Journal articles on the topic 'Commercial Travellers' Association of Canada'
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REBOLLEDO, J., P. GARVEY, A. RYAN, J. O'DONNELL, M. CORMICAN, S. JACKSON, F. CLOAK, et al. "International outbreak investigation of Salmonella Heidelberg associated with in-flight catering." Epidemiology and Infection 142, no. 4 (July 26, 2013): 833–42.
Full textMeister, Toni Luise, Birthe Tegtmeyer, Alexander Postel, Jessika-M. V. Cavalleri, Daniel Todt, Alexander Stang, and Eike Steinmann. "Equine Parvovirus-Hepatitis Frequently Detectable in Commercial Equine Serum Pools." Viruses 11, no. 5 (May 21, 2019): 461.
Full textNealis, V. G., I. DeMerchant, D. Langor, M. K. Noseworthy, G. Pohl, K. Porter, E. Shanks, R. Turnquist, and V. Waring. "Historical occurrence of alien arthropods and pathogens on trees in Canada." Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46, no. 2 (February 2016): 172–80.
Full textNoland, Thomas, Lesley Rich, and Maara Packalen. "Establishing a sustainable harvest for canada yew (Taxus canadensis marsh.) in Ontario." Forestry Chronicle 87, no. 04 (August 2011): 529–36.
Full textMinner, Jennifer S., and Xiao Shi. "Churn and change along commercial strips: Spatial analysis of patterns in remodelling activity and landscapes of local business." Urban Studies 54, no. 16 (January 25, 2017): 3655–80.
Full textDodd, Sarah A. S., Anna K. Shoveller, Andrea J. Fascetti, Zengshou Z. Yu, David W. L. Ma, and Adronie Verbrugghe. "A Comparison of Key Essential Nutrients in Commercial Plant-Based Pet Foods Sold in Canada to American and European Canine and Feline Dietary Recommendations." Animals 11, no. 8 (August 9, 2021): 2348.
Full textReidy, Rhonda D., and Sean P. Cox. "Geoduck Clam (Panopea Abrupta) Demographics and Mortality Rates in the Presence of Sea Otters (Enhydra Lutris) and Commercial Harvesting." Open Fish Science Journal 6, no. 1 (April 19, 2013): 28–40.
Full textMeadus, William, Pascale Duff, Manuel Juarez, Jordan Roberts, and Jennifer Zantinge. "Identification of Marbling Gene Loci in Commercial Pigs in Canadian Herds." Agriculture 8, no. 8 (August 3, 2018): 122.
Full textSanglard, Leticia Pereira, PigGen Canada, Benny Mote, Philip Willson, John C. S. Harding, Graham S. Plastow, Jack C. M. Dekkers, and Nick V. L. Serão. "375 Identification of QTL associated with antibody response to common infectious diseases in commercial sows." Journal of Animal Science 97, Supplement_2 (July 2019): 33–34.
Full textBhandari, Mahabir, Diana Hun, Som Shrestha, Simon Pallin, and Melissa Lapsa. "A Simplified Methodology to Estimate Energy Savings in Commercial Buildings from Improvements in Airtightness." Energies 11, no. 12 (November 28, 2018): 3322.
Full textTian, X. L., M. Dixon, and Y. Zheng. "First Report of Hiemalis begonias Wilt Disease Caused by Fusarium foetens in Canada." Plant Disease 94, no. 10 (October 2010): 1261.
Full textMahen, Philippa Jane, Helen J. Williams, Robert Frank Smith, and David Grove-White. "Effect of blood ionised calcium concentration at calving on fertility outcomes in dairy cattle." Veterinary Record 183, no. 8 (July 11, 2018): 263.
Full textBidochka, Michael J., Andrena M. Kamp, T. Michael Lavender, Jason Dekoning, and J. N. Amritha De Croos. "Habitat Association in Two Genetic Groups of the Insect-Pathogenic Fungus Metarhizium anisopliae: Uncovering Cryptic Species?" Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67, no. 3 (March 1, 2001): 1335–42.
Full textBeirman, David. "Collaborative approaches to government travel advisories in Australia between Australia’s travel industry leadership and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2003–2017." Journal of Vacation Marketing 25, no. 1 (February 27, 2018): 71–87.
