Academic literature on the topic 'Compétence (droit) – Congo (République)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Compétence (droit) – Congo (République)"
Maku, Elie Katenga. "Organisation, fonctionnement et compétence du Tribunal de commerce." KAS African Law Study Library - Librairie Africaine d’Etudes Juridiques 8, no. 4 (2021): 489–504.
Full textKahombo, Balingene. "Réflexions sur le Comité de règlement des différends relatifs aux marchés publics en République Démocratique du Congo." Recht in Afrika 21, no. 2 (2018): 150–67.
Full textMinga, Robert Mikobi. "La place du parquet au sein du pouvoir judiciaire en République Démocratique du Congo." KAS African Law Study Library - Librairie Africaine d’Etudes Juridiques 8, no. 4 (2021): 522–35.
Full textKAKUDJI, Martial MUMBA. "Droits de l’homme et insecurité pendant le processus de démocratisation en République Démocratique du Congo: Cas de la ville de Lubumbashi." KAS African Law Study Library - Librairie Africaine d’Etudes Juridiques 6, no. 3 (2019): 330–48.
Full textAl Wardi, Semir. "Tahiti et la France." Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 32, no. 3 (August 4, 2001): 755.
Full textKAPENGA, Jean Pierre KABEMBA. "Le droit pénal et la covid-19 en République Démocratique du Congo." KAS African Law Study Library - Librairie Africaine d’Etudes Juridiques 8, no. 1 (2021): 119–34.
Full textFrançois, Bastien. "Une revendication de juridiction. Compétence et justice dans le droit constitutionnel de la Ve République." Politix 3, no. 10 (1990): 92–109.
Full textMfuamba Mulumba, Isidore, and Matthiesen Kalala Ilunga. "Le multipartisme démocratique au Congo est une valeur démocratique ou un désordre politique?" KAS African Law Study Library - Librairie Africaine d’Etudes Juridiques 7, no. 1 (2020): 112–28.
Full textLumingu, Yves-Junior Manzanza. "Etat de droit et exploitation des ressources naturelles en République Démocratique du Congo." Verfassung in Recht und Übersee 45, no. 3 (2012): 344–62.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Compétence (droit) – Congo (République)"
Toundé, Ernest-Léonard. "Le mariage au Congo - Brazzaville." Thesis, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas, 2022.
Full textThe study of marriage in Congo-Brazzaville highlights the basis of the relations that exist between state law and customary law in matters of the formation and termination of the marital bond. Our thesis aims to shed light on the nature of these relationships through the prism of civil marriage and customary marriage. Indeed, the legal regime attached to family law and marriage within the framework of the policy inherited from French civil law and which is developed in the Congolese Family Code, presents two opposing visions on the legal and sociological level. Consequently, we have a legal system that favors state law to the detriment of customary law. Downstream, we are witnessing a resurgence of customary practices whose resistance and insistence weaken judicial institutions and state law. As such, the relationship between spouses presents a matrimonial organization which is based on a principle of equality. This equality is however weakened by the place reserved for the husband in the name of marital power, and which presents a form of domination of the woman by the latter. Also, while monogamy is the common law regime, Congolese law allows polygamy. In addition, the dowry, which formerly had only a sociological and anthropological value, now has legal value in the Family Code, which makes it a prerequisite for the formation of civil marriage, by building a customary institution called pre-marriage. As such, the Congolese legal system presents a dualistic system in the form of a rule of legal conflict, which gives jurisdiction to two different sources of law to govern the conditions of formation and termination of the matrimonial bond. Which ultimately leads us to wonder if the codification of family law in general and marriage in particular was not a missed appointment for the Congolese legislator?
Kitoko-Ngoma, Emmanuel. "Le droit des successions au Congo." Thesis, Paris 2, 2014.
