Academic literature on the topic 'Commutation de paquets – Migration'
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Journal articles on the topic "Commutation de paquets – Migration"
-ZANETTIN, Alberto. "Transport de la voix sur les réseaux à commutation de paquets." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 10 (1999): 39.
Full textLe Roux, A., J. L. Dauphin, and J. Laurens. "La commutation de paquets dans le RNIS: de (l’experimentation à I’intégration dans les systèmes*." Annales des Télécommunications 42, no. 7-8 (July 1987): 375–82.
Full textAYEDEGUE, Oscar Iboukoun, Patrice Ygué ADEGBOLA, and Jacob Afouda YABI. "Paquets d’adaptation au changement climatique et efficacité-coût de culture du maïs au Nord-Est du Bénin." Annales de l’Université de Parakou - Série Sciences Naturelles et Agronomie 13, no. 1 (June 30, 2023): 13–30.
Full textStozhko, D. K., K. P. Stozhko, A. V. Shilovtsev, S. N. Nekrasov, and T. N. Makarova. "Russia and modern migration crisis: On the rural labor migration." E3S Web of Conferences 395 (2023): 05004.
Full textAdhikari, Rishiram. "Nexus between Global and Local in Chitwan Magars’ Performance Culture." Interdisciplinary Journal of Innovation in Nepalese Academia 1, no. 1 (December 31, 2022): 33–41.
Full textLi, Li-Jie, Wei-Min Chang, and Michael Hsiao. "Aberrant Expression of microRNA Clusters in Head and Neck Cancer Development and Progression: Current and Future Translational Impacts." Pharmaceuticals 14, no. 3 (February 27, 2021): 194.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Commutation de paquets – Migration"
Silva, Clay Palmeira Da. "The CUBE : a user-centric system-model architecture for web service migration through multiple devices." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Tours, 2019.
Full textWithin the trend of the Internet, we start to rely our daily activities on Cloud Base Systems to store our data and keep tracking all our state and behavior while using Web Services. Therefore, our data are no longer safe as before since we have delegated the responsibility to keep them safe, secure, and stored by third-party providers. In the last few years, big companies such as Yahoo, Facebook, or LinkedIn were victims of several leaks, which demonstrates how vulnerable we are. We have nowadays more powerful mobile devices than ever before. However, we do not explore their capacities regarding processing, storage, and security measures to using Web Services locally. Moreover, our devices are basically divided into two different worlds, those with Android, and those with an iOS operating system. Nevertheless, with the popularity of mobile technology, our behavior has changed. Today it is common to find a user using two or three mobile devices at the same time, and often they have a different operating system. Therefore, we are facing simultaneously a multiple-device environment with the same or different operating systems, where most of the technology and Web Services requiring a third-party provider to synchronizing and keep the state of our daily tasks. Although of this chaotic scenario regarding multiples devices and operating systems, there is a technology earlier mentioned at the end of 90's called Liquid Software that may be a solution to bring harmony to this scenario. The Liquid Software aims to allow for fluently migrate towards different devices with or without the same operating system, and at the same time keep the user-experience of a given application or service. In this thesis, based on Liquid Software principles, we focus on multiple devices environment able to synchronize Web Service at the client-side without depending on a Cloud Base System. We proposed the model-based architecture, called the CUBE, that makes use of User-Centric principles combined with different technologies, such as REST and RESTful principles. The CUBE also proposes a four layers model where REST and RESTful work independently from each other but in cooperation. Another critical element of the CUBE is the Conversation Layer (CL), modeled with the purpose to allow change data/state from Web Services. The CL makes use of techniques of Natural Language Processing to find and defining suitable Web Services to the user. Another contribution of the CUBE is creating a kind of user-network called INNER CUBE with all mobile devices that belong to a single user. The aim of combining these elements inside a single unit, the CUBE, is to allow for fluently move services/data and sessions from devices (desktops, laptops, and mobiles phones) to other ones regardless of their operating system, and at the same time, entirely transparent for the final user, and also reducing the dependency of the third-party provider. We have also proposed two tests to validate the CUBE model
Mével, Yves. "Étude d'une cellule acousto-optique à multi-transducteurs : Application à un dispositif de commutation de paquets optiques." Brest, 2003.
Full text@This work deals with the theoretical study and experimental characterisations of an optical packet switch for telecommunication networks at a 1. 55 æm wavelength. This switch is based on acousto-optic interaction. This manuscript is decomposed in four parts: the presentation of different technologies of optical packet switching ; the remind of the physic of acousto-optic deflexion and all critical parameters of our component ; the study of two different architectures, and the conception of a component in which two deflectors are created and superimposed applying simultaneously two RF signals on a phased array transducers. An acousto-optic switch have been built with Paratellurite TeO2. The static performances of this component were evaluated on an experimental set-up ; the measurements make appear an important signal to noise ratio (SNR) and a low dependence according to the optical polarisation
Jelassi, Ons. "Algorithmes de classement de paquets." Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2008.
