Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Communication en aménagement du territoire'
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Gastambide, Jérôme. "Les politiques d'aménagement du territoire : les technologies de l'information et de la communication : évolutions de la place et des rôles des techniques de communication dans l'aménagement du territoire : 1947-2005." Paris 1, 2008. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00363936.
Full textPapy, Albert. "Réseaux de communication et développement territorial : cas des régions Ngounié et Nyanga (Sud Gabon)." Paris 7, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA070016.
Full textRich country, oil producer, Gabon records a very great deficit transport communications. With leaving Independence, the country adopted a land settlement policy which led to the development of the five-year plans of development. The objective was to disenclose the territory. The foregrounds and the policies led in the Sixties aimed at setting up road, airport national connections and telecommunications towards and between the chief towns of the provinces in order to introvertir the organization of the service roads to affirm the national unit and to support the development of the regions. Unfortunately, the accomplishments were not worthy of waitings. When the communication networks defective and are degraded, they do not play any more their function of connection and the economy just like suffers from it the areas, the case of Ngounié and Nyanga. It is time to leave them the underdevelopment for better integrating them economically and socially. The new policy of diversification of the economy installation by the Gabonese government to prepare after-oil, cannot lead without a considerable effort carried in the building of efficient networks of communication meeting needs of the country and able to serve the totality of the areas
Le, Béchec Mariannig. "Territoire et communication politique sur le « web régional breton »." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00551746.
Full textMartin-Scholz, Anja. "Communiquer et organiser en échafaudant un "big data" manuel : le cas d'un projet de formation en aménagement du territoire." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU30275/document.
Full textThe land-use planning in France, and specifically the making process of planning documents, evolve both in a distinct and common way due to the effects of the rationalization of public policies, the State devolution of power and the transformations of land management issues. The actors involved in planning must mediate numerous conflicts of land-use, in compliance with multiple and even contradictory laws and directives. In this context, we observed a training project developed via an inter-organizational collaboration involving agents from decentralized departments of different Ministries, as well as agents belonging to a research organization. The agents were concerned about the preservation of cultivated or potentially cultivatable soil. Facing the limitation of their capacity to act, they sought toways of acting remotely through this project. Our research explores the organizing processes that constitute a transverse organization. It shows how a scaffolding was gradually built up at the "border" between different arenas in order to equip the recipients of the training module with data, elements of method, organizational "ways-of-thinking" and "ways-to-see". Thus it characterizes this collaboration as part of a perspective based on evidence based planning and on the big data movement. Our research is anchored in an information-communication approach. It works on questions of rawification and of making data sets compatible. It explores how a generic prescription fails in situed re-singularization. It highlights key issues, linked to the big data movement, in terms of sense making, sense conceived both as meaning and as orientation of action
Pasquet, Olivier. "Contraintes de développement et nouvelles stratégies d'aménagement montagnard : utilisation des nouveaux moyens de communication : exemple du Beaufortain." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990GRE19024.
Full textThe developpement of the new communication technologies is a major issue for the economical and social planning. This will certainly be a main element in the next geographical transformations. For the rural areas and especially the mountainous ones, like the Beaufortain's valley (Savoie), this can be a real danger to be outside the new information society. The need of some specific adaptations of the communication tools is very important for those regions. The micro-waves technology, combined with the optic fiber cable can be used in those "micro-region" to : Help the local economical developpement. Keep a strong cultural identity. Maintain or recreate a social and a political unity
Bérion, Pascal. "Grandes infrastructures de transport et aménagement du territoire : méthodologie et mise en place de l'observatoire des effets territoriaux de l'autoroute A 39." Besançon, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BESA1043.
Full textRubio-Boistard, Nelly. "Aménager et urbaniser aujourd'hui : d'un SIS [Système d'Information Spatialisé] pour l'aide à la prise de décision à un outil de communication." Toulouse 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU20006.
Full textThis thesis deals with the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) introduction into the decision-making processes suitable for town planning. A good knowledge of the growth and urban spreading context allows to find needsing in specifics tools adapted to the modern planning stakes. The organization actors are confronted to complex processes. The municipalities regrouping is the scale selected. This one implies the treatment of a considerable mass of information and the realization of town planning documents. The tools related on the management and the urban data exploitation , their evolutions and their potentials are developed. This study is then illustrated by the Castres-Mazamet community of town case. The stages of the GIS prototype implementation, its conception, its construction and its setting-up are clarified. A report without ambiguity leads to reorientate this Geographical Information System tool of decision-making aid for the planning towards a cartographic server of communication tool type. Those tools using is complex, it does not meet the needs for a part of the public targeted, but some of their functionalities are regarded as essential. One here towards the search for the tool fine adaptation to the needs and requirements of the actors concerned. It is also a question of tracking down t the tool potential in the decision-making process as well as the planning document realization. This reflexion on the role of the GIS and cartographic server in the assistance with the decision-making is strengthened by many other case studies in a bibliographical analysis. The tool potential and limits are developed, this project finality is to define a standard product or a standard service according to the size of the municipalities regrouping structures targeted. Two solution types can be imagined: a very complete system for small structures which do not have anything, or very specifics expertises on well defined problems for more important structures
Bouchaf, Ouafae. "Communication publique et négociation : cas de l'Agence pour l'Aménagement de la Vallée du Bouregreg." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AZUR2014.
