
Bécu, Marcia. "Impact of healthy aging on spatial cognition. Spatial navigation and gaze dynamics in ecological conditions." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUS411.
Full textThis doctoral work investigates the behavioural consequences of visual and cognitive aging within a spatial cognition framework. The key novelty is the use of ecological environments, which allows to test navigation in natural, yet controlled conditions. We show an age-related spatial reorganization, in which mental representations are preferentially anchored on geometric cues in older adults and on landmarks in young adults. Recording of gaze and body dynamics allowed us to identify oculomotor signatures that were predictive of the spatial coding preference. These results challenge the current view that focuses on egocentric versus allocentric strategies in aging, and question whether it is a matter of availability of spatial cues rather than strategy per se. We verified this prediction by showing that older adults, similarly to children, are as efficient as young adults at using allocentric strategies, given that their preferred cue (i.e. geometry) is available at the time of navigation decision. This work highlights the need for enriching the allocentric/egocentric framework, classically used to interpret the impact of healthy aging on spatial cognition, by integrating the spatial cue processing dimension. This enriched framework may be useful to develop innovative solutions to prevent/counteract the autonomy loss induced by visuo-spatial cognitive aging
Hempel, Nadja. "Groupes et Corps dans des Théories Neostables : condition de Chaîne et Enveloppes Définissables." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE1065/document.
Full textThis thesis is dedicated to the study of groups and fields whose definable sets do not admit certain combinatorial patterns. Given a group G, one particular problem we are interested in is to find definable envelopes for arbitrary abelian, nilpotent or solvable subgroups of G which admit the same algebraic properties. Such evelopes exists if G is stable and even if G is merely dependent but sufficiently saturated, with the additional hypothesis of normality in the solvable case. In groups with a simple theory, one obtains definable envelopes up to finite index.We introduce the notion of an almost centralizer and establish some of its basic properties. This enables us to extend the aforementioned results to Mc~ groups, i. e. groups in which any definable section satisfies a chain condition on centralizers up to finite index. These include any definable group in a rosy and in particular in a simple theory. Furthermore, inspired from the proof in dependent theories as well as using techniques developed for almost centralizers in this thesis, we are able to find definable envelopes up to finite index for abelian, nilpotent and normal solvable subgroups of any enough saturated NTP2 group. Moreover, using envelopes for nilpotent subgroups of Mc~ groups and the chain condition on centralizer up to finite index, we show additionally that the Fitting subgroup of any Mc~ group is nilpotent and that its almost Fitting subgroup is virtually solvable.The second part of this thesis focuses on the study of n-dependent fields. We prove that any n-dependent field is Artin-Schreier closed and that non separably closed PAC fields are not n-dependent for any natural number n
Galicher, Hervé. "Analyse mathématique de modèles en nanophysique." Paris 6, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA066641.
Full textD'Acunto, Didier. "Sur les courbes intégrales du champ de gradient." Phd thesis, Chambéry, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00002710.
Full textLe premier chapitre rappelle certaines propriétés géométriques des
ensembles définissables dans une structure o-minimale.
Le deuxième chapitre s'attache à l'étude d'une famille définissable de fonctions définies sur des ouverts contenus dans un même compact. On montre grâce à la formule de Cauchy-Crofton que la longueur des courbes intégrales du champ de gradient de chaque fonction est majorée par une constante ne dépendant que de la dimension et du compact. On en déduit ensuite une borne explicite dans le cas d'un polynôme générique de degré fixé.
Le troisième chapitre est consacré aux fonctions $C^1$ définies sur
des ouvert non bornés. On montre que l'ensemble des valeurs ne vérifiant pas la condition de Malgrange (valeurs critiques asymptotiques) est fini et contient les valeurs atypiques qui ne sont pas valeurs critiques.
