Academic literature on the topic 'Common travel area'

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Journal articles on the topic "Common travel area"


Maher, Imelda. "Re-bordering the Common Travel Area." Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 75, no. 3 (October 4, 2024): 652–58.

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The Common Travel Area (CTA) promises – and has delivered – extraordinary benefits for British and Irish citizens for over a century. Here, we briefly outline the scattered and diverse legal norms around the CTA. We then look at how it encapsulates a narrow view of citizenship before briefly outlining the challenges posed by Covid which underline how important political goodwill is to this free movement arrangement.
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Ryan, Bernard. "The Common Travel Area between Britain and Ireland." Modern Law Review 64, no. 6 (November 2001): 831–54.

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de Mars, Sylvia, and C. R. G. Murray. "With or Without EU? The Common Travel Area After Brexit." German Law Journal 21, no. 5 (July 2020): 815–37.

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AbstractThe Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concluded between the UK and Ireland in May 2019 provides one of the few clear legacies of Theresa May’s premiership. The Common Travel Area (CTA) between Ireland, the UK, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man provides the basis for domestic immigration and nationality laws which permit Irish citizens to reside in the UK and for them to be treated as “not foreign” in the context of UK domestic laws concerning access to healthcare, employment, social security, political participation, and education. Yet it has long lacked legal definition. The UK and Ireland reciprocate, to a rough extent, these rights for each other’s citizens. The MoU and related developments mark the first steps towards clarifying the CTA’s scope. The rush to conclude this MoU and alter parts of both countries’ domestic law relating to the CTA nonetheless illustrate the fragile state of Ireland–UK relations with Brexit looming. This Article explores whether these reforms will enable people who rely upon the CTA as a foundation of life outside their home country to protect their interests through litigation, and reflects upon the relationship between these arrangements and the protections for EU citizens proposed under the UK–EU Withdrawal Agreement.
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de Mars, Sylvia, and C. R. G. Murray. "With or Without EU? The Common Travel Area After Brexit – ERRATUM." German Law Journal 22, no. 5 (August 2021): 914.

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BUTLER, Graham, and Gavin BARRETT. "Europe’s ‘Other’ Open-Border Zone: The Common Travel Area under the Shadow of Brexit." Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 20 (December 2018): 252–86.

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AbstractIn recent years, the Schengen Area—and the suppression within its territory of border controls—has become a strong focus of attention. This article focuses on another region of Europe where such controls have been suppressed: the Common Travel Area (‘CTA’). Historically, both Ireland and the United Kingdom have rejected membership of the Schengen system—albeit securing certain ‘opt-in’ rights—and instead maintained the CTA between their respective jurisdictions. The CTA has, however, garnered relatively little public attention until recently, when concerns as to the implications of Brexit for the maintenance of an open border between Ireland and Northern Ireland have gained ground, and threatened to be a deal breaker in the negotiations under Article 50 TEU on UK exit from the EU (‘Brexit’). This article examines the background to the CTA, exploring its surprisingly fluid legal framework; its development in the legal systems of Ireland and the United Kingdom; and subsequently, how it was exempted from what is now EU law as the Schengen arrangements were integrated into the Union. The recent introduction of the British-Irish Visa Scheme, which formalises some visa rules regarding citizens of third states, and which tends in the direction of consolidating CTA arrangements, is also examined. The article further explores the challenges that confront the CTA in coping with the outcome of the June 2016 Brexit referendum, which should result in the UK leaving the European Union in March 2019, and the implications of Brexit for the CTA. Finally, it seeks to identify some key characteristics of the CTA in light of experience to date.
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Czyżak, Krzysztof. "Motyw podróży w czasie w grach cyfrowych – podstawowe typy mechanik." Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication 33, no. 42 (July 3, 2023): 139–49.

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This article is an attempt to describe the ways in which the theme of time travel functions in video games. The text presents the two most common types of incorporating time travel into game mechanics. In the first type, an avatar has the ability to manipulate gameworld time. In the second case, time travel is simulated by a transfer of the avatar into a different game area. The article constitutes a step towards more advanced research on time travel in video games.
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Ben-Ari, Tamara, Gaëlle Lefort, Jérome Mariette, Olivier Aumont, Laurent Jeanneau, Alexandre Santerne, Aymeric Spiga, and Philippe-e. Roche. "Flight quotas outperform focused mitigation strategies in reducing the carbon footprint of academic travel." Environmental Research Letters 19, no. 5 (April 12, 2024): 054008.

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Abstract The carbon footprint of academia has become a prominent concern and a burgeoning research area, with a notable focus on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from research-related travels. Mitigation strategies often promote alternatives, such as developing virtual communication or adopting sustainable transportation modes for short distances. While more ambitious strategies involving the transformation of research practices are increasingly discussed, these mitigation solutions are rarely subjected to rigorous quantitative assessments or meaningful comparisons. This study analyzes a unique database of about 130 000 travel segments by car, train and plane in 159 research entities across a wide array of disciplines in France. We investigate the patterns and associated carbon footprint of these research travels and explore a diversity of mitigation options. Our analysis shows that air travel overwhelmingly outweighs the carbon footprint of research travel, representing more than 96% of GHG emissions. Intercontinental flights are infrequent (less than 10% of all plane trips) but dominate GHG travel emissions, accounting for over 64% of total emissions. In contrast, domestic and continental flights are the most common but their mitigation potential by modal shift to train is limited (e.g. less than 15% for trips under 1000 km). Similar reductions can be achieved by targeting a small subset of travels, for example by modulating the frequency of conference attendance. The greatest and possibly most robust mitigation potential lies in combining modal shift with moderating air mileage (e.g. reducing travelled distance or number of flights). Strategies focusing on electrification or modal shifts for cars, proposed in official guidelines, are found to have negligible impact. In the absence of low-carbon alternatives for long-haul flights, we contend that only comprehensive strategies and policies which include moderating air travel distance or frequency can achieve a robust significant reduction in the GHG emissions from academic travel.
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Estrada, Joana, Cláudia Conceição, Gonçalo Figueiredo Augusto, and Rosa Teodósio. "What Do Travelers Know about Traveler’s Diarrhea? Impact of a Pre-Travel Consultation in the Lisbon Area, Portugal." Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 9, no. 10 (October 8, 2024): 232.

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Traveler’s diarrhea (TD) is one of the most common travel-related health problems, largely interfering with planned activities and potentially contributing to antimicrobial resistance. This study aimed to characterize the knowledge about TD among pre-travel consultation users of one Portuguese travel clinic and determine the impact of the consultation on knowledge levels. Using a quasi-experimental, separate-sample pretest–posttest design, participants were randomly assigned to two groups: control/pre-consultation group (CG) or experimental/post-consultation group (EG). An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was used. A total of 470 participants were analyzed (227 CG; 243 EG). The EG/post-consultation group showed significant improvement in knowledge, with correct answers increasing from 63% to 75% (p < 0.001). However, knowledge gaps persisted: over 50% were unaware of TD’s self-limited nature, 30% did not recognize loperamide as a symptom reliever, and 36% believed all travelers should take antibiotics to prevent TD. The educational level and previous travel outside Europe influenced baseline knowledge; previous travel medicine consultations and information on TD improved knowledge in both groups and made it easier to acquire knowledge on the subject. Thus, a pre-travel consultation effectively increased travelers’ TD knowledge. However, post-consultation knowledge levels remained suboptimal, indicating the need for targeted interventions to increase travelers’ literacy and optimize pre-travel consultations.
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Miller, Eric J., and Matthew J. Roorda. "Prototype Model of Household Activity-Travel Scheduling." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1831, no. 1 (January 2003): 114–21.