Full textThis doctoral research of exploratory and inductive type, tries to answer the question: what are the practices of public communication and negotiation applied in the context of the project of development of the Bouregreg valley? And to which models do they refer? Consisted in describing and analyzing the communication and negotiation processes that the AAVB follows with the population in order to achieve its mission; And finally, to try to draw a theoretical model of communication and negotiation proper to this situation. The contribution of this work would be to propose a model that combines a model of communication and a model of negotiation by explaining the overlaps and proscriptions that exist between them. Indeed, it is a question of analyzing the processes of communication and negotiation in parallel and showing their complementarity (or not) in order to arrive at a single objective that we will criticize: that of causing the receiver to opt for a Acceptance of the proposals of the developer. As for the negotiation process, the investigation showed that it is influenced by a combination of factors such as power, context, relationship and various external interventions. Moreover, this research characterizes the phase of confrontation of proposals where the actors mobilize a persuasive communication that is carried out according to a process that engages specific elements especially when receiving messages such as attention, control and treatment of Information that leads to understanding or misunderstanding of the message. This operation leads the actor who is the citizen towards an unfavorable, neutral or favorable attitude towards (or not) "freeing ground"
Gonguet-Mestre, Catherine. "L'axe durancien à l'amont de Pont Mirabeau : analyse spatiale et effets d'axe de communication en développement." Aix-Marseille 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999AIX10087.
Full textGoulou, Jean-Richard Armand. "Territorialisation et infrastructures de transport et de communication : cas du Congo-Brazzaville." Bordeaux 4, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003BOR40045.
Full textIn line with the government'saims, territorialisation in Congo-Brazzaville enables the integration of a political dimension in the communication and transportation infrastructures? The territory of Congo-Brazzaville, populated by ethnic groups including the m'bochi, teke and kongo is characterized by three groups of regions located in the northern, southern and central areas of the country. The geographical conditions in these regions are varied as restrictive and have been enhanced with transportation and communication network. The territorial and administrative organisation applied to these regions since the colonial period has evolued by trial and error. Furthermore, they are developed complex social structures and generated some disparity not only in the various. .
Bardou-Boisnier, Sylvie. "Communication et politiques d'aménagement du territoire régional : analyse comparative des régions Bade-Wurtemberg, Catalogne, Lombardie et Rhône-Alpes." Grenoble 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997GRE39026.
Full textAttour, Amel. "Le développement des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans et par les collectivités territoriales." Nice, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008NICE0045.
Full textIn this dissertation, we focused on the role of local government in developing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on their territories. The dissertation is divided in two parts. In the first part, we ask how local governments’ intervention in the telecommunication market contributes to accelerate the implementation of digital infrastructures. It results that it is not the problem of digital divide which mobilize local government efforts but the reinforcement of the territorial attractiveness. The second part of the dissertation analyse the development of the electronic administration at the local level. It builds a nomenclature of local e-administration services, measure its development and its organizational change. A segmentation of local government, based on their implication in developing ICT is proposed
Jumel, Mélanie. "Information, équité spatiale, équité sociale : préconisation de principes d'action en aménagement." Tours, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOUR1803.
Full textThis thesis was born from the observation that there are disparities in the access to information due to spatial discriminating factors. It recommands some principles of justice able to lead spatial planning in order to find a greater social and spatial justice. The ultimate goal of this work is to establish a spatial planning theory of justice able to find the means of “mediety” in that discipline. “Mediety” is a harmonious state between economic development and social progress. Are those means in the search for an hypothetical spatial homogeneity (equality principle) or for a reasoned spatial heterogeneity (equity principle)? To answer that question, this thesis leans on the traditional medias and on the NICT which a-spatialize information
Raoul, Bruno. "Communication, territoire, mutations industrielles : l'industrialisation régionale entre développement local et globalisation : le cas de l'industrie électronique en Bretagne." Rennes 2, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994REN20021.
Full textFar from being restricted to the only world of media, communication today appears as a technical and symbolic matrix of the dominant development pattern. In particular, it impregnates materially and ideologically the sphere of production and exchanges. Indeed, in support of technological advances achieved in the field of electronic communication and strengthened by social technologies of management and communication, in a context of deregulation of communication systems, a new industrialism is taking shape, one which supposes a new relation between industry and territory. To be more precise, industrial changes turn out to be at the source of shifts in meaning occurring about the notion of territory. Under cover of the emergence of a new production structure, communication is thus at the heart of a movement of "deterritorialisation-reterritorialisation". Regional industrialization reflects this new reality of production. Marked by the state control seal during the "glorious thirty", it is now particularly worked on by local development policies encouraged by decentralisation and also by globalization strategies implemented by transnational firms. However, local development, borne by elites who are mediators of bewitching discourse on science, technology, innovation communication, management and enterprise, seems to partake of modernistic and globalising dynamic of capitalism and appears as a form of subjection of local actors to a new mode of exercising power and domination in the production sphere. The meaning of regional industrialization can be evaluated at ell. To confirm the problematic set out, a case study dealing with the electronics industry in Brittany aims at highlighting characteristics of a regional industrial activity, born from a state decision and developed under it
Gastambide, Jérôme. "Les politiques d'aménagement du territoire : les technologies de l'information et de la communication.Evolution de la place et des rôles des techniques de communication dans l'aménagement du territoire. 1947-2005." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00363936.
Full textSchon, Alexandre. "Aménagement numérique et dynamiques métropolitaines : le cas du Languedoc-Roussillon." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MON30048.
Full textThe current digital economy is an important part of global growth, it forms the root of an information economy based on the Internet. Divided into three layers (infrastructures, services, uses), the digital economy cannot develop without a joint growth of these layers. However, in a scientific and economic context in which uses and services layers are best studied, the "infrastructures" layer which constitutes the material base of this economy seems to be abandoned to a technical approach. Using the example of Languedoc-Roussillon, this thesis examines the evolution of the role of digital developments in ICT strategies and territorial policies of the metropolitan areas. Between substitionnist telemyths and scientific mystifications, the thesis tries to update the models governing the spatial spread of metropolitan digital dynamics by analysis of the modes of governances, real digital plannings, and their evolutions
Hassan, Emmanuel. "Interactions et flux de connaissances dans les activités de recherche au sein du domaine des communications spatiales." Paris 9, 2001. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2001PA090029.
Full textGarcia, Denis. "Désenclavement et technologies d'information et de communication en moyenne montagne française : l'exemple du Massif central et de ses bordures." Montpellier 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003MON30082.
