Academic literature on the topic 'Concordia discors'

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Journal articles on the topic "Concordia discors"


Slama, Paul. "Concordia discors." Philosophie antique, no. 15 (November 24, 2015): 225–54.

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Børresen, Kari Elisabeth. "Concordia discors." Augustinianum 36, no. 1 (1996): 237–54.

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Wald, Melanie. "»Discors Concordia«." Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft Band 53. Heft 2 53, no. 2 (2008): 123–59.

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Marc’hadour, Germain. "Concordia discors." Moreana 34 (Number 129), no. 1 (March 1997): 75–78.

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Sherr, Richard. "Ex Concordia Discors." Journal of Musicology 32, no. 4 (2015): 494–523.

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In March 1558 Pope Paul IV ordered his College of Singers to consider two Spanish sopranos, then in Naples. Called to Rome for an audition, they were accepted according to the normal procedure (a vote). Two Italian members, however, aggressively abstained from participating. For this they would have been severely punished without they avoided through the intervention of their patron, the papal nephew Cardinal Carlo Carafa. In 1559 Paul IV demanded that the abstainers be dismissed, but their colleagues persuaded him to allow them to remain. Also in 1559 three other papal singers suffered when Cardinal Carafa was disgraced and banished by Paul IV. In 1562 the most recalcitrant singer in the original affair resigned from the choir for reasons that defy explanation. Though minor in itself, this curious tempest in a teapot opens a window into larger issues concerning the power relationship of popes and cardinals to the papal singers and shows the real dangers that could ensue from being a member of the household of a cardinal. Moreover, it exposes national tensions within the choir, shows the singers caught up in the political repercussions of the last spasms of the short and disastrous pontificate of Paul IV, and even gives a glimpse into their possibly aberrant personalities. Cardinal Carlo Carafa is also shown to have had a serious interest in the papal choir and individual papal singers for reasons that have yet to be elucidated and may not have been entirely musical.
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Heneveld, Amy. "Concordia discors : l’harmonie de l’écriture médiévale." Médiévales 66, no. 66 (June 30, 2014): 25–41.

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Khastgir, Aparna. "Ending as Concordia Discors: Titus Andronicus." Studia Neophilologica 73, no. 1 (January 2001): 36–47.

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Chenet, François. "Métaphysique et poésie: une admirable concordia discors ?" Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger 137, no. 1 (2012): 15.

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Richardson, M. "Trade and competition policies: concordia discors>." Oxford Economic Papers 51, no. 4 (October 1, 1999): 649–64.

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Ireland, Casey. "Discors Concordia: Swamps as Borderlands in Dante’s Inferno." Neophilologus 104, no. 2 (March 16, 2020): 177–88.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Concordia discors"


Maksimović, Danijela <1982&gt. "Concordia discors: i rapporti fra Pascoli e D'Annunzio e le loro reciproche influenze." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2010.

