Academic literature on the topic 'Conception de mission'
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Journal articles on the topic "Conception de mission"
Benton, Gregory M. "Multiple Goal Conveyance in a State Park Interpretive Boat Cruise." Journal of Interpretation Research 16, no. 2 (November 2011): 7–21.
Full textShen, Ying, Jun Hai Cao, Zhi Wei Shan, and Fu Sheng Liu. "Study on System Reliability Allocation Based on Adaptive Agent Simulation." Applied Mechanics and Materials 448-453 (October 2013): 2411–15.
Full textVerquin-Savarieau, Béatrice. "Formation à distance et activité du stagiaire de la formation professionnelle continue." Phronesis 3, no. 1-2 (April 17, 2014): 49–57.
Full textStaniūnas, Eugenijus. "Modern Conception of the Mission of Architecture in Architectural Theory and Practice." Architecture and Urban Planning 12, no. 1 (December 1, 2016): 6–10.
Full textVidal, Gilles. "Maurice Leenhardt, explorateur de l’altérité." Revue d'histoire du protestantisme 9, no. 1 (April 4, 2024): 111–25.
Full textAlegre, Inés, Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent, and Adrian Guerrero. "Mission statements: what university research parks tell us about timing." Journal of Business Strategy 40, no. 5 (September 3, 2019): 46–53.
Full textParker, Walter C. "“Advanced” Ideas about Democracy: Toward a Pluralist Conception of Citizen Education." Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 98, no. 1 (September 1996): 104–25.
Full textBrouant, Jean-Philippe. "Du logement à l’habitat : la conception de la mission des Offices." Cahiers du GRIDAUH N° 24, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 43–49.
Full textTumino, G., S. Mancuso, J.-M. Gallego, S. Dussy, J.-P. Preaud, G. Di Vita, and P. Brunner. "The IXV experience, from the mission conception to the flight results." Acta Astronautica 124 (July 2016): 2–17.
Full textDias, Nicole Gomes, Beltran Nadal Arribas, Paulo Gordo, Tiago Sousa, João Marinho, Rui Melicio, António Amorim, and Patrick Michel. "LIDAR altimeter conception for HERA spacecraft." Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 93, no. 6 (July 26, 2021): 1018–28.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Conception de mission"
Jaafar, A. "Traitement de la mission et des variables environnementales et intégration au processus de conception systémique." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - INPT, 2011.
Full textJaafar, Amine. "Traitement de la mission et des variables environnementales et intégration au processus de conception systémique." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2011.
Full textThis work presents a methodological approach aiming at analyzing and processing mission profiles and more generally environmental variables (e.g. solar or wind energy potential, temperature, boundary conditions) in the context of system design. This process constitutes a key issue in order to ensure system effectiveness with regards to design constraints and objectives. In this thesis, we pay a particular attention on the use of compact profiles for environmental variables in the frame of system level integrated optimal design, which requires a wide number of system simulations. In a first part, we propose a clustering approach based on partition criteria with the aim of analyzing mission profiles. This phase can help designers to identify different system configurations in compliance with the corresponding clusters: it may guide suppliers towards “market segmentation” not only fulfilling economic constraints but also technical design objectives. The second stage of the study proposes a synthesis process of a compact profile which represents the corresponding data of the studied environmental variable. This compact profile is generated by combining parameters and number of elementary patterns (segment, sine or cardinal sine) with regards to design indicators. These latter are established with respect to the main objectives and constraints associated to the designed system. All pattern parameters are obtained by solving the corresponding inverse problem with evolutionary algorithms. Finally, this synthesis process is applied to two different case studies. The first consists in the simplification of wind data issued from measurements in two geographic sites of Guadeloupe and Tunisia. The second case deals with the reduction of a set of railway mission profiles relative to a hybrid locomotive devoted to shunting and switching missions. It is shown from those examples that our approach leads to a wide reduction of the profiles associated with environmental variables which allows a significant decrease of the computational time in the context of an integrated optimal design process
Kang, Bo Young. "Heralds and community : an enquiry into Paul’s conception of mission and its indebtedness to the Jesus-tradition." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2012.
Full textTrosseille, Clément. "Conception d’un interféromètre de Fabry Perot pour la mesure des vitesses radiales solaires sur la mission Solar Orbiter." Paris 11, 2008.