Full textIn middles mountains of industrialized nations, situation existing during 19th centurie's has been deeply modified. Nowadays, the common criterion to all mountains concerns a crisis situation, although it is differently overcame. Through practices and development of communication and information technologies in middle mountains, there is now a solution, often used during those last years, to the problematics of isolation and continue economical detachment. For a few years, workers of the Massif Central, and notably institutions and firms have been introduced to innovating technologies (computering, telecommunications). The author puts forward the following hypothesis : development of information and communication technologies makes easier to understand behaviour differences of workers, depending on political and cultural heritages, in each of the territories involved
Leroux, Sébastien. "Le nouvel "âge d'or" de l'aménagement du territoire : les technologies de l'information et de la communication au regard de l'autonomie et de la justice spatiales : (Vésubie, Diois et Maurienne)." Grenoble, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010GRENH033.
Full textCountry planning knew its "golden age" at the turn of the 1950's and 60's, when it could be understood as a reflection and a political action dealing with an essential question, that of autonomy and spatial justice. The liberal turn and the years of crisis have, to a large extent, altered its place in the functioning of society and space, without questioning the relevance of its central question. This question has resurfaced with increased force with the advent of the new "information and communication technologies" (ICT) supposed to meet the challenges of modernity, of sustainable development or of globalization. Confronted with the mercantile colonization of society and the heterotopias of modernity, the ICT cannot be entirely apprehended ouside the field of economy. It is within this framework that local territories sometimes work out a capacity for political development by managing to integrate the ICT into their own concerns, while taking advantage of their capacity to re-formulate the general injunctions of economy. Through an analysis of the policies carried out on these themes on the scale of local territories in the Alps (Vesubie, Diois, Maurienne), this work examines the capacity of the ICT to create the conditions of a new golden age in country planning
Vidal, Mathieu. "Les territoires politico-économiques face aux technologies de l'information et de la communication : entre métropolisation et différenciation territoriale." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00115213.
Full textPartant ici de ce double constat, et plaçant au centre de notre réflexion le triptyque " TIC -- Territoire -- Acteurs économiques ", nous rappelons tout d'abord comment les TIC en sont venues à occuper la place qui est la leur, aujourd'hui, dans l'économie, en étant
introduites au sein de territoires servant certes de réceptacles mais surtout de ressources à leur développement. Les TIC se sont par ailleurs insérées dans des schémas de localisation et d'organisation de
l'activité économique venant alors à être réinterrogés (notamment en
terme de métropolisation). Enfin, les TIC repositionnent les différents acteurs économiques (surtout publics) au centre d'enjeux nouveaux pour
les territoires.
Les terrains de ce travail, " territoires en archipel ", nous permettent notamment de nous interroger sur les effets de métropolisation de l'activité liée aux TIC, d'une part en effectuant une étude statistique
autour des métropoles bordelaise, toulousaine et marseillaise, et en étudiant, consécutivement en France et au Canada, une métropole et une ville -- ou " territoire numérique " -- se localisant dans son
arrière-pays. Il s'agit donc d'étudier quelle est la place des TIC, et la manière dont s'en saisissent les différents acteurs économiques, tout d'abord au sein de la métropole toulousaine puis dans le bassin de
Castres-Mazamet, ce dernier constituant le véritable coeur de ce travail. De même, avec des échelles incomparables mais des stratégies différentes justifiant le positionnement des acteurs territoriaux,
Montréal et Bromont, au Québec (Canada), permettent de renouveler l'illustration de l'importance de la place des TIC, à la fois en matière de développement économique et de développement territorial.
Si les métropoles s'inscrivent bien sûr dans une optique de développement technopolitain, les " territoires numériques " ont plutôt
pour objectif, quant à eux, la dynamisation et la différenciation, dans le jeu actuel de la concurrence territoriale, mais aussi la complémentarité avec cette métropole voisine contre laquelle il serait de toute façon impossible de lutter.
Malgré les échelles et les stratégies différentes, ces études démontrent certaines récurrences, comme la place et le rôle des différents types d'acteurs considérés, la force de la métropolisation (notamment en matière de marketing territorial) et l'importance du temps. Enfin, se pose la question de l'échelle pertinente et de la bonne gouvernance, en
matière de gestion des TIC ; si des études récentes relevaient l'importance du niveau régional, on peut s'interroger sur la place que prennent actuellement les intercommunalités et autres communautés d'agglomérations, dans le domaine du développement local axé autour des TIC.
Aparicio, Luis. "Communication et pilotage de projets sociotechniques : étude de la première phase du projet "Tramway" de la Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg (1989-1994)." Strasbourg 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005STR1EC11.
Full textDuring the last two decades, several French municipalities have reintroduced tramways in order to control urban mobility. A general question about the very mastering of these technological projects is at the origin of my work. The study of the first phase of the Strasbourg's “Tramway” project allows me for a concrete analysis of the steerage function and to overstep the bounders of management. I introduce the notion of “sociotechnical frame” in order to extend the methodological principles of the actor-network theory, which found this study. Project steerage is analysed as a communication process, in terms of production and flux of inscriptions (plannings, reports, models. . . ). These elements circulating among actors are considered the substance of organisation and the base of the project evolution. Within the network so constituted, steerage takes the form of a distributed action and is understood as a work of mediation. Besides coordination, communication enables coherence. The project's inscriptions configure a steerage discourse that articulates its definition as well as the actors and the technologies at stake within the sociotechnical frame. The analysis of this particular case offers a guide to explore the initial general questioning and to test the underlying theories. But this work is also a proposal to bring research closer to management and policy. Technology policy is frequently subordinated to economic policy, even at the urban scale. My dissertation contributes to a collective effort to enlarge the policy scope and open it up to a more comprehensive consideration of the factors taking part in innovation, social and technical at once
Brémond, Céline-Clélia. "Le Service universel dans le devenir des Industries de réseau : Télécommunications, électricité, services postaux." Montpellier 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003MON10047.
