Academic literature on the topic 'Communication en aménagement du territoire'
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Journal articles on the topic "Communication en aménagement du territoire"
Mettan, Nicolas. "Méthodes d'animation et de communication de groupe et leur utilisation en aménagement du territoire." disP - The Planning Review 27, no. 104 (January 1991): 18–23.
Full textVerlynde, Nicolas. "Adaptation des territoires de côtes basses au risque grandissant d'inondation : enquête de perception du risque dans la communauté urbaine de Dunkerque." La Houille Blanche, no. 3 (June 2020): 38–44.
Full textGirard, Nicole, and Frédéric Soeurs. "Aménagement du territoire." Géographes associés 16, no. 1 (1995): 25–31.
Full textGreffe, Xavier. "Aménagement du territoire ou aménagement du milieu ?" Économie rurale 225, no. 1 (1995): 4–7.
Full textDumont, Gérard-François. "Quel aménagement du territoire ?" Les analyses de Population & Avenir N°27, no. 6 (2020): 1.
Full textDumont, Fernand, and Yves Martin. "Aménagement du territoire et sociologie." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 5, no. 10 (April 12, 2005): 257–65.
Full textDucom, Estelle. "Vieillissement et aménagement du territoire." Population & Avenir 683, no. 3 (2007): 4.
Full textLe Goff, Jean-Paul. "EDI et aménagement du territoire." Netcom 8, no. 1 (1994): 116–27.
Full textRozenholc, Anita. "Téléservices et aménagement du territoire." Netcom 9, no. 2 (1995): 474–78.
Full textMartin, Xavier. "Aménagement du territoire et aménagement insulaire en milieu tropical." Revue Juridique de l'Environnement 19, no. 1 (1994): 79–87.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Communication en aménagement du territoire"
Gastambide, Jérôme. "Les politiques d'aménagement du territoire : les technologies de l'information et de la communication : évolutions de la place et des rôles des techniques de communication dans l'aménagement du territoire : 1947-2005." Paris 1, 2008.
Full textPapy, Albert. "Réseaux de communication et développement territorial : cas des régions Ngounié et Nyanga (Sud Gabon)." Paris 7, 2011.
Full textRich country, oil producer, Gabon records a very great deficit transport communications. With leaving Independence, the country adopted a land settlement policy which led to the development of the five-year plans of development. The objective was to disenclose the territory. The foregrounds and the policies led in the Sixties aimed at setting up road, airport national connections and telecommunications towards and between the chief towns of the provinces in order to introvertir the organization of the service roads to affirm the national unit and to support the development of the regions. Unfortunately, the accomplishments were not worthy of waitings. When the communication networks defective and are degraded, they do not play any more their function of connection and the economy just like suffers from it the areas, the case of Ngounié and Nyanga. It is time to leave them the underdevelopment for better integrating them economically and socially. The new policy of diversification of the economy installation by the Gabonese government to prepare after-oil, cannot lead without a considerable effort carried in the building of efficient networks of communication meeting needs of the country and able to serve the totality of the areas
Le, Béchec Mariannig. "Territoire et communication politique sur le « web régional breton »." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2010.
Full textMartin-Scholz, Anja. "Communiquer et organiser en échafaudant un "big data" manuel : le cas d'un projet de formation en aménagement du territoire." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017.
Full textThe land-use planning in France, and specifically the making process of planning documents, evolve both in a distinct and common way due to the effects of the rationalization of public policies, the State devolution of power and the transformations of land management issues. The actors involved in planning must mediate numerous conflicts of land-use, in compliance with multiple and even contradictory laws and directives. In this context, we observed a training project developed via an inter-organizational collaboration involving agents from decentralized departments of different Ministries, as well as agents belonging to a research organization. The agents were concerned about the preservation of cultivated or potentially cultivatable soil. Facing the limitation of their capacity to act, they sought toways of acting remotely through this project. Our research explores the organizing processes that constitute a transverse organization. It shows how a scaffolding was gradually built up at the "border" between different arenas in order to equip the recipients of the training module with data, elements of method, organizational "ways-of-thinking" and "ways-to-see". Thus it characterizes this collaboration as part of a perspective based on evidence based planning and on the big data movement. Our research is anchored in an information-communication approach. It works on questions of rawification and of making data sets compatible. It explores how a generic prescription fails in situed re-singularization. It highlights key issues, linked to the big data movement, in terms of sense making, sense conceived both as meaning and as orientation of action
Pasquet, Olivier. "Contraintes de développement et nouvelles stratégies d'aménagement montagnard : utilisation des nouveaux moyens de communication : exemple du Beaufortain." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1990.
