Academic literature on the topic 'Commodity market'
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Journal articles on the topic "Commodity market"
G, Santhoshkumar, Jayanthy S, and Velanganni R. "Analysis of Commodity Market." Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11, no. 0009-SPECIAL ISSUE (September 25, 2019): 1417–20.
Full textYamori, Nobuyoshi. "Co-Movement between Commodity Market and Equity Market: Does Commodity Market Change?" Modern Economy 02, no. 03 (2011): 335–39.
Full textOffutt, Susan E., and David Blandford. "Commodity market instability." Resources Policy 12, no. 1 (March 1986): 62–72.
Full textZłoty, Marcin. "Financialization of Commodity Market." Studia Humana 10, no. 3 (June 1, 2021): 53–60.
Full textDubey, Priti, and Rishika Shankar. "Determinants of the Commodity Futures Market Performance: An Indian Perspective." South Asia Economic Journal 21, no. 2 (September 2020): 239–57.
Full textKunkler, Michael. "Commodity Market Heterogeneity and Cross-Market Integration." Applied Finance Letters 6, no. 01 (December 6, 2017): 16–27.
Full textBhagwat, Shree, and Angad Singh Maravi. "THE ROLE OF FORWARD MARKETS COMMISSION IN INDIAN COMMODITY MARKETS." International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH 3, no. 11 (November 30, 2015): 87–105.
Full textLiu, Qingfu, Qian Luo, Yiuman Tse, and Yuchi Xie. "The market quality of commodity futures markets." Journal of Futures Markets 40, no. 11 (April 8, 2020): 1751–66.
Full textKumar, Brajesh, and Ajay Pandey. "Market efficiency in Indian commodity futures markets." Journal of Indian Business Research 5, no. 2 (May 31, 2013): 101–21.
Full textTomaszewski, Jacek. "Financialization of Commodity Markets and Regulation of European Union Commodity Derivatives Market." Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego Finanse Rynki Finansowe Ubezpieczenia 79 (2016): 137–47.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Commodity market"
Rogstadius, Jakob. "Visualizing the Ethiopian Commodity Market." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Science and Technology, 2009.
Full textThe Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX), like many other data intensive organizations, is having difficulties making full use of the vast amounts of data that it collects. This MSc thesis identifies areas within the organization where concepts from the academic fields of information visualization and visual analytics can be applied to address this issue.Software solutions are designed and implemented in two areas with the purpose of evaluating the approach and to demonstrate to potential users, developers and managers what can be achieved using this method. A number of presentation methods are proposed for the ECX website, which previously contained no graphing functionality for market data, to make it easier for users to find trends, patterns and outliers in prices and trade volumes of commodieties traded at the exchange. A software application is also developed to support the ECX market surveillance team by drastically improving its capabilities of investigating complex trader relationships.Finally, as ECX lacked previous experiences with visualization, one software developer was trained in computer graphics and involved in the work, to enable continued maintenance and future development of new visualization solutions within the organization.
Kaas, Susanna. "Validation of market commodity forward curves." Thesis, KTH, Matematisk statistik, 2015.
Full textI detta examensarbete var målet att föreslå en metod för att validera marknadskurvan för råvaruterminer och utvärdera den föreslagna metoden. Examensarbetet är begränsat till marknadskurvor för råvaruterminer med säsongsberoende och likafördelade förfallodagar upp till ett år. Valideringsmetoden som föreslås är att med en teoretisk modell skapa en referenskurva som kan jämföras med marknadskurvan. Metoden för att skapa referenskurvan är att simulera terminspriser med seasonal cost-of-carry model och sedan interpolera linjärt mellan de simulerade punkterna. Valideringsmetoden appliceras på råvaruterminer med UK naturgas som underliggande tillgång och handlas på Intercontinental Exchange. Det historiska dataset som användes utgörs av observationsperioden 2011-01-01 till 2013-11-30. Referenskurvor skapades för varje handelsdag i december 2013 och verkade uppfylla det förväntade säsongsberoendet hos naturgas. Analyser visade dock att modellantagandena inte alltid var uppfyllda av de genererade processerna från historiskt data. Observationsperioden kortades ned men resultatet blev endast något bättre, dock uppfyllde fortfarande inte några av processerna de uppställda antagandena. Resultat visade också att vissa av processerna för båda observationsperioderna kunde reduceras till slumpvandringar. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att den föreslagna metoden inte är lämplig för validering av marknadskurvan för den analyserade tidsperioden. Orsaken till detta var att modellantaganden inte var uppfyllda för alla tillståndsvariabler samt att några av processerna kunde reduceras till slumpvandringar. Dock är det möjligt att modellantaganden skulle kunna uppfyllas för en annan tidsperiod. Eftersom det är svårt att använda en metod för validering om historisk data inte alltid uppfyller modellantaganden och om processerna inte är stationära drogs slutsatsen att den föreslagna metoden inte är lämplig för den analyserade råvaran.