Full textForêt, Jean-Luc. "Le bien-être habitant, élément intrant et extrant d'une politique d'aménagement numérique du territoire : le cas des Yvelines." Thesis, Le Mans, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LEMA3005/document.
Full textWe defend the heterodox position that one of the key conditions for the success of a digital planning policy is not related to the implementation of its technical infrastructure. However the latter is the most expensive, visible and concrete part of such a policy. It is also at the centre of an infinite number of debates and publications within the civil society and politicians. The key factor that we have in mind is the « inhabitant welfare », which has been more and more invoked for almost a decade in the media, in the speeches of elected officials, and particularly in the works of researchers in economics, sociology and political sciences. But this welfare has not yet found its place as a tool for the geography, a way of reading or analysing the territory, of measuring spatial practices, of assessing the legitimacy and the quality of a public policy. Inspired by the referential Spiral of the Council of Europe, we set up and led two surveys on the Yvelines territory in collaboration with several local councils and an association of residents. The data from 2200 answers collected are cross-analysed with a survey by INSEE (2014), a CREDOC study (2012) and a poll by Harris Interactive (2015).Our analysis of these data seems to support our original hypothesis : the inhabitant welfare is a relevant description and discriminant for the relationship between the human beings and their territory
Rezgui, Anis. "Le rôle d'une université numérique dans la structuration d'un territoire : une mise en oeuvre possible pour la Tunisie." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM4360.
Full textICT evolve quickly and deeply. In other words, the development of ICT is likely to have a more profound effect on today's territorial structure, lifestyles and forms of socialization, location and organization, conditions competitiveness of territories, etc. Interest in ICT in regional foresight does not mean giving in to any technological determinism, but add to the list of variables and parameters that affect the future of the territories - even, identify new areas of relevant R & D support.The aim of this thesis is to analyze the role that can play the Digital University in structuring given territory, as well as implementing best to Tunisia
Loukou, Alain François. "Télécommunications et développement en Côte d'Ivoire à l'ère de la société de l'information et de la mondialisation." Montpellier 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON30016.
Full textObservation of development policies applied in North and South shows that the processes of regional planning, local development and integration are nowadays the favorite strategies involved in development. Yet, it clearly appears that, due to the increasing importance of information in a wide range of activities, telecommunications are valuable tools that can help build development dynamics. Indeed, information, which circulates by means of telecommunications, has come to be with no doubt a strategic resource. Moreover, telecommunications raise in original terms the issue of connection between local and national economics and world economy. Knowing these facts, the study here presented aimed to show, using theoretical consideration and several practical case studies, how modern telecommunications do contribute or could better contribute to development dynamics in a poor country environment like Côte d'Ivoire
Stachowski, Karine. "Entreprise-territoire : géographie de l'innovation technologique dans la région Nord-Pas-De-Calais." Lille 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002LIL10160.
Full textSandu, Popa Iulian. "Modélisation, interrogation et indexation de données de capteurs à localisation mobile dans un réseau routier." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009VERS0015.
Full textNew technologies such as GPS, sensors and ubiquitous computing are pervading our society. The movement of people and vehicles may be sensed and recorded, thus producing large volumes of mobility data. The state-of-the-art database management systems fail to handle such complex data and their processing. This thesis addresses the problem of managing mobile location sensor data. We analyze the limitations of existing work in modeling, querying and indexing moving objects with sensors on road networks. Then, we propose new solutions to deal with these limitations. The main contributions of the thesis are a data model and a query language for moving sensor data, and an access method for in-network trajectories of moving objects. We have implemented these proposals as a spatio-temporal database management system extension and evaluated them
Lauginie, Antoine. "Nouvelle dynamique rurale et représentation des formes d'organisation de l'espace en zone rurale fragile. : Proposition d'une approche par le réseau des voies de communication locale." Paris 7, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA070023.
Full textA new rural dynamic is trend asserting in some low populated areas. Demographic and socio-economic evolutions take place in a context of deep transformation of rural space functions. This new rural dynamic involves some specific spatial organization forms. A renewal of traditional land use analysis methods is in this context necessary. The modelling of the local communication network (roads and paths) is put forward. In deed, circulation is a fundamental element in spatial organization processes in the new rural dynamic. An original method, based on an analysis of the density of relations between roads, is developing in order to propose a way to represent land use and its evolution through a model of local communication network. This model is a tool for a synthesis and dynamic approach of land use in a context of a great diversity of uses
Frémont-Vanacore, Anne. "La diffusion des NTIC (nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication) dans les PME-PMI : le rôle des réseaux et des territoires : étude de cas Basse- et Haute-Normandie." Le Havre, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002LEHA0002.
Full textThe aims of this thesis is to definite the local factors of differentiation of the territories in the spatial diffusion of IT, especially Internet. It tries to determine the respective roles of companies and their networks, national/local institutions, and finally of the co-operation networks that local firms and institutions have been able to set up together in order to contribute to the appopiation of IT in local SME' s. The frenche situation is examined, in terms of level of IT use and also terms of legislation concerning telecommunication networks. A survey of regional technological policies and of the level of IT appropiation in the SMEs of the two french regions , " Haute Normandie" and " Basse Normandie ", allow us to draw some conclusions. It shows the effects and also the limits of the IT diffusion by both public policies and economical. .
Vaque, Valentin. "Transférabilité des pratiques et jeux d'acteurs dans des territoires européens à rediversifier. : Etude des cas de Bilbao, de Nowa Huta et du black country." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014CLF20002/document.
Full textNo abstract available
Schiavo, Ester. "Des réseaux techniques urbains aux technologies de la société de l'information, la nouvelle dimension spatio-temporelle de la ville en Argentine : le cas de Quilmes, "partido" du sud de l'agglomération de Buenos Aires." Paris 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA030047.