Full textThis thesis was devoted to the study of the specifications of the spectral analyzer of the PHI instrument (Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager) aboard the Solar Orbiter mission of the European Space Agency. We will review briefly the theory of solar oscillations and the birth, goals and results of helioseismology, the domain of astrophysics that studies them. Afterwards, we will have a look at the different criteria that define the main characteristics of PHI’s spectral analyzer, a Fabry Perot interferometer (FPI). We will see how the peculiar environmental conditions of the mission, together with the scientific objectives, constrain the instrumental parameters and the technological choices, and we will propose a concept of spectral analyzer based on two FPIs meeting the requirements. A proof of concept was studied in the lab, in the form of a piezoelectric tunable Fabry Perot cavity. We will describe the experiments performed in order to determine the characteristics of this interferometer, proceed to calibration measurements, and address the issue of in-flight usability. We have taken our FPI to a solar observatory in Tenerife in spring 2008 in order to measure solar oscillations. Performance was satisfactory, although we were not able to obtain a nice enough k-ω diagram. We compare our results with ones obtained with data of the GONG network that stand as a reference
Newman, Lascelles George. "Mission from the margin : a critical analysis of the participation of West Indians as agents of Christian mission in the western missionary enterprise in Africa in the nineteenth century, with special reference to their conception of Christian mission." Thesis, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, 2007.
Full textSchmollgruber, Peter. "Enhancement of the conceptual aircraft design process through certification constraints management and full mission simulations." Thesis, Toulouse, ISAE, 2018.
Full textThe design of a new aircraft is initiated at the conceptual design phase. In an initial step, aircraftdesigners, disciplinary and subsystems experts identify a set of potential concepts that could fulfill thecustomer requirements. To select the most promising candidates, aircraft designers carry out the sizingprocess through a Multidisciplinary Design Analysis. Nowadays, in the field of civil transport aircraft,environmental constraints set challenging goals in terms of fuel consumption for the next generationsof airplanes. With the “tube and wing” configuration offering low expectations on furtherimprovements, disruptive vehicle concepts including new technologies are investigated. However,little information on such architectures is available in the early phases of the design process. Thus, inorder to avoid mistakenly selecting or eliminating a wrong concept, a key objective in Aircraft Designresearch is to add knowledge in the Multidisciplinary Design Analysis.Nowadays, this objective is achieved with different approaches: implementation of MultidisciplinaryDesign Optimization, addition of accuracy through high fidelity analyses, introduction of newdisciplines or systems and uncertainty management. The role of the aircraft designer is then tocombine these options in a multidisciplinary design process to converge to the most promising conceptmeeting certification constraints. To illustrate this process, the optimization of a transport aircraftfeaturing ground based assistance has been performed. Using monolithic optimization architecture andadvanced structural models for the wing and fuselage, this study emphasized the impact ofcertification constraints on final results. Further review of the regulatory texts concluded that aircraftsimulation capabilities are needed to assess some requirements. The same need has been identified inthe field of Air Traffic Management that provides constraints for aircraft operations. This researchproposes then to add knowledge through an expansion of the Multidisciplinary Design Analysis andOptimization with a new Certification Constraint Module and full simulation capabilities.Following the development of the Certification Constraint Module (CCM), its capabilities have beenused to perform four optimization problems associated to a conventional civil transport aircraft basedon the ONERA / ISAE-SUPAERO sizing tool called FAST. Facilitated by the Graphical UserInterface of the CCM, the setup time of these optimizations has been reduced and the results clearlyconfirmed the necessity to consider certification constraints very early in the design process in order toselect the most promising concepts.To achieve full simulation capabilities, the multidisciplinary analysis within FAST had to beenhanced. First, the aerodynamics analysis tool has been modified so that necessary coefficients for a6 Degrees-of-Freedom model could be generated. Second, a new module computing inertia propertieshas been added. Last, the open source simulator JSBSim has been used including different controllaws for stability augmentation and automated navigation. The comparison between flight trajectoriesobtained with FAST and real aircraft data recorded with ADS-B antenna confirmed the validity of theapproach
Ounis, Houdhayfa. "Conception intégrée par optimisation multicritère multi-niveaux d'un système d'actionnement haute vitesse pour l'avion plus électrique." Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2016.
Full textLevillain, Kevin. "Les entreprises à mission : Formes, modèle et implications d’un engagement collectif." Thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2015.