Full textThe developpement of the new communication technologies is a major issue for the economical and social planning. This will certainly be a main element in the next geographical transformations. For the rural areas and especially the mountainous ones, like the Beaufortain's valley (Savoie), this can be a real danger to be outside the new information society. The need of some specific adaptations of the communication tools is very important for those regions. The micro-waves technology, combined with the optic fiber cable can be used in those "micro-region" to : Help the local economical developpement. Keep a strong cultural identity. Maintain or recreate a social and a political unity
Bérion, Pascal. "Grandes infrastructures de transport et aménagement du territoire : méthodologie et mise en place de l'observatoire des effets territoriaux de l'autoroute A 39." Besançon, 1995.
Full textRubio-Boistard, Nelly. "Aménager et urbaniser aujourd'hui : d'un SIS [Système d'Information Spatialisé] pour l'aide à la prise de décision à un outil de communication." Toulouse 2, 2005.
Full textThis thesis deals with the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) introduction into the decision-making processes suitable for town planning. A good knowledge of the growth and urban spreading context allows to find needsing in specifics tools adapted to the modern planning stakes. The organization actors are confronted to complex processes. The municipalities regrouping is the scale selected. This one implies the treatment of a considerable mass of information and the realization of town planning documents. The tools related on the management and the urban data exploitation , their evolutions and their potentials are developed. This study is then illustrated by the Castres-Mazamet community of town case. The stages of the GIS prototype implementation, its conception, its construction and its setting-up are clarified. A report without ambiguity leads to reorientate this Geographical Information System tool of decision-making aid for the planning towards a cartographic server of communication tool type. Those tools using is complex, it does not meet the needs for a part of the public targeted, but some of their functionalities are regarded as essential. One here towards the search for the tool fine adaptation to the needs and requirements of the actors concerned. It is also a question of tracking down t the tool potential in the decision-making process as well as the planning document realization. This reflexion on the role of the GIS and cartographic server in the assistance with the decision-making is strengthened by many other case studies in a bibliographical analysis. The tool potential and limits are developed, this project finality is to define a standard product or a standard service according to the size of the municipalities regrouping structures targeted. Two solution types can be imagined: a very complete system for small structures which do not have anything, or very specifics expertises on well defined problems for more important structures
Bouchaf, Ouafae. "Communication publique et négociation : cas de l'Agence pour l'Aménagement de la Vallée du Bouregreg." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2017.
Full textThis doctoral research of exploratory and inductive type, tries to answer the question: what are the practices of public communication and negotiation applied in the context of the project of development of the Bouregreg valley? And to which models do they refer? Consisted in describing and analyzing the communication and negotiation processes that the AAVB follows with the population in order to achieve its mission; And finally, to try to draw a theoretical model of communication and negotiation proper to this situation. The contribution of this work would be to propose a model that combines a model of communication and a model of negotiation by explaining the overlaps and proscriptions that exist between them. Indeed, it is a question of analyzing the processes of communication and negotiation in parallel and showing their complementarity (or not) in order to arrive at a single objective that we will criticize: that of causing the receiver to opt for a Acceptance of the proposals of the developer. As for the negotiation process, the investigation showed that it is influenced by a combination of factors such as power, context, relationship and various external interventions. Moreover, this research characterizes the phase of confrontation of proposals where the actors mobilize a persuasive communication that is carried out according to a process that engages specific elements especially when receiving messages such as attention, control and treatment of Information that leads to understanding or misunderstanding of the message. This operation leads the actor who is the citizen towards an unfavorable, neutral or favorable attitude towards (or not) "freeing ground"
Gonguet-Mestre, Catherine. "L'axe durancien à l'amont de Pont Mirabeau : analyse spatiale et effets d'axe de communication en développement." Aix-Marseille 1, 1999.
Full textGoulou, Jean-Richard Armand. "Territorialisation et infrastructures de transport et de communication : cas du Congo-Brazzaville." Bordeaux 4, 2003.
