Academic literature on the topic 'Compétences cognitives et compétences conatives'
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Journal articles on the topic "Compétences cognitives et compétences conatives"
Oubrayrie, Nathalie, and Odette Lescarret. "Pratiques éducatives, estime de soi et compétences cognitives." Spirale. Revue de recherches en éducation 20, no. 1 (1997): 7–24.
Full textBrien, Robert, Jacqueline Bourdeau, and Johanne Rocheleau. "L’interactivité dans l’apprentissage : la perspective des sciences cognitives." Articles 25, no. 1 (October 17, 2007): 17–34.
Full textGuimard, Philippe. "Représentation de l'écrit et compétences cognitives en fin de maternelle." Enfance 50, no. 4 (1997): 469–82.
Full textFoucher, Roland, and Aziz Rhnima. "Les référentiels de compétences comme outils de gestion : concilier les apports déterministes et constructivistes." Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations 73, no. 4 (March 6, 2019): 814–39.
Full textPellerin, Martine. "L’usage des technologies numériques pour le développement de compétences multimodales en littératie au 21e siècle." Éducation et francophonie 45, no. 2 (February 27, 2018): 85–106.
Full textDechauffour, Guillaume. "La construction mutuelle du sujet et du monde. La méthode génétique et l’hypothèse de la récapitulation chez Piaget et Trần Đức Thảo." Histoire Epistémologie Langage 42, no. 2 (2020): 35–47.
Full textVan Der Yeught, Corinne, and Line Bergery. "Quelles compétences de l’entrepreneuriat social et solidaire transférer vers la petite entreprise responsable ?1." Revue internationale P.M.E. 25, no. 3-4 (September 17, 2013): 155–94.
Full textFrisou, Jean. "Confiance interpersonnelle et engagement : Une réorientation béhavioriste." Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 15, no. 1 (March 2000): 63–80.
Full textBepmale, Nathalie. "Évaluer et certifier les compétences professionnelles des élèves avec troubles des fonctions cognitives." La nouvelle revue de l'adaptation et de la scolarisation 74, no. 2 (2016): 89.
Full textTroncin, Thierry. "Se professionnaliser dans un dispositif de formation spécialisée." Phronesis 2, no. 4 (February 5, 2014): 70–80.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Compétences cognitives et compétences conatives"
Chavoshi, Monfared Leila. "L’impact des dispositifs de formation sur le fonctionnement des personnes âgées : Évaluation de l’efficacité d’apprentissage de types formels et non formels sur les compétences cognitives et conatives des personnes âgées saines." Thesis, Mulhouse, 2017.
Full textThis research consists of estimating, among the various types of learnings, the one which seems the most adapted to elderly and determining the factors which influence their learning. Two questions guide this research: the evaluation and the analysis of the training devices. The first deals with finding among these formal and non-formal types of learning devices the ones which are the most effective in terms of increasing the cognitive and conative competencies of these people. In our opinion, the most effective devices for the elderly adults are the ones who allow the highest social link and interpersonal exchanges. The latter consists of understanding if the formal and non formal modes of learning include the same types of learners. We emphasize the characterization of the public, the definition of their needs for learning and the characterization of the learning situations. The formal learning of type is observed through memory training workshop and the non formal type through discussion training workshop. 45 elderly people from 62 to 87 years of age participated in this study. The evaluation of the specific cognitive skills consists of cognitive testing and scales: the measuring of the working and short-term memory (verbal memory tests), the selective attention and the reasoning capacities. The conative skills are estimated through self-efficacy, motivation, apprenance, life satisfaction and well-being. To do it, we chose a mixed method, a combination of the qualitative and quantitative method in which five techniques of data collection will be studied: the interview, the tasks, the scales and the observation. At the end of the training, a questionnaire of satisfaction was done. The results of this study show that a certain decline is observed on the level of the motivation and the life satisfaction of the participants of the “discussion group”. Thus, the non formal type of learning does not allow to increase the conative performances of the participants. But, the training workshops based on the principle of non formal learning type are more favorable in social exchanges than memory training workshops because they allow people to have a better social integration. The “memory group” maintains its level of cognitive and conative performances during six months of trainings, what can confirm the benefits of the cognitive trainings by means of the memory workshops functioning on the principle of the formal learning type. Concerning the participants of the “control group”, functioning on the basis of the informal learning type, we observe an increase of self-efficacy and memory
Mayer-Crittenden, Chantal E. "Compétences linguistiques et cognitives des enfants bilingues en situation linguistique minoritaire." Thesis, Laurentian University of Sudbury, 2013.
Full textManin, Serge. "Psychopathologie et intégration scolaire : de l’évaluation des compétences cognitives à l’accompagnement thérapeutique." Thesis, Lyon 2, 2009.