Full textThis town-planning thesis is part of the urban query studies and pushes the social, technical and politico-administration fields. The objects are the technical urban networks (water, purification, transport and telecommunication), and specially the latest generation of information and communication technologies, the " technologies of the society information " (TSI) and their relations with the transformation processes of the physical space and social town in Argentina at the local ladder, between 1990 and 2001. This new topic took recently an important place in the scientific research field thanks to many empirical contributions. The thesis proposes to bring his own contribution with the study of a case in the " Partido " of Quilmes, agglomeration and province of Buenos Aires, while replacing the technical urban red in the context of privatization politic, while identifying and analyzing the experiences using the TSI conducted by the local Argentinean governments, by the community actors and the local businesses (Phone Co-operative, Virtual University, ). On this basis we aggregate elements to know if these technologies allowed creation of a new dimension time-space in the city in the very early years of the new millennium. At the same time, we try to construct a differentiated vision on the TSI, because if Internet is, by definition, a real global network, this does not necessarily mean that the disappearance of borders is not the creation of new, and that his broadcasting and usage are not part of social, cultural, political, economical and technological context
Vidal, Philippe. "La Région face à la Société de l'information, le Cas de Midi-Pyrénées et de Poitou-Charentes." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2002. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00674207.
Full textNdayiziga, Honoré. "Territoires et mobilité durable : complexité, acteurs-réseaux et hybridation des pratiques au croisement de l'intelligence territoriale et du développement durable." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2019. http://bu.univ-tln.fr/userfiles/file/intranet/travuniv/theses/information_communication/2019/2019_Ndayiziga_Honore.pdf.
Full textWe actually do make, in our PhD research work, a tough choice on studying mobility at the crossroads of Territorial Intelligence Process and Sustainable Mobility through Communication Science sensitive approach with the help of IT (Information Technologies). Because mobility, or absence of, can lead to isolation (may be seclusion) or even exclusion, especially for the most vulnerable people, is a subject of high political and scientific relevance, raising questions and involving processes far beyond the usual and specific questions of transportation (Bonnet, Desjeux, 2000, p. 201). We stress the point about the link between « Territorial Intelligence and Sustainable Mobility » with a focus on shared displacement, goods and people, which means, and can be seen as, a social communication factor and development of territorial equilibrium; We conducted a simultaneous study both in East Africa and Euro Mediterranean space (PACA and Corsica), to recap learned lessons. Bertacchini, Girardot, and Grammacia (2006), shown Territorial Intelligence (IT) as a theory, posture, and bottom-up approach of collective intelligence based on citizen's approach of territorial development. And for that purpose, we underlined the need of action based on analysis of travel needs of residents and how to create new ways of structuring mobility offer through the development of communications suggested by Territorial Intelligence (IT), social cohesion, conviviality, equity, assumptions of IT and with the ability of communication to promote territorial mediation. For local stakeholders mobility is a matter of life and at the crossroads of their daily economic and social life, mobility is an issue with multiple challenges: impact on global warming, rights to mobility, economy development, jobs accessibility, town planning and environment, road safety and public health. The need for mobility can be addressed or even satisfied by several ways, either by responding to the need for mobility, or by providing a response to the mode of mobility. Thus, the transportation sector needs using information technology. These information technologies are studied through numerous ways on mobility and non-mobility, particularly focusing on how reducing physical displacements made necessary and call for the control of greenhouse gas emissions. Information technologies by hybridizing territories, as described within Territorial Intelligence assumptions, can be tools for a comprehensive and sustainable management of territorial displacements
Metzger, Thomas. "Petit patrimoine et collectivités territoriales : enjeux politiques et économiques : méthodes et valorisations." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM1101.
Full textThis work concerns essentially the management of the small heritage about which it is necessary to say that it was disdained enough through time.Public authorities can take care of it and be interested in it thanks to two approaches:- legal - by inventories.This implies multidisciplinary work concerning numerous domains.IT is advisable at first to know the reality of things and what can be the wealth appropriate for a territory and for it we propose an effective methodological approach where the experience would not know how to take place of methodological considerations on the way of making by specifying the difficulties and the way of valuing the meditative data. It asked to be conceived in an empirical executive to end in a consideration by an intelligent valuation of objects and sites the importance of which cannot be ignored in the economic point of view, social and political
Aïdi, Naïma. "Vers un dispositif d'intelligence territoriale pour élucider la signification de la smart destination dans des territoires touristiques en mutation." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Gustave Eiffel, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UEFL2008.
Full textContemporary tourism is at the heart of a period of transitions and changes which is mainly supported by two elements: technology and sustainable development. The growth of tourist mobility, the incorporation of information and communication technologies in all interstices of the tourist chain and ecological imperatives force actors to rethink the relationship between tourist territories, practices, technology and preservation of the environment. In less than a decade, the concept of the smart destination has been the subject of a prolific production of work, particularly in international literature, and intends to use technology to develop innovative and sustainable tourist territories, benefiting both tourists and residents. This doctoral thesis aims to better understand the meaning of a smart destination by questioning its ability to respond to the problems of a tourist territory which is crossed by technological, environmental and societal changes. To achieve this, we choose to approach the concept of the smart destination through territorial intelligence, by proposing an analysis framework structured from the notions of ecosystem, resilience and dispositive. This analysis framework results in a territorial intelligence dispositive which makes it possible to carry out a multi-scale analysis of the smart destination, to highlight its complexity and its development process. Our disciplinary anchoring in information and communication sciences allows us to be part of a multidisciplinary framework by mobilizing stakeholder theory, actor-network theory and systemic communications theory in order to describe, understand and explain in more detail the development of a smart destination project, with the aim of assessing its innovative and sustainable scope within a tourist territory. With regard to the international development of the smart destination, our three case studies carried out in Florianópolis (Brazil), Málaga (Spain) and Nice (France) give us material to demonstrate that the smart destination constitutes a socio-techno-tourist dispositive that serves more to stimulate technological innovation than social innovation
Déprez, Paul. "Collectivités territoriales et Développement Durable : contribution des technologies de l'information, et de la communication, à la dimension participative d'une politique publique : Lecture d'un projet cyberdémocratique issu d'une démarche d'Intelligence Territoriale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOUL0006.
