Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Comparatisme ethnologique'
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Grando, Válečková Šárka. "Signification économique, sociale et symbolique du bœuf dans la Préhistoire récente de l’Europe moyenne." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020STRAG039.
Full textThe appearance of animal husbandry in Neolithic societies was immediately linked to the need to meet the nutritional needs of the population. This traditional view reflects the interpretation according to which the animal is viewed in a utilitarian dimension as a supplier of protein, especially meat and secondary products, as well as a supplier of manual aid. However, many examples in ethnology give us a different image where the animal is charged with a symbolic dimension, and to which an important role is granted in the framework of the majority of social and religious rituals. In this situation, we can ask ourselves what status did domestic animals enjoy, especially cattle, and what was their breeding used for in recent prehistoric societies ? This issue is addressed through a comparison of data from archaeozoology and the results of ethnological research in the spirit of the comparative method. The analysis is carried out through the breeding of the first agro-pastoral communities in Europe belonging to the culture with linear ceramics, the LBK (5600 - 4900 BC)
Lamothe, Mathilde. "De la neige à la terre battue : approche comparative ethnologique de pratiques sportives -." Thesis, Pau, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PAUU1008/document.
Full textAlthough at first sight they may appear diametrically opposed, the fields of heritage and sport invite us to reflect on their relationships and to look beyond the classical binary pattern of tradition/modernity. In this way, identifying of sport practices which may fall within the intangible cultural heritage (as defined by Unesco in 2003) can help to critically examine the processes of this new form of heritage, as well as the political, scientific and methodological issues associated with them. The hypothesis of this study is based on the postulate that the concept of intangible cultural heritage can be a heuristic tool to understand living cultures and appreciate the heritage value of cultural practices and manifestations. This hypothesis is empirically tested through an ethnographic study of traditional games and sports. It puts in perspective the concept of intangible cultural heritage through two different cultural practices : that of snowshoeing in Quebec (Canada) and that of the ninepins game in Gascogne (Aquitaine, France). The comparative study of these sporting activities provides a point of entry into an analysis of the production of new cultural activities from traditional practices and how local actors position themselves with relation to their cultural heritage. In so doing, they are reinventing new transmission processes in a syncretism involving both sport and heritage which questions the definitions of these practices and each fieldwork
Sterner, Judith Anne. "The ways of the Mandara mountains : a comparative regional approach /." Köln : R. Köppe Verl, 2003. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb41077735b.
Full textAubrée, Marion. "Voyages entre corps et esprits : étude comparative entre deux courants religieux dans le Nordeste Brésilien." Paris 7, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA070007.
Full textMerleau-Ponty, Noémie. "Cultures humaines in vitro : ethnographie comparative de laboratoires (Inde-France)." Paris, EHESS, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EHES0671.
Full textThis dissertation focuses on human reproduction and infertility biology as well as fundamental research on stem cells. Human embryos conception in laboratories, their culture, selection, gift to research, lines derivation and experimental uses are studied. Doing a multi-sited ethnography in India and France while playing with the double meaning of "culture" - both cell culture and social anthropology culture - this works interrogates how a global techno-scientific rationality is intertwined with local problematics in which corporality and human life have multiple status, orientating even our relationships with other animal species. Kinship, bioethics, juridical norms, economy and religion are the different apects taken into account to analyze laboratory technics. With this analytical frame, Indian laboratories appear to be sites promoting innovations on a pragmatic tone, even if unstable in their norms and standards, because of a weak public regulation. Bioethical debates concern the status and role of objectification in therapeutic and commercial relations as well as from a global scientific community point of view. French laboratories appear as strongly regulated site in a very precautious country towards biotechnical innovations, which are seen as bearing a risk of reification and commercialization of human body parts. Human embryonic entities are particularly protected by public institutions using an ontological model of understanding
Meunier, Valentine. "Du bout du monde au centre de l'Allemagne : ethnologie comparative de deux sociétés rurales sur l'ancienne frontière inter-allemande." Paris 10, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA100125.