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The Toronto Area Scheduling Model for Household Agents (TASHA), a new prototype activity scheduling microsimulation model, generates activity schedules and travel patterns for a 24-h typical weekday for all persons in a household. The prototype model is based solely on conventional trip diary data and therefore is applicable in many urban areas where activity data may not be available. The model makes use of the concept of the project, a "container" of activities with a common goal, to organize activity episodes into the schedules of persons in a household. A heuristic, or rule-based, method is used to organize activities into projects and then to form schedules for interacting household members. The TASHA model is considered to be a successful first attempt to operationalize a generalized conceptual model of household decision making, with reasonable correspondence between model and observed trip rates and chain characteristics.
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Raczyńska-Buława, Ewa. "Some issues of children’s mobility." AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe 19, no. 3 (March 31, 2018): 23–31.

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Parents with young children are rarely target groups of actions in the area of transport policy. In terms of long-distance bus communication, it can be said that the travel potential of this group of passengers is not used. It is easier and more common to travel by car. Combined railway and regional bus transport tickets seems to be a particularly difficult subject even if this is a convenient solution for the passenger. In everyday trips in urban areas, children are accustomed to the fact that the car is used even for distances amounting to several hundred meters.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Common travel area"


Cracco, Amélie. "Les cοnséquences du Brexit sur la liberté de circulatiοn des persοnnes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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Conformément à l’engagement pris par le parti conservateur , la victoire du Leave à l’occasion du référendum sur l’appartenance du Royaume-Uni à l’Union européenne a entraîné la mise en œuvre de la procédure prévue à l’article 50 du Traité sur l’Union européenne. Le retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne a surtout posé la question de la relation future entre les deux entités. La prééminence dont la libre circulation des personnes a fait l’objet lors de la campagne référendaire a invité Londres à envisager les différents scenarii à l’aune des possibilités offertes en matière de maîtrise des mouvements en provenance des États membres. Elles se ramenaient à une alternative : aménager la libre circulation des personnes en faisant usage des marges de manœuvre que le statut de pays tiers devait permettre de dégager, ou, au contraire, la démanteler. Le premier terme s’accommodait mal de la recherche de souveraineté telle qu’elle a été exprimée lors de la campagne référendaire. À travers la mise en œuvre du second, le gouvernement britannique entendait faire montre de sa capacité à tirer les conséquences du retrait dans le calendrier contraint de la sortie et à normaliser la relation avec l’Union européenne en alignant le traitement des citoyens de l’Union européenne et des membres de leur famille sur le droit commun des étrangers. En l’absence de droits acquis, cette entreprise nécessitait qu’un régime transitoire soit mis en place qui permette aux personnes qui ont exercé leur droit à la libre circulation et dont la situation était en cours de pouvoir continuer à en bénéficier.Au Royaume-Uni, l’alignement sur le droit commun n’a pas été opéré sans que ne soient apportées certaines adaptations. Il a d’abord donné lieu à une libéralisation du système d’immigration qui visait principalement à prémunir le marché de l’emploi dynamique et flexible contre l’apparition de carences qui pourraient le déstabiliser. Mais l’augmentation de l’immigration en provenance de pays tiers à l’Union européenne qui en est résultée a eu pour conséquence de soumettre l’entrée et le séjour des citoyens de l’Union européenne et des membres de leur famille à des conditions qui sont progressivement devenues plus restrictives encore. La logique de réciprocité dans laquelle s’inscrit cet alignement a abouti à un double phénomène : la régression des droits et la redistribution des perspectives de mobilité croisée entre, d’une part, l’Union européenne et ses États membres et, d’autre part, le Royaume-Uni. Malgré l’ambition poursuivie, l’alignement est toutefois demeuré incomplet. Le pragmatisme a en effet commandé de laisser subsister un traitement qui demeure à certains égards préférentiel. Il témoigne d’une volonté de préserver une relation essentiellement commerciale désormais et il connaît une exception notable avec l’Irlande, le Royaume-Uni n’ayant eu de cesse de réaffirmer son attachement à la Zone de voyage commune
In accordance with the commitment made by the conservative party, the Leave victory in the referendum on the United Kingdom's membership of the European Union triggered the procedure set out in Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. Above all, the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union raised the question of the future relationship between the two entities. The prominence given to free movement of people during the referendum campaign prompted London to consider the various scenarios in the light of the possibilities offered in terms of controlling movements from Member States. They came down to an alternative: either to adapt free movement of people or to dismantle it. The first option did not fit well with the quest for sovereignty expressed during the campaign. Through the implementation of the second, the British government intended to demonstrate its ability to draw the consequences of withdrawal within the constrained timetable of the exit and to normalise relations with the European Union by bringing the treatment of EU citizens and their family members into line with the ordinary law on foreign nationals. In the absence of acquired rights, this undertaking required a transitional regime to be put in place to enable people who had exercised their right to free movement and whose situation was ongoing to continue to benefit from it.In the United Kingdom, alignment with ordinary law was not achieved without adaptations. It first led to a liberalisation of the immigration system, the main aim of which was to protect the dynamic and flexible labour market from deficiencies that could destabilise it. However, the consecutive increase in immigration from non-EU countries resulted in further restrictions of the conditions that the entry and residence of EU citizens and their family members has been subject to. The logic of reciprocity behind this alignment has led to a twofold phenomenon : loss of rights and redistribution of prospects for cross-mobility between, on the one hand, the European Union and its Member States and, on the other, the United Kingdom. Despite the ambition pursued, alignment has nevertheless remained incomplete. Pragmatism called for a preferential treatment in certain respects, which reflects a desire to preserve an essentially commercial relationship. The case of Ireland, where the United Kingdom has consistently reaffirmed its attachment to the Common Travel Area, is a noteworthy exception
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Books on the topic "Common travel area"


Meehan, Elizabeth M. Free movement between Ireland and the UK: From the "common travel area" to the Common Travel Area. Dublin: Policy Institute in association with the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, 2000.

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Nellis, David W. Common Coastal Birds of Florida and the Caribbean. Sarasota, Florida: Pineapple Press, Inc., 2001.

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Victor, Murinde, ed. The free trade area of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2001.

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Ainslie, Andrew. Cattle ownership and production in the communal areas of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Bellville, Cape Town: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, 2002.

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Othieno, Lawrence. Prospects and challenges in the formation of the COMESA-EAC and SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area. Kampala, Uganda: Economic Policy Research Centre, 2011.

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European Commission. Directorate-General for Agriculture., ed. The common agricultural policy: Promoting Europe's agriculture and rural areas--continuity and change. [Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998.

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Kavanagh, James. The nature of California: An introduction to common plants and animals and natural attractions. San Francisco, Calif: Waterford Press, 1994.

