Academic literature on the topic 'Comportement de chasse'
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Journal articles on the topic "Comportement de chasse"
De Proft, Antoine. "“Au feu, à la cloche et au filet”." Reinardus / Yearbook of the International Reynard Society 29 (December 31, 2017): 99–119.
Full textGuinet, Christophe. "Comportement de chasse des orques (Orcinus orca) autour des îles Crozet." Canadian Journal of Zoology 70, no. 9 (September 1, 1992): 1656–67.
Full textSimon, Scott, and Catherine Broué. "Émissaires des ancêtres." Anthropologie et Sociétés 39, no. 1-2 (May 25, 2015): 179–99.
Full textSot, Michel. "Hérédité royale et pouvoir sacré avant 987." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 43, no. 3 (June 1988): 705–33.
Full textSimon, Scott. "Penser avec des oiseaux." Anthropologie et Sociétés 42, no. 2-3 (October 5, 2018): 151–69.
Full textLHOEST, Simon. "Biodiversité et services écosystémiques en forêts tropicales : le rôle des affectations des terres forestières dans la région du Dja, Cameroun." BOIS & FORETS DES TROPIQUES 345 (November 2, 2020): 105–6.
Full textPÉPIN, D. "Bilan critique des opérations de repeuplement en petit gibier." INRAE Productions Animales 6, no. 4 (October 28, 1993): 269–75.
Full textAcier, Didier. "L’addiction comme rempart à la dépression." psychologie clinique, no. 48 (2019): 40–49.
Full textWillis, Pascal, Bruce Haines, Jean-Paul Berthias, Pierre Sengenes, and Jean-Louis Le Mouël. "Comportement de l'oscillateur DORIS/Jason au passage de l'anomalie sud-atlantique." Comptes Rendus Geoscience 336, no. 9 (July 2004): 839–46.
Full textAmitrano, David. "Émergence de la complexité dans un modèle simple de comportement mécanique des roches." Comptes Rendus Geoscience 336, no. 6 (April 2004): 505–12.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Comportement de chasse"
Laplanche, Christophe Motsch Jean-François. "Étude par acoustique passive du comportement de chasse du grand cachalot." Créteil : Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne, 2007.
Full textVersion électronique uniquement consultable au sein de l'Université Paris 12 (Intranet). Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. : 99 réf.
Laplanche, Christophe. "Étude par acoustique passive du comportement de chasse du grand cachalot." Paris 12, 2005.,exact,990003943000204611&vid=upec.
Full textThe sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is a toothed whale, and mainly feed on meso-bathy-pelagic squid and fish. The sperm whale foraging behavior is still the most puzzling. This PhD work describes three passive acoustic methods to study the foraging behavior of free-ranging sperm whales. Such methods require only a single hydrophone. The first method is used to localize sperm whales in depth and range. Such a method has already been used in bioacoustics. It is here used in a medium of varying speed of sound. Using a Monte Carlo method makes possible the rough 3D reconstruction of sperm whale trajectories. The second method is used to measure inclination to the horizontal of diving sperm whales. The third method is used to detect and measure the roll, pitch, yaw movements of diving sperm whales. The latter method required the standard model describing the acoustic generator of the sperm whale to be corrected. All methods have been tested on recordings made with the research team in the Mediterranean Sea. Such results show that sperm whales do not forage in an opportunistic way. Sperm whales follow a methodic foraging technique. Such results and methods are new. One can apply these methods using a very simple apparatus (a single hydrophone)
Hanuise, Nicolas. "Stratégies de chasse chez le manchot royal : prise alimentaire et optimisation du comportement de plongée." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2011.
Full textZimmer, Cédric. "Impact d’un dérangement sur la balance énergétique, le comportement et la reproduction d’Anatidés : généralisation du compromis entre le risque de jeûne et le risque de prédation." Strasbourg, 2010.