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Mancava finora uno studio completo sul rapporto fra Giovanni Pascoli e Gabriele D’Annunzio e sulle reciproche influenze dei due maggiori poeti italiani fra Otto e Novecento. Il presente lavoro cerca di colmare almeno in parte quella lacuna e di proporre direzioni e strumenti per futuri sviluppi della ricerca. La nostra tesi dottorale muove dalla rassegna degli studi sul rapporto fra i due poeti. Risponde poi alla questione dell’esistenza o meno di una reciproca emulazione fra i due autori. Redige un bilancio degli echi, chiarisce e discute i punti di vista dei vari studiosi, mettendo anche a confronto alcuni studi parallelamente condotti su Pascoli e D’Annunzio. Una volta stabilito che gli studi precedenti, per quanto utili, restano frammentari, abbiamo affrontato l’argomento in modo sistematico, procedendo dal Carteggio fra i due poeti. Ci si concentra sulle affinità di gusti e di interessi, sulla conoscenza reciproca delle opere e sulle suggestioni poetiche. Si analizzano i testi di Pascoli e di D’Annunzio che traggono luce dal riscontro con le lettere. A questo gruppo di opere appartiene anche la Contemplazione della morte di D’Annunzio. Questa prosa viene esaminata a parte perché cronologicamente distaccata dagli scritti coevi al dialogo fra i due poeti: è scritta infatti subito dopo l’agonia di Pascoli e ne rievoca la figura. Alla fine, in un glossario vengono messi a luce i termini e le espressioni comuni alle poesie di Pascoli e di D’Annunzio: repertorio e strumento di lavoro per approfondimenti critici futuri. Su questi punti d’incontro, anche testuali, si fonda la concordia ancorché discors fra i due poeti, a lungo ritenuti troppo diversi per temperamento e vocazione poetica per meritare un confronto approfondito.
Until now there has been no comprehensive study on relations and mutual influences between Giovanni Pascoli and Gabriele D’Annunzio, two major Italian poets at the turn of the twentieth century. Hence, the aim of this PhD thesis was to tackle this current lack of knowledge, as well as to propose directions and instruments for future research on the subject. The thesis starts with a literature review on the relations between the two poets. The aim is to examine carefully whether or not there is an emulation between the two poets. It brings a balance of echoes between the two authors and clarifies and discusses the points of view from the perspectives of the various researches. It considers also the parallel studies on Pascoli and D’Annunzio. Since the existing literature was found fragmented, although useful, a way forward was to take a more systematic approach to the subject. Of all these, the most valuable was the written correspondence between the two poets. As a result, the Pascoli’s and the D’Annunzio’s texts got clearer after the comparison with the letters. This particularly reflected upon the study of affinities between their tastes and interests, as well as on poetic suggestions and reciprocal knowledge of their works. Contemplazione della morte also belongs to the group of works that are related to the letters. This prose work is examined separately because chronologically it stands out from the other works and from the correspondence between the two poets. Indeed, it was written immediately after the agony of Pascoli and it commemorates his figure. Finally, in the glossary we bring to the light terms and expressions which poems by Pascoli and D’Annunzio have in common. Hence, the glossary represents a solid platform for future, more detailed studies on the subject. On those points of contact, also textual, is built up the concordia although discors between the two poets that for a very long time were considered too much different on the basis of their temperaments and the poetic vocations to merit a deep comparison.
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Sierra, Sophie. "Οppοsitiοn et cοnciliatiοn dans les "Ηymnes" de Rοnsard." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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De 1549 à 1584, Ronsard écrit des hymnes d’une grande variété formelle et thématique. Le poète y développe des récits mythologiques ou allégoriques, évoque les guerres contemporaines, pratique l’éloge, tout en respectant une posture d’orant qui tente de restaurer les liens entre humanité et divinité. Ce simple constat peut justifier de réfléchir sur les hymnes à partir du couple notionnel « opposition et conciliation ». Notre étude, fondée sur des analyses narratologiques, stylistiques et rhétoriques, vise à comprendre comment la poétique du conflit contribue à rendre compte de la conception de l’univers de Ronsard, et plus spécifiquement de la place qu’il accorde à l’activité poétique dans l’appréhension des mystères des relations de l’humanité avec le divin. Nous suivons un fil thématique qui conduit progressivement à une réflexion sur le discours philosophique, la pragmatique, et la dimension métapoétique des hymnes. Ce parcours nous conduit à évaluer si cette poétique du conflit peut constituer un trait définitoire du genre au sein du corpus disparate des hymnes ronsardiens. Nous nous intéressons d’abord à la représentation des tensions constitutives d’un univers fondé sur la concordia discors : celle-ci met en évidence le mystère d’un cosmos harmonieux malgré les forces contradictoires qui l’animent et pourraient en provoquer la destruction. La force ou la violence, mais aussi la parole ou l’art, semblent capables d’y maintenir l’ordre. Nous étudions ensuite les évocations bien plus ambivalentes des conflits terrestres. Ils peuvent dévoiler les qualités des combattants, mais