Full textChild psychiatry is at present crossed by an important debate: whereas its project has generally been to support the work of subjectivation of the children entrusted in its care, today its approach is challenged by the return of classical medical models which experience a renewal of interest thanks to the research carried out into neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Inside this debate, the discussion essentially revolves around the conceptions that lie under the interpretation of the disorders, from a controversy that brings again into play the opposition psychogenesis / organogenesis, curability / incurability of the mental disorders in the children’s. Our approach falls within the scope of a system which is in charge of the support and care of children who are benefiting from integration into specialised classes of state education schools. These children show important personality and behavioural problems which are part of “psychotic disharmonies” or “evolution disharmonies” combined with backwardness. In this work, it is expected that the intellectual development retardation corresponds to apparently deficient pictures which are the products of cognitive constraints exercised by the psychopathological processes at work in these nosographic contexts. Bringing to the fore preserved cognitive abilities among these children, who in other respects show deficient profiles, would enable to specify the disharmonic component of the development disorders and shed new light on the nature of these disorders. Moreover observing cognitive profiles, more or less specific to each nosographic entity concerned, could reveal the links of continuity between the cognitive processes and psychic processes, and bring to light cognitive constraints which are characteristic of the underlying psychopathological processes. This approach would enables to back up our reflections upon the care project thanks to a thorough knowledge of the links between psychic processes and cognitive processes
Semah-Saada, Corinne. "Tutorat, TICE et développement des compétences cognitives chez des enfants porteurs de handicap." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012.
Full textThe thesis is based on a socio-constructivist approach of the functioning and the development of the cognitive system. Two main aims are pursued: 1) to explain the effects of an asymmetric situation in which an expert must help a novice in performing a task with the computer as a work too l; 2) to show the beneficial role of cognitive-linguistic exchanges on the acquisition of new knowledge and new cognitive skills among tutees. Our main hypothesis is that the activities of supervision and guidance in solving a task using the computer as a work tool promote both the development of skills in practical computer and academic school knowledge. Three experimental devices have been organised. In each experiment, asymmetrical dyads were placed in a situational context of tutoring: an expert (pupil attending a regular classroom) should help a novice in performing a task with a computer, without solving the task himself. Tutored novices are children with learning difficulties in school, followed by RASED, attending a CLIS and/or carrying handicap(s). In all three experiments the results highlight of progress among novices, validating our assumptions. One can deduce that the activity of supervision and guidance have helped the novices, through the transmission of knowledge, the acquisition of new skills and so the (re) organisation of their cognitive system. Our explanatory hypothesis is that it is the cognitive-linguistic exchanges tutor-tutee that allowed both partners to build intersubjectivity through semiotic mediation achieved during the time of working together
Corneloup, Valentin. "Apprentissage et évaluation des compétences de conduite de haut niveau en réalité virtuelle : utilisation des simulateurs de conduite pour mesurer et développer les compétences perceptives et cognitives des conducteurs novices." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2019.
Full textThe main objective of this work is to gather knowledge about how higher order driving skills are acquired during first times of autonomous driving, as well as of how virtual reality and simulation tools can be used for assessment and learning of those skills fornovice drivers. Access to driving is an important step toward emancipation for young adults. However, young drivers are 3 to 4 times more likely to die in a car accident compared to older drivers (McCartt, Shabanova, & Leaf, 2003). This higher risk decreases rapidly during the first 6 to 8 months, or thousand of miles of autonomous driving (Gregersen et al., 2000; McCartt et al., 2003). During those first times, novice drivers would acquire safety and efficiency crucial higher order driving skills (Hatakka et al., 2002). Higher Order Driving skills include perceptive and cognitive skills that are necessary for assessment of (perception, comprehension, projection) and decision making in, normal and/or risky driving situations (Deery, 1999). Those skills are by far the most involved in novice drivers' higher risk (Braitman et al., 2008). Plus, they are quite overlooked during driver training (Assailly, 2013, 2016). Three studies have been conducted for our objective. A first paradigme uses semi-directed interviews with novice drivers (study 1) to show that perceptive and cognitive skills are acquired through a "learning by doing" process during the first moments of autonomous driving. Characteristics of involved situations include dynamic, complex and somewhat unexpected events. A second paradigm including a full-scale simulator and oculometry (study 2), uses this kind of situations to assess drivers perceptive and cognitive skills. Results show the importance of context in skills measurements. Indeed, different types of situations involve different types of perceptive and cognitive skills. Results also identify novel indicators of skills acquisition that permits precise measurements of decision-making driving skills. A last paradigm uses a medium-fidelity simulator to compare two learning protocols of perceptive and cognitive skills. Results show that simple, immediate retroactions, using textual explanations of learning situations, are effective for skills improvement. Based on these results, recommendations will be produced to improve driving simulator's efficiency for training. On a theoretical standpoint, this work first increases knowledge about learning mechanisms of higher order driving skills. Second, this work also suggests several updates of perceptive and cognitive skills models
Bergère, Amandine. "Langues en contact : compétences cognitives et contraintes scripturales : la formation linguistique des résidents chinois à Paris." Paris 5, 2008.