On établit dans le quatrième chapitre un théorème de plongement d'une composante connexe arbitraire d'une fibre correspondant à la valeur critique asymptotique dans une composante connexe d'une fibre typique voisine. Ce résultat, obtenu par une inégalité du type Lojasiewicz à l'infini, permet de comprendre les changements de type topologiques des fibres d'une fonction définissable au voisinage d'une valeur atypique. En dimension deux, on décrit l'ensemble des points d'une fibre typique par lesquels passe une courbe intégrale du champ de gradient qui n'atteint pas le niveau atypique.
Enfin, le dernier chapitre étudie certaines courbes intégrales
remarquables du champ de gradient. Une courbe réalisant le minimum de la norme du gradient sur les niveaux est une courbe intégrale du champ de gradient si et seulement si c'est une droite. Ce résultat conduit à s'interroger sur la finitude de séparatrices du champ de gradient d'une fonction polynomiale.
Gautier, Josselin. "Un modèle d'attention visuelle dynamique pour conditions 2D et 3D ; codage de cartes de profondeur et synthèse basée inpainting pour les vidéos multi-vues." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00758112.
Full textNguyen, The Dung. "Apport de la modélisation mésoscopique dans la prédiction des écoulements dans les ouvrages en béton fissuré en conditions d'accident grave." Phd thesis, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00717436.
Full textSiebenaller, Luc. "Circulations fluides au cours de l'effondrement d'un prisme d'accrétion crustal : l'exemple du "Metamorphic Core Complex" de l'île de Naxos (Cyclades, Grèce)." Thesis, Nancy 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008NAN10139/document.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to characterize fluid circulations in the context of the collapse of a crustal accretionary belt. The Naxos Metamorphic Core Complex comprises a detachment/decollement system characterized by mylonites, ultramylonites, cataclasites and normal faults with structural relationships reflecting the rheological layering at the crustal scale. Fluid inclusion chemistry is determined by microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy; laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), crush-leach and stable isotopes (C and H) analyses. These data characterize three different types of fluids: (1) high salinity fluids with a high metal content and high Th, (2) aqueous-carbonic fluids in equilibrium with the wall rocks and (3) aqueous probably surface-derived fluids. These data indicate that the crust is subdivided into two crustal reservoirs separated by the brittle/ductile transition. Surface-derived aqueous fluids circulate in association with the brittle deformation within the upper crust whereas aqueous-carbonic and high salinity fluids circulate in relation with ductile deformation. The characteristics of the trapped fluids indicate that as rocks have passed through the ductile/brittle transition they undergo a drastic change in geothermal gradient from 60 to 100°C/km within a lithostatic pressure regime to 35-60°C/km within a hydrostatic pressure regime. This implies that the fluid circulations are closely related to the rheological layering within the crust and its evolution during crustal extension. The ductile/brittle transition corresponds to a rheological boundary correlated to a thermal boundary and impermeable cap
Raulot, Simon. "Aspect conforme de l'opérateur de Dirac sur une variété à bord." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00098349.
Full textKozhevnikov, Artem. "Propriétés métriques des ensembles de niveau des applications différentiables sur les groupes de Carnot." Thesis, Paris 11, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA112073/document.
Full textMetric properties of level sets of differentiable maps on Carnot groupsAbstract.We investigate the local metric properties of level sets of mappings defined between Carnot groups that are horizontally differentiable, i.e.with respect to the intrinsic sub-Riemannian structure. We focus on level sets of mapping having a surjective differential,thus, our study can be seen as an extension of implicit function theorem for Carnot groups.First, we present two notions of tangency in Carnot groups: one based on Reifenberg's flatness condition and another coming from classical convex analysis.We show that for both notions, the tangents to level sets coincide with the kernels of horizontal differentials.Furthermore, we show that this kind of tangency characterizes the level sets called ``co-abelian'', i.e.for which the target space is abelian andthat such a characterization may fail in general.This tangency result has several remarkable consequences.The most important one is that the Hausdorff dimension of the level sets is the expected one. We also show the local connectivity of level sets and, the fact that level sets of dimension one are topologically simple arcs.Again for dimension one level set, we find an area formula that enables us to compute the Hausdorff measurein terms of generalized Stieltjes integrals.Next, we study deeply a particular case of level sets in Heisenberg groups. We show that the level sets in this case are topologically equivalent to their tangents.It turns out that the Hausdorff measure of high-codimensional level sets behaves wildly, for instance, it may be zero or infinite.We provide a simple sufficient extra regularity condition on mappings that insures Ahlfors regularity of level sets.Among other results, we obtain a new general characterization of Lipschitz graphs associated witha semi-direct splitting of a Carnot group of arbitrary step.We use this characterization to derive a new characterization of co-ablian level sets that can be represented as graphs
Ferreira, candido Renato markele. "Analyse d’atteignabilité de systèmes max-plus incertains." Thesis, Angers, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ANGE0014.