Full textIn recent years, several states have introduced new corporate forms into their commercial law, which requires the commitment of shareholders towards a “mission”. By stipulating their purposes in their documents, these companies appear as a paradox for literature on corporate governance: would such a commitment not hamper strategic flexibility and undermine the monitoring of management? Is it not likely to deter shareholders' investments? The aim of this thesis is to explain the emergence of "mission-driven companies", to understand their motivations, but also to characterize the alternative model of governance they draw and the significance of this model in management science.First, the analysis of the process of emergence and design of these mission-driven forms in the United States enables us to enrich the classical model of the corporate contract, by showing that such a contract can have restrictive effects on the collective purposes if it only contains a commitment on invested resources, or provisions on the distribution of decision rights or value created to stakeholders.The thesis proposes, in a second step, a model of the "mission": by specifying desirable, yet potentially inventive, properties of the upcoming collective action, the mission calls for the design of novel strategies aiming at building new commons and collective interests. This model reveals, beyond the new legal forms, a wider class of “mission-driven” organizations, of which we can observe numerous variations both historically and currently.Finally, the thesis examines the systems of governance of mission-driven companies. A study of contrasting cases shows original devices combining control of the strategic exploration and solidarity mechanisms. The mission thus opens fruitful perspectives to explore new possible systems of solidarity
Ferreira, silva Eduardo. "Conception d’architecture de système-de-systèmes à logiciel prépondérant dirigée par les missions." Thesis, Lorient, 2018.
Full textThe formulation of missions is the starting point to the development of Systems-of-Systems (SoS), being used as a basis for the specification, verification and validation of SoS architectures. Specifying, verifying and validating architectural models for SoS are complex tasks compared to usual systems, the inner complexity of SoS relying specially on emergent behaviors, i.e. features that emerge from the interactions among constituent parts of the SoS which cannot be predicted even if all the behaviors of all parts are completely known. This thesis addresses the synergetic relationship between missions and architectures of software-intensive SoS, giving a special attention to emergent behaviors which are created for achieving formulated missions. We propose a design approach for the architectural modeling of SoS driven by the mission models. In our proposal, the mission model is used to both derive, verify and validate SoS architectures. As first step, we define a formalized mission model, then we generate the structure of the SoS architecture by applying model transformations. Later, when the architect specifies the behavioral aspects of the SoS, we generate concrete SoS architectures that will be verified and validated using simulation-based approaches, in particular regarding emergent behaviors. The verification uses statistical model checking to verify whether specified properties are satisfied, within a degree of confidence. The formalization in terms of a temporal logic and statistical model checking are the formal foundations of the developed approach. A toolset that implements the whole approach was also developed and experimented
Kwok, Hon Lee. "Use of Isaiah in the Pauline letters : with special reference to his self-conception of being an Apostle to the Gentiles." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2009.
Full textBooks on the topic "Conception de mission"
ʼEʺ, Joʻ Maṅʻʺ, ed. An account of the Catholic mission of Southern Burma and of the cathedral of the immaculate conception, Rangoon. [Ranʻ kunʻ: s.n., 2009.
Find full textʼEʺ, Joʻ Maṅʻʺ, ed. An account of the Catholic mission of Southern Burma and of the cathedral of the immaculate conception, Rangoon. [Ranʻ kunʻ: s.n., 2009.
Find full textFemmes sans frontières: L'histoire des Soeurs missionnaires de l'Immaculée-Conception, 1902-2007. Outremont: Carte blanche, 2008.
Find full textGravier, Jacques. Relation de ce qui s'est passé dans la Mission de l'Immaculée Conception au pays des Ilinois [sic]: Depuis le mois de mars 1693, jusqu'en février 1694. [Manate, New York?: s.n.], 1985.
Find full textCentre national d'études spatiales (France), ed. Missions, technologies et conception des véhicules mobiles planétaires =: Missions, technologies, and design of planetary mobile vehicles. Toulouse, France: Cépaduès, 1993.
Find full textMonseigneur Joanny Thévenoud: Pére fondateur des Sœurs de l'Immaculée Conception de Ouagadougou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: Societe generale d'impr. du Faso (SOGIF), 1998.
Find full textTeología sistemática de la misión: Progresiva evolución del concepto de misión. Estella: Editorial Verbo Divino, 1991.
Find full textBarrette, Georgette. Délia Tétreault et l'Église canadienne. Montréal: Soeurs missionnaires de l'Immaculée-Conception, Maison généralice, 1987.
