Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Comportement des consommateurs – Chine'
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Jiang, Ling. "Understanding non-deceptive counterfeit consumption in China : consumer demand for “branded” products." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1113.
Full textThe current thesis focuses on the non-Deceptive counterfeits, which means that the consumers intentionally purchase fake products. The thesis aims to answer three important questions: Can different brand value predict the consumers’ counterfeit consumption? Dose counterfeit branded product ownership alters consumers’ authentic branded product purchase behavior? Will brand knowledge interact with consumer values in consuming counterfeit branded product?We introduce and review the literature relating to counterfeiting, and an exploratory qualitative approach to explore counterfeit consumption. The conceptual model is formed on the basis of the literature review and the results of exploratory qualitative analysis, which constituted by nine research hypotheses.The results find a positive relationship between conspicuousness and consumers’ counterfeit branded product ownership. The influence of self-Directed pleasure, the fashion consciousness, and envying others on counterfeit branded product ownership is also supported. The moderator effect of counterfeit branded product ownership on the relationship between brand image and brand purchase intention is supported.The interaction term of brand knowledge is significant on the relationship of related value factors (conspicuousness, self-Directed pleasure, envying others) and consumers’ counterfeit ownership.The present thesis contributes a comprehensive understanding of the consumer demand for counterfeits. The findings offer brand managers a foundation from which they can start to deliberate effective methods to fight against counterfeit in the luxury brand sector
Tang, Lei. "Le rôle fondamental de la culture sur le comportement des consommateurs : cas du marché des télécoms 3G - France et Chine." Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TELE0009.
Full textThe aim of this thesis mainly focused on culture's influence on consumer behaviour, precisely on technology adoption - 3G mobiles services. As prior research, they don't provide insight into the determination of individual level adoption decision, so this thesis seems relatively crucial and newer in telecom mobile sector. In the present research, one cross-cultural study (France and China) shows that culture has a significant effect on the innovation diffusion - 3G mobile content services across different countries, with substantial impact on business operation
Jiang, Ling. "Understanding non-deceptive counterfeit consumption in China : consumer demand for “branded” products." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM1113.
Full textThe current thesis focuses on the non-Deceptive counterfeits, which means that the consumers intentionally purchase fake products. The thesis aims to answer three important questions: Can different brand value predict the consumers’ counterfeit consumption? Dose counterfeit branded product ownership alters consumers’ authentic branded product purchase behavior? Will brand knowledge interact with consumer values in consuming counterfeit branded product?We introduce and review the literature relating to counterfeiting, and an exploratory qualitative approach to explore counterfeit consumption. The conceptual model is formed on the basis of the literature review and the results of exploratory qualitative analysis, which constituted by nine research hypotheses.The results find a positive relationship between conspicuousness and consumers’ counterfeit branded product ownership. The influence of self-Directed pleasure, the fashion consciousness, and envying others on counterfeit branded product ownership is also supported. The moderator effect of counterfeit branded product ownership on the relationship between brand image and brand purchase intention is supported.The interaction term of brand knowledge is significant on the relationship of related value factors (conspicuousness, self-Directed pleasure, envying others) and consumers’ counterfeit ownership.The present thesis contributes a comprehensive understanding of the consumer demand for counterfeits. The findings offer brand managers a foundation from which they can start to deliberate effective methods to fight against counterfeit in the luxury brand sector
Zhang, Mengxia. "L'influence des trois doctrines chinoises traditionnelles sur le comportement d'achat des femmes chinoises : une application aux produits cosmétiques." Grenoble 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001GRE21016.
Full textZeng, Mingyue. "Analyse empirique des attitudes des consommateurs chinois et perceptions de valeur sur les marques de luxe." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AZUR0034/document.
Full textThe Chinese luxury market is characterized by a great desire for global luxury products in recent years, but the underlying values driving such purchasing intentions remain unknown. This study explores consumers’ value perceptions of luxury goods in the Chinese context. Based on data gathered via a survey from 6 representative cities throughout China (N1=261, N2=644), the findings systematically summarize a framework of luxury values as perceived by Chinese consumers. The values derived are constituted by functional value, financial value, individual value, and social value. Moreover, these values vary across demographic factors such as gender, age, income and city of residence. The results further provide evidence that functional and individual values together with income significantly affect real consumption of luxury goods. Based on the results, this study offers theoretical and practical implications for global luxury brands targeting the Chinese luxury market for business development. Purpose: the purpose of this study is to figure out the framework of value perceptions of Chinese consumers, and test the validity of the constructs of values. By concluding such framework of Chinese consumer value perceptions in luxury market, the paper aims at identifying major influential values that affect the luxury consumption. Methodological approach: Based on the literature review, this study collected luxury value constructs first. And in order to find out whether such value constructs fit for Chinese consumer, this study use qualitative method to summarize the value constructs for further analysis by interview field people. After identifying the possible luxury values perceived by Chinese consumer, this study does quantitative research by using data from 6 Chinese Cities with designed questionnaire. The FCA (Factor Component Analysis) method, a method of exploratory factor analysis, is used to analyze the data, and Structural Equation Modeling (software Amos) is used to identify the influential power of luxury value perceptions on real luxury consumption. Findings: By empirical test of luxury values with the structural equation modeling method, this study finds that the framework of luxury value perceived by Chinese consumers includes functional value, financial value, individual value, and social (conspicuous/status) value. And individual value and functional value will affect the luxury consumption significantly. While the social value negatively affect the luxury consumptions. Practical Application: This study analyzes the luxury values and provides the characteristics of consumer behavior held by Chinese consumers comparing with consumers elsewhere. Chinese consumers pay special emphasis on functional and individual/hedonic values, and at the same time they are very sensitive and show contradictive attitude to social value, some Chinese luxury consumers even avoid to be associated with luxury products or brands in public deliberately, which will push the marketers in luxury field to modify their marketing strategy in Chinese luxury market. So this study can also provide an insight look of Chinese consumer behavior with Chinese cultural background
Herbert, Maud. "Comportement de réponse de l'individu en situation de questionnement : le biais du répondant en comportement du consommateur." Paris 9, 2005. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2005PA090024.