Ellefsen, Per Einar. "Commodity market modeling and physical trading strategies." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010.
Full textCataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 114-116).
Investment and operational decisions involving commodities are taken based on the forward prices of these commodities. These prices are volatile, and a model of their evolution must correctly account for their volatility and correlation term structure. A two-factor model of the forward curve is proposed and calibrated to the crude oil, shipping, natural gas, and heating oil markets. The theoretical properties of this model are explored, with focus on its decomposition into independent factors affecting the level and slope of the forward curve. The two-factor model is then applied to two problems involving commodity prices. An approximate analytical expression for the prices of Asian options is derived and shown to explain the market prices of shipping options. The floating storage trade, which appeared in the oil market in late 2008, is presented as an optimal stopping problem. Using the two-factor model of the forward curve, the value of storing crude oil is derived and analyzed historically. The analytical framework for physical commodity trading that is developed allows for the calculation of expected profits, risks involved, and exposure to the major risk factors. This makes it possible for market participants to analyze such physical trades in advance, creates a decision rule for when to sell the cargo, and allows them to hedge their exposure to the forward curve correctly.
by Per Einar S. Ellefsen.
Домашенко, Марина Дмитрівна, Марина Дмитриевна Домашенко, Maryna Dmytrivna Domashenko, and D. Hlushchenko. "Ukraine’s participation in the international commodity market." Thesis, Сумський державний університет, 2021.
Full textTkachev, Ilya. "Hedging strategy for an option on commodity market." Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Information Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering (IDE), 2010.
Full textIn this work we consider the methods of pricing and hedging an option on the forward commodity market described by the multi-factor diffusion model. In the previous research there were presented explicit valuation formulas for standard European type options and simulation schemes for other types of options. However, hedging strategies were not developed in the available literature. Extending known results this work gives analytical formulas for the price of American, Asian and general European options. Moreover, for all these options hedging strategies are presented. Using these results the dynamics of the portfolio composed of options on futures with different maturities is studied on a commodity market.
Tang, Weiqing. "Global commodity futures market modelling and statistical inference." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2018.
Full textRonchi, Loraine. "Fairtrade and market failures in international commodity trade." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2005.
Full textNurmos, Ville, and Mattias Andersson. "Nordic electricity hedging : A comparison with other commodity market structures." Thesis, KTH, Tillämpad termodynamik och kylteknik, 2013.
Full textThomas, Stuart John, and stuart thomas@rmit edu au. "Modelling Commodity Prices in The Australian National Electricity Market." RMIT University. Economics, Finance and Marketing, 2007.
Full textMazibuko, Palasta. "Economic growth and commodity-market volatility in South Africa." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research studies the relationship between economic growth and commodity-market volatility in South Africa. The mining industry, largely supported by gold, diamonds, coal, iron ore and platinum-group metals, has played a central role in South Africa's economic development. The commodities that were selected for the study are the five major minerals, namely gold, coal, iron are, platinum-group metals and diamonds. It investigates two central questions, the first of which is whether the mining of the above commodities still makes a significant contribution to the South African economy in terms of employment, revenue and foreign-currency earning. The second is whether there is a link that reflects a statistically and economically significant association between commodity-price volatility and economic growth in South Africa. The economic environment in South Africa has been extremely positive, with a growth averaging around 5% for the period 2004-2006. An important contributing factor to this favourable environment has been the behaviour of mineral commodity prices. Mining makes a direct and indirect contribution of approximately 15% to GOP, accounts for around 50% of merchandise exports (including primary and beneficiated mineral exports), 12% of fixed investment, 30% of the market value of the JSE limited and 20% of formal-sector employment. Therefore, mining remains a key foundation of the South African economy. Time series data analysis confirms that the volatility of the major foreign currency-earning commodities - gold, platinum, coal, diamonds and iron ore - are negatively or weakly related. This relationship actually reflects the harmful effect of the volatility of these commodities on economic growth. Until recently, South Africa was heavily dependent on exports of primary commodities. Since the commodity prices are highly volatile, South Africa has to cope with large shocks, both positive and negative. Commodity cycles used to be determined by the growth cycle in the United States, but more recently, with the emergence of the Asian economies and China, in particular, the dominant influence of the United States economy on the commodity cycle has waned. The continuing instability in commodity prices and export earnings of South Africa has to be addressed by diversifying the exports towards more dynamic products; particularly manufactured goods and services.