Full textDiscrete Event Dynamic Systems (DEDS) are discrete-state systems whose dynamics areentirely driven by the occurrence of asynchronous events over time. Linear equations in themax-plus algebra can be used to describe DEDS subjected to synchronization and time delayphenomena. The reachability analysis concerns the computation of all states that can bereached by a dynamical system from an initial set of states. The reachability analysis problemof Max Plus Linear (MPL) systems has been properly solved by characterizing the MPLsystems as a combination of Piece-Wise Affine (PWA) systems and then representing eachcomponent of the PWA system as Difference-Bound Matrices (DBM). The main contributionof this thesis is to present a similar procedure to solve the reachability analysis problemof MPL systems subjected to bounded noise, disturbances and/or modeling errors, calleduncertain MPL (uMPL) systems. First, we present a procedure to partition the state spaceof an uMPL system into components that can be completely represented by DBM. Then weextend the reachability analysis of MPL systems to uMPL systems. Moreover, the results onreachability analysis of uMPL systems are used to solve the conditional reachability problem,which is closely related to the support calculation of the probability density function involvedin the stochastic filtering problem
Os Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SEDs) constituem uma classe de sistemas caracterizada por apresentar espaço de estados discreto e dinâmica dirigida única e exclusivamente pela ocorrência de eventos. SEDs sujeitos aos problemas de sincronização e de temporização podem ser descritos em termos de equações lineares usando a álgebra max-plus. A análise de alcançabilidade visa o cálculo do conjunto de todos os estados que podem ser alcançados a partir de um conjunto de estados iniciais através do modelo do sistema. A análise de alcançabilidade de sistemas Max Plus Lineares (MPL) pode ser tratada por meio da decomposição do sistema MPL em sistemas PWA (Piece-Wise Affine) e de sua correspondente representação por DBM (Difference-Bound Matrices). A principal contribuição desta tese é a proposta de uma metodologia similar para resolver o problema de análise de alcançabilidade em sistemas MPL sujeitos a ruídos limitados, chamados de sistemas MPL incertos ou sistemas uMPL (uncertain Max Plus Linear Systems). Primeiramente, apresentamos uma metodologia para particionar o espaço de estados de um sistema uMPL em componentes que podem ser completamente representados por DBM. Em seguida, estendemos a análise de alcançabilidade de sistemas MPL para sistemas uMPL. Além disso, a metodologia desenvolvida é usada para resolver o problema de análise de alcançabilidade condicional, o qual esta estritamente relacionado ao cálculo do suporte da função de probabilidade de densidade envolvida o problema de filtragem estocástica
Dias, Luis Renato Gonçalves. "Regularity at infinity and global fibrations of real algebraic maps." Thesis, Universidade de São Paulo, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LIL10007/document.