Full textThe demand bias is defined as the measuring error resulting from the adoption of a specific response behavior by the person questioned, if he or she believes to have identified the purpose of the inquiring, even partially. Literature and a first empirical study show that response behavior can be explain through a process of mediation composed of three main steps : sensitivity to the cues that can help the respondent to discern the aim, understanding of these cues, and motivation to respond to them in a precise manner. This process permits to identify the type of bias. Measuring tools (evaluation scales and questions) were rigorously developed (PCA, Confirmatory Analysis, MTMM) and gathered in a questionnaire designed to classify biases. Three empirical studies highlight the means and effects of the demand bias and examine the endogenous factors that influence the response behavior : evaluation apprehension, social desirability, and specific personality traits
Huaman, Ramirez Richard. "When is consumer desire impacted by difficulty of recall ? : the effects of the type of information, expectation and time pressure." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM1054.
Full textThis thesis demonstrates that difficulty in recalling past consumption of a preferred product influences the desire to consume that product. More specifically, this research evaluate how desire is influenced by what kind of information from past consumption experience is recalled (semantic or episodic information) during a difficult recall task, by the expected difficulty of recall task, and by time pressure. An experimental method was adopted and three empirical studies were conducted. Hypotheses were tested on data collected across different samples: Peruvian, Chinese, and French consumers. Participants were principally university students. A total of eleven experimental scenarios were presented to participants including different types of products (soft drinks, hedonic products, and leisure activities). Questionnaires were administrated by web and face-to-face. Our contribution has the potential to help marketers take action regarding the recall of past rewarding consumptions. To evoke more desire, consumers must be conditioned to difficult recalls of past consumptions of preferred products; marketers must specially focus on semantic information of past experiences and condition consumers with a time pressure. The results suggest that the type of information processed (semantic versus episodic) and time pressure influence the effect of the difficult recall of past consumption on desire. This research focuses on a holistic recall of past experiences and the retrieval process of information from memory, and confirms the Chaiken and Trope (1998)’s Dual-Process Theory
Meunier-Bihl, Anne. "Le droit de la consommation en République populaire de Chine." Montpellier 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996MON10033.
Full textGuo, Xiaoling. "La sensibilité aux marques et l'engagement à la marque : une application aux consommateurs chinois." Nancy 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005NAN22002.
Full textIn spite of the increased importance of the brand in China, the study about brands in a rigorous, academic way was neglected by scholars. For a long time, the consumer's attitudes toward the brand were the focus of numerous researches in occidental countries, but in the specific case of the Chinese consumers, it remains to be explored. We have chosen two essential concepts in this regard : brand sensivity and brand commitment. The first one takes the product category as reference while the second one is related to one single particular brand. One model aiming at explaining the brand sensitivity of Chinese consumers, as well as illustrating the relation between brand sensitivity and brand commitment is developed and then tested by means of structural equation models. Conceptually, three main conclusions were drawn. First of all, the perceived differences, in terms of product quality and brand personality, have a positive effect on brand sensitivity. Secondly, Chinese culture, in particular confucianism, has a positive effect on brand sensitivity. Finally, brand sensitivity has a positive impact on calculative commitment which leads to affective commitment. Concerning managerial implications, it is desirable that enterprises make efforts to reinforce perceived differences of brands in the eyes of consumers. Moreover, they should take into account the specificities of Chinese culture when elaborating marketing and communication strategies. This is particularly true for foreign enterprises in China
Gollety, Mathilde. "Communication familiale et comportement de consommation de l'enfant." Paris 9, 1997. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1997PA090032.
Full textThis research fits in the field of consumer socialization. Its aim is to define which are the family interactions - I. E. The family communication processes - the parents use to develop consumer learning for their children. A qualitative methodology built on case studies and content analysis was used and the contributions of the work are three fold. First, we describe and explain the family communication dynamics developed in the field of consumption in each family. The results point out that parental consumer learning can be conveyed through 4 different types of family communication processes : - family communication processes through mediation of external information - family communication in retail stores - informal family communication processes - family communication processes focused on the values of money or autonomy. In a second time, we gather families, according to their closeness of their communication processes. Thus we define 5 patterns of family communication, each caracterized by a special combinaison of family communication processes. Then, we attempt to see which particular family communication process tends to favour the acquisition of consumer knowledge. At last, we identify the most efficient patterns of family communication, according to consumer learning for children
Tissot, Marion. "Les effets de la récupération de service sur le comportement du consommateur insatisfait." Aix-Marseille 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003AIX32061.
Full textRuiz, Nicolas. "Contributions à l'étude du comportement de consommation des ménages." Cergy-Pontoise, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006CERG0308.