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verwantskap tussen ekonomiese groei in Suid-Afrika en die mynbedryf, wat hoofsaaklik ondersteun word deur goud, diamante, steenkool, ystererts en die platinumgroepmetale, het 'n sentrale rol in Suid-Afrika se ekonomiese ontwikkeling gespeel. Die kommoditeite wat vir hierdie navorsing gebruik word, is die vyf belangrikste minerale, naamlik goud, steenkool, ystererts, die platinumgroepmetale en diamante. Twee sleutelvraagstukke word hier ondersoek, waarvan die eerste dit bevraagteken of die ontginning van bogenoemde kommoditeite nog steeds 'n belangrike bydrae tot die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie lewer wat indiensneming, inkomste en buitelandse valuta betref. Tweedens word daar ondersoek of daar enige skakel is wat 'n statistiese en ekonomies betekenisvolle verwantskap tussen kommoditeitsprysonbestendigheid en die ekonomiese groei van Suid-Afrika weerspieel. Die ekonomiese omgewing in Suid-Afrika was besonder positief, met 'n groeikoers van ongeveer 5% gedurende die 2004-2006-tydperk. Die gedrag van mineraalkommoditeitspryse het 'n belangrike bydrae tot die gunstige ekonomiese omgewing gelewer. Mynwese lewer 'n direkte en indirekte bydrae van ongeveer 15% tot die algemene binnelandse produk, is verantwoordelik vir ongeveer 50% van die uitvoer van handelsware (insluitend primere en veredelde mineraaluitvoere), 12% van vaste beleggings, 30% van die markwaarde van die Johannesburgse Aandelebeurs en 20% van die werksgeleenthede in die formele sektor. Daarom is mynwese 'n sentrale deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. Die ontleding van tydreeksdata bevestig dat die onbestendigheid van die belangrikste kommoditeite wat buitelandse valuta verdien, naamlik goud, platinum, steenkool, diamante en ystererts, negatief of swak verwant is. Hierdie verwantskap weerspieel eerder die skadelike uitwerking van hierdie kommoditeite se onbestendigheid op ekonomiese groei. Tot onlangs was Suid-Afrika grootliks afhanklik van die uitvoer van primere kommoditeite en die pryse van hierdie kommoditeite is baie onbestendig. Suid-Afrika moes dus groot skokke, positief sowel as negatief, die hoof bied. Die groeisiklus in Amerika het in die verlede die kommoditeitsiklusse bepaal, maar meer onlangs het die Asiatiese ekonomiee en veral China die dominante invloed van ekonomiese Amerika laat afneem. Die voortdurende onstabiliteit in kommoditeitspryse en buitelandse inkomste vir Suid-Afrika moet meer aandag geniet deur uitvoere te diversifiseer na meer dinamiese produkte, veral vervaardigde produkte en dienslewering.
Books on the topic "Commodity market"
Güvenen, Orhan, Walter Labys, and Jean-Baptiste Lesourd, eds. International Commodity Market Models. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Full textFindlay, Ronald. Commodity market integration, 1500-2000. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2001.
Find full textCharting commodity market price behavior. 2nd ed. Homewood, Ill: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1985.
Find full textJames, Tom. Commodity Market Trading and Investment. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
Full textSteidlmayer on markets: Trading with market profile. 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
Find full textAgricultural prices and commodity market analysis. Boston, Mass: WCB/McGraw Hill, 1998.
Find full textOsammor, Vincent Osoloka. Introducing commodities (market) exchange in Nigeria. Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria: Voo Industrial and Management Consultants, 1986.
Find full textDalton, James F. Mind over markets: Power trading with market generated information. London: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1990.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Commodity market"
Lu, Helen, and Cara M. Marshall. "The Commodity Market." In Financial Engineering, 191–214. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.
Full textMarkham, Jerry W. "Commodity Market Reforms." In From J.P. Morgan to the Institutional Investor, 214–25. New York: Routledge, 2022.
Full textCrittenden, Victoria L., and William F. Crittenden. "On Becoming Market Oriented in a Commodity Market: Aligning Internal Operational Capabilities with Customer Needs." In Commodity Marketing, 255–64. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textJames, Tom. "Commodity Market Risk Management." In Commodity Market Trading and Investment, 207–31. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2016.