ils s’apparentent aussi profondément au « Discord », le désordre qui mine l’harmonie cosmique. Ainsi, les rapports de force sur terre révèlent l’imperfection fondamentale d’une humanité en qui s’opposent la matière et l’esprit. La troisième partie réfléchit à la pragmatique de l’hymne, qui vise à obtenir une action divine bénéfique en retour de l’énonciation du poème. En ce sens, le choix du genre hymnique souligne la confiance accordée par le poète à la parole ; celui-ci s’accorde d’ailleurs un rôle d’intermédiaire essentiel entre humanité et divinité. En effet, les prières cherchent à protéger les bénéficiaires de toutes sortes de maux qui font ressentir à l’homme dans son corps la lutte entre la chair et l’esprit, c’est-à-dire, dans une perspective chrétienne influencée par le néoplatonisme, la tension entre la tentation de la chute dans la matière et l’élévation vers le divin. La quatrième partie poursuit la réflexion sur la représentation de l’opposition entre l’esprit et la matière : cet antagonisme se traduit notamment par des récits mythologiques mettant en scène des personnages placés dans une position intermédiaire entre terre et ciel, qui ont l’audace de vouloir combler cet espace. Le questionne-ment sur la fonction conciliatrice de la parole est central dans ces récits, qui paraissent en outre faire signe vers l’aristotélisme pour résoudre la tension entre matière et esprit intrinsèque à la condition humaine. Le poète s’inclut parmi ces figures audacieuses : il semble donc légitime de rechercher dans la poétique des hymnes la trace d’une réflexion sur la possibilité, pour l’hymnographe, de s’accomplir au sens aristotélicien. Ronsard peut-il « inventer », au sens rhétorique du terme, ce langage tout puissant capable de communiquer avec le divin ? Nous tentons de répondre à cette question dans la dernière partie. Pour cela, nous y étudions en particulier l’énonciation afin de définir en quoi les pièces de notre corpus pour-raient être trace de la quête de cette voie/x apte à réconcilier l’homme avec le divin
From 1549 to 1584, Ronsard wrote hymns of great formal and thematic variety. The poet develops mythological or allegorical narratives, evokes contemporary wars, composes panegyrics, all the while maintaining the posture of an orator attempting to restore the links between humanity and divinity. This simple observation may justify thinking about hymns in terms of the notional couple “opposition and conciliation”. Our study, based on narratological, stylistic and rhetorical analyses, aims to understand how the poetics of conflict helps to account for Ronsard's conception of the universe, and more specifically the place he accords to poetic activity in apprehending the mysteries of humanity's relationship with the divine. We begin by following a thematic thread that gradually leads to a reflection on philosophi-cal discourse, pragmatics and the metapoetic dimension of hymns. This path leads us to assess whether this poetics of conflict can constitute a defining feature of the genre within the disparate corpus of Ronsardian hymns. First, we examine the representation of the tensions that provide the base of a universe founded on concordia discors. This highlights the mys-tery of a harmonious cosmos, in spite of the contradictory forces that animate it and could bring its destruction about. Force or violence, but also speech and art, seem to be able of maintaining order. We then study the far more ambivalent evocations of earthly conflicts. They may reveal the qualities of the combatants, but are also deeply akin to “Discord”, the disorder that undermines cosmic harmony. The power struggles on earth reveal the funda-mental imperfection of a humanity in which matter and spirit are seemingly opposite. The third part reflects on the pragmatics of the hymn, which aims to obtain beneficial divine actions in return for the utterance of the poem. Accordingly, the poet's confidence in the spoken word is underlined by the choice of the hymnal genre. He incidentally grants himself the role of an essential intermediary between humanity and divinity. Indeed, the prayers seek to protect the recipients from all manner of evils that make man feel in his body the struggle between flesh and spirit, i.e., in a Christian perspective influenced by Neoplato-nism, the tension between the temptation to fall into matter and the elevation to the divine. The fourth part continues the reflection on the representation of the opposition between spirit and matter: this antagonism is reflected in mythological tales featuring characters placed in an intermediary position between earth and sky, who have the audacity to try to bridge this gap. The investigations around the conciliatory power of speech are central to these tales, which also seem to point to Aristotelianism as a means of resolving the intrinsically human tension between matter and spirit. The poet can be considered as one of these daring characters. Therefore, it seems legitimate to seek in the poetics of the hymns the trace of a reflection on the possibility, for the hymnographer, of self-fulfillment in the Aristotelian sense. Can Ronsard “invent”, in the rhetorical sense of the term, that all-powerful language capable of communicating with the divine? We attempt to answer this question in the final section. In particular, we study enunciation in order to define how the pieces in our corpus could be a trace of the quest for a voice capable of words that reconcile man with the divine
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Meecham, Pam. "Concord in discord : revisiting American identities at mid-century." Thesis, Keele University, 2001.