Full textA major trade-off birds have to deal with is the one related to the starvation-predation risk. This trade-off predicts that, to limit effects of risk, birds should maintain their body mass as low as possible when predation risk is high. However, the main results on that trade-off only come from studies on small passerines birds having a low level of body reserves. Moreover, such studies are generally limited to an energetic approach. Thus, the main aim of this study was to generalize this theory by checking whether it may apply to large species that developed different body reserves management strategies than passerines. In addition, this work takes into account the effect of a high predation risk on a greater number of factors and at different integrative levels to have a better understanding of the underlying adjustments. To do so, predation risk was experimentally increased in three ducks species which body mass and body reserves are at least three times higher than in the largest passerines. Body mass, body reserves, food intake, stress and sexual hormones, immune factors and time-budget variations were measured. Long-term effects on reproductive success were also assessed. We showed that the starvation-predation risk trade-off applies to ducks and may probably be extended to all bird species. Moreover, it appears that, in our conditions, an elevated predation risk during the wintering period did not have long-term negative effect on ducks’ reproductive success. Finally, we highlighted that advantageous complex physiological and behavioural adjustments (not only directly based on energetics) occurred in order to respond efficiently to the increase in predation risk
Duranel, Arnaud. "Effets de l'ingestion de plombs de chasse sur le comportement alimentaire et la condition corporelle du canard colvert (Anas platyrhynchos)." Phd thesis, Ecole nationale vétérinaire de Nantes, 1999.
Full textCrosmary, William. "La chasse aux trophées : conséquences comportementales, démographiques, et évolutives chez les populations d’ongulés : l’exemple des ongulés des savanes africaines." Thesis, Université Laval, 2012.
Full textTolon, Vincent. "Du processus de sélection d'habitat à la survie des proies dans le paysage du risque : implications pour l'exploitation de la faune sauvage." Chambéry, 2010.
Full textThis work studies interrelations between ultimate and proximal aspect of habitat selection strategies in the landscape of risk of a game species, the wild boar Sus scrofa L. , known to be source of numerous management troubles in Europe. To initiate this work we highlighted the necessity of a good fit between telemetry tools, statistical analyses and biological question when studying habitat selection on free ranging animals. Following works therefore rely on telemetric locations dataset performed on wild boar living in the vicinity of a protected area of the Geneva basin (France, Switzerland), and on GPS tracking of hunting dogs. First, we showed that shifts of activity centres in response to daily and seasonal risk variations were the highest in the vicinity of the protected areas, and reflected therefore the underlying scaling structure of the landscape of risk. Then we showed that the progressive dissociation of both wild boar and hunting dogs' multivariate habitat selection patterns led to a switch of mortality from adults to younger age classes when adults found refuge in the protected perimeter. Then, we showed that individuals selected directly, by moving between consecutive resting sites, the lowest hunted areas even if no hunting occurred at dawn when animals performed this habitat choice. This suggested the use of indirect information or a memorisation of risk levels from wild boar. Through the light of these results, we finally showed how the use of a moderate harvesting pressure, combined with the creation of a perceptual bias about risk levels in animals, could help to restore the control of population escaping from harvesting in refuges
Gerbe, Magali. "Économie alimentaire et environnement en Quercy au Paléolithique : étude des assemblages fauniques de la séquence des Fieux (Lot)." Aix-Marseille 1, 2010.
Full textLebel, François. "Relations entre les attributs de l'habitat, le comportement des chasseurs et la récolte de cerfs de Virginie (Odocoileus Virginianus) à l'île d'Anticosti." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Full textTillon, Laurent. "Utilisation des gîtes et des terrains de chasse par les chiroptères forestiers, propositions de gestion conservatoire." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015.
Full textThe forest is the center of many interests that fuel the debates of our society. These debates are particularly exacerbated since the french " Grenelle de l'Environnement " in 2008. Among the various expectations, forest produce wood that is the subject of attentions, both by an increased demand for certain types of trees and by the naturalist world which sees in it one of last refuges for biodiversity in our modified landscapes. Thus, if the forest manager is trying to develop a management that is as much multifunctional as possible, it remains dependent on fragmented knowledge on the link between biodiversity and the forest ecosystem. Despite the establishment of a conservation policy that seeks to balance timber production and species preservation, the way to conduct such a policy is based on concrete field experiences yet scientifically unsubstantiated. Bats are good candidate species to study the response of biodiversity to forest management: they select networks of tree-roosts in which they form breeding colonies composed of several dozen individuals and they exploit forest habitats to hunt their prey, prey which themselves depend on forest microhabitats. However, their study is recent in forest and provides very vague management guidelines. To help managers implement a conservation management strategy, we thus studied the behavior of forest usage by three species of gleaning bats, Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis nattereri and Plecotus auritus. This work required to focus on the methods available to understand the use of space by each individual (home range) and how each individual selects its hunting habitats. We showed that each species had a unique response to available habitats and that the status of individuals (sex, age and reproductive status) intervenes in explaining the selection of tree roosts and hunting grounds. Both compartments are constrained by the availability of suitable habitat, helping to explain the structuring of habitat selection factors and the shape and surface of individual home ranges. Furthermore, the way networks of tree-roost are used partly explains the types of roosts selected. These different results means that it is necessary to lay down specific management strategies for each species, even each breeding colony. Finally, we studied the role of deadwood to explain the presence of bats in forests. We have shown that species richness increased from standing deadwood of 25m3 per hectare, while the response of species to deadwood was mainly restricted to forest habitat structure produced by the gaps resulting from the deadwood patch, favoring particularly edge-foraging species. Some species do however clearly benefit from insects emerging from deadwood. Five recommendations are proposed for the conservation of these species in a context of strong wood production
Books on the topic "Comportement de chasse"
Lajoux, Jean-Dominique. L' homme et l'ours. Grenoble: Glénat, 1996.