Full textFancy, Sarah, Juan C. López-Gutiérrez, Allison K. Walker, Diane LaRue, and Robin Browne. "Evaluating out-planting success and mycorrhizal status of endangered Geum peckii Pursh (Rosaceae), the Eastern Mountain Avens, in Nova Scotia." Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science (NSIS) 50, no. 2 (March 11, 2020): 269.
Full textCampeau, Louis-Charles, and Tomislav Rovis. "Preface: Modern Heterocycle Synthesis and Functionalization." Synlett 32, no. 02 (January 2021): 140–41.
Full textDenich, Leann C., Abdolvahab Farzan, Robert Friendship, Emily Arndt, Marcelo Gottschalk, and Zvonimir Poljak. "A Case-Control Study to Investigate the Serotypes of S. suis Isolates by Multiplex PCR in Nursery Pigs in Ontario, Canada." Pathogens 9, no. 1 (January 5, 2020): 44.
Full textEl Omari, Hind, Adel Zyane, Ahmed Belfkira, Moha Taourirte, and François Brouillette. "Dielectric Properties of Paper Made from Pulps Loaded with Ferroelectric Particles." Journal of Nanomaterials 2016 (2016): 1–10.
Full textAnderson, Terry, and Brigette McConkey. "Development of Disruptive Open Access Journals." Canadian Journal of Higher Education 39, no. 3 (March 9, 2010): 71–87.
Full textChang, K. F., S. F. Hwang, B. D. Gossen, R. J. Howard, K. Lopetinsky, and M. Olson. "First Report of Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 and AG-2-2 on Lupinus angustifolius in Canada." Plant Disease 89, no. 6 (June 2005): 685.
Full textMcGrath, CDR Gabrielle G. "Preventing a Nationally-Significant Oil Spill on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland." International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2014, no. 1 (May 1, 2014): 1226–38.
Full textOsama, Ahmed, and Tarek Sayed. "Evaluating the Impact of Socioeconomics, Land Use, Built Environment, and Road Facility on Cyclist Safety." Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2659, no. 1 (January 2017): 33–42.
Full textGlover, W. Broc, Teesha C. Baker, Susan J. Murch, and Paula Brown. "Determination of β-N-methylamino-L-alanine, N-(2-aminoethyl)glycine, and 2,4-diaminobutyric acid in Food Products Containing Cyanobacteria by Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Single-Laboratory Validation." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 98, no. 6 (November 1, 2015): 1559–65.
Full textZargarpour, Nicola, Cynthia H. McKenzie, and Brett Favaro. "A field-based investigation of behavioural interactions between invasive green crab (Carcinus maenas), rock crab (Cancer irroratus), and American lobster (Homarus americanus) in southern Newfoundland." PeerJ 8 (February 12, 2020): e8444.
Full textRepaj, Ermira. "Revitalization of urban areas through business and tourism improvement districts (BIDs/TIDs) in Albania." Business and Management Review 11, no. 02 (December 15, 2020): 128–33.
Full textFoller-Carroll, Anke, and Sylvain Charlebois. "The attitudes of students and young professionals toward VolunTourism: a study abroad perspective." International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 10, no. 2 (June 6, 2016): 138–60.
Full textLamb, E., E. Rosskopf, and R. M. Sonoda. "First Report of Nectria haematococca Stem Girdling of Greenhouse Peppers in Florida." Plant Disease 85, no. 4 (April 2001): 446.
Full textFaksness, Liv-Guri, Randall C. Belore, James McCourt, Marius Johnsen, Thor-Arne Pettersen, and Per S. Daling. "Effectiveness of chemical dispersants used in broken ice conditions." International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2017, no. 1 (May 1, 2017): 1543–58.
Full textShah, Ravi, Vip Viprakasit, Amita Trehan, and Nicola A. Wright. ""Huthal": A Survey of North American, Indian and Thai Hematologists Regarding Hydroxyurea Use in Thalassemia." Blood 124, no. 21 (December 6, 2014): 4036.
Full textBechoux, Lucas, Oriane De Vleeschouwer, Cécile Vanheuverzwijn, Florence Verhegghen, Alizée Detiffe, Fabian Colle, Catherine Fallon, and François Thoreau. "Conflict of interest policies at Belgian medical faculties: Cross-sectional study indicates little oversight." PLOS ONE 16, no. 2 (February 10, 2021): e0245736.