Full textIn line with the government'saims, territorialisation in Congo-Brazzaville enables the integration of a political dimension in the communication and transportation infrastructures? The territory of Congo-Brazzaville, populated by ethnic groups including the m'bochi, teke and kongo is characterized by three groups of regions located in the northern, southern and central areas of the country. The geographical conditions in these regions are varied as restrictive and have been enhanced with transportation and communication network. The territorial and administrative organisation applied to these regions since the colonial period has evolued by trial and error. Furthermore, they are developed complex social structures and generated some disparity not only in the various. .
Books on the topic "Communication en aménagement du territoire"
Boyer, Marcel. Déréglementation des télécommunications et développement régional. Moncton, N.B: Institut canadien de recherche sur le développement régional, Université de Moncton, 1987.
Find full textMeissel, René. Décentralisation et aménagement du territoire. Paris: Le Monde Editions, 1995.
Find full textElie, Jean Rénol. Aménagement du territoire et décentralisation. [Port-au-Prince?]: CRESFED, 2014.
Find full textAudebert, Alexandre, and Thomas Vigreux. Aménagement du territoire et archéologie préventive. Voiron: Groupe territorial, 2012.
Find full textMerlin, Pierre. L' aménagement du territoire en France. Paris: La Documentation française, 2007.
Find full textPierre, Delfaud, and Lacour Claude, eds. Espace régional et aménagement du territoire. 2nd ed. Paris: Dalloz, 1985.
Find full textBoeuf, Jean-Luc. L' aménagement du territoire: Bilan et renouveau. Paris: Documentation française, 1995.
Find full textMadiot, Yves. Aménagement du territoire: Recueil de textes commentés. Paris: Litec, 1986.
Find full textBrulé, Jean Claude. L'Algérie: Volontarisme étatique et aménagement du territoire. 2nd ed. Besançon: Université de Franche-Comté, 1987.
Find full textChilla, Tobias, and Christian Schulz. Raumordnung in Luxemburg: Aménagement du territoire au Luxembourg. Luxembourg: Éditions Guy Binsfeld, 2013.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Communication en aménagement du territoire"
Jhearmaneechotechai, Prin. "Bangkok, ville aquatique : foundation et aménagement du territoire métropolitain." In Lire la ville, éclairer la métropolisation depuis l’Asie du Sud-Est, 59–72. Bangkok: Institut de recherche sur l’Asie du Sud-Est contemporaine, 2024.
Full textNémery, Jean-Claude, Jean-Michel Bricault, and Fabrice Thuriot. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2012, 175–203. GRIDAUH, 2012.
Full textNémery, Jean-Claude, Jean-Michel Bricault, and Fabrice Thuriot. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2006, 205–49. GRIDAUH, 2006.
Full textNémery, Jean-Claude, Jean-Michel Bricault, and Fabrice Thuriot. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2005, 239–78. GRIDAUH, 2005.
Full textNémery, Jean-Claude, Jean-Michel Bricault, and Fabrice Thuriot. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2010, 183–208. GRIDAUH, 2010.
Full textBricault, Jean-Michel, Fabrice Thuriot, and Jean-Claude Némery. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2021, 115–47. GRIDAUH, 2021.
Full textBricault, Jean-Michel, Jean-Claude Némery, and Fabrice Thuriot. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2017, 161–86. GRIDAUH, 2017.
Full textBricault, Jean-Michel, Fabrice Thuriot, and Jean-Claude Némery. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2020, 121–51. GRIDAUH, 2020.
Full textBricault, Jean-Michel, Fabrice Thuriot, and Jean-Claude Némery. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2018, 133–59. GRIDAUH, 2018.
Full textNémery, Jean-Claude, Jean-Michel Bricault, and Fabrice Thuriot. "Aménagement du territoire." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2014, 193–219. GRIDAUH, 2014.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Communication en aménagement du territoire"
PACITTO, Jean-Louis, and Odile JACQUEMIN. "Biomimétique et aménagement durable de l’espace : l’exemplarité d’un territoire côtier face à ses îles-parc." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2014.
Full textSaiz-Cerreda, María Pilar. "1940 - 1944 : « On meurt de soif » mais les eaux sont mortes. La portée symbolique de l’eau chez les écrivains français sous l’Occupation." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
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