Full textLet f:K^n-->K^p be a C^2 semi-algebraic mapping for K=R and a polynomial mapping for K=C. It is well-known that f is a locally trivial topological fibration over the complement of the bifurcation set B(f). In this work, we consider the t-regularity and rho-regularity to study B(f). We show that t-regularity is equivalent to regularity conditions of Rabier (1997), Gaffney (1999), Kurdyka, Orro, Simon (2000) and Jelonek (2003). We prove that t-regularity implies rho-regularity. From rho-regularity, we define the set of non rho-regular values S(f), and the set A_{rho}, which is the union of f(Sing f) and S(f). We prove a structure theorem for S(f) and A_{rho}. We also obtain that B(f) is contained in A_{rho}. We study also two classes of maps, the fair maps and the Newton non-degenerate maps. For fair maps, we give an interpretation of t-regularity in terms of integral closure of modules, which is a real counterpart of Gaffney's result (1999). For non-degenerate maps, we obtain an approximation for B(f) through a set which depends on the Newton polyhedron of f (results like this have been obtained by Némethi and Zaharia (1990) and by Chen and Tibar (2012)). To finish, we discuss some consequences of our work: the t-regularity for maps f: X-->K^p, where X is a smooth affine variety; the problem of bijectivity of semi-algebraic maps; and a formula to compute the Euler characteristic of regular fibers of f:R^n-->R^{n-1}. The above results are also extensions of some results obtained, for polynomial functions f:K^n-->K, by Némethi and Zaharia (1990), Siersma and Tibar (1995), Paunescu and Zaharia (1997), Parusinski (1995) and Tibar (1998)
Vololona, Marie Fidèle. "Urbanisme et disparités sociales à Fianarantsoa. Contribution à l'étude de l'espace urbain à Madagascar." Thesis, Paris, INALCO, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020INAL0025.
Full textThe urban area of Fianarantsoa, on South Central Highland of Madagascar, has been shaped in a physical space that is contrasted by a ragged relief, an altitude tropical climate, a quite abundant hydrography. Geosymbols change according to period, but those having a connotation of social disparities are omnipresent. During Malagasy Kingdom, period where that city was born (1830), its founders wanted to replicate the city of Antananarivo, Fianarantsoa has been built in accordance with altitudinal stratification as per the social hierarchy or functions. During colonisation, the new city, attributed to Europeans, is characterized by a geometric plan, airy space, while Malagasy people live in indigenous city. Currently, Fianarantsoa becomes a multifunctional city in which prevail religious buildings, rice fields, shallow farming and tanety farming; some neighborhoods with geometric plan, however deorganized ones, predominate. Geosymbols indicate predominance of christian religion, rural activities in the city, in addition social differences prevail
Zakhem, Eddy. "Relations entre le niveau de performance physique, le niveau d'activité physique usuel, les apports nutritionnels, les caractéristiques anthropométriques, le sommeil et les paramètres osseux chez les jeunes adultes sains." Thesis, Littoral, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015DUNK0417.
Full textThe aim of this study was to investigate the relations between physical performance level, physical activity level, nutritional intakes, anthropometrical characteristics and sleep on the one hand and bone mineral density, hip geometric indices and trabecular bone score (TBS) on the other hand in young Lebanese and French subjects aged to 18 to 35 years. In a first step, we led 10 preliminary studies in young Lebanese adults. These studies have shown that body weight, lean mass, high-impact physical activity practice, maximal strength and muscular power are positive determinants of bone mineral density, and that high-impact physical activity practice positively influences TBS values, geometric indices of hip bone strength (cross-sectional area (CSA) and section modulus (Z)) and femoral neck strength indices (Bending strength index (BSI), compressive strength index (CSI) and impact strength index (ISI)). These preliminary studies have also shown positive correlations between nutritional intakes (daily calcium intakes and daily protein intakes) and BMD values in young Lebanese men. Finally, one of these preliminary studies has shown that sleep quality is associated with a greater BMD in young men. In a second step, we led a study on 535 young French adults (342 women and 193 men) to explore the relations between physical performance level, physical activity level, nutritional intakes, anthropometrical characteristics and sleep on the one hand and BUA (Broadband ultrasound attenuation) values on the other hand. This study has showed that anthropometric characteristics (body weight, body mass index, waist circumference and hip circumference) are positively correlated to BUA values in women but not in men. On the other hand, we have noted a tendency of positive relation between vertical jump performance and BUA values in men. In conclusion, this thesis has defined an important number of factors significantly correlated to BUA, BMD, hip geometric indices and TBS and therefore permitted to identify new relations between health determinants and bone parameters in young adults
Philippe, Yann. "Rampes latérales et zones de transfert dans les chaînes plissées : géométrie, condition de formation et pièges structuraux associés." Phd thesis, 1995. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00755680.