Full textThis thesis results from a comparison between two villages, each of them located on a side of the former border between GDR and FRG. Conciliating the diachronie means and the thematic comparison, the research is focused on the differences and analogies between Gompertshausen (Thuringia) and Alsleben (Bavaria). The first part deals with the period of the division of Germany and with the process of structuring the differences. It shows how national politics can influence on local societies and the limits of that influence. Three points are developed: the village and its powers, the agricultural organisation and the boundary which means in other words, in the everyday life, what were the meanings of the iron Curtain at the limits of the village. The second part is about the structural and social transformations set by the German unification. It focuses mainly on the Thuringian village, Gompertshausen. Yet, one of the work hypothesis is that the unification also implicates social changes within the border villages of Western Germany. Therefore, the study of the Bavarian village is included in this part. Two points are developed: the political transformation and the new agricultural exploitation. The third part is about the way they lived in the unified Germany, right in the "Centre of Germany", at the time of the fieldwork (1995-1999). The topic is about the former border, the spatial practices, and the relationships between the social actors of the two villages. At last, we wonder about what characterises these villages in 1999 and how the various political decisions influence on their current social structures
Lamothe, Mathilde. "De la neige à la terre battue : approche comparative ethnologique de pratiques sportives - raquettes à neige au Québec et quilles de 9 en France - au prisme du patrimoine culturel immatériel." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28111.
Full textAlthough at first sight they may appear diametrically opposed, the fields of heritage and sport invite us to reflect on their relationships and to look beyond the classical binary pattern of tradition/modernity. In this way, identifying of sport practices which may fall within the intangible cultural heritage (as defined by Unesco in 2003) can help to critically examine the processes of this new form of heritage, as well as the political, scientific and methodological issues associated with them. The hypothesis of this study is based on the postulate that the concept of intangible cultural heritage can be a heuristic tool to understand living cultures and appreciate the heritage value of cultural practices and manifestations. This hypothesis is empirically tested through an ethnographic study of traditional games and sports. It puts in perspective the concept of intangible cultural heritage through two different cultural practices : that of snowshoeing in Quebec (Canada) and that of the ninepins game in Gascogne (Aquitaine, France). The comparative study of these sporting activities provides a point of entry into an analysis of the production of new cultural activities from traditional practices and how local actors position themselves with relation to their cultural heritage. In so doing, they are reinventing new transmission processes in a syncretism involving both sport and heritage which questions the definitions of these practices and each fieldwork. Key-words : intangible cultural heritage, Quebec, France, traditional games and sports, patrimonialization, sportivation.
Holder, Gilles. "Le système politique Sama : parcours et relations d'une société guerrière dans la boucle du Niger : analyse comparative." Paris 10, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA100009.
Full textBecquet, Delphine. "Devenir parent au 21e siècle, quelles perceptions et quels enjeux ? : étude comparative France-Madagascar." Amiens, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AMIE0031.
Full textThe impact of individualism, greater equality in marriage, and a refusal of the restrictiveness of traditional marriage have led to a redefinition of the parental role in Western society, and have impacted children's expectations and their relationship to their surroundings. In this context, we have attempted to define the points of reference which orient and define the parent's role and their expectations towards their children. We interviewed parents in France and Madagascar (from the Tsimihety ethnic group) of children aged 0-6 years on various topics, including family life, experience as a couple, child development and educational methods employed on a daily basis. Due to the lack of available documentation on the Tsimihety culture, the project has provided monographical insight into the culture, ranging from psychology to anthropology
Salmon, Gildas. "Logique concrète et transformations dans l'anthropologie structurale de Claude Lévi-Strauss." Paris 1, 2009. https://buadistant.univ-angers.fr/login?url=https://www.cairn.info/les-structures-de-l-esprit--9782130590651.htm.
Full textDe, Moraes Vasconcelos Gama Fabiene. "Photodocumentation et participation politique : une étude comparative entre le Brésil et le Bangladesh." Paris, EHESS, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012EHES0508.