Full textConsumer theory offers an interesting framework which can be use for an empirical representation of consumption behaviour. Studying these behaviours is interesting in itself. Also, it can be use as a tool for public economies analysis. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the study of these behaviours, and to propose sorne applications. In the first chapter, we treat the major problem of the measurement of priee effects in the case where no quantities are available in the data. The second chapter proposes a study of indirect taxation in a behavioural framework, with the use of a new microsimulation model. Finally, the third chapter focuses on the interest of the panel structure for the consumption data. We compute consumption laws on a highly disaggregated nomenclature by working out a pseudo-panel using a starting data set with no temporal dimension
Dianoux, Christian Gilardi Jean-Claude. "L'influence des publicités comparatives sur le comportement du consommateur." Nancy : Université Nancy 2, 1999. http://cyberdoc.univ-nancy2.fr/htdocs/docs_ouvert/doc193/1999NAN201_1.pdf.
Full textFrisou, Jean. "Le contrôle du comportement de fidélité : premiers jalons pour une théorie dynamique et éclectique." Pau, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PAUU2001.
Full textThe loyalty behavior of customers, is both a major topic in marketing research and a strategic objective of the firms. The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to a better knowledge of the controling processes of loyalty behavior. By control we mean all the processes that lead to the development or the decline of this behavior in the long run. While the marketing theories impose a partial view of loyalty behavior and neglect the temporal dimension of the phenomenon, we suggest a new theoretical framework, focusing on the dynamic control of loyalty behavior and founded on an eclectic approach. Three axes of thinking have been developed. 1) How do the marketing theories tackle the question of control ? 2) What is the contribution of the psychological theories of control to the understanding of loyalty behavior ? 3) How can we describe, with consistency, the dynamic of this phenomenon, and the many sources of control that are attributed to it. Our investigations consolidate our thesis. There is not only one process that controls the evolution of loyalty behavior, but two separate processes acting simultaneously. The operant learning and the cognitive learning control more than 50 % of the latent tendancy to loyalty behavior
Cai, Jing Feng. "L'arrivée de la grande distribution occidentale en Chine : le cas de Pékin." Paris 12, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA123008.
Full textThe problems of my thesis rest on the evolution of the trade on various scales, which should be analyzed simultaneously : great distribution, urbanization, transport, population, and actors commercial by underlining the evolution of the behavior of the consumers. This question is the most important stakes for China, country where industrialization has progressed at very fast intervals for the two last decades. The first part is devoted to recall the evolution of the trade, the urbanization, the organization of space and the urban transport. In one second part, we approach the analysis of the various actors commercial with respect to the arrival of the large foreign distributors. One notes the policies adopted by the State in the sector of the great distribution. According to the central authority the opening of the market is progressive. Whereas, the local authorithies express a more accessible attitude. A comparative analysis shows that the Chinese companies are still fragile : the sales turnover, recruitment, average techniques as well as the service, the influence on the suppliers. The third part of this work concerns the perception of the consumer. The key question was : great distribution, does it adapt to the behaviors of the Chinese consumers ? Can it direct consumption well ?
Froloff, Brouche Laurence. "Le comportement d'achat en promotion : déterminants et variables modératrices." Grenoble 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000GRE2A015.
Full textNyeck, Simon. "Structure de l'espace cognitif et comportement du consommateur." Paris 9, 1992. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1992PA090052.
Full textThe research focuses on the structure of cognitive space. A triangulation process is performed, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Based upon piaget' processes of assimilation and accommodation, a classification of individuals seems to influence their innovation' behavior. The quantitative study develops a spatial scale which measures individuals' attitudes towards elements. Progressive categories of the cognitive space (from immediate surrounding to assimilators accommodators) are identified. These categories exhibit a strong relationship with sociodemographic variables and the purchasing behavior of newly and or complex products
Dianoux, Christian. "L'influence des publicités comparatives sur le comportement du consommateur." Nancy 2, 1999. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/NANCY2/doc193/1999NAN22001_1.pdf.
Full textCléret, Baptiste. "Approches contextualisées des comportements de consommation culturelle des jeunes : regards ethnographiques sur le rap et l'Electrodance." Rouen, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ROUED004.
Full textInspired by the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) this doctoral research brings enlightenments on youth cultural consumption behavior in a contextualized approach, using the Cultural Studies framework. Ethnography of two cultural movements, Rap and Electrodance, explores youth's cultural collective practices, while taking into account existing relations between these young consumers and their social and cultural environment. The manual and computer assisted analysis of field data brings to the foreground a chronomogical and structural reading grid allowing the understanding of both youth consumption practices and cultural movement evolution, of which youths are both members and promoters. Results show how youth cultural consumption structures itself around a stylistic set. Style embodies the visible part of youth movements, compared to any other consumer collectives, through which young consumers express resistance or differentiation from outsiders, whether it is dominant culture, parental culture or other movements. By adapting the cultural meaning transfer framework to young consumers, this work reveals reciprocal influence between cultural movement young members and their environment. In fact, even though the young consumer is still influenced by his (or her) social and cultural frame he grows up, he is also a "sense-builder" whose practices and sense-making influences back the social and cultural frame. Beyond being a consumption prescriber in the familu, a customer and a budding consumer, youth embodies a creative actor and a culture producer
Schmitt, Julien. "Parcours, déplacement et actions face au rayon : Mieux comprendre le comportement physique du consommateur en magasin pour mieux comprendre ses achats." Jouy-en Josas, HEC, 2009. https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00516252.