Find full textProchaska, James O. Changing for good: A revolutionary six-stage program for overcoming bad habits and moving your life positively forward. New York: Avon Books, 1995.
Find full textProchaska, James O. Changing for good. New York: Avon Books, 1995.
Find full text1957-, Norcross John C., and DiClemente Carlo C, eds. Changing for good. New York: Quill, 2002.
Find full text1957-, Norcross John C., and DiClemente Carlo C, eds. Changing for good: The revolutionary program that explains the six stages of change and teaches you how to free yourself from bad habits. New York: W. Morrow, 1994.
Find full textProchaska, James O. Changing for good. New York: HarperCollins, 2006.
Find full textProchaska, James O. Changing for good. New York: Avon Books, 1994.
Find full textRiding the waves of change: Developing managerial competencies for a turbulent world. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1988.
Find full textBarbarians to bureaucrats: Corporate life cycle strategies : lessons from the rise and fall of civilizations. New York: C.N. Potter, 1989.
Find full textChoisir de changer: Neuf stratégies gagnantes. Montréal: Chenelière-Éducation, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Comportement de chasse"
Bodelet, Céline, and Aurélie Gauchet. "La vaccination contre la grippe chez les professionnels de santé travaillant en établissement." In Pratiques et interventions en psychologie de la santé, 49–62. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full text"Qu’est-ce qu’un comportement instable apériodique ?" In La théorie du chaos en images, 15. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Qu’est-ce qu’un comportement instable apériodique ?" In La théorie du chaos en images, 15. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textSerwach, Małgorzata. "La question de la faute inassurable dans les relations d’assurance." In La responsabilité civile en France et en Pologne. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2016.
Full textBOUHJITI, David, Julien BAROTH, and Frédéric DUFOUR. "Propagation d’incertitudes à l’échelle de structures de génie civil vieillissantes." In Ingénierie mécanique en contexte incertain, 91–119. ISTE Group, 2021.
Full text"Des questions de comportement à long terme." In La théorie du chaos en images, 25. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"Des questions de comportement à long terme." In La théorie du chaos en images, 25. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textDepierre, Germaine. "Chapitre XI. Comportements funéraires originaux des chasséens du niveau 7 de la Redoute au Camp de Chassey." In Le camp de Chassey (Chassey-le-Camp, Saône-et-Loire), 439–57. ARTEHIS Éditions, 2005.
Full textTanaka, H., F. Rito, M. Tanaka, and N. Ohmukai. "Change in microstructure of Pleistocene clays due to one-dimensional consolidation." In Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials / Comportement Des Sols Et Des Roches Tendres. Taylor & Francis, 2003.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Comportement de chasse"
Levacher, Daniel, Salim Mezazigh, Eric Vasselin, and Jean-Michel Sevin. "Instrumentation et comportement de pieux d'accostage sous faible charge horizontale." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 1996.
Full textRoume, M., S. Azogui-Lévy, G. Lescaille, V. Descroix, and J. Rochefort. "Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en pathologie de la muqueuse buccale des chirurgiens-dentistes en France, enquête nationale." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textMaizeray, S., H. Herry, G. Valette, and S. Boisramé. "Innovation dans la communication et la gestion du stress en chirurgie orale : méthode d’analyse ProcessCom®." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
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