Full textBaccelli, Emmanuel. "Routage et mobilité dans les grands réseaux hétérogènes à commutation de paquets." Phd thesis, Ecole Polytechnique X, 2006.
Full textHoll, Thomas. "Transport à fiabilité partielle d'images compresséessur les réseaux à commutation de paquets." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2007.
Full textnatures variées, ces transmissions reposent presque toujours sur TCP ou UDP. L'adoption d'une approche de
bout en bout impose d'agir sur le service de transport pour s'adapter aux besoins des données en fonction
de la qualité de service offerte par le réseau. Les données multimédias en général sont tolérantes aux
pertes, elles peuvent alors faire l'objet d'une compression et d'un transport avec pertes tout en conservant une bonne qualité de l'information reconstruite si les informations perdues sont parfaitement contrôlées.
Cela suppose que les applications multimédias puissent compter sur un service de transport adapté à leurs
besoins, associant les principes de fiabilité partielle et le contrôle d'erreur déterministe.
Dans cette thèse, nous définissons un service de transport à fiabilité partielle de ce type, utilisé pour la
transmission d'images fixes compressées sur les réseaux de type « best-effort ». Les travaux portent sur
la conciliation du transport à fiabilité partielle avec les données compressées ainsi que la recherche d'un
gain de temps de service et d'une dégradation acceptable. Un protocole de transport appelé 2CP-ARQ est proposé à cet effet. Sa compatibilité avec le transport d'images codées selon le standard JPEG2000 est d'abord étudiée. Les résultats de cette étude nous conduisent à élaborer un schéma de compression et
d'organisation des données plus approprié à l'utilisation d'un système de transport à fiabilité partielle basé
sur 2CP-ARQ. Les résultats montrent que le réseau peut bénéficier de l'utilisation de ce service de transport,
qui se traduit par une moindre sollicitation des ressources du réseau, tout en satisfaisant les contraintes de l'application en termes de qualité des images reconstruites.
Tebbal, Hassen. "Réseau local supportant un système d'exploitation distribué." Paris 9, 1986.
Full textTo realize a distributed operating system with all problems about the functionalities, we must have good network architecture. This architecture (logical) have to permit to do the integrated services of communication mixing the transmissions of data, voice and animated pictures, texts, with communication functions agreed with standard norms connection norms. The choice of network topologies and the medium are very important, they facility the transmission available in pacquet switching and circuit switching
Rampone, Thierry. "Etude d'amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteur comme composants multifonctions pour le routage de données : conception et évaluation d'un commutateur 2 vers 2." Brest, 1997.
Full textNaciri, Youssef. "Synchronisation de paquets optiques dans les réseaux de télécommunications : réalisation d'un module exploitant l'interaction acousto-optique." Brest, 2000.
Full textHoll, Thomas. "Transport à fiabilité partielle d'images compressées sur les réseaux à commutation de paquets." Nancy 1, 2007.
Full textAlthough data can have various and multiple constraints, their transport over the Internet are based on TCP and UDP almost exclusively. The end-to-end approach enables the transport service adaptation according to the type of data as a function of the quality of service provided by networks. Generally speaking, multimedia data are loss-tolerant, so it can afford lossy compression without compromising further human interpretation after reconstruction if the lost piece of information are well controlled. This requires a transport service well suited for the needs of the multimedia applications, with the association of the partial reliability concept and deterministic error recovery mechanisms. In this thesis we proposes a partially reliable transport service intended to the transmission of compressed still images over best effort networks. We aim to find a tradeoff between the saving of time and the degradation enabled by the partial reliability. A partially reliable service called 2CP-ARQ is presented for that purpose. First, the compliance of 2CP-ARQ with the JPEG2000 standard has been studied. It shows the need to develop a compression scheme that produces independent units suited for packet encapsulation by the transport layer. It leads to the development of a compression scheme 2CP-ARQ conscious in order to satisfy the requirements of the partially reliable service but also that benefits from it. Results show that 2CP-ARQ transport service reduces the network resources consumption while the quality degradation for the reconstructed images can be bounded
Ribeiro, Cassilda. "Une methode parallele pour le routage dans les reseaux a commutation de paquets." Toulouse, INSA, 1991.
Full textBooks on the topic "Commutation de paquets – Migration"
Telecommunication networks: Protocols, modeling, and analysis. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1987.
Find full textWu, Weidong. Packet forwarding technologies. New York: Auerbach Publications, 2008.
Find full textWu, Weidong. Packet Forwarding Technologies. Auerbach Publishers, Incorporated, 2007.
Find full textGuizani, Mohsen, and Abdella Battou. Optical Switching/Networking and Computing for Multimedia Systems. Taylor & Francis Group, 2002.
Find full textGuizani, Mohsen, and Abdella Battou. Optical Switching/Networking and Computing for Multimedia Systems. Taylor & Francis Group, 2002.
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