Full textAlthough shopping behavior becomes more and more important within marketing academic literature, most of research on this topic does not actually observe shopping behavior. Most of the time, it is measured with questionnaires that capture self-reported behavior, which is potentially very different from actual behavior. However, consumer purchases, most of the time decided in store, directly depend on physical shopping behavior (shopping path, alleys that consumer visits or avoids, products he passes by, actions he performs in front of shelves, products he grabs, investigates, tries and eventually abandons or chooses). This dissertation’s main idea is to study in-store physical shopping behavior. This thesis is divided into two studies. The first study aims at better understanding what physical shopping behavior is: get an intelligible picture of this behavior by determining what its main dimensions are as well as its relationships with purchases. The second study aims at using the information contained in physical shopping behavior in order to improve a probabilistic model of purchase analysis: market basket analysis. Both these studies allow investigating a different angle of the main topic. Together, they bring original insights about in-store shopping behavior. To reach our research objectives, we have developed a new data collection tool allowing to unobtrusively observe consumers, and capture and time-stamp each of their precise actions during the entire shopping trip
Ouardighi, Fouad El. "Qualité des produits et comportement du consommateur : évidence empirique et optimisation." Paris 10, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA100028.
Full textThis thesis focuses on, - determination of a quality, measure of objective quality, - definition of optimal quality over the product life cycle, - analysis of optimal quality and promised quality in context of information asymmetry
Jolivet, Patrick. "Représentation économique du comportement écologique des consommateurs : le cas des déchets ménagers." Phd thesis, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00003288.
Full textLa problématique centrale de cette thèse est donc la suivante : peut-on représenter économiquement le phénomène ‘déchet' dans l'acte individuel de consommation ? Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous proposons de représenter la sensibilité des consommateurs vis-à-vis de l'environnement, en général, et des déchets en particulier. Le postulat est que les individus peuvent intégrer la variable ‘environnement' dans leurs choix de consommation, dès l'achat de produits sur le marché : ceci définit ce que nous proposons d'appeler la rationalité environnementale continue des agents économiques.
Dans une seconde partie, nous caractérisons le comportement d'un individu qui choisit de trier ses déchets. A partir d'une enquête qualitative que nous avons réalisée, nous recherchons dans les discours et les pratiques des agents à définir ce qu'est le comportement du consommateur-producteur (-trieur) de déchets. Il apparaît, lors de cette enquête, que la sensibilité écologique des agents économiques, lorsqu'elle existe, ne se traduit pas prioritairement dans leurs choix de consommation. Les préoccupations vis-à-vis des déchets ménagers, postérieures aux décisions d'achat de biens, définissent une rationalité environnementale discontinue et nous conduisent à élargir le cadre d'analyse traditionnel du consommateur.
Atallah, AbdelHay Mariette. "Etude comparée du comportement d'achat des boîtes de conserve entre le consommateur libanais et français." Paris 5, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA05H025.
Full textThe present study examines the motives that influence consumer behavior. It compares the behavior of the Lebanese and French consumer, towards food consumption, and precisely regarding canned food. After the proposal of a conceptual frame, the author establishes a comparative study, on one hand through a survey in Lebanon, complemented by clinical interviews, and on the other hand using Credoc's data. Also, relying on data of three Lebanese supermarkets points of sale output, over a period of three years, with the INSEE survey regarding family 2006 budget, the author analyses the food strategies and spending in the two countries, and reaches a segmentation of the Lebanese market, in function of the positive and negative perception of canned food. The study shows that the interactive media relationship between transmitter and receiver, has repercussions on consumer behavior, that the trust/distrust magnitude over Lebanese and French behavior is not the same and that there are several factors that pull apart the Lebanese and French risk threshold, in particular a French society that faces novelty and technology of the agronomy and food sector, and another Lebanese handicapped in its conventional food industry line. Therefore, there was a need to an overview of control authorities in the two countries. As a consequence, the author states an opinion in order to reform the Lebanese food industry control system
Kan, Gongjian. "Effect of country image on consumers' hypermarket patronage intention : a cross-cultural study." Rennes 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012REN1G007.
Full textThis dissertation firstly explores the experiences and lessons learned from global retailers’ operation in East Asian countries followed by discussing the effect of country image on consumers’ hypermarket patronage intention across different cultures. The empirical results from China case indicate that country image has only an indirect impact on consumers’ hypermarket patronage intention while in Spain case it seems that country image has direct influence on consumer’ store patronage intention. In both Spain and China, country image has a significant impact on consumers’ function based evaluation and experience based evaluation of a hypermarket store. These two kinds of evaluation have significant effects on consumers’ brand attitude towards the target store. The major difference of hypermarket store patronage behavior between Chinese consumers and Spanish consumers is that the former attaches more importance on experience attributes in formulating their store image and on social referents in making their shopping decisions than the latter. Besides, Chinese consumers have stronger ethnocentric tendency in their hypermarket shopping behavior than Spanish consumers. These research findings offer valuable implications to both domestic and foreign retail practitioners in making their marketing strategies
Charrière-Grillon, Valérie. "L'influence des espaces géographiques sur les valeurs et le comportement du consommateur." Paris 9, 1998. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1998PA090005.