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Bock, Jannika. "Concord in Massachusetts, discord in the world : the writings of Henry Thoreau and John Cage /." Frankfurt, M. ; Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York, NY Oxford Wien : Lang, 2008.

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Ohlmann, Pascal. ""How shall we find the concord of this discord?" Musik und Harmonie in Shakespeares Romanzen und in zeitgenössischen Texten." Heidelberg Winter, 2004.

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Prevost, Aurelie. "L’amitié aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles en France : normes, réalités et représentations." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2011.

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La thèse s’intéresse au duo amical entre hommes en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Le corpus, aux sources très diverses, écarte à la fois les femmes, les clercs et les intellectuels. Il s’agit d’étudier la réception des idées philosophiques, le regard porté sur la norme et la pratique de l’amitié. Après avoir retracé l’apport antique, patristique et médiéval, le cadre social est défini, notamment en ce qui concerne la place de la famille. Puis, les dictionnaires offrent un bon aperçu des différentes connotations des termes « amitié » et « ami ». Enfin, le travail s’attache à suivre le cours d’une amitié, de sa genèse à sa mort. L’importance du choix de l’ami et sa vertu transcendent le discours des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Les gestes de l’amitié sont recherchés et presque codés. La peur de l’abandon ou de la trahison est très présente. On s’interroge beaucoup sur la possibilité, voire l’obligation, de la transgression des règles sociales. Les contemporains recherchent un équilibre, toujours difficile à obtenir et à garder. Concorde et Charité sont les deux notions non pas tant concurrentes que connexes à l’amitié. L’amitié-duo se vit en effet dans une société où l’amitié est omniprésente. Enfin, la mort ne scelle pas, en théorie, la fin d’une amitié. Le second tome de ce travail présente la méthodologie suivie pour l’élaboration du corpus ainsi que les raisons de la mise à l’écart des femmes. Les sources et la bibliographie sont également présentées dans ce dernier volume
The purpose of this dissertation is to study the influences of the norm on the representations of friendship and its practice in France during the 16th and the 17th centuries. The corpus draws aside both intellectuals and women to focus on the non-enclosed people. How two individuals are able to make friends with each other in the 16th and 17th centuries within a society itself thought in terms of friendship? This dissertation divides in two volumes. The first one is devoted to the study itself. The philosophical inheritance is presented, along with considerations on bonds linking the friend, the society, the couple and the family during the Modern Times. Questions of linguistics are also raised. The evolution of a friendship between two men is followed step by step from birth to death, as if it were a genuine living organism. Gestures and tokens of friendship are the bases of friendship. The latter is always endangered by the fragile balance between the social demands and the requirements of friendship. In the second volume are presented the methodology used to gather the documentary corpus, as well as our historical sources and bibliography. Reasons why women were excluded from our research work make the core of a specific chapter
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Curran, Emma L. "Golden Age Imagery and the Artistic Philosophy of Ovid's Metamorphoses." 2012.

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In the Metamorphoses, Ovid brings together Golden Age imagery with contrasting scenes of destruction, making this paradoxical amalgam a motif within his epic. This study connects Ovid’s use of Golden Age language to his portrayal of artistry in the poem, discovering that both within the stories of the epic and in Ovid’s poetic style, artistic creation is emphasised in the context of this motif. Both natural fecundity and artistic creation emerge after the flood through the principle of discors concordia (Met. 1.433), which involves the unity of divine harmony and chaos; this principle is central to Ovid’s use of Golden Age language. The discussion takes up the influence of Virgil and Lucretius on this motif, discovering that Ovid’s synthesis of harmony and chaos draws on both forerunners. By uniting the Golden Age and its antithesis, Ovid reveals the conditions necessary for art, and thus for poetry itself.
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HAVU, Kaarlo Johannes. "Between concord and discord, Juan Luis Vives (1492/1493 – 1540) on language, rhetoric, and politics." Doctoral thesis, 2015.

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Defence date: 30 September 2015
Examining Board: Professor Martin van Gelderen, Lichtenberg-Kolleg, The Göttingen Institute for Advanced Studies; Professor Luca Molà, EUI; Doctor Annabel Brett, University of Cambridge; Professor Markku Peltonen, University of Helsinki.
This thesis presents a new interpretation of the political dimension of Juan Luis Vives's thought by looking at Vives's reception and appropriation of classical rhetoric in the context of northern humanism. This thesis argues that rather than theorizing politics in the language of law, Vives's main contribution to political thought occurred at the intersection of reflections on cognition, rhetoric, and ethical languages of virtuous government. This is to challenge the existing scholarship in two ways. First, it questions a prevalent interpretation of Vives as merely a theoretician of an overarching political concord and peace by showing Vives's deep interest in the possibilities of political action in a postlapsarian world of discord. Secondly, the thesis shows that while Vives, and northern humanism more generally, produced little systematic reflection on some of the basic political and legal concepts, Vives's theorization of cognitive, ethical, linguistic, and educational viewpoints was a way to frame the ultimate conditions and possibilities of political action in a non-utopian world. In the tumultuous 1520s and 1530s, when the religious unity of Christendom and the political concord between different European states were increasingly threatened, Vives argues that language and politics are inseparably entangled on three different levels. First, political, and ethical languages are conceptualized essentially rhetorically; they are meant to be transformative and they have to lead to constructive political action. Secondly and closely connected to the first point, the transformative potential of political discourses must be realized in different practices of counselling linking politics intrinsically to humanist concerns of active life in the service of community. Thirdly, since active life is realized in princely contexts unfavourable to open debate, the use of language and rhetoric has to be appropriated to this new environment. In this process, the place of rhetoric in educational schemes, the internal theory of rhetoric, and the relationship between language and cognition are problematized in the context of wider debates on education, good government, and human freedom central to the northern humanist tradition in the early 16th century. In conceptualizing politics, language, and cognition, largely together Vives's thought points to broader 16th- and 17th-century developments in European political thought where man's nature, passions, and cognition become one of the central concerns of political thought.
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Books on the topic "Concordia discors"