Full textThis thesis compares the performance of two groups that use photography to campaign for human rights. The first one, Imagens do Povo (Rio de Janeiro/Brazil), is a group of Brazilian photographers living in the slums that was born of a deisre to produce images of the populares [slum dwellers] no linked to violence in order to fight against the process of criminalization of poverty. The second one, Drik Picture Library (Dhaka/Bangladesh) is a group of Bangladeshi photographers based in a middle-class neighbourhood of Dhaka taht are concerned with the image that the "West" has about them related to poverty and religious fundamantalism. The way these photographers react through images to troublesome representations Others make about them is the theme of this discussion, which is part of the tradition of anthropological studies of identity, otherness and social representations. Through a cross-cultural comparison, I reflect on how the documenation of the everyday life and subjective feelings of deprivation, injustice and exclusion are used to build new forms of protest and action by people worldwide
Arriaga, Martínez Rafael. "Religion, groupes ethniques [i. E. éthniques] et processus de stratification sociale aux Etats-Unis : le cas des Mexicains -Americains d’une perspective comparative." Paris 4, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA040035.
Full textThis work tends to explain and to contribute the understanding of the position in the social hierarchy of certain ethnic groups in the United States. This explaination starts from a constat and Weberian corollary: a) that which considers the influence of ideas and religeous beleifs in the economic behavior of individuals b) that which conceives religions as ethical vehicules liable to inhibit or stimulate the process of social statification. This deals in sum to evaluate the influence of certain elements of religious culture in the makeup of certain economic behaviors and coherence capable of vitalizing or hindering group dynamisim in the social latter. This economic behaviour is notably related to: a) money and its versants, savings, expenditure, investment and the perceptions related to wealth and poverty; b) employment and c) education. Even though our study considers in particular the case of the Mexicans, this comparative study takes as primary reference the case of the Chinese and it is only as an accessory that we will refer to other groups such as American Catholics and in particular the "puritans" during the first moment of the colonization. This presupposes that the socio-economic experience of social groups, each with their own history, takes shape in the process of social stratification. This is why we privilege the socio historical comparative perspective held by the principles and analytical categories characteristic of Methodological Individualism and Rational General Theory offered by Raymond Boudon
Samrakandi, Mohammed Habib. "Etude comparative du fait confrérique soufi dans la France contemporaine : le cas de la 'Alawiyya-Darqâwiyya-shâdhiliyya et de la Tijâniyya." Paris, EHESS, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EHES0691.
Full textThis research focuses on the process of implantation of Muslim brotherhoods in the post-migratory context of contemporary France. The ethnographic observation of ritual practices of two spirituals orders, the 'Alawiyya-Darqâwiyya-shâdhiliyya and the Tijâniyya, made it possible to examine the transformation of personal and acollective behaviors of members in terms of the content of their rituals as representations relating to belief modes in contact with ahighly secularized society. The comparative approach has identified the degree of adaptation of the 'Alawiyya brotherhood in mobilizing strategies which promote more inter-weaving between citizenship and spirituality. Followers of Tijâniyya, less concerned by societal issues of the host society, show a strong attachment to rites and spiritual ties with their countries of origin. Disciples who are in search of a spiritual openness refer to the prophetic model. Their choice concerns certain practices: recollection (dhikr), spiritual retreat (khalwa), frugal eating and fasting, and finally, the celebration of the prophet's birth (Mawlid). The possible emergence of a secularized, esoteric brand of Islam is in the works and will definitely come into competition with Islam as it is taught in the mosques, which is the kind to which the French population has become accustomed
Populin, Martha. "La scolarisation des enfants nomades et de culture nomade dans le Sahel nigérien : approche historique et comparative entre deux sociétés touarègues : les Iullemmeden Kel Dinnik et les Kel Gress (1944-2011)." Paris, EHESS, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EHES0699.