Full textResearch on consumer’s values hâve rarely into account régional segmentation. The three main théories in - physical, économie, marxist - geography introduce concepts which can be useful in marketing and particulary for the consumer’s values analysis. After a review of the marketing littérature on values, these main théories in geography are presented as well as their implications on values and consumer behaviour : géographie segmentation -> value -> consumer’s behaviour Compared lo other models of the same type, this model focuses upon régional values and the concept of values connotations. The hypothèses tested are related to the place of living’s influence on values, their importance and their connotations. Moreover, the influence of the régional values and the values with multiples connotations on consumer behaviour lias been tested. The hypothèses were tested with a sample of 800 individuals
Chen, Xiaoyan. "Essays on mobile commerce, consumer adoption, and privacy concerns." Rennes 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011REN1G022.
Full textThe explosive development of m-commerce is probably the main phenomenon in recent retailing and consumer behavior. Traditional brand giants are struggling to maintain their competitive advantages through mobile technologies; emerging firms are striving to enter this new business by relying on innovative ideas; and consumers are enjoying the convenience and pleasure brought by numerous mobile applications. In recent years, sophisticated Smartphone, more experienced users, and related firms’ strategies coming to maturity, have made m-commerce more integrated and complex. This shift provides us some new opportunities to rethink market structure. The dissertation explores the state-of-art of mobile commerce and consumer belief on it, by three essays. The first essay is an early attempt to explain those new features and tendencies of current m-commerce, and analyzes how consumer behavior evolves through them. This essay also provides a short investigation of consumers’ attitudes, because in practice the users’ acceptance varies quite dramatically between different applications. As survey basis, an empirical research review is performed, which highlights some interesting facts concerning m-commerce adoption. The second essay aims to explore consumers’ behavioral intentions to use a kind of compelling and interesting mobile application, context-aware service (CAS), which has been taken as a representative of current m-commerce. I propose a CAS adoption model and empirically evaluate the model using 291 respondents in China. Also, the essay tests two traditional IT adoption theories and compares their validities in the present m-commerce area. The results show that, although good predicting capabilities were found in whole, the explanatory powers of two variables from different classic models are rather surprising. The third essay explores the impact of the privacy concerns on consumers’ intention to disclose information. This essay states that today’s m-commerce has the particular prosperity of second exchange, which makes consumers provide personal information as a precondition for enjoying mobile service; consequently, privacy problems become disturbing to both m-services providers and users. Based on privacy calculus theory, I construct a comprehensive theoretical model and test it empirically. The results indicate that privacy concerns indeed have a significant negative impact on consumers’ intentions; but there exists a privacy paradox, which could be encouraging news for mobile servicers and participants
Rieunier, Sophie. "L'influence de la musique d'ambiance sur le comportement des consommateurs sur le lieu de vente." Paris 9, 2000. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2000PA090004.
Full textChow-Ying, Kelly. "Effets du « pays d'origine » sur les perceptions et l'intention d'achat des consommateurs : comparaison France / Québec / Chine." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2013. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/6913/1/030586140.pdf.
Full textLee, Tony Chih-chi. "L'esprit chinois : l'analyse psychoculturelle à distance du comportement politique et du conflit diplomatique de la Chine." Paris, EHESS, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012EHES0130.
Full textThis dissertation deals with "the Chinese mind", which means the national character of China. Its main argument is that psychological variable is the key to understand and to explain how China behaves. In fact, the author uses a "psycho-cultural" approach to analyze Chinese political behaviors and diplomatic crises. To do so, two heads of State, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, are studied. The behaviors of these Chinese leaders are therefore supposed to refer to the State’s behaviors. Empirically, two exercises are involved to psychologically study these political figures: their biography for one part (in the first part of the dissertation) and their conducts during bilateral crises for another (in the second part of the dissertation) – The author collects hundreds of public and private speeches of the two Chinese leaders in order to scientifically analyze their psychological patterns. Alongside the content analysis, the author heavily relies on a quantitative method, the discourse analysis, to decode the speeches of Jiang and Hu from 1989 to 2011 and to assess, at a distance, the two Chinese leaders’ psychocultural profile. Seven concepts the most pronounced in the political culture of China are selected in the exercise. These elements are treated as indices to generate quantitative data from speeches and to test the validity of such “psychocultural” hypothesis. These seven concepts are: nationalism-patriotism, harmony, hierarchy, filial piety, face, guanxi (interpersonal relationship), and the fear of luan (chaos). Combined qualitative and quantitative analysis, this research successfully proves the constant influence of "psychoculture" in China’s behaviors, particularly in the circumstances of diplomatic crises
Rochd, El Mehdi. "Modèles probabilistes de consommateurs en ligne : personnalisation et recommandation." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM4086.
