Academic literature on the topic 'Compliance (droit)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Compliance (droit)"
Fasterling, Bjorn. "Criminal compliance – Les risques d’un droit pénal du risque." Revue internationale de droit économique XXX, no. 2 (2016): 217.
Full textChacornac, Jérôme. "La « compliance »: conquête ou aveu de faiblesse de l’État de droit?" Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio iuridica 61 (2022): 69–79.
Full textMbang Essono, Désiré Aurèle. "The Judge and The Right of Preemption Land in Cameroon." African Journal of Law, Political Research and Administration 4, no. 1 (May 14, 2021): 52–69.
Full textPigeon, Louis-Philippe. "L'effectivité des décisions de justice en droit public interne [constitutionnel]." Notes – Effectivité des décisions de justice 26, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 995–1003.
Full textSeck, Sara L. "TRANSNATIONAL JUDICIAL AND NON-JUDICIAL REMEDIES FOR CORPORATE HUMAN RIGHTS HARMS: CHALLENGES OF AND FOR LAW." Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 31, no. 1 (February 1, 2013): 177.
Full textGidoin, Anne-Sophie. "L« étape préalable » dans le nouveau droit de larbitrage et de la médiation OHADA." ASA Bulletin 36, Issue 3 (September 1, 2018): 578–96.
Full textBachmann, Sascha-Dominik, and Peter Galvin. "Pre-Trial Detention and Control Orders Under British Anti-Terror Legislation Post 9/11: Balancing a Need for Security with the European Convention on Human Rights – An Overview." Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 28, no. 1 (February 1, 2010): 185.
Full textBourdoncle, Emmanuel. "La conciliation des mesures sanitaires prises par les États avec l’application du droit diplomatique." Annuaire français de droit international 66, no. 1 (2020): 71–85.
Full textRaad, Mazen. "Affaire Hillis c Canada (PG) : la Cour fédérale juge conforme au droit interne le dispositif décrié." Revue générale de droit 46, no. 2 (January 11, 2017): 473–501.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Compliance (droit)"
Mahnhold, Thilo. "Compliance und Arbeitsrecht : insiderrechtliche Verhaltenskonzepte im nationalen und multinationalen Unternehmen /." Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 2004.
Full textLequet, Pierre. "L'ordre public environnemental et le contrat de droit privé." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Full textProtection of the environment and the contract appear to be sometimes contradictory, sometimes complementary. As a legal instrument for economic activities, the contract contributes to the ecological crisis. This crisis threatens the sustainability of the conditions for a life developed on earth for present and future generations. The objective of sustainable development requires the construction of an environmental public policy to control the conformity of the private law contract with the conservation of the environmental interest.Inducing the existence of an environmental public policy from the multitude of mandatory environmental protection rules, we propose a general theory of environmental public policy and its articulation with the private law contract.The latter reveals that while the validity of the private law contract is conditional on compliance with environmental public policy, the proper implementation of environmental public policy is conditional on recognition of the environmental function of the contract
Lehne, Jens. "Constitutional compliance : a game-theoretic analysis /." Berne : Staempfli [u.a.], 2004.
Full textBonnigal, Agathe. "Compliance et soft law en matière bancaire et financière." Thesis, Nantes, 2021.
Full textThe soft law norms, rules or principles defined as non-binding acts emanating from public authorities as well as private actors, allow us to understand what is commonly called in French law the droit souple.Traditionnally excluded from the panoply of formal sources of law, soft law norms are most often relegated to the rank of sources born of practice. However, in view of the numerous legal effects they produce and the variety of their manifestations, it is reasonable to think that the soft law norms from which compliance originates have real usefulness in regulating banking and financing activity. The relevance of using soft law as a tool for designing compliance and regulation in the banking and financial sector will thus be the subject of our reflection in the first part of that thesis. After demonstrating the diversification of sources in the normative framework of banking and financial activities, we will analyze the history of regulation. In this respect, we will examine the integration of soft law into the internal legal system. We will then extend our reflection by looking more closely at the practice of compliance, which conceals a complex normative arsenal and ethical obligations aimed at protecting banking and financial institutions against any risk of non-compliance. Therefore, we will attempt to measure the effectiveness of the normative system of regulation in defending private interests but also national issues and determine the progress still to be made to combat its shortcomings. To do this, we will focus in the second part of that thesis on compliance as an expression of the normative densification of soft law in banking and finance
Fournier, Aurore. "La réception juridique en droit privé." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2010.