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Philippines. President (1992-1998 : Ramos). Philippine schedule of tariff concessions under the common effective preferentiall tariff (CEPT) scheme for the ASEAN free trade area (AFTA): Executive Order no. 145. [Quezon City]: Philippine Tariff Commission, 1994.

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Many books and scientific articles have been written about the White movement, but the issues of state regulation of the economy and social relations, as well as legislation and administration of white governments in various areas of the socio-economic life of society, are still poorly understood. The few studies available are mainly aimed at revealing regional problems. This monograph covers the legal policy of the anti-Soviet governments in the field of finance and taxes, industry and transport, trade and supply in all territories of "white" Russia, reveals its common and special features and establishes what impact it had on the outcome of the civil war. The monograph is addressed to historians, political scientists, teachers and students, graduate and doctoral students of universities, as well as to everyone who is interested in the history of the Fatherland.
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Meade, Douglas S., ed. In Quest of the Craft. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2015.

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INFORUM is a research project started more than forty five years ago by Clopper Almon. The focus is on the development of dynamic, interindustry, macroeconometric models to forecast the economy in the long run. Over the last 30 years, the Inforum approach to model building has been shared by economists in many different countries. Researchers have focused much of their efforts to developing a linked system of international interindustry models with a consistent methodology. A world-wide network of research associates use similar methods and a common software obtaining comparable results to produce studies of common interest to the group. Inforum partners have shared their research in an annual conference since 1993. The XXII Inforum World Conference was held in Alexandria, Virginia in September 2014 and this book contains a selection of papers presented during the sessions. All these contributions share an empirical and pragmatic orientation that is very useful for policymakers, business, and applied economists. Some papers are devoted to specific topics (productivity, energy, international trade, demographic changes) and some others are oriented to model building and simulations.
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Book chapters on the topic "Common travel area"


Meehan, Elizabeth. "Freedom of Movement: the Common Travel Area between Ireland and Britain and the Treaty of Amsterdam." In Migration and Mobility, 124–45. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2001.

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Suslowicz, Jarvis, and Helge Hillnhütter. "Tactical Urbanism: A Means of Enacting Mobility Transition? A Literature Review of International Practice." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 1635–47. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025.

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AbstractThis chapter assesses the state of practice for institutional-led tactical urbanism as a means of enacting a transition towards active travel in cities. Using an established assessment framework, the chapter reviews 92 academic works covering the use of temporary, tactical and experimental street-space reallocation projects towards the goal of permanently increasing mode-shares of active modes through improved spatial provision. Although significant ground has been made in this area, particularly in response to the opportunity presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, most projects still encounter difficulty in transitioning towards long-term outcomes. Through a focus on planning process and implementation, the chapter identifies common blockages and limitations inherent to orienting short-term interventions towards long-term transformative goals, while identifying potential best practices common to interventions which do achieve long-term replicability. While some causes of failure are contextually dependent—particularly temporally limited funding schemes and variation in local competencies—the chapter proposes that closer attention to strategic factors ordinarily present in traditional planning can improve the viability of measures.
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Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin. "The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa." In The African Continental Free Trade Area, 155–71. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2024.

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Tshimpaka, Leon Mwamba. "“No One Should Be Left Behind”: EU and Inclusion of Civil Society in the African Common Free Trade Area." In Africa-EU Relations and the African Continental Free Trade Area, 253–82. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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Oloruntoba, Samuel Ojo, and Leon Mwamba Tshimpaka. "Introduction: Redefining the Dynamics of Power and Economic Partnership in Africa–EU Relations Through the African Common Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)." In Africa-EU Relations and the African Continental Free Trade Area, 1–12. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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Perlak, Jakub. "Selected Concepts of Leadership in Self-organizing Teams." In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 209–15. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2025.

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AbstractSelf-organizing teams are a common way of organizing teamwork in sectors related to modern technologies, especially in programming teams. Agile methods often promote and advocate such teams. One of the problems in this form of team organization is the issue of leadership, and particularly the relationship between vertical leadership - one person, and horizontal leadership - team members. In the literature on the subject, we can find traces of many concepts in such a broad area as the issue of leadership. However, several selected concepts allow us to capture an emerging feature in self-organizing teams which is the taking over of leadership functions by team members. Shared leadership, where the leadership function comes from team members, not from one appointed leader. Distributed leadership is where leadership in the organization is taken over voluntarily by individuals. Balanced leadership, where the vertical leader enables team members to take over leadership functions depending on the situation. The selected concepts presented here allow for a better understanding and research of the nature and phenomenon of leadership in self-organizing teams.
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Maher, Imelda. "The Common Travel Area." In The Law & Politics of Brexit, 107—C6.N87. Oxford University PressOxford, 2022.

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Abstract Chapter 6 by Imelda Maher examines Article 3 of the Protocol, entitled ‘Common Travel Area’ (CTA). Maher explains how the CTA is a long-standing arrangement which has allowed Irish and UK citizens to move freely between the two islands, and she underlines how Article 3 of the Protocol essentially enables the two countries to continue this practice, provided it respects the rights of natural persons conferred by EU law. At the same time, Maher shows how the CTA is a largely uncodified arrangement, which relies on multiple sources of law, including international agreements, bits of immigration legislation in the UK, and several memoranda of understanding (MoUs) on travel, access to health, and education. In fact, Maher stresses how the first legally binding recognition of the CTA could arguably be found in Protocol 20 to the EU Treaties, which exempted Ireland and the UK from joining the Schengen free movement zone, because of their CTA. While this provision of primary EU law will have to be removed at the next round of treaty revisions, according to Maher the CTA has today found a legal protection in the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. Yet, the CTA remains mostly a political commitment between the two governments, which suggests that its future remains somewhat uncertain.
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"The Common Travel Area." In Security of Residence and Expulsion, 83–89. Brill | Nijhoff, 2001.

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Maher, Imelda. "The Common Travel Area." In The Law and Practice of the Ireland-Northern Ireland Protocol, 173–82. Cambridge University Press, 2022.

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"Walkability in Metropolitan Area." In Big Data Analytics in Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 45–66. IGI Global, 2019.

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Promoting active trips has been considered as a key element towards achieving more sustainable transportation. Walking as a mode of transportation can contribute to more sustainable and healthy travel habits. This chapter presents a new approach for measuring walkability within Melbourne region, Australia. An integrated approach combining transport and land-use planning concepts was employed to construct the walking access index (WAI), which is a location-based measure for accessibility. The WAI along with a common existing walkability index were employed in regression models to examine how the new index performs in transport modelling. Key findings indicate that residents are more likely to have walking trips when living in a more walkable environment. Furthermore, it was found using statistical modelling that the WAI produces better results than one of the common approaches.
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Conference papers on the topic "Common travel area"


Stanzione, Kaydon, Michael Baiada, and Richard Ruff. "An Investigation of Emergency Flight Operations with Vertical Flight Aircraft in Class B Airspace." In Vertical Flight Society 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–7. The Vertical Flight Society, 2017.