Full textResearch systems have facilitated access to information available on the web using mechanisms for collecting, indexing and storage of heterogeneous content. They generate data resulting from the activity of users on Internet (queries, logfile). The next step is to analyze the data using data mining tools in order to improve the response’s quality of these systems, or to customize the response based on users’ profiles. Some actors, such as the company Marketshot, are positioned as intermediaries between consumers and professionals. Indeed, they link potential buyers with the leading brands and distribution networks through their websites. For such purposes, these intermediaries have developed effective portals, and have stored large volumes of data related to the activity of users on their websites. These data repositories are exploited to respond positively to the needs of users as well as those of professionals who seek to understand the behavior of their customers and anticipate their purchasing actions. My thesis comes within the framework of searching through the data collected from the web. The idea is to build models that explain the correlation between the activities of users on websites of aid for the purchase, and sales trends of products in « real life ». In fact, my research concerns probabilistic learning, in particular Topic Models. It involves modeling the users’ behavior from uses of trader websites
Lunardo, Renaud Filser Marc Mbengue Ababacar. "Le contrôle perçu du consommateur dans l'expérience de magasinage proposition d'un cadre conceptuel et d'une mesure de son influence sur le comportement /." Reims : [s.n.], 2007. http://scdurca.univ-reims.fr/exl-doc/GED00000635.pdf.
Full textGharsalli, Soumaya. "L'effet de la publicité environnementale sur l'attitude et le comportement du consommateur écologique." Nice, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012NICE0013.
Full textDuring these last decades, consumers’ environmental concern has been constantly growing. The current orientation of the marketing follows this way to satisfy the needs of a consumer who became more and more sensitive to the environment. The aim of this thesis is to explore the effect of an environmental advertising on attitudes as well as on behavior of an ecological consumer. In order to respond to our questions, an empirical study was carried out on 298 individuals. This data sheets have been sorted out and analyzed by means of factorial examination (S. P. S. S) and structural equations (A. M. O. S). The results of this research show, in the first place, the importance of the quality of the arguments in the advertising message. In addition, if this research stresses the importance of the celebrity presence in advertising, contrary to claims of previous numerous researches, this does not seem to be an essential factor in the models of the advertising persuasion. Certain moderating factors are also included. If the involvement has already been proved to be important, the need for cognition and the subjective knowledge are factors that future researches cannot exclude. Finally, the attitude strength has been revealed to be an indispensable moderating factor in order to clarify the relation between the attitude and the consumer behavior
Trinquecoste, Jean-François. "Chômage et comportements de consommation : vers une théorie du comportement du consommateur-chômeur." Bordeaux 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987BOR1D319.
Full textAfter having carried out a statistical approach of unemployment and an economic study of the phenomena of the consumption of unemployed consumers, of which he shows the limits, but which lead him to conclude with the vast heterogeneousness of the unemployed population, the author turns towards the theories of behaviour to understand more easily and explain the causes of the behavioural phenomena observed. The first part ends with the proposition of a general model concerning the analysis of the behaviour of the unemployed consumer. On the basis of the acknowledgement of the population observed, as previously exlained, in the second part the author chooses to concentrate his study on unemployed people at the bottom of the socio-professional scale in order to verify the relevance of the proposed model, and to improve it. The variation of cnsumption behavioural patterns of individuals, since their becoming unemployed, are studied along with the disparity of these behavioural patterns compared with those of other unemployed people in other socio-professional categories. Conluding with the validity of the general model proposed in the first part, and including of the observation made in the second part, the author refines
Bensa, Françoise. "La place des activités du consommateur sur le lieu de vente dans le processus d'achat : un essai de modélisation." Dijon, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994DIJOE002.
Full textIt is surprising to see that few researches have been devoted to the decision process within the point of sale while marketing researchers are very interested in consumer behavior. However, due to the quantity of information that stores are likely to give, everything leads us to believe that this information is going to influence the consumer, to make them change their purchase intentions and discover new needs. In addition to the mental activities for processing of information, consumers develop physical and perception activities within the store. The aim of this research being to point out the value of analysis of what takes place within the point of sale, it is founded on opposition between the external and internal dimensions of the store, whether this concerns the theoretical analysis of litterature or of methodology. The theoretical analysis studies the cognitive and affective reactions of the consumer out-of-store and in-store. It will permit us to propose a theoretical model founded on the activities of the consumer in front of the shelves. As a matter of fact, our first objective is to analyse the observable differences between individuals as far as these activities are concerned. It may be possible to explain these differences by the influence of in-store variables and by individual characteristics of the consumer. The second objective consists in clarifying if the activities of the consumer in front of the shelves can be considered as mediatory variable between purchase and external and internal variables in the point of sale
Faullimmel, Matthieu. "L'adoption de la nouveauté par les consommateurs. Séquence et développement dans le cas de la Chine contemporaine." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUL197.
Full textThe purpose of this research is to explain and understand the adoption of novelty by consumers as a dynamic phenomenon, from its initial stage as an individual action to the collective one and finally as a novelty market. Historical studies highlight the link between the development of novelty adoption and the one of intermediate social strata. Historical comparison allows to formulate hypothesis: different status dynamics and State regulation of status. A contextual matrix is built to define contexts explaining adoption. Inspired by threshold models, typical sequences of collective adoption can be defined. Several networks of young adopters who recently graduated are identified and tracked between 2010 and 2010 (through video-chat in depth individual interviews, informal message exchange and online research). The analysis highlights the existence of novelty chains, and the role of novelty passers. It allows to describe two typical sequences of the collective adoption of novelty and restore the significance of contexts in which adopters and passers match together. Adoption stories are analyzed in the context of career and conjugal life transitions. They illuminate the link between the adoption of market novelty and new intermediate social strata. The Chinese context of transition and reforms after 1978 appears as a typical locus for this double configuration
Gao, Li. "Chinese cultural values and purchase behavior of technology products." Rennes 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012REN1G039.