Full textAll the time and in all societies when man accesses a job, he organizes his life to acquire movable and immovable property. In order to enjoy his life and then to bequeath to his heirs after his death. In CONGO the law to succeed to the deceased is first governed according to the customs. In the northern part, inheritance was passed on the basis of patriarchy recognized children as heirs. Whereas in the south the matriarchy was practiced, children was considered as foreigner to their father, they were excluded from the succession. These rules have survived the influence of the colonizer, after independence Congolese had a choice between the customary law and modern law. But this duality has been a source of difficulties. With a view to social cohesion the Congolese legislator unified the law of succession in the public law 073 of October 17, 1984 concerning family code. We will treat this subject in three parts: the first part will examine the provisions for the devolution of the estate, the second part will analyze the rules that govern the transmission and liquidation of the estate. Finally the third part will show the problems encountered in the implementation of the Code of Family
Bisalu, Roger. "La contribution du droit social français au droit social congolais." Paris 13, 1994.
Full textThe introduction discribes the general crises contexte which doonced to stop any progress in all the fields. The first part deals inth the inharitance of the modern organization system concerning the labor accidents or the industrial injuries. It analyses traditional organization system concerning the industrial injuries within the pre colonial congole society. The second part of the text shows that the social law has contributed to modernize the traditional system of prevention and repartion during the colonialism. This heritage has been unriching experience for the colonial social law. Yet it some times emerges to be unsuitable. So, the second part starts up. First a specific system of prevention of labor accident by putting the employer in the middle of the system and instituting "a ,real social democraty in congo". In another hand, a complete restoration system of the labor accident or indutrial injuries that bared on a complosary security insurance of the employer towords his wsorkes. The system works in the frame work of the social security with the participation of the government on the foundation of this soliderity to words the victimes and that creation is found by the participation of the government. The conculution shows a fondamental and genuine question in the case of the social in country with a lot of disruption and the specific system proposed in the only solution, thatby insuring the social justice and the effective prevention in
Bayekola, Milandou Christian Parfait. "L'union conjugale au Congo de nos jours." Perpignan, 2005.
Full textThis survey intends to analyze the congolese legal concerning the family law and the state of people. Congo has known two opposite legal systems for a long time. On the one hand customary law existed, and on the other hand the modern law was inherited from the french colonizers. However, the proclamation of the congolese family code in 1984 put an end to this legal dualism while instituting a unique and uniform western-inspired law. This new congolese law turned into a failure because it is completely disconnected from society's reality. Isn't the congolese conjugal union a true illustration? If the 1984 legislator initiative to harmonize the various local laws is laudable, the method is questionable. The effectiveness and the applicability of this new congolese law must be written again so that all the different laws can be taken into account; it is also necessary to ban the other causes of the modern law refusal such as "ethnic parentalisation"
Ntamba, Boukatiri Rosalie. "L'adaptation des structures hospitalières face à un nouveau problème de santé en Afrique : le cas du Sida au Congo." Paris 8, 1997.
Full textIdentified in 1981 by the Center for Disease Control (Atlanta), Aids has become -in Africa and especially in Congo- an awful disease upsetting a number of fundamental elements in society: institutions, family, etchics and moral, science and technology (and more particularly medecine). From this moment, talking about fighting AIDS in Congo has led us to bring out the problems of thousands of people confronting AIDS epidemics every day and the limitations of the prevention strategies that have been so far carried out. There are also no real hospital caretaking policies for patients, nor psychosocial support, while social security is lacking. Therefore, raising thoughts on the adaptation of hospital structures with respect to AIDS and attempting to develop a policy on this topic seemed to be essential. This is what we are trying to deal with in this study
Mondzo, Jean-Claude. "La justice coutumière au Congo-Brazzaville : à partir de l'exemple du Twere chez les Mbochi de nos jours." Perpignan, 2002.
Full textAccording to several writers, justice is the basic virtue of any society. Without that institution, there would be but dissoluteness and licencious. In "Mbochi" land (Congo), the running of customary justice is totally incumbent upon dignitaries called "Kani" and "Twere". In comparison with magistrates educated in western schools, the "Kani" and "Twere" (thanks to initiation to traditional customs) have a better command of the customs which are adapted to their social organization. Justice rule in "Mbochi land" is more based on psychological than material facts. The death of a teenager for example is always considered as the work of a sorcerer. Thus, to protect the whole family from any threat, people resort to divination practises. Once the sorcerer has been unmasked, he is systematically sentenced to death. The basic rule in "Mbochi" customary justice is the restoration of the social balance between the human being first, and then, between the living and the forefathers. Because of the weight of tradition, people rarely sue their relatives in Congolese civil courts. They also have a motto : "Not to wash one's dirty linen in public". As things are constantly changing, the "Mbochi" customary justice is likely to lose, shortly, its notoriety to the state civil courts. Thus, to ensure the equality of all the citizens in the eyes of justice, Congolese lawmakers should take into account those particular aspects of customary justice
Kabeya, Symphorien. "Le droit à l'éducation en république démocratique du Congo." Tours, 2001.