Full textDue to the late entry of sustainable development spirit and practices in France, territories, according to their problems and potential, have to face evolving legislative framework and political will for their experiments based on. "Think global, act local" principle seems leading and guiding the action of territories inserted in a global logic which can be exploited by the recognition of skills allocated to local actors. Consequently, a participative culture is gradually emerging through new procedures aiming to be joined all territorial actors in connection with common rules for shaping territory and for the knowledge of local dynamics. What we suggest within a process of territorial intelligence, beyond repetitive call for the participation of civil society, is changing territorial culture. This paradigm of research pre supposes that, prior to the establishment of a communication process as result from a social mediation (A21 neighborhood councils, CIQ, etc..) or socio- technical (municipal newspaper, electronic forum Chat, etc..), the territory should build its "formal capital" (Bertacchini, 2004) enabling local actors to accept common rules and procedures, sharing their skills, mobilize with each other and join all through the territorial project. However, setting up the territorial formal capital constitution requires that local authorities exchanges information on territorial dynamics in action, in addition with a credit value to the exchanged information, including operation of the total amount of "communicative ICT resources" available (Habib & Baltz, 2008). We focus providing knowledge and tools enabling citizens to build their own enlighten opinion and focus on collective learning ( Manin in Sintomer and Talpin, 2011; Urfalino 2005) about logical sustainable Development (Angot, 2013). Our object of research is concerned with territorial authorities of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region involved in a project for sustainable spatial development of the Agenda 21 type (A21), Territorial Energy and Climate Plan Action label (PCET), Global Innovative for the Region (AGIR).This choice allows us to approach sustainable development from the perspective of stakeholder participation through specific participatory approaches (information to consultation), under the paradigm of territorial intelligence and our field research: information and communication sciences. We will furthermore discuss the issue of digital uses within local authorities’ organization, production of knowledge contained in digital content and media, and exchanged in different arenas of civil society
Martin-Brelot, Hélène. "TIC et territoires locaux dans une perspective de développement durable : l'expérience "Rhizome"-TV Fil 78- Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines." Lyon, Ecole normale supérieure, 2006. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00129026.
Full textThrough the ability of connecting places and people, ICTs constitute essential tools to implement territorial planning strategies. A technical and historical approach of telecommunications, broadcasting and computing enables firstly to enlight the digital convergence phenomenon, secondly to identify barriers to the spatial diffusion of ICTs. Individual or collective user's appropriation of ICTs becomes the main challenge of politics who aim at reducing the digital divide. The innovations related to equipment and regulation contribute indeed to reduce the gap between connected territories and the others. As a major economical and technological pole in the western parisian area, near Versailles, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines appears to be an interesting ground to analyse the relation between communication and territory. Built in 30 years by the will and the means of the State, the new town is often considered as a laboratory of urbanism, architecture, intercommunality and citizen's participation. The steps of the urban construction are being linked with the heterogeneous territory, searching for cohesion and for a project. The aim of evolution towards the sustainable city, conciliating economical, ecological and social exigencies, requires a continuous effort to identify and to diffuse the informationnal patrimony produced by the local actors. This hypothesis is confirmed by the analysis of "Rhizome", a TV broadcast on environment (2001-2004) produced and diffused by the local television TV FIL 78. The contribution of this channel to the construction of the territoriality of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines implies the promotion of longlasting links between environment's actors and the creation of synergies between physical and virtual spaces of communication
Kombo, Edmond Espérance. "Le développement des infrastructures de transport, processus de reconquête de l'espace : le cas du Congo, essai sur les inégalités socio-spatiales." Rennes 2, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985REN20011.
Full textDrâmbӑ, Mihaela. "L'évolution organisationnelle de l'administration départementale dans le contexte de la numérisation généralisée." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017REN20015/document.
Full textThis thesis examines the local French administration and its territorial de/reconstructions in relation to the digitalization process in a changing environment in which the efficiency of the public action is of main concern. Contrary to other studies, this research is based on a dynamic definition of the territory as a framework for collective action and on a broad concept oforganizational process which produces a weaving where lines of de/re/territorialisation get entangled. These lines are studied as a manner of being and acting and are thus involved in the process of structuring effective organizations. This process is observed from the perspective that the propensity to efficiency is found underlying or manifest in the form of digital media and its joint arrangement. The de/re/territorialisation mechanisms linked to digitalization were investigated during a three years fieldwork. If the coexistence of organizational coding and decoding are making the territory alive, actual and becoming at the same time, the tendency to higher code enhancing through digitalization challenges the capacity to renew the potential of efficiency
Ben, Slymen Syrine. "Sentiment d'appartenance et intelligence territoriale : une application au contexte tunisien." Thesis, Nice, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014NICE2038/document.
Full textOur research has been established as part of the interdisciplinary research program languages, objects, territories and hospitality. Our goal is to understand the informational, communicational and management processes for the development of areas of Nabeul and Medenine under the CGDR and ODS, and to estimate and evaluate the nature of the relationship between sense of belonging and the Territorial Enhancement through the collective intelligence devices. The anchor of our research in interdisciplinary fields of management, information and communication sciences has enabled us to understand our research object in a logic of exploitation practices and devices management planning and in the spirit of communication, transmission of information, funding and dissemination of knowledge. All these practices are selected through the felt to the area in terms of identity, attachment and solidarity. Ultimately this thesis reveals the causal links between the sense of belonging and the dimensions of the TIE and some dimensions of the TKM and the PTI. Our proposals invite the diagnosis, evaluation and understanding the reason of the abandonment of certain practices of territorial intelligence, the adoption of new forms of territorial public communication and to strengthen the sense of belonging and to ensure better sharing and dissemination of information
Barradi, Hanane. "Approche communicationnelle du patrimoine immatériel dans le développement territorial : cas de la région Dakhla-Oued Eddahab." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MON30063.