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This paper investigates how vertical flight aircraft operations can more efficiently mesh with airline arrival and departure flows in both emergency and non-emergency conditions within Class B airspace. Specifically, Helicopter Air Ambulance Operations (HAAO) are merged with the results of FAA studies addressing Aircraft Arrival Management Systems. The unique flight capabilities of vertical flight aircraft must be optimized to provide rapid emergency response while permitting queued airlines to land with minimal to no delay. FAA's NextGen and specific HAAO procedural and equipment mandates offer improved aircrew situational assessment that results in improved safety. However, wide-area emergencies place high demands on multi-jurisdictional military, police, and helicopter air ambulance interoperability and integrated Command and Control. The ever-increasing threat of terrorism and natural disasters combined with escalating passenger travel increases the risk of near misses and accidents in Class B. During emergencies HAAO, which generally operate under airline take-off and landing approach paths, should be queued to still allow airlines to safely land, particularly if they are unable to reroute or have a minimum fuel issue. Class B airspace can become quickly congested and hazardous given multi-jurisdictional operators who may not be intimately familiar with the airport, hospitals, landing zones, and airspace procedures, ultimately presenting unique challenges to ATC and aircraft operators. Affordable solutions such as the Airborne Flight Reporting System (AFRS) can be integrated with Aircraft Arrival Management Systems to provide real-time Command and Control, interoperability, and situational assessment resulting in a common operating picture for multi-jurisdictional first responders, ATC and airlines.
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DuBois, Thomas, William Kinahan, and Fernando Dones. "Joint Common Architecture (JCA) Recommendations." In Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–8. The Vertical Flight Society, 2014.

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In June of 2013, the Army released a draft overview of the Joint Common Architecture (JCA) model (Ref. 1), which suggests a way to decompose mission systems functionality into Domains, Subsystems, and Components. This paper offers additional recommendations to the structure of the JCA, including an added Systems decomposition layer and Vehicle Management Systems (VMS) functionality related to flight controls. The new Systems layer bridges the connection between the Domains and Subsystems provided in the draft JCA. The structure of the Systems layer encourages the mission systems integrator to conduct design trades allowing functionality to span more than a single Subsystem. The Systems layer recognizes advancements in technology to enable more processing to be done within single enclosures, and the trend among subsystem providers to offer more functionality within their products. It balances the decomposition gap between the broad Domain areas and numerous Subsystems into a partition of Systems that naturally fit the major systems that need to be developed for rotorcraft aviation platforms. Partitioned operating systems (e.g., those real-time operating systems conformant with the Future Airborne Capability Environment), processes for critical software development (e.g., DO-178C), and virtual machines allow mixed criticality levels of software to execute inside the same processing environment. Such implementations are flight certifiable allowing for the opportunity to incorporate flight controls functionality within the Joint Common Architecture. Flight-critical domain components and functions continue to be within the JCA, with design characteristics conforming to flight critical requirements. This approach offers sensor and processing consolidation that yields savings in space, weight, power and cost.
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Aminof, Benjamin, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Sasha Rubin, and Florian Zuleger. "Proper Linear-time Specifications of Environment Behaviors in Nondeterministic Planning and Reactive Synthesis." In 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR-2023}, 38–48. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2024.

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To help it achieve its goal, an agent exploits assumptions it has about the behavior of its environment. The common view in planning and reactive synthesis is that such assumptions are sets of traces. This trace-centric view has the advantage of having well-understood specification formalisms, such as linear-time temporal logic. An alternative view, that we have promoted as being conceptually superior, is strategy-centric: assumptions are non-empty sets of environment strategies. In this work we relate these views and show that the strategy-centric view is a refinement of the trace-centric view. We thus address the following fundamental question: when should a set of traces be considered an assumption that the agent has about the environment's behavior? Our answer is in terms of coverability: every trace in the set should be consistent with some environment strategy that enforces it. We call such sets ``proper environment specifications''. Typical examples are given by (the traces consistent with a given) planning domain, and fairness constraints, but not arbitrary trace constraints. We provide an algorithm that, given a specification in linear-time temporal logic (LTL) decides whether or not it is a proper environment specification. Furthermore, we show that every set of traces has a ``proper environment core'', which excludes traces that the agent can ignore when devising its plan. We provide an algorithm for computing a representation of the core of an LTL formula, and prove that the core of an LTL-definable property is itself LTL-definable.
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Wolny, Ada, Marek Ogryzek, and Ryszard Zróbek. "Challenges, Opportunities and Barriers to Sustainable Transport Development in Functional Urban Areas." In Environmental Engineering. VGTU Technika, 2017.

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The process of identifying urban areas in OECD countries uses population density to identify urban cores, and travel-to-work flows to identify the hinterlands as the “worker catchment area” of the urban labour market, outside the densely inhabited core. As the travel-to-work analysis seems to be an important issue for creating coherent functional urban areas, the main determinants of daily commuting in a sub-regional scale should be investigated. There is a common opinion, that residents of the suburbs are bound to use individual forms of transportation, and public transport does not meet their needs. That is why the aim of this research is to identify the main challenges, opportunities and barriers to sustainable transport development in functional urban areas, in order to avoid the adverse effects of urbanisation. For the purpose of the article, a comparative analysis for selected Polish functional urban areas was conducted, and both shortterm and long-term prospects of transport development are depicted. The article includes statistical, spatial and descriptive analyses based on Central Statistical Office data, Regional Operational Programmes for 2014–2020, made for the Polish provinces, as well as selected development strategies, due to inter-municipal cooperation within delimited functional urban areas. As a result, on the basis of the compared and transformed information, the sustainable development scenarios for a selected functional urban area are built.
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Li, Weichang, Lei Fu, and Murtadha J. AlTammar. "Well Log Prediction Using Deep Sequence Learning." In International Geomechanics Symposium. ARMA, 2022.

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Abstract Sonic logs including compressional and shear travel time logs (DTC and DTS, respectively) are important measurements for subsurface elastic and geomechanic property characterization. However, these log types are not always measured in practice or incomplete in many oil and gas wells for economic and other practical reasons. We propose to accurately predict these types of log data from the traditional common types of well log measurement data using deep sequence learning methods. After anomalous data removal and augmenting the ratio DTC/DTS as a new lithology differentiating feature, the preprocessed inputs were fed into a bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model for training to minimizing the error in predicting the sonic logs. Once trained, the model is then applied at the target wells to predict the sonic logs. The predicted sonic logs match the actual values with good accuracy. This entirely data-driven approach significantly reduces dependency on prior domain knowledge, providing a generalization advantage that enables automated large-scale well log prediction across fields. Introduction Well-log data analysis and interpretation are commonly conducted and play a central role in quantitative reservoir characterization, formation and completion evaluation (Ellis 2007, Glover 2014). Various borehole measurements provide information to determine reservoir rock composition such as solid and fluid volume fractions, as well as rock types, etc. When integrated with seismic data, multiple types of well log data can help reduce geologic interpretation ambiguity and improve hydrocarbon reservoir models. Certain well logs, like GR, resistivity, density, and neutron, are considered as “easy-to-acquire” conventional well logs and are deployed in most wells. However due to cost consideration or access limitation, other types of well logs, like nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), dielectric dispersion, elemental spectroscopy, and dipole/shear sonic, are deployed in a limited number of wells and not as commonly available, or missing at certain depth intervals in an area of interest. On the other hand, sonic or acoustic logs, which measures the travel time of an elastic wave through the formation, are important in many applications. For instance, seismic-well tie requires sonic and density logs as inputs. Geomechanical parameters, very challenging to directly measure, may be derived from sonic logs aided with additional information such as rock types (Chen and Zhang 2020). Additionally, sonic logs also provide information to derive formation porosity, for stratigraphic correlation, and identification of lithologies, facies, fractures and compaction (Glover 2014).
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Friedrich, Paul, Yulun Zhang, Michael Curry, Ludwig Dierks, Stephen McAleer, Jiaoyang Li, Tuomas Sandholm, and Sven Seuken. "Scalable Mechanism Design for Multi-Agent Path Finding." In Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-24}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2024.