Faenza, Liliano. Tra Croce e Gramsci: Una concordia discors. Rimini: Guaraldi, 1992.

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Gruppo di ricerca sui concetti politici, ed. Concordia discors: Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Duso. Padova: Padova University Press, 2012.

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Ponzo, Irene, and Ferruccio Pastore. Concordia discors: Convivenza e conflitto nei quartieri di immigrazione. Roma: Carocci, 2012.

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Cotta, Gabriella. Concordia discors: La convivenza politica e i suoi problemi. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2013.

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Scholtz, Andrew. Concordia discors: Eros and dialogue in classical Athenian literature. Washington, D.C: Center for Hellenic Studies, 2007.

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Giovanni, Santinello, and Piaia Gregorio, eds. Concordia discors: Studi su Niccolò Cusano e l'umanesimo europeo offerti a Giovanni Santinello. Padova: Antenore, 1993.

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Paul-Ludwig, Weinacht, ed. Concordia discors, Europas prekäre Eintracht: Studien zur europäischen Staatenwelt, zur historischen Verfassung Deutschlands und zur Europäischen Union. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1996.

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Benoît, Bolduc, and Goldwyn Henriette, eds. Concordia discors: Choix de communications présentées lors du 41e congrès annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature, New York University, 20-23 mai 2009. Tübingen: Narr, 2011.

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K, Anderson Donald, ed. Concord in discord: The plays of John Ford. New York: AMS Press, 1986.

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1912-, Gittler Joseph Bertram, ed. Ideas of concord and discord in selected world religions. Stamford, Conn: JAI Press, 2000.

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Book chapters on the topic "Concordia discors"


Stegenga, Jacob. "Rerum Concordia Discors: Robustness and Discordant Multimodal Evidence." In Characterizing the Robustness of Science, 207–26. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.

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Coman, Ramona. "Concordia Discors from Cumulative Europeanization to Deeper European Integration." In Europeanization and European Integration, 1–11. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.

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Grześkowiak-Krwawicz, Anna. "Zgoda – Concord." In The Political Discourse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 117–38. Other titles: Dyskurs polityczny Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów. English Description: New York, NY : Routledge, 2021. | Series: Routledge research in early modern history: Routledge, 2020.

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Tredell, Nicolas. "The 1950s: Concord from Discord." In Shakespeare, 46–58. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2010.

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Isike, Efe Mary. "Understanding the Contact, Conflict and Conviviality Discourse." In Conflict and Concord, 17–36. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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da Correa, Delia Sousa. "Introduction: ‘Concords and Discords, Cadences and Cries’." In George Eliot, Music and Victorian Culture, 1–10. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2003.

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Déprez, Viviane, and Jeremy Yeaton. "Chapter 3. French negative concord and discord." In Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory, 35–51. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018.

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Senft, Gunter. "Chapter 2. The system of classifiers in Kilivila." In Nominal Classification in Asia and Oceania, 10–29. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.

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This paper presents the complex system of classifiers in Kilivila, the language of the Trobriand Islanders of Papua New Guinea. After a brief introduction to the language and its speakers, the classifier system is briefly described with respect to the role of these formatives for the word formation of Kilivila numerals, adjectives, demonstratives and one form of an interrogative pronoun/adverb. Then the functions the classifier system fulfils with respect to concord, temporary classification, the unitizing of nominal expressions, nominalization, indication of plural, anaphoric reference as well as text and discourse coherence are discussed and illustrated. The paper ends with some language specific and cross-linguistic questions for further research.
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van Boven, Cindy, Marloes Oomen, Roland Pfau, and Lotte Rusch. "Chapter 2. Negative Concord in Sign Language of the Netherlands." In Advances in Sign Language Corpus Linguistics, 30–65. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.