Full textThis project falls within the framework of territorial reorganization in Morocco and the recent passage from 16 to 12 regions. One of the axes of this regionalization is the heritage as an entity and a social construction, marked by the identity aspects of individuals and communities. This research will shed light on the need of territorial communication which is crucial towards the population of that territory and the various actors who participate in its animation, development and promotion. The patrimonialization, the labelling and the material and immaterial preservation, here are many concepts mobilized giving to this project an international dimension. It aims to question the components of the Hassanie culture of the populations of Sahara and to analyze the enhancement and the transmission of the immaterial cultural heritage, as well as the natural heritage. It also targets the public policies intended towards the protection of the heritage, as well as the plans of action deployed for its promotion. The purpose of this research, in the field of Communication, is to examine the link between the territory and the cultural heritage using a communicative approach
Herbaux, Philippe. "L' intelligence territoriale : d'une représentation générale à un concept de finalité." Toulon, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006TOUL0007.
Full textNdayiziga, Honoré. "Territoires et mobilité durable : complexité, acteurs-réseaux et hybridation des pratiques au croisement de l'intelligence territoriale et du développement durable." Thesis, Toulon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOUL0002.
Full textWe actually do make, in our PhD research work, a tough choice on studying mobility at the crossroads of Territorial Intelligence Process and Sustainable Mobility through Communication Science sensitive approach with the help of IT (Information Technologies). Because mobility, or absence of, can lead to isolation (may be seclusion) or even exclusion, especially for the most vulnerable people, is a subject of high political and scientific relevance, raising questions and involving processes far beyond the usual and specific questions of transportation (Bonnet, Desjeux, 2000, p. 201). We stress the point about the link between « Territorial Intelligence and Sustainable Mobility » with a focus on shared displacement, goods and people, which means, and can be seen as, a social communication factor and development of territorial equilibrium; We conducted a simultaneous study both in East Africa and Euro Mediterranean space (PACA and Corsica), to recap learned lessons. Bertacchini, Girardot, and Grammacia (2006), shown Territorial Intelligence (IT) as a theory, posture, and bottom-up approach of collective intelligence based on citizen's approach of territorial development. And for that purpose, we underlined the need of action based on analysis of travel needs of residents and how to create new ways of structuring mobility offer through the development of communications suggested by Territorial Intelligence (IT), social cohesion, conviviality, equity, assumptions of IT and with the ability of communication to promote territorial mediation. For local stakeholders mobility is a matter of life and at the crossroads of their daily economic and social life, mobility is an issue with multiple challenges: impact on global warming, rights to mobility, economy development, jobs accessibility, town planning and environment, road safety and public health. The need for mobility can be addressed or even satisfied by several ways, either by responding to the need for mobility, or by providing a response to the mode of mobility. Thus, the transportation sector needs using information technology. These information technologies are studied through numerous ways on mobility and non-mobility, particularly focusing on how reducing physical displacements made necessary and call for the control of greenhouse gas emissions. Information technologies by hybridizing territories, as described within Territorial Intelligence assumptions, can be tools for a comprehensive and sustainable management of territorial displacements
Duféal, Marina. "Les sites web, marqueurs et vecteurs de dynamiques spatiales et économiques dans l'espace méditerranéen français." Avignon, 2004. https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01202049.
Full textChaddad, Rita. "Les Mobilités Culturelles et Touristiques comme Moyen de Développement Territorial : Les Cas de Byblos et de Baalbek au Liban." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAH021.
Full textStimulating for the investigation of cultural and tourism mobilities and territorial disparities. The post-war period attests to the emergence of community cultures and the development of modalities of intercultural interactions based on the degree of similarity between local communities’ and visitors’ cultural dimensions, and is characterized by territorial development subject to community interests and political interventions. This dissertation investigates and compares locals/visitors interactions and territorial cultural systems between two Lebanese cities each with a distinct predominant community: Byblos of Christian majority and Baalbek of Muslim majority. Discourse analysis of multi-level stakeholders reveal conspicuous disparities between the two cities. The unanimity of Byblos stakeholders on territorial development oriented principally towards the valorization of cultural sites and the development of cultural tourism is countered by a marginal consensus among Baalbek stakeholders. SPSS analysis of 264 and 245 questionnaires distributed respectively via two qualitative surveys on four different categories (locals, Lebanese excursionists, Arab tourists, and international tourists) in Byblos and Baalbek unveils diverse modalities of interactions between locals and distinct categorical visitors in each of the two cities. In contrast to Baalbek, findings manifest considerable territorial governance among multi-level stakeholders, local communities, and visitors of Byblos, which in turn interprets the dynamic territorial development in the city. The dissertation emphasizes the contribution of communitarianism to locals/visitors interactions, approaches intercultural interaction in conditions of equality between the two interacting groups and adopts a socio-anthropological perspective to elucidate culture, tourism, mobility, and governance as pillars of territorial development.Keywords: Culture, locals/visitors interactions, communitarianism, tourism, intercultural interaction, mobilities, stakeholders, territorial governance, territorial development, Byblos, Baalbek, Lebanon
Déprez, Paul. "Collectivités territoriales et Développement Durable : contribution des technologies de l'information, et de la communication, à la dimension participative d'une politique publique : Lecture d'un projet cyberdémocratique issu d'une démarche d'Intelligence Territoriale." Thesis, Toulon, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014TOUL0006/document.