Full textNtirumenyerwa, Gakuru Georgine. "Le statut juridique du conjoint survivant en droit successoral congolais." Paris 1, 2012.
Full textBatina-Mafinka, Auguste. "Le code de la famille congolais : innovation ou acculturation en matière de mariage." Paris 10, 1991.
Full textMukadi, Bonyi. "La responsabilité civile du pouvoir judiciaire en droit congolais." Thesis, Artois, 2014.
Full textThe Constitution of the DRC enshrines the principle of separation of the legislative , executive and judicial powers. This latter authority 's mission is to tell the law . It is attributed to the courts and civil and military courts and exercised by the court personnel including judges, clerks and bailiffs, police officers , etc. . They constitute the public service of justice. The study addresses the liability of the judiciary under Congolese law , that is to say, the obligation of the members of this authority to respond to the damage they may cause to the users of the public service of justice by giving them a fair and equitable compensation. After reviewing both the regime of civil liability of judges, which is implemented through the procedure of taking part in and the state's one , which is mainly based on the rules of common law , the study leads to the following conclusion : as it is currently organized , the liability of the judiciary is unable to perform the traditional functions of damage prevention and victims' compensation.Against this backdrop, the study proposes to reform the current law of liability of the judiciary to allow both to prevent the judges' antisocial behaviors and to compensate adequately the victims of the dysfunction of the public utility of justice. For judges, it implies a renovated magistrate liability regime based on the extension of the conditions of this responsibility, the simplification of the procedure and the coordination of the civil, disciplinary and criminal liabilities , which should finally strengthen the sense of responsibility. Concerning the state, the study recommends to set up a regime of strict liability which could enable fair compensation for victims of damage caused by a defective functioning of the public utility of justice . Such a system is rooted in most Congolese people's mentality and in the need to respect Congolese international commitments without sacrificing the need for socio-economic development
Books on the topic "Compétence (droit) – Congo (République)"
Kadima, Godé Mpoy. Droit douanier en République démocratique du Congo. Kinshasa: Presses universitaires du Congo, PUC, 2014.
Find full text(Congo), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, ed. L'armée et l'état de droit en République démocratique du Congo. Kinshasa: Fondation Konrad Adenauer, 2012.
Find full textLuaba, Laurent Mutata. Droit pénal militaire congolais des peines et incriminations de la compétence des juridictions militaires en R. D. Congo. Kinshasa: Editions du Service de documentation et d'études du Ministère de la justice et garde des sceaux, 2005.
Find full textEglises et état en République démocratique du Congo: Histoire du droit congolais des religions (1885-2003). Paris: L'Harmattan, 2008.
Find full textMakaya, Floribert Nzuzi. Les finances publiques dans les constitutions de la République démocratique du Congo: Notes de cours à l'usage des étudiants en droit. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2012.
Find full textYabili, Marcel. Proposition de manuel de droit judiciaire constitutionnel: État de droit : les contrôles de constitutionnalité par la Cour constitutionnelle, les cours et les tribunaux (en République démocratique du Congo). [Lubumbashi, Congo]: Presses universitaires de Lubumbashi, 2012.
Find full textY, Sam Bokolombe Batuli. De la prévention et de la répression des violations graves du droit international humanitaire en République démocratique du Congo: Critique de la responsabilité pénale internationale. Kinshasa: Éditions Droit et société, 2013.
Find full textWata, Aimé. La protection internationale de l'enfant en droit congolais: Présentation du cadre familial et analyse de la pratique judicaire et administrative de la République démocratique du Congo en matière d'adoption internationale et d'enlèvement international d'enfants. Zürich: Schulthess, 2013.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Compétence (droit) – Congo (République)"
Bakandeja Mukenge, Grégoire. "L’implication du religieux dans la gestion des crises en République démocratique du Congo." In Laïcité et défense de l'État de droit, 41–54. Presses de l’Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, 2020.
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