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Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) involves determining paths for multiple agents to travel simultaneously and collision-free through a shared area toward given goal locations. This problem is computationally complex, especially when dealing with large numbers of agents, as is common in realistic applications like autonomous vehicle coordination. Finding an optimal solution is often computationally infeasible, making the use of approximate, suboptimal algorithms essential. Adding to the complexity, agents might act in a self-interested and strategic way, possibly misrepresenting their goals to the MAPF algorithm if it benefits them. Although the field of mechanism design offers tools to align incentives, using these tools without careful consideration can fail when only having access to approximately optimal outcomes. In this work, we introduce the problem of scalable mechanism design for MAPF and propose three strategyproof mechanisms, two of which even use approximate MAPF algorithms. We test our mechanisms on realistic MAPF domains with problem sizes ranging from dozens to hundreds of agents. We find that they improve welfare beyond a simple baseline.
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Waqas, Muhammad, Lian Hou, Vincent Prieux, Adrien Meffre, Raffaela Sabetian, Hervé Prigent, Ahmed Saeed Alkaabi, et al. "Velocity Model Building for Depth Imaging of Carbonate Reservoirs to the Deep Salt Incorporating Walkaway VSP and Gravity-Magnetic Data From OBC Survey Offshore Abu Dhabi." In SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2023.

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Abstract Use of depth imaging is increasing day by day in green as well as in brown fields. Velocity model is constructed by integration of multiple available datasets and techniques. Depth imaging based on a high-resolution velocity model constrained by wells resulted in improved image of the overburden as well as carbonate reservoirs to the deep salt using 3D OBC seismic, borehole seismic and Gravity-Magnetic data from two adjacent offshore fields in Abu Dhabi. Multi-Wave Inversion (MWI) utilizing direct arrivals, surface waves and two-way time surfaces was applied to obtain high-resolution velocity model in the near surface validated by checkshots and sonic logs. Near surface velocity inversions were detected by MWI which improved overall gather flatness in the near surface. The current stress regime as well as the network of faults resulted in HTI anisotropy in the dome area, which is visible on the multi-azimuthal Walkaway VSP travel-time residuals from the observed and modelled data. HTI is also visible on azimuthal move-out in Common Offset Common Azimuth (COCA) gathers. HTI tomography was tested, giving equally flat gathers achieved by azimuthal move-out correction. A Gravity-Magnetic survey covering the area was inverted and integrated for the deep salt and basement model. The basement was constrained by the results from magnetic depth estimation. Density model of deep salt sediments and basement was enhanced by Gravity-Magnetic inversion. The resulting density model was converted to velocity which was then incorporated in the final velocity model followed by tomographic update. Final imaging provided a better stacking response and improved gather flatness on the salt dome. High-resolution velocity model provided improved imaging, well ties and depth conversion. Improved AVO/AVA response helped patrial angles stacks for improved reservoir characterization. Improved imaging in the deep section was also achieved.
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Saariluoma, Pertti, José Juan Cañas Delgado, and Mari Myllylä. "Problems of content-based cognitive ergonomics." In 6th International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design Future Trends and Applications (IHSED 2024). AHFE International, 2024.

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The turnaround process at an airport is a crucial part of flight operations. It is a precisely choreographed sequence of activities and events to ensure aircraft depart on schedule. The individual turnaround processes with passenger movements of boarding and deplaning play a pivotal role, as they are on the critical path of the turnaround. Delays in any of these processes have an immediate impact on the duration of the entire process. If the delay is long enough to cause the flight to miss its scheduled departure slot, the delay will increase even more as a new available slot must be allocated. This in turn will cause further delay. Nevertheless, individual processes in the terminal and within the aircraft cabin are already operating at their local optimum. Our approach is to couple a passenger flow simulation of an airport terminal with a boarding simulation of an aircraft cabin. Aim of this coupling is to investigate how possible developments and restrictions in one of these areas can affect the overall process of the passenger's travel chain. In addition, this coupled simulation can be used to asses, in the long term, whether measures that can already be prepared in the terminal can help make cabin boarding more efficient.For this purpose, we developed a toolbox to analyse and evaluate operational measures along the process chain of travelling at an airport. This paper covers the travel process from security checks to aircraft seat. For this purpose, we refined and coupled an earlier version of a simulation that only covered the airport security check area by adding typical boarding processes of a medium sized international airport. The model is based on a real European airport serving around 12 million passengers per year (as of 2019). The simulation model incorporates a new algorithm calculating the passenger density and contact rate for each passenger in terms of their time and space requirements. Based on the output of the simulations of the process chain in combination with our algorithm we can show the effectiveness of measures like social distancing and their consequences to minimize contact rates along travel processes at airports. The paper describes the modelling, the algorithm to calculate the passenger density and contact rate, as well as results and findings of the simulation runs. It will show how passenger density, capacity, waiting times and waiting space are affected. Finally, we depict the technical visualisation resulting from the coupling of the simulations. For this purpose, common interfaces are defined and parameterised in order to enable a standardized import to a downstream visualisation software. The holistic simulation is used to simulate a wide range of process optimisations and define their impact on the entire process.
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Alsinan, Ali, Khalilur Rehman, and Ahmad Bakodah. "Towards Sustainable Excellence & Biodiversity Protection in Upstream O & G Facility." In Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show. SPE, 2023.