Full textTo answer the above questions, this research aims to establish a comprehensive model to analyze the effect of Chinese cultural values on consumer technology products purchase through the role of perceived product meaning, internal behavior intention and external facilitating condition. This research addresses the following research questions. What are the fundamental cultural values of Chinese people ? Have the value systems changed across the generations in China ? What are the key factors influencing consumer's purchase of technological products ? And how do cultural values influence consumer's technology purchase behavior ? Totally, 1300 emails are sent in formal quetionnaire survey and 862 questionnaires are collected. Excluding the incomplete and invalid questionnaires (108), 754 effective ones are finally collected. Total response rate is 58 %. Thereinto, 381 responses are from sub-sample of post-80s, and the rest 373 are from pre-80s sub-sample. The model built has been validated through a structural equation modeling process. This research finds that Chinese young generation carries values that are different from their elder generations. Moderation and harmony standard from traditional Chinese cultural require people to be impartial, not to go extremes, and seek most appropriate ways to solve problems by balancing every aspect. Moreover, traditional Chinese culture requires individuals to comply with authority in a structured society. This research provides an in-depth view on Chinese consumers' inner world and the value changes across generations. The results provide practical implications for marketers to apply cultural value concepts in marketing activities in China. Enterprises should ally with consumers in spiritual perspectivs and make concerted efforts to help consumers realize and practice the fundemental values that they endorse
Salvadore, Mathieu. "Effets du comportement virtuel sur le comportement physique du consommateur : le cas des usages du smartphone au cours d’un séjour touristique." Thesis, Nice, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015NICE0045/document.
Full textThe purpose of this research is to understand how the tourist uses his smartphone to discover a tourist destina- tion. We develop and test a model of use-diffusion of smartphone .We identify three categories of mobile services uses, orientation, organization and search for information located (SMOORIL). The model considers four deter- minants related to the personal characteristics of the tourist and 3 determinants related to the context of use. The consequences of these practices are identified for tourist experience and satisfaction with these services. The re- lationships between variables were examined using a structural equation modeling. Results of this research show that SMOORIL uses are mainly explained by smartphone daily uses. Need to disconnect has no effect on this kind of use. Also, if SMOORIL uses have a positive effect on tourism experience, the fact that tourists perceive effect of these practices on social dimension of tourism experience negatively affect satisfaction with SMOORIL. From a conceptual point of view, this work proposes a framework to analyzing relationships between virtual and physical consumer behavior. From a theoretical perspective, this research shows importance of studying uses to understand how the consumer uses smartphone to discover geographical space. Finally, this research invites professionals to reflect on the relevance of offer mobile services to tourists according to type of experience(s) offered by the destination
Ben, Said Lamjed. "Simulation multi - agent des comportements des consommateurs dans un contexte concurrentiel." Paris 6, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA066023.
Full textBereni, Delphine. "Politique mercatique et respect de l'environnement : Etude du comportement du consommateur face à la communication environnementale des entreprises." Corte, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004CORT1032.
Full textBecause of ecological and sanitary disasters, consumer's environmental concern is continuously developing. Nowadays, they wish to consume less agreeive products for nature. So, managers are aware of benefits realizable using environmental policy : becoming more "responsible" firms can improve their trade image and, consequently, their bottom line. The aim of this thesis is to explore consumer behaviour related to an environmental communication. To do so, an investigation was carried out : 520 data has been analyzed by means of factoriel examination (S. P. S. S. ) and structural equations (L. I. S. R. E. L. ). The results provide evidence that environmental communication has influence on consumer behavior. The heartening power of environmental communication's tools (publicity, design, seal, and allegations) is the principal argument explanatory of attention turned to environmental products. However, some individuals variables restrain the effect of environmental communication (particulary the geographical zone). As a conclusion, consumers are interesting by environmental communication : they want to have more information about products in order to fell reasured and to consume commodities according to their new expectations
Phothisane, Philippe. "Taxinomie du comportement de consommateurs par le suivi de la pose et du regard." Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066488.
Full textThis doctoral research is part of the O'Sell project, a collaboration between Eikeo and ISIR. The main objective is to develop three new computer vision tools aimed to be relevant for consumer behaviour analysis: a head pose tracker, an eye gaze tracker and an estimator of age and gender. Head pose tracking is used to measure consumer attention and to trigger other processes. Our method uses a 3D morphable model and a composite metric abling it to track down unknown faces. The tracking is tested on our motion capture video database. Its ground truth is extremely accurate (RMS 0,1°) and we thus measured our head pose tracker RMS errors: 2. 2° horizontally and 3. 6° vertically. Our remote eye gaze tracker measures the centre of attention more accurately than head pose tracking without any embedded device. The tracking is done with infrared corneal reflections. Although our eye tracker uses existing methods, it is operating in difficult conditions. The project's specifications require a wider angle compared to existing devices and forbids any cooperation from consumers. It is thus impossible to retrieve high resolution images of the eye or to individually calibrate the system to improve the accuracy. Despite these constraints, we obtain low RMS errors: 3. 7 horizontally and 4. 3 vertically. \vspace{0. 2cm} Our age and gender estimators categorize tracked consumers using a multi-scale description of the face. A single gender classifier and several age boundaries classifiers are learned on a large database (over 9000 images) collected over the internet. We obtain good results for automated gender recognition (over 90% on several databases) and automated age estimation (typical errors from 5 to 7 years depending on age and gender) on the 5000 images contained in the test database
Michaud-Trévinal, Aurélia. "Le comportement spatial des consommateurs : conceptualisation et exploration des parcours piétonniers de magasinage : le cas de l'équipement de la personne." Rennes 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004REN1G003.