Full textLabys, Walter C., Jean-Baptiste Lesourd, Noel D. Uri, and Orhan Güvenen. "New horizons in international commodity market modelling." In International Commodity Market Models, 3–50. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Full textLesourd, Jean-Baptiste, Jacques Percebois, and Jean-Michel Ruiz. "Modelling the international natural gas market: the case of the Western European natural gas market." In International Commodity Market Models, 197–207. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Full textRausser, Gordon C., and Nicholas Walraven. "Dynamic welfare analysis and commodity futures markets overshooting." In International Commodity Market Models, 211–32. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Full textArtus, Patrick. "When does the creation of a futures market destabilize spot prices?" In International Commodity Market Models, 233–52. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Full textDaloz, Jean Pierre. "The producer and futures markets." In International Commodity Market Models, 253–62. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Full textLowry, Mark Newton. "Futures prices and hidden stocks of refined oil products." In International Commodity Market Models, 263–73. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Commodity market"
Gianfreda, Angelica, and Giacomo Scandolo. "Fukushima effect on commodity prices." In 2013 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2013). IEEE, 2013.
Full textArfa, R., and K. Abdelkader. "Modeling intelligent agents in computational grid commodity market." In 2016 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). IEEE, 2016.
Full textVANMECHELEN, K., G. STUER, and J. BROECKHOVE. "PRICING SUBSTITUTABLE GRID RESOURCES USING COMMODITY MARKET MODELS." In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Grid Economics and Business Models. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2006.
Full textCheng, Shih-Fen. "Designing the Market Game for a Commodity Trading Simulation." In 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'07). IEEE, 2007.
Full textJi, Meihua. "Innovative Modes of E-commerce in the Tangible Commodity Market." In 2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE). IEEE, 2010.
Full textWancheng, Ni, He Lingjuan, Liu Lianchen, and Wu Cheng. "Commodity-Market Based Services Selection in Dynamic Web Service Composition." In The 2nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Service Computing Conference (APSCC 2007). IEEE, 2007.
Full textWancheng, Ni, He Lingjuan, Liu Lianchen, and Wu Cheng. "Commodity-Market Based Services Selection in Dynamic Web Service Composition." In The 2nd IEEE Asia-Pacific Service Computing Conference (APSCC 2007). IEEE, 2007.
Full textTan, Li, Qi Zhong-ying, Sui Xue-shen, and Lei Ying. "Heterogeneous Agent Beliefs and Clustered Volatility in Commodity Futures Market." In The 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (IPC 2007). IEEE, 2007.
Full textKuksova, Irina, and Fayong Hu. "FEATURES OF THE COMPANY’S FUNCTIONING IN THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET OF TOURIST SERVICES IN CHINA." In Manager of the Year. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, 2022.
Full textKoch, Nicolas T. "Tail events: A new approach to understanding extreme energy commodity prices." In 2013 10th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM 2013). IEEE, 2013.
Full textReports on the topic "Commodity market"
Findlay, Ronald, and Kevin O'Rourke. Commodity Market Integration, 1500-2000. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, November 2001.
Full textHynes, William, David Jacks, and Kevin O'Rourke. Commodity Market Disintegration in the Interwar Period. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2009.
Full textJacks, David, Kevin O'Rourke, and Jeffrey Williamson. Commodity Price Volatility and World Market Integration since 1700. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2009.
Full textAmewu, Sena, Eunice Arhin, and Karl Pauw. Farm input subsidies and commodity market trends in Ghana: An analysis of market prices during 2012–2020. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2021.
Full textObstfeld, Maurice, and Alan Taylor. Nonlinear Aspects of Goods-Market Arbitrage and Adjustment: Heckscher's Commodity Points Revisited. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, June 1997.
Full textHasanov, Fakhri. Oil Market Shocks and Financial Instability in Asian Countries. King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center, November 2021.
Full textHeresi, Rodrigo. Reallocation and Productivity during Commodity Cycles. Inter-American Development Bank, April 2021.
Full textG, Jeffrey, Kevin O'Rourke, and Timothy Hatton. Mass Migration, Commodity Market Integration and Real Wage Convergence: The Late Nineteenth Century Atlantic Economy. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, June 1993.
Full textHall, George, and John Rust. Econometric Methods for Endogenously Sampled Time Series: The Case of Commodity Price Speculation in the Steel Market. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2002.
Full textCavallo, Eduardo A., Arturo Galindo, Victoria Nuguer, and Andrew Powell. Open configuration options 2022 Latin American and Caribbean Macroeconomic Report: From Recovery to Renaissance: Turning Crisis into Opportunity. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2022.
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