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Objective The objective is to showcase the Abu Ali facility's commitment to protecting and preserving the Abu Ali biodiversity ecosystem. The project demonstrates a modern sustainable, circular, innovative and systemic approach to target the biodiversity threats in multi-dimensional aspects and transform these threats into opportunities to improve the island's ecosystem. The island is important to Aramco's upstream operations because it houses an oil and gas production facility. The organization has determined its environmental goals from the corporate policies and vision to be as follows. Contribute to reaching the company's and the kingdom's vision for being a net zero-carbon operating facility by 2050 and 2060, respectively, by reducing and offsetting greenhouse gases' impact on climate. Support the Saudi Green Initiative by planting mangroves and trees in the Abu Ali Island and seeking for sourcing out the mangrove seeds to other entities. Align and adapt with carbon circular economy (CCE) approaches in reusing/repairing/recycling wasted materials and resources turning them into valuable products. Protect, preserve and enhance the Abu Ali biodiversity area to create an integrated ecosystem for wildlife, marine life, and birds. Be recognized at the corporate, nationally, and internationally as a role model in environmental protection stewardship. Background North of Jubail, a city in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, close to a large offshore oil field, sits Abu Ali Island. There are two large islands in the archipelago which are potentially preservational. The larger one is Abu Ali Island located to the north and the southern one is called Al Batinah Island. Abu Ali Island is a unique isolated island with one of the most diversified habitats in the Arabian Gulf, a home for a variety of creatures, and Aramco's oil and gas operational area. Aramco has designated Abu Ali Island as the country's first and biggest biodiversity stewardship island. The island is a sabkha semi-dry grassland. The coral reefs that encircle Abu Ali Island were formed naturally, making it an excellent habitat for marine life. The island's ecological and biological systems benefit from the variety of marine life. Birds nest on the island, turtles lay eggs, and foxes hunt for food. Abu Ali Island is on birds' migratory paths, and the island has become a resting area during migratory seasons. Furthermore, Abu Ali Island has been a fishing harbor for local fishermen for decades. Wildlife Habitat Mammals, reptiles, and rodents are just a few of the many biological species found on Abu Ali Island. Numerous other species, including the Cerastes Gasperettii/Arabian horned viper "Um Jounab" and the Arabian Red Fox, were also commonly observed on the island. The island is covered with vegetation, including native plants, cultivated trees, and herbs such as Ziziphus spina-christi "Sidir," Rhanterium epapposum "Arfaj," and Zygophyllum qatarense. Migratory Birds The island is situated in one of the main flyways of migratory birds that travel seasonally from Siberia & Eastern Europe to Africa. The migratory birds settle down for a couple of days/weeks to take a rest and food supply, then continue their long journey. The following migratory bird species have been spotted at Abu Ali Island: Black-necked Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Black Kite, Slender-billed Gull, Greater Flamingo, Western Reef-egret, Lesser Crested Tern, White-cheeked Tern, Saunders's Tern, Little Tern, Grey Plover, Lesser Sandplover, Greater Sandplover, Kentish Plover, Bar-tailed Godwit, Whimbrel, Eurasian Curlew, Dunlin, Terek Sandpiper, Common Redshank, Common Greenshank, Ruddy Turnstone, Eurasian Oystercatcher, Crab-plover and Osprey. Marine Life Abu Ali Island is a territory of a critically endangered creature, the Hawksbill sea turtle. The turtles travel to various sites in the Arabian Gulf and lay their eggs on an island like Abu Ali Island during the year's roosting season. Besides that, coral reefs, seagrass, and mangroves thrive around Abu Ali Island creating attractive habitats for fishes and other organisms to reproduce and enrich marine life.
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Zeng, Lei, and Hong Chen. "A case study of the Shanghai No. 20 tram on cultural bus service design based on the AT-ONE Rule." In 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023). AHFE International, 2023.

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In the new era environment, the metropolitan public transportation system is constantly evolving. The relevant administrative departments in Shanghai have proposed measures to create cultural buses and build characteristic lines in order to promote Shanghai culture and improve bus service. Using the Shanghai NO.20 tram as an example, this paper investigates how to combine Shanghai culture with tram ride service in order to make the NO.20 tram a distinctive route. The study employed participatory observation and the AT-ONE rule to investigate the entire waiting, boarding, and alighting process, as well as to analyze the passenger experience and service flow of the NO.20 tram, in combined with the urban cultural elements of Shanghai. Based on the service design concept, the corresponding design strategies and measures were proposed.Study content. 1.Service design and the AT-ONE rule The goal of service design, which establishes the service from the customer's perspective, is to ensure that the service meets the user's requirements. One of the most common methods in service design research is the AT-ONE rule. It is a method of user-centered design that connects stakeholders through various touch points.2.Analysis of Shanghai culture Shanghai culture is a unique cultural phenomenon based on the traditional culture of Jiangnan (Wu-Yue culture) and the fusion of modern industrial civilization from Europe and the United States, which had a profound impact on Shanghai after the opening of the port. 3.Analysis of No.20 tram and design elements The "Mobile Bus Museum" is the name given to the No. 20 tram, which connects Jing'an Temple Station and Zhaofeng Park Station. Passengers, ride process, primary touch points, and other design components are all examined. This section examines individual passenger characteristics, focusing primarily on the elderly, with less emphasis on the young and middle-aged populations. The ride has three stages: waiting, riding, and getting off. The main points of contact are the armrests, seats, LED screen, and so on. Analyzing numerous design features is an important part of improving passenger riding experience and creating a cultural bus.4. No.20 tram design strategy External design strategy(1)External painting artistry The purpose of exterior painting artistry is to improve the appearance of the vehicle and the passenger riding experience. It primarily mixes Shanghai's history and contemporary style, with a concentration on Art Deco, technology, Pop, and retro styles.(2)Stylized external shape The outside shape is mostly mixed with Shanghai's characteristic architectural style for local enhancement, such as Art Deco style, in order to evoke a nostalgic feeling of Shanghai culture among local passengers and increase the recognition of No. 20 tram. Internal design strategy (1)Scientific interior layout The scientific layout of the car ensures the passengers' ease, comfort, and safety during the voyage. This part is concerned with the scientific design of the interior space in order to fulfill the needs of various passengers and improve their riding experience.(2)Humanized design of interior facilities Humanized design is a growing trend and an unavoidable requirement in modern urban bus design, and humanized interior facilities can improve passenger travel quality. The intelligent facilities (LED screen, intelligent audio, etc.) and infrastructure (seats, handrails, etc.) inside the bus are designed to effectively improve the comfort and fun of passenger travel based on the results of the pre-AT-ONE rule analysis. 5. 20 cultural bus prototype test The styling elements of the No. 20 tram were taken from the old trolleybus, and the side of the body depicts the major changes of Shanghai trams over the past century, presenting an overall retro style. The interior is predominantly blue, echoing the body painting. To meet the travel needs of different passengers, the interior space is divided into love seat area, wheelchair area, and seating area; the interior facilities are also optimized based on the preliminary contact analysis, such as more beautiful and intelligent LED screen style and interactive interface, more comfortable and safe seats and handrails, etc., which not only improve the travel experience of passengers but also promote the spread of Shanghai culture. 6. Summary Creating an image of Shanghai's 'Century Bus' culture and bus service is a major goal proposed by the Shanghai government, with the goal of combining Shanghai culture with buses, improving bus service, and promoting Shanghai's cultural heritage. The AT-ONE rule guides the exploration of cultural bus service design strategies for its five dimensions of service subjects, touchpoints, service supply, user needs, and user experience, with the goal of improving the original bus service model and enhancing user experience.
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Reports on the topic "Common travel area"


Kim, Joseph J., and Jose Alejandro Arroyo Turcios. Economic Evaluation of Route Choice Characteristics for Company Truck Drivers and Owner-Operator Truck Drivers in Southern California Freeways. Mineta Transportation Institute, June 2023.