Full textThis thesis deals with the schooling of children in nomadic households or from a nomadic background in Niger. The issue is tackled at three different levels. First, the case of Niger is analysed against the ongoing debates on the education of nomads worldwide, trying to identify its specificities. Second, the history of nomadic education policies in Niger is analysed against national education policies, and public policies concerning nomads more generally. This shows that nomadic education policies represented, at different moments in history, not only part of general education policies but also of policies on animal production, pastoral Iater development and security. From a pedagogic point of view, nomadic education policies have been characterized by little innovation and their implementation has been affected by the challenges in the education system in Niger overall: chiefly lack of resources and poor teaching quality. The main part of this thesis consists in a historical and comparative analysis of schooling between two Tuareg groups, the Iullemmedden Kel Dinnik and the Kel Gress. In Niger, they are the nomadic groups having the longest "schooling history" and they partly share the same region; however, they greatly differ from one another in terms of livelihoods and mobility, internal organization, and their relations Iith the wider national context. These two groups are analysed from tIo main points of vieI: their "schooling history", and the consequences of schooling (focussing on livestock breeding, national integration, and social change, particularly in the relations between social categories)
Viaut, Emilie. "Trajectoires professionnelles d’artistes plasticiens. Étude de cas comparative. Espace29, France – Wonderful District, Vietnam." Thesis, Paris 3, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA030168.
Full textThis research is based on a comparative case study of the career paths of two groups of French artists: Wonderful District, artistic structure built in Bordeaux, in 2000, now based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and Espace29, artistic space, founded in 2006, also in Bordeaux. The scientific framework of this study consists in a theoretical approach, multidisciplinary, together with a qualitative methodology referring to Interactionism. The prism of interaction highlights the importance of building a network as a development dynamic: it is a contributing factor that promotes innovation and goal achievement in artistic profession. Besides, field work in France and in Vietnam has launched reflections on concept and practise of movement: influence of movement in the management of the professionalization process (use of territories, mobility, nomadism, sedentary lifestyle). Moreover, the notion of utopia is the common thread of these courses, in which sometimes art and life are mixed. The objective of this dissertation is a comparison between artists’ representations and the practical tools and strategies implemented in the career management process. The way they organize individual and collective professional activities, in the art world, reaches, to some extent, a local and global radiation
Benvegnu, Carlotta. "Nelle officine della circolazione : un’etnografia del lavoro logistico tra il Grand Paris e la metropoli diffusa veneta." Thesis, Paris 8, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA080030.
Full textZipper between production and consumption, the logistics warehouses, rather than a specific good, product a flow of commodities. The sector has been growing fastly in the last years, and it is usually studied from a global perspective within social sciences. The aim of this thesis is to elaborate an in depth analysis on two warehouses of the same multinational logistics company within two distinct national and regional contexts: the Italian North-East and the Paris metropolis. The thesis is structured around many research questions: How do the logistics multinational companies adapt to the juridical, economic, and social context where they operate? How do they contribute to its transformation? Which recruitment policies do they apply? What are the practices and the working conditions? The analysis is then focused on the organization of the labour process, on the specific effects that the recruitment policies and the labour-force management produce on the social experiences of local and migrant workers, on the interactions and relationships between groups within the workplace, as well as on the formal and informal resistance practices played by the workers. The research is based on an ethnographic enquiry inside the two warehouses and on a series of biographic interviews. The thesis is at the crossroad between different sociological approaches: sociology of work and organizations, collective mobilizations and the segmentation of labour market, popular classes and, to a lesser extent, sociology of urban spaces
Sarrouy, Alix Didier. "Acteurs de l’éducation musicale : ethnographie comparative entre trois núcleos qui s’inspirent du programme El Sistema au Venezuela, au Brésil et au Portugal." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCA032/document.