Full textDue to the late entry of sustainable development spirit and practices in France, territories, according to their problems and potential, have to face evolving legislative framework and political will for their experiments based on. "Think global, act local" principle seems leading and guiding the action of territories inserted in a global logic which can be exploited by the recognition of skills allocated to local actors. Consequently, a participative culture is gradually emerging through new procedures aiming to be joined all territorial actors in connection with common rules for shaping territory and for the knowledge of local dynamics. What we suggest within a process of territorial intelligence, beyond repetitive call for the participation of civil society, is changing territorial culture. This paradigm of research pre supposes that, prior to the establishment of a communication process as result from a social mediation (A21 neighborhood councils, CIQ, etc..) or socio- technical (municipal newspaper, electronic forum Chat, etc..), the territory should build its "formal capital" (Bertacchini, 2004) enabling local actors to accept common rules and procedures, sharing their skills, mobilize with each other and join all through the territorial project. However, setting up the territorial formal capital constitution requires that local authorities exchanges information on territorial dynamics in action, in addition with a credit value to the exchanged information, including operation of the total amount of "communicative ICT resources" available (Habib & Baltz, 2008). We focus providing knowledge and tools enabling citizens to build their own enlighten opinion and focus on collective learning ( Manin in Sintomer and Talpin, 2011; Urfalino 2005) about logical sustainable Development (Angot, 2013). Our object of research is concerned with territorial authorities of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region involved in a project for sustainable spatial development of the Agenda 21 type (A21), Territorial Energy and Climate Plan Action label (PCET), Global Innovative for the Region (AGIR).This choice allows us to approach sustainable development from the perspective of stakeholder participation through specific participatory approaches (information to consultation), under the paradigm of territorial intelligence and our field research: information and communication sciences. We will furthermore discuss the issue of digital uses within local authorities’ organization, production of knowledge contained in digital content and media, and exchanged in different arenas of civil society
N'Zebele, Jérôme. "Télécommunications et aménagement du territoire au Congo." Paris 8, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA080775.
Full textThe fondamental role play by telecommunications in social and economic developpement, and spatial planning in congo is no longer strange but real and important because it is a developping country which want to integrate new communications technologies. After this analysis: telecommunications appear as generators of disenclosement and this developpement of isolated aeras structuring therefore the space. This leads to what we call: spatil discrepancy or regional discrepancy: discrepancy accentuated by equipements the outline networks, density, flow, and tariffs these different elements reinforce the weight of two central poles of congo: brazzaville and pointe noire. But the preoccupations of spatial planning must be taken into account to lead to well balanced and well thought of ventilation as regards telecommunications. In this domain we must avoid the mimesis and more over consider the human dimension which determines the future of possible innovation
Blangy-Martin, Sylvie. "Co-construire le tourisme autochtone par la recherche-action participative et les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication : une nouvelle approche de la gestion des ressources et des territoires." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON30085/document.
Full textAboriginal communities have been over researched in the past. They are looking at new ways to regain and recapture their culture, language and identity and are in the procès of taking ownership of research processes, concepts and tools. In an attempt to revisit participatory-action research approach and adapt it to aboriginal contexts, we have developed research collaborations with 13 communities from Northern Canada (Cree and Inuit) and Northern Scandinavia (Saami) and organised 20 workshops using collaborative research techniques and tools developed by Chevalier and Buckles from Carleton University. This approach and the tool kit we produced prove to be useful and timely. We were able to address the concerms and challenges that the communities have to face, develop research collaborations between the Cree, the Inuit and the Saami, study community engagement processes in tourism projects and explore new aboriginal research metholodogies. At the same time and during this 3 year Marie Curie research fellowship, we have been exploring the possibilities of developing collaborative research on line via the web 2.0 and ITC. We uploaded 200 aboriginal tourism initiatives represented in the “Aboriginal Destinations” Guidebook, connected their authors in a Content Management System SPIP (www.aboriginal-ecotourism.org), incorporating a variety of integrated technologies: Google Maps™ to provide the geographic placement of the communities; a webbased survey to produce dynamic statistical data to translate the information provided in the narratives/articles into statistical data; discussion forums to add qualitative comments to the quantitative data
Barois, Brice. "Créativité, attractivité et développement économique des territoires européens." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOUL2001.
Full textThis thesis delivers a comparative analysis on the wealth, the creativity, the connectivity and the residential attractiveness of the European territories. In a first chapter, the hierarchy of regional wealth in the European Union over the period 2000-2015 is analyzed, focusing on the dynamics of the distribution of GDP per capita of the 276 European regions identified at the NUTS 2 level. Using econometric models, it shows that the European structural mechanisms don’t lead to a process of convergence of GDP per capita. The catch-up mechanisms have proved ineffective and we are witnessing a polarization of performances that we characterize as the two-speed Europe ... The second chapter, for the period 2006-2013, studies the direct and indirect impact of the creative and cultural industries on the wealth of European regions. It shows that when spatial autocorrelation effects are considered, the impacts of these industries on the wealth of European regions are more contrasted and may, in some cases, widen disparities. The third chapter focuses on residential migration in metropolitan France. By analyzing residential migration between the French employment areas, this work shows that young people (aged 15-29) migrate more than the rest of the population. The more an individual is a graduate, single and renter, the more likely he is to migrate. At the same time, the characteristics of location territories influence the migration decisions of individuals. Young people prefer to move to connected territories, where creative employment is present and where unemployment rate is low
Martouzet, Denis. "Recherche du fondement de l'éthique de l'aménagement." Tours, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993TOUR1010.
Full textThe thesis aims at showing that a code of ethics for the planning profession implies first a definition of the discipline, secondly a bringing to ligth of its historical and conceptual constants. To that end, a definition has been worked out, centered on four different notions : space, tile, collective action and open-ended developments. There follows a study of the different flows of ethical and deontological considerations. It subsequently appears that the time-space notion aline allows a rational basis for an ethical principle. The latter can be defined by a diversification of the different elements constituting the space potentially usable for social purposes, that is to say the space planners work on. It is an ethic of the never-ending opportunities in the field of planning