Full textThis dissertation identifies which criteria, among adult Chinese residents of Paris, are determinant in their choice of language learning structures. In the first instance, we show how this public will seldom turn to learning structures specialized in the field of French as a Foreign Language or adult literacy. Then, we demonstrate how, although literate in Chinese, these learners will favor structures that offer an initiation into the alphabetic principle. Finally, we explore the process through which the alphabetic principle is assimilated in learning a foreign language: process envisaged in terms of the development of a writing intersystem. In turn, the evolution of such a process will depend essentially on the command of cognitive skills necessary for the manipulation of infrasyllabalic phonological units. In conclusion, we note that the teaching curricula offered by those structures as favored by adult Chinese students will help them develop their writing intersystem rapidly
Frenkel, Stéphanie. "Évaluation des compétences cognitives, langagières et mnésiques des personnes trisomiques 21 : pour une conception intégrative du retard mental." Amiens, 2004.
Full textLying within the scope of the integrative theories of mental retardation, this research studies the processes of memorizing used by people with Down's syndrome and more particularly, the strategy of active rehearsal. From this point of view, we undertook three research studies aiming at evaluating the impact of the modifications of the environment on the use of this strategy (in particular by means of a training program). The first two studies relate to adults and the last one, on children and teenagers. Moreover, the effect of linguistic competences in the use of this mnemonic strategy is examined. Furthermore, the study of this population raises many questions relating to the constitution of homogeneous groups and the evaluation of their developmental level (cognitive and linguistic), as well as the development of the various short-term memories. This work also presents our proposals for a solution to these three points
You, Min. "Compétences cognitives et émotionnelles en vue d'une réussite académique chez les étudiants chinois et français de niveau licence en France." Thesis, Normandie, 2019.
Full textIn this thesis, the objective is to understand the relationships between academic success (academic performance) and subjective perceived stress on the one hand, and the influence of individual differences (emotional intelligence, personality traits and chrono-type) on academic success on the other hand, as well as the interactions between these individual differences and subjective perceived stress. 1) Preliminary study is conducted to clarify the relationship between emotional intelligence and coping strategy among Chinese students expatriated in France; 2) our first study aims to understand the different elements related to the expatriation of Chinese students in France: the causes and criteria of subjective expatriation success, the different sources of stress they encountered as well as their strategies to cope during their expatriation are interviewed; 3) With the elements emerging from our first study, we were able to construct a questionnaire on subjective expatriation success for Chinese students in France. The initial idea is to validate this questionnaire by comparing individual differences (emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, and chrono-type) with other parameters. Unfortunately, the completion of all these questionnaires took a long time, which explains why few participants completed them, which does not allow us to validate this questionnaire of expatriation success. 4) Finally, we try to understand the relationship between academic success and individual differences among the general population, i.e. French students
Vallejo, Garcia José Luis. "Intercultural competence as a conductive factor of managers' readiness for organizational change." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2012.
Full textLecocq, Aurélie. "Génèse et évolution des compétences des élèves à la fin de l'école maternelle : éléments d'analyse à partir de données de panel et d'une expérimentation musicale." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2012.
Full textBooks on the topic "Compétences cognitives et compétences conatives"
Compétences cognitives, linguistiques et sociales de l'enfant sourd. Mardaga, 2006.
Full textTomasello, Michael. What did we learn from the ape language studies? Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textRosati, Alexandra G. Ecological variation in cognition: Insights from bonobos and chimpanzees. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textGUO, Jing, and Georges GALANES, eds. L'enseignement de l'oral en classe de langue. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textHopkins, William D., Cheryl D. Stimpson, and Chet C. Sherwood. Social cognition and brain organization in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus). Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Compétences cognitives et compétences conatives"
Cottraux, Jean. "Phobies sociales et perturbations des compétences sociales." In Les psychothérapies comportementales et cognitives, 145–68. Elsevier, 2011.
Full textDrozda-Senkowska, Ewa, and Pascal Huguet. "Chapitre 4. Acquisition et régulation des compétences sociales." In Les sciences cognitives et l'école, 151. Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.
Full textFlieller, André. "Les compétences et les performances cognitives dans l’évaluation scolaire." In Éducation et formation, 187–200. CNRS Éditions, 1999.
Full textTourrette, Catherine. "Les différences individuelles dans les compétences cognitives du nourrisson." In Cognition : l'individuel et l'universel, 155–84. Presses Universitaires de France, 1990.
Full textFrenkel, Stéphanie, and Jean-Jacques Detraux. "Chapitre 4. L'adolescent porteur d'une trisomie 21 : processus d'apprentissage et compétences cognitives." In Adolescence et retard mental, 61. De Boeck Supérieur, 2010.
Full textSimon, Isabelle, and Christiane Lepot-Froment. "Évaluation et stimulation des compétences cognitives et communicatives chez des enfants et des adolescents polyhandicapés." In Questions de personne, 99–107. De Boeck Supérieur, 2007.
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