Full textPoliquin, Guillaume. "Géométrie nodale et valeurs propres de l’opérateur de Laplace et du p-laplacien." Thèse, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/13721.
Full textThe main topic of the present thesis is spectral geometry. This area of mathematics is concerned with establishing links between the geometry of a Riemannian manifold and its spectrum. The spectrum of a closed Riemannian manifold M equipped with a Riemannian metric g associated with the Laplace-Beltrami operator is a sequence of non-negative numbers tending to infinity. The square root of any number of this sequence represents a frequency of vibration of the manifold. This thesis consists of four articles all related to various aspects of spectral geometry. The first paper, “Superlevel sets and nodal extrema of Laplace eigenfunction”, is presented in Chapter 1. Nodal geometry of various elliptic operators, such as the Laplace-Beltrami operator, is studied. The goal of this paper is to generalize a result due to L. Polterovich and M. Sodin that gives a bound on the distribution of nodal extrema on a Riemann surface for a large class of functions, including eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. The proof given by L. Polterovich and M. Sodin is only valid for Riemann surfaces. Therefore, I present a different approach to the problem that works for eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on Riemannian manifolds of arbitrary dimension. The second and the third papers of this thesis are focused on a different elliptic operator, namely the p-Laplacian. This operator has the particularity of being non-linear. The article “Principal frequency of the p-Laplacian and the inradius of Euclidean domains” is presented in Chapter 2. It discusses lower bounds on the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet eigenvalue problem for the p-Laplace operator in terms of the inner radius of the domain. In particular, I show that if p is greater than the dimension, then it is possible to prove such lower bound without any hypothesis on the topology of the domain. Such bounds have previously been studied by well-known mathematicians, such as W. K. Haymann, E. Lieb, R. Banuelos, and T. Carroll. Their papers are mostly oriented toward the case of the usual Laplace operator. The generalization of such lower bounds for the p-Laplacian is done in my third paper, “Bounds on the Principal Frequency of the p-Laplacian”. It is presented in Chapter 3. My fourth paper, “Wolf-Keller theorem of Neumann Eigenvalues”, is a joint work with Guillaume Roy-Fortin. This paper is concerned with the shape optimization problem in the case of the Laplace operator with Neumann boundary conditions. The main result of our paper is that eigenvalues of the Neumann boundary problem are not always maximized by disks among planar domains of given area. This joint work is presented in Chapter 4.
Geli, Louis. "Propagation d'ondes sismiques dans les formations superficielles : effet d'un arrangement géométrique complexe et influence de la saturation en eau." Phd thesis, 1985. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00716664.
Full textGirouard, Alexandre. "Dégénérescence et problèmes extrémaux pour les valeurs propres du laplacien sur les surfaces." Thèse, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/6627.
Full textGirouard, Alexandre. "Dégénérescence et problèmes extrémaux pour les valeurs propres du laplaciens sur les surfaces." Phd thesis, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00576283.
Full textPéloquin-Tessier, Hélène. "Partitions spectrales optimales pour les problèmes aux valeurs propres de Dirichlet et de Neumann." Thèse, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/11511.