Find full textMarina, Alejandro Luis. Misión, una nueva mirada para nuevos tiempos: Estudio del campo semántico del concepto de misión. Cochabamba: Instituto Latinoamericano de Misionología, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Conception de mission"
Paisant, Chantal. "Le premier envoi des sœurs de l’Immaculée Conception de Castres (1847)." In La mission au féminin, 69–78. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2009.
Full textRandriamaro, Zo. "4. African women challenging neo-liberal economic orthodoxy: the conception and mission of the GERA programme." In Women Reinventing Globalisation, 44–51. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxfam Publishing, 2003.
Full textStornig, Katharina. "Cultural Conceptions of Purity and Pollution." In European Missions in Contact Zones, 107–24. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015.
Full textBecker, Judith. "Conceptions of Humanity in Nineteenth-Century German Protestant Missions." In Humanity, 107–30. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016.
Full textThompson, Paul, Mike Jones, and Chris Warhurst. "From Conception to Consumption: Creativity and the Missing Managerial Link." In Creative Labour, 51–71. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2009.
Full textBance, Philippe, Jean-Philippe Milesy, and Christelle Zagbayou. "The development in France of partnerships between public and social economy organizations and the new paradigm of public action." In Providing public goods and commons, 163–83. Liège: CIRIEC, 2018.
Full textChristensen Hughes, Julia. "Academic Integrity Across Time and Place: Higher Education’s Questionable Moral Calling." In Academic Integrity in Canada, 25–59. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textRuhnau, Eva. "What Is Missing? — The Fundamental Role of Time in C.F. von Weizsäcker’s Conception of Physics and Some Insights from Modern Neuroscience." In Time, Quantum and Information, 203–17. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
Full textZhang, Jianjun, and Jing Li. "Conception of spacecraft autonomous mission management system." In High-Reliability Autonomous Management Systems for Spacecraft, 149–62. Elsevier, 2023.
Full textO'Driscoll, Cian. "Mission Accomplished." In Victory, 108–25. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Conception de mission"
Gaudin-Delrieu, Catherine, Jean-Philippe Fayret, Jean-Luc Lamard, Christophe Devilliers, and Vincent Costes. "Conception d’instrument pour une mission d’observation haute resolution et grand champ." In International Conference on Space Optics 2000, edited by Georges Otrio. SPIE, 2017.
Full textCioffarelli, Emiliano, and Enrico Sciubba. "A New Type of Gas Turbine Based-Hybrid Propulsion System: Part 1—Concept Development, Definition of Mission Parameters and Preliminary Sizing." In ASME 2000 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000.
Full textMéndez G., Javier E., Albert M. K. Cheng, and Santiago Muñoz. "FACSAT: Conception as a cyber-physical system for satellite observation of the Earth: Automated mission planning and scheduling." In ICCPS '23: ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (with CPS-IoT Week 2023). New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2023.
Full textKnight, Tristan, Axel Rousse, Clémence Allietta, and Benjamin Bérat. "TOLOSAT project: Gravimetry and communication." In Symposium on Space Educational Activities (SSAE). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022.
Full textCasu, Davide, Anthea Comellini, Vincent Dubanchet, Hervé Renault, Lorenzo Bitetti, and Pierre Dandré. "Safety in GNC systems design for In-Orbit Servicing during Rendezvous and close proximity operations." In ESA 12th International Conference on Guidance Navigation and Control and 9th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques. ESA, 2023.
Full textGens, Frédéric, and Ludivine Comeliau. "“La Belle Liégeoise”, the new footbridge in Liège." In IABSE Congress, Ghent 2021: Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2021.
Full textGens, Frédéric, and Ludivine Comeliau. "“La Belle Liégeoise”, the new footbridge in Liège." In IABSE Congress, Ghent 2021: Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2021.
Full textSocoloski, Paul, Michael Maier, and Michael Lamberto. "Life-Cycle Engineering Support From the US Navy Gas Turbine Ship Complex." In ASME 1996 International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.
Full textFrezza, Lorenzo, Paolo Marzioli, Andrea Gianfermo, Niccolo Picci, Emanuele Bedetti, Federico Curiano, Diego Amadio, Fabio Santoni, and Fabrizio Piergentili. "Lessons learned during the development of LEDSAT from the students of the S5Lab." In Symposium on Space Educational Activities (SSAE). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Conception de mission"
Mehrotra, Santosh. Monitoring India’s National Sanitation Campaign (2014–2020). Institute of Development Studies (IDS), June 2021.
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