Full textEl Sistema is the name of a Venezuelan educational program that uses symphonic music as a tool. After forty years of existence, the numbers of students have increased impressively from all social classes. Reproduced in more than 60 countries, today El Sistema is a worldwide reference in the use of musical art as a tool for personal development and social education among populations living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Yet, there is a gap in social science research on what is really done in Venezuela and in the countries that have been inspired by it.We intend to fill in this gap by applying ethnographic methodologies under a sociological eye. For that, we focus the research on the basic unit of El Sistema – the núcleo. The núcleo is a physical space, like a school, where social actors (students, teachers, parents…) get together for daily music classes, following principles and methods of El Sistema. The lessons are free and the instruments are lent to the students.The starting double-question we ask is: how do the actions progress in a núcleo and what is the role of each of these actors? To answer these questions, we suggest a comparative analysis between three núcleos in three countries: Venezuela, Brazil and Portugal. In the last two, we chose musical education programs inspired by the Venezuelan El Sistema: Neojiba in Brazil and Orquestra Geração in Portugal.In each program, we chose one núcleo as a unit of analysis. It is, therefore, a multi-situated research, in which we apply qualitative methodologies: ethnographic observation, semi-structured interviews and focus-groups. The comparative analysis is not normative. Instead, it is a way to complexify, to provoke the researcher’s thinking using the differences and the similarities between the three núcleos. In our fields of research, ethnography is central, carried out daily in a very intense paste, aiming at capturing and illustrating the role of each actor in the núcleo. We want to understand which individual and collective actions are developed in each context. The heart of this thesis is to reveal as many empirical aspects of the núcleos as possible, through diverse complementary angles.To understand the actions in the núcleos we extend the analysis by incorporating the social, economical and political contexts surrounding them. The factors that seem external also have impacted on the actions of each actor and, in consequence, on the results obtained through musical education in the núcleos
Cauvier, Katy. "Étude comparative des caractéristiques généalogiques et génétiques de quatre populations fondatrices de la Gaspésie." Thèse, 2006. http://constellation.uqac.ca/461/1/24828771.pdf.
Full textPinette, Manon. "Étude comparative des styles de pensée et des habiletés sociales d'étudiants autochtones et caucasiens de deuxième, troisième et quatrième secondaire." Thèse, 1996. http://constellation.uqac.ca/1159/1/1525766.pdf.
Full textGiguère, Nadia. "De l’aller-retour au point de non-retour : Étude comparative de l’expérience interculturelle et du sentiment d’épuisement culturel des expatriés occidentaux en Inde." Thèse, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/4348.
Full textThe expatriation of Westerners in India is a sociocultural phenomenon, and I shall first highlight a few characteristics of modernity in the West - the feeling of alienation, the subjective turn, globalisation as well as the most significant mythical models of India - to understand which conditions provide the impulse to expatriation projects. An experiential approach will then enable me to understand how expatriation is lived by the actors concerned. Ethnographic data collected in India in three different borderzones give me access to these experiences. Accounts were collected : 1) in Rishikesh with spiritual expatriates; 2) in Calcutta with humanitarian expatriates; and 3) in Goa with hedonistic-expressive expatriates seeking a new lifestyle. These accounts are presented in three different chapters. Following these, a comparative chapter focuses on convergence among the three types of expatriation : local insertion within specific communities highly associated with significant myth models of India; self-renewal deriving from cultural encounters; and lastly, impact of transnationalism on the reinforcement of the malaise of modernity experienced by those I interviewed. The theoretical argument presents the general answers that expatriates find to alleviate their malaise of modernity : 1) a deep commitment to a lifestyle that allows them to find fulfilment according to their own aspirations; 2) gathering with people sharing the same interests and commitment to a clearly defined social role; and 3) liberation from social pressure and integration of transnational practices allowing them to protect affective ties while adopting a convenient outsider status. The study also reveals that we cannot set aside the history of Western encounters with India if we want to understand specific encounters of Westerners with local Indians. While Western socioeconomic privileges in India are clearly described as a basic condition for expatriation, I nevertheless conclude that expatriation is mainly motivated by a feeling of cultural exhaustion with Western lifestyles. Analysis of critical standpoints on modernity (reinforced by cultural encounters) finally leads me to formulate some avenues that need to be explored to develop an anthropology of the West, meanwhile implicitly calling into question the anthropological project.