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To contribute to the understanding of freeway capacity and financing options, this study evaluates the demand for truck-only toll lanes on Southern California freeways. The study implemented surveys to both company truck drivers and owner-operator truck drivers to estimate the value they place on time, reliability, and safety measures. The research team met face-to-face with both types of truck drivers near the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to understand the drivers’ perspectives regarding truck-only toll lanes on Southern California freeways. A data set containing 45 surveys out of 62 survey responses were used for statistical analysis. The results showed that the tolerated toll fees that both types of truck drivers combined were willing to pay ranged from $3.27 an hour to $41.45 an hour with an average of $20.50 an hour during weekdays, while those fees ranged from $3.04 an hour to $36.12 an hour with an average of $18.12 an hour during weekends. Both types of truck drivers are unwilling to pay toll fees for the routes used in six comparisons out of nine, despite sharing a common origin and destination. Data shows that, regardless of ownership type, both types of truck drivers similarly value a route with truck only lanes. The highest toll fee per mile on any day that drivers are willing to pay when the main factor being compared is value of travel time (VOT) is $0.54 per mile or $32.38 an hour. The figures for the value of reliability (VOR) and safety measures are $0.47 per mile or $15.76 an hour and $0.17 per mile or $9.80 an hour, respectively. The VOR is important because it helps shippers and freight carriers make predictable travel times to remain competitive. These results are meaningful for legislators and transportation agencies because the behaviors and route choice characteristics of both types of drivers help them better reduce scheduling costs, understand the utility and demand for truck-only toll lanes, and resolve traffic congestion in the study area.
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Avila-Montealegre, Oscar, and Carter Mix. Common Trade Exposure and Business Cycle Comovement. Banco de la República de Colombia, December 2020.

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A large empirical literature has shown that countries that trade more with each other have more correlated business cycles. We show that previous estimates of this relationship are biased upward because they ignore common trade exposure to other countries. When we account for common trade exposure to foreign business cycles, we find that (1) the effect of bilateral trade on business cycle comovement falls by roughly 25 percent and (2) common exposure is a significant driver of business cycle comovement. A standard international real business cycle model is qualitatively consistent with these facts but fails to reproduce their magnitudes. Past studies have used models that allow for productivity shock transmission through trade to strengthen the relationship between trade and comovement. We find that productivity shock transmission increases business cycle comovement largely because of a country-pair's common trade exposure to other countries rather than because of bilateral trade. When we allow for stronger transmission between small open economies than other country-pairs, comovement increases both from bilateral trade and common exposure, similar to the data.
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Laens, Silvia, and María Inés Terra. MERCOSUR: Asymmetries and Strengthening of the Customs Union: Options for the Common External Tariff. Inter-American Development Bank, January 2005.

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The enforcement of the MERCOSUR as an imperfect customs union is determined by the existence of a Common External Tariff (CET) which has not been fully applied up to this moment. The smallest countries in the MERCOSUR are more open, more specialized and a larger share of their total trade is intrabloc. Their integration to the MERCOSUR deeply affected their external relations and their output composition. On the contrary, for the largest countries, especially Brazil, their integration to the MERCOSUR has had much less impact on production and trade. The objective of this paper is to assess the effects on each of the MERCOSUR countries of different options for the CET. More precisely, the welfare effects and the impact on economic activities of several options are assessed for each of the MERCOSUR countries, using a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model.
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Murphy, Keire, and Anne Sheridan. Annual report on migration and asylum 2022: Ireland. ESRI, November 2023.

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Annual Report on Migration and Asylum gives overview of statistics and developments in migration in 2022. The European Migration Network (EMN) Ireland within the ESRI has published its annual review of migration and asylum in Ireland. The EMN is an EU network that provides objective, comparable policy-relevant information on migration and international protection. EMN Ireland is located in the ESRI and is funded by the European Union and the Department of Justice. With an overview of the latest data as well as policy and operational developments, research, and case law from 2022, this report is a comprehensive reference that gives an opportunity to view the entire migration landscape in Ireland. The report shows that many forms of migration are recovering quickly from COVID-19 travel restrictions. It also shows that migration is being impacted by shortages in the labour market and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As a result of these developments and others, Ireland saw a significant increase in immigration, with 141,600 people arriving in the year leading up to April 2023, according to CSO figures. This represents a 31% increase from the year to April 2022. However, emigration also increased, with 64,000 individuals leaving Ireland during the same period, marking a 14% increase from the previous year. 2022 saw a significant increase in first residence permits (which are granted to migrants from outside the EEA) from 2021. 85,793 permits were issued in 2022, with education the most common reason for permits (48%). Partially reflecting changes to eligible occupations for employment permits, the number of employment permits issued was the highest in the last 10 years. 39,995 employment permits were issued, with the information and communication sector the largest recipient of permits. Key developments in this area highlighted by the report include discussions on and progress with the Employment Permits Bill, changes to the Atypical Working Scheme, plans for a single application procedure for employment permits and immigration permissions, and changes to employment permits occupation lists to respond to labour market shortages. The report analyses international protection, showing significant increases in international protection applications as well as details of applications, decisions made, and statuses awarded. It shows an expansion of decision-making in response to increased applications. Looking at the broader EU situation, the report shows that applications for international protection in Ireland accounted for 1.3% of the EU total in 2022. The report also details the pressure on the reception and accommodation system for international protection applicants and beneficiaries of temporary protection, as well as the extraordinary measures taken to scale these up. It highlights measures taken to implement the White Paper to End Direct Provision and informs on a review of timelines of the plan. It discusses changes made by the International Protection Office to speed up processing, and criticism of these measures by NGOs, as well as details of the regularisation scheme for undocumented migrants and the humanitarian admission of Afghans. The Temporary Protection Directive – an EU Directive that creates an exceptional measure to provide immediate and temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons – was triggered for the first time in March 2022, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As a result, the report includes a dedicated chapter with statistics relating to arrivals and a detailed overview of Ireland’s response to displaced persons from Ukraine. It also gives a comprehensive overview of other areas of migration, as well as research and case law from 2022, providing a crucial reference text for anyone working in the area.
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Chaddad, Fabio R., Paulo F. Azevedo, and Elizabeth Farina. The Food Industry in Brazil and the United States: The Effects of the FTAA on Trade and Investment. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2004.

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Brazil and the United States are key players in world agricultural and food markets. The agri-food system in both countries is very large in absolute and relative terms. Both are net exporters of agricultural and food products and major recipients of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the food industry. In addition, US food processors hold substantial investment positions abroad. In the 1990s, both countries were actively involved in the formation of regional trade blocs. The United States is a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), while Brazil is a member of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR). More recently, both countries have been engaged in multilateral negotiations that might eventually create a free trade area from Alaska to Patagonia -the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)-. The aim of this study is to analyze the potential effects of the FTAA on trade and FDI in the Brazilian and US food industries.
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Smallridge, Diana, and Malcom Stephens. A Study on the Activities of IFIs in the Area of Export Credit Insurance and Export Finance. Inter-American Development Bank, September 2002.