Full textIn an adversarial context, the acceptance of performance declares free of conformity defects and free of apparent defects the subject and performance of the service characteristic of the contract or a service essential to its performance. The regulated expression of will developing a divestitive effect and a creating effect makes its qualification as a legal act genuine. As a fundamental step in the contractual performance, this mechanism used in several conventions and several fields ensures a balanced protection of each participant's interests, meaning on one side a release and on the other side a verification. The disclosure of a general law of the acceptance of performance, which implies the definition of the concept and its constituent elements, the determination of its consequences and the confirmation of its qualification as a legal act, prompts to more strictness in the use of the acceptance of performance to preserve the balance its ensures
Diaw, N'Deye Fatou. "Programmes de compliance et groupes internationaux de sociétés : étude de droit de la concurrence." Thesis, Nantes, 2020.
Full textWhat is the place of compliance in competition law? This is essentially what the study of compliance programs within international groups of companies responds to. These groups are constantly pushing back the frontiers in their conquest of markets. Only, this conquest at a price, that of respect for standards . Thus, international groups have, a priori, an interest in adopting compliance pro grams in order to ensure the good behaviour of the entire group. In competition law, the adoption of these programs is voluntary. In this respect, competition - compliance differs from other areas of compliance which emanate from a legal obligation. In this context, what are the advantages of compliance programs for international groups of companies? This interest is measured in particular by the context of the adoption of these programs and the economic unity consecrated in competition law. Furthermore, the implementation of a compliance program presents a challenge resulting from the inherent complexity of international groups and a heterogeneous international legal environment. Certainly, compliance is of interest for market protection as w ell as for international groups of companies. Consequently, form the institutional desire for international groups to adopt compliance mechanisms , result the need for the establishment of a precise legal framework relating to the vigilance of parent companies through compliance programs
Jaune, Renaud. "Le droit et la régulation des prix de transfert." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018.
Full textThis doctoral thesis deals with the tax aspects of transfer pricing. ln the context of a globalized economy where the transfer pricing policies and legislations are at stake, it raises the question whether proper instruments of regulation can be set, and if the law is the adequate tool to that end.Indeed, numerous people consider that the major disorders in the regulation of transfer pricing stem from the Arm's Length Principle itself, due to its lack of economic precision and the absence of a global authority against harmful tax competition.To address the issue, we assume that there is more to the Ann's Length Principle than its common definition. Indeed, we show that it can be considered as part of a universal law aimed at neutralizing the effects of the tax differences in the international economic exchange. Such an assumption provides for a criterium to assess the quality of national legislations as well as the relevance of the groups' transfer pricing policies.By analyzing the French legislation and case law, we show that a thorough implementation of the Ann's Length Principle implies not only to copy article 9 § 1 the convention models, but more generally to capture its content and essence by setting the conditions for a proper cooperation between actors. We also explain the relationship between the lacks in the regulation of transfer pricing and the process of setting new rules that takes place around the world, describing the rationale of the BEPS plan and of the various limitations and compliance obligations that Governments impose to the taxpayers. Lastly, we show that building a national legislation with reference to the universal Ann's Length Principle implies a true partnership between the Government and all stakeholders, paving the way to a new manner of debating the law
Dreyfus, Laurent. "Le renouveau de la fiscalité des entreprises à l'épreuve de l'internationalisation de l'économie." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2023.
Full textThe economy has become globalized and digitalized, particularly in the digital domain. The apprehension of this change by public and private actors was achieved through the construction of a new legal order which is the result of the permeability of the various national legal systems, of a dialogue of judges which translates a real dialogue Rights. While at the origin of the internal market an objective of efficiency dominated which resulted in negative integration, an objective of equity took place highlighting the problem of the distribution of taxation between the Member States.This new objective has reshuffled the cards of international and European taxation. It leaves room for regulation of which CSR and compliance are obvious manifestations in our law which take shape at the institutional level through control of the AAI (Competition Authority) and through the influence of soft law.The phenomenon of “legal chrysalidation” concerns significant precepts and offers new guarantees for taxpayers: a “metalegal” ethical rule in the process of being incorporated into the legal order. Hence the renewal of sources in tax law, the problem of relations between the tax judge and the new context already mentioned of tax regulation which disturbs the tax legal order, the erosion of the Kelsen pyramid this which leads to a new, murky and more complex tax order.Furthermore, we cannot make a company mobile between two Member States without taking an interest in tax law and company law. The study concerns the renewal of the sources of tax law but also the substantive law of the Union as well as the procedural law resulting from the dialogue of judges made possible thanks to the preliminary question. It should be remembered that the preliminary question makes it possible to discuss the interpretation or validity of the national standard applied to the taxpayer. Many French anti-abuse measures have been called into question when confronted with international tax conventions concluded with France or with European jurisprudence.The harmonization of these matters was carried out by law.Before initiating this reflection, it is necessary to note the competition between the legal systems of the Member States and note the relative attractiveness of the French territory in contract law and arbitration.Thus the process of Europeanization is both material and institutional. The influence of European case law is considerable. It reinforces the positions of the Commission and influences national courts.We are observing a relaxation of the national rule, an adaptation of the latter with business strategy, a necessary condition for revitalizing the market. This reflection is carried out in conjunction with a renewal of sources.Finally, it is a general reflection on the policy of Union law and more particularly on European competition policy
Desprairies, Armand. "La décision implicite d'acceptation en droit administratif français." Thesis, Paris 1, 2019.