Full textThere exist many ways to study the spectrum of the Laplace operator. This master thesis focuses on optimal spectral partitions of planar domains. More specifically, when imposing Dirichlet boundary conditions, we try to find partitions that achieve the infimum (over all the partitions of a given number of components) of the maximum of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian in all the subdomains. This question has been actively studied in recent years by B. Helffer, T. Hoffmann-Ostenhof, S. Terracini and their collaborators, who obtained a number of important analytic and numerical results. In the present thesis we propose a similar problem, but for the Neumann boundary conditions. In this case, we are looking for spectral maximal, rather than minimal, partitions. More precisely, we attempt to find the maximum over all possible $k$-partitions of the minimum of the first non-zero Neumann eigenvalue of each component. This question appears to be more difficult than the one for the Dirichlet conditions, since many properties of Dirichlet eigenvalues, such as domain monotonicity, no longer hold in the Neumann case. Nevertheless, some results are obtained for 2-partitions of symmetric domains, and specific partitions are found analytically for rectangular domains. In addition, some general properties of optimal spectral partitions and open problems are also discussed.
Sango, Joel. "Sur les tests de type diagnostic dans la validation des hypothèses de bruit blanc et de non corrélation." Thèse, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/18382.
Full textIn statistical modeling, we assume that the phenomenon of interest is generated by a model that can be fitted to the observed data. The part of the phenomenon not explained by the model is called error or innovation. There are two parts in the model. The main part is supposed to explain the observed data, while the unexplained part which is supposed to be negligible is also called error or innovation. In order to simplify the structures, the model are often assumed to rely on a finite set of parameters. The quality of a model depends also on the parameter estimators and their properties. For example, are the estimators relatively close to the true parameters ? Some questions also address the goodness-of-fit of the model to the observed data. This question is answered by studying the statistical and probabilistic properties of the innovations. On the other hand, it is also of interest to evaluate the presence or the absence of relationships between the observed data. Portmanteau or diagnostic type tests are useful to address such issue. The thesis is presented in the form of three projects. The first project is written in English as a scientific paper. It was recently submitted for publication. In that project, we study the class of vector multiplicative error models (vMEM). We use the properties of the Generalized Method of Moments to derive the asymptotic distribution of sample autocovariance function. This allows us to propose a new test statistic. Under the null hypothesis of adequacy, the asymptotic distributions of the popular Hosking-Ljung-Box (HLB) test statistics are found to converge in distribution to weighted sums of independent chi-squared random variables. A generalized HLB test statistic is motivated by comparing a vector spectral density estimator of the residuals with the spectral density calculated under the null hypothesis. In the second project, we derive the asymptotic distribution under weak dependence of cross covariances of covariance stationary processes. The weak dependence is defined in term of the limited effect of a given information on future observations. This recalls the notion of stability and geometric moment contraction. These conditions of weak dependence defined here are more general than the invariance of conditional moments used by many authors. A test statistic based on cross covariances is proposed and its asymptotic distribution is established. In the elaboration of the test statistics, the covariance matrix of the cross covariances is obtained from a vector autoregressive procedure robust to autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity. Simulations are also carried on to study the properties of the proposed test and also to compare it to existing tests. In the third project, we consider a cointegrated periodic model. Periodic models are present in the domain of meteorology, hydrology and economics. When modelling many processes, it can happen that the processes are just driven by a common trend. This situation leads to spurious regressions when the series are integrated but have some linear combinations that are stationary. This is called cointegration. The number of stationary linear combinations that are linearly independent is called cointegration rank. So, to model the real relationship between the processes, it is necessary to take into account the cointegration rank. In the presence of periodic time series, it is called periodic cointegration. It occurs when time series are periodically integrated but have some linear combinations that are periodically stationary. A two step estimation method is considered. The first step is the full rank estimation method that ignores the cointegration rank. It provides initial estimators to the second step estimation which is the reduced rank estimation. It is non linear and iterative. Asymptotic properties of the estimators are also established. In order to check for model adequacy, portmanteau type tests and their asymptotic distributions are also derived and their asymptotic distribution are studied. Simulation results are also presented to show the behaviour of the proposed test.