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Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) play a role of central importance in international trade and investment flows. ECAs are a vital part of the infrastructure supporting trade and have often been considered to be a critical component in a nation's export-led growth strategy. The basic role of an ECA is to support and encourage exports and outward investment by insuring international trade and investment transactions and, in some cases, providing finance directly. One of the most common and most challenging problems that ECAs face is what to do about small exporters. Small exporters are a significant and politically sensitive subject in most countries for various reasons and not necessarily because they make a substantial or potentially substantial contribution to total exports. Facilities tailored to small exporters may be costly to operate largely because of diseconomies of scale: administrative costs per contract may be as high as those for larger exporters, yet income per contract is likely to be lower. The International Financial Institutions (IFIs) have played an increasingly active role in the area of export credit insurance and finance, but the extent and nature has varied significantly between individual IFIs. Helping to establish and support an ECA in the difficult early days has been recognized as an important role for IFIs. Moreover, IFIs can play a part in helping to address gaps in the availability of trade finance and working capital -especially for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)- which can exist and which can be helped by trade facilitation arrangements of various kinds. IFIs have been active in developing programs to assist in national and regional trade development and facilitation efforts. Access to and availability of appropriate financial tools, including export credit facilities, have been components of some of these efforts. IFIs, even with their relatively modest involvement in supporting the export credit field, have taken a variety of different approaches. With trade a key agenda item for IFIs, it seems inevitable that there will be a continuing and even growing focus on trade finance systems, including export credit schemes. Looking at the experience of other IFIs, it seems that the most successful facilities and initiatives were designed to meet specific rather than general objectives problems; and worked with existing market practices and documentation and did not seek to reinvent mechanisms or to apply unduly complicated documentation or practices.
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Gonzales, Anthony Peter. Trade Liberalization and Small Economies. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2001.

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This report discusses the effect of global integration through trade and investment liberalization on small economies. Findings included the idea that small states are more vulnerable and experience greater income volatility than larger states, and that the sources of this vulnerability are often a result of the external environment. This report offers a range of common relevant policy actions for small states themselves and the international community to deal with their special problems of volatility, vulnerability, transition to the changing global trade regime, capacity building and the challenges and opportunities from globalization. This document is part of a series of papers commissioned by the IDB for the 3rd Meeting of the Trade and Integration Dialogue held on October 16th and 17th, 2001 in Washington, DC.
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Dudoit, Alain. European common data spaces: a structuring initiative that is both necessary and adaptable to Canada. CIRANO, November 2023.

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Faced with the acceleration of the digital economy, the governance and effective sharing of data have become fundamental issues for public policy at all levels of jurisdictions and in all areas of human activity. This paper reviews the initiatives and challenges associated with data governance, with a particular focus on the European Common Data Spaces (ECDS) and their direct relevance to the Canadian context. It explores the inherent complexity of data governance, which must reconcile sector-specificities with more horizontal governance principles. In doing so, it highlights the importance of strategic and coordinated action to maximize the social and economic benefits of data. The Burgundy Report, published by CIRANO in July 2023, calls for the creation of a common data space in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Strategic Trade Corridor by 2030. This proposal builds in particular on three separate policy reports published in 2022 by the National Supply Chain Task Force, the Council of Ministers Responsible for Transportation and Highway Safety (COMT) and the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities. The findings and recommendations of these reports raise fundamental questions that are central to the critical issues of governance, organizational culture, execution capacity, public and private stakeholder engagement, and data underutilization within the Canadian government machinery strained by years of delay and exacerbated by recent disruptions related to anticipated climate disasters. The creation of a common data space is envisaged as a structuring investment in Canada's essential infrastructure for intermodal transport and the supply chain. This working paper on European Common Data Spaces (ECDS) extends the synthesis and recommendations published last July 2023 by providing an operational analysis of the transformative initiative currently underway within the European Union (EU). This major policy development stems from the 2020 European Data Strategy and seeks to establish twelve common data spaces in strategic sectors, including mobility and transport. The document is divided into three main parts. The first part provides an overview of data-related public policies in Canada and the EU between 2018 and 2023. The second part focuses on the implications and lessons learned from the impact assessment supporting the adoption of data governance legislation by the European institutions. This directive establishes a regulatory framework for the creation of common data spaces in the EU. The third section discusses the current deployment of ECDSs, highlighting key milestones and ongoing processes. The paper highlights notable similarities between the EU and Canada in the identification of data issues and the formulation of public policy objectives. It also highlights differences in optimizing data sharing between jurisdictions and stakeholders. A fundamental difference between these two strategic partners is the absence of an effective and sustained pooling of resources within the Canadian intergovernmental machinery in pursuit of common objectives in the face of major shared challenges such as data accessibility and sharing. This situation is in stark contrast to the EU's groundbreaking deployment of the ECDS in pursuit of identical objectives of positioning itself as a world leader in the data economy. This lack of consideration, let alone joint action, by Canada's intergovernmental machinery to implement a common data strategy in Canada is damaging. To be effective, the Canadian response must be agile, results-oriented, and interoperable across jurisdictions. The rigorous management, responsible use, and organized sharing of data within and between jurisdictions are crucial to addressing the complex challenges and major risks facing Canada. Neither the federal nor provincial governments are currently well positioned to treat data as a shared strategic asset. The resolution of regulatory, legal, and technical obstacles to data exchange between jurisdictions and organizations cannot be achieved without the creation of a common data space. This can only be achieved by combining the necessary tools and infrastructures, and by addressing issues of trust, for example by means of common rules drawn up for this purpose. “The barriers that prevent the establishment of robust health data sharing systems are not technical, but rather fundamentally political and cultural.”
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Hummels, David. Toward a Geography of Trade Costs. GTAP Working Paper, January 2003.

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What are the barriers that separate nations? While recent work provides intriguing clues, we have remarkably little concrete evidence as to the nature, size, and shape of barriers. This paper offers direct and indirect evidence on trade barriers, moving us toward a comprehensive geography of trade costs. There are three main contributions. One, we provide detailed data on freight rates for a number of importers. Rates vary substantially over exporters, and aggregate expenditures on freight are at the low end of the observed range. This suggests import choices are made so as to minimize transportation costs. Two, we estimate the technological relationship between freight rates and distance and use this to interpret the trade barriers equivalents of common trade barrier proxies taken from the literature. The calculation reveals implausibly large barriers. Three, we use a multi-sector model of trade to isolate channels through which trade barriers affect trade volumes. The model motivates an estimation technique that delivers direct estimates of substitution elasticities. This allows a complete characterization of the trade costs implied by trade flows and a partition of those costs into three components: explicitly measured costs (tariffs and freight), costs associated with common proxy variables, and costs that are implied but unmeasured. Acknowledgments: Thanks for the gracious provision of data go to Jon Haveman, Rob Feenstra, Azita Amjadi and the ALADI secretariat. Thanks for helpful suggestions on previous drafts go to seminar participants at the Universities of Chicago, Michigan, and Texas, Boston University, NBER and the 4th Annual EIIT Conference at Purdue University. Finally, Julia Grebelsky and Dawn Conner provided outstanding research assistance. This research was funded by a grant from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business.
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Flôres Jr., Renato G. Regional Competitiveness Policies for Deeper Integration in MERCOSUL. Inter-American Development Bank, January 2005.

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In this paper, the authors discuss the deepening of MERCOSUL's integration in the context of enhancing regional competitiveness. The paper focuses on regional policies related to the trade flows, creating a united area for investment and common competitiveness policies, and regional cohesion funds for MERCOSUL. The authors argue that the road to a common market appears appears only after abiding by a strong comprehensive strategy and implementation.
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