Full textThe Law of 12 November 2013 enshrines the principle that "silence equals consent" in the French administration. Until then, the opposite was the rule: for more than a century, the silence of an administrative unit when solicited has meant dismissal of the request. This revolutionary principle has been presented by the Government as an efficient mean to streamline the relationship between the administration and its constituents and fight administrative inertia. The doctrinal opinion, however, has been quite suspicious about it. The critics focused on its scope, efficiency and relevancy. The determination of when this new principle is applicable fits partially into the critic, as there are numerous exceptions to the rule "silence equals consent". Despite its consecration as Law, the principle of implicit acceptance remains limited to specific matters. Then we should rather regard it as a partial principle, or even embrace the idea of two rival interpretations of the silence of the administration. Finally, the implementation of that principle relies strongly on how proactive the administration is. The legal regime of implicit acceptance is stuck between the general scheme of administrative decision and more specific rules, which makes it partially ill-adapted. The 2013 reform therefore shows mixed results, but the mechanism of implicit acceptance is still a step forward. It is a crucial lever to a wide-range reform of the administrative action
Zeidan, Zeina. "Analyse de la place des sukuk en droit français." Thesis, Paris 2, 2019.
Full textThe sukuk are deemed to be a sui generis type of securities, because they supposedly represent a right of ownership on the underlying asset in the interest of their holders. This right of ownership is transmitted through the structuring of the sukuk that allows the junction between its constitutive contracts. However, the classic Islamic law defined the term ownership as the right of use of an asset that entitles the owner for its civil fruits. In addition, the AAOIFI standard 17 does not give the owner a right of disposal of the asset ratio that his securities represent. It also stipulates, that the underlying asset remains attached to the sukuk until the end of the operation. This highlights the collateral role fulfilled by the ownership right of the sukuk holders.Pursuant to the sukuk issue contract, all of the sukuk owners have a personal right against the issuer for the payment of the asset income, held and managed by the latter in their interest. Besides that, asset-backed sukuk which underlying asset is held by the issuer grant their holders a right to the asset performance income during the operation, as well as its proceeds at the sukuk maturity if applicable. Therefore, the sukuk have the bonds’ features as they are defined by the French legislative and case law. Consequently, the sukuk can be issued in France under the bonds’ form and regime either on the domestic or international level, if applicable
Books on the topic "Compliance (droit)"
Canada, Law Reform Commission of. Policy implementation, compliance, and administrative law. Ottawa, Canada: The Commission, 1986.
Find full textPolicy implementation, compliance and administrative law. Ottawa: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1986.
Find full textPhyper, John-David. The handbook of environmental compliance in Ontario. 2nd ed. Whitby, Ont: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1994.
Find full textPhyper, John-David. The handbook of environmental compliance in Ontario. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1991.
Find full textConference, Canadian Council on International Law. Fostering compliance in international law =: Promouvoir la conformité au droit international. Ottawa: Canadian Council on International Law, 1996.
Find full textMarchetti, Anne M. Beyond Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2005.
Find full textCompliance guide for 501(c)(3) private foundations. Memphis, TN]: [Books LLC], 2011.
Find full textDinah, Shelton, ed. Commitment and compliance: The role of non-binding norms in the international legal system. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Compliance (droit)"
Plane, Eugénie. "Le droit de la compliance : quel bénéfice pour l’entreprise ?" In Tétranormalisation : profusion des normes et développement des entreprises, 174–83. EMS Editions, 2020.
Full textChaiehloudj, Walid. "La competition by design : un outil de compliance au service des entreprises et... des autorités de concurrence ?" In L'entreprise et l'intelligence artificielle - Les réponses du droit, 517–38. Presses de l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2022.
Full text"Chapter 16. Compliance With Human Rights Norms Extraterritorially: ‘Human Rights Imperialism’?" In International Law and the Quest for its Implementation. Le droit international et la quête de sa mise en oeuvre, 315–44. Brill | Nijhoff, 2010.
Full text"From the Hague to Bonn to Marrakesh and Beyond: A Negotiating History of the Compliance Regime under the Kyoto Protocol." In Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de la Haye de droit International, Vol. 14 (2001), 25–54. Brill | Nijhoff, 2002.
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