Academic literature on the topic 'Compensateur de Steinmetz'
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Journal articles on the topic "Compensateur de Steinmetz"
Todeschini, Grazia, Alexander E. Emanuel, Alessandro Ferrero, and Adriano Paolo Morando. "A Poynting Vector Approach to the Study of the Steinmetz Compensator." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 22, no. 3 (July 2007): 1830–33.
Full textFlumian, Didier, Philippe Ladoux, and Emmanuel Sarraute. "Calculation of the Voltage Unbalance Factor for High-Speed Railway Substations with V-Connection Scheme." Electronics 11, no. 4 (February 15, 2022): 595.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Compensateur de Steinmetz"
Flumian, Didier. "Nouvelle topologie multicellulaire de compensateur de déséquilibre de tension pour les sous-stations ferroviaires 25kV/50Hz." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024.
Full textTo increase railway traffic, the quality of the electrical power supply is crucial. On the one hand, it is necessary to guarantee a satisfactory voltage level for the proper operation of traction units and, on the other hand, to ensure that the energy drawn from the upstream electricity transmission network meets quality standards. For 25kV/50Hz electrified lines, the increase in power consumption can only be tolerated by the power supplier if the voltage unbalance, due to the substation connection between two phases, is minimal. To meet this constraint and to meet the challenge of increasing traffic on its lines, SNCF-Réseau has to rely on power electronics solutions.The balancing systems currently used by SNCF-Réseau are based on three-phase voltage inverters. These systems have high losses, and their maintenance is complex. It is against this background that a new low-loss modular topology was proposed in 2016 as part of an ANR project led by LAPLACE and involving industrial partners SCLE and CIRTEM. This solution is based on a Steinmetz compensation circuit controlled by PWM AC choppers.This thesis was carried out as part of the “High Voltage Balancing System” (HVBS) project, funded by the France 2030 program operated by ADEME. The aim of this project, which began in 2019, is the design, development, and industrial realisation of a new unbalance compensator topology dedicated to 25kV/50Hz railway substations.This thesis first presents the future prospects for railway traffic, followed by a state-of-the-art review of unbalance balancing topologies. Subsequently, a comparative study, considering semiconductors losses and the reactive elements stored energies, highlights the advantages of the proposed new solution.Two design tools, considering the power consumed by the substations, are then presented. One is dedicated to conventional single-phase substations, while the other concerns "V" scheme substations, mainly used for the power supply of high-speed lines.To prepare for the installation of the compensator on the power transmission network, a harmonic analysis of the current absorbed by the substation must be carried out. This is then used in a simulation model to check that there are no interactions between the three-phase high-voltage network, the compensation system, and the substation. This demonstrates the robustness of the compensator and its control against harmonic disturbances generated by the trains.Finally, the last part of this thesis is dedicated to the realisation and testing of an experimental branch connected to the 20kV network and comprising 54 PWM AC choppers connected in series. The experimental results obtained on SCLE's test platform are presented. They validate the proper operation of the developed solution and pave the way for its installation in one of the critical substations of the national railway network
Conference papers on the topic "Compensateur de Steinmetz"
Jafarikaleybar, Hamed, Rasool Kazemzadeh, and Siamak Farshad. "Power rating reduction of Railway Power Quality compensator using Steinmetz theory." In 2015 6th Power Electronics, Drives Systems & Technologies Conference (PEDSTC). IEEE, 2015.
Full textde Melo Rodrigues, Andressa, Laylla Fernandes Silva, Luciano de Souza da Costa e Silva, and Lucas Carvalho Souza. "SVC Operating as an Unbalance Compensator with Control System based on the Steinmetz Method and the Instantaneous Power Theory." In 2019 IEEE 15th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 5th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference (COBEP/SPEC). IEEE, 2019.
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