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In a Negative Concord (NC) configuration, two negative elements co-occur in a clause but the polarity of that clause still remains negative. NC involving two manual negators has been observed in various sign languages, but relevant examples are usually presented in the context of broader investigations on negation in a particular sign language. Also, examples are not usually drawn from natural discourse. In this chapter, we offer the first comprehensive study on NC in a single sign language, namely, the Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT), based entirely on corpus data. We find that NC is attested in NGT, but that it is optional and rather infrequent. First, our contribution is of a typological nature, as we distinguish different types of NC and compare our corpus-based results with those reported for other signed and spoken languages. Second, we describe in detail our “journey”, that is, our search procedure and inclusion criteria, thereby offering methodological guidelines for future endeavors.
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"Concordia Discors." In Civic Virtue and the Sovereignty of Evil, 146–58. Routledge, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "Concordia discors"


Geraldes, Wendell Bento, Ernane Rosa Martins, and Ulisses Rodrigues Afonseca. "Avaliação da Usabilidade do Scratch utilizando o Método System Usability Scale (SUS)." In Escola Regional de Informática de Mato Grosso. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2019.

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A linguagem visual de programação Scratch foi criada em 2007 no MIT, tornando-se largamente utilizada no mundo inteiro. Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar a usabilidade da linguagem em sua versão on-line disponível na internet. Para esta finalidade foi utilizado o método System Usability Scale (SUS), criado por John Brooke em 1986, que é considerado um dos questionários mais confiáveis e válidos para medir a usabilidade rercebida pelos usuários. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário on-line contendo 10 perguntas, com uma escala de 1 a 5, onde 1 significa Discordo totalmente e 5 Concordo totalmente. Os resultados obtidos demostraram uma avaliação positiva dos usuários em relação a linguagem Scratch.
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Caldeira, Herme Fellipo Bordoni, Jânio Luiz Correia Júnior, Hamilton Felipe de Andrade Santos, and Ricardo de Freitas Dias. "VALIDADE E CONFIABILIDADE DO INTERPERSONAL BEHAVIOR QUESTIONNAIRE: UMA REVISÃO SISTEMÁTICA E META-ANÁLISE DAS PROPRIEDADES DE MEDIDAS." In I Congresso Brasileiro de Saúde Pública On-line: Uma abordagem Multiprofissional. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2021.

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Introdução: A fase da adolescência é um período[JLCJ1] de mutações e descobertas onde consiste em uma transição de criança a fase adulta, circunscrita pela Organização mundial da saúde período entre os 10 aos 19 anos de vida, fase em que o comportamento desses adolescentes sofre influência direta da sociedade. O Interpersonal Behavior Questionnaire-IBQ é uma forma de avaliar autonomia, competência e relacionamento de estudantes durante a aula de educação física e a influência dos professores no comportamento dos alunos. O instrumento é composto por 24 itens que utilizam respostas do tipo likert escalonadas de 1 (discordo fortemente) a 7 (concordo fortemente). Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade do questionário Interpersonal Behavior Questionnaire. Materiais e métodos: A busca bibliográfica foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: BVS, EMBASE, LILACS, PubMed, PyscINFO, SciELO, Academic Search Premier, Cinahl, Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source, MEDLINE and SPORTDiscus, a partir da estratégia de busca: [TIAB] “The Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire” OR “Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire” [TIAB] OR IBQ [TIAB] OR “The IBQ” [TIAB] e Central and Scopus, TITLE-ABS-KEY “The Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire” OR “Interpersonal Behaviours Questionnaire” TITLE-ABS-KEY OR IBQ TITLE-ABS-KEY OR “The IBQ” TITLE-ABS-KEY. Foram incluídos: estudos de validade e/ou confiabilidade do IBQ[JLCJ2]; artigo original de pesquisa desenvolvida com seres humanos; indexado nas bases utilizadas. Os revisores foram cegos e independentes durante as fases de seleção[JLCJ3] por títulos/resumos e leitura do artigo na íntegra. Resultados: Foram encontrados 1473 artigos nas bases de dados selecionadas, destes, 996 (duplicados) foram excluídos. A triagem do título/resumo e a leitura do texto completo incluíram 477 e 9 artigos, respectivamente, com discordância de 0.4% entre os avaliadores. Considerações finais: Com o seguimento das próximas etapas do presente estudo, avaliaremos a confiabilidade do Interpersonal Behavior Questionnaire.
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