Full textMassey, Camille. "Exploration des processus de choix des consommateurs intermittents d'aliments biologiques." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27257.
Full textOrganic food consumption has been on the rise for several years. Despite this growth, most organic food consumers remain intermittent, that is to say that their diet is only partly organic. While they are the bulk of organic consumers, they remain largely understudied and little is known about them. This exploratory research focuses on the reasons leading these consumers to opt in or out of the organic alternative. Out of 24 in-depth interviews, a restitution of the choice process is made. Results show that opting in favor of organic is directly linked to a problem identified by the respondent with the nonorganic offer, which varies depending on the type of food considered and enters in contradiction with the respondent’s values. The organic alternative is assessed based on the seriousness of the problem as perceived by the respondent, and by its ability to respond to the latter. Thus, organic is a characteristic of fluctuating importance for the same respondent depending on the food. As such, different coping strategies are displayed in case of unavailability of the organic alternative, ranging from refraining from consuming nonorganic food to giving in under certain conditions such as specific preparation techniques. This research shows the broad diversity of reasons why consumers opt in favor of organic alternatives. It also stresses the importance of considering nonorganic offer in order to understand intermittent consumers of organic food.
Lunardo, Renaud. "Le contrôle perçu du consommateur dans l'expérience de magasinage : proposition d'un cadre conceptuel et d'une mesure de son influence sur le comportement." Reims, 2007. http://theses.univ-reims.fr/exl-doc/GED00000635.pdf.
Full textSince the experiential paradigm, researchers in marketing have directed their attention to the influence of the retail store environment (music, scents, crowding. . . ) on consumer attitude and behavior. The research has reported the importance of atmospherics on affective and cognitive consumers’ responses. However, the effects of atmospherics on behavioral responses, particularly purchasing behavior, arise the question of the efficacy of atmospherics and of their perception by the shoppers in the retail store. Although considerable research has examined the impact of stimuli (S) on responses (R), the way organism (O) treats the environmental cues has been far less studied. But it could help to understand how retail atmospherics influence consumer’s attitude and behavior. We integrate therefore in this research the perceived control concept to understand how consumers interpret the atmsopherics they have to cope with in the retail store. Taken from the psychology, the perceived control concept refers to the individuals’ belief in their ability to influence events, to the sense that what a person is doing is dictated by him or her. From data collected in a laboratory setting and in a supermarket, we demonstrate that control consumers perceive while shopping influence positively their relationship to the store. This influence of perceived control is moderated by motivational orientations. On the contrary, no effect has been found out on purchasing behavior. To conclude, retailers should be interested in the way they use atmospherics in order to maintain the relationship they have with their consumers
Sabine, Reydet. "L'acte de cadeau à soi comme stratégie de régulation de l'humeur : application à la vente par correspondance." Grenoble 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999GRE2A003.
Full textAmar, Jacques. "De l'usager au consommateur de service public." Paris 9, 1999. https://bu.dauphine.psl.eu/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1999PA090002.
Full textFerrandi, Jean-Marc. "Les effets de la culture sur le comportement de consommation : complexité du concept et limites de la mesure." Nice, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994NICE0015.
Full textAfter having defined the concept of culture and analysed its different components from a litterature review of human sciences and consumer behavior, we on the one hand proposed a partial measure of culture from the feast rituals of south constantine inhabitants, and on the second hand worked on operating conclusions for enterprise environment
Bonnin, Gaël. "L'experience de magasinage : conceptualisation et exploration des rôles du comportement physique et de l'aménagement de l'espace." Dijon, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000DIJOE016.
Full textBelaud, Lydie. "Une approche ergonomique des sites marchands sur internet : de la perception au comportement des consommateurs." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00681182.
Full textTeillet, Eric. "Perception, préférence et comportement des consommateurs vis-à-vis d’eaux embouteillées et d’eaux du robinet." Dijon, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009DIJOS060.
Full textFor environmental and economic considerations, drinking tap water rather than bottled water is strongly advisable. But are the taste of tap waters and the taste of bottled waters the same? What are the tastes of water? What are the preferences of consumers among these tastes? And finally what are the keys of tap water consumption? The study of the perception of water highlighted three main tastes – bitter, tasteless, salty – linked to the total amount of minerals. Presented with no chlorine, the sensory space of tap waters is included in the larger space of bottled waters. These results enabled the development of a new sensory methodology (Polarized Sensory Positioning) which consists in comparing a sample of water to three references chosen as prototypes of these three main tastes. Three main preference profiles have been determined: most consumers prefer waters with medium mineralization with no particular taste, another cluster likes low mineralized waters, bitter and metallic and finally a small percentage of the population seems to like waters with a pronounced taste, whatever bitter or salty. These preference profiles have been partly explained by the living place and consumer behaviors toward drinking water. Nevertheless, more than the preferences, the image of tap water seems to be the most important factor of consumer’s behavior. The keys of tap water consumption would be communication and education of consumers
Lallement, Jeanne Zollinger Monique. "Les effets de la pression temporelle sur le traitement des informations et le comportement d'achat." S. l. : S. n, 2008. http://theses.abes.fr/2008TOUR1003.
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