Full textAdamovic, D., I. Djalovic, P. Mitrovic, S. Kojic, M. Starovic, B. Purar, and D. Josic. "First Report of 16SrXII-A Subgroup Phytoplasma (Stolbur) Associated with Reddening of Oenothera biennis in Serbia." Plant Disease 98, no. 6 (June 2014): 841.
Full textMaziarz, Richard T., Annie Guerin, Genevieve Gauthier, Julie Heroux, Maryia Zhdanava, Eric Q. Wu, Simu K. Thomas, and Lei Chen. "Five-Year Direct Cost of Pediatric Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Undergoing Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT): An Analysis from US Payers' Perspective." Blood 126, no. 23 (December 3, 2015): 872.
Full textVeerareddy, Prabhakar Reddy. "Obstacles and Impediments of Overweight and Obesity." Journal of Nutritional Biology 4, no. 2 (April 30, 2018): 174–76.
Full textAnjali, Anjali, and Manisha Sabharwal. "Perceived Barriers of Young Adults for Participation in Physical Activity." Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal 6, no. 2 (August 25, 2018): 437–49.
Full textWhitaker, Vance M., Craig K. Chandler, Bielinski M. Santos, and Natalia A. Peres. "‘Florida Radiance’ Strawberry." EDIS 2013, no. 6 (July 31, 2013).
Full textWhitaker, Vance M., Natalia A. Peres, and Shinsuke Agehara. "'Florida Brilliance' Strawberry." EDIS 2018, no. 5 (October 26, 2018).
Full textLeodore, Lauren M., Corina Leung, Laurent Pelissier, and Flemming Forsberg. "Abstract 5960: Implementation of Noninvasive Subharmonic Pressure Estimation on a Commercial Ultrasound Scanner." Circulation 118, suppl_18 (October 28, 2008).
Full textRaaphorst, Elana, Abdolvahab Farzan, Robert M. Friendship, and Brandon N. Lillie. "Antibody responses to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, influenza A virus, and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae from weaning to the end of the finisher stage in fourteen groups of pigs in Ontario, Canada." BMC Veterinary Research 17, no. 1 (February 17, 2021).
Full textBoubendir, Selmane, Julie Arsenault, Sylvain Quessy, Alexandre Thibodeau, Philippe Fravalo, William Thériault, Sylvain Fournaise, and Marie-Lou Gaucher. "Research paperSalmonella contamination of broiler chicken carcasses at critical steps of the slaughter process and in the environment of two slaughter plants: Prevalence, genetic profiles and association with the final carcass status." Journal of Food Protection, October 1, 2020.
Full textRobson, Lynda S., Victoria Landsman, Desiree Latour-Villamil, Hyunmi Lee, and Cameron Mustard. "Unionisation and injury risk in construction: a replication study." Occupational and Environmental Medicine, September 20, 2021, oemed—2021–107617.
Full textStewart, Jon. "Oh Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree: Coffee in Popular Music." M/C Journal 15, no. 2 (May 2, 2012).
Full textBrien, Donna Lee. "Unplanned Educational Obsolescence: Is the ‘Traditional’ PhD Becoming Obsolete?" M/C Journal 12, no. 3 (July 15, 2009).
Full textJones, Steve. "Seeing Sound, Hearing Image." M/C Journal 2, no. 4 (June 1, 1999).
Full textPedersen, Isabel, and Kristen Aspevig. "Being Jacob: Young Children, Automedial Subjectivity, and Child Social Media Influencers." M/C Journal 21, no. 2 (April 25, 2018).
Full textPaull, John. "Beyond Equal: From Same But Different to the Doctrine of Substantial Equivalence." M/C Journal 11, no. 2 (June 1, 2008).
Full textMac Con Iomaire, Máirtín. "Coffee Culture in Dublin: A Brief History." M/C Journal 15, no. 2 (May 2, 2012).
Full textHolleran, Samuel. "Better in Pictures." M/C Journal 24, no. 4 (August 19, 2021).
Full textHartman, Yvonne, and Sandy Darab. "The Power of the Wave: Activism Rainbow Region-Style." M/C Journal 17, no. 6 (September 18, 2014).
Full textBrennan, Claire. "Australia's Northern Safari." M/C Journal 20, no. 6 (December 31, 2017).
Full textHartley, John. "Lament for a Lost Running Order? Obsolescence and Academic Journals." M/C Journal 12, no. 3 (July 15, 2009).
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